How to fix your diet to drive (((them))) up a wall

a lot of people (mostly trolls) pretend to freak out when someone says they are fag and automatically resort to making a bunch of harsh assumptions about them. I did years of headache inducing research and learned what combination of plant based foods to eat to get all my vitamins and minerals with minimal supplementation. I always thought meat was okay, but I never fell in love with it (even though it smells really good) but after changing my diet to include lots of greens, beans, onions, oats, fruits, nuts, seeds, (and personally avoiding soy) I can say that I have lost weight, my bad cholesterol went down, my good cholesterol went down but then normalized back up a little, I got enough omega 3's from flax and hemp and my body produces it's own DHA (just enough to replenish it's stores) I'm getting boatloads of protein and every type of amino acid I need from spirulina and hemp powder and beans and my doctor say's my bloodwork is better than ever. I'm hitting the gym now and drinking juice from raw sweet onions and drinking lemon water and apple cider vinegar every morning and I feel more energetic than I ever have in my entire life. I eat raw garlic and then go to the gym and piss everyone off with my smell but power through my workouts like the wolverine and get random boners like when I was 10 that threaten to rip right through my shorts. I don't drink milk, or eat eggs or cheese or fish or anything that comes from any animal so I guess I'm accidentally-technically fag; but I just call myself a plant man. I'm sure this will piss some people off but I wanted to be honest, so those people can fuck right off. healthy travels to healthy bros.

In this thread I'm going to give you a cool list of good simple do and don't style tips.
I'm just a guy who figured this out after being fat and unhealthy for a long time so I wanted to share it with Holla Forums because the healthier you are the more clear your minds will be. (((they))) know this and are desperate to keep you all eating shit for the rest of your lives. this thread is a very updated and improved version of another conversation that I had with Holla Forums a while back. I added a great amount of new content so I hope you enjoy. obviously this is going to attract some harsh attention from (((them))) in the form of people calling fags faggots among other things, so prepare yourselves to ignore them and soak up a lot of good information because the greatest punishment you could give (((them))) is to be healthy and wise. goodness and righteousness goes against all they believe in, so be prepared to be the best you can be no matter what. (I'm not in any way promoting violence with any of my posts)

I'm Not a doctor or a nutritionist. ask your doctor and nutritionist before doing anything.

Other urls found in this thread:

kek, wordfilters. v-egan

here is a good place for you to start.

switch to a natural fluoride free toothpaste from wholefoods or something because fluoride fucks with your thyroid and hormones and endocrine system and it could and probably does cause cancer in a lot of people as a result and they probably never realize why, but besides that the hormone fuckery is enough to make you get fat and stay fat for no good reason. stop using teflon, copper, and aluminum pans and other cookware and use only pyrex and stainless steel cookware. make sure your spoons/forks/knifes are stainless steel too.

stop using storebought deodorant full of aluminum and other shit and make your own.

stop using laundry detergent and fabric softener and buy that natural organic stuff in the giant green bottle.
stop using house/car freshners and plugins and fuhbreeze spray bullshit all over your fucking house. hang little cotton bags of lavender flowers and cloves/cinnamon sticks instead.
stop dying your hair with harsh chemicals
stop using makeup that is full of chemicals.
stop using shampoo and soap full of chemicals.
stop using lotion and moisturizer with chemicals.
there is better natural hair and skin care and makeup products out there.
bathe with castile soap/african black soap and baking soda (aluminum free) and white vinegar. moisturize your skin with coconut oil/un-refined shea butter. brush your hair with small amounts of coconut oil as conditioner and trim your ends often.

if you eat garbage food and have acne, stop eating that and switch to a plant based diet and drink alot of water and sleep with a clean towel over your pillow every night.
if you have a cell phone, put it on speaker and hold it away from your body when talking. don't use bluetooth or wireless headsets because it's the same thing as having it up in your face. don't sleep with your wifi router next to your bed, keep it in another room.
stop holding your fucking cellphone in between your boobs. fucking stop, it isn't cute.
stop carrying your cell phone near your crotch or in your back pocket. turn the phone off to the best of your ability and find a cheap cell signal blocking fabric velcro pocket case to keep it in and then turned off, put it in your pocket. I don't care if this reduces the entire country to a society of people who "beep" each other with instant text messages that check their phone every few minutes or once per hour, just fucking make the change.

stop using sunscreen full of cancer causing chemicals. get a very very big hat that casts your whole body in shade and eat alot of antioxidant rich foods every day so that you have internal sunblock (look this up)
buy non-gmo and local organic/non-gmo foods to avoid as much pesticide exposure as possible. don't buy from a local farm that can't prove it's organic or non-gmo or pesticide free, because they are probably full of shit or working for monsanto or conagra or dupont or syngenta etc. and possibly buying their things from them. find the cheapest things at wholefoods, and don't buy the scams. buying food online is also a good option.
when you drive your car or ride as a passenger suggest to leave the windows closed and use the air conditioner inside with "air circulate recycle" on inside so you breath interior air only so that you don't breath the exaust of the passing 400 different cars on the road/highway.
stay away from people who smoke.
don't stand near the microwave or induction cooktops, better yet don't even eat food or drink water that comes from them, ever.
don't eat at any fucking restaurants ever because you have no damn idea the things they do to your food back there or the bullshit the corporations allow added to the food.

quote from an user in the thread:

>there are even some people that make their own home made hammock beds. they get the hammock rope type material and stretch it out in a giant flat bed shape on a wood frame. I have seen guides for this all over and it's better than a hammock because it lets you lie down more flat than a hammock. beware that these are all home made builds and nobody has any idea how severely dangerous they may be. also remember that anything that's a hammock or like a hammock or involving ropes is extremely dangerous for babies and small children and the elderly (and everyone else too)

stop reusing plastic containers and bottles that aren't meant to be reused.
stop using plastic containers and bottles that you aren't sure what kind of plastic they are made of.
stop microwaving or heating any kinds of plastic, and also stop leaving plastic inside your car.
if there is any plastic in your life, make sure that it's BPA and BPS free, or at the very least make sure it IS made out of HDPE (high density polyethylene) which is among some of the less dangerous plastics if you use it properly and don't abuse it.
always read the ingredients on everything before you buy it, no excuses.

ALL these things add up. people wonder like fucking retards why they get all these problems but they can't even begin to realize all the horrible things they are getting cucked with as a result of evil people taking advantage of their ignorance.

I'm not a doctor or a nutritionist. ask your doctor and nutritionist before doing or stopping anything.

Okay, so now I'm going to list a number of different vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients and some of the foods that contain the highest amounts of those.

here is a list of vitamins and minerals and other good things that the human body needs. take note that there are many other whole plant foods that may contain similar vitamin, mineral, and nutrient contents but I wanted to keep this list from becoming too overwhelming so I only listed some of the better sources per specific nutrient.

I decided to make this list because I noticed that some people would post links cherry picking news stories about some dumbass or their stupid kids getting some horrible nutrient deficiency or disease because they decided to go full plant based or "fag" and how the article shames them and shits all over them for making poor choices and how they should learn from it and start eating alot of animal products because plant foods don't have vitamins! they are just fully devoid of all nutrients! so start giving big dairy and meat industry your money so that you can make your body sick as shit so that you have to give all your money to big pharma and pay those hosptial bills!

Just totally disregard all stories of people who ate the standard american diet and had some horrible life threatenting emergency!

basically they want you to pay subscription fees for your prescription fees just like bad video game companies want you to pay for dlc and subscription fees to keep playing their game or being able to access online multiplayer. Oh sorry you were brainwashed from an early age to not consider a meal a "meal" unless it has some animal product on it? you got sick? good citizen go get your prescription medication so that your heart doesn't stop, and by the way you're on this pill for life. just another fee, just another bill, just another tax on your life.

so I'm going to show you that a whole plant food diet is loaded with vitamins and minerals. you just have to be smart enough to eat them in the right combination so that you get all of your vitamins. after you see this, you will probably decided to stop spending money on stupid multivitamins and start eating your vitamins the right way.


as mentioned in other parts of this thread, everybody has problems getting enough vitamin B12 and vitamin D no matter what they eat.
make sure to avoid shitty mass produced versions of B12 like cyanocobalamin and D like lanolin (chemically processed sheeps wool)
another good reason to avoid cyanocobalamin is that your body has to work harder to throw away the cyanide and you lose methyl groups.
try to find a good product from an officially tested and verified company that doesn't fill up their products with additives like titanium dioxide and magnesium stearate, and does a good job at staying natural and clean. best vitamin D I know is Cholecalciferol, while the best vitamin B12 I know is methylcobalamin. for the cleanest product, try to get a brand that is certified fag and certified organic. don't think you're being smart by buying some fish based version, you're doing yourself no favors there.

Brussels Sprouts
Beet Greens
Green Peas
Sunflower Seeds

Swiss Chard
Green Beans
Collard Greens
Mustard Greens
Bell Peppers
Bok Choy
Turnip Greens
Beet Greens

Bell Peppers
Green Peas
Collard Greens
Brussels Sprouts
Chili Peppers
Swiss Chard
Mustard Greens
Turnip Greens
Green Beans
Bok Choy
Beet Greens

Turnip Greens
Beet Greens
Dried Peas
Bell Peppers

Bok Choy
Bell Peppers
Turnip Greens


Black Beans
Kidney Beans

Brussels Sprouts
Bell Peppers

Turnip Greens
Swiss Chard
Beet Greens
Collard Greens
Bok Choy
Bell peppers
Mustard Greens

Sunflower Seeds



Swiss Chard

Pumpkin Seeds
Kidney beans
Black beans
Sesame Seeds
Sunflower Seeds
Flax Seeds

Kidney Beans

just eat some natural salt (food grade obviously)
(I very rarely add small amounts of natural salt to my food for the sodium chloride)
I dont always use salt, but when I do I use a little.

Pumpkin Seeds
Soy Beans
Sesame Seeds
Black Beans
Kidney beans
Dark Chocolate

Kidney Beans
Black Beans

Soy Beans
Kidney Beans
Black Beans

Soy Beans
Pumpkin Seeds
Black Beans
Kidney Beans

Pumpkin Seeds
Sesame Seeds

Sesame Seeds
Soy Beans
Sunflower Seeds
Flax Seeds

Dried Seaweed

Brazil nuts (has alot! don't eat too many)
Mustard Seeds
Sunflower Seeds
Sesame Seeds
Flax Seeds

Green Beans

Kidney Beans

horsetail is one of the best
do your research

amino acids
(hemp protein powder is great for this since it contains ALL the essential and non essential amino acids!)
eating both hemp protein powder and spirulina powder is an excellent way to stay on top of your essential and non essential amino acid needs.

I like to sprinkle spirulina and hemp protein powder on my cereal. turns it an alien blue green color, tastes the same. smells chalky though.
hemp protein powder is great to add with some cacao powder and raisins in the blender with just water, you don't even need milk. makes the best the best the best chocolate protein smoothie I ever drank.

other good sources of plant protein include
(they may or may not be as complete in the amino acids as hemp, but eating a variety of different plant foods is a cool way to overlap their nutritional content so you get a bit of everything from each)
seeds like chia and flax
peanut butter (get the natural stuff. no ingredients other than peanuts)

best fiber
flax seeds
chia seeds

I would like to just stop right here for a moment to mention "lectins", "phytate", and "acrylamide" hope I spelled those correctly. recently there's been a huge out-shilling of fake news weirdos freaking out about how some people ate raw (uncooked hard beans! what a bunch of irresponsible and careless idiots!) and got sick and died, and are trying to fear monger everyone about the lectin content in beans and also their phytate content. just to clear things up, they are freaking out because they want to demonize healthy food options to subtly dissuade people from eating a healthy whole unprocessed plant based diet.

because remember: your sick and unhealthy body is where the money is at. they want you on paying for prescription drugs with tons of side effects for the rest of your life. they want your health to be a downloadable content monthly video game subscription with multiple different fees. basically it's a breathing tax. they keep you ignorant, you keep eating trash, you stop paying them for the drugs that keep you alive, you stop breathing. game. over. you want to hear somethin hilarious? if you boil your beans and properly cook them long enough, the amount of phytate and lectins go down so much that it's safe to eat. want to know something else? tomatos have lectins in them. nobody ever freaked the fuck out about tomatos. there are a few studies that suggest that while large amounts of phytate and lectins are no good (very dangerous in fact), that very small amounts have some antioxidant activity. people have also been eating beans and tomatoes for thousands of years.

the next thing up is "acrylamide". to put things simply, they want you to believe that if you bake a potato in the oven that you create a dangerous chemical on the outside called acrylamide. of course this chemical forms more in fried foods, like a whole lot more, and also more than that in burnt foods. honestly I have eaten burnt toast before but I didn't do it often and I was okay. I have eaten baked potatoes and I never felt bad. I did stop eating all burnt foods a while back though just to be safe and so should everyone else, but I'm sure it's safe to say that there is a huge amount of fear mongering going around. everyone should follow the guidelines, so don't trust me! do your own research and ask your doctor before eating any baked potatos or burnt toast. seriously.

the bottom line here is that nobody is going to stop us from eating beans and tomatos because they're fucking great for our health and we shouldn't be swayed by fear so much. (((they))) wouldn't want us to get any kosher ideas would they? we need to consider what the motivations of all these people are who are saying these things. I'm feeling really silly for even having to bring this up. every day they invent a new thing.

best healthy carbs

best omega 3's
chia seeds
flax seeds
pumpkin seeds
remember to buy your chia seeds and flax seeds whole, store them in a dark cool place, and grind them at home right before use. you don't want fats that went bad. those are vulnerable to spoiling even if you don't notice.

best fats


citrus fruits

another way of getting phosphatidyl choline and phosphatidyl inositol is to find a good source of non-gmo organic soy lecithin (but this is only if you don't mind soy)

one of the few supplements worth taking. may have drug interactions. helps you get back your methyl groups and sulfur. long list of benefits. do your own research. only ever buy "opti-msm" because it's filtered the best. helps with low energy and fatigue and gets rid of that brain fog feeling and reduces stress. cheapest one I ever found was the vitamin shop store brand.

even if you eat tons of every single kind of food, meat or no meat- you might STILL be deficient in magnesium. you can eat food until you are throwing up or shitting your pants but you might still not have absorbed enough of magnesium for some reason. be very careful, do your own research, and talk to your doctor before doing anything.
I used it mostly to help reduce stress. alot of people who get constipated also say it helps. also helps with energy and sleep.

if I have trouble sleeping I take some of this like an hour before I'm going to sleep. helps alot but you wake up feeling drunk, so don't operate heavy machinery. ask your doctor before doing this.

eat a tomato every other day, drink a lemon water smoothie with some apple cider vinegar and ginger and celery every morning, put gelatinized maca root and spirulina and hemp protein powder and a little bit of ground flax seeds (grind yourself at home fresh right before use is better) in your raw rolled oats every morning for breakfast, eat a handful of walnuts once or twice a week, eat dark purple/blue colored fruits like blueberries/acai often if you can find them or their powders cheap. and have some good deals but compare to see which one has the better price. some of the products are obviously a horrible price so watch out. use alot of herbs and spices like ginger, turmeric, cumin, etc. in alot of your food because the health benefits add up like crazy. also drink some juice from sweet onions (easier) or normal onions (better but much more painful). eating raw garlic is also really great. try to put onions and garlic in alot of your food too cooked, but it's also good to eat them raw if you can handle it. saw palmetto is really good for your prostate, hair, skin, nails, urinary tract, and milk thistle is really good for your liver and skin and it's easy to add it to your breakfast.

drinking coffee and tea the way that I do poses a choking risk because of the liquid and sandy textures that are mixed together. don't risk this, and don't try it. It's literally like drinking wet sand. you could choke and die. you have been warned.

the reason I do it this way is that it's mostly to help increase the surface area and allow you to swallow the solid coffee and tea more easily and then digest and absorb it better.

try to get a fair priced brand of green tea like the one from costco or grab some (slightly worse deal) from wholefoods, or you could just get it loose which is much better in every way.
you can get it loose I think at and

usually I take my msm first and then wait an hour and then I take my green tea or chamomile and most other tea like spearmint and peppermint and put it in a coffee grinder and powder it until it LOOKS like matcha green tea powder. then I add it to my water and drink the tea down without filtering it. I ingest more antioxidants that way. right after I drink lemon water and eat some blueberries or other dark fruit/ dark purple fruit powder and swallow a pinch of black pepper powder to increase both antioxidant pre-absorb-ability and post-absorption by a huge percentage.

coffee is good but only like once a week max in my honest opinion.
the way I do my coffee is similar to how I do my tea
way 1:
I actually enjoy this since I made myself get used to it.

way 2:

warning, it will be hot and can burn.

I do both ways.

there is a connection between eating meat, choline, carnitine, getting cancer and cholesterol problems, and TMAO. this is a great video explaining this. what's the funny part? doesn't get digested the same way in people who eat a strictly plant based diet.

I am Not a doctor or a nutritionist. Ask a doctor and nutritionist before doing anything.

slide thread reported


please point out where I said I'm pro-soy.
protip, I didn't. shills=assblasted. proof you didn't read my thread

(((kosher))) first post

No black tea? I don't bloody think so, mate.

go bullet proof diet or go home
aryans need saturated meat fats to fuel our brains enjoy having next to no mental energy and increased inflammation throughout your body due to non traditional diets. Psst inflammation is now found to be the leading cause of cancer not just environment and genetic factors.

be you british or australian I don't mean to rustle your jimmies pal. if you have to drink your black tea it's a thousand times better than smoking. as long as you're doing everything else healthy I would ask your doctor about it but I can't force anyone to do everything. I'm presenting my thread with the best ways that I personally know how to do everything. that's all.

No meat.
you clearly never saw bullet proof monk.
because plants don't have any saturated fats right? very smart! I'm sure you have a college degree in lesbian dance therapy to know that.
And you just Guess what the leading cause of inflammation is. pro-tip: it's not vegetables.

It's on the image, faggot.

oh fuck, really? which one? I'll edit it out no problem.

The one in the OP

hold on, I'll take care of it.

Oh look it's this cancer again. I agree that Americans probably have way too much meat in their diet, and the meat industry in general is disgusting, but you can't expect humans to stop eating meat. Vegetarians are always on the bottom of the pecking order. Humans are at the top for a reason.



took me a while to find it if this is what you're talking about. you mean in the top left area where I already edited it to say "(soy optional but I personally avoid it)"? doesn't really make a big difference to you that I said in other parts of my thread that I don't do soy.

huh, actually after looking some more the vitamin and mineral list does mentioned it under a few different vitmins and minerals. that's for making me realize that. at least I'm not clueless about it anymore. (makes me wonder how the flying fuck I missed it when making the list) but I'll leave it in because I know Holla Forums is smart enough to not eat soy, and someone will always mention to avoid it anyway. I hope you give me credit for telling everyone to avoid fluoride and BPA and mentioning that I don't do soy. soy is a good enough source of some of these things that it was high enough on the list to get lumped in automatically but there are definitely other obvious great options that everyone here should go for since that's just one of the plant foods that's high in some of those nutrients.

just do your best. trying and improving a little is better than not trying at all.

it's plant-man to you good sir, now read the thread for real this time cuckass.

thanks for*

It's always fag dieters who try to preach what others should eat. ALWAYS.

added this to the new thread. thanks user for helping me improve the thread for Holla Forums

soy is mentioned under a few different vitmins and minerals. I know Holla Forums is smart enough to not eat soy, and someone will always mention to avoid it anyway but I felt like making this note here to make sure Holla Forums hears me say "DON'T EAT SOY".
soy is a good enough source of some of these things that it was high enough on the list to get lumped in automatically but there are definitely other obvious great options that everyone here should go for since that's just one of the plant foods that's high in some of those nutrients. Holla Forums! DON'T EAT IT. but if you ever do for some reason, like in a surival situation- only ever eat non-gmo pesticide free certified organic soy, otherwise it comes from biotech corporations that gentically modify it and dose it with poison/pesticides.

same difference soyboy

always the ignorant cunts who try to bitch about a thread before reading the entire thing. ALWAYS.

Oh boy here we fucking go
Just go Ovo Lacto Vegetarian, you'll naturally have to find ways of eating healthier simply out of limiting yourself. If you feel like you can't limit yourself, then you lack discipline, plain and simple. You can avoid soy, and please do as much as you can. Eat eggs and plenty of cheese and drink plenty of milk for B12. Beans, rice together form complete proteins.

my ancestors smile upon me. can you say the same?

Do you queers have any fucking idea how much estrogen is in actual milk? You're literally drinking shit from cow tits

Your ancestors are Jewish?


Itali-burger here, you will burn for this.

If that is the case anyone who is breastfeed would be an utter soyboy

You lack discipline, you can't accept a change from the Kosher diet you were born with so you try to justify it

I notice how there is no Pork or Shellfish in your diet

Human tits are small and designed for humans, cow tits are massive milk-gugs made to feed several calves

bitch, please.


funny right? they are so afraid of some beans but they eat butter, cheese, and drink milk that comes from pregnant hormone overloaded cow's tits all day every day.

Why are Asian males bigger soyboys than white males then
Are you seriously going to tell me that Asian Women actually have bigger tits than White Women

you can make oat dumplings and oat bread if you need a temporary cheat treat.

I wasn't attacking you OP I'm sure you have shit figured out but for the rest of the fags here who can't even go normalfag-tier /fit/ diets like ovo lacto vegetarianism, they just lack discipline

Yes goyim go get yourself arrested

The same reason niggers all look half-ape. Asians have always been feminine

human tits vary in size. babies benefit from being breastfed by their mothers for healthy brain development, fag or not. as a fag I'm still pro breast feeding as long as the mother isn't smoking/drinking/eating a horrible diet. the size of the breast is irrelevant, what matters is the type of breast you are getting your milk from. your mother, or an animal.

Well it does seem in general that tit size negetively coralates with your theory seeing as manly negresses usually have larger tits Mainly because the fucks are way more likely to be obese


I knew I recognized this God damn pasta from somewhere.


Stopped reading there.



Hormones may also have a lot to do with it. Same reason children are maturing much more quickly now vs 50 years ago, with some cases of kids hitting puberty as early as 7 years old. There are a lot of hormones in meats

huh, alright. peace then.

The true Aryan diet is the ketogenic diet. Avoid (((carbohydrates))).







as much as I'm laughing about the mike pence posting I know you fags aren't this stupid. Holla Forums wordfilters v-egan to fag for obvious kekky reasons.

It's not a word filter I know because I saw this exact pasta on another board full of fags.

yeah cause your a faggot

>The true cuck diet is the ketogenic diet. Avoid (((carbohydrates))).
enjoy shitting literal bricks with the constipation you'll be getting dumbass. you might lose weight for a while before you get liver and kidney failure from only eating pure protein and animal fat all day long every day but before then you'll already have a square shaped asshole. only the biggest fucking retards hurt themselves by doing the south beach fatkins diet or it's retarded twin paleo


Tell us user… what were you doing on a board full of fags? is there something you would like to tell us? it's okay, we wont laugh.


You know where you've been. It's a small website, after all.

obviously meant for you

It's meant for the two of us.

nah you're a faggot


Theres no way you'll convince me to be a fag, user.
I'm already a pretty healthy guy, thanks anyways.

oh yeah baby feed my several calves with your massive milk-gug tits

Wholefoods was bought out by (((Amazon))) Also switch to one meal a day you pus.


Theres no way you'll convince me you read the thread, user.
I'm already a pretty smart guy, thanks anyways.

>soy is a good enough source of some of these things that it was high enough on the list to get lumped in automatically but there are definitely other obvious great options that everyone here should go for since that's just one of the plant foods that's high in some of those nutrients. Holla Forums! DON'T EAT IT. but if you ever do for some reason, like in a surival situation- only ever eat non-gmo pesticide free certified organic soy, otherwise it comes from biotech corporations that gentically modify it and dose it with poison/pesticides.

it's just an example. if you're too stupid to realize that you can shop local, your probbaly too stupid to understand most of this thread anyway.

Tea tree oil is bad for men, faggot

The best thing you can do for your health is to design your diet based on unsources posts from a filipino loli-sharing chat-room.

OP is going to be a feminine boy faggot with this diet

>pretending not to be (((them)))

The shills are trying hard these days.
