I need concrete evidence to prove this.

Obviously, anyone with half a brain has noticed this trend in all forms of popular media, but I want to reach normies.

Help me. I hope it's not too late to redpill the youth and keep white girls away from nigs

Inb4 it's too late

Other urls found in this thread:


Careful. They'll ban you for talking about race mixing and call you a cuck because you're obsessed with it. 8/pol/ mods are part of the agenda that pushes ONLY WHITE WOMEN on ONLY BLACK MEN and encourages them to have children regardless of income level or preparedness.

I havent been to the blessed chans in awhile but has Holla Forums been cucked?

remember to redpill gently. don't fall on a sword for anyone because that's what cucks do. just gently point it out and don't bring it up out of place.

right, but i need better pills to drop

i need to show people that it's an agenda

i need to keep white girls away from nigs


It all depends on context - you can't be an autistic sperglord infodumping to normalfags via social media or the like. It's gotta come up in conversation, and you have to follow the conversation logically without revealing your power level. For example, you may think that bringing up statistics would help, but these retards would sooner say "but that's racist, user! jamal'quan isn't like that! he CARES about me!".

Instead, the best thing to do is usually ignore them and shame them subtly. She brings up tyr-al? Respond with a nod, ignore it, then (if possible) turn to another friend and bring up how much you appreciate (insert non-racemixing female associate here) for their functioning relationship.

There's other examples, but you let them make the first move when it comes to defending their shitty choice to burn coal just to spite daddy. Let them look like the retards they are when they feel threatened and chimp out. Sometimes, you can't save those particular 'tards, but they serve as a gentle reminder to those observing who haven't been totally brainwashed into thinking "oh man, I GOTTA racemix, or else I'm a RACIST!".

more specifically, anything that isn't strictly zany "GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW" rhetoric will also get you banned. Balanced viewpoints are non-halal.

more like corrupt mods, sometimes it's fine because they're asleep, but they willingly anchor threads that are perfectly on-top because they don't like it

they REALLY don't like any anti-fatty threads

Hey TRS your aids bog is down the hall and to the left



Kalergi plan. Look it up.

Make the argument that "race doesn't matter until your child needs an organ/bone marrow transplant." & "I would never do that to a child". Mixed race children have an almost 100% organ rejection rate.


that's not gonna stop thots from thotting

Check'n those dubs. By far was the best episode of that feminist shit show. She actually looked far better playing the ebil nahtzee

I tried that shit on a liberal and he was like "Just make more of the same mixes lol XD"

Social ostracizing will.


hey cuckfy/learningcode/realmoonman/whatever name you're going by now

The best argument that works on normalfags is to appeal to attractiveness. It's pretty much all they care about. Why do you think the Jews push the niggers-being-good-at-sex meme so much? Normalfags have not much morality so crime stats don't really work.

Think of what the biggest anti-non-white propaganda the Jews produced: against the Empire of Japan. 90% of the message was how ugly they are hate to say they aren't that wrong. That is the shit that works on Normalfags.


I've been thinking about this lately and I've come to the conclusion that I think there's really no way to redpill most unless there are consequences to their (in this case, white, of course) experiencing tangible drawbacks that hit universally; while yes, we can point out many things like media gaslighting, fewer fair opportunities due to quotas for others, etc., many simply won't see it until they're met with violence for being white (see: South Africa for example - where even a decent amount of whites seem to remain blind). The big issue that I don't see discussed is that currently and for the foreseeable future it's kind of evolutionary advantageous for white women to mix themselves out if they truly believe "one race, the human race; the only difference is skin colour". Why? Put yourself in the shoes of a true believer: "I believe that race is nothing but pigment. I also realize that whites are quickly becoming a smaller and smaller part of world and my country. I also realize that whites will get treated worse and worse as they lose power and influence due to overwhelming demographics. Why should I want my child(ren) to have to deal with these hardships? I can easily make it so that they won't by making them brown!" What, do you actually think that they're not going to still love their kid(s) just because they don't resemble them? For the vast majority, the motherly instinct will remain insanely strong.

I don't have a solution or anything but I think it's a viewpoint worth noting as only then may someone figure a way to chip away from there.

Oh ya I forgot to say go read parts of the bible where judea was fucked for being total dicks to people around them and the empires that invaded forced race mixing to make the populace weaker and hate eachother. It's why the jews are using it against us, because they already have a history with race mixing as a weapon. You can tell that every one who does it is an atheist because they don't know this part or biblical history.

Stop defending the mods


It's pretty tangible in when you show older race mixers to younger ones, and hear about the violence, the messed up kids, the ugly kids, etc. Just confront them with this and they will go apeshit to which you can clearly explain to them that it is affecting them psychologically to lash out as such and it will never end, ending in destruction.

sage for double post

1- rational arguments work on extremely few people, even less if you're american
2- brainlets struggle to absorb new information - due to the corrupted education system
3- you shouldn't view these types of conversation as "sharing" but rather as a show of dominance (of intellect, personality and charisma). Don't be condescending, don't be arrogant, don't be angry (edgyness only works in memes/humor-based propaganda)
4- The info you're looking for is found in: "Germany must perish" by Kaufman and an article by Earnest Hooton called "breed the war strains out of the Germans" (aka the Hooton plan). You can find these online easily, and they quite literally outline the "refugee" crisis we experience today - both of them speak of "the germans" instead of "whites" (indo-europeans is the correct term; "white" and "black" dichotomy is also a weapon, it serves the purpose of trivializing racial consciousness and reducing it to "skin tone" or "color").
The third is richard coudenhove-kalergi, inventor of "pan-europeanism", "inventor" of the EU, which outright states (in his book "practical idealism") "the man of the future will be a mongrel ruled by the jews".
There are fucktons like them, but these 3 slimy kikes are the ones that decided racemixing should be a thing. You can equally easily find more than these in the related sections of book stores i.e. amazon (don't buy them, of course) - the jews have been

I don't have infographics for you as I don't use those for arguments (although they're by far best for internet spreading - images>words)
Do homework.

Except you're lying. The mods ban racemixers and (((miscegenation promotors))) on sight.

Have you ever actually done this though or is this just online theorizing of how this plays out? I'm not trying to be adversarial by the way - it's a genuine question. I ask because as I know people, especially in Current Year, they're most likely to respond with: "But look at XYZ!" like they do whenever someone from the Religion of Peace goes boom boom or something. You could show them a hundred cases of horrible outcomes and for many this would be negated by how Steph Curry turned out. Sure, you may cause some asspain but I wonder just what it would really change when there's an unending amount of propaganda telling them to do something.

Just point out the double standard on Blackwashing versus Whitewashing.

have been openly publishing these plans for a century, they simply don't promote them through mainstream media and the average person is too fucking stupid to understand, care or look it up; those that do and attempt to spread the message/explain get persecuted, discredited, abused, fired, jailed or murdered (depending on gravity/persistence/influence spread).

Only when it comes to white women with niggers. They have no problem with weeb degeneracy and white men having relations with gook women.

Well, we already had the "Diversity = White Genocide" thing to try and push it to normalfags. I think we just need to give it more energy instead of the low energy shit that has pushed it to the wayside as of late

Once. I had a coworker that would instantly get pregnant with another black child after she delivered the last. She got rabid pissed and escalated things and I went to tell her it really does bother her and she'll live with the mistake forever. Nothing more. I think it will work on more but I mostly meet miscegenators as clients so I can't expose any more to the experiment.

never respond to a kike first-post user.

This, you have to be sly about talking to normies when it comes race mixing. You have to behave like (((them))), use psychological warfare, not facts. You cant bring up facts, because facts are racist to them. Subtly snubbed a normie and it plants a seed in their head that grows. If you're blunt it will just upset/enrage them and actually reinforce their degenerate beliefs.



Yes this. You have to use psychological tricks that will grate at them. Make them notice their own subconscious. They don't have inherited feelings for the coons, it's all taught.
"You know me an my GF met I had this fire in my chest, it was weird. Ever notice that with Tyrone?"
They won't, they don't love their partner and it's not a chemical. They are making excuses for themselves and have to constantly defend against instinct.


The human race relies on evolution to survive. Going backwards and picking someone to reverse evolution means the human race is doomed. Ask yourself this, are blacks more evolved than 'your' European family or it's ancestors?

Think hard…

/\ That argument may work…

Or use an anime girl…

I've experienced this as well. Not specifically with weeb race mixing but just weeb shit in general. I'm convinced one of the mods is a chink or something as I got perma banned for calling chinks insectoid subhumans once.

You have to be careful about insulting subhuman asians. Now that I think about it there is probably a hapa mod banning people for insulting chinks. Hapa's always seem to be the root of all shit-posting and sliding.

Or use typical black thought processes and meme it hard.
"Plough that bitch, impregnate and run for da hills." "Stupid bitch deserves da ugly little black shit."

I got one week ban for criticizing weebs

That's funny, because anyone promoting racemixing with gooks is also banned on sight.


They're subverting Holla Forumsacks with anime girls into developing affection for asian girls.
There's absolutely no difference between white girls with niggers and white men with gooks

Nice try not really


If they did jap dudes wouldn't go full herbivore.

20-30 of the main company christmas adverts in England this year are race mixing propaganda.

I've only seen 1-2 that aren't, which is fucking sick.
Every single one of the others is a nigger in it, often with half caste nigger children.
Reminder that negroids are supposedly 3.4% of the population in England. How is it then that they are 60% of the people in these adverts.
They have even put muslims and fucking ragheads all over them.
Currys/PC World adverts have a different paki on every advert talking about the 'deals'. Not one English person at all.
It's a fucking sick joke.

Ask them to play a game, how many black male + white female pushes can they spot on television from the last few years.
Ask them again a few days/weeks/months later. Once you draw someone's attention to something, they can't help but notice it, and then they start thinking.

You can also intersperse stories about negroids killing/raping/acid attacks and so on, post pictures if necessary.
The stories should be enough.
Or links to news articles if they haven't been memory holed.

You can't seriously believe this.

That must have been an easy argument to win.

This is precisely the sort of reaction that I was imagining when I wrote . The eternal normalfag isn't even pitiful; they're outright contemptible.

humor. It's easier to sneak the truth in as they are laughing

its been cucked since before the election. you just didn't notice it since it was a trump free-for-all at the time. it was good for literally like a year or two, that's it

anyone with half a brain has noticed that its not working as well. this is perhaps the most astonishing thing about the "race-mixing agenda," tbqh. for being all powerful golem-creating heebwizards, teh (((MSM))) sure is shitty at getting ppl to do what they want on this one

i still claim this is bullshit. the idea that everyone would mix together and live in harmony has existed long before Kalergi and has existed quite out of the reach of any so-called "plan." makes for good agitprop, tho

yeah, but does anyone who is not a boomer or a nigger even watch talmudvision anymore?

11/10 I'm glad that my sides exploded.

Just show normies the video that Molyneux did about this topic and how racemixing is forced into everything. Molyneux explicitly goes over the statistics and said something like out of 20 ads in a sample of advertisements in the uk, all of them showed non-whites and racemixing.

The fuck is this part of your sentence doing here?

Income level and preparedness don't fucking matter.

Whites need to breed with whites and produce more whites.

Anything else produces non-whites. White + non-white = non-white, non-white + non-white = non-white

We must completely stop the breeding of non-whites and encourage the breeding of whites.

you got to think of a plan that gets them interested entirely in white men only

Just don't bring up mongrels, or call someone's whiteness into question. For some reason, this is banworthy now.



Show them what happens to those that choose to burn the coal or drill the oil.


>we find our new Hitler obviously it's not Trump
What do you say to the eternal normalfag, then?


They kind of are

It's dangerous to even be around them.

Didnt Schopenhauer say something about this?

Re-read his post, you muppet.


as if those made a damn difference

the plan was to replace high IQ europeans that were had to control with a mongrel race that is low IQ and easy to control as a permanent underclass and that is exactly what they are doing

Just kill all blacks

feels bad man

Why would you lie on the internet?

No, I think that poster meant:
"Anime girls kind of do look Jap"

Hmm, maybe he did, but outside of a handful of cases, he's obviously wrong.

I know for a fact that the look of most of Leiji's female designs are inspired by the look of some famous Japanese actress, who embodied the whole "Yamato Nadeshiko" look, and they actually do look like her looking at comparisons, but for the life of me I can't find any of those pictures at the moment, or remember the name of the actress, either.

You can't prove it except through aggregation of anecdotes which is impossible unless you want to show your friends storm front.com, they have an ongoing thread about this shit on one of their subforums.

Alternatively show them an anology, there's a commission that monitors smoking in movies and bitches if there starts to be too much smoking in movies because people emulate what they see and there are studies that show a clear decrease in smoking amongst the populous as it stopped being glorified by the media. There's literally no difference between this kind of "you can't be it until you see it" aspect to this visual propaganda. You don't see people calling that anti smoking group paranoid do you?

That was a real quote by the person in the image, I investigated.

And what's going to stop faggots like you from speaking like a nigger?

t. assblasted kike who has no argument against him being pure evil and being responsible for white genocide intentionally

he is a nigger user



holy fuck that is one ugly little shit


Nigga, y'all know da kikez be pushing Brazilification, nigga. Dey want tah kill whitey fa da shoah, nigga. Dey think dey chozen, too, nigga. Since I wuz a kang, dis here nigga got a idea…

Why cain't a nigga push niggaz tah fuck (((joo))) bytchez too, nigga. We black, nigga, we turn dem (((kykes))) black with muh dik. Destroy da joos thru fucking and plantin dat kang sperm in dem joo pussies.

Shit nigga, dem joo bitches ain't chozen, only thang dey chozen is tah get fucked by muh dik. Joo hoes need tah get creampied by a fuckin kang.

I wuz a kang, fuck da joos, nigga. I'm a kang.

>WN delusion #355 normies care about race

"Now do you understand why Hitler was awesome?"


It's a tabloid-like paper, but if her mother really said that, she deserves to be shot dead (Not saying me, or any of you). Too bad she's a girl (although she's converting), if she was a guy, she might be willing to remove her mother herself.

Since at least april, 8ch is kill.

The wife loves those corny Christmas movies they dump every year on the Roastie Networks (I know, I know, don't say it, I'm working on her but she's a hard fucking sell). Many of them star jews, which is sickening to me as a Christian and a Holla Forumsack. However, weirder still, whenever a mixed relationship is portrayed, it's usually the opposite of the mix-meme. It's often a mixed-black girl with a white boy.

I'm not so far gone that I can't feel bad for this kid. She never chose this albino rape-ape life and she's going to mocked mercilessly when she's recognized by her class's autists. Not to mention growing up without a dad is going to cause her even MORE problems.

and madonna wonders why her son wants to live with his dad…

I'm sure we're all hoping for the best for young Shiloh and that "he'll" find "his" true love some day… perhaps with Liev Shrieber's "daughter."

Can somebody give me sauce on this?





Look at dutch commercials if you wanna see race mixing shit every fucking where.

Because Divide and conquer shills were spamming that white Americans were mongrelized because Western Europeans mixing with other Western Europeans somehow makes you mixed race in a broken kike mind. That's why "mongrel" is bannable.

the word is miscegenation, OP. Do normies even care that it's being pushed?

Coal burning midget on homepage of CNN right now.


Jesus, if you're going to live as a deformed monster until you die, might as well get clothes fitted for you.
I've actually noticed midgets (especially black midgets) being pushed a lot recently. What's going on there?

That's the headline they have in big bold letters. I think they forgot a few parentheses.

Got a link or some keywords to find this specific video? Molyneux has more than a few videos about race, genetics, IQ, etc…

I'm glad they're being so blatant. My wife still thinks that education should stamp out racism, racism is bad, that sort of nonsense. She did, however, live around poor Mexicans for part of her life and knows that they're extremely racist towards whites, so there is something to work with.

I could use some advice on redpilling her. I don't expect her to ever be 1488, but 14 would more than acceptable.

Show her race crime stats, iq stats, let her read "The Bell Curve" and "Camp of the Saints."

A good way to get her to read the books if she doesnt like to read would be to start talking about how immigration is bad, races aren't equal, etc then show her the books to back yourself up.

This isn't much help but I hope someone knows what I'm talking about and posts it. I've been looking for this shit again for a long time. Apparently when women have sex it changes their DNA forever whether they're impregnated or not, so when they get fucked by nuggets the nigger DNA alters the females DNA forever, even passing it down generations, even if she wasn't impregnated by the nigger but impregnated by someone else later.

Niggers are the Golems used by (((them))) to abuse our empathy and destroy our future.



Ask them to name a single television show they currently watch that DOESN'T have at least one White/non-White couple.

Then ask them to name a single television show they currently watch that has a stable, non-dysfunctional, monogamous White/White married relationship with stable children.

Can also use that to expose the homosexual agenda using the same tactic.


where are you people coming from? last time I looked into this bs, it was just that, complete bs
someone is blogposting this shit and their minions are eating it up

We gotta undo the bbc meme. It's been proven false time and time again, but still far too many people believe it's true. It's also "edgy" for girls to fuck black guys.
the jew fears the BWC

looks like she's called 'overgirl'

Just fucking barely. That's some Sean King shit right there.

kekking over here

I like Pleasureman's take on it:

I know that, another user said something about it being from a feminist show where she pretended to be an ebil nazi

Doesn't matter how many or how few there are. It's inherently bad, contributes to White genocide and it's normalized and promoted in White nations by non-Whites.

Non-Whites in White countries is inherently harmful to Whites. Therefore non-Whites don't belong in White countries regardless of how "good" anti-Whites claim they are.


Nigs are the enemy like goblins:

the elite jews are like the Goblin kings.

I would claim, given the promiscuous (can't spell) culture of today + the subconcious signals to mix (via the TV/ads, etc.), even if such couples aren't likely to exist (since after hanging out with one another you realize they suck), having sex (one night stands, parties, etc.) is still likely to occur.
As stated here:

which you should read:

it does have an impact physically (and, this isn't even getting into the psychological effects it has. E.g. suppose you have sex with a dog once, well, it sort of normalizes it to you doesn't it? It starts to seem "less bad". Especially with something publically allowed like race mixing where the individual will double down to hide their shame).

You can probably start with keeping white men from non-whites. Ignoring shit like this when it is more prevalent makes you look like a hypocrite.

We've done plenty to dispel the myth.

maybe. possibly. as in, no one yet knows the source of that dna. as in, it's just as likely not from sex

yeah, I never denied that. that's obvious.

this is the shit I'm calling out

But really, where is this coming from. It's some ecelb I'll bet

Maybe I'm the retarded, but did you not google search the doi I gave you earlier (& referenced in the most recent post?).

Yeah, we've made a lot of progress on the internet, but we're still bombarded with it all the fucking time in tv, movies, music, porn - all of which are normies favorite passtimes.
The lie still exists in the public consciousness and it must be eradicated. Every day the public is exposed to cuck mind-break propaganda.

I thought I read that before, but maybe not. Regardless, it has nothing *at all* to do with this:
It's talking about Alzheimer and a correlation to dna from a male fetus crossing the blood-brain barrier.

I guess then it merely becomes a question as to whether or not the presence of foreign DNA within the mother will affect her subsequent children.

Fam, I want to kill kikes even more than usual suddenly


McDonalds had a sign in the drivethru showing a blonde woman and a black man in a relationship.

That shit is really get out there. We need to start pointing this out. Like have stickers we can stick on shit like that saying "Jews promote Racemixing" or something.

Pretty sure some people just wanted burgerclaps to shut up about how "cucked" every non-American white person is.

Imagine being the kind of loser going out of his way to images of blond white wimmen with a 'groid and saving them on your computer.


How did a coal burner stumble her way to Holla Forums? Did you get lost looking for section 8 housing?

"'White', you google fucktards, white"

Something I've noticed:

I don't watch TV, but I do have Roku and I will pick a series that I used to like, then watch the whole thing from beginning to end. If they're long enough you can watch the race-mixing, trans shit, "everybody's gay or has some sick kink" narrative gather steam. I recently watched a series that lasted 12 seasons, from 2005-2017. At first there was very little of it (although some, of course); but by the end, I kid you not, EVERY couple was either mixed race, same-sex, bi-sexual, etc. They even had a father and son hunting scene with the son complaining that he wanted to watch some runway model-type reality show, complete with drag queen flourishes (kid was like 10?). It was really stunning to see and pretty disgusting. I would say that 2012ish is when it started to get blatant and by the end it was a sewer.

Anyway, maybe that could be an avenue. Watch the shows and say something like "yeah, sure there are mixed-race (gay, bi, trans,fetishists, etc) but EVERYONE? EVERY couple/family? Look around you; is this a representation of reality or is this an attempt to influence opinions?"

Colin Flaherty on YT wakes people up really fast.


I actually had to unsub because I would just rageout with a burning passion after watching a few of his videos



And if you (((jewggle))) "black couples" its all nogs. No whites! Yeah, clearly no agenda here. Move on goy!

Women are biologically predisposed to deeply care about children.Women also care about A E S T I C S. Notice how they are always the ones to decorate? What we need is a meme that combines their care for children and their love of aesthetics. We need memes that show a beautiful white mother with a beautiful white daughter and says something along the lines of "When you can see yourself in your son/daughter :)" This would successfully combine those two biological predispositions of women and use them in our favor.


I would also like to ask where their fucking fathers are? My father, told me when I was very young that if I even thought about a black man I would be disowned and thrown out of the house/family. Now I have always been repulsed by black men, nothing attractive in the slightest, but I was extremely appreciative of my Dad taking the time to let me know that he would fucking kill me if it ever crossed my mind in a 'liberal' moment. Now, keep in mind that he didn't tell me when I was a teen he started young and taught me the right way to comport myself when I was a small child.

I hate women. Until we put them back in cages this will continue. WHITE RAPE GANGS WHEN?!?!

Agreed. Comparing it with the horrid-looking offspring of mixed-race (single mothers, lol), eg., would be stark. Also, something I got from an user here, whenever you see a white woman with a clearly mixed child congratulate her and add "she/he looks just like you". I'm telling you, that last will be DEVASTATING to any decent looking white girl.

Obvious shills are obvious.

It's also hilarious.

lmao until you take away womens rights nothing will change buddy, it's the truth you cuck.

NO! Women can be very dense sometimes. That is a very bad idea. You must treat them with scorn and contempt, that is how women control other women. Coming from a man this obvious scorn and contempt would be devastating. I suppose if you thought you could pull it off with just the right level of sarcasm that would convey the scorn and contempt it with those words…too much and she won't feel the proper shaming, too little and she will think you approve.

If we're talking about actual meme potential, as funny as your related image is, it wouldn't get the job done. Why? It's obvious they don't look alike & it lacks a personal feeling which forces one to look in the mirror. Honestly, if one could mass "attack" profiles & post comments which say 'it looks like you :)' (as another user said) with some bots to upvote/etc. It would really force the woman to look in the mirror.
tl;dr a woman doesn't care if people think she's ugly, a woman cares if people think she's ugly with respect to something she deems important.

There's also no reply. Her only response can be "Thank you", then she''ll go home and cry into her (lonely) pillow.

You are absolutely wrong on this. For a certain type of female, ie., the kind that will have a mongrel child in the first place, societal scorn will only raise her defenses and make her more defiant. Women are VERY in tune with their looks; telling her that the ugly little thing looks just like her will make her question her entire reality.

Screen capping that juicy pill there

This is low effort conditioning, using your shitty post as an excuse to post race mixing. Reported and filtered.



The sad part is, we don't even need this sort of propaganda, people naturally stick to their own race. It's just that the leftist miscegenation propaganda floods people from birth to death.

I just don't understand it. How can you convince a white woman that a monkey is attractive, let alone worth marrying or having a child with, just by repeating it over and over again?

Holy fuck, that Koreanigger somehow looks even more disgusting than a mulatto

The female miscegenations tend to look decent, but the males are always distinctly happas. Am I just biased?

women (and cucks) obey authority above all else. the biggest authorities are the government and the societies ( ( (common sense) ) ) expressed by talmudvision, and there you go, women act against their biological interests.

millions of aborted babies would likely disagree you know, if they weren't dead because their mothers decided to kill them. Women are "biologically predisposed" to care about themselves. thats about it.

Most of them have been fully convinced that it's not actually their children they're killing.

they would have to be completly ignorant of basic biology for that to be true. the most common reasons women abort a fetus are, 1. it's just "inconvenient" or 2. they had a falling out with the father or didn't intend to get pregnant (translation: he was just a casual fuck or he's not a good enough provider thus unworthy to father children). all flimsy reasons to end an innocent life. women are irresponsible and selfish. hence the mountains of dead babies.

while those flimsy reasons are common, it is also true that most women are completely ignorant of basic biology as well. Education standards in the US are low for a reason, and that is to promote ignorance. Most students think biology/chemistry/mathematics/physics/etc. are things to memorize and forget about immediately after the exam.

It is interesting to me that you are obviously biased against women but not talking at all about GIVING FOREIGNERS (the real problem) the right to make decisions in our nation's…

So from you what I am hearing is the 'Whites' are a problem, BUT IGNORE THE FUCKING JEWS WHO ARE GENOCIDING US…they are not the problem…only you whites are the problem. I will tell you that if I could right now, I would make you into swiss cheese with a few well placed shotgun blasts.

Germany Must Perish review

The Harvard University professor's proposal called for genetically transforming the German nation by encouraging mating of German women with non-German men, who would be brought into the country in large numbers, and of German men, forcibly held outside of Germany, with non-German women. Ten to twelve million German men would be assigned to forced labor under Allied supervision in countries outside of Germany to rebuild their economies. "The objects of this measure," wrote Dr. Hooton, "include reduction of the birthrate of 'pure' Germans, neutralization of German aggressiveness by outbreeding and denationalization of indoctrinated individuals."

This plan, Hooton estimated, would require at least 20 years to be implemented. "During this period," he went on, "encourage also the immigration and settlement in the German states of non-German nationals, especially males."

In the decades since the end of World War II, something of the spirit of the genocidal Kaufman and Hooton plans seems manifest in Germany's population and immigration policies. Since the nation's defeat in 1945, the German birth rate has fallen to below the replacement level, millions of racially and culturally alien migrants have been welcomed as settlers in Germany, the number of children of mixed ethnicity has sharply increased, and the ethnic-cultural character of much of the country has been drastically altered, especially in the larger cities.

This dynamic volume outlines a comprehensive plan for the extinction of the German nation and the total eradication from the earth, of all her people.

Race Mixer here. I tried dating white women but found crazy after crazy. They were all super left wing and had mental health problems. I eventually tried dating an east Asian not really seeking her out just knew her. We have a son and he seems fine but he's very young. Idk about those bone marrow transplants another user mentioned but he is in good physical health and smart and happy. I definitely feel sad and a bit of regret when I later learned that whites are being genocide and replaced but I don't want my offspring to be raised to be cucks or degenerates. Its more degenerate to leave your family or your children behind IMO so I won't abandon them to keep my race alive. The way I see it is if we can destroy the jews as soon as possible without the forced race mixing with blacks narrative then people would do it less. A little bit of race mixing has gone on for all history but each race should have it's own homeland and pushing it is wrong because in the mind of the jews it's a way to destroy us.

gtfo thot.

its pretty obvious that white nations are being overrun with foreign hordes. do I have to mention it every time I post?

learn how to read english. also, me criticizing (modern) women is not the same as criticizing the white race. call me a "misogynistic" if want but woman haveing full autonomy has been a complete disaster for western civilization. regardless of jews.

nothing personal kid.jpg

You JEW infiltrators don't fool me you piece of SHIT.

Why you only blame women YOU FUCKING JEW…WHY YOU ONLY BLAME WHITES…I would kill you if I could find you…you aren't even a traitor because to be a traitor you'd have to be part of my people…YOU ARE FOREIGNER/MURDERER TRYING TO DESTROY US…

You are a FUCKING MURDERING POS JEW who is looking for every opportunity to blame and divide my own people. I see you you fucking deep state whore…lying pos bastard.



Every one guilty of racial treason gets the rope. This ensures all the shitskins with blood on their hands get what's coming, while the ones who kept to their own will have the chance to leave without bloodshed. But the whites who poisoned their own blood should be treated the same as the niggers they bred with, if anything they're guilty of the greater crime, but death is death, and that's all that they really deserve.

Just sleeping with non whites without reproducing is still racial treason.

Are these pictures real? fug, I need to find pictures of my father.

Alright, but that POS isn't one of us…he is just here to see if he can convince white men to hate white women. When this shit started I had to face down so many white men and they fought me, defending the jews and defending jew ideologies. They told me they were going to murder me, to torture me, to find me, to kill my family…but I faced them down ANYWAY because MY OWN PEOPLE LIVES were at stake. I persevered through my own peoples threats, mocking, seething hatred and dirision.

But now I have to sit here and tolerate that FAT FUCKING FOREIGNER DISGUSTING PIG COCK LICKER SLAVE TO THE JEWS telling me that WHITE WOMEN are at fault?

And I am still the only one who defends us? Why don't white men stand up for us?


Does anyone think women set up the FED Reserve? Or invented vaccines? Or brought this nation to destruction…how could you not know that it was all done in secret and in secret societies? In back rooms and boardrooms?

Have those FUCKS you elected ever kept one FUCKING PROMISE? To put Hillary in jail? To 'drain the swamp'? All they have done is garner MORE POWER for themselves and work both White men and White women to divide and conquer us and keep us hating each other and resentful of each other.

IDK man I am too angry to even talk about this any more…needless to say…I stood up to ALL OF YOU when you were still asleep and hadn't a fucking clue about what was happening…and now that things are getting heavy, you all chose to listen to a deep state cock licker faggot WHO YOU SHOULD WANT TO KILL FOR HIS CONTINUED MANIPULATION OF OUR OWN PEOPLE. And that is all I have to say about that.

If this guy wants to lay the blame solely on women, take solace in the fact his genetic legacy is over, he's slitting his own throat with that stance, and that's more than you can hope to do to him by sperging out about it. I'm not really sure what the whole victim narrative thing you opened up with was all about, but I'd suggest dropping it. It does nothing to create more white babies, and even in circles that accept such ideas only dilutes our movement, such that it is, and slows down any hope of progress out of this mess.

Voting will not improve our situation. In fact, almost all of our current problems can be traced back to the idea of universal sufferage. Women shouldn't vote, nor should most men. Friction between the genders isn't helped by emotional tangents though.

I'd ask for a citation on this one, but I'm more interested in qualifies as "YOU" in this statement, you seem to have drawn some lines here. I could hazard a guess as to what that's all about, but I'd prefer to hear it in your own words.

I've already commented a few times in this thread, but I see this on page one again and I'm annoyed.

>only interracial couple is BMWF

Normalfags are genuinely subhuman for not noticing this shit fucking everywhere.

Should really start calling them Mixed species children.


you don't even know who else is here. chill out. sperging isn't accomplishing anything. and yes, the anti-white-women posters are (big surprise): anti-white.

Pleasureman is a civnat faggot.

Call them what really are Hybrids

Off topic, but is there anywhere a replica 9mm Luger could be bought?


Good one


The majority of these couples are are young, high school and college aged. Plus I'm pretty sure those stats are from 2007 or something.

There is an underlying current of deep seated hatred that is coming from the jewish front against our women. They are trying to restart their unceasing fetish for torturing White women in culture. Centered in the jew and 'white sharia' (more jews) camps.

They are trying for a return to the normalization of torture, beginning with women as they are the comforters of our men and those who care for our children and raise them into whatever they will be in life.

I have been told, multiple times by jews (catholics) that they were planning on reinstating the 'inquisition' and normalizing the torture of our people in society beginning with women; as women are the foundation of our culture and they need to induce fear/cooperation to their agenda via those who raise the children and give birth should do so in a constant state of fear for their lives.

There used to be this guy on YT who had a video that counted how many times DT said torture while campaigning it was about 3 minutes long of him talking in 3-4 second clips about reinstating torture, so hundreds of times the jewish puppet slaves speak about wanting to reintroduce torture of Whites in our own lands against our own people.

It has already begun and is well under way at this point as the semites (jews and arabs) are committing thousands of rape/murders in Europe to 'test the water' and see what white men will tolerate…turns out they tolerate the rape of our people just fine…not a single semitic child lives in fear of white men but all our women and children live in fear of semitic males.

Not only that but people like that fucker above are openly calling for the torture/injury of white women…did you see he called me a THOT…for what? For defending White women and men? I am something to be disposed of as 'trash' because I won't abide by his own jew cocksucking immoral agenda to bash or torture white women to death? Fuck it, I am done here…I don't need 'me' to explain any of this to you…not one of you called him on his pathetic BULLSHIT…so whatever descent into absolute living HELL they have planned for all of us will probably be enacted. I am done talking about this here…I came here looking for a people who could CLEARLY SEE what is moral and ethical and honorable. And again not one of you saw the psychopaths tricks of manipulation so most likely it is a moot point.

So fuck it, I will just kill as many as I can when the enemy comes for me…


Incidentally, do you know why we have a policy of tits or GTFO? It's due to the fact you're attempting to leverage social capital either to prop up your statements or simply to beg for attention. We don't mind giving you that attention, but you really ought to work for it, and if you're not willing to post tits, you can always leave. Otherwise there's no reason to bring it up, you crazy, crazy, Jonestien tier slut.

Additionally, unnecessary ellipses are almost universally a sign of a non white poster, though I'm not sure why they do it, maybe it's an ESL thing, though white non native speakers seem not to share this tendency.

Thanks! I was more looking for something working, though. Just thought it'd be cool as fuck to have a Luger for CCW.

Due to it's somewhat unique action, a Luger would actually work rather poorly as a concealed carry. Would be okay on a hip, but you wouldn't want to be pulling one out from under multiple layers. The Germans themselves used other guns for this purpose because of that, not to mention the gun had some reliability problems, so you wouldn't want to be relying on it as your only armament if you didn't have to.

I believe there's an Argentine company producing working replicas, or at least were, so that might be worth looking into. Although poor condition war bring backs can be had for less than 2k, so it might actually be feasible to have one restored on the cheap.

These are really good. Keep it up, user.

I believe there is a company in Connecticut that makes working replica but i'm unsure if it's in 9mm or just 22lr. I agree with though, a Luger would not make an Ideal CCW. If you want something with a similar aesthetic that won't break the bank I recommend a Walther P38.


I'm really surprised that Ruger, despite the company being founded on the goal of recreating the Luger, doesn't sell a 9mm version of their Ruger flagship guns. Their Mark IV version is really popular with competition/22lr enthusiasts but still no 9mm version.

there are no arguments, at this point we're gonna have to kill all race mixers.
I'm disgusted every time I go shopping as I see 12 yo white girls dressed like whores hanging around niggers with no parents in sight.
part of the reason white boys have become beta is that society is over worked and forced into helping niggers such that parents don't have time to bond with their kids.
worthless niggers get all the confidence, socialization, and family bonding, high acheving whites have doubt, isolation, empty family bonds.
the system is doing everything in its power to destroy the white race, there are no magical words to fix this.
women don't respond to words, only forces and pressure.

lol this dumb cunt is still making videos

she very carefully edits the abomination's face out of the video's now though. it's not discreet. she still shills the kid in the videos, but she always angles the camera down and away from the face.can't really talk shit on her for that the kid shouldn't be in the videos at all but it's a noticeable departure from the blatant abomination shilling she was doing before.

I don't respond to every shill, blackpill pusher, and d&c fake MRA thats shitting up the thread. you just ignore that shit. no one's agreeing with them. just move on. and no one hates white women. thats just a jew trick.

hahahaha! how has she not been beaten by bare hands in the streets of poland walking around with her abominable baby?

All females, except for black females, despise and detest black men as it is. Race traitors are such a minority that the only thing we need to do with them is send them to Africa where they can live their choclate fantasies for the days or weeks before they are beheaded by a wild dindu.


The 56% meme will help, it is actually making fun of the mixed population

Even Thor is cucked in his new movie. Check out this subtle subliminal message. Oh, sure, they have niggers in Asgard and they freely mate with white women.


now that is some good club penguin shit

Kraut Here
Height is completely due to environment and nutrition. Had that family eaten differently and lived in a different area, they would be 5'12" and have 175 IQ. I SUPPORT ISRAEL!

Grandfather loses all of his ancestral descendants to a lower-than-shit scum fucking, evil nigger in the worst way possible.


Kill them all. No European deserves this suffering.

No that's not how you do it, you're supposed to complement on their children and wait for them to say thank you. After that ask the question, "So why did you decide to adopt?". She'll instantly be hit with pain and respond, "oh no these are my actual children" in which you respond, "oh haha, they don't look anything like you. My mistake!" in a cheerful tone and walk away.

White women are the least likely race-sex qualification to date other races.

Focus your propaganda on traitor white men.

More white men racemix than white women. Happens to be mostly various Asians from Indian to Phillipino but steaming the rice is just as bad anyway.

Fun fact that guy helps Arabs immigrate into Germany for money.

8/10 race mixed couples I see irl involve white women, maybe 7/10, but it’s a clear majority. Most people will say the same if they are actually honest.

What we need is to find more pictures of race mixed abominations.
google won't help since when you look up mongrels, they used photoshopped kids.
also, try to rile up the mongrels, many mutts are self hating, but will try to hide it behind a shield of smugness and "we're all mixed anyway".

try this OP

Hollywood is Not Anti-Racist, It's Just Anti-White PSA

That's so white women psychologically identify with the niggress pasted into the scenario.
Most white women of this day already use sassy niggress brat memes to "express themselves", the black ladies in your wife's stories are written to represent the everywoman, and if she shares an interest in what the white women watching do (i.e. attractive white men) that further cements in their minds the "one humin race" shit.
If the kikes only came at us from one angle, they match would be long over.

Das it mang


What if we started a "charity" which reported to be about overpopulation, and offered applicants some modest sum that would seem like a lot to people who only think short-term like $50,000 minus the cost for the procedure to permanently and irreversibly sterilize them (with a clause that if they try to have it reversed they have to return the money.) The application wouldn't explicitly ask race at any point, but would ask for sexual orientation (on the basis that homosexuals would never reproduce anyway) and political leanings (actually there would have to be a way to sneak this in covertly) so soyboys could be removed from the genepool as well, and rather than specific targeting there would just be a picture included with the application.

We'd pay a few white men to claim to have undergone the procedure and make up proof they had in case someone claimed the organization was targeting minorities. Other whites would be put on a waiting list and if people complained they'd be told they were exercising "white privilege" or whatever.

Even if after a decade the truth was exposed, by then it would be too late and it would take minorities hundreds of years to recover.

Anecdotal evidence vs actual proof. I mean really now. White men are the prime race traitors if there ever was any.

Everyone who is worth anything at all already knows. When you make any redpill point, all you need to do is not act like it's bad to redpill. Your own nervousness is why you get rejected. I engaged in holohoax exposure at work the other day, and I have a government job.

You can get away with anything if you make your points in a benign-sounding way.

Nice (1) you shill faggot. If weren't a retarded faggot, you would have noticed years ago that normalFAGS are afraid more than anything else. Not only have I broken your conditioning, but the day shall come when I will break you.

When leftists say "its because of their culture"
I just ask is that really the hill you want to die on?

Then they ask what do you mean to which you respond along the lines of

"Cultures dont form in a vaccuum
The environment and the people affect each other. Each selecting beneficial trauts from the other like diets and certain adaptations. Then the people form a culture which further selects for traits. That is a form of guided evolution"

They usually frown and get offended.


Is this the same turd that's always BBC posting on 4pol?




I actually had one bring up the argument in animals how crossbreeding increases their survival rate due to mutations and whatnot. I wanted to bash my fucking skull til there was nothing left then

What target audience is this? The format is unattractive to normalfags and it's nothing that can't be conveyed to us in a few sentences.



reminder that the learningcode meme is a meme used by Holla Forums shils for DnC

lol imkikey, drown in semen you turkroach faggot

it's fucking everywhere. i noticed "mixed-race" couples, but let's be honest, 80% of the time it's black man and white woman. this has been the most destructive, vicious and point-blank deadly thing that has ever happened to whites. is inter-racial interbreeding. it is destroying white stock


17 Celebrities Who Have Adopted Children
First result for "Actress adopts child".
1: White woman with a niglet girl
2: White man with an unknown mutt
3. Negress with mulatto
4. Possible jew with niglet girl
5. Unknown, could be a white woman with a white girl
6. White women, again, with female niglet
7. White man with a quadroon and… something
8. White woman with two niglets
9. White woman with her child and a niglet
10. White woman with three white children(!)
11. White woman with a chinese girl
12. White couple with white child
13. White woman with screaming niglet
14. White woman with a chinese and niglet
15. Again, white woman with niglet. wwwN?
16. White man with some non-white
17. Finally, a white woman with a niglet

by Ana Luisa Suarez
Getting a clean image from that ad infested hellhole was a pain in the ass

Shit, all that and I cut/uploaded the file with ad dividers. Oh well.

Fuck it, I'm going to make this into an infographic, if anyone knows the races of 4,5, 10 I'd appreciate it. The parents and children.

alright buddy, back to reddit


And finding that decent white men will outright reject them from any serious relationships.

The hypocrisy literally never ends.

Mention Kalergi everywhere.

Let it be propagandized.

Would that even work? What are the odds they get the same 50% genetics from each race?

Its called Telegony and its a real thing in genetics. If your wife fucked anyone else before she met you, your child will have characteristics of her previous partners even if genetically its yours.

I came here to check your dubs for truth

They often do that shit themselves thankfully.
google images for "good mother" made me laugh.

What the fuck is wrong with you faggot.

Spoiler this disgusting shit or I'll keep reporting it.