I liked the look of this game and heard it was really good. 12 hours in I'm finding it really boring

I liked the look of this game and heard it was really good. 12 hours in I'm finding it really boring.
Very little strategy to it, just run into the enemies, select all the attacks til everything is dead.
Am I playing it wrong or does it get more engaging at some point?

Xenoblade Chronicles general I guess.


What area have you reached? The game is more about exploring the world. If you're bogging down with too many of the quests NPCs give you, you're probably going to drive yourself mad running around.

i haven't even played the game you faggot i was just calling you out for using cuckchan terms

I just accept the NPC quests and they usually get done as I make my way through the story. Its always just pick something up or kill 3 enemies, nothing that tough.
I'm around Colony 6, leaving there now for the next place I think.
The vast landscapes are nice but even that is losing its impact when everywhere is just big grassy areas with cliffs.

The camera is unplayable

Well first, if a game's main selling point is its scenery and massive draw distance, maybe play it on something bigger than 240p.

Its funny, when I got this game from fuckinggamestop one dude behind the counter loved it and the other hated it.
Is this one of those love it or hate it games?

I considered that the best psx rpg for a long time. I played it again recently and there are some serious pacing issues with disc 2. Still love it.

It's so hard to find an actually good RPGs nowadays. You can't trust reviews and you can't trust Holla Forums.
Reviewers give all RPGs 8s with apparently total disregard for the game other than looking nice or whatever.
Holla Forums is full of strange autistic weebs who also abandon all regard for quality if the waifus are cute enough and will praise the game to high heaven. They're probably the same kind of deranged freaks who enjoy Dynasty Warriors games.
To each their own, of course, but some of the shit Holla Forums likes is absolutely baffling sometimes.


It does

Xenoblade Chronicles was the game that made me want to make games, I found everything to be perfect in it. The battle system for such a big rpg wasn't very difficult but it wasn't very easy either, and it was not passive, you did have choose the right skill at the right time. Those who say the combat is boring are probably at the beginning (since the game's about 80 hours long if you don't rush), or they grinded random monsters instead of just normall trying to finish the game. The select all attacks method worked in the beginning, wait till at least half of the game.

The world was pretty much the most beautiful in any game that I played, every single place was memorable. And of course there's the music, which is again one of the best OSTs. You can't not like gaur plains, Eruyth sea, Colony 9. Fucking amazing OST.

The characters were awesome as fuck, Riki, Dunban, Egil and everyone. Every one of them has some backstory that's cool as hell, even Riki which left his family to make money, he is just cute anyway.

The story is full of twists and fights and it's just what I loved about old school anime, it kept me wondering what the hell is gonna happen next. And some things were pretty unexpected, but I won't spoil them. I know not a lot are gonna agree with me, some even shit on it calling it an "offline mmorpg", I don't even bother responding to that. It's my favourite game for me because every part of it was polished, gameplay, music, story, characters, the levels.

The quests grow more involved once you get past the initial "collect 8 bearasses" stuff. Some involve meeting people at specific times, but they have schedules and meetups in the big areas that make it tough to find them again.

After Colony 6 and that mine, you are about to set foot on the first major not-grassy area (I consider it the Bionis' swamp-ass). The devs actually removed a huge area later on that was yet another grassland since it was mostly filler. It was nearly done with some lack of polish on one cliff and the lore village in it, a cave maze goes nowhere, and the enemies weren't placed, but it's still in the files.

Because the second disc is 3/4 unfinished. All of the exposition was supposed to be the 4-5 mid to late game dungeons.

Square reallocated most of what was left in the xenogears pot to FF8 mid development. Gotta fund those whats and ellipses.

The combat gets more difficult later on about the time you get your healslut. Story is really good too. I liked it, never played Xenogears though

I' getting Eva vibes from this, is it worth getting?

It really depends on how much grinding you are willing to do, they start throwing counter attacks and statuses at you. Things get hectic.

Oh, it is very Eva.

Burns out by disc 2 because pic related

Sure, bud. Defeat an enemy 10 levels higher than yourself before you say that.
You can still fight an enemy 21 levels higher than you at level cap

Xenogears has a better story but Xenoblade has better gameplay
They're not beating eachother by much

Also the sidequest lore is great with the Spiders and Giants
And the Red Pollen conspiracy

Disc 2 was disappointing. But it picked up again when i went to the Lighthouse, even though that is disc 1 again

Well okay. I was just asking if it gets more engaging or if I'm missing something.
12 hours in its just grinding and I feel like I'm doing nothing. If you say it gets more complex I'll keep going for a few more and see if things get any more interesting.