Is it possible to make an androgynous and/or gender neutral human video game character that isn't tumblr-level of...

Is it possible to make an androgynous and/or gender neutral human video game character that isn't tumblr-level of pandering?

A good "blank slate" character that most everyone can appreciate on some level. I'd say Master Chief was a good example of this in Halo: CE because he talked two times in the entire game and you never ever saw even a glimpse of his face.

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No, you can't appreciate a character who's not a character.


is pikachu a girl or boy

even if you managed to make an androgynous and/or gender neutral human they will still find something to complain about, nothing will ever be good enough

they have built their lives around complaining and campaigning against trivial shit


test tube baby

there are male and female pikachu, fuck knows how you tell the difference

You tell by the tail, the tail on a female Pikachu has a heart shape on the end.

found it

Chief was still definitely male from every single sound he made.

Don't make anything like that tumblrtard buzzword shit, just make a giant literal furball or an alien completely genderless with no interest in sex and only focused on fighting bad guys if you have to. There's a character perfect for anyone to play as.

Ash's Pikachu is male

OP said good game, user

It is a good game, though

You mean, sexless.

Yeah sure. Show me a gender-neutral human first.

Make it a first person adventure game without detailing who the main character is, like Zork Grand Inquisitor.
Failing that pic related in Tekken. Leo is androgynous and made for anyone to relate to the character and actually became quite popular.

A full body cyborg?

Male/female brain.


Brains are social construct.


just make it an alium that has no sexual features
a worm

Normalized through implants.

It wont change the development that occurred while growing up. It's like saying you could change the type of material a building is made out of by switching out furniture and putting on a different kind of paint.

Make a mute androgynous main character. Alternatively you could make him use full body armor without ever taking off his helmet, or be an FPS and never show his face nor tell his name.

Congratulations, you are retarded.

Not an argument.

That is a shit analogy user. The interior of a building does not affect its purpose, and it can easily be repurposed by doing exactly that - switching out furniture and putting a different kind of paint because it doesn't matter what the materials are so long as the building stands.

Not your personal debate club.

*by interior of a building I mean the innards of its construction, but you get the point.

You missed the entire point of the analogy. Purposely avoiding the point and addressing something else is not a valid argument. Anyways, I don't think you understand just how complex brains are. Thinking that you can just inject things in them to make them non-gendered shows that you're either ignorant or misinformed. Not to mention that going through all the trouble just to fulfill some retarded millennial political belief is a waste of time.

Not an argument


Not an argument

Ad hominem. Not an argument.

Not an argument.

I get your point, I am just saying it is a shit analogy because unlike humans you CAN repurpose buildings.


You can, but the point was that you can't just rearrange things and slap on a new coat of paint in hopes that you can change what it's built of. I don't care about changing its purpose, the issue was changing what it is by using "implants" or similar.

Nice hats, user. They look good on you.


Not an argument

Are you a tranny? Is that why you're so invested in insulting me? Not my fault that your biological urges have been perverted.

You're right, it was a compliment. Nice hats.

Not an argument

Then find a better argument. You use that on a regressive leftist SJW and they will tell use it back on you by saying the same way you can repurpose a building to become something a human can change and become something else.



We Ghost in the Shell now, nigga

You're still dancing around the point by being incredibly pedantic over terminology and analogies. If you want an essay on this, you're not going to get it from me.

You might think that you're making me mad, but by replying like this all you're doing is showing everyone how much of a hothead you are. Not an argument btw.

user, don't leave your hats on the toilet, that's unsanitary.

Not an argument

I'm trying to help you you idiot. This is why everyone is treating you like a moron and derailing this thread. Shit dubs btw

Slow down there, cowboy.

All I see are two mad wannabe cunts and someone who is a "concerned bystander" :^)

Not an argument.

I mean, if you think by saying genderless brains aren't possible I'm actually wanting to become a tranny, that's your opinion. It's a wrong one, but it's your opinion. Do you have any more pictures of cool hats?

meant for

a cute tomboy


Make a tomboy character, everybody likes delicious tomboys.

Was making me laugh part of your plan?

You're as deep into identity politics as the progressives you hate so much.
I am literally laughing at you right now.


You're making a lot of irrelevant assumptions here. Are you grasping at straws?

haha u mad

What if you made a game, that had the player in a full-body suit and gave no hints to gender. Then, based on choices made in the game, your character would be revealed as either male or female, depending on what choices you made.

Then give it to trannies and laugh when they get their biological gender.

Stop advertising yourself. You are either ignorant, pushing your headcanon about biology or simply baiting.


Holy shit, you are SIZZLING right now. I can practically feel it.

OP you're missing the point of blank slate characters like that. They're a vessel for the player. That's it. They aren't good, they aren't deep. They're just there for the gameplay aspect, and that's all they need to be. Master Chief is a bad example because he talks.

That's just your herpes acting up.

Link. He looks feminine but has a lot of masculine traits. I think that's why chicks love him so much.

Otherwise, a masked character might work. Though I have no examples.

doesn't this case make a stronger case for trannies since it's all "a bloo bloo what I feel like is what I am" type stuff?

Not an argument



Apologies, I didn't see the ID, only assumed that was some response to the previous post. Your position is valid. But it's still not worth it to argue with retards over the internet. Have an analogy: "Never try to wrestle with a pig. You'll get dirty and the pig likes it."

Of course.

Wanna know what happens when you repurpose water pipes through new rooms ?
They leak, architects intentionally design dry rooms and if you mess with that you get leaks and mold over the place.

I have retard neighbors like you who moved their kitches and now we have mold all over the place both for me and them. The carrying column of the building has a huge mold spot in it and I can only pray the thing doesn't coincide being wet with below zero temperature in winter.

The design is important. Especially for buildings.
Beat that into your head before you are forced to undo the bullshit you have done by moving rooms.

some real triggered trannys up in here.
get the fuck out of your room and appreciate the time you have left, instead of being a little insecure fuck who spends all their time fantasying about something they're not,

no he didnt


Requiescat in pace, doggu


No because all humans are born as either male or female so they are always going to be one gender or the other. You can do a faceless protaganist where they are in armour the whole time and hardly talk so the gender isn't obvious but if you ever go much into their character then you will have to give them a gender eventually.

You can make a non human character that doesn't have a gender though. Most people design characters to be either male or female but you can quite easily make a god or spirit of some kind that doesn't have a gender. You can also make shapeshifters that don't have a set gender, something like Alex Mercer that's an it rather than a he or she.

What you want and what are your individual limitations are two different things. With recent advances in brain imaging you can recognize morphological and functional differences between male and female brains regardless of their personal opinions in the matter. One example of many:

I bet you're a cute tomboy

yes its possible, you simply dont pander to tumblr. its not some herculean task.


Make your own opinion:

what a shitty analogy, especially considering the transsexual suicide rate, they certainly aren't standing any more, on account of being dead, because they realized they've mutilated themselves in the vain pursuit of a dream fueled by their own damaged sexuality.

A prepubescent kid? Even that would not be fully "gender neutral".

Still counts

holy shit no it doesn't stop spreading this meme, you mock the legacy of the bateman.

nice number pattern

Undertale did this.

made me laugh

sometimes you just gotta smek


Androgynous? Have you played any jrpg ever?

But MC was obviously male because he spoke


Make it a suit of armor with no one inside.

Literally any MMO?

isnt mappy a mouse, not human?



No, because there's no such thing as gender neutral.

Why do people keep posting that faggot's art? All of it is traced and slathered with ugly post-process effects.

also why would you care? what's the point in making a gender neutral character?

You don't say?



Welcome to Holla Forums. Leave while you can.

Just look at the assblast in the comments

i regret it


Put the Sindoll in the bag and nobody gets hurt.

Made a banner out of it because I do what I want

So, to answer OP's question: You can, but the more you prioritize ambiguity and neutrality, the less character you'll have. If you have a really good writer, you may be able to circumvent this by creating a very alien character, but such a character would be exceptional, not the rule.

It is Tumblr pandering, and you are indeed a faggot that needs to go back.


If I connect my brain to a computer so my feelings wouldn't be hormone relate but actually simulated through a complex program ran by me.

Would I be a male or a female.

If you dont pander to tumblr and design it that way with out marketting in mind, you have successfully not pandered.

Gender is defined by the structure of the brain, not "feelings".

didnt we have a banner of it at some point?

Yeah but if I stripped all the hormonal parts of my body. Creating, in essence, the perfect human brain.

Would this be a male or a female brain?

what does it identify as?

Male and female brains are physically different bro.

I know. I'm talking meta bioengineering shit here.

Like, it has no discernable difference, it doesn't produce sexual hormones and stuff like that while still being perfectly functional.

John Money set this guy up for suicide by doing these evil experiments and sexual abuse on him and instead of putting that kiwi sicko in prison, some kinky pinko institute gave him a medal.

why do modern people (on both sides) take bullshit like gender/religion/race/etc so seriously? who the fuck cares, how do billions of people supposedly care about this nonsense bullshit?

That's a boring answer, but it would probably stop at being 8-10 yo kid level of personal development, both intellectual and emotional. Maybe even below that.

Your nihilism enlightens us all.

Nihilism is good until you're 18 and thrown into the real world where if you don't pick a side you'll end up getting trampled by everyone else.

The day you understand is nih.

because the internet gives people a voice

the real world is a crutch

Oh hey I drew that shit

Blank slate characters are the standard because the gameplay takes higher priority than the story or writing. This means that most characters just don't get many defining traits outside of what you, as the player, does in the game.

A good blank slate character is one that you get to shape with your decisions. What their background is. Where they came from. Why they are there. How you interact with other characters, what you get to say, how you approach problems. If they care or if their goals actually align with what is offered to them.

In short, it takes an ass load of options and it requires developers to be far more skilled than the assclowns at Zenimax.Bethesda and Bioware.

I guess so, but why did you have to come and make this thread here of all places?

yeah, OP
get the fuck out with your video games

KYS for even mentioning HALO faggot

The only way to make something "genderless" is to outright hide it behind lots of clothing or armor.
Genderless characters are possibly the most bland and boring shit you could possibly put on a game.

I think he means a "normal" genderless brain isn't possible. Anything not male in a male body/ female in a female body is just an outlier (I.E. mental illness)

you don't need a medical degree to know the brain has some differences in men and women. the only possibly genderless thing in your body may be your blood

This is the closest you're getting. Griffith video game when?

You've done it now

Nope. White cells in blood would still have XX or XY chromosomes. And the concentration of sex hormones would be different too.

I did nothing wrong. Neither did Griffith.

Halo 1-3 were some of the best shooters on Xbox you autistic shitstain

So Metroid games?

…with no real competition.


I want Griffith to bear my children.

Halo:CE was a good game- generally well designed and well polished, particularly for its time and the limits of the original Xbox. Anyone saying differently is a contrarian hipster faggot.


Did you like all those empty corridors? Because I sure liked all those empty corridors.

upsage negated

Post some


Then you've answered OP's question.

You can't have a gender neutral vidya character that isn't tumblr-level pandering because it would be considered tumblr-level pandering simply for being a gender neutral character.

This. Just don't add any tits.

Have you not seen the amount of posters here who want to bang that robot from fallout 4?

Just because it's sexless doesn't you can't have sex with it.


Just never address the question of its gender and you're golden

Infocom's Leather Goddesses of Phobos starts you off with no specification of if you're male or female. In order to advance the plot, you have to go to the john, so the game decides your sex then.
That's the way to handle it, because a 'genderless human' is a meaningless, impossible thing, you might as well make an alien that repoduces through budding or something.

Considering those don't exist, no. Humans can only be male or female. There is no third or null gender. If you wanted something that didn't have a gender it could not be human nor sexually reproduce though generally anything that reproduces asexually is referred to as female in a very roundabout sense because we as humans don't like referring to sentient beings as "it" and instead use the gendered pronouns. Then again how it acts might have more of an effect on which gender it is referred to as in conversation (ex: WallE). It's very hard to have androgynous characters that have a human shape because humans have sexual dimorphism. Even an empty suit of amour can be distinctly masculine and feminine so even if you just don't mention it your players will make an assumption based on how the character is presented.
Silent protagonists or ones without any substantial personality to them are there exclusively to make it easier for the player to self-insert (ex: Link). It depends on what you're trying to achieve with making a nothing character. If you want to do it so the player can self-insert but avoid making character creation/customisation tools, a silent protagonist might be the way to go. You don't have to make them gender neutral to achieve that and specifically making them gender neutral and going out of your way to say it or even show it at all is tumblr pandering because they are the only ones who care about/want that shit.
I don't know why you'd even want a character that has no character, anyway. It reeks of laziness not wanting to write another character and doesn't add anything that having some basic character traits would take away.

Also master chief talked quite a bit in Halo CE and had some action movie tier quips in the later games. His movements had a fair bit of character to them and how he interacted with 343 and Cortana showed that he wasn't an empty suit but instead a very level headed guy. Somewhat overly trusting too.

just dont theme anything around overcoming gender oppression or coming out of a closet or any of that rainbow hair crap. you can address the question without turning it into a dramatic episode and anything less than that i wouldnt consider pandering because its not acknowledging it as some huge struggle or trying to pat anyone on the back for being weird.

I'd play it, assuming the choices aren't just a questionnaire at the start like in the Mystery Dungeon games.

Then you wouldn't have a human brain.
Sex is easily one of the most important parts of the human psyche, without it you wouldn't have even half of the motivators that make the human mind tick.

This brings up an interesting point, are machines gendered by their appearance, or are they just defaulted to male until someone draws lewd pictures of it/gives it a voice?

Respect you say?

Mappy is a girl

Wait is that the friendly unnamed cop? is there more of this?

Whatever that is, it's not gender-neutral since it's clearly trying to emulate a female

More evidence that furfaggotry should result in an immediate and permanent IP range ban

It's possible, though not many immediately come to mind.
Maybe this faggot fuck.


I was going to say NiGHTS, but that wouldn't count as a human.

Outside of Zork (and any other game I don't know of that someone could mention), I know jack-shit in a game with a good "blank slate" character. Either way, SJW's will still find something to complain about. It's better to not give a shit about their complaints than trying to appease them.

Final Fantasy seems to do just it just fine.

A game about David Bowie.

Make a character who is literally just Tilda Swinton/David Bowie in vidya form. That's all you need to do.

he dies in the end

Humans falls flat..but it's a shit game

We all do

Reminds me that he actually did music for Omikron: The Nomad Soul

But that's a chick, dumbass
The great twist that Harada did was that everybody was that the whole tumblr crowd was expecting her to be a trap but she turned out to be a girl, much to tumblr's butthurt
harada is a master troll

It's still androgynous.

Forced gay shit ruined that game for me
I'm sorry, 2 doses of forced gay shit

Yeah, just make a giant spider.

Don't talk about gender or relationships, don't even bring up the subject. That's literally all you have to do and nobody will experience cringe about your character's lack of sex.

Not turning their personality into an obnoxious queer cock sucker will help too.

guy from shadow of colossus, took teenage me a while to figure out it wasnt a grill

Late to the party, but I'd say Samus in the first Metroid.


here, now make a game

You know the devs are going to put something behind that shirt, right?




why not, didnt stop most of the other suggestions

I actually liked Undertale, but the attempt at gender ambiguity (calling the protagonist "them") was pants on head retarded.

Alright, let's accept for a moment that a person monster who doesn't know the kid at all could say "them". But then there's Toriel, who wants to adopt the kid. I mean, she could say: "I care so much about this kid so much that I want to adopt… him or her, I don't even know what it is." No, you stupid goat, I can't believe you care so much about someone about whom you know so fucking little that you can't even tell it's a boy or a girl!

Someone should make a "grammar fix mod" to make the two human kids unambiguously male.

but protag is a girl

Nope. Frisk is totally a cute shota.

Chara could be a girl because fucking up everyone else's lives with underhanded passive-aggressive bullshit is a girl thing.

don't really see it happening

Just being a blank slate, you answered your own question.

Samus from Metroid would be a good example but she revealed that she was a woman. If she was just in a suit of armor and never spoke grats you got a blank slate "gender neutral" character I guess.
