Steam hate thread

Why is Steam allowed to run a glorified ponzi scheme on it's service?

Other urls found in this thread:

Because pc gamers are fucking retarded

A mystery.

Because US consumer protection laws are very weak.

Not that much of a mystery. Years of indoctrination to remove critical thinking works wonders of the majority of humans.

A mystery.

Because retarded Steam users see this as a feature not a scam. Valve could take a huge wet shit on their users and people will still keep using Steam. Oh wait, they already did do that.

Always keep in mind that the average Holla Forumstard might act like a dumbass nigger half the time, but he's still smarter than the average normalfag.

This is true for the majority of all internet users, sadly.

Because there are more than enough retards out there willing to give steam their real life money for that shit, alongside wacky hats, costumes for their dota waifus and retextured knives.

Disregard that I suck cocks

A mystery.

I bet you enjoyed playing [game I don't like].

I used an idling program recently to unlock all of my cards, then sold them to whatever idiots buy them for a total of about $20.

I'm ok with that.

I was making fun of myself for not having reading comprehension, just like you're doing now. Anyway lets stop this derailing and concentrate on how Gayben Jewell has been jewing since the inception of Valve with making paid mods out of Counter Strike and Day of Defeat, so the jewing they're doing now shouldn't be that much of a mystery.

And now I'm not in the mood for shitposting.

Really? Is there an extra $20 in your bank account or do you mean Valve store credit.

Don't use Steam, serious question. I know some CS skins sell for real money but that's about it.

It's $20 I wouldn't otherwise have if the system didn't exist that I can spend on videogames.

Also "Don't use Steam" isn't a question,

Steam wallet as far as I know. I don't use steam anymore though so any good goyim should verify.

You know what I fucking hate? I hate Steam eventually ruining every single game they make with constant and frivolous 'tweaks' to 'keep people playing'. Mothefuckers, I've played this game 4000 god damn hours, why the fuck do you think I'm 'getting tired' of it? No no, we need a fucking revolver, we need to change the sounds, we need to nerf the awp, the m4, running accuracy with rifles, and also simultaneously buff the SMGs, wow I hope the fucking COD ass eater audience comes over to join the fun, we'd rather have those stupid brainless shits than the dedicated audience who spends money and free time playing and replaying the hell out of the same content. Don't even get me started on Dota2, that game is fucking horrible. If I wanted to eat shit (or play LoL) I WOULD. THE OPTION IS AVAILABLE AT ANY TIME, BUT I CHOOSE NOT TO VALVE, BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO, ITS WHY I PLAY YOUR GAMES. No no, Dota2, the fastest growing and most played game in steam, was getting too stale. Yeah gabe jewell here, we need to redesign some characters who've remained unchanged for ~10 YEARS RUNNING~ just to 'make the gameplay more interesting'. We need to buff slark, it all revolves around him, fuck farming, fuck supports, fuck good map design, fuck it all fuck you fuck you. Here you ass suckers go, heres a mute system for you stupid shit heads, nobody asked for it, now you all get to be reported by splotchy skinned inbred who play from an internet cafe somewhere (and somehow connected to the internet) in the middle of shitistan, beanville, south america. Thanks valve, thank you so much. Fuck you gabe newell you ruined all my favorite 'competitive' games, I poured days of my life into your shit and you stabbed me in the back. I hate valve, I hate steam, I haven't bought anything from them in years, since they added the reported system for Dota, nor do I play any multiplayer games on steam, I will not contribute in any way to their coffers, and I hope their platform rots, and every game community based on steam dies permanently.

It's steam wallet only.
You can't receive real money if you sell something, at least not on steam, i have no idea how gambling and shuffle sites work.

Use a credit card, get a random item sent to you?

I really doubt they do their transactions through Steam, they just sell things from Steam, random things,

I meant "I don't use Steam, serious question(above)" since those that don't use Steam at all tend to be a minority on gaming forums.

To confuse store credit with real money in this manner tells me they have their claws deep in your psyche.

Where did I confuse store credit with actual money? I never implied that the $20 in question went to my bank account, just that I got $20 from something otherwise worthless.

You're really, really reaching, trying to make it sound like a bad thing that I got something from nothing.

ITT: Reading comprehension

Isn't it kinda funny how Steam's "big hits" all had origins as mods? Team Fortress was a mod for Quake. DotA Allstars was a mod for Warcraft 3. Counter Strike was a mod for Half-Life. Now they won't even continue their beloved franchise that players have been craving for years and will instead re-hash the same three games forever and milk people with their service.

I just want GoG to get bigger.

How are the cards a ponzi scheme? I don't know anything about the system other than there's a marketplace for them and you get them for free by buying and playing games. Although I cannot fucking imagine someone would buy a goddamn game just to get cards but I'm sure it happens.

I would do the same thing, but now steam needs your fucking phone attached to your account before you can sell cards. Fuck that.

Stop mixing up Steam and Valve already you underage fucks. Valve are the fuckers responsible for this, Steam is their storefront. Also have picrelated, Valve haven't made anything original since TF2 (yes TFC was based on a mod but TF2 shares a name with it and not much else).

hail capitalism
eat shit nerds

Both portal and l4d were being made by independent studios that had nothing to do with valve, until they saw the potential, bought them and just released the games under their name.

Once steam eventually goes down, all those shekels you've wasted on games will be for nothing.

I believe it is because you invest money to buy cards off the marketplace to increase your steam level so you can increase your odds to get a card pack to resell online to other people to increase your steam level higher to earn more cards and so and so forth. The catch is Valve gets a cut out of everything so they are slowly funneling money off of you.
Also sometimes in steam sales you can buy a game for less than one dollar, idle in it to get all the steam cards and resell them into the market and make a net profit. Valve is still earning money out of this whole deal however.

Mea culpa, I meant Valve. I honestly can't remember the last time I saw their logo in a game's opening.

I actually find it horribly unfunny that a full fledged multi-million company can't be ass'd to put a minimum amount of thought or testing into any of their patches. I can name 8 separate instances in the past few years alone where CS:GO was irreparably fucked for a period of weeks post patch. In one of those, it was in a state of actual unironic unplayability, as the appearance of the world view model for the R8 caused most players to immediately crash upon encounter. Seriously, how can you fuck something like that up? Even teenagers modding Gmod can manage that. Maybe I would be more forgiving if it was a one time thing, in a series of constant patches, but its not. Its always this stupid fucking retarded mess, that comes once every six months, that ruins the meta, is NEVER play tested, NEVER run past a test group, makes half the weapons unusable, and fucks over everyone whose been playing the game for years.


It says that in the image nigger (green = originally an indie, white = originally a student game). Are you blind? Portal 2's gel was also 'borrowed' from a student game.

That's because they haven't made a game worth playing more than once in years.

Though I will add that Turtle Rock had a lot of dealings in the past with Valve. They helped make Condition Zero, for example.

See that's the whole point, you didn't get 'something from nothing' anymore than you get reward points from a loyalty program after spending money. Someone somewhere spent money to put $20 of store credit in your account.

Economists call this subsidizing, they wouldn't be giving out store credit if it didn't make financial sense. It keeps infrequent buyers purchasing often making sales numbers and activity look good. It also becomes a disincentive for consumers to switch to another system and lose their rewards.

Yes you did

You didn't sell them, they didn't buy them and $20 was never received by you. A virtual currency on a system with unidirectional cash flow was traded around for Valve's benefit.

It's not a ponzi scheme. It's not even tulipmania (google it).

It's just a collectables market, like pogs or beanie babies. The prices are entirely artificial (with the game's price generally setting some kind of floor at or above the minimum list price), and anyone using them as an investment vehicle is an idiot but they are not being disadvantaged or scammed in anyway by Valve.

No lie, I thought the R8 thing was the most hilarious shit ever. I actually reinstalled CS:GO just to see the fun of a 800$ gun that can one-shot anyone at the body when the 3100$ weapon can't kill with a headshot. I know it fucked up competitive but it was still funny to see how a single gun completely changed a game that has been very similar since 1.6.


Go on.

Because people are stupid.
Also, they'll chose convenience over honesty most times.

my guess for why that happens is because steam isn't in the business of making games anymore, so their competent staff have left as their game-making "division" got reduced and stagnated. Because they don't make games anymore, they can't even tell how competent the people they have are, and they let retard coders have free reign over old IPs despite them being completely inept faggots.

Hoo boy, user. You are in for a treat.
Sorry I couldn't find a better video, just mute the music. The R8 on release had perfect accuracy even while moving, which in CS:GO is fucking heretical. At medium ranges a body shot can one-shot anyone, and even a leg shot would deal 85+ damage. This is only rivaled by the extremely expensive AWP sniper rifle, and even the R8 beats it when it comes to firing rate. To cap it off you can right click it to give up the pinpoint accuracy to increase the firing rate even more without compromising damage.

In comparison, the M4A1 which is THE standard assault rifle for Counter-Terrorists will not one-shot someone with a headshot. It broke the game apart with everyone spending money every round buying the cheap-ass revolver and nothing else because why would you need anything else.

TL;DR Valve created a gun that stands against everything CS:GO is all about.

There must be a mental condition for that.

Good Goy Syndrome?
30 minutes at most is telling. That's about how long the dopamine rush lasts from making the purchase itself. Dude is exactly the same as some women who buys two hundred pairs of shoes.

Does it upset you to know that the dumbest motherfucker you've ever spoken to on Holla Forums has an IQ at least ten points higher than average?

Do you have a single fact to back that up


The reload animation is so fucking garbage


Who the fuck does that. Don't you get a bunch of cards for free with every $0.09 shovelware? Aren't $0.01 cards effectively the same for your level as $1.00 cards? I thought people were buying that crap just for badge autism but I dunno I always sell them when I get them.


Because western civilization is run by Jews.
I feel like at this point we are repeating ourselves when it should be obvious.
These problems will all go away once the Jews go away.
You have to fix the source of the problem instead of trying to fix every individual problem one by one, that won't work because the source causes millions of problems.

Since Steam (aka 2007) I may have bought two or three games at full price (also physical), which were not locked to it. During sales I bought dozens of shovelware at app store prices (Steam is nothing more than an App Store).
So I completely stopped buying PC games. And now they're gone. Steam killed PC games.

someone please explain to me why does steam think that US dollar equals Euro?????????

Fleecing PC gamers. Due to this fact, console games are cheaper than PC games in Europe.

It's actually a handheld Scout now, so it only kills on headshot like the Deagle. It's still a noob-bait piece of shit that goes against the core of CS. Kind of like the CZ75.

Actually it depends on where in Europe you are. Over here in slavland console shit at it's cheapest matches Steam prices.

You are not in Europe.

how do you explain the fact that british pound has its prices adjusted to dollar

I hope nobody ever calls Holla Forums smart after this. This is too much.

but I live in slavland and the prices are same

Brits have their own game industry, so burgers have to adjust to their pricing to stay competitive.
Fine for me, as Central European I import almost all of my games from UK anyway.

yeah I should start doing it too. Im just baffled nobody even cares about this kind of jewery

Lot's of lawyers?

Remember that Valve was able to avoid complying with EU consumer laws for years.

No they're not you stupid melting pot nigger, most publishers/devs do this equal exchange bullshit, but many also dont.
You will never or rarely see physical with the correct exchange rate.

You almost never pay the MRSP for a physical console game in Europe.
But it's enforced on PC.

Someone else spent $20, and I reaped the benefits of them doing so, and this is bad somehow.


I wish I wasn't colorblind.

Wait, you get "more stuff" by having referrals or something? cuz that's a ponzi scheme.

wow i've never seen so many but hurt people. must suck to be super fucking poor.
steam isn't the best thing ever, but its not bad if you faggot ever had to deal with a giant pile of fucking CDs everytime you wanted to go play an old game (god forbid they are scratched in the slighest) keep track of all your Serial numbers.
you would see why steam is pretty good.

get fucked you autistic twats


wow good response way to defend your point

I have steam installed for free to play games that my friends bug me to play with them. If it's not multiplayer it's instant pirate.

Normalfags. Not even once.

I never implied the transaction itself was bad for you financially, that's why I mentioned other people spending real money to end up in your account as fake money. Just that their psychologists successfully conned you into thinking that the virtual money, which is only good for a future purchase on their store, is real and you said as much on a public forum. Perhaps subconsciously.

If you're fine with being manipulated that's not my problem, it's neither good or bad. I'd say the same thing to someone who refers to other digital currencies on the Xbox Live, Playstation Network or Nintendo eStore as being real and not virtual store credit. This isn't limited to Valve but they are the best in the business at it.

Going full cowboy with a fivestack of friends was the most fun I had in that game.

Most console games cost 60-70 euros at launch consolefag melting potter, with PC its in the 50-60 range.
You're fucked either way if you dont go to rewellers, wait or pirate.

Digital video games are cancer. Disks were the ideal distribution method.

gogshill go and stay go

steam literally charges you money for things with no value, its called fraud.

Steam never made a game.

Steam lvl thread?

That's okay, because the day when that happens will also coincide with the day when I finally kill myself.

Look ebin mene xd

Wow, just wow. I mean, I can't even.



compared to

Because it's their service?
You can shit wherever you want to in your house.

My god, they truly are here.


Of course we're here. you paranoic faggot

But trading cards aren't a ponzi scheme in the slightest. I dislike them too but don't go around spewing shit you don't understand. Your kind is leading to the degeneration of human language.

What we really need is retail copies on demand instead of retails buying in bulk.
There are a few places that offer such services, but they are still extremely limited.

It's not too late to repent. The choice is yours.

tell us op, how much money did you spend on booster packs?

I bought Dark Souls by selling steam cards, so I see no problem with it. I don't even know what the fuck I'm supposed to do with them anyway.

Cause kikes be kiking.

wow brilliant perhaps the website Imgur is more suited to your responses

The only thing I thought, subconsciously or no, during the entire process of getting the cards and then getting the 'fun bucks' (since calling it anything else seems to trigger you and your non-existant psychology degree immensely) from pawning them off to other people, is "hey, now next time I get something off of Steam, I know don't have to spend $20 of my dollars on whatever it is I get."

You are trying so very hard to make all of that sound like a bad thing, reaching like you're Mr. Fantastic towards every possible angle, but the fact is I benefited, rather immensely, from a system that otherwise does not effect me.

I did not get tricked into thinking their whatever the fuck you wanna pretentiously call their store credit equivalent was real cash I could spend on groceries or other real life goods. From the very start when I downloaded the idling program, my goal was to get a couple of Steam dollery-doos for something I had and did not want or need.

I don't know how to explain it more simply, or how to explain it to someone as infantile as you. Nobody was tricked, or jewed, or whatever your backwards brain wants to call it, I did a thing, and as a result, don't have to spend $20 on videogames in the future. If this is Valve being evil, then hail fucking Hitler.


You mean Steam users, you fucking nigger.

Yeah, thanks for all these awesome things k can buy and allowing me to climb up the ladder.


don't bother, cuckchan and 8ch both have hateboner for steam

I don't think you know what that means

cuckchan and Holla Forums hate everything that isn't clunky trash from eastern europe, or flavors of the month that they end up hating once said month ends



is "too lazy to actually respond to something and just tosses out a random image from his not-porn folder" a logical fallacy?

essentially he bought the games for your thief ass

They end up hating those, too. It's disappointing how little people talk about videogames and how much they talk about hating videogames.


I am just trying inform you to improve the post quality here and wherever else you came from.

Holla Forums is a community of people with shared views and interests, that I and many other people will judge based on the community and not the individuals that it's composed of.

A community that also spends a not insignificant amount of time vilifying other websites broadly exactly the same way I just did.

Слыш, а ты не охуело говно ебаное?

I come from here as much as you do friend, but I don't drink the kool-aid that is "every game is shit" or "everyone I dislike is a jew out to get me", never did, never will. I'm a terrible person whose optimistic about his hobby, rather than pessimistic, and am not much for conspiracy.


meant for

Yes, just like Holla Forums does.

Russia and Ukraine isn't Eastern Europe. Eastern Europe can barely make any games worth buying really.

But that's retarded and you should know it. 8ch is made up up gamers and i use that term unironically across a wide spectrum of platforms each with their own likes/dislikes.

All the card system has ever done for me is lower the price of games. It's free money for me. I have nothing negative to say about it.

I'm about to trigger a lot of people with this, but you can say the exact same shit about cuckchan and Reddit

and with that I'm out


I do not share views or interests with the retards in this thread who can't hold on to their money and buy everything shiny.

What a fucking stupid thread.

Nobody ever claimed otherwise. Good thing you're already going.

yeah and Holla Forums is a forum

yeah but theyre on a different website. except when they come here. and then theyre from that other website which is bad too, because thats where they live.

Holy shit, you are retarded, user.

Fully agree. PC is a mobile shit app store now.

Hey let's not glorify the theft of games, ok? That's why Steam is having to expand its market and do all this kikery in the first place. You could have good games, but you don't pay for them so the developers can't put in as much work.

Except the culture on 4chan and reddit is so radically different than here. They're closer to neogaf's level of self deluded insanity than they are to us.

All three are hugboxes with meme spouting faggots, there's not that much difference if you really think about it.
This dump is still can be classified as an IB at least so that's marvellous.

Valve/Steam does not chose the prices for non-Valve games.

Your definition of "value" makes no sense you god damn communist.

Steam is a combination of Facebook and the Google/Apple app store.

It's sad that in order to save PC gaming it had to be euthanized and rebuild into this.

I buy Arcanum in 2002 but studio was died not because poor sales.

nice bait

Holla Forums is not a hivemind. It's a collection of individuals with varying views, propagated by the anonymous nature of imageboards. Traditional user based communities are more inclined to create a shared view out of peer pressure and the lack of anonymity. There is a degree of norms here that somewhat shape the discussions, but the anonymous nature of imageboards lets anyone post their views. Just don't expect everyone to embrace your views.
I don't hate video games and I suspect many anons are the same. There is however a stigma attached to Holla Forums and then there's the fact that AAA video games have been declining in quality and the discussions about it might give off the image that Holla Forums hates video games to outside observers. I would call it passion instead of hate. As I take it the majority of Holla Forums really cares about video games and that passion can be perceived as anger or hate, but it's really a deep love for video games.

When it comes to steam and similar services I am personally opposed to it since it is taking vidya towards closed systems with no respect for the users. I am more open to alternative and more open digital distribution platforms like humble bundle and gog but the ideal would be like in the past when you just fucking bought video games from retailers, that weren't just a cdkey for redeeming your game on steam.

That's all I wanted to see, you calling it what is. Had you said $20 in store credit at the start this wouldn't have been an issue. I was expecting you to be defensive about it but this is ridiculous.

And again I'm not saying it's a bad thing that they do this. My issue was with your poor choice of words to describe it.


I can't really understand how people can assert slippery slope as a fallacy in our times. It really seems like it's coming true.

Wew lad.

Hmm, yes, I tip my fedora to you good sir for showing me the error of my ways, man your future grammar nazi endeavors do you well, and I hope one day you stop acting and talking like such a twat.

So it's not a "hivemind", it's not a community, it's strictly individuals and the website should never, ever be generalized, got it. I'll remember that next time someone vilifies some other social site based on the actions and views of the majority, rather than all the individuals who make up the entire user base,


This was pre-nerf when the weapon was glitched as fuck. Yes it's mine but my channel is ass.

The same reason morons post Steam sale threads here despite torrents being available for nearly everything. The majority are complacent fagtards who eat shit while the minority have to put up with the cancer. The excuse to even have steam in your library is for multiplayer shit and even then current year multiplayer if full of reddit tier shit and degeneracy.

What is the point of cards? IS it just something stupid to collect? Iv been turning my duplicates into gems but haven't bought any.

Well you definteletely can't determine what type of community a game has online. I mean you can be that person who contributes constantly postively to it, and it can still turn out to be pure liquid crap. I pirate everything, and then if I find out a game that I really enjoy has a decent amount of people playing it online? Then I might buy it. But I mean I've bought all of two games within the last year. Turning around and spending lots of cash on video games and supporting the shitty way the industry is/acts just seems cancerous and a foreign idea to me at this point.

You know all those people who have something like 600+ games and don't play half of them? Well this encourages people to be worse than that.

But what do you DO with them? Same thing as trading cards in real life? IE pay money to collect them and feel special?

I use Steam sales and threads about them as piracy-suggestions, shove it up your ugly ass.

Cards are earned by playing games, or can be bought with Gems or real-money on the Steam Market. Most people piddle around with cards through making booster-packs (needs gems) and such to make a quick buck on the Steam Market, since cards, profile backgrounds, etc. other items can be decently valuable. I remember when undertale was brand new some backgrounds and cards for it were upwards of $50 on the Steam Market due solely to rarity.

Are you dumb?
Some asshat puts in $20 bucks to his wallet. Valve gets $20 (minus some minor transactionfees) and the asshat receives $20 worth of store credit.
If he then buys a card for $20 store credit, the seller receive $17.34 or some shit. So for the seller to get $20, he needs to pay Valve the difference - where he can only buy a minimum amount.
So Valve doesn't "take a cut", they take all of it right away and just removes some of the credit during transactions so you as a customer puts in more money.


Figures you would post a dickless cuck for such a defeatist post.

Remember autism?




That's the point.

The point is playing videogames.

Don't worry user. That was before your time.

You can't install games in offline mode.

History lesson: people used to hate Steam.

I still do. But at least it's easy to crack.

It killed physical PC games and turned PC into a mobile app store. Just look at most used GPU on Steam: Intel HD Graphics.
Denuvo isn't.

Isn't that an integrated-graphics line? That sounds like most Steam users being poor/not having a good computer which is what you should be expecting for a free program.

I believe those are for laptops. E.G. Normalfags, or niggers as I like to call them, use steam.

It means that most Steam users don't have a dedicated GPU and play F2P and indie pixel shit.

But Steam is basically the Joe Sixpack program by default, being what most people think of when they think "PC distribution service" or even "PC gaming" in general due to its prevalence and importance to the PC scene. You'd have to be delusional to think only wicked-cool imageboard posters could get away from the dreaded Nor Mies on it.


I guess he only half-lied since I see it in the list.

It's still bullshit, since 90% of the userbase has a dedicated GPU.

Where'd you get those numbers? I'm curious what the hell a huge chunk of Steam even uses.

Slightly more point to them than physical trading cards.

No 1 used to be Intel HD Graphics 4000, but the fragmentation like "Intel Haswell" let it fell behind the 970. So that joke isn't going to work anymore, sorry.

Up to 20 % use Intel iGPU and AMDs APUs are accounted under "ATI" too. So it's basically iGPU vs. 50+ % nVidia.

The vast majority of users still have a dedicated GPU. The way you phrased your original argument made it sound like Steam is now home to the kind of people that play stupid cash cow games on their phones.
But as it stands it's still mostly used by 'proper' gamers. Or at least gamers with proper hardware who want games that take advantage of it.

fuck off

Yes, this is the case. Mostly MOBA other F2P cancer.

Yes, this is the case. Mostly MOBA other F2P cancer.

That's not representative of the entire userbase though. And I don't see Steam actively pushing PC gaming in that direction. If that's what it will devolve into, it will be the majority's fault, Steam doesn't have a say in this since they allow literally anything in their store nowadays. Good or bad.

You're a genetic dud user.



I've actually heard this argument.

>YFW when steam finally goes down as some of you desire and you end up losing your entire library

Yes, my good goy, you show these filthy goyim scoundrels how shit really is! Please keep buying all these wonderful Israeli shit wonderful Steam games so (((Gabe))) can grow even fatter develop Half-Life 3 and Portal 3 and all these amazing games!

Well, color me surprised. I mean, I always thought this fucking cuck spent all his money on booze, not on Steam games.

Because slippery slope doesn't apply to related things.

Its a slippery slope argument that if you fail to walk the dog then the next thing will you be living in your house eating cheetos off your shirt.

Its not a slippery slope to say if you don't go to work you will lose your job, if you lose your job you would lose your place, if you lose your place you would be homeless giving head behind dumpsters for a place to sleep.

And L4D was also originally a mod for Counter Strike that was originally was just players setting up games of CTs against 20+ Ts all armed only with knives.




But guys, without steam I wouldn't easily be able to buy every game that Jacksepticeye plays


My favorite YouTuber! I like and comment all his vids! Subscribe to him and something kewl will happen xD

Sounds like the typical steam user.

I only got seven games on steam
And five of those I uninstalled anyway
