What game can help alleviate an existential crisis?
What game can help alleviate an existential crisis?
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Space Engine
Russian Roulette
wanna talk about it?
I'm actually Russian, but no
I feel like the vastness of space only exarcebates the problem ususally. Don't you?
You're joking, but you don't realize how correct you actually are.
Nothing will pull you back to the ground like a near death experience.
Just go read a book and learn to control your gay feelings you faggot.
I'm currently reading a 4-volume book on the history of philosophy, but I'll take a breather and look through what you've posted, thanks.
But that's still not vidya.
vidya is fun but not really that deep
Master yourself and then enjoy vidya, good luck
A good walking platformer like spyro the dragon
Kirby does fucking wonders when you're upset. Get to it, mostly any will work. It's coming from someone who'd never played a Kirby game until recent.
You get to drink, blow your brains or squat. Your call Emoshka.
Skyrim. make a character and rp in your head it'll help disconnect, helped me anyway, gl
An Ice-Pick Lodge game
A romance VN
Which one? I am not particuarly well-versed in VNs outside of mainstream handheld stuff and something like Ever17.
Getting gains and a GF
Babby's first VN tends to be Katawa Shoujo nothing wrong with it, it's solid and a good starting point. Just remains vanilla when it comes to story and scenes, no earth-shattering plotline or mass tentacle rape
I actually played it (which I forgot about, since it was like 2011 or something).
I didn't really feel much emotional connection despite the disabled theme having been chosen to be a tear-jerker, even though I'm a cripple myself.
Anything else?
I lost the only gf I ever truly cared about (she had an affair with another guy). I am not sure I'll be able to really feel such things again, I stopped giving a fuck about girls, despite very rarily sleeping with them.
user, it was made by 4/v/ people. They weren't disabled for the purpose of jerking tears.
I got nothing else anyways, haven't seen one that caught my eye.
Why would you openly admit to being a cuck on Holla Forums of all places?
I think you've had too much memes.
user, he asked for games
I'm sorry user, good luck with your thing
Planetarian. Its short too.
Planescape Torment.
Alright OP, you've got choices
You have incredibly happy games such as Kirby or Magic Pengel
You have heavy games such as planescape or Legacy of Kain
You have time wasters like mmos
You pick up a non-vidya hobby and run with that for a little while.
I never understood this type of thing.
You either are or are not.It ain't complex.
What's your issue with it?
Just chill and watch some cartoons.
The fact we don't know what comes after.
Animals by nature want to keep existing, we're just unique in that we're aware of it.
OD on krocodil, subhuman.
Death is nothing to us, for when we are, death has not come, and when death has, we are not.
Or, as I like to put it, we can choose which path we want to follow, but the destination is the same, no matter where we go. So why worry about it? Knowing or not knowing, it doesn't change that.
Prevent your death by any means you can find, by all means. But don't fear it. If we can't do anything about it, what's the point in being afraid?
System Shock, Half-Life, and Deus Ex(1) are fun.
Like I said, we're afraid of what comes after because it's unknown to us. And the unknown is the most terrifying thing.
I guess that's where belief and all that philosophical shit comes into play, but I'm in no position to talk about it.
I'm more concerned with making a good vidya. I want to distract myself from these things.
Gotcha Force
I guess so. Still, if you can't avoid the unknown, what's the point in worrying?
Worry about things you can see, things you can avoid or plan against.
Death comes to all of us. All we can do is postpone it. Beyond that, not much we can do.
Hotline Miami
Ghost Trick
Well, I've got the cure to your terror.
Nothing. 'Nothing' comes after. So do what you like, because in the end it won't matter. Enjoy what you can while you can and give it no more thought than that.
I don't think that's going to make user feel better.
Played all of them. Great taste.
Came here to post this.
Yeah, I don't disagree with you. It's just natural that anyone who does just a little bit of thinking ends up scared.
How can you be so certain? Have you died before? :^)
what was that game where kids were in a computer simulation and it got terminated but they still existed because of "i think therefore i am"?
it was some jrpg i think, im not sure. i only know of it from the ramblings of an online friend years ago.
That's not the full version and not the end, actually. Is there a full WebM?
I have no idea, but Phantasy Star comes to mind. Or, at least, I heard that it has such a plot twist.
What would be more comforting? Knowing that your consciousness exists forevermore?
That'd be fucking boring. You couldn't play video games.
Err, I don't think either of those sound good.
russian roulette
Maybe you're thinking about Star Ocean 3?
Great taste.
Oh, what said, I mixed up my JPRGs, sorry.
Xenoblade also, kinda
Who cares if we don't know? The only "now" we know for sure is right now, happening as we are tapping away at keys and conversing on an image board.
You would be far better served to just default to "it's worth it no matter what follows" because worrying about what might or might not be is senseless. Find something that interests you, decide what is distinctly lacking in that field and pursue fixing it.
Remember -
Great people speak of ideas
Average people speak of things
Small people speak of people
You are presently focused on things under the guise of an idea, free yourself from the need for justification and purpose and simply live for the sake of being alive.
Hope this helps user, I wish you only the best of luck in your future endeavors :)
how about some nice games where you avert reality from being extinguished or consumed? maybe seeing characters fight for the right to exist would help.
Here is source if you want to try to get it down to 8mb.
Everyone is going to be forgotten or misremembered some day. Maybe you will be remembered as a great game developer by everyone, or as a great father by your children, or perhaps you won't be remembered at all. Whether you want to be remembered and feel like your life was worth something is up to you. However, your time on this plane is limited, and so is everyone else's.
As far as I know, despite knowing that everything will eventually be forgotten and wiped away like it was nothing, you still carry on doing whatever it is you do instead of just throwing in the blanket once you realized the futility of everything. You have only around fifty years left of walking around on this blue rock, so you might as well make it worth your while, perhaps even to those around you.
Pajama Sam
That's what I'm trying to think. It's just difficult because I'm in a constant battle with myself.
Thank you, though. I appreciate it.
That's kind of my whole motivation behind game dev. I want to create something that's fun and maybe makes people think. Maybe even help them in hard times like vidya did for me.
As long as I leave a positive effect on even just a few people, I'm happy.
Dragonquest Builders. Been playing this shit non stop since i got it. i dont even know who i am anymore. but while im playing the game, i am autism
You will never cease to be battling yourself. Life is a struggle between the weakwilled and addiction prone body which chases comfort above all else and the "perfect self" which is the voice that tells you "get out of bed and go do something" - you are always going to have some sort of cognitive dissonance but you can minimize that by focusing on accomplishing things and chasing the perfect self rather than the canned ideas advertisements pummel us with each day.
We only live once, as far as any of us know. You might as well make the most of your time on this mortal plane.
you're nowhere near old enough to be having this problem if you still care about women
you havent been freaking out about the futility of it all since you were 12?
Liberate Europe from the Judeo-American menace. I believe in you, Ivan.
I recently read a kinda fedora-tier article that is essentially what you just posted. I've gotten more aware of it so it's a step in the right direction.
I've been feeling more confident more often recently, so I'm hoping I can put something out there in the next few years.
just browse Holla Forums, you'll know your calling soon enough
Why not now? What is stopping you?
Also confidence is a state of mind, it does not matter what anyone else says or thinks or any such thing - you are in control of your life, fear (and make no mistake, introversion is the purest form of fear) is only going to slow you down.
Go for it user. The world needs you.
Bullshit. I can just as easily say that extroversion is nothing more than fear of being alone.
I'm working on it right now. Games just take a while to develop and I've been dilly-dallying around for the past few years, dropping project after project. A lot due to my lack of confidence.
I set myself a concrete goal and have a worthwhile concept in my head, so I'll definitely see it through. I don't have much else.
You are misrepresenting what extroversion is - it does not mean spending every moment out in public but it does mean that you do not fear interacting with strangers, the opposite sex, getting up on stage and speaking/performing, things of that ilk.
What is your concept? Not too much detail as it is your idea just curious about the type and direction you're planning upon :)
Actually to correct my first response, it is not a lack of fear of those things but it is the ability to overcome that fear and engage in those activities without spewing spaghetti or any such thing. I was afraid the first time I stepped on a stage to perform, I am no longer afraid and feel almost comfortable. Confidence is a skill, not an obstacle - you improve through practice and just going out and doing it.
A story/world in a wild west setting, that's about all I can say.
I don't have much to show but I'm working on an art mockup right now. Once I'm done with it I'll see how it goes from there.
I remember playing it during tough times. The whole "playing a role as the character'd do and not as I would" helped me put some shit in perspective. Besides, I really liked the game.
The one remaining non-autist.
Oh, I guess it's my turn to choose a card.
I absolutely adore it and it was the most inspiring video game I've played. It really shook me with its message back in 2013, when I was 20.
Let's see.
Hmm, "What is the greatest game in the world?"
Depends on the genre.
Greatest platformers are definitely Donkey Kong Country Returns/TF, Sonic 3 & Knuckles and Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus
*2D platforemers, that is
You're not even real, get over yourself
Do you even need to ask?
If only there was a place to discuss video games..
Try Muv Luv: Alternative, think the MC goes through something like an existential crisis. Apparently in order to grasp the full understanding and impact of what Muv Luv:Alt actually is you need to play the other Muv Luvs but I think you can play it as a standalone anyway.
Fate/Stay is another good one and the different routes (Night, UBW, Heavens Feel) are all pretty interesting and are pretty much all their own separate stories. If you want to really feel something then I recommend Fate/Zero as it's Fate/Stay's prequel and heralded as the best of the two, which I have to agree with.
One last thing
Which of the fates should I play first? Is that important?
Euro Truck or flight sims, if you want to just think shit through on your own. Maybe something simple just to get more grounded, like Harvest Moon or Chibi-Robo.
Sometimes it's hard to wash the smega off my dick.
I wish I was circumcised.
I'm a Holla Forums user! I'm a shitposter type guy. Everything made out of bait fish and lies!
I'd like to show you my shitty basement NEET life.
Inside my mind there is a digital wife.
I'll fuck her.
His nose ain't red.
No you don't .
t.-user who was given the mark of the Jew by his good goy parents.
I stopped caring of women and started thinking it was all meaningless at 13.
What does that make me?
All up to you, though I'd play Fate/Zero first to give you an idea of who shirou's step-dad was and why Shirou idolizes him so much. But it also gives you an idea of who knows who and the background you might need to know for Fate/Stay. After that you can play the different routes however you want, though people typically play it in the order of Night, UBW and Heavens Feel
Nigga just grow it back.
OK. What's the best vidya, though?
I'm a thread derailing guy!
Checking my digits then the thread starts to die!
I also pirate! Shitpost the rest of the time. Tell you to find sauce on an image you like.
No, it's EZ2B a fucking Faggot like me
if you can do it all anonymouslyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
I never said it was a grill and that there was a direct correlation, it was quite some time ago.
I am 24 now.
Great, great news! Now before we begin I just need to get some information from you.
Where do you game? Where's half life 3? Whatcha been EATAN?
But user, a man whose woman is fucking another man is by definition a cuckold.
You're only a cuck if you're complacent in it.
I play at my house, I've been eating cereal, and half life 3 is…
that looks like bobby from king of the hill
Great news! Just a few more questions and we'll be on our way!
What's your favorite shooter?
Do you like thicc or slim girls?
What is your battle station?
Has anyone ever been so far as to do look more like?
I get these all the time. Exhaust yourself with physical activity and your body chemistry will correct your mood. It's all chemicals. Our hopes and dreams are just chemical interactions.
The regrowing procedure fails to replicate the same level of sensitivity as an uncircumcised penis. Its a good thing my parents didn't cut off any other bits of my anatomy when I was an infant.
The definition does clarify that any man who has been cheated on is a cuckold, but in practice a person who deserves the title of cuckold is one who desires or abets the adultery.
If we were to split hairs, it seems to apply to MARRIED men, so technically user's girlfriend cheating on him would not make him a cuck.
y u do dis
Zhuangzi go home, you're drunk.
Don't stop. This is the only way to help OP.
I think the proper definition is that a cuckold raises a child from another man. It just also gets used to describe people who have that fetish since a certain undefined group of people used that term to describe the porn they were flooded the internet wtih.
I think your joke is lost on me, but I appreciate it nonetheless.
I'm gonna guess you're posting from a work computer. And that you're all right in my book
Keep going, we must help OP reach the natural conclusion of such soul-searching.
Welcome to my cesspool game board
All real discussion is surely ignored
Zhuangzi was a pretty intense (sometimes pedantic) skeptic, and an absurdist. If he were alive today, he would be the ultimate freespirited shitposter. There's a story that once he passed a skull on the side of the road. He picked it up and said, "Oh, you poor fellow!" The skull promptly replied, "How do you know it's bad to be dead?"
Why do you look so retarded, Mr Robot?
But it's for (you)s! Shit post to get some more (you)s!
Bump your bait thread so real posts don't get viewed!
That's pretty funny. Some things really don't change.
Why not save everyone's time and post the webm instead of RPing like a faggot?
Hey, good question, my humble normalfag REE, on a vidya board there's over three things to see!
Wow, look E-celebs!
Vidya Waifus!
Do a console war shitshow! Hey this is fun!
you went from quirky and amusing to a dweeb pretty fast
Wow, look a draw thread!
Vidya Waifus!
Do a console war shitshow! Master Race Won!
he's quoting a Holla Forums the musical video I think
Oh I see, those are caps of threads up right now, point taken.
Teaching Feeling
to save everyone a bit of autism
or maybe not
beat it and loved it
Vidya Waifus!
Do a console war shitshow, Bloodborne was fun!
it was cute when thats all he was doing, but now hes just posting screencaps
wow, ps4 games
vidya waifus!
Do a console tan tuesday! Fap in a ton!
Waifus are not shitposting though, so long as it doesn't turn into 4am threads.
Wow ps3 games
Vidya waifus!
Do a console war shitshow. It's so redone.
I'll give you the rest of them but showdown threads are probably the most Holla Forums threads on Holla Forums aside from ss13 threads
Vidya waifus
Do a console war shitshow, nothing is fun.
what's the original?
Pic 2 isn't a console war shitshow, it is a laughing at SJWs thread.
I thought your country was banned from Holla Forums by your government.
what does a thread about game art books have to do with bridget's penis?
fuck off lady
You know you can just link the vid
Why webm anything but the best part that's already webm'd?
friGate solves everything with a click
One of the best musicals ever, every single line is incredibly relevant.