The left and "fetishism"

What is up with this tenancy of people on the left to paint all situations they disagree with as the result of some sort of "fetish". Its really weird, and ive been noticing a sharp increase in these type of argument tactics over the past year.

We need to formulate a counter attack to this strategy, because They wouldnt keep using it unless it was working well. In that regard Its sort of understandable. The disheartening thing is that Im not aware of any rhetorical tactics to nullify this strategy.

How does one reply to a blue haired feminist who says that you're fetishizing working class culture? there doesn't seem to be a clear and concise way counter this attack in the mind of the normie.

Other urls found in this thread: lads

It’ll die out on its own , just like when they added porn to the end of everything to draw attention like food-porn War-porn ect..

Reminds me of the 'sociologists' that claimed hazing was the product of homoeroticism.
That said a fetish is not necessarily sexual. However I doubt they know that.

They're simply using it as a synonym for obsess/obsession in your pics. It's a stylistic choice that I think originates in them having limited vocabularies due to the quality of books, articles, etc., they read and their incestuous practices, i.e., if you talk to the same people all the time, your language homogenizes.

Yeah like how they pick up on a word and make it trend because they think it’s cool to use like pedestrian and segway

It's more or less projection. Accuse others what you're doing.
It always works

The left always projects. Nearly everything they stand for is based on some kind of fetish that THEY have.

e.g. Cuckoldry

On an unrelated note, I hate how shariablue kikes share my VPN and keep getting it banned.

it occurred to me the other day that all of the lefts bullshit can be boiled down to lack of maturity…
which makes sense - seeing as their side is mainly composed of niggers, women, and soyboys…
maturity (or its absence) can be measured in many different ways - the issue that op sites is an example of typical juvenile obsession with sex…
their world revolves around their hormones- so, they reason, must everyone elses…
lacking a sufficiently informed worldview, these cretins apply the only possible explanation for the oppositions behavior and ideology they can imagine;

also, one other quick point i wanted to make;
one doesn't…

It's also in the forefront of their vocabulary because most of them are perverts. Healthy people don't need to seek out deviant behavior. Leftists do it so they can seem special or interesting because they have a hole in their lives where healthy relationships should be and they don't know how to fill that hole.

There's no way to counter it because as usual it's not an actual argument, it's just an emotional attack.

Like says "fetishizing" is basically a synonym for "obsessing over" or "making important". They're using it as a derogatory, scathing expression to mean

Just like everything else they say. One thing you should have realised by now is that in the narcissistic mind of the leftist, scathingly disagreeing with/shaming you from an imagined moral high ground is the same as empirically proving you wrong. It's inconceivable to childrn that their worldview could be wrong, so they will just attack opposing views like a child does. It's straight out of the playground that we grew out of.

You might as well make a thread that says "these kids keep calling us big mean baddies. How do we counter it?" the answer is always the same. Have absolute authority and certainty (making you the adult), mock them, post facts/info for any bystanders/fence sitters, move on. It's working.

"Fetishizing" means "appreciating" in marxist.

Because they depend on their infantile sexuality.

It's their attempt to make a group seem fringe and out of touch. It's the same idea behind calling a valid theory a conspiracy theory.

There's a danger I want to warn younger posters of that's related to this: Be careful about "ironically" saying things. Repetition will eventually make it unironic.

Easy example: "Bro". 7 years ago it was a joke in my friend group, now it's just something we say. I think this is the case for a lot of people who use the word, actually.

Leftists numales are always disgusting degenerate perverts I've noticed

The left always has to make everything about sex.

If you take a look at adverts you find a grossly overwhelming amount if highly sexualized ads which facilitate a sustained sexual perception in the populace. If you can make something about sex, people will pay attention to it without trying to ask questions, that is why they always try to frame things in an erotic manner.

Not that I don't do this, but speaking in the hopes some people are better than me, this probably isn't the best tactic. Mocking them to ourselves is of course fine, but as you said, they're like children. Mocking a child for being ignorant doesn't encourage them to learn, it just makes them feel worthless and bitter/angry.

I'm preaching what I should be practicing here, though. I'm the kind of person who doesn't have a problem laughing to their face, which helps me cope with the absurdity, but hasn't won them over too much.

With one notable exception: When I'm laughing my ass off about the holohoax and showing off pictures of gas chamber doors and the auschwitz chimney, I think then it goes a good deal to show how ridiculous the whole thing is.

Because leftist women are sluts and the men are cucks.

Holla Forums is proof positive of this. That's part of why the powers that be are so terrified of things like Pepe.

It's a word they use to try and sound all smart and shit in their bullshit-based college assignments.

it is about fetish because many leftists are influenced by Frankfurt school style Freudo-Marxism, they reduce everything to sexuality.

Maybe here is the key, we need to show that Freud was a huge misogynist (he basically reduced all aspects of female existence to their jealousy of penises) and by showing that sexualising things which aren‘t really sexual, they are demeaning women or something like that…

It's just like the words "problematic" and some other word that I can't remember.

Memes do not care about Truth. They care about repetition.

Just like genes. It doesn't matter if it makes you more fit, it matters if you survive. Even the sick survive.

All of them are sexually miserable so they're projecting their disgusting, Judaized view of sex onto as many people as possible through (((journalism))). When your cunt is akin to two diseased elephant ears slapping together with every stride, you have to vent your frustration about being completely unviable as a spouse somehow. As for men that use that word, these chodes have been reared to think of women as their equals and to hate God; even the heterosexual ones live childish lives that don't evolve beyond being a sophomore in college. Every single one of them have hobbies that are meant for infants and schoolboys, and their mannerisms reek of homosexuality, trust me, if you meet these people you will never be quite clear whether or not they are homosexuals. Bottom line is that the millennial xir is obsessed with sex because the orgasm will be the central pinnacle of xis existence, and xe will chase it and babble about it and try to spread it from mid-puberty until menopause, perhaps beyond (as we've seen with deviant, sex-crazed baby boomers). Members of the right suffer the same addiction, as do moderates: seemingly the unifying feature of the "normal faggot"/NPC/"mundane" is that it will never rise above the intellectual and spiritual and physical peak of the orgasm. Fortunately religion, tradition and elementary decency keep the right and center from spewing about it like the left. Lord knows that civility and restraint are things that cannot be spared by the left today; that is why my dog and my spittle have more nobility than feminists, period splattered on their clothes, and homosexuals, feces and semen on their breath, and worst of all beta soyboys, more mollusk than man and testicles shrunken beyond repair. These people are lower than animals.

A lot of posts in this thread are downplaying the effectiveness of this tactic, perhaps because they don't like to admit to one of the right's faults. But they keep using it because it is effective at exploiting one of the center-right's vulnerabilities, which is the tendency to be uncomfortable around deviant sexuality.

If it was JUST a synonym for "obsession" as posits, then it wouldn't be an effective attack. Compare:
"Well I disagree, I admit that I have an affection for 1950's Americana but I don't think it's fair to call it 'unhealthy', because the 1950's were genuinely better in many ways than today's culture…(ect)"
"W-what? No I don't… what I do in the privacy of my bedroom is nobody's business…"

People on the right aren't obsessed with sex and sexuality like the left is, so it's to be expected that having it someone suddenly drag what should be a private matter out into a topic for public debate can catch conservatives off-guard and leave them looking for a way OUT of the conversation more than they are looking for a way to win the argument. When they retreat just to get away from the sex-freaks, it ends up becoming a Kafka-trap. "Aha, see what I mean? If he DIDN'T have the fetish I mentioned, why would he have gotten flustered and ended the conversation so quickly? Checkmate, fascists."

It would be in all of our best interests to mentally prepare yourself for this sort of attack. IMO the best defense is a simple stone-faced denial, and shifting the topic to asking why they are so interested in knowing what your sexual preferences are.

You are incorrect and stick out like a kikes nose. Lurk 2 years before posting or fuckoff back to half chan.

A fetish is a witchcraft term for tying two things together for a spell.

Abortionists like to call pro-lifers "fetus fetishists."

Holy shit, this. I swear that this one I used to hang around was grooming his daughter for sex.

Pretty sure someone wrote extensively on this aspect of leftist psychosis.

"Why would you choose THAT word, you pervert?"

That's a marxist concept used to define something which is forced by the society( and by extension, the bourgeouis) into the individual's desires. For example, an antifa faggot will have the fetish to buy that $400 "anarchist jacket" because of the sociel enviroment which he is situated in.

Of course these retarded journos never actually payed attention to what Marx said, so they are just using it as a buzzword.

Video Game Journalists need to stop fetishizing sucking.

Reminder the attack on skill, the lowering of the skill gap, and the general dumbing down of entertainment including video games is all part of cultural marxism and the kike agenda… not just about making money. Its that too, though.

What else is new.

But then they would have to fetishize improving their reflexes, or fetishize improving their problem solving skills!

All a part of the jewish attack on the concept of personal responsibility.

Any marxist living above corned beef/cold cuts, soup and grilled cheeses would be executed for being tainted by capitalism. Any communist who says he is a communist, but then uses his own money instead of giving it to random homeless people is not a communist at all, just a larping hypocrite who wants free gibs, and to kill all the intellectuals etc who poke holes in their ideology. Real communists would execute anyone with soft hands, or who lives in a city.
Goebbels was proof enough to me that National Socialists are the real anti-materialists, and communists who say they oppose greed and capitalist culture are the first ones to value their quality of life in terms how much stuff they have, compared to how much stuff someone else owns.

Protip: It's Marx, cf. "commodity fetishism".

Marx used the word "fetish" in his writing. Although not in the modern sexual kind of way, but more as meaning "to make a commodity" of something, using the word "fetishising" is a dead giveaway they're a Marxist tbh.

This is a retarded lolbergtarian meme based on projection and has no reflection on actual marxist literature, though.

Marxists are self declared materialists, so i don't think there's any contradiction.

Because of alienation and fetishism. Supposedly something marxists try to get rid of.

Communists dont believe in living like capitalists, or at least they arent supposed to. I know a bunch of red army guys deserted and rode around on bicycles with top hats larping as fat cats during the war, but if you believe in communist ideology and youre eating caviar and truffles, or living above basic sustenance when other "comrades" starve.. youre a pretty shitty communist, by your own standards. I mean, are they not tied by class? They are supposed to be far more collectivized than we are. What lets them shirk their supposed moral duty for their class comrades? Nothing does, they just do it because they dont give a fuck and are bad people in general.
Ive never heard a marxist say they are materialists, but I havent spent much time reading their drivel to understand them. I understand enough, and have more important things in my backlog.

Liberals in a nutshell: DUDE CUM LMAO

It's also why they call you a virgin despite being used up catladies and numales with a long string of unfulfilling relationships.

Golden Dawn gives more to the poor than communists do.

A fetish by definition is something sexual may it be a bodypart or something cousinly connected to that. Fetishing the goyim isnt a fetish, it is merely a stronger word for feeling an irrational (similar to a sexual stimulus) drift towards their culture.

Projection, their politics are the result of their sexual perversions so they assume everyone else's is too.

This is EXACTLY what happened. Look up Michel Foucault and his "deal with the devil".

A lot of modern "communists" are just liberals who screech at Trump while desiring to jail people for incorrect pronouns. Those liberals would rather dump millions into anti-Trump ads instead of millions to feed the poor. They are the Pharisees of the 21st century.


look it up in a dictionary. In the 19th century a "fetish" generally meant and idol, i.e. an object of worship for primitive people.

That's valid. I despise how leftists always talk about how hard they have to work and then hold working class whites in utter contempt.

You're wrong. Originally a fetish was a sacred object

It's a way of saying that your opponent is sick in the head. It is pilpul leaking into the overarching culture. The people you disagree with aren't just wrong, they are psychologically damaged

If you already know about the sick fuck, skip it of course. That was for anyone who didn't know yet.

a. an object believed among a primitive people to have magical power to protect or aid its owner; broadly: a material object regarded with superstitious or extravagant trust or reverence
b. an object of irrational reverence or obsessive devotion: prepossession
c. an object or bodily part whos real or fantasied presence is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification and that is an object of fixation to the extent that it may interfere with complete sexual expression
2. a rite or cult of fetish worhisppers
3. fixation
SynFetish. Talisman, Charm, Amulet
shared meaning element: an object believed useful in averting evil or attracting good

Skip the newspeak jews definitions and go right to the book.

Oh thats actually not the same one. I guess its hard to find a picture, its not the "ninth" is just the first one I guess, its from 76 the one I just used.

So a tit fetish is the best fetish, it is a bouncy flesh amulet worn by an material object all over her chest, like the water the is drawn over the globe.

Weren't they forced to stop giving out food because they only gave it to Greeks?

Larger women originally signified fertility and were seen as attractive. I dont mean land whale or anything, but like your typical thicc Italian girl or whatever.

They did only give to ethnic Greeks, and forced them to prove they were Greek - I do know that.

Are you saying that their fetishization of accusatory-fetishization is problematic?

It's how The Left™ works. Some dipshit sat in Professor Shekelgrüber's Sociology 101 class and heard the word used. After four or six years of brainwashing is complete, said dipshit goes on to eventually write anti-male and/or anti-white screeds for some shit site like Alternet or Crooks and Liars. Said screeds are then picked up by bigger sites like Raw Story, and the terminology used eventually makes its way to Rachel Maddow, Bill Maher, that Farrow faggot with the glasses, and so on. Next semester, Professor Shekelgrüber teaches his line of bullshit that he pulled out of thin air in some class four years ago that he doesn't even remember as 100% fact, and the next generation of initiates have to lap it up and pass it on themselves.

Try following the breadcrumbs some time. Look at any left wing rag. Click through to their cited sources. Those cited sources have other sources - follow those, too. Eventually, you'll end up at some skank's blog or tumblr or whatever making an outlandish claim, and she's citing a piece published by the same author at the same left wing rag that you started from.

100% ideological cohesion. It's classic cult programming.

If there's any lesson to be learned from 2016 it's that the American left criticizes everyone who disagrees with them of what they're actually guilty of. In this case it's the fact that they're a bunch of actual fetishists themselves who perceive any obsession with masculine or traditional past times as fetishes.

On top of that the vocabulary of most brain dead leftist consumers is very poor to say the least.

They're projecting. It's something leftists are ALWAYS DOING. I used to think that was an exaggeration, but now it just never stops being true. So really it's just more of the same.

This book starts with Sommers just absolutely annihilating all sorts of bullshit feminist claims, and tracing them back to bogus or intentionally misinterpreted statistics. I never got deep into it, but it was really fast paced and impressive how badly she was crushing them.
Exactly as you said though.

Sommers is a heeb and works for a Koch think tank, but she did at least help get Gamergate rolling early on.

Here's some examples of their use in this context.

The very thing they are guilty off is living in their own bubble.
And i would also assume that the vocabulary of the "average" leftist is higher than the their right wing counterpart. That is how you spot them if they lack the meat, "i went out in those hollow woods, i would have met a bear, surely i would have met a my ring of wolves and most certainly i would brought you something if i had a bow and if you showed me the way to these woods,"

Not saying she isnt doing it for personal gain or because she thinks moderate feminism is being hurt by radical feminism. All feminism is cancer in the end, and yes, all heebs.

She does admittedly make some good arguments, having been mired in that sickness for so long.

That's what I fear though. I made this thread because on labour day, I saw my blue collar friends posting a ton of funny memes about making more money than the teachers that told them theyd never amount to anything just because they didn't want to go to college.

The VERY NEXT DAY a bunch of my upper class friends shared that article about privileged kids "fetishizing" working class culture, and it started a little argument. But I watched from afar as no one had a good way of shutting these leftists up. This thing that they do, where they paint the thinges we do as a fetishization, is a stunningly successful trick. I saw regular people start to agree that enjoying working class culture is somehow wrong if you don't have working class roots, and all because ONE person called it a fetish!

As says, it really is a successful tactic. And I think it would behoove us to start formulating a counter attack that people can employ. We need to dissect exactly why it's weird to paint everything you disagree with as a fetish, in a way that once do, the tactic will lose all its power henceforth.

Well the leftists will come around at least to a noticeable extend and the refugee welcomers will feel real shame.

just point out they're kink shaming people, and that nobody wants to fuck their beefcurtains anyway.

I've got a theory.

The left has an obvious need to add sexuality to everything. That’s where all the sexual deviants end up, more or less expelled by the right and, previously, the moderates. Most are created, however, not bred. Homosexuals, bisexuals, transsexuals, asexual, queers, demisexual, to the point where “hetrosexual”, the natural state, is now a word that merits frequent use. “Homosexual” and “Heterosexual” first popped in the early 1900s, together, and have grown and dropped in usage together. The earliest I can trace homosexual back to is 1922, in a book written by one of Freud’s followers, (((Wilhelm Stekel).

Now, by sheer coincidence, Stekel has made significant contributions to the “theory of fetishism”, right about when homosexuality became a distinct term. He considers perversions to be “defense mechanisms”, for repressed morality or sexuality. It manifests as a way for someone to deal with the conflict between their lifestyle choices and their unconscious self. Now for the Jewry, Stekel believed that everyone has a “peculiar form of sexual gratification” that is likely grounded in personal experience. A fetish.

How does this relate to homosexuality? Stekel’s book, “The Homosexual Neurosis”, is explains this. He writes that homosexuality must be a neurosis; A phase of “paranoiac psychosis”. Have you ever noticed how transsexuals seem to accumulate more and more illnesses as they grow older? By the age of 40, most of them are going to be extremely suicidal, and advocating for pedophilia. Every time I’ve doxed a tranny, they’ve implied or outright admitted that they’re a pedophila, or in more recent terms, a “minor attracted person”. Yes, these degenerates are trying to rebrand as MAPs, but I’ll go into detail on that later.
“The wish of the male homosexual: ‘I want to be a woman!’ is fulfilled in paranoia. In that state he finds
a thousand proofs that he is a woman. “
It’s not surprising that these words come from Jewish fields of thought, but I’m not going to get into why or how these ideas morphed in the last hundred years. It’s all signs of psychosis. They cultivate it, and let it fester and grow. The behaviors of the left are learned, not innate. The dissonance here causes them to force sexuality onto anything; To the left, a “fetish” cannot be anything but sexual. This is because they would quickly make any obsession they have into a sexual fetish. I suspect they can’t even tell the difference between sexual attraction and a fetish anymore.

I believe that our best chance of making any form of progress lies in the fact the left lives in a highly unnatural, volatile state. It’s obvious that if society were to cease to function, people would not break into left wing death squads, “seizing the means of production” or “advocating for equality” or “human rights”. No, obviously not, we’d break into racial groups and compete physically. Remove the Jewish influence, that constantly urges people to miscegenate or accept or sexual deviation, and people revert back to their natural state.

TLDR: Most humans aren’t naturally drawn to leftist sexual deviancy, they’re taught. The stark contract in their lifestyle and human nature causes them to suffer. Whether to ease the suffering, or as a result of this obvious psychological stress, they force their fetishes onto everything from children to videogames.

Nice double singles. I see an attack vector in the sexualization of something inherently nonsexual; maybe a response of "What the hell does sex have to do with any of this?" or (and this could be especially effective against guys) "Is all you think about sex?". The whole point of saying things like that is to project perversion; there must be a way to counter that.

rate my autism

Occasionally, a leftist will call something a fetish. A gun fetish, a game fetish, a power fantasy, work culture. I’ve seen them completely fabricate a phenomenon, apply it to a group, and then accuse them as having a fetish for that thing (a “gun culture fetish”). Randomly calling sexual attention to something non-sexual tends to make people on the right uncomfortable, or catch them off guard.
“Is that all you’re thinking about right now? Sex?”
“What does sex have to do with this?”
Despite forcing sexuality onto everything, they may then try to deny that they ever meant a ‘sexual’ fetish. “Fetish means obsession!” We know what they mean. They know what they mean. Any obsession the left holds turns into a sexual fetish very quickly. Remind the audience of your opponent’s perversion.
“No, when you say that someone has a fetish, everyone knows what you’re thinking of.” Make sure to stress the you.
They might say, in a snarky way, that fetish/some words have more than one meaning. If you perceive this to be an attack, immediately attack back.
“We all know damn well what I’d mean if I accused you of molesting someone. ‘It just means that you annoyed them!’ Of course, no one would accept that.”
“You’re accusing me of having a fetish for [guns/work/whatever] and want to pretend you aren’t. We know which side homosexuals, pedophiles and other sexual deviants feel comfortable on.”

This is something new I think. They're trying to take away some of its meaning. Water it down.
Likely so it's harder to dismiss sexual deviances like pedo and fag stuff as psychological fetishes.

"When I said that Joe Biden raped a child, I meant in in the ancient Roman sense of the word. Why would you assume I meant that he had sex with a child? Don't be perverted."

"When I called you a faggot, by that I meant you are someone who gathers firewood. Why would you assume I meant that you suck cocks? Does your mind often jump to assumptions about homosexuality? You might want to look into that."

The "fetish doesn't mean sexual" arguement looks pretty weak, I think that will be simple enough to counter.

You could be on to something here. When everything is a fetish, how does one distinguish the degenerate stuff from nonsexual, or just healthy-sexual 'fetishes'? This looks like textbook postmodernism. "Everything is someone's fetish! Your fetish for nationalism is no more valid than by fetish for bestiality!"

Because the left only have fetish, they base their identity,culture,aspirations on their own fetish. So it is natural for them to think everyone else does also.

Just point out they've demonized working class culture.
Case closed.

So, in review:
Demonization counters fetishization.

That's the weirdest swastika I've ever seen

A fetish isn't something you want but something that substitutes what has been irrevocably lost.

Liberals want to pretend that they have already won.

They're doing this shit with fags too, like as in fetishizing Tracksuits.

Are they implying that track suits is a sexual fetish? That's fucking out there, man. At this point anything can be a fetish then.

It's an actual listed fetish on, as in there are actual brits with a tracksuit fetish, and possibly some slavs too.

Is there no end to this shit? I guess if you view the entire world from the lens of sexuality, anything can be sexualized.

Everything will be sexualized. Even make-believe is sexualized. Hell, the entirety of lefty sexuality is simply very expensive makebelieve, with costumes and shit.

Leftists seem to pick up meme words like this a lot. Another one that really irked my tater was horrifying and terrifying during the 2016 election. Every other article was pairing those words to Trump in the headlines in order to direct the reader's emotions.

Pics related.

I just want to add that there is no real way to reply to leftist meme speak. But as soon as I read it or hear it irl I know exactly where that person stands politically and where they get their information. It's a sure way to out yourself that's for sure.

Is tracksuit porn a thing? Is there material of people fucking while wearing tracksuits? Links?

>All of them are sexually miserable so they're projecting their disgusting, Judaized view of sex onto as many people as possible through (((journalism))). When your cunt is akin to two diseased elephant ears slapping together with every stride, you have to vent your frustration about being completely unviable as a spouse somehow. As for men that use that word, these chodes have been reared to think of women as their equals and to hate God; even the heterosexual ones live childish lives that don't evolve beyond being a sophomore in college. Every single one of them have hobbies that are meant for infants and schoolboys, and their mannerisms reek of homosexuality, trust me, if you meet these people you will never be quite clear whether or not they are homosexuals. Bottom line is that the millennial xir is obsessed with sex because the orgasm will be the central pinnacle of xis existence, and xe will chase it and babble about it and try to spread it from mid-puberty until menopause, perhaps beyond (as we've seen with deviant, sex-crazed baby boomers). Members of the right suffer the same addiction, as do moderates: seemingly the unifying feature of the "normal faggot"/NPC/"mundane" is that it will never rise above the intellectual and spiritual and physical peak of the orgasm. Fortunately religion, tradition and elementary decency keep the right and center from spewing about it like the left. Lord knows that civility and restraint are things that cannot be spared by the left today; that is why my dog and my spittle have more nobility than feminists, period splattered on their clothes, and homosexuals, feces and semen on their breath, and worst of all beta soyboys, more mollusk than man and testicles shrunken beyond repair. These people are lower than animals.

I think that most of the lefties that like to write these articles simply don't have any real skill at writing in convincing or persuasive ways. Leftists are too insular, and they're not very good at masking their intentions. They just use whatever meme-word their friends are using in the hopes that it will strike an emotional chord of the most defenseless and vulnerable people. Maybe they use the same words as a repetition tactic to convince people what their saying is true, i.e. "I keep hearing this so maybe there's some truth to it".

What I'm afraid of is that these tactics might actually work. Most people (in my experience) simply don't give a damn about reading or writing anymore. Your average person might not be literate enough to understand that these dime-a-dozen op-ed articles are designed to get them thinking in a certain way, even if they don't agree with the content itself. Maybe I'm too blackpilled, I don't know.

Ah yes, the legendary gay-nigger swastika.

It's pretty niche, but it exists. lads


Leftists accuse you of doing exactly what they do.


No, I just think it's disgusting. Shove 25 cm of wood up your ass all day for all I care, just stay the hell away from my kids.

Heh, I told one she was really pre-op trans when she started shoving privilege-checking down my throat. Feminists have penis envy.


Bongs call them roasties, I call them smoked meat sandwiches.

muh nigga

Sadly that's the mind of a normie

That anubis bdsm mask is satanic, and creeps me the fuck out.

Its just one of their buzzwords, like problematic.

A fetish is either a sexual fixation or an pagan inanimate object, "fetishizing skill" is semantically wrong, "glorifying skill" is semantically right.

>all for ((("Montreal" Smoked Meat)))
I hate Schwartz's so much

Tell her she fetishes cats and wants to fuck them. They all do. My buddy used to know some asshole who used to blow air into a cat anus, or he tells me. Fucking degenerate.

Fetish is a concept from the continental tradition (and going further back to German Idealists like Hegel and further to anthropological theories of religion in the 1700s). The problem is that because it is a philosophical concept, there will be different ways of conceiving it based on however the philosopher's at the time were using it. The three big philosopher's from the "school of suspicion" (Nietzsche, Marx, and Freud) – who end up being the foundations for most of the continental philosophy we see today – all mention fetish in their works. Nietzsche used the concept of fetishism on reason, Marx on commodities and economic theories, and Freud as a sort of characteristic of perversion/pathology. Given the influence of these three, a huge amount of later continentals also make use of it (most recently Zizek).

Historically before these philosophers the idea was based on comparative accounts of savages and civilization. Fetish at the time was the core concept for distinguishing between savage religious practices and civilization. Most of this theory was built around symbolism and semiotics, the fetish was an object that was something without both representation and normative content. The objects chosen as representative of something were random (a skull, a chicken bone), and the norms were emotionally-driven: fetishes were feared and mistrusted (but also prayed to and worshiped). One way to troll against all this is point out the genealogy of the term: accuse the leftist using the term "fetish" of being a racist colonialist explorer, given the deep pre-continental history of the term. Turn the game of genealogy and suspicion back against them. Ask them if they are into phrenology of blacks' skulls as well. They are the enlightenment bugman academic armed with racist historical terminology trying to analyse the alleged "savages." They might counter back, taking your troll seriously, with something like the genetic fallacy, but you can counter-troll with claiming that they are being ahistorical and ignoring the history of "black bodies" or something (since the majority of leftists using continental philosophy generally have commitments to historicism, this bait ensnares them).

As opposed to recent philosophy, Anons above are right about there is more to it than being a synonym for "obsession" (psychoanalysts also call it "fixation," it also gets bundled up with "exclusivity"). For psychoanalysts a fetish is where some object (usually sexual) is replaced with some other object (that has some sort of similar/analogical characteristics to it), but doesn't serve the normal aims or ends. In sort of formalized terms: you have some subject interacting with object O1 that serves some ends E1 that have some sort of embedded normalized content. O1 gets replaced by O2, but O2 no longer reaches E1, but some new ends E2. This aim or ends E2 is outside the normal. To fixate/obsess exclusively on O2 and E2, which is outside normality, is to have a pathology via fetishizing. Note that this partially is the roots of breaking down in society what is normal/abnormal from (((academics))). The issue noticed by psychoanalysts and philosophers is the evaluative content, not so much the behavior of fixation/exclusiveness. Marx's theory of commodity fetishism works in a similar way (an analogical argument between two things, attributing values to them), though is much more tied up with the concepts of false consciousness and alienation.

So to attack someone using the terminology, you'd have to break down the objects and aims/ends in the following manner:

1. What is the fetishized object?
2. What object is being replaced in (1)?
3. What analogies and disanalogies do (1) and (2) share?
4. What aims/ends are associated with (1) and (2) by the subject?
5. Is there any fixation/exclusiveness going on in (1)?
6. Are the norms in (1) actually outside the normal?

Questions (1) to (4) allow you to break down the argument, but questions (5) and (6) really are the critical parts to producing a counter-argument. Any time the leftists use the term "fetish" there is a sub-argument (often buried away) about the fetishisized object (from the OP: "videogame skill," "failure in startup culture") being solely fixated on exclusively by a subject and – most importantly – this is abnormal. Showing non-fixation/non-exclusivity ("we just don't focus on this, here some other focuses …") and non-abnormality ("this is actually normal for the following reasons …") is enough to produce a counter. To do all this in a sophisticated way you need a background in philosophy (since you'll be arguing about norms and values). No way to do this but hit the books and start with the Greeks while simultaneously reading thematic textbooks (logic, metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, etc). Alternatively you can just go for the troll route above, which is a lot of fun twisting their words around on them.

Theres more where that came from, they seem to be becoming increasingly popular.

You're not uncomfortable when you're in proximity to things that you think are disgusting?

Another word that's a favorite along with the word problematic.


Is this why normies keep their heads down and don't care??

fetishization is marxian terminology, dipshit. its not a freudian sex thing

Qu'est-ce que c'est "Schwartz's"?

True, but these people aren't children. They're adults who act like children. I wouldn't mock an actual child. And it depends on whether the person you're arguing with is a lost cause. If they are, mocking isn't for convincing them, it's for showing bystanders/lurkers how stupid their ideas are. It's consensus cracking. If they're not a lost cause, you shouldn't mock them beyond "haha where'd you hear that, CNN?" and should go with the facts and evidence.

I mean there's no way to counter it logically, because they're beneath logic. You can only counterattack to shut them up, and mocking works. As (checked) said, something like "So the only way you can explain the world is through sex analogies? You sound like a real deep thinker, lol".


Somehow, the Jews in Montreal managed to nab a stranglehold on what outsiders think of as 'Montreal Food' (i.e. ((("Montreal" Smoked Meat))), ((("Montreal" Steak Spice))), ((("Montreal" Bagels))), etc).

Nothing French-Canadian, all Jewish. One result of this is that when tourists come, the degenerate 'foodie' types all flock to these Jewish establishments to try out what they believe to be Muh Authentic Local Fare. Schwartz's is pretty much the epitome of this; they sell smoked meat. They've somehow marketed themselves such that all these foodie tourists think Schwartz's is The Thing To Try when in Montreal, so there's a permanent line of dozens of deracinated bugmen spilling out onto the sidewalk, waiting forever to eat Jewish meat. Sad.

Laughter and mockery make for a very potent way to sway the minds of plebs, especially if they are seen to be made a fool in front of others. Normalfags hate losing face more than almost anything else. What's key is ensuring they look like a fool and you refrain from looking like a lunatic before the crowd, however. Social pressure is a powerful lever.

It's an attempt to infect people with their filth through the use of jewish wordsmithing. After all, the kikes believe that words contain magical powers, and you can see their belief in full display on social media, the MSM, and on the ground. It's one of many ways they can instill their dpraved ideals upon 'potential recruits' to make more of their ilk.

i.e. a noun.
a gerund, typically formed from a verb

This is an annoying SJW linguistic tick, coining verbs from in an illogical way.

Have you eaten there? It's goddamn delicious.

That said, they pack you in like pigs at a trough. You're literally elbow-to-elbow with strangers. So I usually take mine to go.

With words like this (and unacceptable) they make their try to make universal their attitiude toward or opinion about something by implying that it's an inherent quality of the thing. It's really irritatingly "essentialist".

What the actual fuck am I looking at? Is this some pizzagate shit? Moloch and now Anubis?

These are the customers of a particular gas mask artist. And they have formed a clique of their own.
The maker even says they're creating an army of rubber animals.




Say you don't understand & ne

Stay calm & say you don't the use of the term.
They're going to scoff at you as a front 'You don't understand? You must be stupid!'
Make them tell you what they mean plainly & destroy them from there.

Double post because my phone & I are both total niggers .

Freud only was projecting himself and the jews onto man. Where do you think hegot the entire shit fetish and murderincest fantasies from?

I think their food is okay, but they treat the goyim who patronize their restaurant with disdain, and they charge too much for what it is; you can get much better food for the same price from other nearby establishments. I tried it before, but I'm never going back and would recommend any self-respecting Holla Forumslack do likewise.

Then go to Chenoy's. It's closer to the airport too.

the word 'fetish' long predates Freud and his use of it.
fetish = idol

read a fucking book one your life.

they can't help it. They have a Freudian oral fixation. They need mommies milkiers still

A focus on the hypersexual and non functional sexual acts like bjs or anal are a sign of psychological immaturity. The "left" uses such language because they are stunted in a particular way.

10/10 bravo user good effort post. capped


What happened to just calling them retarded? What the fuck is that supposed to mean "I'm fetishising working class culture"? Am I jerking off to that or what? Is this something to get off on? Because last time I checked, it was a natural, healthy part of the nation that needs improvement and help, and not a quick-fix for my fucking dick you goddamn retard please visit your local church and ask for forgiveness immediately.

They've been doing this forever OP

I agree with a lot of what the Tripwire guy is saying but at the same time if his game has ironsights then he doesn't have that much room to act high and mighty. FPS weapons should always fire with full accuracy, an ADS system that slows players down just lowers the skill ceiling by making easier targets, and if it doesn't slow players down then it's cosmetic only and shouldn't exist anyways.

No FPS should have ironsights/ADS.

So why not use the term against them?

It's pretty disgusting that the left have fetishized foreigners to the point that they will make their own people a minority.,

this is the correct answer. If they characterize their political opposition as an illness, or pathology, they don't have to defend their beliefs and can focus on attacking yours.

It also brings you down to their level of understanding.

because we aren't degenerates who make everything about sex

You are not on reddit don't use the word "effort post" its like nigger thinking that putting effort into anything you do or say is unusual. Redditards use it on reddit because kids with ADHD don't like seeing anything longer than a tweet.

and they feel bad about themselves because they cant just casually write anything longer than a sentence with an emoji

This is the simple truth of it.
If you look at how they talk about things, it is always fervent fetishism, foaming at the mouth with a diseased look in their eyes.
Their obsession with self destruction shows in how they behave sexually too, highly submissive, degrading acts, and so on.
They have no self worth and no moral compass, so it leads to chaos and low self esteem behaviours.
Strong example is willing the death of their own race. You notice it in how they dress too, abnormal, deliberately so, drawing attention.

lefties are gay and gay is degenerate

X need to stop fetishising Y articles are considered harmful.

Because they want to make all those things feel disturbing and undesirable to people. It's a form of conditioning. By using the word fetish to such topics, they're trying to associate it as an equivalent to sexual perversion and all the negativity tied to it. One strategy to combat it is to get people aware more about why certain choice words are used in media they frequently see. Once they notice the patterns they'll slowly redpill themselves to it. The left's word game only works if people are ignorant of the weaponization of language to plant misconceived ideas into one's head.

2 things that trigger gays are to say they are obsessed with their homosexuality in everything they do and say and that deep down, they know its wrong and they are going to hell

isn't that pretty much modern liberalism?

It's just persuasive newspeak for their cult-like constituency of degenerate retards.

"Progress" is a broad subjective term but the word itself has a positive connotation.
At some point leftists adopted the word "progressive" to the point where it is now exclusively associated with their ideals. If you disagree….well then it can only mean you are against progress!

It's the same thing they've done with the contrived concept of "hate" (speech), or adding "phobic" and "anti" to everything.

May as well all get used to everything being a "fetish" now, apparently.

all they know is dickfeels so they think your anger feels are dick feels.

Want to trigger gays, point out that 50% of them are pedophiles or pedophile converts.

Oh look another person read Road To Wigan Pier. Astonishing.

Is this the meaning you think the leftists are using? Do you really think these mental midgets are using the old definition or the post-Freudian definition? They're using the post-Freudian definition. The left constantly applies a sexual lens to everything.

It's called "pathologizing"
Make something a fetish/disorder/conditon/etc. and normies will never take you serious.
Just normal jewish tactics

It's a subtle change of the meanings of words. They want to hook you in to the disgusting world where everything is about sex or really about lust since it's not about creating life. When your whole worldview and thought-process is filled with thoughts of various way you or others might lust, you end up an easy pray to the kikes. Since they can manipulate your lust into whatever they want, that's how they have done with porn for example where boys are now growing up thinking they are of the other gender, or dangerous and disgusting rape/S&M porn or women. It all derives from lust and how effectively they can manipulate your thoughts from that because when you're feeling lust you really can't behave yourself and it creates a positive (addictive) reinforcement that with time will continue to devolve into weirder and weirder fetisches until you're nothing but freak who isn't a threat to the kikes anymore.


Also, I want to be explicit about the fact that subtle redefinition is exactly what they're really up to. They like to use a "new" definition of a word in a baitey way, then once you engage, flip back and forth with what you think a word means and what they think it means as it suits them. Therefore you're not just wrong, but have some kind of personal problem, and ignorant.

It does not always work. "X is violence" didn't catch on, but "racism" has turned into this nebulous bad thing whenever a white person says something about culture at all. "Rape culture" has caught on among the pozzed and among anxious lefty women, which is enough for their purposes.

Muddying the water (and poisoning the well, kek) is exactly what these titanic faggots love to do.

You are very wrong.
"Good propaganda does not need to lie, indeed it may not lie." –Joseph Goebbels

It's just projection, because they're all fetishists. The funny part is they never say "so and so needs to START fetishizing" anything - It's always a negative thing to have a fetish - this is because they hate themselves.

Good response.

Whenever I hear someone use this word, I immediately loathe them and have a strong bias against whatever they have to say. This is, they usually verify that bias and let me know my cuckdar/cuntdar is working perfectly.

This exact thing happened in an interaction today.
We're surrounded by NPC walking memes.

I like it.
Worth doing for a few moments of personal satisfaction & possibly making one person think, but in the end this word is going to be gone by year's end unless it gets memed out the ass like "triggered" was, and to a lesser extent, "problematic" and "mansplaining".
And honestly, while annoying as hell to still hear normalfags still reference those thinking it's automatically funny like they do with any normeme, it worked in removing the false frame of validity that those terms were starting to be given.
Keep the fringe left shrinking back.
So if y'all want to be hearing "fetishize/fetishism" in 2019 but only in the context of kids and reddit adults saying it to be funny, the choice is yours.

Do young people always seem to fetishize something? It would seem so to me, unless they already have perhaps religion or a strong culture.
Is that worse than wigger culture? No. It's better.
Nobody fetishizes anything more than the commie far left does the working class. Given the chance they vuant the working classes to God-like cultural status, superficially.
The left fishize like nobody's busniness. They also know to project and blame first. What's really annoying are all the liberal and gay fags going around acting "country" or "small town".

Nice thread, and this is accurate.
There are a lot of buzzwords they use, which stand out like sore thumbs to anyone from outside their circle. The ones inside those circles don't even realise that it is unusual, because they see and hear it every day from the same few sources.
Same applies to calling things 'toxic'.
No one used it, then only extreme feminists, sjws and other detritus used it for some years. Then it spread into mainstream media, via those sjw cancers. Then normal people started using it.

The commies haven’t fetishized the working class in many a year.

Here's my current list of their favorite buzz words that I've seen used in a ton of their head lines.

common sense.

2 things.

1) Its the left. Everything is about sex with them. There is nothing that they won't link to it because sex is the stimulus that is used to control them.

2) If your only interest and hobby is fucking, you start to think and that someone can only be interested in a subject in a perverse manner, like them.

that second pic
somehow frenchies always drown in niggers
they already took over haiti, now you let them invade quebec?
at least kill one of them, jeez

"Fetish? Get your mind out of the gutter."
Make those around them perceive the liberal with disgust.

On a different note, if you control the language you can control the conversation and thought. Don't let (((their))) vocabulary influence those close to you. Family is important. Do not let them become compromised.

Learn how to articulate your ideas by rewriting speeches, and take notes on right wing literature. Oswald Mosley is good for English speakers. Germans can go straight to the Fuhrer's speeches.

Use the directory to find books. We can't have nice threads anymore.

Take note gentleman, at the effects of excessive masturbation, now with the added complexity—I would refer to it as a sexual catalyst—of Internet porn. I remember I once had a book on masturbation that a kid at church gave me, and I was going thru my edgy fedora phase so I didn't read it until I went to college and discovered that Samuel Clemens, among other masculine figures in American history, recommended keeping your hands off yourself. There was a French boy, a shepherd I believe, a few centuries ago and ended up in a hospital with his dick have carved up for sexual pleasure. Apparently, this is a real thing, called meatotomy. You grow up thinking pssh stupid old geezers back in the colonial days, and then you grow up and see that they were right about a great many things.

Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens)

The first one is true btw
Rich fags who make up the rank and file of communism supporters know nothing of work

Don't forget hate/hateful

Soy Culture Needs To Stop Fetishizing Fetishizatio

People are sick of their shit. But instead of getting new arguments they just try using a few different words.

That's it in a nutshell every time.

They add it to everything. "gun fetish", "meat fetish". The left is basically full of children. They lack the ability to think at a higher level. So all there insults are sexual or feces based. The is literally their skill level.

Underrated post. Our greatest ally is constantly pushing for more and more fucked up porn. They are incapable of self improvement so they will drag everything down to hell with them.


In some ways it's a proper term to use, other times it's poor choice in vocabulary, and most other times it's Freudian bullshit. I think a proper use for it would be the left's tendency to hyper sexualize political/social situations (for example the migrant crisis, I forgot to save the photo but the "Sex with refugees is rose scented and beautiful" billboard in London is a good example of this). What I think their mistake is when they use it improperly is assuming "romanticizng" something is the same as having a cum brained view on it.

Most emotional attacks rely on pathologies formed via subliminal conditioning and social engineering.
Reverse-engineer what emotion the attack relies upon by finding the main triggers used to induce said emotion(s) then find the supplemental parts that support each of the triggers. Usually, there's an exploit arguement which uses the same main triggers but madlibs the supplemental parts around entirely to hijack these conditioned pathologies.
Why destroy what can be made your own, npc's are reprogrammable because they are unable or unwilling to think for themselves.

user is correct. Memes don't care about truth. Repetition cares about truth, but it doesn't always care about truth. "diversity is our strength" is a meme. Perhaps you could argue that this meme is indeed rooted in truth, as diversity—interpersonal diversity, not multicultural diversity—is integral to social specialization and group adaptability. However, this root truth is widely used in a deceptive manner. And certainly, truth alone does not make a meme.