Atlanta airport blackout: unknown cargo

Israeli-owned cargo plane 4X-ICB bypasses customs and leaves during blackout at Atlanta airport, despite FAA orders to ground all flights.

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Only way to move child sex slaves around these days is during a black out now it seems

ergh, was there no other article

Drugs or gold.

Israeli planes cant fly if shot down with stolen weapon systems

I try to be patient and believe in the 1488D chess, but that's some bullshit right there.

Kike audacity is truly boundless.

Drugs, slaves and organs probably.

we live in a world where order has been so much prevalent that chaos goes rampant from time to time, like a pressure valve going off

See me after class, user.


At least it's not Sorcha Faal I guess.

Yea, I read Principia Discordia and yea I think of masonic "order out of chaos" saying to be partially true
…and yea, Jaden Smith is just post-ironic meme I put out there to laugh at myself
What is it to you tho?

Go back to wherever you came from, faggot.

abstain from posting for 2 years
stupid shitposting kills threads

heh, good one
at least I post some new novel info while I low quality post


it bumps a valuable thread and also gives opposition to them for others to see

It has purpose even if it seems without it on first glance

yes, but, check those digits. Kek is a god of Chaos, after all. So we've just be notified, using the sacred 88, that this plane trip is part of Kek's latest happening.


Most likely this.

Drugs probably blow
Maybe a nuke or two who knows

God damn rats at it again. I hope one DOTR that shithole is nuked and taken back by sand niggers.

Should be pinned BTW. This is far more juicy than some of the other pins.

is there any way to check radiation levels on some kind of live map service. ive been searching and all ive found is the epa rad net site with a test station in atlanta. the past readouts seem pretty stable but end in october of this year. apparently they only update every few months. if and when it comes out we can be sure that the information will be reliable considering the current history has several gaps in the data table.

also the flight 4X-ICB after departure from ATL it flew to Belgium, then straight to Tel-Aviv. and has since made a few more flights between Lanarca, Cyprus ; Belgium; and back to Tel-Aviv.

any current radiation stations that are publicly viewable would help in the verification of possible nuclear weapons shipments.

I sense serious kikery afoot.

Anyone seen moonboot McCain or Hillary since this went down?

If Belgium didn't have blackouts then I'd suggest checking there…
But it is Belgium, you know, capital of the Kalergi plan…

Only 4 things on that list make sense for the amount of effort:
Other? No idea what other could be

Burn it
There's better ways to move this and less noticable

One things for certain, we're not going to know what was moved.

a bunch of other planes got out too, cargo planes are allowed to take off without runway lights being on. but of course the retard who originally 'discovered' this was too lazy to click once more on departures to see all the others that happened.

nice redditpost tho. 10/10

I think we may be arming our allies for a preemptive strike

true but the owner ship of the plane and where it is going seems to peak my interest. also the blackout occured within minutes of the 4X-ICB landing at ATL.
side note i have not been able to confirm myself if the plane is actually owned by Cal Cargo

and you think a plane landing and not the electrical fire 22 minutes earlier caused the blackout?

the plane is owned by kikes so obviously there is something wrong with it, but why this plane over any other? presumably there is something off about most international cargo planes, it's a loophole to get out of customs for one thing and they probably do smuggle illegal contraband.

so we've isolated that it wasn't the only plane to depart during the power outage, and it arrived approximated 22 minutes after the fire was discovered and 6 minutes before the circuit breakers tripped over the airport proper.

so why this plane then?

So help me god I had better be wrong about this.

We should talk about how that muslim dude "tested" that one airport a while back. Remember how he was all on his phone and shit and was just walking right through a bunch of shit?
Sorry this isn't very coherent, it's late as fuck.

I was just in a thread over at cuckchan ( ) when MegaAnon suggested a connection between yesterday's events and Raytheon. I started looking, and found an address for "Raytheon Aviation Services" in Atlanta, pic. Googled the number there, and it's still used at the same address, for Textron Hawker Beechcraft Services. Hawker Beechcraft Corp originated in 1994, when Raytheon merged its Beechcraft Corporation and Raytheon corporate jet units ( ). So there is a current Atlanta connection to Raytheon, she was right. But is it of any signifigance? Any thoughts anons?


There's simply no doubt about it considering what is happening now.

Kind of how I was thinking, especially if Raytheon actually is involved. I can't find anything actually pertaining to Sunday though..

its fun to try and get information about shit. it initially made me curious when i saw where the plane was heading and where it came from. juarez mexico, aka cartels silk road, blegium, those dirty fuckers, then straight to tel aviv. idk but when cholos, waffles, and rabbis get together nothing good can come of it.

Couple of things with this image, on the left I take it is arivals, on the right is departures. Why is 4x - icb not on this list when it was departed at 6:27 pm ( Seccond, notice how if a plane actually took off, it says "departed" as opposed to "Estimated departure". Nothing departed between 8:26 and 7:10 according to your own image.

I'll just bump this bread.

There have been some similarities between Vegas and ATL that were pretty interesting.

A number of other aircraft departed during the power outage.

The idea that a single fire could knock out all power to all the terminal buildings is still highly suspect though.

why'd this thread get deleted?

According to the latest vid from "The Outer Light" on YT, the cargo service specializes in moving "live animals". Not sure if true.

Are the Jews stealing nuclear material from the US again?

False Flag for Christmas in Europoor zone?

Were there any Hadassah personnel present?

i made the image so it's not exhaustive

on the left is scheduled time of departure STD (far right hand side is actual time of departure ATD)

4x-icb had STD 1:30 which is why it doesn't appear on the list, i could only go back to 1:50 since too much time had passed, try it now you wont be able to scroll earlier than 5:30 - it's a busy airport and flightradar probably is trying to save bandwidth

the planes are ranked by STD not ATD, here this image should clarify why 4x-icb is missing.

at least 12 planes landed after 4x-icb (1:00pm) and during the power outage (1:06pm-midnight) took off on schedule (before 4x-icb, before 6:27pm), the rest of the list is planes which landed after 4x-icb took off, but also left before the power outage was resolved (except the last four).

so what's so special about that particular plane? it was probably the last plane to land JUST before the outage, but others landed after the outage and took off before it, landed dark / took off dark.

Atlanta is home to the Centers For Disease weaponizationControl.
Chihuahua Flu inbound

Not too sure.

Remember The Sum of All Fears? It's coming. Blowout soon fellow Stalkers.

A thing important and urgent enough to move to be risked on news headlines. You can move shit without stirring so much shit.
Some big shit inbound.

Sorry I'm late to the party, I have to redact my own reports. You guys are on the right track, that plane did land at Dulles, what you don't know is what happened last night in several parts of DC.

Atlanta airport wasn't the only place where there was a blackout, last night in the middle of the night there were several power outages in the city, coincidentally in places where I've been investigating for illegal activities. Cameras went offline and cargo was moved.

This afternoon there was a mass Exodus of moving trucks that headed to Dulles, whether they were transporting or on their way to pick up merchandise is unknown to me, but I do know that a couple of companies that I'm investigating were a part of that convoy of trucks.

Something big happened this weekend and you're all on the right track to finding out what it was. Picture related it's one of the warehouses where the power (and cameras) magically turned off last night in the blackout. It may be familiar to some of you as I've posted pictures of it before.

a guy I know in atlanta lives 20 minutes away from the airport he lost his power for about an hour when this was happening

Address of the building? I can do the rest

What a fucking larper. This is so forced I actually cringed while reading this. Go back to 4chan and stay there you fucking retard.


Honestly, even if this has any evidence, this whole thread is so full of cuckchan culture i'm immediately turned off of this.

Your post reeks of nervous kike sweat.

Even the way you respond to "shills" isn't from here. KYS

False flag an ISIS nuke in Damascus for the evangelikike and kike doomsday?

Try harder Chaim.

So, children yeah?

Assuming the plane is actually owned by this CAL Cargo company they carry more than just live animals.
I don't know if this is unusual or not for the cargo industry, but this list makes them sound like gun, drug, and loot runners.

the CDC headquarters is in Atlanta. The final strain of smallpox or another weaponized disease.


Whats wrong with belgium?

Another interesting tidbit from their wiki:
Maybe they started out as a legit company, but when they couldn't make ends meet they turned to shadier customers?




More likely chemicals that "Damascus" will supply to "Hezbollah" to "attack" (((Israel))) with. Throw in IRGC supplied missiles and (((they))) have their US intervention against the Shia crescent. US/Is/SA vs. Sy/Hez/Ir

that looks like screenshot from a game bro


too many things


Nice fucking bump. I was just thinking about this.
Whatever was grabbed I want a livestream of the waterboarding right here. Duly requested


Die, kike.



Please be LA or NYC that gets nuked


How interesting. Had the outage not occurred we would not have become aware of the plane. Kek is also the God of darkness, specifically that before dawn. The great light is soon to shine (2019, 19 being the year of the Sun), upon the kikes, and their vile deeds.

The fucking plane. White.

Child smuggling was my first thought as well.
They like to prey on third worlders, easier to get children there.
Move them to Brussels for some Dutroux type of shit.
Then to Israel for organ harvesting.

Another airport related incident

Creeper plane

What to make of this document?
I'm not a lawfag or particularly good researcher regarding such matters. (did not work)

I've seen it linked in the description of a video, which is linked in the comments of this video:

I've spotted one strange spelling ("united states") in the document, so it might just be a larp.

I tried to find some info about this document.
Couldn't find anything through this form
There doesn't seem to be a case file for any of the names (at least not publicly), which is to be expected I guess.

whatever that entails, I don't know.

Bullshit-meter at 99%.