Commission: EU Too White, Mass Third World Migration Must Be ‘New Norm’
Commission: EU Too White, Mass Third World Migration Must Be ‘New Norm’
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Crypto-kike spotted.
Nobody will ever "accept" this shit, but these filthy rats will have to accept getting a rope around their neck, having their abdomen sliced open and watching their intestines hit the pavement after being pushed from a podium.
It amazes me that they still have supporters. This is suicide.
Ashamed to live in Evropa.
Mostly ass-kissers and parasites that feed on grants. Cut off Soros's money, EU support will vanish overnight. Not even normalfags are dumb enough to ignore that without monetary compensation.
t. used to spin in EUcuck circles
Israel is too Jewish. it needs mass immigration to water down the lack of genetic diversity. Jewish DNA will no longer be the racially pure DNA it once was in the past. Israel won't survive without it.
If anyone said that publicly the Jews would cry Shoah.
Gods gonna cut these fools down
just like we were supposed to accept 1% GDP growth as the "new norm"
You are correct. he's a kike.
Why is he talking like the EU is a nation?
United States 2.0 in the making. It's the reason why the EU is having a fit about brexit. Other nations may follow Britain and leave the Jewish controlled EU.
It is now, basically. Or more like a cult. Based Britannia was able to escape, but the majority is destined to drink the celestial cool aid.
Don't pat yourself on the back too much, Nigel.
Looks like the cucks inside your island want the EU. Sooner or later they are gonna repeal Brexit and you'll be fucked like everyone else.
The EU sees itself as a nation, it has a flag, anthem, parliament, court, bank, police, and soon army. It is made up of member states not member nations according to their treaties & legal docs.
>Trusting the (((media))) that's been trying to sabotage Brexit since day -1
>believing a (((poll)))
If there is no Brexit it tells bongs voting is no longer valid.
Voting is the only reason politicians are tolerated in bongland.
The audacity of this manpig.
His plan is clearly a brain drain (the spiriting away of intellectuals a la Project Paperclip) on underprivileged parts of the world, while simultaneously forcing those deemed "unworthy" of migrant status into slavery in their own countries. They sell their neo-colonialism as "kick-starting local economies" when in reality it's white supremacy reasserting itself after decades of lying dormant. These "highly skilled workers" ripped from their ancestral homelands and forced into white-majority countries will interbreed with the local population in nearly 100% of all cases, meaning the greatest genetics, the highest IQs, and the most driven individuals from their culture will be injected into the white countries' gene pool instead of allowed to take root and expand in their home country, effectively crippling the development of these already oppressed non-white nations.
Fuck white manpigs, and fuck Avramopolous. That privileged porker deserves to be stripped of his position and influence because of this blatant display of white supremacy.
They're just going all out now it seems.
As wrong as you are about everything else, the brain drain from already shit countries is an issue. It makes them worse, and makes their destination nations work.
How did you miss that Avramopolous is a non-white, semitic name, though? Too much time spent capturing pictures of Rachel Maddow?
b-but Jonestein said the EU was a Nazi plot?
It won't end until all their gutted carcasses rot in the sun.
His name is Berkay Özdemir and he will never be white.
The 'best' part of the joke is (you) and your kind run around supporting the pillaging of human resources from poor countries with "Open Borders" and are hardline white-supremacy neo-colonialists, partaking in an economic slave-trade of human trafficking, in order to keep poor countries neutered from progress.
Madcow is a poster-girl for the subjugated U.S. colony of Mexico through support of the DACA programme.
(You) see, even when you're sitting on the opposite side of the fence to Holla Forums, Holla Forums is always right.
sounds extremely jewish, anything with derivatives of 'Abram' in it is mostly jewish
For the new Babylon and the fulfillment of Daniels prophecies of the feet/empire of mixed clay (niggers) and metal (Europeans), as well as the new regime of nimrod and tower of Babel, the nations of Europe must be destroyed and mixed with mud.
Now you will.understand what tragedy is about
How do these people come into power? For fuck's sake.
Ultimately, Christianity.
Thats genocide, and they should be executed for it.
I actually hadn't heard that one, please enlighten me.
we've accepted this for nearly 50 years, this is clearly an attempt to normalize people, or at least give the impression it does through media, which in turn also helps normalize.
t.1965 Immigration Act
The earth will flow with blood. Mother Europe…..
Your sons have awoken
EU Commission is too jewish. Lynchings and gassings must be the new norm.
Fuck off kike.
Fake News: ‘Shock’ Poll Alleges Brexit ‘Remainers’ Now Have 11-Point Lead over Leave… They Don’t
Now you will see the mean of true horror.
Have you heard the BS of how the Celts, Danes, and Saxons are supposedly of the lost 10 tribes of Israel (Isis Ra EL) ? I know disproving stuff it hard but…
So shat, the Friday the 13th sequels or something?
Tutha du Danna
(Issacs sons?)
UK = Ephriam
US = Mannaseh
Clearly this association via jew-christianity has aided the kikes in their current world rule.
except that we just needed throwing some money at lybians and they put a good chunk of nogs in concentration camps/organ farms/slave auction houses. never to bother europe again,
i'd say we could stick with that.
warrior spirits have awoken, what is coming next is slaughter and horror unseen before.
From the mountains in snow and fog
A bloody goddess with wolves descend
Nepotism, bribery, extortion, blackmail, theft, lying.
Look up any "jews invited in" and it comes from blackmail, debts or trickery.
Jews in sweden was from the king incurring debts in turkey.
Muslim invasion of spain, the first city that fell was the fortitified hilltop city of Toledo, where the jews opened the gates to let the muslims hordes in.
Jews in england - invited in by william the conqueror after they paid for his war, then kicked out 200 years later, and then invited in by oliver cromwell after they paid for him to kill off the royalty.
The more you look, the more of these things appear.
Russian Tsar and his entire family killed by jews who overtook the entire country.
French (((revolution))).
WW1, WW2 etc etc etc.
I'd rather bomb a nuclear power plant and nuke the whole country than to see the country turn black.
K I'm out. Just making some connections.
Seeing some patterns.
Please fuck off.
Honestly… this is a reasonable proportional reaction at this point. A centrist position.
Its scary how much I look like a Jew
What'd Kek mean by this?
WTF what did kek mean with this
I am still baffled how did trump managed to fool all of the Holla Forums
I am scared now the other day I got trips confirming I will make Adolf proud and be super rich one day.
Chaos is light when the Order is darkness.
kek, no one is buying it
Well go do it, then. Maybe you're meant to pose as Kushner to get his bux and invest them in pro-white?
People want to believe.
That's how the Jews took over Europe with cuckianity.
I think something like this might be my future tbh.
it means you need to kill yourself already(HERESY *BLAM*)
Mark my words brothers.
You will live to see slaughter unseen before.
Slavic blood is boling. Old gods are not forgotten.
Praying for mercy is pointless now.
Mediterranean will rise with blood of traitors.
Inform those you wish well.
That which is coming is savage. Mokosh, Perun, Morana
Uhm, the dislike bar isn't that big. Did the video get brigaded since your comment?
Please help me, that post of mine shook me
Remember the plan.
Sow seeds of chaos.
Do you plan of cutting and sucking you're sons bleeding dick or fighting the destruction of the white race?
If the latter, you're good.
The latter with every fiber of my being
cringy as always
K now I'm really out
Have you learned nothing? The Jews always accuse their enemies of what they themselves are guilty of.
>What is a shill? You.
I am not sure what I am more impressed with now. That they are so filled with Hubris they don't think people are aware and preparing for the war that is clearly now coming. Or the fact they don't realize they are writing our propaganda for us better than they write their own propaganda.
The blackpill shilling is so intense.
You wish, glow in the dark manlet.
Total nonsense. The press and Government alike are liars that want our children raped and killed.
I guess africa is too african, japan is too japanese,
lets just nuke them all now, yeah?
and Israel is not jewish enough. the Jewish DNA must be preserved and never watered down by goy blood.
This thread got derailed harder than a Washington Amtrak.
Then why don't you contribute
With your fight create heroes
Afraid of nothing
This bothers me since they turn away more smart whites and that gets no attention.
"asians suffer from affirmative action" is true, but they suffer less than whites, and Asians actually support affirmative because of that reason - they are willing to take a bit of a blow in order to give a bigger blow to whites. There's no need to defend them.
If we existed in a world where Mosley's Europe a Nation existed, I wouldn't have much of a problem with a superstate
How exactly does affirmative action for Asians work? Because the East Asians have high IQs, but the South East Asians are just yellow nignogs, from IQ to behavior. Do they all get their own special classifications or is it a 'one-size fits all' kind of deal?
As much as I like Mosley, a EU superstate is a garbage idea no matter who it comes from.
While this is blood-boiling rageporn, what's the actual solution beyond writing spiritual calls to arms on Holla Forums? There's a whole lot of "I'm so mad evropa awaken let's gas them at some time in the future" and very little actual discussion of next steps.
Peter Thiel (homotech man from PayPal) is going to be ready to create island nations by 2020 at the latest. Time to secure an island for each of the various European ethnicities? swedes may need to be forcefully led to theirs and given a harsh life of servitude
this is not a board to discuss plans.
everyone already knows what he needs to know.
He talk about EU as state, and EU is state.
israel should be more like africa and pakistan
fill them up with blacks and muslims
israel will still be israel if it has no more jews
I honestly believe that these filthy kikes are aware that people are waking up and now are just trying to blackpill us with these kind of shit to discourage people from taking action.
thats exactly what they are doing
kike children will burn for this
forgot to check
Agreed. He should spoiler that shit
Well since the filters aren't working well enough I'll just start adding learningchode's scripted keywords to the comment filter. I hate having my time wasted by kikes. He burns twice.
So true. All the niggers have to do is agree to keep the language (as best they can) and dick mutilation practices intact.
Take the redpilled Swedes and the funny youtubers
Everyone else gets the cull
Gut them.
Well you have to adapt a bit, we will make them our bitches any which way. Keep that in mind.
If Europeans don't stop the Kalergi Plan the world is done for.
Well you do not need a well developed plan for that, similar to the protocols of zion.
What you see right now (and also the effiminate natur of user) is the unfolding of the framework, due to geopolitics, banking etc. and it isnt only taking place in europe but in every western nation.
Well you could do a simple tech duck estimation: you compare Holla Forums to flatearthers and a more renowed userbase along with other factors and you get a precise number of clowns.
And then we talk about tinfoil head folding.
That's because the tribe has spent the last century undermining the White birthrate.
Alright, you faggots. This is one of the most important threads in a LONG time. Don't let it get derailed. We need to focus on this.
Especially with all of the other EU threads that have existed in the catalog in the past month or including the EU: Schulz seeking to create the United States of Europe by 2025, and the creation of the EU army. Think about it, both of those are alarming, but this is something much bigger.
Most of us aren't fucking retards, we've seen (((their))) intent for a while now. But the kikes are, once again, playing their hand too soon by revealing their intent. Whether that's intentional for a desired reaction, we'll see soon enough. But what is indisputable and unequivocally the truth is they just single-handedly PROVED the Kalergi Plan.
It is == real ==, there is no denying it.
A hundred years of social programming and brainwashing, and we've finally reached a head. It's been culminating for a while, but I never thought in my relatively young life that I would bear witness to it with my own eyes. Very few people come to life at transitive periods like we have. This isn't some LARP-tier fuckshit or some blog-post, this is the truth: We have a responsibility.
Hear me out, anons. Please.
I'm not going to throw some cliche bait or say some nigger catchphrases, but right now, how we react, can have a chain reaction on the global scale. They're creating the memes for us. We have to utilize them effectively.
I've been called a Nazi for even arguing that "America is multicultural, but I don't want to see the ancestral homeland of white people disappear"; people have literally scoffed at me for even suggesting we have a 'ancestral homeland'. I realize I made the mistake of even trying to argue with these faggots and even given them an inkling of ground to work with. I admit my mistakes and own up to them. For any other anons on here, I'm sure you know where I'm coming from.
But I was wrong:
There can be ZERO capitulation on Europe. We will NOT allow for it to be non-white. We will NOT throw away our inheritance. We will NOT dishonor our ancestors. We will NOT budge on this. This is not about us, but the GENERATIONS of young, white humans who will eventually come to this Earth.
Again, we've been at war for a while now, but they've finally been brazen and vocal about it; this is our 'Judea Declares War' moment. They have openly declared war on Europeans. They have openly declared on us. It is real.
Prepare for war.
It really is quite important. Not the thread per se but the news it brings.
If your blood is boling it is with very good reason. The ancestors are coming back. warrior legions thirsty for….
We fairly smart individuals. I trust you all to make apropriate decisions
Globally whites are the minority. Yet no one is making the claim that the non-European nations are too black, or too brown. Odd that.
Indeed. That's because 'racism' is a meme virus developed by Lenin to destroy Europeans, especially Aryans.
Anyone have any good links on the Kalergi Plan?
Alright Satan! We’ll finish what uncle Adolf couldnt
Somebody throws a bottle over Israel's wall and rockets are fired killing Palestinians. Israel claims its just defending themselves so the U.N. doesn't deploy an army to overthrow dictator Bibi. Entire Europeans cities that took centuries to build are destroyed in a few years and people are too afraid to even talk about it anywhere but here. Judeo-Capitalism fucked us over hard.
I don't feel like talking about eijiro.whore kalergi. I have spread awareness about him. Now the normies in my country know. I've awoken their warrior blood. But it took a toll on me. The times i've read
Practiches Idealismus the burden of knowledge I now carry with me….
I'd prefer to not talk about it anymore.
I will leave discussions to normies.
But me…as you my brother who are reading this. We will act. Whatever your faith holds do not leave any messages behind. We will recognise immediately. Perhaps there is still sense in trying to redpill normies? If you think it's appropriate, do. But you personally prepare for war. Everyone knows what they have to do. Everyone has a place and their cut in the cloth of thefabric of time
reminder that mods are kikes
God damn, I fucking hate kikes :)
Reminder that you have to globally report those posts, and you have to not only report ALL of them you see, but you have to do them multiple times. Jim deserves to be unable to maintain his site for what he has done to us, and it’s the only way he will ever respond.
jim a freemason cocksucker
Is Dimitris Avramopoulos a jew? I cant find anything about his faith.
This is not normal, even your more tolerant citizens would doubt the nature of this goal.
Maybe they have finally realized? that the third world autonomy is a hopeless endeavor and are minimizing casualties for an upcoming battle? the pro environment agenda being carried out here ensures a weakened, technologically impaired military and governmental force while bolstering the influence of criminal organizations.
Oh god, he issue is not corruption at all, they are actually trying to wipe us out.
Saturn is the black cube.
Saturn is the Black Sun
We and the Kikes are two sides of the same coin battling for control of Saturn. Through Saturn is the key to it all. Saturn is lead to win we must achieve gold, gold can be turned into lead with the Philosopher Stone.
Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.
Light and Darkness are poles of the same thing, with many degrees between them. The musical scale is the same–starting with "C" you move upward until you reach another "C" and so on, the differences between the two ends of the board being the same, with many degrees between the two extremes. The scale of color is the same-higher and lower vibrations being the only difference between high violet and low red. Large and Small are relative. So are Noise and Quiet; Hard and Soft follow the rule. Likewise Sharp and Dull. Positive and Negative are two poles of the same thing, with countless degrees between them.
Good and Bad are not absolute–we call one end of the scale Good and the other Bad, or one end Good and the other Evil, according to the use of the terms. A thing is "less good" than the thing higher in the scale; but that "less good" thing, in turn, is "more good" than the thing next below it–and so on, the "more or less" being regulated by the position on the scale.
Here's a very good, recent, semi-long documentary made on it. Definitely worth watching.
Decent enough explanation with list of receivers of the Kalergi prize.
Exactly, user. Good reference to Lenin.
The Bolshevik slaughter unleashed by Lenin, and later Stalin, killed many millions ethnic Germans in Russia. 'Racism' indeed is only against the global minority, which is us.
Agreed, also, user. Judeo-Capitalism only worked without the kikes or any shitskins. And even barely. The best system to have existed was the NatSoc system; we both know that is why it was destroyed.
The more people you redpill, the more they redpill in return. Think of it in the larger sense. I get the toll it takes on you. I go through it too. Knowing everything we do is a heavy weight. But if not us, then who? Who would ring the alarms in warning? Many people have seen this coming for forty or so years, but few thought it would happen in their life time.
The Jews are scared, that is why they are playing their hand so soon. They fear us. They fear us waking up. They fear us coming to our senses. Like you said, and like I said, personally prepare for war. I'm not saying go and blow up a building or anything CIAniggers say; all I'm saying is it would be wise to build up your mind and body for the horrors to come.
Make no mistake about it, user. Whenever you leave your home, know that you are hated. Whenever you are in public, know people hate you for the color of your skin and blame you for every inconvenience. Know they think the world would be better off without you. And know they are going to gleefully try to eradicate you.
If White people had a country of our own, this would not be happening.
He's a kike.
Time for a violent revolution, Europa-kun.
I'm sorry you always seem to have to resort to this but what do you expect on a planet full of jews and shitskins.
If this isn't a declaration of war, I don't know what is.
You are just barely realizing this?
Can't wait for the EU to be renamed UME (United Mongrels of Europe).
Happy, Happy as Santa brings us closer to RACE WAR. Fire up the ovens boys, it's gonna get hot for these cunts.
they always push the "well, it's just a coincidence jews make up a massive amount of CEO and high up positions while only being 0.2% of the worlds population!" but it's without a doubt nepotism and tribal ingroup prefrence
Mods banned us all that said never to trust a jew lover, that always with jews, you lose. I've not even come here in 8 months. Do they still ban you if you criticize Trump?
no it fucking isn't EU, and I will rape you for saying that.
its okay to be white.
You had no reason to do this. Reported for sliding other threads.
What, the exciting, three threads on best Korea with no happenings? Next to the Polish PM roasting migrants, the AfD controversy, Austria offering citizenship to ethnic Germans in north Africa, there aren't too many pertinent threads. Sorry for trying to keep this up, as you know, it only kind of single-handedly displays the intentions of the kikes. You can't even write shit this good.
everyone knows what he is to do
we keep up on the news
eventually the right stories will circulate, first a trickle of crimes, then a flood of blood
Kek is a mirthful god