love manaka
Love manaka
Other urls found in this thread:
hate manaka
omg bruce ./////////////////.
it's not man-chan
but maaan
a like in mama
im happynow
stop poking fun at it!
Love plus+
Would you prefer something more forceful than a poke? How's your girlfriend, by the way?
Fricken stop!!! I swear to heck I will take a hatchet to your head.
You'll hit me with the popular young adult book Hatchet? I think I can handle that.
No, I mean an axe.
Stop with the obscure references
I can't handle it anymore
tuck me in clockwork
I think they're cool.
wtf man
i want to be ur friend
why do u have to be mean to me :(
Because you're not trying to be my friend, you just want someone to like you.
jesus christ
Which scent?
No reason not to, I suppose.
How's everyone doing tonight.
Time for overwatch.
Peace and anarchy.
its done
baka wants to play tomorrow
you should see if you could run it tho
I had heard that you have a bad taste in smells, but now I can see it for myself. You feel me?
Bad taste in smells?
At least I've never done it.
i'm a girl
If the shoe fits, sniff and lick it.
... what?
And you claimed to speak English. I can see right through you like a greasy potato chip.
What the fricken heck are you on about!?
what ever happened to jftt? dude had some swagger
I miss Ai
You won't trick me that easily...
I'm just laying it down, man. It's up to you to pick it up.
It's not like I'm not trying.
it was shitty when msn went away... i lost so many good contacts
fucking same here that shit was retarded
msn was the best
sign into skype with your msn log in, to reconnect with them
Cute. How are you Luka?
Didn't Yoda say something about trying?
Go on Craigslist Missed Connections
it was...
ive long since forgotten my pass
I'm cozy and relaxed, content.
I only liked the second and third ones.
Double vision pls
The second and third from the sequel trilogy?
one day my dear Luka we will see that wild side... going off like a firecracker.
No, the original trilogy.
Yeah, I figured you'd be into siblings kissing.
what wild side?
Final Fantasy games always have such good soundtracks
There is no evidence of this insinuation.
Then why do you take all of your brother's used drinking glasses and put your mouth on them right where he had his?
Stop, you might hit a made man.
Might? I like me those odds.
manaka? she's doing alright, i think her birthday is coming around soon
you look like statham
from the side
if i squint my eyes
Think? Ho boy, you'd better know, buster. At least if you'd like to keep your head un-bitten-off.
i'm fine.
You'll be caught in a chase, 25 to life.
you guys are so boring
continue enjoying things
I'll cheat the system by dying before my 25 are up.
It's our defining feature.
i wish you looked like the anime girls you post
I do.
Maybe if you squint after starting directly into the sun for a few hours.
are you calling yourself ugly?
having a bad night, any ideas to cheer me up
I'm saying that I don't look like a 2D anime girl.
tuck me in kaybe
i can just check my reminder, i just havent been able to put some effort to it
hey proto!
your pussy meows cute!
Stop having a bad night
talk to people. try to have a good time. do things that are fun and cannot be ruined(so basically not your nerd games)
uh, fap? maybe watch a movie
oh, right. i wish you were.
nice trip
jack off to asians. always works for me
holy fuck why is everyone in overwatch bad
is ranked a thing yet in OW?
my nigga
why don't you just go out and fuck them though?
consider animal pornography...
like a bat and a pig
or 2 dogs making love to a cat or someshit
You could learn how to tie knots. I can recommend a few.
I would, but you'd just kick the covers out and say that it wasn't exactly what you wanted.
Just remember, it's customary to spend half of your annual salary on birthday presents for girlfriends, especially when they're more attractive than you.
Maybe God will make me into one. Like Kafka.
I hope they have blue moon in prison, that would be delicious.
shes adorable.. had her since she was very little
Is a blue moon supposed to be the name of some sort of food?
thanks daddy
who are you?
Ranked is not a thing yet that I know of?
I don't follow OW news so much though so no idea when.
I do. Occasionally.
God damn savage.
Why ugh? Isn't this what you wanted?
It's an ice cream flavor.
You and I both know damn well that you have no idea what you want.
someone who doesn't get turned on by other men calling him daddy.
i'm not hating, you're just not the right gender
oh, someone told me it was. i guess they lied.
good man.
im going to bed. bbl
this new game is intense!
Bye guy
When I was little I used to be scared of the waffle cones for some reason.
I've heard of that before, loseritis I think it's called.
At Least it wasn't assbugers.
You staring at your screen as you eat segments of a citrus fruit has made my day
Thank you my dude
Watching this on repeat might get boring eventually... could you recomend me a movie?
i could open the nacho chips and queso if youre feeling feisty...
no i dont have much new. i liked the 33
Goggles has anyone ever told you that your name could be used in a quite lewd pickup line and odd af one but a lewd one
Anyways, here's wonderwall
Cockwork Jiggles
The internet is an amazing place
Do it my man, eat those nachos
I was thinking more like "hey since you are goggles, can i wear you on my face?" but that's another one! thanks for the funny addition Bard bro!
I have heard many adaptations.
heard that one before? : ^)
That is a new one, no one's ever seen 'goggles' past it's material form.
Really? I did not even imagine twisting the name itself as funny as that can be I have always liked the things that insinuate action, personal taste i guess lol
Your taste is perverse.
I would never deny a part of myself so rather perverse tastes at times lol, how are you hangin Gogs?
give me a site that will allow me to stream TV show for others for free
Just youtube and doing things. Not much.
I should have just chose that too, instead I napped now I feel worse cause that's how it should work
I wish I could pause time just to sleep so I don't waste excessive hours.
What a perfect world that would be, sleep as long as you want yet lose no time if not like maybe just like every hour of sleep was actually a minute of real time both would be so much better than what we have lol
2 good 2 b reel
I think it is cause we would not get off old man time's lawn, he got mad now we have to sleep in real time :c
i don't feel too good....
I want to vote for a new old man time.
No more lies and secrets.
Alright fuck you goggles
What's wrong?
You hurt my feelings, anonymous.
We gonna build a wall
I walked all the way to a faraway dank pastry store it took more than an hour but
Ihope it was worth
I thought you went to sleep already.
Plz kill me
No sir.
Have you read it yet?
read wat?
that's sooo fuckin hot ;)
Fairy Tail durr
thatis lordy sirington the dukesness to you fam
ive never started it.
Too far to use first names but close enough to be fam.
Lordy siringtron the dukeness, why do you hate me so.
hey manaka
tfw ignored by you
i like to feel the warmth of another human being in my arms..
itis tricky
pls like me
-pushes the "like" button-
♥ *snuggles tight*
Did I ever say I did not?
Going for a short jog, bbl
Sleep is death, btw.
One more test for now.
Morning Rin was it horrible again?
i dunno... ;~;
Not horrible, but I forgot I didn't leave my computer idle, so when my alarm came on it was just blasted over my sound system.
I wasn't really ready so I woke up with a start.
Gimme the chocolate bald man.
Fucking gros, Grim.
Fucking gros.
No I have not, so that answers the question lol
That is not fun sounding, literally and figuratively!
I'm telling you, sleep is death.
And who wants to know what dreams you'll have in that sleep.
I'm just bad with waking up in general, to be honest.
It's rare for me to wake up well.
Almost as rare as it is for me to blast my alarms at full volume, come to think.
>tfw you have a dream about telling someone to >>>/bed/ in thread
i don't understand...
Oh my god does this one work!?
"failtrap for you."
You should clearly stop doing that then, right?
How goes this one even look?
It's my hobby.
500 Internal Server Error
Sorry, something went wrong.
A team of highly trained monkeys has been dispatched to deal with this situation.
Good god.
"Telling people to >>>/bed/ is my only enjoyment in life.
Don't take this from me."
How're you?
You didn't sign the papers!
I don't want to get married until I'm older.
"Show them this paragraph it might frighten them"
Or something along those lines, got it 4 times in a row now.
Correct, otherwise existence is torment.
Slept 12 hours, not sure how I managed that though.
the day my broadband is in and i can watch HD youtube vids with no interruptions, youtube is down
Oh okay.
How are you today?
Are you a wizard?
Kinda mixed feelings.
How many people have put it in your butt
Be honest
Probably, I even woke up a few times in that time span.
This image made me want coffee, be right back.
Don't know if it was a good day?
Time to get some coffee too.
i can watch youtube stuff just fine
fuck you, now i want coffee
I just wanted to delay you.
Also use the failtrap trip pls c:
RIP youtube
Luka buy me overwatch
i even got the monkeys message
that message hasn't changed since youtube was new
Why can't I stop thinking about this
It don't need no sense to matter.
youve got issues fam
some things never change
Buttering you up
I don't have a lot of problems with waking up but god forbid i nap, then I suffer
I do not dislike you
What's good qt?
Still trying to get the handle of the whole YEET thing.
You bet I got issues
I hate those kinds of days.
Hope something happens for you to make it decidedly good.
I am the drink of my cup.
Caffeine is my body, coffee is my blood
etc., etc.
Unlimited Coffee Works
Which one? ffaiLTraPs or faiLTrAP4U
0 by the way. Maybe 1 in the fullness of time.
I can't nap.
I end up sleeping for hours feeling worse than I did before I napped.
Unless it's an accidental nap, then it's amazing.
@Grim Or this new hit that came up right as I clicked post?
Sometimes I get tired from drinking coffee, I call it caffeinatum physics, the caffeine exists and at the same time it doesn't.
not much, just chilling, watching GoT analysis on yt
Oh shit I just realized I'm 2 epsidoes behind.
Do I have you on steam
I would yt link you but I hear it's down
Coffee really only has a 50% chance of working, in any way shape or form.
Except as a laxative.
It works 100% of the time as a laxative.
watch them fgt
The cutest
Can you check?
I need to pm you
Just chilling it out to Justice and drinking coffee, probably should play something or I don't know.
I've seen the vine of the kids dancing, but other than that I don't understand it.
Doesn't happen to me at all.
11 years of coffee abuse.
It's the soda can one.
Soon 8XXX.XXXB total.
I actually kind of like Sakurako with that bang braid.
Are they normally that cute?
I've never really been one for more than a couple cups.
And I always have long periods where I just don't have any.
or be lazy, and watch stuff
Saaame :c it is the most horrible of feelings
"This one's empty"?
I've done that lately too, but I just don't know, doesn't do the trick for me almost at all nowadays.
I am going with the option of everything being too tedious.
For me it isn't even the coffee.
It's the ritual of drinking something in the morning.
Because if I drink water, or hot cocoa, or even soda, it has the same effect
Kind of want to go back to bed.
But then I'd screw up my sleeping schedules all over again.
Good to stay hydrated, I don't usually ever drink coffee in the morning.
rip sd
aaaa the vanilla donut had a kind of icky fill that did not fit the type at all
Morning's really the only time I feel comfortable drinking it.
But some days the morning lasts until 22, even 24.
I might be addicted to sleeping, or at least to the comfy bed.
me too fam, me too
i need more stuff to do in my life
I sometimes find myself drinking coffee at 4 in the morning, that usually happens when game sessions get too long and I don't have time to drink the coffee.
Worst feeling.
But it feels too good.
Same, this it what happens when you have way too much free time.
Intense games, right?
I'm the type to take huge gulps of sips between deaths or rounds.
Or just pretend I didn't realize the Q popped to get those last few cc of liquid pretend awakeness.
Good morning everyone
Oh great Shiro is here
I have a trip now.
I have a few actually.
Good norming, Whitey.
i know that feel
i should start on my final year project or something
morning shiro
I'm just drinking it when I get thirsty, so that being said pretty many cups go into a day.
Morning Shiro.
How's it going Rin?
Kinda surprised I didn't have broken sleep last night
What's up qt
How've you been SD?
I switch to water when I get that point, usually.
Or just start binging on coffee.
youtube lagging makes me sad
naff all, and its boring the shit out of me
It's going will, and yourself?
nnnnn Ijust coffeecappu whenever
That means you're staying~?
Ehh... it's good for your body and mind :/
Yeah my phone is starting to skip on song and randomly restart. Might get a new one this weekend
Go be productive then
Pretty good
Still trying to wake up and thinking about the dream I had
nothing really to do
Probably, I wish I could at least plan on doing something like that currently.
Living it slow real slow and slept a lot.
Still want to sleep more.
The worst point I've ever been at has been one where I've had 4 glasses of different stuff to drink on my table.
Doesn't sound that healthy, thought it might be related to being too busy though.
learn prolog, write AIs :3
At the very least I'll be easier to identify.
If I end up not having time to really keep threading, I'll stop.
But I'll try not to fall out of contact this time.
It was a lewd dream, wasn't it?
You're a pervert, Whitey.
That sounds like a...n interesting quandary...
I don't keep glasses of unidentified/unidentifiable liquids on my desk anymore.
no energy
no motivation
Nah there is always something to do
Isn't almost night time there?
Slowing down can be good
Don't get caught up with it tho ^^
I'm on 6 day work weeks for awhile
Yay money
Nah it wasn't actually haha
Tho most of mine are
Not sure how much I want to spend on a new phone
Do you remember, at all, what my really really -really- old secure trip was?
Back when I was Rin !Kagamine.8!![secure trip]?
None of mine are.
Usually they're super surreal or fantasy as all get-out.
I can't into coding, no matter what.
Had coffee, a glass cola bottle I got from buying a pizza, alcohol and random soda if I recall right.
I'm getting bored with it all.
That sounds fun though, getting paid more for the weekend?
Rin, I like your tripcode
only got next years coursework to do, and its not what i feel like doing atm
nope, 1pm here
how do you know?
i dont "buy" new phones.
i get them for free or extremely cheap, on a couple yr contract.
something ! Kaga mine
Did you sample them all to figure it out?
I figured you would.
It may have been why I added it to the list.
I just need to remember the secure part.
I wonder if Hayate still remembers... probably not.
I tried to do that with automation projects and a project to make a website.
I can't into software at all.
Rinpls, it was a real moment of life and death.
Ended up drinking them all kind of mixed.
hayate has prolly long forgot ancient traditions such as tripcodes...
Have you ever tried lucid dreaming?
It's fun and the money is good, but damn it's hot out lol
Ahhh that's rough
Good luck on your search for entertainment lol
Must be nice~
We should play together sometime
I forgot that they have heroine in this show
Rin, I'm totally cosplaying this dude so I can go up to small blue haired loli maids and pat their heads
what languages and tools did you use? that makes all the difference
Oh yeah forgot that you live inside the sun.
oh well, somethings better than nothing
wait shit are you yelling me that heroin is actually heroin
it's nearly 5:30 am
im sleepy
Some program for electronic automation device programming by Siemens and the website thing was dreamweaver.
I can't into basic softwares either.
that explains everything
try something like python, or prolog, theyre much less clumsy tools
If only I had passion for doing that.
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