In Defence of the Anglo-Saxon

Many peoples around the world have been felled by the corrupting power of the Jew. The Jew, the child of Satan, is the perpetrator of much evil around the world; this is because he is the favoured tool of Man's most diabolical foe. It uses cunning, murder, manipulation, blackmail and abduction as its weapons, and few long-standing nations have escaped unscathed from this most vile of creatures.

In recent times it is the Anglo-Saxon, the foremost race amongst the British Empire which conquered much of the world, and also of the United States of America - which continued Britain's legacy as unquestioned global super power- who has led the world, for better and for worse. Under the Anglo-Saxon's yoke the world has changed immeasurably, and many amongst you will blame the Parasite's ascent on the Anglo-Saxon; for surely it was his duty, as super power, to obstruct this most foul of menaces? I would answer yes, you are right - yet it is more complicated than that.

Firstly I would make the point that there is a world of difference between the Anglo-Saxon on the streets, and those who represent the Anglo-Saxons in office. In old Britain it has long been the case that the Anglo-Saxons, whilst providing much of the innovation, grit and fuel of British society - has not enjoyed true power. A strange balance was struck where the noble classes, initially of Norman descent, and later Dutch and German also; would have to bargain with the Anglo-Saxons under their rule. It was generally a simple affair - so long as justice was upheld, society would function as normal. Were it to fail, the Anglo-Saxons would rise up and spill blood, or else leave for greener pastures. This has been witnessed from the initial conquest by the Normans, where many Saxon nobles felt offended by being replaced by William's personal friends, and so not having the power to continue the fight - left for Rome, to fight as the personal bodyguards, the Varangian Guard, of the Roman Emperor. A century later, the Holy Roman Empress Matilda was supposed to inherit the Crown of England, and upon arrival in London was asked to pledge to rule justly, and accept Common Law, where she too would be under Saxon law - something that offended her greatly, which she then refused - the Anglo-Saxon reply was to kick her out of the city, and tell her to get lost, never to return again. Later still we see the wars of religion, where an unjust Monarch who favoured Catholicism or Protestantism would cause the other faction to rise up bloodily; a murderous affair that was only ended when Elizabeth I announced a fair solution, where neither side got what they wanted, but they both were able to more or less worship as they desired. Onwards still and we have the civil war, which culminated in the execution of the King. No man in England was untouchable, no matter how rich or powerful. Then later still, with the advent of the USA, we see king George act in manners most unjust - and to which the Anglo-Saxons, now living abroad, would take offence to and rise up again, most bloodily, to oppose. The theme here is simple; the Anglo-Saxon will accept the foreign Ruler so long as they live by the Saxon's laws, and so long as they uphold justice.

Other urls found in this thread:

This lesson was apparently learned by the Jew, for their conquest of the Saxons was far different to their conquest of other peoples. Where bribery, blackmail and extortion were the weapons of choice against many of the other peoples of the world, both in Europe and in the East - the Saxon would have to be destroyed differently. His leaders, foreigners foreigners for the most part, were of course attacked in the same manner as the rest of the world had been. The assassination of prominent British (though notably not Anglo-Saxon) rulers certainly took place, and I imagine the amount of tender used in bribery throughout the last couple of centuries could have fed the whole world from this moment until the end of time. The Anglo-Saxon, the common man, had to be subdued in a more subtle method however.

The world has learned that brutality and bullying are not the way to take out the Saxon, rather they stoke his ire and make him fight all the harder, even if to suicidal ends. So the Jew adapted. The Anglo-Saxon would be undone through justice. Deceptive, false justice of course - but it was their sense of justice that was used to undermine their position. To the Saxon the Parasite whispered of inhuman cruelties, of the plight of the woman - the suffragette, and of the plight of the negro, and the homosexual, and all those who were not so blessed to be born as Saxons themselves. And sadly, it worked. The Anglo-Saxon has endeavoured to right these supposed wrongs, and in the process has destroyed not only himself, but much of the world. The Saxon is to be rightly scorned for his foolishness, yet there is something noble about his fall. Where other men might be bought off or bullied into submission, the Anglo-Saxon's only fault was his desire for justice. If he had but realised that what these Jews spoke of was no true justice, but rather injustice of the utmost kind - then much bother and woe would have been avoided.

Yet this most noble of traits is surely to rear its head again in the near future. The rage of the Saxon rises day by day, as the truth of the world, and the truth of the injustice of the Devil's ethics is made clear. As the old media crumbles, and the façade of the 'new, better world' falls - the Saxon is left only with the truth that every change he made, in a foolish effort to uplift women, to uplift negroes, to uplift homosexuals and non-Saxons of every kind; when the Saxon realises that his efforts were not just in vain, but in fact contrary to all goodness - then he will surely return to that old business of blood letting. He might abide a foreign ruler, but he will not abide injustice - and injustice is everywhere, and the Jews can no longer hide it.


Missed that first post, heh Shylock?

user did you write this? I want to properly archive it.

The problem was Rome trying to elevate them like africans.

I did indeed.

To expand; one could look to the World Wars, or even the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. The British had to fight the Germans because the Germans were being unjust, and abusing poor helpless Poles. The Americans had to get involved because of the poor, helpless Brits and Jews. The military needed to invade Iraq to stop the 'tyranny', to liberate the poor oppressed people. “We must end slavery, we must stop the use of chemical weapons, we must help them! We must give them freedom, and safety, dignity and human-rights.”

The Jew cannot get our people to fight its wars out of hatred or for self-gain, it must always be framed in such a way as we are helping the world - being the saviours of the damned, the lone force of justice seeking to right the wrongs of the world. It's all lies, obviously - but to the overly trusting Saxon everyman, the would-be hero of the universe, it becomes his raison d'être. This manipulation is truly the height of evil; they call evil - good, and good - evil; the truth - lies, and lies - the truth.

But the inevitable decline of this world where vice is called virtue is already near completion. Our eyes are forced open, and the truth will leave us with no options, no solutions - save one. The Final Solution.

But user the Anglo-Saxon IS German.
And foreign.
They have to go home. To Germany.

The Measurer will know if your rope is ran out or not when the time comes.

The great proto-Social Justice Warrior Rudyard Kipling warned us about this. He told us that, like all white manpigs, the Anglo-Saxons would eventually rise up against our Brave New Wyrld of equality and justice in an attempt to destroy all the good we have done.



The eternal Anglo is not welcome here,not after all he has done to us.

good to read and a refreshing change.
We are dying of sentiment.

yeah, fuck white people! got your back, chaim

But the anglo is an invasive species here and thus does not belong.
He has to go back to where he belongs. That is Germany, because it is his homeland.

I disagree. Your post is just trying to exonerate Anglos of any wrong-doing, and even to make them appear like victims. In reality Anglo culture is extremely materialistic which is why they and the Jews got along so well. It will take a lot of work to redeem the empiricist Anglo culture; otherwise it might be subject to outright elimination, and replacement with something more suited to an Aryan lifestyle.

Agreed, the Norman Invasion was the deathknell of any pure Germanic, Anglo-Saxon race.

But Anglo-Saxons are German.
This is why they have to go back.

They are a mix of Germanic and Celtic, hence Hitler's name for them: "Anglo-Celtic". You can see the studies which show that the European Anglos have majority Celtic ancestry. Hell, the vast majority of Anglo Americans are more Celtic, than actually English.


But Britons are not celts. Nor are picts.
We're both still here. We both want the anglo to go home.
He has to go home.

You are correct. The Anglos are a mix of Germanic and Celtic.
Who is "we"? Irish and Scotch? Scotch and Welsh? I mean, I personally prefer a non-cucked independence for Scotland and re-unification for North Ireland, but unless you can conquer the Anglos, you're not going to be able to just force them out.

Indeed, Britons are not Phoenician rape-babies.

Not at all. I fully acknowledge foolishness on the part of the Anglo-Saxons. To fall for such madness is a serious mark of shame, yet it must be understood that their foolishness was born of good intentions. This is no true excuse, but it is worth noting - and gives us hope for the future, as once the Anglo-Saxon sees the truth (and many are already waking up), he will do as he always has and seek to institute true justice.

Not at all. The vast wealth amassed by the Anglo-Saxons was earned through hard-work and sacrifice. The Protestant work-ethic, whilst not wholly an Anglo-concept, put them far beyond most of the rest of the world. Unlike the Jews who got ahead using all manner of deceit and treachery, usury and blackmail, manipulation and of course extreme nepotism - the Anglo-Saxon worked himself to death in the fields and factories, innovated beyond the scope of any other peoples (admittedly with the help of the Scots, a sometimes genius people), and bled and died the world over. And why did the average Anglo-Saxon do it? To spread the word of God, to uplift the lesser races, and because it was his duty to his liege. Now again I must concede that many of the leaders during the expansion of the British Empire, and indeed throughout the countless American wars - have been foreign devils, often Parasites, who harboured naught but ill-intent. It must, however, be stated that the men beneath them who were lured out to work, and fight, and die – all did so for the best of reasons. The reasons may well be false, but to the Anglo-Saxon he was living his life as honourably as he was able.

Even now the Anglo-Saxons, both those in Britain and America, are willing to put up with much discomfort all because they believe it is the will of masses. That is the poison of democracy, especially when coupled with a Parasite-owned media. Where other men might scorn justice and fairness, and demand a better life for themselves; the Anglo-Saxon, foolishly in this case, tries to be as fair and just as possible, and suffers as a result. The lie of a 'new, better world' is wholly constructed by the media however; and as this media falls, and as the failure of the 'new world' becomes impossible to hide - the Anglo-Saxon will come to the realisation that he has indeed been fooled, and that he must now endeavour to make up for his mistakes. And then the fury of the Saxon will be made manifest, and we will see blood-letting on a scale that still, to this day, is perpetrated by Saxons in the military who naively believe themselves to be the 'good guys' - only this time their weapons will be turned upon those veiled monsters who dwell in the shadows, and who manipulated them into partaking in the most heinous of villainies.

The gaze of the angel of death is affixed firmly upon the parasite – all that is left to do is wait for the scales to fall from his eyes, for the cob-webs to be shook from his limbs; and then his terrible retribution will be inescapable. Justice is coming. Saxon justice.

Irrelevant because Germanics and Celts are equally foreign.
Britain belongs to the Britons and the Picts too I guess but really they're kinda just cunts. Least they're less cannibalistic these days.

But to put it in a way your yankee doodle mongrel brain can understand there are two native ethnic groups within the British Isles.
The Britons and the Picts.
Britons are predominantly found in Cymru (or Wales to you saxons) as Ireland cucked out hard to the Papists who demanded many many migrants. But can be found in the north of England and Ireland in limited numbers.
Picts still dominate much of Scotland. They remain just as jittery, savage, primitive and aggressive as ever. Just with less cannibalism.

Despite the best efforts of the continental filth, we are still here

Always remember it was a Puritan who let the Jews come back to Britain.

Only idiots think the Britons were celts. We've been consistently proven to have been a culturally distinct group who did share some similarities with continentals but primarily because we often sailed over to sell our services as mercenaries.
Most of the well researched sites were coastal settlements that served as transit points to and from the continent for Briton mercenaries or as the few sites that outsiders could land to engage in trade.

I could well be wrong but so far as I am aware the Saxons and other Germanic tribes that migrated to the British Isles after the Romans fucked off with most of our warriors just replaced the ruling class.

Culturally we changed of course, but I've yet to see any indication that the general population of each Anglo Saxon kingdom were not native Britons.


This is true but time drags on and the anglofilth have simply mixed too much with natives in England (especially the south east) and imported far far too many outsiders and pets.

This is why most of England has to burn.
Especially London. We must built a great big beautiful wall around London and then set everything inside it on fire.

Only when the Anglo is gone will we be free.

How is it the city of London hasn't been snackbarred at least once? The dog knows who it's true master is? Fucking jihadis have no balls.


It has been attacked. Just not with anything decent.
It needs a good fire.

I heard about some white dude hopping a curb in the city but haven't heard anything about gringotts goblins being mowed down by a truck of peace let alone a party popper.

Then you ain't been payin attention

I'm not from there. Are any of those you listed inside the CITY OF LONDON?

Unfortunately no.
It's much better guarded

So I was paying attention. And those trips remain painfully unchecked. user, I…

To most of us natives the city itself and the cancer that is wider London are the same and equally repulsive.

Bongs chimp out at injustice, were duped with (((justice))), and will chimp out when they realize (((justice))) isn't justice.

And for some there is a difference in sleeping next to the roach filled skip in the alley versus sleeping in it.

It does not matter because both must be crashed.
With no survivors

So when is it their turn in this (((both))) you speak of?

Anti-Angloism seems to be a mixture of angry NEETsocs, internet nerd reactionaries, and Med/Slavibooism, but few will point out that Anglos in Britain in the US were the first to really combat the jews. There was success in diminishing jewish immigration in 1924, but by then it was too late for WASPs.

Fuck off anglokike

Cuckpfy/Bergay detected.

The saxons betrayed and shit all over every ally friend and white nation over the past 300 years.
Betray Rhodesia and leave them to die
Saxons are faggots

Sure anglokike

Ignore the D&C shill. If they're posting images of Moseley but complaining about Anglos, they're a shill.

God damn it. Just when I thought Holla Forums couldn't get any worse.

Watch them drain all kraut blood cos you think they are good goys


A lot of people seem to forget that the UK is northern europe. Only the true british/english/scots/welsh are in the country. We used to be 'white'… But we got used like a tool like sweden or germany is right now.

Hebrew name. Begone he must be.

What is up with all the obviously kike British/Aryan D/C.

Anglo/Aryan D/C is what lead to the ultimate triumph of the kikes in WWII.

Celts and Germanic's related peoples.

Though the Germanic's warred against christianization (and therefore ultimate kike control) more than the celts, yet were still defeated.


This whole thread…

You should add that William the Conqueror is the first to import jews into England, where they had been banned previously.
They were then banned again 200 years later, and remained so until Oliver Cromwell invited them in again - having also been funded by the jews in his treasonous campaign.

Fuck the pope. Did you just assume my denomination?

I agree
t. Catholic

You fell for the jewish divide and conquer tactics.
Saxons come from Saxony, Anglo comes from Angles, the south of Jutland in Denmark.

Hitler himself called the English brothers, and he also said that the most important thing is your people. He did not say country, he said people.
He himself was from Austria, yet chose to lead from Germany where he thought he could do more good.

The first time I ever heard the term 'anglo' was on some jew american sitcom in the early 2000s - where the mexican gang bangers would use it as an insult for northern european blooded americans. "Hey fukin anglo bitch, I fukin rape u bitch fukin anglo" - yet 60% of the american northern european blood is German.
It turned up in a lot of american media in similar circumstances and was about 15 years later than it started to be used on chans as part of divide and conquer tactics. Note that in the beginning of Holla Forums, this term was never used, as the main enemy was always the jew.
The jew clearly didn't like this, and turned the northern europeans against each other - this term appearing.

It is a shame you fell for it, along with so many others. You might as well be blaming space reptoids, because it will do just as well to keep your mind away from the real cause.



I don't see how more D&C will combat kike D&Cers, user. Unless you too are a kike.

time to go back to 4chan Shlomo


Do you even need to ask if 65cf7b is a kike?

it is just banter. just like the post I was replying to.

It's funny that you call the Welsh the Britons.
The term 'briton' comes from the French region.
As for the Danish, those from Angles - they have been walking the land in England, Wales and Ireland for 5,000 years or longer. Read about the origins of Stone Henge.
The Northlanders occupied all of these lands and travelled greatly, it wasn't always an island.

What is important, is that northern europeans are a collection who should be united. The vikings were the best of us and explored and conquered the world long before anyone else.


>posts a (((pagan)))
too easy

death to anglokikes

kikes and other marxist freaks have been attacking English and Germanics for several years on the chans. Unfortunately, all the newfag idiots follow along thinking it is the trendy thing to do.

The true enemy has always been the jew, it has been proven time and time again.
The jew plays on the emotions of the idiot via emotions, and the main tactic is divide and conquer.

They'll continue to split until every faction is untrusting of every other, and in that the jew can live in peace, and with undisturbed power.

Division is strength!
War is peace!
The jew is your friend!

St. Tolkien and St. Hitler when?

You've got it backward, christcuck.

Poland, the only safe place for jews in Europe for 800 years.
Polish jews and jews hiding in England orchestrate WW2 with a 'pact' that only served one purpose.
Jews in Russia, having killed off the Tsar, his family and millions of other Russians join the war against Europe.
American jews push america in ww2, just like they had pushed for other wars previously.
All poles leave poland during and following ww2 until the population of jews in poland has reached almost none.
From 1900 to 1945, the jew population in the US went from almost none to millions.

Seems to be some kind of common theme here.
If you haven't figured it out yet, jews are a parasite that destroys the host.
They move from place to place repeating the same plan every time. When they have brought that country to destruction, they move on to a new host and the infection process begins again.
That they move as a MASS, is evident that it isn't just a few rich people who happen to be jews.
Take a look at the figures and immigration statistics.
Also, note that they are leaving France and Sweden now - you have to think of where they will go next.
It looks like China is one place.

Keep listening to divide and conquer though, the kikes will control your mind until you shoot your own brother in the face, just like it has always been.



Well written.
The current tactic is to play on the inherent empathy of the northern european as a tool in their own destruction.

Northern Europeans are some of the highest in neanderthal blood. Theories on the death of the neanderthal species suggest that they were far more civilised, empathic and social - they also had larger brains and far superior tool making and use. This socialness and empathy, contrasted by the mindless aggression of the other biped strain meant that they were ill equipped to deal with such brutality.
This contrast can be clearly seen between the moral foundations and behaviour of the european in comparison with that of the sub saharan african.
Africans have no true empathy, nor guilt or conscience - they operate on a completely different type of behaviour, and morals are not present.

Yes we work to keep the continent divided.
Because every time we don't the continent attacks us.

Name one instance.


Yes and how did they treat him for that?
The English are one of the most disgusting people along with the Jews. They deserve everything thats coming to them.

I'll give you another, the "american" war of independence.
The Dutch, French and Portuguese empires fought against the English Empire to weaken our economic power.

Churchill wasn't England. He was a jew's puppet.
You should look into the history of zionism and take a look at their movements and actions.
It is easy enough to find, I even read about it in standard encyclopedias.

If you think the English people wanted war, you must be insane or utterly brainwashed.
You probably think the people of Germany and Sweden want to be flooded with shitskins right now.


No we don't and we also didn't do anything to deserve this kind of shit. The British do for starting the war and defending Churchills actions until this day. Stop defending the People that killed Europe along with the Jews.

The Anglos are scum like the Jews

Churchill was a grade A cunt.
His actions in WW1 left him a political and social pariah in the UK.
The interwar coalition stipulated as one of its terms that he be excluded from any participation in it. Despite his party being one of the coalition members.

Further to that, read about "The City of London" - which is not even english soil.
That is where the monster has lived.
No englishmen have benefitted from them being there. The Queen herself can not enter that 1 square mile without permission.
I hope you are just naive and ill-informed.

Sure thing Mr. Goldburg.


Churchill was thrown out immediately after ww2. The men who fought in ww2 have publicly stated that had they known the truth back then, they would never have fought in the war.
You in Germany and Sweden right now are just as culpable for your own circumstances as the english were in ww2. In fact, moreso - because you have information at your fingertips.
In 1939, all the average man knew was what he saw in the newspaper, or heard rumoured.
You believe that the people are the same as the kikes that are in power, fucking idiot.

Churchill led the british empire to its death for his gambling debts to kikes. If a time machine is invented, he should be one of the first to go. Though really it should start 5,000 years ago with the invention of usury.

Pretty sure London is bigger than 1 square mile.

It is incredible how people still fall for these divide and conquer kike tactics.
Note that no one mentions JDF anymore. It used to be an immediate reaction to these kind of posts.
I think all the oldfags from the Holla Forumss left years ago, and only the JDF and malleable newfags remain.

Try searching for "the city of london" you fucking imbecile.

Oh you kiddin it wasn't even gambling debts.
He literally did it for the same reason he did the shit he did in WW1.
He wanted to build a legacy for himself.

The City of London is seperate from London

Hitler: Hey Britbros, lets ally and defeat judeo-bolshevism. I also love you, we are like brothers. You can rule the waves, we rule the continent, k bye.

England: Fuck off you mug. We will ally with Communists and destroy any pride the Whites and especially the Germans had.

Years later:

USA: Lets reeducate them and push for the "Entnazifizierung". Ahahaha. jewishmerchantsmiling.jpg

England: WTF why is Germany so brainwashed?

The Brits of today defend the actions of Churchill you Idiot. They see nothing wrong in what they did, stop defending them (or yourself nigel). Brits are scum until they redeem themselves by starting the ovens for real this time or something like that.

this is why Holla Forums is going to shit holy fuck

So "London London" isn't a "city," then?


As for "brits of today", you can say that for "germans of today", "swedish of today", "americans of today" wanting hordes of shitskins raping and murdering their children.
Yeah, "italians of today" love the hundreds of thousands of shitskin invaders every month.

People are 90% idiotic followers and don't deserve to have any kind of opinion as they are utterly uninformed and thoughtless. They are there to be led.
Talk to the average person in your own country and they won't know a fucking thing and will think you are mental as soon as you open your mouth, because they don't know a fucking thing other than that which has been fed to them on the (((television))).
Also, when you attack the average englishman in a converastion, he will defend his country as a natural reaction. So you going around "fukin angloz fukin kild da wurld fukin" what do you expect apart from a retaliation like "germans are faggots that have ruined europe" etc etc.

Grow the fuck up you retard and read more.

I already Grew up, my third eye is opened and i saw them, standing there with the Jews.
Gott strafe England and piss on it's ashes.

I understand just fine.

Yeah. Read General Patton's thoughts on the actions at the end of WW2.
He describes this kind of behaviour and thinking as 'semetic', and wanted no part of it.


This was actually my whole point. So too with the fall of Rhodesia and South Africa. So too even with the Potato Famine. And so too, to this very day, with the US military.

In every scenario the Anglo-Saxon had been told that he was doing the work of the righteous. In Ireland, the Saxon was only eager to invade because of tales of Protestant women and children being murdered by Irish Catholics. In South Africa and Rhodesia, the media ran non-stop campaigns making out that the whites there were the most of evil of all humans, that they were committing all manner of horrors and atrocities. The US soldier is told that he is defending the US by destroying other nations, that he is liberating the people from tyrants, bringing them 'freedom and democracy'. Even world war 2 is framed as 'good vs evil', with the non-stop mention of the holocaust the main selling point.

Do you not see that in every instance the Jew manipulated the Saxon into doing its whim by portraying the situation as 'good vs evil', 'right vs wrong', and the Saxon - ever eager to be the hero of the universe - charges headlong into danger to avenge these supposed injustices. Such a thing was made possible due to mass-deception, and due to the Parasite's complete control of the media.

We must remember also that it is not just the Anglo-Saxon that is a victim of this kind of manipulation, many Europeans have been, but the Anglos are one of the most prominent examples - and due to the obvious anti-Anglo sentiment that has been proven by this thread's existence - it is right that we focus firstly on proving that the Anglo's true crime was that of trusting the lies of the media, and not of being an enemy of all that is good. The Saxons themselves, even in their fall from grace, have exhibited a nobility not seen in other parts of the world - for how many others would sacrifice themselves for the sake of 'justice'? We know now that it was not true justice, but they did not - their intentions were always good, and had they not been subverted by the Jew, they would have been a force for justice unlike any other in history (and at times they were, for all the crimes of the Empire -largely committed at the behest of parasites and foreigners- there were a great many heroic and righteous actions, these being enacted by the Saxons themselves).

This fellow understands.

What is important is that we do not hate one-another, for the Saxon who is so led by his sense of justice will - upon the realisation of the horrors he has committed due to yiddish manipulation - turn his ire towards the Parasite that has so deceived him.

And on that day the Saxon's bloody pursuit of justice shall put an end to that scourge of all humanity.

If the media as a whole was destroyed, this brainwashing would stop and the hold that the jew has over people would be weakened to almost nothing.

The fact that the jew can always continue to do these things, while pointing the hooked finger at someone else, is a serious problem.
No one mentions the jews starting a civil war in Germany before Hitler took power.
The narrative just becomes "Hitler came from nowhere and chose the jew as a scapegoat".

I hope I live to see the truth win, but given how long this has been going on for, 5,000 years it is thought, it may not be the case.
At least to see them driven out of Europe would be a great thing.


Holy fuck, you're so far up your own Anglo ass that you can't even see the light of day anymore. It's irrelevant whether or not they believe in "justice"
In fact, it's the appeal of the lowest common-denominator. It's the appeal of the Communist and the Liberal; two other favorite puppets of the Jews:
It's irrelevant. Wanting to do good is no substitute for actually doing good, so don't pretend it is by claiming that - on one hand - the Anglo was completely justified in all of his deviancy because he simply believed himself to be the hero among all peoples, and on the other hand was too short-sighted and naïve to be carelessly manipulated by the Jews even centuries before they rose to continental relevance.

Now look, to give you lads a fair shake: The Anglo is most definitely white, and they most definitely are our brothers-in-arms, but at the end of the day it falls to you – as any proper white man – to look your own shortcomings in the face and to honestly admit your unparalleled historical deviancy, degeneracy and hatred for your brother Europeans.

-Russians don't get a pass for clinging to their "glory days" of Communism, as they do all year-around…
-Poles don't get a pass for harboring Jews for centuries and sucking at the German teat for Holocaust reparations…
-Americans don't get a pass for callously tearing apart their ancient homelands at the whim of Jews
And so on, and so forth. If you cannot be honest about your own people, then how anyone expect you to be honest about yourself and your National Socialistic values and character?

The City of London is the original London and the boroughs that have cropped up around it are separate. I get that. But just because it has a unique political status, that doesn't mean it's not part of the UK. That's like saying Hong Kong isn't a part of China.

Arguably both are not.

>Strong independent (((Europe)))
Yes goyim a Europe united under a single (((ruler)))

Then why are you giving Germans a pass for:
Killing millions of their brothers in ww1, ww2 and now importing millions of shitskins to replace them, and threatening all of the rest of europe into doing the same.

If you don't see who is behind all of this, in every country for the last couple of thousand years, you have some reading to do.

t. Holla Forums

You missed where I said:
Mr. Goldberg. Though holding the Germans responsible for all white deaths in WW1 and 2 is very Jewish of you – as is equating Merkel with the entire German people (whose electoral process is, quite literally, that of an occupied country; one that doesn't have any say in electing its head of state anymore)

Calling Jews children of Satan is an insult to Christians everywhere. Depending the book, Satan was either an angel that cared too much for humanity or, tempted them. Either way, he is a sympathetic character and literally did nothing wrong, a cautionary tale about desire

Jews are cunning and mischievous and parasitic. Very different values and should be met with contempt at best

Given the thread you are in, perhaps you should bother to read it.
Your post was more stuff mentioning 'anglos' as (((you))) call them. Following your 'nations have to accept responsibility' then listing a bunch of shit orchestrated by kikes - it is only balanced in terms of YOUR post, to include what others constantly rate as germany's contributions.
Funny how you aren't able to follow your own advice.

>Your post was more stuff mentioning 'anglos' as (((you))) call them
Of course, because its sole purpose is absolving the Anglos of their historical – and seemingly present faults, considering your conduct – by dressing up their rape and pillaging in the flowery sophistry of Jews, "b-because they thought they were the good guys, i-its okay! A-anglos really care about justice y-y'know?"
This thread isn't about me or my people, but supposedly about the faults of the anglos - and them covering their asses for 'em by pretending that everything should be forgiven simply because it was done with good intentions.

The projection is as palpable as your hatred for anyone who doesn't share your adoration of Harris, or whichever destroyer of white Europeans you masturbate to as you keep re-living imagined past horrors suffered at the hands of DA EBIL GERMONS!! DEY KILLED WHITE PEOPLE IN WW1

Perhaps you would like to read the thread. The main thrust was that the poison that has undone the Saxon was not one that preyed upon their hatred nor their self-interest, but their inherent desire for noble virtue. The so-called leaders of the Anglo-Saxons by whose authority these acts of evil were committed, were often themselves not Anglo-Saxons, and were frequently the Parasite itself. It is not something unique to the Anglo-Saxons, for this poison has been used against others in Europe too - yet it is important that we speak up about it in reference to the Anglo-Saxons, for right now there are those who would stoke the fires of hatred between good white men, who would downplay the manipulation of the Jew or the diabolical effect of their media domination - and would instead plunge us into yet another brother war, supposedly to right some wrong of history - and so the cycle would repeat, forever and ever, with the Parasite avoiding justice. Are not the myriad posts wishing death and damnation upon the British and Americans in this very thread evidence of the necessity of what I have to say?

Perhaps you yourself harbour such hatred for your brothers. Would you see those foolish white men in colleges around Europe and America, who espouse pseudo-Marxist ideals due to their brainwashing; would you see them all killed for failing to realise what has been hidden from them since the day they were born? Of course those who stand in our way must be taken out, but their destruction should never be our aim. It is our purpose to make them see. It is our purpose to understand what is going on, and find the best methods to counter it. Otherwise the Jew will weasel away once again, and our people will murder each other because of what they have done to us.

As you rightly said, even the communists and liberals obsess over justice. Did you know that Hitler also said that ex-communists made the most fervent national socialists? When those who desire justice but have been deceived, and have themselves been manipulated so as to perpetrate injustice – when they come to know the truth, they will be more zealous than any other. We must wake them up, all of them that we can. The Anglo-Saxons, the Swedes, the Germans, the liberals, the students; the whites. They are not, for the most part, your enemy. The only reason they have hostility towards us is because they have been deceived into thinking that we are evil - and that they are good. There are traitors, I do not deny that; but the average Anglo-Saxon is not one of them. The D&C has gone unchallenged on this board for too long. If we here cannot see clearly, then how can we expect the rest of the world to?

I noticed you capitalise "Jew" at every opportunity.
I also notice you have no reading comprehension.
Stinky, smelly kike-like entity you are.

I don't think there is much point in trying to explain to him. He is as bad as the "CHURCHILL SAVED THE WORLD" idiots, just the other side of the coin. He's either a divide and conquer kike, or just utterly brainwashed.

This meme has always been autistic. I capitalize "Communust", "Anglo", "German" and every other name as well, you cherry-picking subhuman autist.
If irony had a physical weight to it you could would be the fattest nigger alive, as opposed to just a plain old nigger.

ENOUGH of the German/Anglo D & C. We are one peoples but should be two separate nations. We share the same Anglo-Saxon blood, the same love of justice, and the same righteous fury when enraged.

Twice in the past century we were fooled into fighting each other and both our great nations were destroyed as a result. But not indelibly nor indefinitely. As the OP states, we will be a great people forever as long as our blood is true, because our base instincts are good, pure and incorruptible. Where we have weakness it is as a result of our own love of right and of justice, and as a result of a naievity born from high-mindedness.

The world was never better than when it was run by the Anglo-Saxon peoples with an ambition to better all the peoples of the world and to help them benefit from our colonial rule, just as the Empire benefitted from ruling over them. This is now seen as hypocritical in our Brave Jewed World where everyone has an ulterior and non-altrusitic motive.

Certainly, the English are, and always have been a commercially minded people. We love trade and always will and have. It comes from our relationship with the sea, from our work ethic, and from our protestant faith historically. But this is not a reason to fall upon the "eternal Anglo" as an enemy. Until this board stops picking fights with our own kin I despair for the future.

good post lad

I'll spell it out for you, imbecile.

You said:
"but at the end of the day it falls to you – as any proper white man – to look your own shortcomings in the face and to honestly admit your unparalleled historical deviancy, degeneracy and hatred for your brother Europeans"
Blaming Russians, Poles and Americans - along with the English, for THEIR crimes against humanity. Not anything to do with what was behind it.
Yet when I present you with the usual thing said by other divide and conquer idiots such as you, but with the germans in place - you throw a fit and are completely unable to apply what you have said to your own people.
That if the average Englishman, American, Pole or Russian is responsible for whatever the kikes have done to his country, SO TO are the Germans.
This is by your reasoning.
You post a bunch of Hitler pictures, but the kikery in you runs to the core.

Average every day Russians kill the Tsar and his family.
Average every day English demanded war against Germany.
Average every day Germans screamed and shouted in the streets until Merkel reluctantly opened the gates and gave the people what they wanted, an endless horde of shitskins.

That is what you are saying, and all you are doing is causing division.

Fuck off nigger we can think for ourselves around here, though I admit that Redditfags like yourself love to talk in other peoples' stead.

You seem to misunderstand; my point isn't that you are wrong - it's that the distinction is irrelevant. The road of Hell is paved for good intentions, even when concerning Anglo-Saxons.

Of course, but that goes the same for the posters unironically dressing up the barbarity of – this thread's topic – the Anglo-Saxon's behavior, by claiming it was "reasonable at the time", or that "otherwise they get attacked by the evil continentals", that the Portugese/Spanish/French/Dutch/Germans/Irish, ect. all waged wars of aggression; so on and so forth.

I agree; simply put. The point of my post(s) are to call attention to the flip side of the coin, however, those who – at best – feel no need to truly consider these words, and simply brush them aside with a quick: "Oh well everyone makes mistakes, lets not get hung-up on the fact that we've been the primary tools of jewelry up until this point in our post WW2-utopia", or the rare few autists who wandered in from brit/pol/ that are just plainly unapologetic about anything and everything that the Anglo(-Saxon) might or might not be responsible for, because well, being a "National Socialist" is just an excuse for chauvinistic jingoism on their part; and they'd gladly throw young generations into the meat-grinders like those of Ypres and Verdun if it meant "proving" the superiority of their magical clay over that of some other European peoples'.

Firing in all directions aren't you.
You can't even follow your own 'logic' - you just fit exactly what OP was speaking about.
Nice 'earlobe spacing' too.


It is not irrelevant, and the reason for this is that there are frequent unchallenged assertions made on this very board that the Anglos are in league with the Jews. Such a thing, as I have shown, could not be further from the truth. The Anglo-Saxon may have done the bidding of the Jew, but only because he had been deceived through the media. His evil actions were a direction result of manipulation. His very reasons for committing those vile acts were noble, even if misguided. This is important because it means the Anglo-Saxon is not the enemy; the Jew is.

Your desire to heap blame upon the Saxon is foolish. Why not heap blame upon the Russians for the Bolshevik revolution? What about the French for their revolution? The Germans for their initial nose-divine into depravity prior to the rise of Hitler? Why not spend all day blaming college students for being stupid? Perhaps you see the crimes of the Anglo as greater than these others, you need to realise that such things as heaping blame are worthless! Nothing good can come of it, and plenty bad - why aid the Parasite in its goal to ignite yet another brother war between our peoples?

It is our purpose to show the world the light of truth. We must expose the Jew. Blaming all the people who have been manipulated and deceived by the Jew will get us nowhere, and will if anything just lead to more infighting. It makes us vulnerable to their D&C, as this very thread has proved. So we will do it no more.

If you feel the need to vent about the evils committed by any particular nation or peoples; why not see if you can link that evil to the Jews? Let us be united in our desire for truth and justice; let us be united in our desire to exterminate the Parasite.

Trying to decifer your fucking Christmas tree of a post.

You were the one who turned "killing their brothers" into "kill ALL the whites in europe" in regards to the Germans, because it fits your divide and conquer agenda.
You also keep referring to that as my opinion, when it was a reflection of your mentality.
You haven't bothered to read the rest of the thread, all you did was jump in and start out like the people that OP describes. HUR DUR ANGLO IS WURZ THAN JOO.

It is not the jew who killed off poles, french, belgian, english, czech, danish, dutch. It was the Germans.
I've said nowhere in this thread that 'oh we thought we were the good guys' if you read through you'll find my opinion quite clear.
As op clearly states, his sound reasoning is that the jew plays on the empathy inherent in the northern european blood, because that is the only way he can manipulate the northern european.
For other breeds he uses other tactics.
Of course every person is part of the machine - and ideally they should rise up and kill every single last parasite and monster the very next day.
The reality however is that people are followers. 95% or more are followers, and nothing more, regardless of their blood. It is the same with those idiots baying for the deaths of white women who were murdered by negros. "YEAH FUCK YEAH BURN THE COAL PAY THE TOLL". I wonder what your opinion is on that.
In my eyes, the white female is the dominion of the white people, and whether she be a traitor or not, she is to be dealt with by her own people, not any subhuman, regardless of her actions.
People follow, and you can hold them accountable to a certain extent, but then the semetics themselves are the ones who were and still are crying out for vengeance against any Germans, and are still to this day persuing and driving to extinction the German.

I mentioned it earlier in this thread, which you have not read, that Patton had something specific to say about this.
His view on what was being done to the Germans following the war was 'very semetic' and that he wanted no part in it. Which is why he was assassinated shortly thereafter.
You seem to want to pursue the English, perhaps until they are extinct too. Patton would have an opinion on your behaviour.

This thread has really turned out with some compelling literature. Thank you OP and fa3436.

I commend this

Majority of the problems that morons on Holla Forums blame on Anglos can be blamed on the jewish "cousinhood", i.e. the zionist elite in Britain associated with finance, elites, and politics. That anti-anglo Holla Forumslacks rarely mention them goes to show just how garbage anons' knowledge is on the history of the jew (or that they are shills).

Go read the books The Divided Elite: Economics, Politics, and Anglo-Jewry, 1882-1917 and The Cousinhood: The Anglo-Jewish gentry. Both are scholarly literature and not garbage. Alternatively go read the historian John A. Hobson from the 19th century who wrote a number of books showing the connections between imperialism, colonialism, and jew elites. His analysis of the role of British Jews in the Boer war is very interesting, and generally ignored by most. Another ignored figure is Moses Montefiore, a historical figure rarely mentioned but very important in British Zionism and the eventual establishment of Israel. Guy had connections and influences all over the place, pushing pro-Jew shit among literary elites, media elites, foreign politics, financial elites. Basically the same shit happening today.

Yet morons on Holla Forums solely blame the anglo. This how you lose. By not learning from history and how the enemy operates.


Moses Montefiore sounds like Soros.
It's a nice way to have a get out of jail free card in every discussion, and the way to influence under the cover of supposed decency.

The ROTHSCHILDS/REDSHEILD made their money by telling the English that Napoleon had won Waterloo, and then bought up the market which then skyrocketed when the truth came out. They then took over the country with their immense wealth. THE REDSHEILDS FOUND REFUGE AND THE DYNASTY WAS FOUNDED IN GERMANY. The flag of Israel is the redsheild crest but blue instead of red. Why? Because Israel is a REDSHEILD project.

Oh look the dishwasher is back

The natural Jewish symbol is not the 'star of David' but the:


The English are only Anglo-Saxon to a very small degree, much as they are only minimally Norwegian thanks to the invasion and settlement of the Vikings. However, they majority of the British population is genetically very close to these nations anyway, as well as France, Belgium, Netherlands, and Switzerland.

Londinium is fairly well secured…probably the highest security place I have ever seen

empiricism isnt the same as materialism

you will never be white.

The French are of equal blame. What did Napoleon do? Let the kikes loose upon the world and are equally responsible for the likes of Rothschild, Warburgs, and all others as much as Britain and of course the Treaty of Versailles which caused WWII to begin with. The Eternal Anglo being as they are cannot be the only one to blame.

they dont seem to understand that Britons were and still are being lied to. just like we all are.

i have been thinking about this and it really quite odd. We all understand the jq and how the yid operates but when we look at England apparently different rules apply. What gives? Its easy to just dismiss it as standard d+c but i think there is quite a lot of baggage here too. Lets face it, Britain has always been resented/envied by the continent. perhaps with good reason, perhaps not and maybe its unreasonable to expect Nationalists to abandon their historical gruges. Still, we must set them aside or we are doing the enemies work. Shake it the fuck off, our people's need us.

The issue is that for anyone who unite the entire European continent Britain is a huge potential threat.
It's difficult to invade and its position makes it a fantastic staging area for forces from outside the continent as we saw in WW2.

If you want to conquer/unite Europe then the Britain issue has to be resolved. Because otherwise you have to leave a substantial standing army in the area to counter the potential threat of Britain. Forces and resources you could and need spend elsewhere.
WW2 again provides a great example of this. Dividing the Reich military to the breaking point. Napoleon had similar difficulties.

So most come to the conclusion that the easiest way to solve the problem is to conquer Britain or somehow bring it under your control.
This is arguably the correct approach. From a strategic standpoint it is.
The problem is that the Brits are very different in terms of philosophy and life outlook than those on the continent.
Most importantly here they value their independence. The British people overall don't view themselves as part of the continent, we're an island nation.
So any attempt to take over is met with heavy and sustained resistance. Even attempts by cultural means face inevitable and constant pushback. Foreign ruling classes who have imposed themselves upon the natives have been forced to assimilate and adopt the culture of those they rule. The continental catholics were pushed out in favour of protestants who held no allegiance to the pope.

In the earliest days of European civilisation both the Greeks and Romans visited the strange and mysterious land of Albion as the Greeks dubbed it.
Both found it to be a strange land of woodland, an ever present fog and extremely hostile natives. Far as anyone could tell no outsiders were tolerated except at a few coastal settlements.
On the continent itself however the Britons had earned themselves a reputation as fierce and effective mercenaries. Though ones always in a rush to go back home.

It was Rome who cemented the idea that Britain was under threat in the eyes of its people and marked the beginning of centuries of foreign invasion and threats to the islands of forest and fog.
The British peoples quickly internalised and came to terms with these facts.
Adopting the policy of ensuring a divided Europe they worked over centuries to ensure no single power held too much power on the continent and when one inevitably arose (as continentals seem obsessed with conquest and homogenisation) they would goad the other nations into war with this rising power.

This agenda played well to the Jews. Who also liked Britains position as a great naval and mercantile power. Though the two never really liked each other an uncomfortable cooperation between the two was inevitable due to aligned interests.
Britains great stability in comparison to the continent also made it a popular place for bankers who operated across the continent and later the world.

For us the idea of the continent ever being anything but a threat to our existence is a difficult one to comprehend. Because it defies all past experience.

Incorrect. The key to Europe is the northern shipyards and docks. The ports that span the Netherlands through the German lowlands and ending at the Danes. Specifically, the exact, precise, absolute key to all of Britain is Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and Antwerp. Take these dutch city ports, and then sit and wait. Brussels will fall, the Asians in control of Europe will starve, and London, with its internal City of London asian (kike, saudi, and chink) Andalusian Paradise will be ripe for the taking.

/Aside: WW2 is a bad template for analysis of taking Britain, specifically because Germans didn't want it. Hitler had already won WW2-Part1, was trying to end shit to no avail, and never committed to any plans of British occupation. During that same period in which the (((Eternal Anglo))) was cut off from the northern ports, Britain was on life support from the USA and would have fallen if not for (((peers))) manipulating USA-State-side media and support. I do not believe that Germany could have ever sustained its occupation, and still would have lost against (((world wide globalists))), but regardless, all the evidence is there plain for all to see: Take the northern port cities, sit back, and just wait.

Granted, if the waiting becomes too long, you're going to need more than a bit of oil. Protip from the same lesson.

Completely missing the point.

Also to make use of those ports you hold in such high esteem you have to get past Britain.
Spanish and Mediterranean ports are of much higher value.

Haha. No. Also, pics related.


You somewhat proved my point actually.
Look at how all those ships move close to Britain. Going north is much more dangerous due to the cold climate and less efficient in terms of fuel. So you have to go close to Britain in range of attack.

The Spanish and Med ports don't have that problem but instead have others.

That’s a shame.

Yeah only twice this year and obviously 7/7 our cheaper 9-11 production.
I personally believe they were all jewish deceptions to try to get civil war + martial law though. But they still count.

I wonder if this is soyanite to you but a picture says more than a thousand refugeefeet (stampede :^)).

I was brought up to think Jews were by default good people. I was educated in a system that thought Jews were good people.

Once I saw the nature of the world as a mature adult and the goings on of the past years, it has become obvious Jews are fucking humanities-cancer.

Maybe their hysteric mentally ill women and other hormone deficiant should know when to shut their retarded goblin mouths?

Their "excellence" (translation fat jews with money or the mentally ill women and hormone cripples) promote mass immigration, now lets see how this works out in reality: