$15/hr wages suck

New study finds effects of wage increase:


Dreamin’ of
Higher Wages

William E. Even
Raymond E. Glos Professor
of Economics | Miami University
David A. Macpherson
E.M. Stevens Professor
of Economics | Trinity University

Evaluating the Golden State’s
30-Year Minimum Wage Experiment

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End the Federal Reserve, end inflationary currencies, end keynesian bullshit.

Minimum wage would be +$20-25 an hour now if it kept up with inflation of currency/expenses. Where did all the money go since the 60s?

Actually lol they don't. You just don't know how to be frugal and save what you receive.


They should fucking hang the walmart family and dump all the money to white families having kids.


Raise the wages, the kikes raise the prices. The poor will lose even more. The circle of kike.


well if we had a functioning border wall and actually deported illegals a higher minimum wage could possibly work

despite this i oppose wage laws in general

That's 120 a fucking day or 2400 a month, I'd live as a king with all of that.
Well, maybe because I live in a third world country, though

This guy gets it.
OP just wants to feel entitled to something that isn't owed to them. Think of it as their own anger at themselves for fucking up their life on drugs and degeneracy.

California rent is usually around $1,000 for next to nothing though. We have a homeless problem because of the turbo kikes in silicon valley.


Move out East, costs less and there's less degeneracy.

Seriously. Wage increases are unnecessary. Fixing the value of the money is essential. Kill the Federal Reserve. Void the (((debt))) since it's a scam - completely legal and no one except kikes will kvetch. Debt gone, fix money. The rest is easy.

Yes , sounds good

>Void the (((debt)))
such dangerous wrongthink

Question is how do you do that for white families and not other families

Redistribution of wealth is commie shit, but I will allow it just this once in this instance.

Let's not conflate inflation with expenses. If we still used 90% silver quarters & dimes, prices would be about the same. A silver 90% silver quarter today is worth about $3 (or 12x the face value). If we switched back to metals-backed currency like this, so would our purchasing power.
Expenses are completely different. It would be very easy to afford to live like people did in the 1940's. It's only with the advent of personal computers, internet, cellphones, video games, etc. that "expenses" became so expensive. If you try to live more simply, it's quite affordable.

Redistribution of wealth obtained trough hard work sure is wrong.

Redistribution of stolen wealth trough usury should be enacted, specially if it happens from the top down trough offering services and opportunities to the people, instead of free gibs.

Washington rents are beginning to match.


Hell I live in an old german town in eastern washington and you'd think all these fuckers were ashkenazi with how much rent, groceries, utilities, etc. are.

Take a guess.

That graph needs to be adjusted for how much actually goes to social security benefits vs. how much is stolen to pay for other liberal projects.

It's always fun to ask liberals how much of the budget they think is devoted to handout programs & ponzi schemes like SS and how much is allocated to the military. Without fail, not a sinlge liberal I have ever asked has ever believed me that handouts make up over 70% of our expendetures, while military spending makes up less than 25%. Also note that juicy "interest on debt" slice - that's the kike's share.

The folks on SS are fucked being unable to afford to take care of even basic necessities so they are forced into "homes" with shared facilities all available to you when you simply sign over your check to the jews running the slum.
I hate kikes.

You should do a little research into how many times the gov has "borrowed" money from SS for military etc. and never paid it back.

$6/day wage back in 1920 for the most basic work. Pegged by the price of gold then/now this equates to roughly ~+$40/h or ~+$300/day.

Wages are much much lower than they were even 100(!) years ago.

I won my ssi claim against a nigress federal judge. I earned my gibs. I also paid a lot into the system and maxed my credits. If all the welfare niggers had to go through that process to get gibs, they removed illegals, etc. our budget would be balanced.
The SS budget would loook better on paper and there would be more funds available for military directly instead of playing these games to make it look like we need more welfare bux for everyone. We don't. We have enough. We have too many getting them without reason. Well there is a reason, and that reason is to funnel the money back into kike hands which ultimately is financial ruin for us so a couple more shekels can be rubbed together.
The books need to stop being cooked.

I should add I did it as a white man. I fought for it myself and didn't use a fucking attorney thus denying them even that slice of my fucking cheese.

Minimum wages never, ever work, especially with fiat soft money.

But if we had a functioning border wall and actually deported illegals a minimum wage wouldn't be "needed" at all. Without beans undercutting labor under the table, wages would naturally rise. Without beans gobbling up all the goodies with their gibs, prices would naturally fall.

Social security IS a liberal project.

Most of the people taking social security money never, ever paid into it. That's not the government manages retirement savings plan it was sold as. It's just another form of welfare gibs.

As I said, they need to stop playing games with it and use it as it was intended. There is nothing wrong with taking care of our own when they aren't acting like niggers. White people do pay into it, they should benefit from it.

We already have redistribution of wealth-in favor of the rich. That's why they have all the money

Absolutely insane if true.

If only we could just get rid of social security, medicare and medicaid. Scrap them completely effective overnight and nobody gets one more penny, no matter how much they paid. FUCK (((FDR)))!!! Yeah and void the debt too

Nobody should get free anything from the government except veterans because they earned it. I don't care if you paid into it, you were forced to, which is horrible and should never have happened in the first place. But there's nowhere for the money to come from but taxpayers so all of these handout programs should be completely eliminated effective overnight not one more penny to anybody no matter what.

are you able to buy a house with only your own wage?
because your dad and granddad were.
fucking retard

I wish more people understood this shit I hate normies screeching all the time about how niggers need more gibs.

If they earned it, it isn't free, nigger. Shut the fuck up and pay your god damned taxes.

Raising the minimum wage is an assault on the middle class. With the minimum wage increasing the price of goods go up to reflect that. Meanwhile, those of us that make more than minimum wage (for instance I make $60 an hour through my job) don't have our pay increased to reflect the jump in cost due to the price increase across the board. Most of us with careers have contracts and are locked in to a certain salary/hourly pay that comes with incremental raises every couple of years. These raises are not reflective of the high percentage jump minimum wage has taken.
The middle class are going to be bumped down a rung while the poor remain the same ratio of poorness they were beforehand.

They should be getting it from Israel.


I lived in SoCal for 2 years, back around 08.
I was paying… Either 1,200 or 1,400, per month, for a 3rd-floor 1-bedroom w/ loft apartment.

I could find apartments for ~800/mo, but every such place I looked at in the area (between Oceanside and Escondido) was rife with shifty spics. The place I went with was gated and had a security detail watching over the plac 24/7… Of course, that detail was almost-exclusively Africans who barely spoke English, most of whom were overweight women.

California is shit.

Reminded me of this one from the campaign season…

This. If and when this happens I'm demanding an equivalent increase due to increased cost of living or else I'm walking. Anyone with a decent job and a spine will do the same.

This is it, this is the answer (((they))) don't want you to ever consider. Almost every issue in America essentially stems from a shitty economy, which in turn stems from the federal reserve existing in the first place.

So much so that there's a ton of controlled opposition to tie "remove the federal reserve" with "GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW" so as to ensure it will never happen. You'd sooner be fed with red herrings and tidbits of "victories" on unrelated fronts, whose lands hold no value, so as to distract you as long as possible. That's how much (((they))) never want it to happen.

That's why it needs to fucking happen.

Commifornia logic.

>Void the (((debt)))
This. Why would anyone with an army willingly put itself into hardship for a creditor without an army? Governments should just kill their creditors (and take whatever assets they have as repayment for the audacity or having sustained such an abusive scam for so long). This would be effective and righteous and I positively loathe those in power more each passing day that they don’t do this.

Why do trannies give themselves such fucking hideous eyes?! It looks like an actual monster.


1200-1400 doesn't actually sound too bad for that kinda dig, especially in a gated complex. You always take a hit when opting out of having roommates.

1,200-1,400 gets you a great 2 bedroom apartment with fuckloads of amenities in a nice area and gated shit here in Tejas

so no, that's pretty fucking bad

Ok i give you the hamburger flipping robot you stupid niggers techcrunch.com/2017/09/19/flippy-the-hamburger-cooking-robot-gets-its-first-restaurant-gig/

They probably think this is a good thing because muh automation. They think the billionaires will just hand their shekels over to them.

Hey, fuck that, man. If I was a 65 year old who worked my ass off, fought for ZOG, and paid (((dues))) since I was 18 or (most likely) earlier, I'd want my fucking monthly check and you know you would also. We know it can't last forever, but damn, there are people in my family who've worked their asses off for longer than most of the anons on this board have been alive (including myself) and I'd say they deserve it.

What 3rd world shithole do you live in where paying 1400 a month for a one room apartment is a good deal?


two two-word solutions:

1. barter economy
2. kill jews

International trade would collapse and there would be mass hunger in America? This is latin-american communist style of thinking, Argentina did this last decade and see how well it went under Kirchner.

I am not theorizing the abrupt ending all financial mechanisms, for the sake of international relations and fairness some debts would have to be made good, Governments owe their own people a lot of money after all. I am saying that the money owed to central banks could be considered paid, paid in blood, the blood of the creditors.

If central banks hold a debt then the expectation should be that it could be paid off (theoretically, I am aware that isn’t actually how such debt is constructed). Let’s say for example the United States came across a rare resource that the rest of the world wanted and so accumulated enough of a surplus to pay it’s debt off in full over a short period of time. Would that collapse the economy and cause mass hunger? No, the creditor would simply have more money. But if you delete the creditor and take his place you can consider the debt paid to the same end. The only thing missing is a private entity with a large pool of money, but that money was never going to be yours so what difference does it make.

Argentina’s financial idiocy (which stretches back much further than a decade) does not mirror this scenario at all.

But it IS being used as intended. Social security was always meant to be a way to buy votes with other people's money.

It was merely sold to the public as a government managed retirement plan. False advertising.

Image in the OP looks like it's from West Africa or Guyana or some shit holy fuck.

Welcome to Southern California. Enjoy your stay.


It does not work that way.
done. What do you mean when you say "kike raise the prices"?

1) Richest percentiles of population.
2) Resources now cost more and not just because of something wants to be rich but because each person consumes magnitudes more resources than 1 century ago.

Do you have Down's Syndrome? Not surprising since you're commie.

you could as well brag about that he missed dubs twice

Actually prices didn't go up but full time jobs were split to part time ones without benefits and free overtime.

Why don't we just increase the wage to 40$/h? Everybody would be rich!

You cannot abolish poverty with legislation. If you want to abolish poverty, take the emission of money back from private (((banks))) back into the government.

This logic can also apply to National Socialism, but that fixed National Socialist wages meant you made enough to be comfortable.

Oh anons me tell you a story of Cucknada increases Minwage to $15

This is your country on Liberals

“Post National” countries will never again offer any quality of life for anyone who doesn’t ether inherit or who becomes a high wage earner. That’s it, game over for the average Joe, he is surplus to requirements and must wait to die.

Yes. Go to zillow and check out housing prices in Pontiac Michigan. There are 10's of thousands of homes under $30,000 in the mid west. If you and your wife can't save $3000 each for 5 years and buy a house then you are a hopeless animal.

As a Midwesterner, I can confirm this. There is no housing affordability problem so long as you live where the affordable houses are.

In 1972 if I would have made $15/hour all summer before college started pic related is car I would have driven my freshman year.
Plus tuition room and board books and cash for skiing and shit.


To the women, who all have jobs now.

We left the gold standard. The dollar became monopoly money. So go figure when you are paid in paper that you can't do much more than wipe your ass with it.

Picture is dishonest we knew what happened, the jews stole the gold by ordering nixon to take us off the gold standard so the fed could print more fedbux.

What can be dishonest about a chart? It says "something happened." Something did happen and you basically agreed with me. You are free to ADD to what I said, but what I said it correct and simplified to make a point. Just because someone doesn't say "jews" in their post doesn't mean it's dishonest. I would assumed that goes without saying most times here.

Guess I should want a decrease then?

New study, same old shit again: Wage increase scary. Don't give it to the niggers.

If you want wages to make a comeback you have to force women out of the work force,reverse inflation,and and get rid of those 3rd world workers who're in the country to drive down the wages.

Forcing women out of the workforce would just send more business to rabbis importing illegal shitskins.

Force is the worst way to get something done. People only do it until you stop forcing them. Women leaving workforce will be a consequence of incentives changing or it won't happen.

normies are too lazy to even google search topics most times. They do not have that natural curiosity we have; you must feed them.

stupid nigger. you can put a down payment and pay that as fucking mortgatge even, i pay that for a house worth 500k and it cost me 100k

Minimum wage rises = rent, gas, food, taxes, and everything else rises. So you make 15$ in Seattle and the housing even in town outside Seattle that are shit holes cost $900 to live in a studio with niggers and Mexicans andwhite druggies.

Classic cuckservative opinion.

No one lives in the Midwest because you can't get a job out there and minimum wage reflects the housing costs, duh…