ITT we post games from the playstation 1 and 2.
PS1/PS2 Games - Thread
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Those had literally no games
Don't you guys ever get tired of playing the same shit (and outdated at that) over and over again? Give the PS4 a try, I promise you you won't regret it.
Best Final Fantasy game coming through.
RIP Colin McRae
RIP Richard Burns
Participation in video games doesn't seem to enhance life expectation of Rally drivers.
The greatest cyberpunk game ever.
he he
after colin's dead, codemaster run the serie down the shitter. very sad actually.
i like the game.
so what?
Xenosaga is guttertrash smeg
you really are literally too retarded to get a hint ,aren't you?
actual, i'm retarded.
Much as I enjoy PS1 and PS2 discussion, check the catalog before making a thread. Already a PS2 thread up at . Also, if you're going to samefag, at least make posts between your first in a chain and someone else chiming in non-bumping unless the thread's actually getting rather low on the catalog.
My PS2 has been scratching my discs recently. I adjusted the ribbon cable which seemed to work temporarily, but now it's back at it again. Has this happened to any of you guys?
did he died?
A while ago I made a hidden gems thread for 6th gen. Some ps2 games there.
Out of curiosity, do you have your PS2 horizontal or vertical? If memory serves, for some systems the alignment is a factor in if discs get scratched up.
Horizontal. It's a Slim PS2 though.
I don't know bro. Don't you get tired of playing Bloodborne and watching Until Dawn over and over again?
Not sure how much help I can be (I have a fat model one; keep mine horizontal as well), but is it just certain games its doing that to, or just about any one? I've heard that stuff like DVD-9 games can be a bit hard on the actual system, though that might be more on wearing the laser than the discs themselves getting damaged.
Still plenty of older stuff on my backlog I'm getting around to playing for the first time.
First version of X-Zone.
These games were a fucking blast to play
Have to admit, that game's opening was really damn good.
Ah, Xenosaga
I'll probably just end up watching a playtrough on youtube.
Or you just get lucky like me and find Episode III for a cheap $13 or so. At least, I assume that might be the one you're having issues finding; Xenosaga Episodes I and II should be pretty cheap if you have an actual PS2 to play them on.
Still baffles me that PAL only got episode II.
I'll probably emulate those once I get a decent PC. I heard emulating is actually a better experience anyway because the loading times are horrible on an actual PS2.
As far as I can tell it's any game. I looked it up a bit and apparently I needed to press the ribbon cable inside the unit down, but it didn't seem to last long (unless I did it wrong).
If it needs to remain pressed down, why not look into something adhesive for electronic use to hold it in position? Though you might want to wait until someone else gives more proper information on that; I've had no experience with needing to do so.
I've been too paranoid to do that.
I may end up looking for cheap PSPhats sometime. In the meantime I can experiment a little more with games like GTAs which are easy to find/replace.
it runs pretty well on it too