SANDY HOAX 5yr Anniv Thread
Sandy Hoax was a staged psyop where nobody died and the public bought it hook line and sinker. Crisis actors GALORE.
And, discuss…
SANDY HOAX 5yr Anniv Thread
Sandy Hoax was a staged psyop where nobody died and the public bought it hook line and sinker. Crisis actors GALORE.
And, discuss…
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Let's get the sandy hoax files out. I'm not at my main computer at the moment but I've been eager to revisit this hoax.
ANYONE THINKING A HOAX MIGHT HAPPEN THIS HOLIDAY SEASON ? seriously they haven't been active lately so fucky are they holding off why we spend money on chocolate covered cherries egg nog and IPADs
ALSO check the ARCHIVE
Not really. A lot of people think the official story is bullshit, just like 9/11 and the Kennedy assassination.
Also, Fetzer's tome is required reading for anyone who wants to do this thread again.
Top kek mate you got your (You).
This must be satire.
That there are retards who will eat up any jewish disinformation, regardless of how retarded it is. First it was everything's faked with actors (because G-d's chosen children would never kill anybody), then flat Earth, who knows what the kikes will cook up next?
That you niggers are autistic as fuck.
I swear to god, every single one of you has faceblindness and you don't even realize it.
You guys are Wictor-tier retards.
That makes you lesser than said retard.
That would be true if you retards were right, but instead you're retards and you're wrong because you have faceblindness.
This is the same autism that created the fucking pedo-earlobe shit that was fostered to distract us from the real story behind the Vegas shooting.
I wish all you would just quit your fucking FBI disinfo jobs and just go back to sucking dicks.
What is it about poisoning a well you shill faggots cannot comprehend? This earlobe faggotry and far-end retard psycho babble is deliberately manufactured to create the illusion that people who mention the FACT that sandy hook was a contrived media psyop are gumbo schizo faggot retards.
Give a single piece of evidence that any kids died at Sandy Hook. Give a single piece of evidence that Adam Lanza existed. Pro tip: you can't
Correct. It is disseminated by disinformation agent Dallas gold bug.
The earlobe thing and the crisis actors bs was brewing for a while. They were waiting to pounce with this nonsense and took the oportunity with Sandy Hook and Boston, and a lot of people bought into the psyop, making themselves detested amoungst the general public for no good reason other than to tar real researchers, because it is such a retarded and divisive masterpiece of cognitive infiltration of the soft-headed portion of the truth movement.
If Columbine had happened today, you retards would be saying it was fake.
But that's all this cult ever had, "earlobe faggotry and far-end retard psycho babble".
Your top spokesmen are known frauds Fetzer and Halbig, lmao.
i used to be in direct contact with this disinfo faggot. can confirm.
Tyranny News Network devoted a shitload of time to researching this. His channel was removed not long ago. He had a website that was shutdown also, so I think he may have done it himself.
And Goldbug was who started the entire "hoaxer" phenomenon. Before him, nobody was talking about events that were supposedly staged with actors, other than the "Pallywood" kikes, of course. It's almost as if some jewish propagandists realized that claiming all the the atrocities that the carry out against the Palestinians are fake was a failed strategy that did more harm than good, and had their agents, like Robert Groden, insert it into the "truth movement" as disinformation.
Truly unimportant, naming those who peddle in shit like this faggot
Is beneath any self-respecting person
literally who, are you retarded?
Are you saying crisis actors don’t exist and Sandy Hook happened? I don’t know what happened, but something fucking weird was going on. Gene Rosens released rehearsal tape? The dad smiling and getting himself into character? The Boston Bombing also is filled with holes in the narrative. We have footage showing glaring inconsistencies with supposed injuries sustained in the bombing. One of the runners was a child actor on that show ZOOM for PBS.
I personally know Dr James Fetzer and have interviewed him several times now.
You might wish to actually CHECK his research before flinging poo like a nigger.
when you create a thread, give an archive in tandem with links
normally i do post the archive links, and appy-polly-logies my bad. these have been archived and reposted so many times before i didnt think they needed it but thanks for the reminder to always stick to protocol. blame it on the roasted jimmies sprinkled with a pinch of autism. X:DDD
Well, Sandy hoax actually did have actors. This method of well poisoning disinformation in counterintelligence is to drown out real information in mountains of stupid shit. To reduce the signal to noise ratio so that normies cannot correctly analyze the situation. That is why you have the bad facial analysis and ear lobe crap.
checked and moar on crisis actors
yes this is redfoot, that is my blog = more relevant posts to be found there
I've been posting this in several Sandy Hook threads but never got an answer, so I'll just try again: Why think the government is responsible, and not just the channels?
Journalists have always been at war with each other, and since 24/7 dedicated news channels have been a thing, it got even worse. The competition is fierce, and they're ready to do anything to get on top. Long time ago they started pushing every rumor floating around, just because it could be news, and if they took the time to check, they'd risk another channel airing it first, and if it turns out to be false they never deny it, because there's always something new to air. Then they started distorting events to push whatever opinion they had.
And then, we DO have proof they sometimes fabricate things, like fake protesters reading a script so instead of asking angry shouting protestors, they have calm ones with a cohesive discourse. Or all those "experts" on every single possible subject, who are a fucking joke, and keep saying inaccurate shit, as long as it's exclusive. Words, other channels then parrot it and add their own bullshit, until it turns into a huge obvious lie.
So why assume it's the government, when channels don't need help to do that? Clearly when there's a peek of viewers during a shooting, you need some breaking news other channels don't have. Why not have fake victims and family of victims? That sounds like an atrocious thing to do just for ratings, but then it'd explain why we have obvious proofs of fuckery, AND an actual shooting with actual victims. If we cross reference tidbits of info between channels and how they propagate along the event, and compare with police reports, I'm sure we could figure out where each bit of fake info comes from, separate the bullshit from the truth, and even nail down which channels are doing this, if not all.
I don't believe the US government would false flag school shootings, but I certainly believe those reporting on it to care about ratings more than anything else.
The main difference between columbine and every other shooting hoax is that columbine has a mountain of evidence that doesn't contradict itself that it's obvious who the shooters were and what their motives are. The other major factor is that the frequency of these attacks are increasing and it keeps ending up as a series of hoaxes. If another columbine situation does happen it will likely be another sandy hoax until proven otherwise.
If it was a Normal day in CT, Dec15, How did The State Police and Federal Agents Respond And get to Sandy Hook within a Half Hour or less of the 911call? I live in CT. The highway system is congested due to rush hour, SandyHook Is off the beaten path, and if this were a normal "All hands on Deck" response, State Police wouldn't have been able to make it their in such a short amount of time.. unless they were "Training" nearby before the call came in… Were we presented a "Mass Shooting" when in Reality it was a drill? Many officers including the Captain Retired shortly after….
(Dec 14)correction
He was interviewed by the media, what do you mean rehearsal tape. Do you think the media uses every second of an interview? They cut hours down to a few minutes. News programs are known to be notorious for this.
With enough confirmation bias you can claim that a nervous smile is evidence of collusion. Anything more credible has yet to come out of the Sandy Hoaxers.
That's only because the photos were leaked, today people would be demanding photos of each student.
Look at the father's inteview… he didn't cry tears - Crisis Actor!
Why not C? D through Z? This seems like deep state, kikes, commitees and intelligence agencies.
That's an afterthought, the gun control and multilateral reform is the goal. More broadcast shekels is a byproduct.
The one and only question people should be asking is HOW such a massive police response was generated in such a small amount of time.. Barracks are located all over the state of CT and Everytrooper in CT was there within a half hour, including HRTs and everything else EXCEpt Lifestar. Anything other than this question will make you look crazy. This one NOBODY can answer..
Did the police and hrt.teleport?
drill was scheduled that day, not a coincidence
Who do you think is likely to be behind it?
Frankly, it's becoming more and more suspicious after the LV shooting.
The way the media manipulated that was obvious.
I'm thinking perhaps soros etc but that's a roughie.
Wow, so all the police and federales were everywhere and Lanza still attacked. The fucking balls on the kid to go in guns blazing with police and feds clearly in plain sight too.
Just (((pure coincidence))) of course.
Discussing "Crisis actors" and all that other Bullshit is stuff that proven wackjobs discussed, (Most likely to discredit SH) the ONLY question EVERYONE should ask is how the police responded so quickly if it was indeed a NORMAL day… Anything other than that turns people off, and it's the one question NOONE will look into.. it's literally impossible to generate a response like they did if it was just anuddah normal day in CT… its a simple question. Maybe ChrisMurphy (Leader of SH alliance) can answer it?
Wow you shills are getting worse.
The LV shooting opened a massive possibilty to all of this: profit.
Not just gun control.
It explains why soros was so involved in ukraine.
It explains the weird gates and saudi connections/ investments in the LV shooting.
Now we know that the unthinkable is not as unthinkable as it seems.
Are u an idiot? Your autism is raging… IT TOOK POLICE 20 minutes to get to THE SCHOOL. Located in THE SANDY HOOK PORTION IF NEWTOWN. Considering I have lived IN CT my entire life. It takes LOCAL POLICE 10-15 min to respond LOCALLY, NEVERmind coming from every part of the state. They HAD to be altogether somewhere before hand…
Well they did nothing but push for gun control (and got some in places like Jew York), so if I had to guess the American detachment of the Illubinatus (trying to disarm the main opposition expecting it to have been done by 2016 election etc).
I think A Drill was Being done On responding to Mass Casualties involving children 20 min away in (BridgePort) And a PHONECALL was made initially stating someone saw 2 men dressed in fatigues were running thru woods… that provoked intitial response. Media shows up to school as kids are being shuffled out during drill, presents it as mass shooting, Sen. ChriaMurphy and RichardBlumemthal along with Dan Malloy and SH fams All play along and present it as "MUH KIDS DIED, TURN IN THE GUNz"
Because Obama is potentially dirty and was at the reigns of it at the time. Because the clintons and various government seem to be dirty from the facts of the case.
God knows just how dirty the government is now.
Oh and you may even include a gamification aspect for the whole thing… but that's wishful thinking on my part, given what small details we found digging into things like podesta. They aren't simply playing the devil… they just are the devil. Profit and delusion may drive people to do strange things.
Politicians are notoriously linked to psychopathy, because they go in with a sword and end up drowning in the swamp.
And they're are many families that influence and control it, they've been controlling it for a long time, e.g. the kennedys, bushes.
Look at the map. Nobody in CT EVER paid attention to "SandyHook" not to mention the highways nearby are PACKED during rush hour (7-930am) and a normal "All hands on deck" response would have taken much longer than 30 minutes if police were dispatched from there regular assigned barracks. Look at the maps… the logistics don't add up
The fact that no one is willing or will tweet a simple question or ask this question is alarming… All logic is gone…
But some of those politicians earn money from weapon industries. There's a conflict of interest there.
Why did they suddenly ignore that?
I think part of the goal was hysteria. People can lead a bull with a red sheet (or whatever it is) so to speak. Can be profitable.
People like AJ, and Wolfgang Fuckbig (Not even from Here) jumped on SH as a Hoax to discredit anyone who spoke rationally about it.. the only response generated is, "MUH GOD MAN, KIDS DIED, HOWDARE YOU!!"
What if that drill was intentially set up to make us assume it had something to do with it.
Like it was bait to make us think the government was behind it.
Think about it, espionage on that level is relatively easy compared to it on the level of infiltrating harder to infiltrate government organisations.
Some are but some are also set on disarming us. Hence the S.H.Alliance who JUST YESTRDAY were shaming CT residents to partake in a "GunBuyback" program at 6 dif police departments… CT and D.C. Are tightly connected… my governor "Loses" Taxpayer Money constantly… The entire gov. BOTH SIDES are corrupt and fucked.
It was drill, but a resident made a 911 call to trigger the response from the town the drill was being held in to SH. After that it was all media presentation. Nobody was let in that school. NOONE.Sandy hook is a VERY little known town. If people asked this ONE ? , (((THEY))) Would get jammed up and not have an answer.
I hate boomers.
people who believe all these hoax memes and visit the sites (that are trying to sell you shit) are just as bad as those that believe in a flat earth. why the hell do you think all these photo comparison are so fucking low-res that you can't tell shit from them? The ones with cops could literally be any 3 guys, you can't see anything in the photos that distinguishes one as the other. the woman in the "boston" "aurora" etc. doesn't even look like the same person, even with the disguise of low-res, jpeg compressed to hell. And the one showing the same victim in the boston bombing and sandy hook, was from a screencap showing the principal that was killed in sandy hook and mentioning that a group from sandy hook was running in the marathon. "Donna" was an entirely different woman being interviewed on the marathon story. Of course it's a lot more exciting to make up conspiracy theories.
At least stick to aliens among us, that shit is way more entertaining.
one other thing I wanted to mention: we've had high-res photography for like 20 years now. every phone does way more than 1080p. and yet the best photos we can have are these blurry messes that have been jpeg compressed so badly that it obliterates any details. do you wonder why? I don't. I know why. but then I'm smarter than the average idiot.
the reason is that because all but the most retarded would believe such nonsense and most people don't want to look like idiots in front of everyone. you'd get fewer eye rolls posting that aliens took you and stuck things in your butt.
criminally underrated thread.
OP definitely not a faggot and knows wtf he is talking about
shills BTFO
OP is a flat Earth retard
Because that makes so much more assumptions and you're nearing the point where most may be false. Plus it turns it all into a big conspiracy theory and discredits it all, even the valid points, and instead of raising people's attention, they dismiss it as a hurried conclusion based on no facts, and they're actually right.
NO ONE with his head on his shoulders will believe Sandy Hook didn't happen and was only an elaborate plot to ban all guns, unless maybe they start doubting the inaccurate reports on it, first. Having news channels face their responsibilities would be a HUGE step in the right direction, and then maybe get on with how the government is involved?
Like many conspiracy theories, valid arguments and striking facts are drowning in a sea of bullshit, and it'll remain a vague theory for nutcases until then.
If the gov, collides with MSM like we know they do.. How is t
It far fetched that this was a drill simply presented to the public as a (((MASSSHOOTING)))
Nobody's asking anyone to make claims. I'm not sure it'd be a big deal to simply ASK how in the world SUCH AN OVERWHELMING response of FEDS AND STATE POLICE made it to a TOWN in the MIDDLE OF NOWHERE, WITHIN 20 MINUTES of a 911 Call during RUSHHOUR, WHEN ONLY ONE HIGHWAY LEADS THERE CUCKS. Use your fuckin head. I live here. THE LOGISTICS ARE IMPOSSIBLE and it's JUST a question ….
Extremely far fetched when you realize that if that were the case, people in the town would notice that new people who never existed were invented, or that the school that had been closed down for years magically opened and had a shooting occur. For the fake narrative to work, the entire town would have had to be in on it, which is ridiculous. You have to be a turboautist who's completely out of touch with reality to even consider it.
Check the population of that town. Nobody in CT even realized it existed before the (((EVENT))) And ADAM LANZA didn't even trigger the first 911call… Grown men in fatigues running they The woods did. How do u know that wasn't the "QUE" ???
I find it suspicious no one will even CONSIDER asking that question. Everything is always "Muh Crisis Actors" MUH MOSSADS" And if nothing points to either of those it's just written offnlol. Seems like alotta people are out there to ONLY as certain questions , QUESTIONS that do nothing but make it look CRAZY
And nobody is saving People we're "invented" it is entirely possible to pull off the whole thing without anyone in town knowing…
fuck you, do your homework like everyone here but you has already done, for five years now.
NO ADA ramps existed on this building so NO school could have been operational… this place was storage only designated for destruction for several reasons. yes it was a drill involving crisis actors. GET AND READ the book NOBODY DIED AT SANDY HOOK and watch the film WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT SANDY HOOK both linked in OP.
fuck off you niggerfaggot shiils.
I really really mean that.
You can't always approach every issue like a full blown Autist. Use common sense. I'm saying the shit was a Staged Drill. But all the faggots that wrote books and tried to PROFiT from the CONSPIRACY. FUCKED IT UP FOR THE PEOPLE ACTUALLY LOOKING INTO IT THAT COULD DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Not some fat faggot in Texas or Florida shilling books and water filters… ONCE AGAIN , I LIVE HERE. RESPONSE IMPOSSIBLE UNLESS POLICE WERE COORDINATED BEFOREHAND, ANYOTHER WAY TO QUESTION IT LOOKS CRAZY.. THERES NO HARD EVIDENCE FOR A REASON…..
i cannot help the fact i am an autist x:ddddddd
however after PERSONALLY interviewing Fezter many times and delving into his research for FIVE YEARS now without fail i can personally confirm his shit checks out. You fuckwads are gonna shit boulders when he pushes out his next book on Vegas.
Now kindly fuck off. I mean that from the bottom of my roasted jimmies.
Kek … listen , idk who FESTER is goy , but I do know my state and the people of it for 29 yrs. 15?of those 29 were spent questioning literally everything. I watched SH unfold. I notice patterns. Trust me. My tism lols r high anni ? This from day 1…
nows the time to learn
I've been banned twice for trying to talk about this…
yeah been there banned for that.
thank Kek for VPN.
Is quite aware… read all posts by: (((me))) no one died. Staged drill presented thru MSM as mass shooting…
I just don't care anymore about hiding my activity. (((They))) can suck muh walnuts at this point… idc
preaching to the choir.
redfoot here. Fetzer is the shit on this stuff - to a certain degree. Within the context of the falseflags he bats 1000. Things going on behind the scenes worthy of a screenplay…
Im just a rock musician i never intended to be here now doing this. fuck all yall.
Aspiring rapper from ct.
Maybe - just maybe - the people 'researching' the Sandy Hook conspiracy story are morons.
I have an ~140 IQ, and I sometimes wonder what, if anything, is the difference between me and someone with an average IQ of 100. Is it just that I'm somewhat better at solving abstract math problems? It's not like people with an average IQ are retards who can't function in daily life without help. Walking down the street, I look just the same as someone with an IQ 40 points lower than mine. Then I come across stuff like this. It should take less than a minute of thought to figure out that the Sandy Hook conspiracy theory simply doesn't logically work. Except that for some people it clearly doesn't. And that's what it means to have a low IQ - to be incapable of connecting the relevant bits of information needed to figure out that something makes absolutely no fucking sense.
>>literally has same style thumbnails on (((YouTube))) vids
Top kek..
pls don't think the answers are on (((YouTube)))
Nothing but Shills,opportunists, and glowing CIA niggers
Not really, a 911 call was made, triggered by two grown men in camo running thru woods, the rest turned into SH, and what u saw. the town saw it thru the news. The town itself, local animal shelters etc got ALOT of money. That whole town got remodeled. Not many even live there it's very small. SH is a a small town within a town
read the pic
I don't own a Gun And I think it was sketchy. I do ask people what they think about it.. Even if it did happen, other quietly passed leg. Happened aswell. ALL children's med records sealed right after. Denial of Numerous FOIa requests, LT Vance Retires suddenly, Gun Control Shilling at the expense of the families happens harder than ever… You do know Soap Operas are filmed in CT right… Could have been a small town of actors… You never know, anything is possible, if u can contain the situation.. I don't know one way or the other. I don't care really. I'm saying if ur gunna ask about it. Do it logically and not like a full blown Autist.
Things should always be questioned. Nomatter what. Our Intel agencies and Gov has proven time and time again to lie and decive. So what if "Muh Feelings", there are real events that have taken place that were presented differently for a reason. All gov and media should be questioned. ECSPECIALLY ppl on YouTube, the ones who claim to be getting censored but make vids all day and never get censored. 90% of the people on YouTube are connected somehow and all shill the same bullshit. I've literally run out of videosXxx the new thing is "AltMedia" there's a race to be NUMBA 1 most TRUTHFUL, the irony is they lie and exacerbate purposely to gain that title kek
ok this is a given.
your point is???
do. your. fucking. homework. folks.
My point, how did the police make it there all at once? The "Drill" was 20min away supposedly. Coincidence? Maybe. No autopsies, Sealed records, no ambulances, Wacked out Coroner, No talking about SH, the whole town COULD have been filled with actors, Nobody cared or even knew SH existed (Even the people in this state) And EVEN ZOG they're exploiting a "Tragedy", it's still fucked up. How did DOT signs and portopottys get there? I saw the fundraiser pages with my own eyes timestped for days before…On KikeBook. So lotsa weird shit that I personally followed from the second it happen, and I've been "AWAKE" for a very long time….
The school was very opened when this happened. I'm all for questioning things but SH did indeed happen.
BTW, flatearthers should be publicly drawn and quartered because they are too stupid to breathe my fucking air!
again for the noobs and the shill fuck nigger glowinthedark kikefuckniggerfuks
now go suck on a frozen popsicle of truth and STFU. BTFO. niggers.
Even if some parents of the dead kids were to come here and testify some sick fucks would still not believe it happened.
>>Using a source who has same style thumbnails as (((RobertDavidSteele)))
Muh FreeSpeech!!
Anyone here believe that there's actual Human People Left that have not been totally retarded by the Internet? It's the literal internets fault that no one knows how to find a girlfriend or treat one for that matter. LEL back in the days, u could just grab pussy and swing your big giant dick around, but now, because of everyone being such faggots and reporting eAchother on the internet, We've allowed MILLIONS of people to feel empowered who should otherwise NOT feel empowered. Survival of the fittest is gone because of shit like this. When u empower retards, retarded things happen, i.e.; AlexJones . Look at all the Nonworking Jewish beta CUCKS on YouTube. ALL FAGGOTS, and the old CUCKS are no better. EVERYONE needs trigger warnings. FUCK ALL OF YOU, I want OUT OF THIS TIMELINE, AND IN NOT KILLING MYSELF!! I WILL NOT GO DOWN WITHOUT A FIGHT NIGGERS!!!
Recent space X launch.. earth is flat Boyz
I agree with your post. Especially the rage felt in "FUCK ALL OF YOU, I want OUT OF THIS TIMELINE, AND IN NOT KILLING MYSELF!! I WILL NOT GO DOWN WITHOUT A FIGHT NIGGERS!!!" because it sums up my rage exactly.
The one thing I know for sure is that I wasn't put here to sweep parking lots overnight and cut grass. I was born on the 14th day of 88' and I just so happen to think Hitler DINDU nuffin. I want WAR. And I want it now…. kek
CIA shills hard at work I see. Reported.
This thread lol. Good to know how bad this board has become infested with Reddit, kikes, and the rest of the rabble. Hopefully a mod just deletes this and someone can try again, but so far this is a sad attempt at discussing this.
I've been banned twice from here. You really think I'm a CIA kike? Go to Periscope AnarchoADHH Take a look at what I promote you NIGGER FAGGOT
Don't even know what that is… Fuck REDDIT. I'm here.
REEEE U NIGGERS STAND UP FOR YOUR FELLOW WHITE MAN!! I actually practice what I preach unlike all your KIKE FALSE PROPHETS LIKE DIXK SPENCER AND DAVID DUKE KEK, I ACTUALLY HAVE A NONJEW WHITE GF/ 2 WHITE KIDS, AND I CAN REK YOU OR ANYONE WITH MY BARE HANDS. REAL CERTIFIED NAZI HERE.. I WILL GO 1488 ON ALL OF YOU… how can u consider one of these "ART"? I am the next hitler. I' will get the youth off drugs in shape and less degenerate. IM A SAVAGE
Three state cops responding isn't that unbelievable. Maybe they were at the local donut shop or were on patrol nearby. You make it sound like hundred of cops appeared at once.
9:35:39 a.m. — Initial 911 call reporting shots fired in school.
9:39:00 — Officer Michael McGowan arrives behind the school. McGowan states that he hears numerous gunshots.
9:39:13 — Sgt. David Kullgren and Officer William Chapman, followed by Officer Scott Smith, arrive at school and park next to nearby ballfield.
9:40:03 — Last shot is heard. It is presumed that shooter Adam Lanza killed himself.
9:41:24 — McGowan detains parent Christopher Manfredonia outside the school. The parent heard shots and ran toward playground area. Several Newtown officers respond to McGowan's call for assistance, including Chief Michael Kehoe and Captain Joseph Rios.
9:44:47 — Newtown officers Leonard Penna, Lt. Christopher Vanghale and Sgt. Aaron Bahamonde enter the school through boiler room door.
9:44:50 — Three other Newtown officers, Kullgren, McGowan and Liam Seabrook, enter through the rear of the school.
9:46:23 — First state police officers arrive. Lt. Michael Hofbauer, Lt. Michael Davis and Sgt. William Cario run into the building through front glass window Lanza shot out.
9:51:31 — A four-man team consisting of Cario, Davis, Chapman and Smith enters teacher Victoria Soto's classroom and find Lanza's body.
Obvious bullshit, noses and eyebrows are different, and even the ears lmao. I don't doubt that many stuff is made up but this bs of nothing ever happens is just pure kikery.
< Oy vey, Either it didn't happen and was an act or it was the media's narrative, we didn't kill anyone.
I'm a bit of a conspiracy nut but I haven't looked into sandy hook much, can you show me your most compelling evidence for someone who has little knowledge.
Autism- Obviously different people. I believe it's a hoax but this is cancer.
God that was one of the most retarded things I have ever watched.
Because the media, powerful as they are, obviously do not have the power to get away with using fake victim families after a shooting without the compliance of government intelligence agencies. These agencies would know what was going on and would therefore be suppressing that knowledge. They have to stop the general public from finding out now too because the public expects the gov't to be on top of this sort of stuff. So why would the gov't be protecting the media, even if the media is just pursuing ratings in unethical ways? Could it possibility be because they have their own agenda (gun control) that a fake media controversy would distract from?
Now we are where we started except the gov't was roped in as opposed to being the mastermind.
Doc linked in the OP is good.
I'll humour you and assume you're telling the truth. Your first problem is that you are quoting your IQ on the internet. This is a clear sign of poor communication and social intelligence. It doesn't take genius to realise that by quoting your IQ your audience is going to assume you are lying or assume you are a pompous arse. Either way they are far less likely to read your post and your message is far less likely to reach its audience. It's amazing how many high IQ people I see on the internet make this simple mistake that should be simple deduced (with logic).
Now I won't deny that low IQ people are gonna be more likely to believe in Sandy Hook conspiracies. It is also certainly true that anyone with a high IQ should understand that normies are gonna recoil at the idea of 'Sandy Hoax.' Having said all that your assumption that high IQ people are guaranteed to dismiss this conspiracy is stupid and is more a demonstration of your limited understanding of people. You have taken on your high IQ as part of your identity and now you attach to that other part of your identity that are unrelated. Basically you do not have the ability to envision someone with a high IQ that has a fundamentally different world view to you. This is because you don't understand IQ and assume that your own perspective is a result of your IQ and many other factors (personality, parents, culture, education etc).
My guess is that (if you really do have a high IQ) you have not met many other people who also do (irl). That pretty desu you should get out more, maybe get laid.
Fuck so many spelling, grammar and semantic errors you get the point though.
According to Goldbug, Disney was Hitler was father Coughlin. That's the level of bullshit of that guy.
You're ruining this place by posting that retard's thought vomit. Please leave.
"I have an ~140 IQ,"
You're mommy told you that, didn't she?
Lefty bears passing resemblance but the top pic has his face partially obscured, center has a totally different nose and chin, and righty has a completely different hairline.
Don't give enough of a fuck to even bother with the rest of your shitty unsourced images. Sandy Hook kinspeercy theories were debunked eons ago by yours truly, but a tl;dr for you newheteros is that all of the kinspeercies involving Adam Lanza (which is all of them) are fake because there is zero evidence that Lanza ever existed, and a mountain of evidence contradicting every single claim made about him.
The only thing that can be said with any degree of certainty is that a womyn named Nancy Lanza died. Everything else is retarded white supremacist speculation.
It seriously makes me happy that you retarded communist jews will never learn.
No user, it is not good. It is garbage.
50% of the posts in this thread are trying to poison the well. I guess you probably figured it out by now.
muddy water faggot
Nigger, do you realize where you are? You definitely do not possess 140 IQ.
You really are fucking dumb.
Would it make you feel better if I told you I had an IQ of -45 and even I know your argument is pure faggotry. Do you even know what fallacies you just laid out?
The earlobes weren't referenced because he was a pedo it's because the patsy in mandalay bay wasn't even stephen paddock. The ears proved they were two totally different people along with other physiological features, unless you suggest he had plastic surgery post-mortem. Go back through the archives cunt, read everything and come to your own conclusions, but fuck off if a newshill like you is going to change anyone's mind with 'tu le autismo jej'
Like what? Conspiracies that big would be impossible to maintain, like the jewish conspiracy theory about countless Germans conspiring to turn millions of jews into furniture and cleaning products.
DallasButtplug pls go.
I'm fully aware that quoting my IQ isn't going to impress anyone. The mistake you're making here is thinking that I care about convincing anyone. No one in this thread is going to change their mind because of anything I say - all I'm doing here is thinking out loud. That's the great thing about anonymous internet forums (and if you tell me a high IQ person would know it's 'fora' I swear I will smack you right through your computer screen) - whatever is on your mind you can just say. And what I said in my first post was the answer to the question that had been running around my mind over and over: how the fuck do people buy into this shit?
The satisfaction I get from actually posting it is not in getting anyone to admit that I'm right. I do it because I know a few of the people in here aren't low IQ retards. Generally speaking I would say that knowing you can't bash the round peg into the fucking square hole isn't a matter of worldview, but on an issue like this there are people who are so emotionally invested in their weird little subculture that they're capable of doing the mental gymnastics needed to rationalise away the obvious logical flaws in this conspiracy theory. The amusement I get is from poking the little part of them that's aware they're bullshitting themselves. Getting that little voice of sanity in the back of their mind to whisper 'shit, he's right. This is all bullshit and I'm wasting my life circlejerking with a bunch of literal retards'. They may not be able to admit it to themselves, but it'll gnaw at them.
In other words, I wasn't talking to you.
proof mods are kikes
Are you so fucking dunce?
The Holohoax itself is a hoax that still stays up to this very day, so carefully built that people literally play mental gymnastic to say to your face it is real.
140 IQ my ass, what a fucking retarded subhuman.
Should not leave unchecked trip dubs
The amount of shilling in this thread is itself quite revealing. Newtown was such a masterful illusion, only to be wasted prematurely by second amendment opponents. Something so much more elaborate was expected, a place prepared for political assassination of a foreign head of state.
No death certificates can be found, no doctors can be found that signed off on any time-of-death, the videos leaked of those supposedly involve rehearsing their lines, the fact that nobody can give researchers any info on who even supplied the porta-potties at the firehouse…not to mention that the local ambulance services who showed up were told to park at the firehouse and nobody can find any local ambulance service that transported any bodies…all of this is enough, in my book, to indicate a lot of chicanery going on.
As for all of this being gleaned from the internet…almost all of this was revealed by people trying to prove it DID happen, and one researcher was a highly respected consultant on school security, who used to work for the feds & actually worked on the Columbine incident, as well as with high-schools all over the country, who just showed up to offer his services to the community, for free, and then found so many inconsistencies and was so stonewalled by the local government, that he got suspicious & started looking into it more fully.
Seriously, though…the videos are enough to convince anyone that something stinks here, if you are REALLY interested, go watch them.
Do both board and global reports.
There's a great video link of Gene Rosen, the "good Samaritan" neighbor that supposedly took in fleeing children & cared for them, screwing up his lines and laughing with the cameraman, asking if he should redo his statement for the news media. I couldn't find this, and there has been a flood of useless videos clogging up any search for the original leaked videos, which is to be expected.
I hope someone on Holla Forums webm'd the original, damning videos that came out, of the crisis actors flubbing their lines, and the helicopter video of the crowd at the fire hall just going in the back door and coming out the front, over and over again.
Those that don't want these videos seen have buried them with videos that truncate the damning parts of the original leaks, as well as with videos too nutsy to be believed. This is a common method of burying evidence that has been made public.
They were.
what is this actually supposed to prove?
That before sandy hook occurred the whole neighborhood got bought up. Silly brainlet.
Yep, it was a spook town. The intelligence agencies will often buy up entire towns and move their guys into the areas undercover.
Shut the fuck up you retard, fuck your firmament and fuck your posts no one gives a SHIT. I always see your retarded posts and its always the same retarded shit, just fuckoff.
Your nose is showing, Chiam
Saw this in another thread
Are you morons still stuck on this? Clearly it's all disinfo and distractions from AJ & friends.
Pic related. It's been half a decade now and you're still hurring and durring over what we know to be false.
I already knew you were a shill faggot when you didn't know how to greentext.
Whatever they're paying you is more than you're worth.
It's the same exact situation as the holohoax. There is no actual evidence for anything claimed by the ZOG kike faggots, ergo, it is not rational nor sane to believe their bullshit story of the week. Anyone who can't deal with this needs to get the fuck out of science and generally stop pretending to be rational. This is literally the same tier logic of fedorafags, and they can't even apply it to their own government (imitation only, I guess).
You have to be a bot. Your image contradicts your text. In fact, the image you posted demonstrates that we are being shilled, shill.
I'm sure that "conflict of interest" really outweighs the Rothschild kikes that make them do their bidding. The kikes want the country disarmed. If you are in the government and don't do what they want, they will out you. They will not let you in without dirt on you. Seriously, where did you idiots come from?
Here's another FUCKING IDIOT. The government itself IS a giant conspiracy. The amount of black budget shit going on alone could easily set something like this up. You are just another moron who doesn't know anything about the government here. They would do it for the data alone and to test the public, retard. They are always testing because they are always looking to roll out the next thing. Like most asshats who think you know jack fucking shit, you don't, kid. Life is not a textbook. You types blowing yourself over muh IQ are the EASIEST to con because you think you're so fucking smart.
It makes 100% sense for kikes who run the government AND hollywood to use actors for a SHOW. That's all they do. Their system is a SHOW. You are not even worth the air you breath for being unable to figure this out. "Wars" today are a kike show. "Politics" today is a kike show. Idiots like you who don't get anything live your whole life as a show. You have never been exposed to anything that made you think for once in your pathetic life, I would wager.
Oh, but Mommy professor said you were special!
I won't even get into how fucking retarded you would have to be to post here and not know about how kikes atomized society. Any town of any size has plenty of people moving through it who don't know each other. I've done off-the-books shit after I was out of the military and lived in a tiny ass town and never had anyone notice any peculiarities. I could probably set something like this up with a tenth of the resources they used, in fact.
Fucking IDIOTS, you make me rage, you perfect fucking sheep.
That just means the homes were re-assessed.
Yes. They always do that an entire town at a time on Christmas day. What you said makes no sense whatsoever, this isn't an assessment. Did they assess them all to zero value? No, mortgages were all paid off or cleared at once.
You have no idea how this database shit works. Trust me, I used to work in real estate. These databases are often inaccurate. It could have all been entered at this date, it could have been all pulled from a database on that date, the database could have updated on that date. It means nothing and is proof of nothing. I guaruntee if you went to the country courthouse and checked the actual records, they would be nothing like this.
Oh, wait, it’s just you. Global report.
test confirms lurk another 2 years before posting again
I checked every other town in the whole state. Nothing resembling this on any house I found. But it happens 100s of time in the one town with an already highly suspicious "shooting". You aren't fooling anyone. Why even bother shilling for something everyone here is already woke on? You should be docked pay for wasting precious shill time that could go towards current events.
Hey guys when we are shilling these threads just remember to upload low res thumbnail photo comparisons. The Jewish internet defense league appreciates it.
Test test
Universal report. Xenu's going to shitcan you nao boi.
I'm not digging for the other search pages, but here's one for "Southbury", you'll find the exact same thing there.
Unless they were in on it too? Eventually you get to the point where all of Connecticut had to be in on it, then the country. Eventually, everybody but you, Jim Fetzer (a classic example of an infiltrator), and your internet friends, was in on the Sandy Hook conspiracy,
All the towns are listed right there on the site. I didn't say I checked every house. But I looked at houses in every single town listed there and never saw one Christmas date. It's called autism you moron. Heard of it?
Also your link goes nowhere.
Of course, I'm in a Sandy Hook Thread.
Search a random street name on that page, and you'll find more houses sold for "$0"
You argument is essentially "something mundane is suspicious because it happened where I think a shooting was faked".
Firstly, do you think I would be on Holla Forums if I was an unconditional swallower of government propaganda? Secondly, I know you said a lot of dumb stuff in your post but since you called me a sheep all I can think about is this xkcd comic.
yeah, and my uncle works at nintendo
My father has the same IQ and he’s pretty autistic. I don’t think IQ tests are baseless but emotional intelligence is very important. It really does seperate mindless faggots that are still book smart from people with above average book smarts that understand how to discern information using logic.
Who could be behind this post?
former state trooper Wolfgang Halbig got a recent court victory over fake father (((Lenny Pozner))) and his false claims over the death of a nonexistant "son" Noah
in my opinions, white privelege and all the other libreal garbaage is the result of judaism and it has dug such a ddep pit of immorality that its catching up to them. Not fake, just not a common opinion.
I really have a hard time understanding the jews…most people with the name 'greenberg' or 'heimenstein' … their whole existence is just about being a jew???
everyone just respects them for no reason.
Gosh, you know, I really don't have a problem with any particular cultural minority, but the jews really get on my nerves…They really are just having their way with america right now. How long do they expect this to last for them?
I thought this was satire until I read your other posts. Holy shit!
I made that second thread for.the church shooting pushing the hoax angle, lots of people got buttmad for that. I also pushed the hoax angle hard for Las Vegas. Essentially it comes down to this: everyone who shills against hoaxes uses known shill tactics, i.e. distract, confuse, and when in doubt, defame. They also like to yell "muh pr" as though it matters to those who spend their days on a place 4chan won't even let you type the name of.
A real researcher would ask questions with an open mind and never be upset that you might bring up the question of hoaxes, they would reason it out. By my count, of the last three hoaxenings (church, Vegas, barcelona truckening) 80-90% of the responses to hoax material in the threads where shut-it-down level shills.
The reason for wanting to shit it down, even here, should be obvious to anyone with a working brain. Once you see the evidence for it being faked, it puts a damper on the official narrative, even the "unofficial" narrative. I don't care if someone went on half chan and "leaked" crime scene photos of the Vegas shooting apartment, nor do I care if someone "leaked" mossad snipers on the roof. The video of the supposed victims was horseshit, as was the kill count given the factors. Don't even get me started on the sound they passed off as machine gun fire…
But what does this imply further out? Far, far more control than we had previously realized. This isn't some people in a couple tv stations being in on it, it's every station with any kind of license being riddled with pedo kikes and their pedo mason familiars. It's every police force in the nation having at least one ring in it, some towns being entirely taken by the mason scum. Same pattern for governments local on up, and the judiciary. The military might be less compromised, but the higher up and closer to intelligence you go, the more the pattern remains the same.
It speaks to fairly much total control of the Senate, maybe 98% of the house. Maybe even the president. I know people here don't like to consider the worst possible situation for guys like us, that Trump's le-chess-moves are really aimed at the whites he class to love, but to really open your eyes is to see that possibility is at least possible if not plausible (wouldn't be standard kiking though, it would be higher level mason familiar shit through his mentor the pedo Jew Roy Cohn). Trump went to medstar to see Steve Scalise after the Virginia "shooting" (imo a hoaxening) and was pictured conveninetly walking it looking concerned. But if he wasn't in on the fake then he had to see a very suspiciously vivacious Steve there hours after getting a bullet to the hip. Was that him in the photo mugging concern for them, or them setting it up with him to mug for us?
You look at all the salt and think its legitate, and most of it is, but it sounds like just something the KIKES at the highest level would do - set up useful idiots in their own ranks while they for the kill. Remember we are the only ones left who matter… White people with guns in a country that at least has to pretend to allow it. The move, if it does happen during his administration, will be to disarm us, it's that simple. If after, then his play will be to act as placeholder and placate us with stories of "based-ness" while no wall is built, demographics change harder, and Republicans slip out of majority for the last time, losing even the semblance of balance that they project for us.
I know it sounds blackpill-ish but the realization of the hoax was a turning point moment for me. We need to face to grill realities of numbers and loyalties, not just cool memes like "bloodshed" and "death squads". As for the administration, I give pence 5% chance of non masonry, Trump 50. But I ain't hanging my hat on either of those bets if you know what I mean. Kek bless.
t. Zombie
That's beautiful. Spreading lies and disinfo in hopes of making the population you can't blend into look bad, I bet you sleep like a baby. If and when you have kids, it'll be a delight to know you'll never have the courage to tell them you tried to suppress the truth and hopefully karma will take it out on them.
the church shooting used live bullets and in addition to "handlers" and some crisis actors working the scene appeared to involve the deployment of a "live" triggered MK/Monarch subject under programming.
expect to see more of these
I doubt it, saw no footage to that end. Think it was a hoax top to bottom.
Gas yourself.
jaws arent even right you fuckign cunt
I feel this is an appropriate place to post this, the last show of the year I cohosted with the show's founder Dr. A. True Ott PhD and joined by Major James Burdock, editor-in-chief of The Goldwater
Happy New Year Faggots
Holy fuck are you Jim?
I'm your biggest fan. The Goldwater might be clickbait but it's fun to read.
Quel surprise. Also kys for deleting the health and fitness thread your Jewish antiwhite bias couldn't be more obvious if you tried.
Eat all the babies you can stomach khazar familiar, you seat at the buffet will soon be gone
Wolfgang is pretty BASED.
They make some good catches. I've seen them beat Kikebart to a story by several days before.
amazing that people like exist and spend the time to post such a long message that is completely meaningless and a waste of time. I'll ask the same thing I asked in
why is it that every one of these "hoax" sites and "proof" consists of low-res photography that makes everyhting indistinguishable from anything? (hint, so you will be mesmerized by the hollywood possibilities of it and buy their book/dvd)
Take notes, this guy is better than average
No one here is claiming to be a disciple of anyone. And the reason for the Boston and Sandy Hook hoaxes (cause they are, no one died at either "attack") is the same as always. Punish an already weary white population with more fear and confusion (insert #notallmuslims with gusto) and the most important one, defame, defang, dis-arm the dreaded American White Male.
This last motive is behind everything the Jewish child fucking cult puts out, with us gone they no longer have to hide a God damned thing. Think what happens in Rotherham or Berlin is bad? Think swatting the Scottish dude for making his dog Heil is a fluke? It's warmup for the main event, which starts as soon as america is dealt with.
Bullshit line of argument. We ask the same thing all the time about the mass "shootings". Why is there never hi res close-up footage of killshots? Why do we have endless hours of perfectly visible footage of car crashes, ghetto shootouts and drive-bys, rapes on public streets, but we can never get that money shot of a "mass incident"?
So two answers:
1. Like I said above, were working with what were given, which is shit to begin with on purpose. The best you'll ever see was Vegas, which was still conveniently all video from hundreds of yards away at the back of the concert venue (because no one takes video right up front of the stage honest I swear just go to a concert it's teens not taking video lol).
2. The "sites" and "YouTube channels" that cover this will be purposely shit, that's not new. Formatting will be shit, voice and scripting shit, videos will have autismo tier editing. This serves both to frustrate newfag efforts to investigate and redpill themselves, and also to discredit us to the normalfag herd. All old hat if you have been here more than a month.
hadn't seen that picture before
To this day, including this thread, no proof or evidence of any kind has been shown, by any party, that would indicate that any person was killed at Sandy Hook or Pulse nightclub.
Nice truck attack and London bridge attacks were equally fraudulent and phony
I'm not buying
Didn't the principle go on a truther spree?
I want to believe you're right about bridge attack etc because white genocide and fuck off muhomo'd the pedo goatfucker.
I'll add bataclan, Barcelona trucking, utoya island breivik massacre, Boston bombing, church shooting (both Dylan roof and the fat head mong from this year), oklahoma bombing, fuck more I just can't think of them right now.
"Flat earth is a psy-op" is itself a psy-op.
Incorrect, for the simple reason that media are highly concentrated today. Almost all of them work, directly or indirectly, for one of the Big Six.
I'm pretty sure I could absolutely destroy you in any debate on that topic, and I'm not even a FE guy. Strawmanning makes you appear weak.
Ridiculous claim. Nobody knew about Manhattan Project at that time, and even today billions of people believe the US went to the moon.
Fucking this. The burden of proof is on those who claim the killings were real.
well one thing we have learnt for sure on Holla Forums is that the jews who run this board have no intention of you discussing jewish false flags freely without jewish subversion coming into play
I agree, but I can't tell if the Brievik shootings were real or not, can't tell either way, and those London Bridge hoaxes were the stupidest of all (With Batmanclan) the 'witnesses' were all/many of legit actors/models, and the one a child actor named "something" Dickason" and that name is not a mistake KEK
Oh and the other "witnesses' were BBC news people and high level media players/managers "just happen to be there to see it all" they are kind of past pretending, and making it obvious
Problem is, the normies, even most of the redpilled alt-right, just believes anything Anderson Cooper/CIA says, it's like the TV is their gospel and they won't go outside that foundation of life "If I saw in on CNN is automatic true"
user, that's the biggest load of shit I've ever seen in my life, and if I didn't know any better, I'd say your nose is looking especially long and hook-shaped today.
Yeah those things are silly, I guess they put them together to make the truthers look stupid. Two obviously different people, then "prove" it's the same person. Sad.
That is classic shit tier disinfo. "Ear love spacing" is a derailment tactic for crisis actor investigators like "flat Earth" gets aimed at 9/11 guys.
This is a lot slicker. I don't know if this guy is serious or not but he kind of brushes off flat Earth (I assume he means that flat Earth is so bad we shouldn't even consider it?) while slyly getting in there that we never went to the moon. While flat Earth is an easy one to knock down with basic science, hell even logic, the moon one is more tempting. it plays into several weaknesses of your typical conspiracy theorist: willingness to believe when it paints the govt as a liar, inability to comprehend the physics of escaping Earth's gravity and landing a craft on the moon, and willingness to believe the second is impossible because it means that a bunch of astrophysicists are not in fact smarter than them.
But I've been to the space center, sat there and watched some amateur level courses on the science behind the launch, and most.importantly, logically, I can see every reason for us wanting to go to the moon, and none for us wanting to fake it at the time.
I don't have it on me but there's a great video on utoya floating around the internetaybe in YouTube, guy goes in deepth into the impossible coincidences that make it so that we got no footage of the killings. Also, as I'm remembering them, a truck of peace where the driver just happened to leave a European id in the driver's seat before fleeing. The mongrel half black who shot up an Oregon University and posted about it on r9k, I'm that one, we caught a guy red handed lying about rushing in to stop the attack and getting wounded, he pulled the old traveling bandage in several different photos, then begged on patreon. All fake as fuck.
Scary though when you think about it. The fake veteran who "stopped" the r9k shooter didn't get shot, sknthere was no shooting, maybe even no shooter. But they had to have an entire class room if a functioning University silenced or bought, maybe even made up. Same for Elliot Rodger, who I'm also convinced is an actor and no one died.
Speaking to rodger I wish I had saved but someone living there related a story from that day, said that the local of is shady as fuck, and the day of the shooting they shut down the entire area surrounding the shooting for hours BEFORE it was to have taken place, he was calling bullshit ok the whole production.
Elliot Rogers also looks a lot like Katy Foleys brotheer, and Katy Foley is Alex ISRAEL, who was interviewed By Peirce Morgan, meming as Adam Lanzas old friend, and she was clearly meming and making nonsense up in the interview, just like Stephen Paddocks "brother" and Dr. Wayne Carver the crisis actor "Coroner at Sandy Hook"
I personally don't watch or study the Brievik event, or the Vegas event (other than the meming obvious vamping crisis actors involvement)
Vegas and Breivik Island don't have the 'over the top' obvious signals of a Sandy Hoax, Batmanclan, or Pulse nightclub to signal the events are hoaxes.
It is my belief that these are not "poorly staged hoaxes" but rather "deliberately, patently, obvious hoaxes" which the government stages, to force the sheeple into surrendering their individual spirit and will, and have them bow to the state in a "worship the dear leader" kind of sheepledom, slavery of the mind and spirit.
I'm serious in the sense that I found too many inconsistencies and irregularities in mainstream cosmology to dismiss FE outright.
The strawman of FE that most people have in their heads is easy to knock down, but once you go into the nitty-gritty of it and actual historical, scientific and practical evidence, it becomes surprisingly hard to refute FE or, the other way around, to prove the globulist model. Many counter-arguments are, in fact, invalid or open to interpretation (e.g. Erasthotenes, or the ship-on-the-horizon going back to Aristoteles). Mods are notoriously ban-happy about this topic, but if you're down with it - what's your best personal counterpoint to FE?
I'm not interested in anecdotes - I only care about hardcore-evidence. Since you are apparently so involved in the topic I'm sure I don't even have to bring up things like the fake moon rocks, the missing original footage, or the countless bullshit CGIs published by NASA. If you claim that the US went to the moon in the 60s, the burden of proof is on you - so what's the evidence?
Also why is it that none of the properties bought on 09/25/2009 show up the sales search? If you manually look at properties on Sunnyview Terrace, Johnson Drive, Cherry Street, Tilson lane… you can find a dozen properties that have been sold on the 12/25/2009 date. If you use the search however, you don't get any results. Definitely suspicious.
Try it for yourselves.
Wow i never heard this side of the story from Wolfgang. Makes me question everything about this story.
The amount of shills in this thread is staggering.
A tale of two forced memes.
Flat Earth and "crisis actors"
I mean look at the retarded OP. He really thinks it's the same girl. These people are 85 IQ.
That's so dank it's hilarious.
It was a CIA op. That's why there are so many schizo memes. They're only pretending. They have tools to prevent knowledge from reaching humanity. It's their duty, to enslave. By the way, Meltdown and Spectre, haven't been "patched". We're only getting started with them. Corporations are going to be very salty that suddenly they need to invest in more servers, because their old ones are now too slow. But plebs don't realize what a great transgression these faults are… …effectively, we've been thrown back to Windows 98 level security (especially if these are combined with Rowhammer, and doubtless other techniques not yet discovered). This is the biggest story of 2017, but the facts have only come out in 2018. I bring it up, because nothing else fucking matters, if coms don't even work.
bump to terrify the cia
Same thing double nigger. And although we dont have Utoya memes they are probably out there, you know the language barrier is a real thing. As for obvious or ridiculous, heres one, Breivik was said to have killed 107 kids. Thats goddamn hard evenif youre motherfucking rambo, and he supposedly only practiced on videogames. He also claimed that steroids and amphetamines made him a "superhuman killing machine" (have done both nope they dont). But still its his kill count and made-for-tv demeanor along with the lack of all relevant video that sets off my bullshit-o-meter.
As for the others, theres shit out there that wasnt collected unfortunately, somebody with better archive access could pull reams of bullshit from the manchester bombing hoax for example. A girl with her "legs blown off" doing a shit job of yelling and crying with shit fake blood effects, also a mom with the worst recollection of the blast shockwave i have ever heard, like literal zombie tier recitation.
The best are like you said probably the vegas actors. Im guessing because they had to have so many actors, the b squad got called up for their first action. Some of the people literally could not stop laughing through their entire interview.
Yep, as i thought, youre a flat earther. Try over on /x/, but please do give thought to permanent housing at /painfulsuicide/.
Dont forget the conecticut lottery hitting random people all over newtown ct, payoff money laundering. Same lottery office was shot up by a former employee, they hushed it up but from the looks of it, one of theirs snapped from the Jewish brainwashing treatment, or found out about the fuckery and went postal.
Youre a tale of two forced chromosomes. Jews like you should never have been raped into existence jews hate it when you point out their whole "la raza" tier origin story is covering up a genetic heritage of an african tribe that got raped by nomadic mongoloid barbarians~ 8k years ago, meaning they are literally nigger chink inbred hybrid rape baby trash
Always worthwhile to Terry-fy cianiggers, they are after all niggers.
lol so dank
are you really face-blind, or are you a cia nigger?
You're that unstable faggot from the last thread. Always the same old bullshit.
And you are? A stable whiner? Clearly what you are not is an arguer, because you have no arguments. Tell me where I am proven decisively wrong. Protip, you cannot, you can only spout generalizations like "look at this guy" and "that's crazy". When that fails you bring up flat Earth. At least we haven't had too much "my dad works at Nintendo" tier shit this thread. I fucking hate those, "dude I was at Vegas, it was real, STFU duuuude".
And almost forgot,
The synagogue of Satan shall be made to repent for it's sins.
There was a pic about 6mos ago that showed a site that was dedicated to some little girls and it looked very pedo'y. But those little girls looked like the girls from sandy hook (exactly) and they were shown with tears or sad. I have only seen this pic once and never found it again. Does anybody out there know which one i mean? Can somebody post it so i can archive. In the mean time enjoy pic related.
Anyone else notice how anytime Sandy hook has been brought up on a chan site in the last 6 years the thread gets shitted up in shilled in super hard more then any other topic almost? Really makes you wonder what the are covering up
This has a few good points.
1) Conspiritards are overthinking this.
2) Government didn't actually gain anything (that we know of, yet).
3) Too many people in the town to fake it with actors.
This is the same as 9/11. The answer is really simple and close enough to the truth that most conspiritards will dismiss the possibility.
Sandy Hook happened, it was a planned event utilizing a known psychotic asset. The shooter was coached and steered toward the idea of shooting up the school but they probably figured they could arrive before too many kids died, maybe they didn't care.
This was not a "take the guns" op. This was a "white people shoot up schools" op. It's just another narrative fragment designed to keep the white race full of guilt by association.
See how simple that is? No actors, no fake bodies, just a psychopath and people willing to use that psychopath to kill children in order to further their agenda.
Fun fact about 9/11: Muslim extremists actually flew planes into the world trade towers, their plan wouldn't have actually brought the towers down if Mossad hadn't planted thermite in the weeks before, but it was easy enough for Mossad to learn about then predict the timing of the attack and profit greatly from it.
The Jew wants you to believe they are a great mastermind, infinitely intelligent and ahead of you in every regard. This is the lie, they are simply opportunists who will use anyone else's plan to try to further their own.
stopped reading there. Do you know where you are?
Wow. What a special child you must be. You read one word you don't like and immediately dismiss the rest of the argument.
Do you know where YOU are? My understanding was that this is pol and that pol is a place for anyone whose political views go against the social norm, not just the views that fall into your tiny scope.
This pics had this look to it….
Having a flipped sign like that is a pedo trope. As are the hearts (upside down to look like butts).
you found yourself a vintage shill, might have even been shilling since before you were born hah
James F. Tracy - Reflections of an Exiled Academic
That's not my OC.
Just a pic of Sandy Hook Girls that are supposed to be dead?
Also as to my question, has anybody come across that other pic? It was very similar and had pics of little girls that looked exactly like Sandy Hook victims. I made another post but forgot to connect them.
The look just about exactly like these pics.
mods are definitely kikes, this entire site is directly controlled by government intelligence contractors
After hours more of searching… I found it thanks plebs
Fun fact, no one died at Sandy Hook, 9/11 didn't even feature real planes, they just showed CGI on TV then set off bombs irl, and you are a Jew shill.
No I didn't think it was OC. I meant that the samdy hook fraudsters made it that way on purpose. They are judeo masons, their entire cult is based on mind control through torture of a mostly sexual nature. The altered state they put victims in is known as the "flip" state because their mind, in order to escape the trauma, seems to "flip inside out" and give them an otherworldly or out of body experience. It features in movies all the time and is mirrored in groups that are connected to pedophilia (think all the pizzagate symbolism, it's all just old school Jewish pedo cult shit alluding to the kind of abuse they do) (also check out John wick 2 after you watch the open scroll movies it's basically a greatest hits of Jewish/pedo/mason/Illuminati symbolism).
Check out "theopenscroll" website for more, try both their videos on "the Rocky horror picture show". The guy is a quasi-jones type plant who says Illuminati but never the Jews, only the Nazis, but you can just insert Jews for Nazis and he had basically decoded the pedo visual language for you.
Having the sign the way they did showed their allegiance to the Jewish pedo cult without having to write so much, it's basically just a gang sign. As is the flaunting of child actors who were supposed to have died, it's a power move to show "we have the goyim blinded". They constantly like to flaunt their control of media narratives and ability to pass off absolute hoaxes to the world, it's pure narcissistic behavior common amongst drug criminal thugs. They can just afford better clothing, but they are still low brow stupid thugs when you really see the big picture.
I'm honestly impressed they let threads like this up so long. They mist read us as low threat because we don't have so many people replying like the Breitbart WWE feud threads.
Get ready for a save boys, I'm feeling a delete coming on soon. They don't hate this as much as self improvement threads but we've got to be second in line. Reminder Alex Jones accepted all discussion on Vegas shooting EXCEPT the notion that it may have been staged. Even filterman would not and will not entertain that idea at length.
I cant wait for thr 5 year anniversary of the Las Vegas shooting
Could it have been a shooting, maybe even a planned event that was blown up to pull at the heart strings of normies?
I bet you think the las vegas shooting is something that just happened because a guy got bored huh?
Ah, I see what you're saying. I agree. The sad thing is that when it finally happens, it will include the innocent Jews too. When people see what's been done to them for so long they are going to be pissed.
The real red pill is loving beyond such childish moral constructs and accepting the genetic reality of the world, there is only one white race and it is the only race that can act "good". All else is kabuki theater put on by nonwhites who figure "this is how you play the game to leech off the whites".
Most pernicious of our enemies thus far is the Jew, a semite bred with white genes to allow for shapeshifting (hiding in plain sight in white countries). But there always exists the possibility that any non white race infiltrated and subverts through selective out breeding.
The only path forward is liquidation of all tangentially related races until there are clear lines between whites and all else. This must be accomplished through violence, then solidified through geographic distance. No non whites must be allowed permanent residence on the second continent as a white. And if some on this board are to be believed, no non white should be left alive.
I don't personally agree with that, although I have have made peace with the fact that all non whites allowed to live must be under our control. No freedom for pajeet and ching chong to fuck up our earth because "non intervention principle" cuckery.
*No non whites can be allowed permanent residence on the same continent as whites
Eric Holder's - Pre-Sandy Hook 'Project Longevity' - CT Gun Grab was Sent Federal Money
K fam. That's some good ass CGI then. How do you explain all the literal thousands of eye witnesses for 9/11?
I'm not denying any conspiracy nor am I saying it wasn't mossad (you know, the jews) behind it. What I'm saying is you're overthinking it. It's not hard to track some mudslimes and figure out they're planning an attack, maybe even give them the idea or have an inside man or two. Then you tip off your jewish friends in the towers so none of (((the chosen people))) get killed, plant thermite charges in key locations, and wait patiently. Muddies crash their planes into the buildings, set off the thermite, watch it collapse. The media will then run the story for free, few if any plants necessary, the US public gets pissed off and Mr. Puppet himself George W starts a war with two of the more stable enemies of the Jewish state.
Your theory however is that they spent more than it would cost for the planes on CGI and Crisis Actors to somehow bamboozle thousands of new yorkers, the media, all of the first responders. That makes so little sense, you better explain it if I'm wrong. I'm willing to hear your explanation out but please at least treat this with rationality rather than simply accusing anyone who disagrees with you of being a Jew shill.
Was the plane that hit the pentagon really a plane? That's a much more interesting question because there's zero video evidence to be found and we only have the official records to tell us it was a plane that magically vaporized in the crash.
The cgi was actually shit. They fucked up the shot and you can see it coming out the other side of the building nose intact. Also, "thousands of eyewitnesses" exist only in your head. Some guy made an absolutely shite video of it called "November surprise" or some shit (it's terrible editing is probably why it's allowed up, a true turnoff style) and he goes into how the footage was faked.
As for your explanation of it, I think both the mudslimes and the thermite are red herring. Here's a better explanation.
We will never again get a mass event like 9/11, cameras are too numerous. Instead since then we have gotten a string of staged hoax attacks that take place in controlled venues, but the same patterns remain.
- Villains are politically convenient.
- Heroes are pre made to let patriotards larp vicariously through them.
- Responses are pre written ready to go on both sides for all attacks, media coverage is suffocating.
- Video footage showing the money shot (up close clear view of someone getting unequivocally killed) is never gotten, ever.
- In almost every case, the attack centers around an Israeli owned business that probably serves as a staging point.
- Israeli security companies usually are found to have owned the security contract for the venue. Investigation of the zapruder film (always one) reveals hilariously clear connection to ZOG on part of the amateur.
- And the end result is more fear, more herd/prey-like behavior from normies, more surveillance rights for Zog, less gun rights for white Americans men.
All our current Jewish moves stem from the power base gained on 9/11, it's foundational I'm that it reset the normal, honestly I agree that it's best viewed as the third coup of a century (fed reserve act, Kennedy, 9/11). And it was all faked save maybe the innocent bystanders in and around the towers, and some in the Pentagon.make no mistake this was massive undertaking, scores of.hollywood Jews were brought on to aid this. In it's specific form I would guess it had been cooking for near on 20 years (we have seen predictive programming in the form of 9 and 11 and tower imagery in hollyjew shit for like 7-8 years before the attack). And don't bother me with budget concerns, this is Apex of Jewish jewing, from the rothschilds to the lowest haaretz reader they were all in on this shit, and emebr they print the damn money to begin with. So end, like so many other Jewish productions, they chose to stage rather than false flag or provoke. It's just so much easier to control all the outcomes when they do.
Format might be eye cancer but w/e am on phone
yeah I haven't heard the "Conspiratard" shill since the olds days of Holla Forums
off topic, but the Columbine shooters were Jews. They were part of a Jewish gang (((the trench coat mafia))) and their motive to kill Christians was obviously racially/religiously based. MSM makes it seem like the Columbine killers were atheists, when in fact one was a Jew and the other a half-Jew.
just testing the cuck filter
it's not even the same ear dumbass.
holy shit, checked
I'm skimming through that and it is utterly unconvincing. All he has is innuendo.
This guy has to be literally retarded or controlled opposition.
If the shooting even happened at all sounds like deep state got their Mossad boyfriends to do the dirty work. You scratch our backs we'll scratch yours.
May I humbly suggest you work on putting together images with readable text. The fourth one in particular is ridiculous
It's pretty ridiculous desu. These threads always become a shitshow for some (((reason)))
Don't bother with Holla Forums, they said. You'll never get anywhere, they said.
Before I came around, you stormderps were rabidly supporting Ron "Gas 'Em All" Paul and Ben "End Semites with Arson" Carson. And look at you now, voting for the candidate with a son and a daughter that married Jews, and even talking about "the innocent Jews" yourselves. It's beautiful.
So you hate kikes now?
this image is total bullshit
someone put this together to obfuscate the truth.
Many of the so called victims are alive, but none of them are in this mockery of an info-graphic.