Brand new cryptocurrency. Jump on it before the newfags rape it
JSEcoin is the new Bitcoin
If you didn't buy Bitcoin at some point, you honestly too stupid to be trusted with anything at all.
How about invest in some ammo, food, starting a family and things that actually have tangible value outside what they are worth when things are running smoothly?
None of this shit, regardless of what currency it is, is worth anything outside of what (((they))) say it is worth during the point in which they are selling it to you.
This is a serious problem though. The kikes distorted real value for so many generations that even those that see them for what they are believe their lies.
me irl
If you honestly believe that any favorable outcome to whites is going to come to pass then you are a fool of the highest caliber for buying online only currency. It is nothing more than an unstable global currency that is reliant on a massively weak and ill defended system of electricity, computers and internet (aka Targets during any upset anywhere at any time). You are basically taking banking to a new height, because you can't even walk away with fake paper money if the bank's ATM breaks for a week.
You are falling for the future of globalized currency and telling nationalists how fucking wise you are.
Just wait until someone decides to dump a sizable amount of bitcoins and causes a panic :^)
The normies who recently jumped on the bandwagon will dump immediately and cause a even greater chain reaction.
is this what you're looking for, user?
Yeah, that’s what we want.
Ignore the literal manipulation going on right now with futures, of course.
Including every single transaction.
Confirmed for not comprehending what money is, much less bitcoin. Run along, kiketo.
pump and dump scheme, steer clear and sage goes in all fields
Id like to get into crypto, but I admittedly would need someone to hold my hand all the way there. The number of terms, software, and paraphernalia is overwhelming and I don't like bloat.
Eat shit cryptokike
You buy the dip. BUY ARK GOYIM! ITS GREAT! Join the biz_classic delegate! It's run by /ourguys/!
XMR is the new Buttcoin. It's far superior for illicit activities.
It's literally the American dream
t. Slav in clappistan
Sure thing, shlomo.
So how are people intending to make their dickbuttcoins into real currency again?
Let's be honest kikes and ABC agencies hold most of the world's bitcoin. It isn't a bubble it's the next fiat currency. Protip: If there are futures on it it isn't worth your time.
They don't have to. don't you see, big businesses will be happy to take their fakecoins for say a car. They can just drive it off the lot no worries.
Even the feds are cashing them out as soon as they confiscate them because they know the shit is going to fail.
Pump and dump shit, BTC, LTC, XMR and ETH are the only valid coins right now, the rest ist literally kike bullshit, for newfag in cryptos
The feds are highly incompetent.
BTC won't fall: always do the opposite of what jews say
The BTC market is being artificially inflated by guess (((who)))? It looks to me like the plan is to artificially inflate, crash, then but back in to gain a larger monopoly on the market. Since BTC isn't backed by anything this is the perfect strategy to own what they consider their opposition.
Why do people keep saying this retarded shit?
I didn't imply anything yid. I said it flat out. WORTHWHILE. Now gas yourself.
A single billionaire slowly buying bitcoins over the course of a couple of months could single handedly crash the bitcoin market.
So it's stupid not to use the Internationalist Jews' tool of financial enslavement? Fascinating. Are there any other NSA-engineered psyops I should support?