TRS is turning on Dicky Spencer

Thread: (note the overwhelmingly positive reception of the OP and supporting comments)


Apparently Dicky could not help but lambaste Roy Moore after his loss, also attacking countless others in the kosher right and true right, most notably Steve Bannon and Paul Nehlen. He supposedly went so far as to beg people to donate shekels to his (((operations))) rather than to Paul Nehlen's campaign for Congress. The trust fund millionaire needs your shekels to maintain a website, goy! This seems to have been the last straw, and TRS has finally noticed that Dicky has been almost entirely useless to modern white nationalism. They are finally putting the pieces of the puzzle together (the pro-faggotry, the pro-trannyism, the indifference towards race-mixing, the silence on the Holohoax, coming out against the Polish nationalist demonstrations, opposition to Bannon's war on (((GOP principled conservatives))), planning some (((armed march))) even We.ev came out against, etc.) and may bring the controlled op faggot closer to irrelevance.

Sorry if irrelevant to some due to the e-celeb aspect.

So once again Richard Spencer and Eli Mosley get kicked out of another organization.

Wow it's almost like those two are tainted goods and everyone's purging them.

Lol if TRS is kicking them out it looks like you can finally say….the alt right is actually dead.


There's no silence, he's very vocal about his claim that it happened

>Bannon's war on (((GOP principled conservatives)))
That isn't a real thing. It's Bannon's new generation of faux-populist neo-cohons (or neo-neo-cohens) vs the establishment ones. They're all the same Israel-first trotskyites, make no mistake about it.

Maybe somebody will finally spill the beans about Eli being a heeb?

Reported for browsing TRS

We don't care faggot. One is a jew and the other, an agent. Of course this shitbag is going to say/do some over the top garbage once his usefulness is gone so that he can exit. End of a calendar fits with a contract.

Their entire thing is so far behind.

We will never like you, TRSodomite-kun.

We will get our true test of Bannon in 2018 with whether or not he backs Nehlen despite Nehlen's repeated Jewish awareness quotes.

His record at Kikebart is already more than enough the judge him on. The only arguments anyone can make in his favor are based on Talmudic interpretations of baseless fake news articles.

His record at Kikebart should be taken with a grain of salt given the ownership of Kikebart ((((PeterSinger)))) keeping him at bay. He does well within his sphere of influence given his limitations in my opinion. I think Bannon is a lot more on our side than we would want to think, but his faustian deal with jews at his platform shouldn't completely shroud that. Yes, I know breitbart has a jerusalem section, it's awful. However, they scratch the surface much more than we want to believe, even if they never broach the JQ directly.

What can you base the idea that Bannon is on our side on, other than pure fantasy? The bullshit claim by his ex-wife that he said something mean about jews once? The lie about him being an "Evolian" because during a Q&A he said Putin was inspired by Dugin, who in turn was inspired by Julius Evola?

They're going just as deep as any other kosher nationalist publication would. They're like the American equivalent of the jew Geert Wilders. If you think they're special and hardcore, then you just haven't paid enough attention to the enemy.

Bro, we got it. Bannon is a "proud christian zionist". Unless you're some soyboy policy-wonk faggot like Dicky, thats all you need to hear to know the score.

I guess sometimes I let what I wish to be true get in the way of what is true. I think Bannon deserves more credit than he gets around here, but fully acknowledge your viewpoint as valid.

Wait, are you equating knowing policy with being a soyboy? That's pretty dumb. I think you are a shill. Your pic has a great Bannon point re: China trade war. I think your reflexiveness regarding anyone who navigates in high circles around armies of kikes is naïve.

I can think Bannon is enough on my side to support without supporting everything he says, you realize that right? Even Trump is flawed, much more than Bannon in my opinion. I would trade Bannon for Trump if I could since Trump's philosemitism is very evident.

Their entire thing is done.

TRS are still sodomites.

Don't come in trying to destroy a movement because of some purist reasoning. Alt-Right is a rainbow of political discourse, even NatSocs are being accepted as 'Alt-Right' now. That gives us a very large, and very threatening umbrella to operate within.

The fire is rising, yes, but the Alt-Rights is already blazing. I am a product of the generational swing from NeoCohen standing all the way to quoting Race & Nation due to these methods.

Don't shut out the slightly maligned views of the Alt-Kike, they're already moved past Cohenservativism, just take them the rest of the way.

It has and will remain like this, it will be the actions that stand apart from the words coming from their mouths. When they align, it will be because the populace was already there 2 years prior.

My record from when I was younger and dumber shows a staunch supporter of Israel and an Anti-Muslim.

Real people have migratory views as new information is introduced. The "Alt-Right" was the first steps of a wake-up call for America, and people began looking into why they were being called "Nazi". Turns out, they actually had more in common with the non-Hollywood version of Nazi's than they did with the Communists.

Bumping this because I think homosexuality is a mental disorder and a learned behavior from childhood because Dicky was raped or molested as a child

He's not Jewish. He's a USSOCOM psyops agent.
