Reminder that if you are over 18 and watch anime and have anime merchandise, you are the traitor of the white race.
First of all, anime and western cartoons are for children! If you are an adult, watch cartoons and like them, you are a literal man child. If you want to save the white race, PUT AWAY CHILDISH THINGS!
Second of all, anime is degenerate. I don't care if it's red-pilled (it never is), it's degenerate. It endorsed degeneracy and witchcraft and is anti-Christian.
Third of all, speaking of degeneracy. It sexualizes under-aged children and promotes pedophilia, trans-sexuality, homosexuality and other sexually immoral things. Also, you wank to under-aged children every day and "it's just a drawing" is a shit argument.
Fourth of all, anime is not a hobby. Find a real hobby, like basketball, fishing, lifting weights, painting REAL ART, reading books (NO MANGAS) and other actually beneficial non-Japanese things.
Finally, if you are an American and a ultra-nationalist, REMEMBER TO BOYCOTT any products from your enemy, the Japanese. Even Hollywood kikes and record label CEOs promote degrading Japanese culture.
If you remove anime and Japan from your life and stop being a man-child, you will look like pic related. Trust me.
Also, the "Ledditards hate anime" is a shitty argument, because even Ledditards watch and love degeneracy called anime. And look what these Ledditards are!
If you are for anime, your brain is still in alpha regime.


What's with all the goonery?

Maybe that faggot Q meant ten BUCKS of darkness.

Reported the normalfag

Triggered goons make this thread every week… Most anime may be worthless, but it's given us the likes of Legend of the Galactic Heroes and Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex.

/r9k/ autist pls go

トップ ケック デス


>J-JAPS ARE YOUR ENEMY, GOY! J-just because they've been particularly successful in keeping their country and industry safe from (((cultural enrichment))) despite the fact we've been sieging them for nearly a decade, it makes us so, very very mad! OOOYY VEEEEYYYY!!

tl;dr have some anime.


Does Hayao Myazaki count as anime?

Do you believe in witchcraft?

I notice none of them tries to refute your logic. They just get triggered and call you a goon. Deep down inside they know you speak truth.

You are meant to die alone with your collection of figurines, goy.

Get fucked, Cosmopolitan NPC.

But uh… like wasn't Holla Forums created because of 4chan?.
And wasn't 4chan created to discuss anime?
Are we fforgetting the history of imageboards & textboards originate from anime?

Did someone posted a triggering image at you, OP? Here, let me help.

Smug thread?
Post your best smug

Only Angel Cop is, rest aren't.

Holla Forums was created, because hotwheels wanted to have decentralized chan, where everyone would be free to create and moderate his own board. The exodus from Cuckchan 1.0 happened, because mods censored threads and deleted posts relating to gamergate. We wanted to discuss censorship and the mods wouldn't let it happen. The irony was lost on them and the result was the exodus. The same will happen on Cuckchan 2.0.


In my line of work I've met more women who like anime than women who don't.

We're gonna marry, make a bunch of white weeaboo babies, and give them autistic anime names like Kenshiro and Tsuyu, and when we die, they'll inherit our vast collection of semen and girl-cum coated figurines.

Is that your nightmare, goon? To see people you think are "losers" wind up truly happier and more prosperous than you?


Goon, pls, at least try.


(off by one)
You watch Anime.

I agree. Anime is for virgins. Grow the fuck up.

Bumpin' for excellent taste in mecha. Thanks be to op for giving us all such a hearty chuckle.

Nice try OP/goon.

You goon are going to get the rope and all you can do is complain about anime.

I'm not a virgin, nice try

you fucked your anime girlfriend?

Yes. I consume a specific type of digital media.
but did you know I also eat Italian food and listen to 1970's Hair Metal

It's really interesting how important this is to you. Almost as though the idea of someone who watches japanese cartoons being successful is deeply offensive to you.

Don't forget, you're locked in here with us.


He had sex with his plushies and waifu pillows

I'd like you to kick your degenerate Anime habit, but it's not that important to me. On a scale from 1 to 10 it's maybe a 1.5




kek goonfags eternally BTFO because of eastern-style animated cartoons

If you are a white male over 18 and still a virgin, kill yourself. Anime won't save you loser.

Something tells me you're projecting.

I stopped watching anime. Then I started watching wholesome American animation like Steven Universe and Rick and Morty. I even upgraded my Dakimakura to avoid Asian degeneracy.

it was fun the fist hundred time OP got BTFO by simply explaining anime is a medium as any other venue, be it movies, western cartoons, books, music, etc. yet they insist on being very selective about their comparaisons.
but now it's just boring to again point to decent anime, or shit western cartoons in return.
Can you at LEAST be more creative with your kikery? I swear being this unoriginal should be a punishable offence. The fact you apparently only know of degenerate animes is telling.

You seem upset.
What is troubling you so?


Good point.

Something tells me you're a virgin cuck. Stop watching cartoons made by tiny asian dicks.

now this is shitposting


u wot m8?

Yeah, you're totally not projecting here. That was a completely rational and relevant response to what he said.

Stop finding excuses virgins.

You've already outed yourself. Posting a filthy naked kikess is unnecessary at this point, don't you think?

What excuses nigger?

user, bedenke, dass du Deutscher bist!

well OP, at least ya changed angle and ID when it was going nowhere… not sure this new one is any better though, you went from flawed shilling to astroturf/derail/shitpost

Pretty sure he's a cuckchan migrant since the only insult he uses is virgin which isn't very effective.

using virgin as an insult here is "my uncle work at Nintendo" level of retarded. personal unverifiable insults or claims is a staple of newfaggotry

To be a virgin cuck anime watcher.

spoiler that shit shill-kun


make you think , huh?

You got no room to talk about mental problems, buddy.

post some loli trap smugs kampfy

we know you have em :^)

oh sorry, you're not virgins.. you're "wizards"

fucking losers


Daily reminder that (((they))) are constantly trying to remove heroic figures from media. They've killed off the entire og cast from Star Wars, Aang from The Last Air Bender and are constantly replacing heroic-style cartoons with (((muh social life))) garbage.
Anime provides plenty of heroes to serve as a positive influence, you know, the unwaveringly opposed to evil at all costs to himself type of person who is so lacking in our society

Reminder that the sub/dub of Angel Cop was censored for outright naming the Jew.
Original subs on top

Nice try but I'm neither a virgin nor a wizard

ok koonfy

Why so triggered, goon-san?

then you're a faggot


you in the back

So you can't enjoy an art form created by people with small penises? Are you retarded?

Fucking ugly mentally unstable women makes u a real man :^)

I don't enjoy cartoons. Anime is not an art form. Anime is for losers with low IQ and emotional intelligence that can't face the real world.

I hate to nit pick but Ed wasn't white. His father was a muslim shitskin. Posting that pick is essentially saying you support rapfugees "culturally enriching" German women.

Watching cartoons made by tiny dick gook manchildren makes you a man.

nope, im more handsome

but you still don't grab them by the pussy and instead go back home and fap to your anime

Also, why do you say that the Japanese the enemy of the US? It's true that one of the greatest warrior cultures in the world is not a cucked shadow of it's former glory, but with the weakening and eventual repeal of Article 9 maybe we'll see another Japanese Empire in our time.