Why BF1 Is Shit

I know this is preaching to the quire, but I'm drunk and need to rant this shit out to someone because all my normalfag friends swear Battlefield 1 is the 2nd coming of Christ. I'll separate each of my points in individual posts for ease of use.

Let's start with the retarded damage models.
I shot a fucker center mass with a full charge of .303 British: 75 damage done. In the time it took me to work the bolt and line up another shot, he spun around and swiss-cheesed me with his TOTALLY HISTORICALLY ACCURATE SUBMACHINE GUN.

The worst part is that DICE is fully aware how retarded this is, and they don't give a shit. This is because they are openly giving the middle finger to people who wanted a World War 1 game.

They have purposefully made bolt action rifles a pain in the ass to use as a final flip of the middle digit to everyone who complained about the lack of historical accuracy (a perfectly valid complaint by the way).

If you said, upon buying the game, "Fuck it! I'm going to make the most of this shitty situation and ONLY use bolt actions!", well good fucking luck, kiddo. Being successful with an iron-sighted bolt action is harder than Bubba's dick when he catches his sister changing.

Also, horses have shitloads of health for some reason. They may as well be tanks. Good fucking luck shooting those things down before you get cavalry saber'd.

Other urls found in this thread:


Going off of my first point, ==historical inaccuracy out the wazoo in the name of "fun"==.
As I said in my previous post, the damage models are retarded. This
is part of the larger problem of glaring fucking inaccuracy across
the board. They marketed a World War 1 game,
and then delivered a CoD: WaW reskin. The whole game, both single player AND
multiplayer can be summed up by: Individual heroism: not unit tactics. Automatic weaponry:
not bolt actions. Special snowflake everything, and NOT FUCKING WORLD WAR ONE.

Yes, the weapons and events they use in BF1 did exist, but they were extremely
rare and the average footman would be lucky if he ever even saw one in real life.
Regular ass machine guns that you deployed with a bipod must have looked like
space magic to the people of that time, to say nothing of an SMG that every random
asshole can run around wiht.

DICE took the rarest, most exotic, most special-case objects and events of the war
and compiled them into 1 game. They then try to pass this shit off as if it were
the everyday mainstay of that era.

It's like they fully realized just how unappealing a WW1 game would actually be
to the average normalfag, and so they instead used the same old formula as every
other Battlefield game just with different textures.

So now, instead of a real WW1 game, we get CoD: WaW with battlepacks™.

DICE was too pussy to deliver on their promise, and so now every middle-schooler
who gets their parents to buy this game for them is going to grow up thinking
that WW1 was fought with SMGs and semi-automatic rifles.

Thanks obama.

Next, and you probably guessed this was coming, is the ==forced fucking diversity
this whole game is lousy with.==

In typical (((Swedish))) fashion, DICE has shoehorned leftist revionism into a
historical game.

They straight up have gotten away with pretending that 1 in 5 frontline soldiers in the European
theater were black people. It used to be even more than that
in the beta, but they still haven't
gotten rid of black soldiers in European armies.

They just nonchalantly hamfisted black people into non-African armies and expected
everyone to be fine with this glaring inaccuracy.

So far, the best excuse they can come up with is that "Hey! Germany and Britain
were EMPIRES! They had colonies all over the WORLD that they drafted soldiers
from!" This somehow justifies the appearance of blacks in the European theater
in their eyes. This is a half-truth; colonial troops were drafted to fight IN THEIR


DICE even promised the ability to customize your soldier, from their gear to
their looks. They lied.

It also appears that the Scout class, the only
class capable of using bolt-action rifles,
is locked into plalying as a blackie. Once more giving the finger to those who
demanded historical accuracy.

Also, in the Lawrence of Arabia campaign you don't even get to play as T.E. Lawrence.
You get to play as a fictional sandnigger woman who somehow fucks massive amounts
of shit up despite being a scrawny, short, Bedouin woman.

This next part is just problems relating to Battlefield as a franchise.

Battlepacks got cucked, man. Used to be one of these suckers would give you 4 or 5 items
in total. They could be any number of combinations of camos, gun accessories,
and guns themselves, all with varying rarity. Now, you get ONE gun camo because
fuck you that's why.

You can't even customize your guns anymore. Well, you can, but very very limitedly.
There are 3 presets of each primary weapon, with the ability to change 1 or 2 aspects
of each preset without changing the preset as a whole. AND IF YOU WANT ANY MORE THAN
THAT WELL TOO FUCKING BAD. You CANNOT do what you could in literally every single
FPS made after 2004 and take a base model gun and add your own attachments depending
on what class setup you needed for the task at hand.

-they said they'd listen to consumer feedback, they didn't.
-people said they didn't like robotic female announcer voice, DICE said
"It's just a placeholder bro! It's just the beta bro! We'll TOTALLY fix it!"


-they didn't
-they haven't yet


Lastly, with everything I just stated taken into account, ==This game is an insult to everyone
who fought and died in the Great War.==

First they gloss over WW1 in public schools even though it's an important part
of fucking history that shaped nearly every aspect of the 20th century, then,
one of the very fucking few games made about this topic has to go and be an
inaccurate race-politics propaganda piece.

The next generation will either know nothing of the sacrifices made by the Lost
Generation, or they will think that WW1 was all about 360 QuickScopan' Noobs with
A submachine gun from across the map.


Fuck EA

Fuck every piece of shit who overhyped this piece of shit game

Fuck every piece of shit who buys this game after reading this long-ass rant


Shut up you first person shooter playing faggot. No one cares about retarded realism. Its a fucking pop corn shooter you twat. You suck and if you like this genre you are a plebian faggot

Hot opinions you have there user.

I bought Titanfall 2
I thought the first one was really fun too

You could have just said
and that would have been good enough for me honestly, no need for a drunken essay. I don't think I've ever seen DICE make a good fucking decision when it comes to balance in all of my time playing Battlefield games.

>remaining 10% of rant is the fact that you cant add tacktikul red dot sights and flashlights onto your early 20th century service rifle SMG that was probably handed to you half an hour before you entered battle.

No you dumbfuck, all the attachments are period accurate, but >DICE still doesn't allow full broad-range customization using said attachments.

There are 3 presets and if you want anything beyond that then fuck you.

All the SMG's and machine guns are period accurate as well, user. Besides, the game is shit because its not realistic, so why are you complaining about one of it's only realistic aspects? It's not like soldiers got to pick their attachments back then.

Games are fantasy products. Only autists care about "historical accuracy" inside a video game and get butthurt about Sci-Fi CoDs.
Nothing is accurate in a game and the more they divert from reality, the better. The more didndus are in there less people confuse it with a documentary.
Battlefield 1 doesn't play in Europe and doesn't have "Germans", it's black Americans reenacting something. And that's a good thing that DICE made that so obvious.
As an European I enjoy that game as a parody on how well burgers know 20th century history.

As was said, they existed, but they were a far fucking cry from being common enough that the average scrub could use one.

Automatic weapons should be way harder to obtain than they are.

people wanna play battlefield, not actual ww1
go get mates from bf1 servers and invite them to Verdun

So..why make it WW1 to begin with if all they are going to play is Battlefield? Just curious to know.

What an odd mistake to make.

I still don't know if the niggers at DICE were trying to make an alt-history WW1 or just completely retarded/too lazy to do research that they just used that as an excuse to give every an assault-rifle or SMG so it could be BF4.

Shekels + (((new))).

There's no way you didn't know.

You need to go back

It's a theater of African Americans reenacting WW1.


Daily reminder Dice hasn't made a good game since Battlefield Bad Company 2 and they've gone on record to say they dont't understand why everyone loved it.

It's choir.

Games which try to be "realistic" are shit.
Should have used anime characters to make it more obvious to retards that video games are not a documentary.

Why not?

Apparently Mack liked this piece of crap. I think he was replaced by a shapeshifter after he took a "break". How much do you think they paid him or did his mind deteriorate, which made him like AAA shit?

It's clearly not shit, or it wouldn't have an 89 on Metacritic.

Holla Forums just hates things that are popular and are pissing their pants over a beautifully diverse character roster.

Honestly it's pretty sad how hypocritical you guys are.

You played and loved San Andreas, didn't you?

But back then you weren't bitter racist misgogynistic body-negative manbabies.

You could appreciate the experience for what it was.

Yet today, a game has a little bit of diversity and suddenly it's "shit".

Grow the eff up.

$.50 has been deposited to your account

You're overestimating it. He pays them for the opportunity.

Yes, that's called embellishment and artistic license. The Battlefield franchise was never a stranger to it. It just stands out more now than before.


If you don't have an argument, why even bother posting at all?

I know it's embarrassing that I absolutely roasted you perfectly in one post.

You panicked, and in a mode of desperation tried the only trick left in your bag.

You pretended that I was a paid Marketer so that you could disregard my argument without attempting to counter it with one of your own.

But I saw right through that trick, so it's not going to work.

Nothin personnel, kid.

Bait this blatant should be made illegal, and whoever posted it whipped for good measure.


But they keep responding, user

That still doesn't excuse your lack of effort.

So is BF1 worth pirating?

The indians, at least most of them, brought it on themselves.
They acted like asshole savages, they got treated as such.

How would you make an actual WW1 shooter fun? Didn't everyone spend most of the war hiding in trenches waiting for a shell to blow them to smithereens?

My brother fucking bought it without knowing about the historical accuracy shit. I tried to warn him about it, he hates that kind of stuff, he comes back with a full-priced copy, "You're right, what is this shit? THAT'S World War 1?"
No, it isn't, and that's the problem. Thanks for giving Dice money though, it's shit like that that makes me doubt we're related.

Tell him to return it.
The fucking idiot.

So you bought the game because of your "friends". Nice job on being a weak willed faggot.

The ironic thing about Battlefield 1 is that it shows that truely nobody learns from history. Buying an EA game hasn't been a wise decision for 30 years.

Most natives died from diseases that came with the colonists. The rest was a combination of them being complete idiots, being unable and unwilling to put aside their differences and fight as one and, like you mentioned, being savage animals that attacked colonist outposts, raped the women and scalped everyone.

The biggest mistake the US made was not exterminating them all when they had the chance.

Pretty much. Outside of a few tribes, they were cunts.
Cherokee were okay. But then they had the bright idea to ally with the British. Screwed them outright.
Though, they were seriously jewish. You'd get cases of them robbing a nearby farmstead, selling what they stole to the other nearby farmer, stealing it back, and selling it back to the original owner.


Kek, that's pretty good.

Reminds me of that one VTMB quest in Chinatown where one man sends you to kill someone. You meet him, and your target offers you to kill the man who hired you. You can kill either target, both, or neither and rekindle their friendship.

In time I will desensitize full/v/ to "reddit spacing" and blatant shitposting. My goal is to one day get zero (You)s

You could make a singleplayer stealth FPS based around guerilla forces and infiltration/sabotage ops, and could probably make a decent translation to multiplayer with objective based maps.

You're too drunk. I'm not reading 5,000 words from someone who can't spell.

DICEFag here, I just want to let OP and this faggots brother that I'm laughing all the way to the bank once I get my paycheck. This is why this fucking studio isn't imploding on its own shit and why I can't just run off with the only three decent people in it to make our own shit without fear of EA automatically gobbling us back into their shitshow.

You wanted a WW1 shooter? You got one.
If you're not satisfied, go out and do something other than shitposting on twitter maybe.
Personally i don't give a fuck, i stopped doing that back in 2008 or so. I don't buy games since then and i kinda stopped showing interest towards them.
Gook and slav games are still kind of alright but even they got fucked with either microtransactions or global retardation.

+Political Propaganda and Historical Revisionism

I wonder who could be behind such things!

Regardless, OP's points are completely valid. If Battlefield wasn't going to be historically accurate because
They should have advertised it that way. Or, yknow, they could have designed it to be realistic but fun, but that's too much to ask for.

They have Snoop Dogg though.


I absolutely despise the vast majority of multiplayer FPS - it's like being a fucking chimp who runs around the map like he shat his pants and makes excited howls as he starts shooting the first of the 1000000 bullets needed to kill another player - it's shit, it's braindead, it's not fun. But when I played RO2, despite the many flaws the game had, my dick was fucking diamonds – 1 bullet enough to down an enemy in most cases, majority of people locked to rifleman, making class management a necessity, nonstop hiding in cover, taking quick peeks or else being shot in an instant, taking five minutes just running a long ass trek around the edge of the map to take an advantageous position and scoring twenty hits before they find you, squad leaders shouting at you to stay in the fucking cover, or to scout ahead if it's safe – that was fucking fun. I want 1 hit = kill (except limbs and the like) because it's fun and reasonably realistic (it may not always kill the dude IRL, but he won't be in the shape to pose any more trouble), I want slow, tacktical team-play, I want bolt actions for the majority of players, and I don't want niggers in France!

How do you figure that's a problem? Every FPS franchise compromises realism for gameplay balance. That's largely a good thing.
(Except BF1's obviously bad politically-driven overrepresentation of black combatants for the sake of current-year bullshit, granted. That is indeed fucking stupid and doesn't serve the gameplay whatsoever.)

He had always been an idiot. While his "BUY/ DO NOT BUY" grading was correct most of the time, have you ever actually listened to him reasoning WHY he gave the grades he gave?

Not to mention, fucking weapon skins for all the people with autism.

And guess what? You have to pay for them. What else?

CS:GO is the most cancerous game to ever exist. Look how often it's cancer has spread to other games.

Battlefield was always shit

2 was fucking terrible without mods, you had niggers dolphin jumping and rolling while taking several headshots and killing you

The map being bigger than cawdude doesnt mean shit in most servers and the population is like 64 players, thats fucking pathetic.

The admin dick sucking is off the charts in that game, and any game with classes with limited spots is garbage in my opinion FUCK YOU RED ORCHESTA


but user, combat arms did drop boxes before

Come on.

Butthurt cumskin. Nothing to see here.

At last, I see the true meaning of Coldsteel.

Well, time to go back, lad

BF1 is shit and OP is a fag as always.

The worst part to me about the blatant historical inaccuracy is that they try and pass the game off as semi-educational with "codex" educating you on parts of the war, like when what battles happened, why, where, how it turned out, what weapons were used, shit like that.

It's embarrassingly blatant propaganda that I'm not even sure the playerbase is competently fine with, they may be casuals, but they're not cucks, they know Germany didn't have fucking black soldiers, least of all on the European front.

Stay salty, faggot.

Mack is usually good for an entertaining review, but his actual opinions vary from good to complete shit.

..the game was made by Swedes.

Drown yourself in semen learningcode

Maybe he meant he was preaching from a quire.

I think it's bearable.
Balancing weapons around an effective range is a good concept, but it severely gimps the bolt-actions at anything >100 meters.
It could be way worse. The time period hasn't been touched by Activision yet, that might change if IW flops.

I tried BF4 recently and holy fuck any remnant of teamwork that even BF3 tried to keep is gone. It used to be that every class had their strengths and weaknesses.

Snipers when they're finally cornered would be fucked due to their secondaries only being pistols. Now they'll whip out an smg secondary and gun down 3 dudes before finally being taken down. Why is it that if I'm playing as a medic I need to unlock my fuckin defibs and standard medikit? Why is every class able to equip C4? WHY ARE THERE PERKS FOR VEHICLES?

BF turned into a shitty one man army fest where teamwork is only useful for a guy to revive you. Just so you can go back to the same spot and get gunned down again.

To be honest I wouldn't mind a WW1 or WW2 where you got to play as minority soldiers. But no game company has the balls to portray how shitty it would actually be for them.

Make no mistake, this IS going to be the new "trendy" game setting for a while now, remember when Cod started the trend of modern day middle east or Russian enemies

Well, welcome to WWI (actually WWII tecnology wise)

Just make a game based on Infantry Attacks, Rommel was a fucking beast, and you'd have everything from intense trench offensives to JUST AS PLANNED mountain assaults and wide, fluctuating fronts through hills and villages.
Hell, you could fucking play as Rommel even, guy was at the front most of the time anyway, just add in a command screen to give orders to your troops with one hand while you pop Frenchmen and Romanians with the other and you're set.

You only have yourself to blame OP.

Last good Battlefield game I thoroughly enjoyed was 2nd (2142 to some extent, but played a lot less of it myself), Bad Companies had plenty of character in the single player but multiplayer was a clusterfuck of medics and snipers.
Haven't played 3rd, nor 4th BF games, just don't care. They look exactly like Bad Company 2. Why buy the same game over and over.

And here we have a tripcuck casul in his natural habitat. Just don't open your fucking mounth in any FPS thread at all, you don't have a right to speak.

Most of their old games pre-BF3 may have been great but all their recent releases are shitheaps.

This! I want normal fags out of my fucking board!

Nah, completely fair. AA guns weren't made for that so I understand. A normal man can just walk off having 2 half a foot wide holes in his torso.

I never watched the ads for it. Did they actually advertise it as realistic?


I would actually be OK with it if we got more WW2 games again, it's been a solid 10 years since they saturated the market.

I'm guessing they've been swallowed by their own size and a big publisher. Can't afford doing niche titles (or experiments) anymore, gotta sate the masses or EA won't be happy. It's a good time to look for other hobbies…

EA. Dice.


Nobody notices the tanks and vehicles FUCKING EVERYWHERE?

And that there is no way for infantry to take them out?

They didn't use vehicles in WW1 mainly because they were so insanely expensive AND armies had plentiful access to infantry explosives and grenade launchers to take out even the pussiest of tanks

Considering tanks back then were so fragile even turning could cause their drive axles to snap its like, why didn't anybody notice this shit?

Watch me, faggot. Red Orchestra>Battleshit

OP didn't need to waste time writing his walls of text when he could have just wrote

Why are you fucking niggers still making battlenigger 1 threads?

You're fucking joking right? They would not put in vehicles and not have something to take it out from infantry.

Explosives were massively fucking plentiful in WW1 because of highly inaccurate rifles

Tanks were so vulnerable/fragile they would have one or two tanks and have it be defended by entire platoons because otherwise they were such easy pickings

Lets not forget tanks in WW1 were lucky to see more than TWO FUCKING MILES AN HOUR because like I said they were so fragile and so immobile

You can WALK faster than any tank in WW1, the top speed ones hit at most 4MPH at full bore, and you risked destroying all the linkages/drive train/engine/tracks

it's a AAA multiplayer FPS from a studio that hasn't made anything good in years, its not exactly rocket science that it's gonna be bad

I played it a tad as both factions. There were no black guys in the German side and it was minimal at best for the Allies and was only on certain maps where those Harlem soldiers actually participated and like the OP said earlier it was literally 1 in 5 in the squad was black if you were on certain maps. Some guys look like completely nig squadrons but that's probably because on that certain map they were playing as the Ottomans and they are brown looking.

Also the campaign had literally only one part where you played a black dude and again that was in a battle where the Harlem soldiers actually participated in. You honestly don't event notice it unless you are extremely autistic.

More likely you missed, ragequit and felt you needed to come here and complain about a shit game anyone paying attention knew was shit from the beginning but you didn't.


BF1 has a damage counter that lights up when you hit something. Score a hit = "X amount of damage done" comes up on screen.


Did you pick this one from fucking 9gag or something?

No I train killer duck assassins. This is Frank.

Sure OP, cool. Glad you're not completely fucking retarded.

Oh wait, you say you didn't figure out that DICE and the Battlefield franchise is raped beyond saving three or four games after the Bad Company series? Oh dear. I take that back.

Probably the dumbest post I've read all month.

Realism is the fucking cancer that has always held the FPS gameplay back.

DICE hasn't made a good game since Battlefield 2, you fucking shit-eating retard.


badcompany 1 and modern combat were fun

You know they resolved the exploitability of that a long time ago right? You should give it a chance again user, the population seems to be exploding today.


Pic related.

When everything is popcorn entertainment it means the medium is fucking dead. It's easy to be a normalfag and demand everything be as stupid and simple as you are but don't feel you deserve to complain about the state of vidya ever again.

More accurately what happened is that all the talent left the studio after being jerked around by EA too much during Battlefield 2's development.


Fuck's sake. Verdun is great, why waste your time crying about battlefield?


fuck off, verdun is just indie trash. we want real games.

It's shit because of kikes and niggers.

That's an African American colony. Fits!

It is since 2007, so what?


You can put his opinion into the "good" category on this one. The game is good.

Who gives a shit? The game is fun, that's all a game has to be in order to be good, fun, and BF1 is indeed fun.
Imagine the most fantastic ww2 shooter you could ever dream of, now imagine it has some weird weapon and uniform skins in it for some reason, but the core gameplay itself is still incredibly fun. There, you are now envisioning Battlefield 1. Start up a match of Operations, choose support, equip BAR and 1911. Congratulations, you are now playing the most insanely fun ww2 shooter ever made.

Cool story, EA.

there's literally nothing wrong with sucking your wife's boyfriend's cock.
t. Holla Forums and Holla Forums

In all seriousness don't support shitty games please.

Holy shit do you have a deathwish user?

Normalfags never learn this simple lesson.

Since my brother used a free Redbox rental to play the game for a night, I can say that it's actually not terrible as far as gameplay goes, haven't seen any clearly overpowered guns and shit, though we never got matched with anyone past level 13 or so.
Battle narrator is fucking terrible, bring back in-universe commentators for the love of god, DICE.
Operations are actually reasonably cool, it definitely feels like you're invading some shit as opposed to just running around 360 noscoping noobs.
But that's half of the problem with this game: it's a fucking WWII shooter wearing WWI's skin.
Seriously, just go back to fucking WWII if you're going to have people doing invasion-style battles with automatics all over the place, so that Germany and Italy at least get to wear their best-looking uniforms.
Other half of the problems are in how hard they're pushing the Harlem Hellfighters in particular and individual heroism over unit cooperation in general.

If anyone at DICE is reading this, kill BF1 and just reskin it into a WWII game.

The game is fun and bolt actions arent shit. You just need to git gud. The forced we wuz europeans and sheeit is kinda annoying but i can look past it. As for historical accuracy, Its a fucking video game designed so the filthiest casual can have "fun" and to make money. And a WW1 autism simulator wont make millions of dollars and wouldent be fun for chad. So, why dont you just not buy/pirate games you think are shit and shut the fuck up and let others, who arent yet dead inside, enjoy their vidya. Dont make a thread next time, dont play a game you know, according to your standars, would be shit. Just fuck off.

do you know what we need? a korean war videogame. we need more korean war things.



If I remember correctly, the VERY FIRST codex card you get is "African American soldiers in the Great War"

You can stay there

Stop being so dense and play Arma instead, user.

The noble savage meme needs to die. If people actually paid attention to what non-whites were actually like, you'll see that all of them exhibit the same proto-Judaism when they first come into contact with whites, since they couldn't truly defeat the European colonialists instead. I say that even though I'm not hwaite myself.

Oh yeah, I love it when bullets leave the barrel of the gun at 90° to the side, it's my favourite. But nice quads.

Learn to play. Every gun fires dead center on the first bullet from stationary in BF2. While automatic fire is good for sticky close quarters situations, the game is in large part about distance sniping. You're thinking of 2142 where they added completely unavoidable random bullet spreads.

Yeah I know that sometimes things like the recoil and spread were bullshit, but at least in BF2 the bullets didn't drop past 30 meters like most modern Battlefield games.

I've actually been playing it a lot for the last three days with a friend, and the fact that anything over a two round burst can't hit shit at 20 meters really just pisses me off. But, I've been getting better at it, when I'm not getting blown up by random fucking grenades.

Is it even necessary to explain why?

Neat, what's your opinion on all the people you've been playing with lately?

I think today I saw a record high that I haven't witnessed in a long time:

Kill yourself

Everyone plays medic, because it's just an assault with better grenades, and healing. There's usually one support per team, because the default LMGs blow dick, and everyone else is either a sniper, or an AT trying to follow in Abdul Ahmad Muhammad Hameed's footsteps and blast himself in the feet with the rocket while bunnyhopping everywhere. It's fun tbh smh fam.

So edgy xDD
Such an oldfag now :P

I don't know what is worse. Calling someone out for using an imgur filename or being autistic enough to care/identify one.


Right, I meant the number of people playing. What's your impression of that?

This is bullshit.

There's always around 5 full-ish servers. The official EU one is always full. It's doing pretty well.


I sometimes play it when I visit my friend. It actually is somewhat fun. If only the mech genre wasn't fucking dead

God what a fucking pussy. Drugs and violence kick ass.

game ok, not worth all money, graphics pretty good

Fuck you, man. Criticizing games is something anyone should be allowed to do, and this is one of the few places where you can say "I think this game is shit because X, Y and Z" and not get banned.

There sure are a lot of people who wouldn't like it that way, if some of the current threads I have open are any indication.

Fuck em, they don't belong here and sooner or later they'll get tired of it and leave.

Hey OP, you sound like someone that wasted 60 bucks on an obvious piece of turd that you could see coming a mile away.

racial diversity doesn't bother me as much as other people here,but i wish they let us choose the race of your soldier
i would like to be a tonkinese guy fighting against some sausage eating krauts

things that really bothered me in this game


Then get the fuck out.
Yes, kill yourself.

Apparently the French and Russians are going to be DLC.

i cant believe someone is so insecure that you get threatened by people having different skin color in a game
jesus christ kill yourself

You will be hung by a lamppost.

Holy shit, you are really desperate to fit in here.

Okay, moishe.


you're the person getting butthurt by someone not caring about virtual niggers

Your average infantryman was carrying a full length rifle firing a full rifle cartridge, there were no problems with accuracy. I'd say it was more that you could either fire one round and rechamber, or carry 10 grenades and throw them as you went. If you read books about different battles in WWI, soldiers carried more grenades than anything and most assaults involved running forward and throwing a grenade at everything that wasn't dressed like you.

Of course fun > realism, but what the fuck is the point of making a WWI game if you aren't going to be historically accurate? Just make up your own alternate history setting where technology went in a different direction or the war happened later to explain this stuff. Make it "based on WWI" rather than actually being a WWI game.

In fact there's plenty of examples of this done with WWI in particular, alternate history WWI is an established thing and it would have been far better had they gone that route.

Real settings are for simulators and parody, creative settings are for everything else.

Leftists always do 2 things:
1. Project their own shit at their enemies
2. Pretend that they are not leftist and just neutral in the end, thus all the new variants of Marxist goymunism born every decade or so
So you shouldn't be surprised.

But that's correct.

Try reading next time you gigantic faggot


It's a fucking multiplayer FPS, not some cinemaplay piece of shit (although it certainly is a piece of shit). It hardly needs justification for anything.


I hear the Canadian soldiers were really good at taking trenches with basically nothing but grenades.

Maybe, but realistic and fun aren't mutually exclusive.
The user you're replying to is right on the money.
DICE said we were getting a WWI game, but delivered more of a WWII game in WWI's skin, which is fucking bullshit.

Just because it doesn't have an explicit story doesn't mean it's exempt from any criticisms of internal consistency.

Transformers is a big fuck you summer action movie, does that mean we can't criticize the shit plot and characters because the main audience doesn't care about those?

There is no reason for Battlefield 1 to use the setting of WWI. It does not benefit from it in any way so why not just use their own setting to explain all of the gameplay? There would be no downsides to it at all, it would do nothing but give them more creative freedom with weapon design and stuff.

All right fine. I agree.

It just kind of pisses me off when people spend time attacking this games on setting or aesthetics when they're probably the least of all problems with them.




Oh no, the Holla Forumstard is having his safe space violated. Better call kamfy! Oh that's right, we're not on /r/the_donald Holla Forums. Mommy's not here champ. So sorry.

Did a bunch of this thread just get deleted or is my internet being weird?

You're points were valid but your formatting was trash.


The aesthetics of a game that only hits the marks of basic competence are a very real concern though.
Actually paying $60 for BF1 is essentially giving DICE a trophy for not fucking up so badly that they'd get less flak for lighting a kitten on fire.
They've still done a mediocre-at-best job, and that sort of thing has defined AAA games since Fucking CoD 4.
I'm sick of this shit, and you should be too.

What I am sick of is stupid shit-eating motherfuckers still giving DICE any money after they were raped into the grave by EA almost a decade ago now. The Battlefield franchise being shit isn't some new revelation. It's been established for quite some time.

The eternal swede strikes again.

Shit son, you threw in the towel real hard there.

This triggers my inner /k/

fucking dropped

Easy. Reskin. Red Orchestra 2

What was the Battle of Hamel?
Your understanding of WW1 armour is pretty inaccurate.

What utter bullshit.

This is the only issue I have with the game, there were no black nazis fighting in Germany. There were very FEW black Americans fighting in the war at all. For some reason the Italians are all white though??!?! lol. Literally just a shoehorn for diversity and it makes me fucking sick.

Battlefield has never been a real life FPS simulation and it never will be, play other games if thats your complaint faggot. It's a FPS based on a real setting and real weapons, real-ish scale, not much else.

You fucking cunt, that's what normalfags care about. Yes the product we got is LOADS different than the beta, I didn't enjoy the beta at all, I REALLY enjoy the released version.

I will SLIGHTLY agree with this. Remember that the game never claims to be real life? That it's a fucking video game? No shit fucking autism right here at it's best worst.

I can't handle all this autism anymore, this is why I fucking stay away from this board until I feel bad about myself, then I realize I'm not that autistic compared to the faggots over on >>>Holla Forums

Why did you repost this mp4?

this game is great. im having a lot of fun. cant wait for dlc

is it selling well?

Because marxists ruin everything they touch. No exceptions.

Even if they only play a small role, even if the product was great & they only wrote localization, even if they just do one voice acting role for it; no matter how small their influence on a project it is irreversibly ruined by their contact with it.

one mans trash is another mans treasure

I fixed your gay soundless shit.

I wish mark would do his fucking job and ban you fucking shills. I'm sick and tired of seeing the same contrarian cunts on these threads

>Sh-shut up it's a good game goy bud!

Look we get it, you have shitty personal tastes/your employers have shitty personal tastes, but honestly all you're doing is making the REAL /v hate this fucking Abomination AND EA and dice even more.

And I'm fully aware that calling someone a shill is a defence mechanism used by people who have no grounds to do so, but because of the content of these posts, there is no doubt in my mind that the majority of you do not fucking belong on this site, let alone the fucking thread.

Half of you speak like fucking teenagers who just leapt off of fucking reddit because your favourite game was being attacked. It would be genuinely interesting to see where the fuck you goys came from, because fuck knows none of you biased cucks were around for the last thread about bf1 well maybe one or two of you :^) Nobody else here likes this game/pretends to like this game but you.

People like OP and even myself at one point had high hopes, but because it's so fucking broken and messy, I didn't even bother and OP ended up acting like a faggot by buying the game AND THEN realising that it sucked dick.

Also SAGE SAGe Seriously nigga? Lurk more


go tell your employers/cuckchan/reddit that you failed


How is she only in highschool? She looks like a 35 year old single mom with three cats and possibly a hamster.

you could at least try to make a tiny less obvious bait … no?

Case in point.

we wuz aryanz n shieeeeeeeeeeeet

holy smokes


Very nice, user. Haven't heard that one in a while.

gee whiz user you need to do some soul searching


Real Holla Forums is only a fraction of this board.

All these fucking Indians care about is shilling and getting $0.01 per post, and as long as one of the redditcucks browsing this site buys a shit game because some faggot said "but FO4 is fun xDDDDDd" as if their shit taste was fact, then the shill accomplished his goal.

You can ask them about the weather in New Delhi every day of the week. Call them a shill and they'll pull CTR-tier shit where they don't even deny being one and just rant about something else.

Mark's too busy masturbating over some "embed marketting" shekels until someone posts "proof of shilling" (as if you needed proof that companies pay Indians or other subhumans with an english pseudo-degree just to shitpost on the internet) and then he'll issue a few bans and call it a day.


It's a damn shame user. Wouldn't surprise me if Mark was getting paid by them in order to post here Unabatedly. probably how he can afford so many fucking cakes


Wow OP, you spent a lot of time on this.
Sorry you suck and couldn't manage to get any kills with the SMLE, especially considering it one shot body shots at the right range. Please continue to dedicate your life to collectively shitting on something you supposedly don't care about, those of us with jobs find it funny.

Yeah this.

ajj lmau newfriend :^)

If you want a WW1 game try Verdun. No BF game I have played has ever been even remotely realistic in any way I haven't played anything after BF2.

That said is it fun? A heap of people I play other vidya with are loving it so I'm tempted to get in on the action for the first time in over a decade. Vid related is also selling me on it as he seems to have similar taste to me and likens it to the BF's I enjoyed.
no wemb for you because I'm lazy, if you care that much ignore my post


i got a bonus from work and my normalfag friends talked me into buying it. it's shit

the weapons are the most retarded fucking shit in the world. every single person is carrying a semi-automatic rifle, or is hipfiring a fucking lewis machine gun or something. i can honestly tell you that after about ten hours of gameplay i've been killed by bolt-action rifles maybe ten times. i don't expect every single videogame to be 100% 1:1 accurate as far as the setting goes but this is retarded. the gameplay pace is if anything even more frantic and ridiculous than battlefield 3/4/hardline/battlefront since most weapons are closer range and melee weapons are more of a factor, so figure on seeing literally everyone sprinting around, hipfiring SMGs with optical sights on them. the melee executions feel great, and are a lot more varied - bayonet charging a guy, impaling him through the lung and tackling him to the ground feels good, bashing a fucker's head in with a trench mace looks feels and sounds good, and if you get a melee kill with a knife you're not just going to gently stab him and throw him down BF4-style, you'll drag him to the ground and stab his chest like five times.

classes are unbalanced as fuck; support is only decent because they're the only ones who get mortars, medics get the shittiest weapons of the group, scouts get some genuinely neat toys but assault gets all the really fun shit like antitank rockets and C4 i'm sorry, dynamite. unlocking the weapons costs war bonds which you earn on level-up, but you're not allowed to buy the really fun weaponry until you've ranked up a class. it's been done worse and it's been done better.

the vehicles are fucking stupid; tanks are fast, maneuverable and can shrug off tons of damage, nothing like the thin, clunky and unreliable actual tanks used in ww1. again, not expecting 1:1 realism but these are basically just sherman tanks with a different model and more crew slots. they're scary at first, but any assault can just smash it with the four antitank rockets they can carry and either destroy or disable it, or drop some C4 on it and call it a day. planes actually control a lot better than i was expecting and aerial combat genuinely feels good, although i would have liked if your secondary gunner controlled the bombs instead of the pilot.

the big gamemode they're pushing is called operations, where you fight through a series of maps. defending team has a couple of control points per sector and so many sectors per map, and the attackers have x tickets to capture them all and usually two or three waves to do it in. this would be pretty neat except usually there's a snowball effect where one team will gain new assets in subsequent waves that will render them more and more invincible - there's several maps where the attackers start with tanks and the defenders don't, then they'll get a fucking airship or armoured train or some shit and the defenders basically have to just hope that whoever's on those assets suck. it has potential but in its current form it sucks.

the singleplayer is retarded and that's all there really is to say about it. dindus as far as the eye can see, a rridiculous aerial battle over london where the fucking sky captain from the world of tomorrow shows up with airships and starts dropping bombs, etc etc. it's equal parts funny/sad in how hard it's pushing the blacks' roles in world war 1 there's even a little lore card about "african americans in ww1" that you unlock literally immediately as soon as you start the campaign and how the krauts and the turks are basically mustachio-twirling villains.

tl;dr this is even worse than i imagined. it works, on a mechanical level at least it's the best battlefield launch since bad company 2 but it just isn't any fun, like at all




>green greentext

somebody started with bc2 or bf3 if they think hip firing is bad. 1942 and bf2 hip firing was good

1942 didn't even have ADS, of course its hipfiring was good. my issue is that you're going to see, in every engagement, some huge black guy dressed in plate mail (??) running at top speed and firing a huge-ass machine gun with any semblance of accuracy

but you forgot to mention bf2 which had iron sights and hip fire was good. you said you dont like how smgs can hip fire and kill people not just heavy mg

No they weren't.

if you're farther than ten or fifteen feet away from your target, hipfiring should be useless unless it's like red orchestra 2 where you can actually watch your tracers and aim by trajectory, or unless you're using a shotgun or a large-spread weapon. it simply adds to the clusterfuck that the game already is when everyone is in motion and there's no "picking your shots", you just spray at people and collect your ebin killstreakz. this bothers me most of all i think because this is supposed to be a WW1 game and that era of weaponry wasn't designed for ergonomics, they barely worked at all

Yeah, Indians were drafted to fight in Europe, but they got redeployed to Africa and the Middle-east after a year because they couldn't cope with the cold and the wet.

in real life you can actually feel where your gun is pointing and make a good shot. you can shoulder your rifle without having to look through the sights. still in bf1 hip firing is crappy past a certain range anyways and its worse then bf2 hip fire accuracy






somebody didnt play 1942


I'll start posting trigger warnings before posting from now on so autists like you don't get spooked.

Also, you are an ENORMOUS faggot.

I bet not only are you also a trumpcuck, but you're one of the faggots who goes around Holla Forums spamming red text and then tells everyone to "sage, hide, and report" everything that doesn't completely fit your narrative. Niggers like you who go around begging for bans because someone something you don't agree with are, no joke, 100% special snowflake SJW-tier. I am being as sincere as possible when I say that I hope you die in your sleep tonight. You are absolute fucking cancer. Grow up and learn to deal with things you don't like. You are one triggering away from becoming the next "Brianna Wu"

But user, look at all the (You)s who didn't even bother to check any of my other posts before taking the bait.

I'll start posting trigger warnings before posting from now on so autists like you don't get spooked.

Also, you are an ENORMOUS faggot.

I bet not only are you also a trumpcuck, but you're one of the faggots who goes around Holla Forums spamming red text and then tells everyone to "sage, hide, and report" everything that doesn't completely fit your narrative. Niggers like you who go around begging for bans because someone something you don't agree with are, no joke, 100% special snowflake SJW-tier. I am being as sincere as possible when I say that I hope you die in your sleep tonight. You are absolute fucking cancer. Grow up and learn to deal with things you don't like. You are one triggering away from becoming the next "Brianna Wu"

I'll start posting trigger warnings before posting from now on so autists like you don't get spooked.

Also, you are an ENORMOUS faggot.

I bet not only are you also a trumpcuck, but you're one of the faggots who goes around Holla Forums spamming red text and then tells everyone to "sage, hide, and report" everything that doesn't completely fit your narrative. Niggers like you who go around begging for bans because someone something you don't agree with are, no joke, 100% special snowflake SJW-tier. I am being as sincere as possible when I say that I hope you die in your sleep tonight. You are absolute fucking cancer. Grow up and learn to deal with things you don't like. You are one triggering away from becoming the next "Brianna Wu"

Jesus, is the site shitting itself again?

And you get todays bonus for getting most of our codewords into one post.
Good job, lad.
Keep on correcting the narrative.

Wouldn't posting the CrowbCat video be a lot easier than making a whole blogpost?


I fucking called it way back when they put the nigger on the cover and made a nigger action figure for the "premium super exclusive edition" or whatever.

Anons claimed they couldn't be retarded enough to put actual niggers in there but they fucking did it.

They are re-writing history on all fronts and the end game is a universal WE WUZ applied to all white cultures and history books will say whites were created in a laboratory by an evil black wizard named Yakub.

Enjoy the fucking decline you faggots.




any games were i can pilot tanks, planes, helicopters, cars, boats or submarines in a map were i can blow shit up a la battlefield 1942?


mercenaries i guess?

A battlefield game with bad net code. Why that has never happen before.

What is war parody source of that fake trailer footage?

Because there is maybe half a server of people on at any one time, and their physics engine sucks.

Learn to aim for the head, you dough-wristed faggot.


I can have fun by playing The Hidden 4free with friends

How long before delusional leftists ironically meme that niggers were used as super soldier mercenaries by every army in Europe as everyone knows they become samurai/mongol/assassin/gurka/sniper all rolled into one from hunting giraffes in their youth?

Nice effort strawman user. Anyone who wants to get rid of shills clearly wants to get rid of freedom of opinion/thought too, since obvious unfaltering bias and personal opinion are obviously synonymous.

That spoiler was even better!! Your first couple of posts on this site is *this.* Hint 1: if you're trying to fit in on /v, notice that people here will not want to associate with siding against trump. 2nd Hint: you only have to click New Reply once :^) now please stay in your containment website tumblr where you belong.

How many times did you cut yourself whilst listening to 'crawling' by Linkin Park before posting that message goy. There's so much edge in that post I think you might have actually cut me too

Thankfully they didn't touch the gameplay though.

Trips of truth.

Actually, the Overton window has shifted to the point where wishing death upon people disagree with you is mainstream and no longer "edgy".


this game blows diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick

Speaking of WW1, is Verdun worth getting?

(((who))) could be behind this post

yes, absolutely. if you have the patience to peek above trenches for many minutes and carefully pick out targets, Verdun is a blast.

I thought it was shit, the game doesn't even allow 64 players on a server. I understand having 100v100 would be incredibly frustrating to play, or mite b cool but as it is now, it doesn't feel authentic playing 12v12 it's shit. Also sounds are shit, movement is shit it's just shit. There's a WW1 mod for Half Life 2, but that's completely dead I'd love to give it a try, maybe set up a server for a Holla Forumseekend, or RO1.

The point of EA (or any publicly traded company) isn't "to make games" but rather "to make money by making games." For EA to do otherwise than do the "evil" things mentioned in the video would in fact be evil; passing up these profit opportunities would be tantamount to betraying the shareholders.

And those profit opportunities come at many more people's expense. Is it evil to enhance the personal wealth of a small group of people at the expense of developers, the industry at large, and the consumers? I say that's a pretty decent good example of objective evil, or more clinically, anti-social behavior.

This entity was founded precisely to "enhance the personal wealth of a small group of people," namely the shareholders. The health of the industry and other social considerations are only taken into account insofar as damaging them would run afoul of laws and regulations to such an extent as to outweigh the profit from trampling them
Our economic system is predicated on the idea that having many actors maximizing their own respective profits by being sociopathic jackasses redounds to the good of society as a whole.

(This only holds if it holds at all when there are low barriers to entry, actors are independent, and nobody is able to exercise monopoly power)

tl,dr: corporations are not charities

How romantic. It sure would be nice if things actually worked that way.

We need the government to get off it's ass and break up large companies and prosecute anti-competitive behavior if this economic system is to work. removing Merchant would help a lot too, as they're especially prone to collusion



They should have just done WWII, most complaints would be gone.


post more shitty BF1 videos.

FUCK, I forgot the song. Please assist.

Why would I play a silent playtrought of the game?
like I could fucking find it on the cancer thats Jewtube

Good job, moishe.

Promise by Hirose Kohmi

What I want to know is, besides the 50% niggers in European armies shit, just how pozzed is the single player? Are they bashing Germany? Niggers everywhere? Stronk womynz?

What is the narrative like?

you hit the nail on the head.

traitor pls

The only niggers are in the beginning sequence. You die a bunch of times as a nigger for like maybe 20 minutes and then you never have to play as one again. No Germany bashing that I can remember. In one of the stories you play as a woman.

The narrative is just you're trying to win a war.

I like how Holla Forums is still shitposting on this thread. We get it you hate the game, at least move on instead of just spouting the same stupid shit about niggers constantly. You've beaten that horse enough at least come up with something new or constructive, maybe even channel your inner /k/ and shit on the prototype weapons and how you know they are going to add Thompsons in one of the DLCs because of cowadudee fags.

The only way this could've been interesting is if Titan mode was back on zeppelin form. They already took a dump on history anyway, at least do something good with it, treat zeppelins as these big-ass flying fortresses you have to infiltrate and destroy from the inside.

Forced 50% "diversity" in this case is rewriting of history. If you make a game that is not based on historical events, you are free to do so.

The problem is that it is so blatantly forced that the agenda comes through. They couldn't make just this one game historically accurate, no, they have to make it obvious that the games are nothing but propaganda pieces.

On the other side, Activision re-release Modern Warfare now too because the villains name is "Al-Assad", what a cohencidence. Just in time, right? Read between the lines.


There already is a WW1 game; Verdun.


Didn't know people had posted before. It's a long-ass thread.

something worthy of derision is always worthy of derision until it is fixed or removed. stopping said derision simply because someone is tired of it is fucking retarded. you keep doing stupid shit, people are going to keep shitting on you, so as long as the media in general continues to try and shove its fucking agenda down throats in as many ways as possible, people will be there to meet it with criticism every fucking time until it stops.

If you want Holla Forums to shut up about niggers, get rid of niggers and stop trying to act like they're just as okay as any other race, or that hundreds of thousands of them participated in WWI, etc. But they'll keep pulling this shit, so Holla Forums will keep ranting.

Everyone already knows that BF1 is alt history though I mean this is clear considering they stated it was alt history and the fact that they are trying to force the "HUGE" contribution that America had in WW1 and the "SMALL" contributions that Russia and France played. As for the niggers honestly only the bongs and the frenchies should have them and I do agree that it is a retarded forced shit on the Germans/Austo/Americans since the hellfighters were such a small part of an already small force.

buddy, one of the developers (from sweden no less) made comments to a main game site on the record that BF1 is "historically accurate." As an added bonus, he has a masters in sociology or some stupid bullshit, nothing to do with coding or EE or IT or compsci, and his resume specifically mentions he's a marxist to boot.

I'm from Holla Forums and I approve
But guess what >>>Holla Forums fags, I still really enjoy the game, regardless of there being an unecessary amount of diversity shitskins in one of the largest, most white wars in history.


You didn't watch the webm he posted. Yes, EA did some actually evil things. Why don't you do some research first. Or would you consider it simple business competition if the store owner next to yours just broke into your own store and stole all your shit? No that's fine right? That's just competition in the marketplace to maximize his profits. Faggot.

Your first hint that were going to fuck it up beyond all repair should have been their dedication to "diversity."

You're acting like devs can't be fucking retarded and contradict what other devs say. It is almost like you have never experienced the shitshow that is Activision-Blizzard.



Oh you mean that game that's incredibly fun to play and everyone and their mother is enjoying right now except for faggots like you who refuse to enjoy anything that anybody else likes at all? Yea, I bought it, it's fucking awesome. Stay mad, nigger.


wew lad

I don't care what anybody else has to say about why it's good or why it's bad. All I need to know is

This is CoD-tier levels of faggotry. How fucking goofy does a devteam have to be to allow this shit? Why on GOD'S green earth did they make everybody and everything able to soak up so much fucking damage?

Wasn't that the primary point of bitching with CoD? That it took way too many fucking bullets to kill someone?

careful user

poes law is real

The opposite, actually. Most weapons can kill in a fraction of a second, so weapon choice is largely irrelevant as long as you shoot first.

That's right, Dice can't even copy COD without fucking everything up.

He forgot to add in the bit about Holla Forums being jews when it comes to spending money on multiplayer games


Fucking realismfags are the worst.

Is the Howie scream really a meme though? It really isn't used much outside of certain media and is certainly used less than the Wilhelm scream. I feel like both of the stock screams are part of our deeper media culture and really shouldn't be compared to modern day memes.

Just would like to add that I think I've heard the Wilhelm scream in BF1 as well.



Maybe if you weren't fucking autistic you would understand.

If you're talking about the bolt-actions, then they have an effective range to 1 shot in the chest, depending ont the weapon.

There is a chart on the bottom right that shows the damage and it's effective range/dropoff. They do this for balancing reasons, otherwise bolt-actions would be the only gun people use in every situation. Other than having specific roles for each class. They did a pretty good job with this imo, more so than other battlefields, each class has it's strengths and weaknesses.


I too have heard the wilhelm scream.