Happy birthday Holla Forums


Another year seems to have gone by for this site, and it sure has been a crazy one. Time to look back at what's happened and see what is to come. Maybe play a game for hotwheels sake, I'm sure he would like that. I enjoy being with you all, even if we don't get along at times. May the next year of this site be filled with just as many fun times as the others.

Other urls found in this thread:


I hate you all.

I want to dress you all up in girly clothes and make you my girlfriends.



[X] Hate Mark

Thank fuck Josh was kicked out, I was convinced he was going to be the death of this site.

Well someone here needs to turn their frown upside down! Celebrate!

I miss the days when Redditors didn't shit up this place, everything was so much better.
Why did the fucking Cripple and Jew have to advertise there? Why does the media have to namedrop us? Why does /r/the_donald think they have a right to come here? Why are good boards like >>>/kind/, >>>/late/ or >>>/mental/ fucking dead and all the boards that are active are Holla Forums, Holla Forums, Holla Forums, /tg/ and fucking Holla Forums? Why did /int/ and /sp/ have to leave?

Fuck, at least this site is still alive.

Speaking of Josh, did his pedo hub site go tits up yet?


I've been seeing them everywhere it's fucking insane.
I assume it has something to do with us being the "most trolly" site on the internet.

nice png

you have to eat another cake

Didn't someone fix next?
I don't hate him, but I think idiots giving him money was a bad idea.

Holla Forums has around the same users for like, 3 weeks now. That user being a cancerous faggot in a thread is just an user.

As long as normalfags and cuckchan exist on this world, there will be shitposting.

16chan? He shut that down weeks ago. Said that he couldn't maintain it. There are a bunch of new imageboards popping up using forks of Next, though.

That was for Holla Forums's birthday.


Nope it's still going. Never going to forgive Josh, he's the reason /sp/ left. Fuck, it isn't the same without /sp/ stealing a get. I know they're still alive on 76chan, but it isn't the same.

Like clockwork, eh?

Make it a coffee cake or something this time.

I wonder how long until Jim sells this site to some Jews for max shekels

I'm sure some attention-whoring billionaire will take interest in buying a half-dead imageboard based in the Philippines.

None last I heard, he maintains this place as a fuck you to the new owner of halfchan.


That guy whose been named the most hated man in America offered to buy 4chan.


Part of the issue is indeed the increased exposure to the site from the media and various amounts of cross-siting, be it the media (that much should be evident from the past; look at how halfchan turned out after becoming increasingly visible through stuff like Hackers on Steroids and Chanology) or Wheels openly inviting cancer to come here, but the bigger issue is a lack of a push for newcomers to actually lurk and either leave or adapt. The idea should be to acclimate oneself to how the site and fellow posters are, rather than try to make the site cater to you and treat it as an extension of wherever the fuck someone's here from. Unfortunately, not everyone wants to have delayed gratification and fit in properly in the end, not when you can just shitpost right away.

Another year and this board's post quality has gone down considerably. Is fullchan fated to go the same way as cuckchan? To bloat up and die with infection?

2016 has been a considerably better year than 2015 from what I recall. I don't think we'll ever reach the same level as 4chan.



I hope we all get killed by a giant meteor.

Happy birthday!

Now I'm confused, didn't we have a birthday party a month ago? With singing cakes and such? Was that Holla Forums only?

If dubs mark should give up Holla Forums to a competent BO and proceed to an hero

I want to do immoral things to Tewi!

That was Holla Forums only.

I voted Just Fuck My Shit Up Fam and I will vote exactly that again for the elections. Happy birthday faggots.

I see
Regardless, Mark I summon thee to bring back the singing cakes!

So you're voting for Hillary?


Ideally, an imageboard would grow it's userbase organically over time (no mass migrations), with older posters keeping newer ones in line and either helping them learn the ropes or posting shit to hopefully get the more squeamish/easily offended to leave (half/b/ worked well for the latter, practically being the frontpage of the site). Unfortunately, at this point I don't think it's possible for a new imageboard to be made that doesn't see some concentration of undesirables that don't fit the general user mindset (and I have to wonder if even having a Holla Forums or western animation board is worth it if it attracts tumblr). Halfchan at least had the benefit of being made before the advent of reddit, and as such enjoyed some years free of that particular cancer.

However, there's some issues to be had with organically growing a posterbase: If there's not enough people posting or at least reading, people are going to go elsewhere (this happens here with people leaving smaller boards for larger ones, creating a death spiral), and if you don't want your site all that visible, you're going to have to get creative in getting word out without attracting cancer.

Oh shit I never realized Holla Forums had the same birthday as me.


Happy birthday user





I'd better not see you faggots next week. I'm really getting tired of your non-vidya shit.


check em


Better get a cake and eat it for Holla Forums user.

I was close. Mine was yesterday.
Happy birthday user. I love you

Don't forget, you're here forever.

I'm ordering a pizza and getting drunk alone. Is that good enough?

So what were the best posts to come out of Holla Forums in the past year?

Hotwheels died for our memes


This year had its ups and down. I've noticed alot of template threads being create, alot of other stupid bullshit and people not actually willing to discuss video games and other stuff, but like all of this there are still diamonds in the rough. While I would like some more enforcement of rules and non-vidya related content, there's only so much Mark and the mods can do about it because they can't be on all the time.

I have enjoyed playing games with people here though. The couple months in planetside 2 this year were fantastic as well as the various other mmo's and games played were generally fun.

I hope now with site working and more updates happening, we'll slowly get a trickle of new blood in hopefully not reddit so we can continue our "internet hate machine".

It's been a pretty long ride, hopefully the end isn't in sight anymore.

This guy with the sick quads:



Probably one of the most amusing faggots of the year, he managed to spread his autism across Holla Forums, Holla Forums and /cow/

Get the cake user. Doesn't have to be a big one. I know this place in my town that sells nice little individual cakes, and they taste great. Why not get one?

Last night when the voice actor for Nightmare from Soul Calibur 3 came into the VAs going on strike thread and acted like an utter drunken faggot.


i don't want to begin a meta, but Josh software was better, it was the autism of both HW and josh what caused Next's failure

Because there's nowhere within walking distance where I could buy a cake.


Yeah, I don't think that period of time late last year/early this year (I forget when, exactly) where shit was almost completely broken helped matters as far as posters went. At least shit works much better now, though there's still the occasional e1004 or whatever it is.

As far as discussing vidya, there's some older shit I've been playing that I'd like to discuss, but at this point in time it feels like there's no point in making dedicated threads for them, between no new games and practically even no news to prompt a reason to start a thread. I generally just wait until something more broad is made (such as a thread for a particular system/genre) to bring them up instead. I suppose that's one of the drawbacks to playing mostly older games though.


Wouldn't it be nice?

Oh, I'll be around alright. Next thread will be on Saturday.


what a good past year it's been
here's to another birthday the next


I must be getting soft, that actually got me for a moment

It was plainly obvious we had another massive influx of newfags who couldn't use the catalog, hence why we had multiple soundtrack threads or LE RETRO VIDYA THREAD POST BEST PS2/SNES/DREAMCAST GAMES HERE at once

This amazing newfag from yesterday

Happy Birthday faggots, remember, you're here forever! till WW3 or when the internet gets axed!


I walked a few miles to go see an aquarium for fun, I'm sure you can do that to get a cake for your special day.

The exodus was some serious hard times and reminded me that the internet was changing to shittier times. Im glad to still have all you fuckers around.

inb4 Holla Forums

Its okay user it just means you are still living and not a husk waiting to disappear

I still love you user

Am I being rused?

There's no nearby party store that sells cake mix?

no you are not user

I don't post a hell of a lot, or at least I try not to.

But I do want to say, even through all the stupid trash that gets shoved our way I've had a fucking blast this whole year, and y'all are some really great fuckers.


B-But user, buying cake now only means needing a thicker rope down the line

I love you too user



Yeah, for now this is the closest we are going to get to our ideal internet experience, gotta count our blessings for now.

Well not a husk at least. Nevertheless, I love you too user

I'm glad I get to spend my time with you fags.

I don't mind people having one or two soundtrack threads up (depends on the focus if not just a general one) or a particular thread devoted to a given system, but you're right about the issue of having multiple of particular ones up at once. Fuck, I'd think even halfchan crossposters would know how to work a catalog, which makes me suspect the origin lies elsewhere (unless it's deliberately done to activate an autistic reaction).

Me too! I love you guys.




Courtesy of /a/.


I'm not up on my newer chans. I think there was endchan that ran on something similar? What other ones are there user?

Holla Forums FOREVER

Huh, just bought double dragon neon for my friends birthday today. I was gonna see about buying it for my self to play with them when they get back from work later tonight.

Neat that they share a birthday with 8chon. I think they'll get a kick out of that.

Here's to another year of shitposting with you all.

I love you too user. I'll be shitposting your thread to death next week as a symbol of my affection

Let's post some music.


But i hate you, fucking idiot.

Mein Nigger

Likewise user

I loved this band
When I was 15

y-you too


What was that even about? Just wondering about the context.

Also reminded me that some /a/non's parents found his onaholes earlier this year. That was a fun thread to read.

How about we post actual vidya music?

>>>/mu/ is where you may discuss you favorite indie cuck music and jerk off to not liking metal.



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1. archive.is/UVacF (294/750 Nate replies)
2. archive.is/Gq3dA (330/750 Nate replies)
3. archive.is/hW59s (289/750 Nate replies)
4. archive.is/AIQYQ (352/750 Nate replies)
5. archive.is/t2S7c (395/750 Nate replies)
6. archive.is/irbFA (341/750 Nate replies)


These were wonderful

Right on it

And fuck you too buddy

lol cuck. No wonder have shit taste in music

Have fun, but please don't go overboard.

I hope that cake only appeared larger than it really was due to camera angle.

Happy birthday Holla Forums
This year has been a blast i love you fags

I miss >>>/tikilounge/

Wow that's so original, maybe you should go back to r/Thedonald

you wish


Saxon is pretty alright, but thrash is more my thing.

Maybe you should just, like, spray it out all over an user, right on his cute face. Relieve some of the pressure, you know?

Bring it on, chico

Where's the playable cake reeeeeee

There was no context. It was just some random autist.

Everyone knows only cucks are offended being called cucks. Way to out yourself cuck. Enjoy your bull.

fuck you mark

I don't think you know what that means user

Best song prove me wrong faggot


Why do you still do this?

Just don't want you getting into any trouble. Mark might eat you or something.


Nah, I'd rather go for his mouth, make sure it doesn't go to waste

Why collins?

I've been here too long and read that as dragon dildo

Dude chill, if sending your wife to eat nigger dick is your thing, whatever.

Damn, that's close, but get a load of this.

w e w

They would have probably appreciated a double donged neon dragon dildo as well now that I think about it. I just don't have that kind of money.

Some of you fuckers are borderline retarded, but I still love you more than I can bear. Happy birthday 8ch.

There's so much though. It's bound to dribble onto his chin



Yeah I'm not worried, you're going to feel my love soon enough

I don't know if I genuinely love being here or if it's because I'm stuck, though.

got it

Not if you go deep enough

user you sound like a 12 year old
This is why people don't take us seriously

why is everyone so gay

Happy birthday Hatechan. It is quite an eventful year.

I think there's something wrong with me

Today's my birthday too.

where do you think you are?

Since I've started wearing headphones I've been losing hearing more and more, especially my right ear, I'm worried about it yet I won't do anything to fix it like go to a doctor or some shit. I'm also sad that the Hitler lost the war and that I'm 22 years old neet with that lives with his parents because neetbux are a distant reality in this country. I keep listening to embed related on repeat and crying like a bitch. I try to convince my friend not to hang himself, but the truth is I wish I had the balls to do it too.
Happy birthday.
sage for shit, non-vidya related thread

You can't fool me, I can see the lust for dick through your post

Checked and happy birthday user

I-I see you've thought this through

Nothing gay about taking user's love deep inside you and letting him fill you with warm, sticky affection

Happy birthday, ya jerk

You're free to let it out wherever you like, but only after doing it inside first. Gotta fill this oven full of cute buns.


Thanks anons. What do you guys usually do for your birthdays? I went to a bar for the first time in almost a year. Some guy wanted to buy blow off me.

On a video games board.

I wish I was as skilled at making anons hard with just text as you guys

user, is that supposed to sound that bad?

I know, because we have cucks like you here. No one wants to be associated a man who gets off to letting his woman fuck strangers.

The trick is to be hard yourself. Let your penis do the talking

I read that as some guy wanted to blow me off
This thread is getting to me. Fags.

Always be prepared for lewds

Well inside the mouth counts as inside too I'd say. But if you want it so much I can give you a special course next week

I just do what I normally do everyday, plus a nice dinner
I could've sworn he wanted to blow you

Gay thread

There are multiple /vcollins/ posters. I just felt like picking it up too.

You're objectively right.

You're objectively wrong.

It's okay to want dicks inside you

Teach me your ways

So are we all going to celebrate with big gay orgy or what?

I don't want dicks, I want to hold hands with a girl.

Shitty scan

No really that webm sounds fucked up and it's bugging me. SML's Overworld doesn't sound like that.

Here's the Youtube video I believe it's sourced from, and it sounds fine.

Both of you guys have sick minds [spoiler]I like it, the guy in question was a total dude bro who went on and on about god and his kid. Also how he had been in multiple assaults. 2/10 would not fug[/spoiler

I'm going to be the adult here and stop this now user.
Please don't be such a dummy in other threads, it really brings down the overall board quality.


What about girls with dicks?

That's the secret, I'm always hard

Embrace our love user, I got lots to give

I would user, but you have to pay the training course. Not talking about money of course

What are you gay?

I want /a/ to leave Holla Forums forever.


Things were all family friendly until your degenerate faggot ass showed up.

High quality rip

Good times. At least the site fucking works.


Well sorry, I'm not familiar with shitty indie meme games, my mistake


Avatar fags ruin another thread.

If not money, then what?

I might buy a cake and pretend it likes me.

user, I'm afraid you've been too long without a good dick

This doesn't concern you drawfag, go back to /2hu/


Happy birthday user

Sorry, don't follow meme games

3dpd free for four years now. You want to make some fuck? I had a bit to drink ok?

Please treat me well~

Hand holding is very nice. You could hold dicks with a girl.



Is the cute snake okay?

Will you dress in frily clothes and let me fuck you ass, user?



ayyy thanks user.

Happy birthday Holla Forums!




Calm your degeneracy user, handholding comes way farther into the relationship

Something that will be pleasant for both me and you

I'm always looking to aid anons with their lust for cocks, though you ought to be sober when making this decision. My therapy isn't something you just forget the next day

If by well you mean rough then of course

Abuse user go and stay go



lets take a minute to remember the people that we lost this year to the pigfarm

-ass autist

shit i can't remember more

Opposed to buying corporate garbage? Your waifu a shit btw

Nobody likes you

saved and checked

I actually prefer gentle, tender lovemaking.

If that's the case, I'm fine with whatever you'd like

this is a shit thread I hope you gay ERPers die of cock

You guys aren't helping your case here.

Also, Karen a cute

They'd like that.
those numbers man


you only play middleware?

I would play more of those games if there still were middle market games. Now I mostly play older shit

embed unrelated

Gonna miss blaming Hotwheels for everything

What are you gay?

Good, you're not going to regret your investment I assure you

If you want to join you can just say so, no need to be shy

If hotwheels could walk he'd be called notwheels

the question isn't who will let me

but who will stop me

Lovely. So tell me, how am I paying you for your training course?

Isn't this sort of talk supposed to be in the 4am thread..?


If Hotwheels smoked weed he'd becalled Potwheels.

Fuck off Ayayaya nobody likes you.

That is too lewd even for me

With an honest demonstration of love of course, one that you may or may not enjoy fully depending on whether you're committed enough
Nah there are no tripfags here last I checked

That's too lewd user

If hotwheels were younger he'd be called totwheels

If hotwheels were older he'd be called rustedwheels

if hotwheels had cancer he would be called notwheels

I suppose we'll have to see how committed I am. How do you want me to go about demonstrating my love?

I'm precisely sure this should be in 4am though..

Please no bully.
I want headpats when I get filled up with love, and to hold hands when we cuddle afterwards.

Masturbate concentrating over this picture, if you're committed enough you'll make it


The best.

I'm not really into such things but if you behave well I might indulge in your degenerate urges


I'll let you know how it goes. You'll have to take my word for it though

I don't see any tripfags user, maybe it's just you?

I'll allow it I guess

I fucking hate all of you faggots and hate my stupid fucking life. Happy birthday!

We postin' cropped doujins or what?

I don't clean my screen enough. It'd be gross to lick something that's had a lot of dust and stuff on it

Didnt meant to quote lol

You should save that hunger for mine user, don't be mean

Perhaps you're right

Lets have some celebratory fartposting

I stopped browsing halfcuck regularly in 2010.

I still remember returning to imageboards in late 2013 and hearing about this new place named Holla Forums.

Where have the years gone?


Of course. How rude of me
I'm close

The years are going by too fast now, I almost miss being a kid and feeling every year drag on forever



Become a NEET and it'll slow down again.

Of course!

I've been too distracted by all the Holla Forums happenings to browse Holla Forums very much this year. I can't wait until the election ends so I can get back to shitposting about video games instead of politics.

Have a blast from the past. I love all you faggots. Here's to another year.

If I do I'll probably die, since they'd kick me out of where I live

Well the cytube was good enough, when are the actual elections?


I feel old

Thank you for the opportunity to prove myself

where the fuck does the time go?

Guess who





You should. There are people posting on this board right now that are younger than the files we just posted.

When's the marriage for you two?

The feels are ineffable.

No pics? What a shame
Well, you have the spirit at least, so I believe you. As to when the training begins, you'll have to wait a bit for me to get everything ready or you could asl to speed up the process

No need to remind me

No need to be envious user, I can give you some love too if you want


give me your address i'll come over and you can suck my dick no homo

sorry we hurt your feeling sensitive joss whedon

oh wait

I'm patient. Take your time to get things ready and let me get all worked up anticipating you


CodeMonkey, you've stabilized our bullshit. The filesize limit even got bumped to 12 and broken webm threads are a thing of the past.
This is the only thing left that we could really use back. I miss JSK swf threads from early 2015.

I like that, the sessions could drag out for a while depending on the situation. Also remember to take proper care of your body so as to make them as effective as possible

Kirino best girl.


Is there anything specific you'd like me to do? I'm very open to whatever suggestions you might have

Try holding hands with him you flaming faggot.

All you degenerates should burn in hell.


Don't act like you don't want to receive a mouthful of his love too. Remember to say please

yes, that is what happened.

So can we get a Current Yearâ„¢ summary? I've lost track of all the things that have happened.

I'd rather kiss my waifu, no thanks.


Nothing wrong with wanting to be tenderly loved, user.

Well if you want any suggestions. Shower properly and clean yourself very thoroughly. After that you must suck a cucumber for a good 10 minutes, try a variety of ways of sucking, have fun thinking of your own techniques. After that you must heat up the same cucumber, be careful not to rupture it. After it's warm to the touch you must place it between your buttcheeks, as to cover the entirety of the gap. Go around with it for about an hour, then you can do whatever you want with the cucumber. Repeat these steps every day and we should be golden when I arrive

Now don't go corrupting his innocent mind user

Need some tender loving user?

Happy birthday, you faggots.

Accept my love user

courtesy of Holla Forumseddit.

Hail 8ch and hail Hotwheels, the best weebsite admin I ever had the pleasure of shitposting under.


Who's to say I'm not your waifu user, wouldn't you love me?

Before pic 2

Those all sound lovely and I'd be happy to integrate them into my routine. Thank you very much

I was banned from pol permanetly for breaking a rule that is written on 4chan's pol
8/pol/ might literally be the worst board on any chan currently online on the internet.

Bunch of circlejerking betas doing nothing but shitposting and ruining other boards

But anyone who's negative about Trump is a [Holla Forums user - Holla Forums user - freech user - CTR - shill - JIDF member - shitposter] and should rightfully be banned every time they go against the group!

I'll need some proof.

Fuck, Holla Forums really has gotten that bad now hasn't it?


Always glad to help

It's sad that Holla Forums became more of a hugbox than what it was before. Still, it's fun to ride the hype train with them

I love you

Holla Forumsany Holla Forums gets like thus during an election year, especially an presidential election year. Just wait for 2016 to be over.

That's how I knew you weren't my waifu.

I was of course joking, did you really believe I'd say that?

How may I repay you? You've done so much for me in this short time

It's too late for that. You've already outed yourself.

Just do what I told you and wait patiently for my arrival. And when you feel alone at night, remember that there is someone out there who thinks you're cute

Are you implying I'm a liar?

I'm not implying it m8.

I love you

I'm glad you aren't. Love you fam

Same to you user

Stop lying, you'll hurt someone eventually.

Ok, why is the entire front page gay?

This is a strict christian board, get a room!

Squirt your love inside me soon, okay?

Don't worry fam, I'd never hurt your feelings

As long as it's your room

Let's not be hasty user, the time will come soon enough

I never said it would be me. It could be your friends. It could be your family. It could be you.

The day of the rope is coming, anime posters.

what's going on in this thread?

I'll be waiting eagerly. Be sure to fill me to the brim and leave me twitching as I bask in the afterglow of receiving all that beautiful love

It's like you don't remember the hotpockets going out of their way to defend shitty OPs back in late 2014.


Woah scary, maybe you could tell me how to avoid that, preferably with your mouth

When I see you dangling from the roof I'll be sure to leave a flower

Woah user, save your excitement for when the time actually comes

Nah, I'll let you figure it out. It'll be more fun to see you crash and burn.

Don't you worry about that. I'm very patient, remember?

I wonder if I could actually get more hot than how I am now. Still, a hint would be appreciated

I'll have to pass on that. You'll figure it out when it comes to you.

How rude, leaving your waifu out of the loop like that


If you were really my waifu, you'd figure out a way to get out of it. But you're not, so I'll enjoy you trying to figure it out.

Of course I'll figure it out, but you're not making this any easier

Because you shouldn't rely on others. Even your shadow leaves you in the dark.

but user, Holla Forums isn't one person :^)

Lets just hope their faggotry doesn't dpread too much here. they already claim that reddit spacing is a D&C shill tactic and that all Furries were all funded by Clinton to kill the white race.

I don't really

I'm in good terms with my shadow thank you very much

I bet. Totally.

The Trump circlejerk is really obnoxious. You can support the guy and still be a little critical of him. I don't understand how their heads haven't popped from the cognitive dissonance whenever someone brings up his full throated support of Israel

In the dark, our shadows becomes extremely powerful and fill up every crevices of the room.

See, now you're lying too!

I don't buy it.

How can you know for sure?


So you're saying you actually believe I'm in good terms with my shadow? Make up your mind lad

She's asleep

How can you know anything I say is the truth or lies?

You don't buy it because you don't trust your own shadow. No wonder she doesn't trust you back.

I only have an older sister. A way older sister. She's like twice my age.
I'm the youngest of my siblings. When I was little she'd pat my head

Go hug her super gently so as not to wake her up. Kiss her forehead too

I trust it enough to know when it comes and goes.

You think someone would just get on the internet to tell lies?

I'm the antithesis of nimble, I'll wake her up just by leaving my room

Yeah. Because you are.

I think they believe that criticism of Trump will steal away the meme magic.
not surprising since they're kukolds who worship numbers based on a board's post count and assuming it's some long lost Egyptian god.

That's really cute

But you said not to trust what you say, so you calling me a liar could very well mean I'm honest

It could be truth. It could be lies. You'll never know.


You'll never know either if I was lying to you or not. I could be your waifu in disguise just pretending to be retarded

And I could be your waifu in disguise trying to get a reason for divorce.

What if she doesn't know that his half-brother exists
what if she's some nose pierce wearing degenerate

That's impossible, since she is right next to me

You can't prove that.

huggu huggu

Neither can you prove you're my waifu

You can't prove I'm not.

As you can't prove my waifu isn't next to me right now

You can't even prove she's real.

If she wasn't, then how could you be my waifu in disguise?

have your waifu cook you a meal after a hard day of work (shitposting)

She doesn't know how to cook…

I have my ways.

You shady faggot, you just want a hug don't you?

what good is a woman that can't cook?

Who's you're waifu? She sounds cute


I know how to cook, I'll teach her


I lied.

I lied too

I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours~

I'm glad we reached that understanding.

My waifu is precious to me, only a select few know who she is

Love me



Double no.


Do it. You'll feel really good if you do

How can I love others when I can't even love myself?

I'll love you back, I promise

That's a lie and you know it.

He's overflowing with love user. Just open wide and accept all of it

If anything, he'd have to open up.

user, I can love you enough to compensate for you not loving yourself. Then you can love me in return, just accept my feelings

I'd rather have death.

Why? Does my love scare you that much?

If you don't accept him I will

Love is for people with nothing else to give.

Accept him then.

He already accepted me lad, and I love him in return

But love is the greatest gift of all!

That's a pretty bold lie.

But it's true! I could show you real love, but you won't let me

No it isn't.

How do you know?

Don't worry about that. All you need to do is love those who accept you.

And I do. But you seem like someone who would be happy with my love, so I was wondering why you wouldn't accept me


Why wouldn't it be?


Pay him no mind fam, he's a lost sould in need of tender affection and I want to help him

Some user insulted his "waifu"

Because you give it out to anyone and everyone who asks.

I'll be as rude as I want.

You'll get through to him, I'm sure. Your love is wonderful

Happy Birthday mugenchan may you forever be. May all of you faggots forever be happy and have lots of FUN

Happy Birthday, Holla Forums! Don't eat another cake all by yourself this time, Mark.

looks like the entire cancer has arrived into this very single thread

time to unleash Spaz

People that think like him are the reason The Thief and the Cobbler got fucked in editing.

rip genetic dud, you'll always be remembered

/sp/ left because of the piggu leaving their board unusable for an extended period of time. No idea about /int/ but thanks to it both are pretty much immune to the flood of cancer other boards are suffering