looks like shekel citizen is letting you play for free until the end of the month. i was under the impression that there was hardly a game to play, so this ought to be interesting,
looks like shekel citizen is letting you play for free until the end of the month. i was under the impression that there was hardly a game to play, so this ought to be interesting,
Other urls found in this thread:
When is this game actually coming out? With such a big budget it should have some schedule.
There is no game
Buy 3000AD, Inc instead
Whenever it fucking wants to, you shitlord.
what happened to that mexican? did he an hero?
Hes probably too busy trying to shit out his next low effort turd,
Don't you dare underestimate Derek you shitlord. He is waiting, watching and collecting. He is going to strike when it will hurt the most and you nay sayers will regret ever speaking out against such a upstanding man.
I didn't even know this game was out
So how ridiculous are the system reqs?
Freespace is still the king, baby
Freespace is ok but the dated graphics are outputing.
16 GB
Quad-core 3.7 GZ Processor
Nvidia GTX 980 SLI
90 GB Of space
Play for free? Is this supposed to be an MMO? Why not make you play for free anyways if they expect you to spend thousands on ship JPGs?
Didn't knew about that, thanks.
You should know about it, Freespace having open source code was the best thing to ever happen to space video games. So many graphical enhancements, modifications, and even entirely new games made from the engine.
It's a bad sign when the patcher doesn't even work. I had to delete the config dir to fix this error:
I wonder how many times they will have free play times before they inevitably apply for bankruptcy
*open source code was the best thing to ever happen to video games
Currently downloading.
Excited to see if it's actually good.
If this impresses me I might actually consider buying the full game once it comes out.
Don't forget it's just a beta!
The lack of content, and gameplay are okay!
Don't mind the bugs either!
Derek Smart was going around saying that they had months left of budget, and yet here they still are, doing progress and working on it.
I wanted to believe the game was never going to be released too, but at this point it's clear that it will.
Spoiler: last time I did their free play the space shootan core of the game was TERRIBLE. Even X Rebirth has better space combat and that game is awful. Even Jumpgate (if you remember that) was better. It's like they've spent all their time and money on the ship jpeg viewer (hangar) and microtransaction clothing stores and forgot they were supposed to actually make a space game.
Also downloadin', will see.
Nice reaction image. 5/7 soaked in wood etc
Oh it'll be released.
Yeah, but they pulled in like another $20M in jpegs since then.
Whatever happened to the marine fps module?
Eh, fair enough.
Completely missed that. When was it?
Well yeah that's the point of this shitty crowdfunding campaign they're doing.
I don't know anything about it
What happened?
They pulled it and haven't said shit since.
I can believe them pulling it, but I can't believe they'd give it to the Sonic Boom guys
I mean cmon
Of course this happens when I don't have a real internet connection.
The marine FPS thing apparently was a massive clusterfuck. They weren't properly managing the contractor doing it and were just pouring money on them to work on it separately. When they eventually realized they would need to merge their work at some point they realized everything was wrong. The level design didn't fit, the engine changes were incompatible, etc.. So they took it internal and have basically been rewriting it with another huge pile of money for the past year. The contractor was furious with all their bullshit and refuses to work with them anymore. Who knows how many tens of millions they threw away with that kind of mismanagement.
so this was completely their fault. How can you fuck up so bad like this?
It's simple: Just use other peoples money, and don't give a shit.
It's easy to mismanage things when it's not your money you're throwing away.
Ah, I remember, It was IllFonic. Same guys that made Sonic Boom, Ghetto golf, and so on. They were contracted to work on it.
Big Red Button also made Sonic Boom, user
Yeah, seriously, isn't Big Red Button mostly people with backgrounds in platformers? Couldn't they have gotten Respawn to have their B team work on that?
Is he Mexican? I thought he was black.
actually the engine stuff wasn't that big of an issue, when that 50gb leak happened somebody stole the map file and was able to successfully load most of the assets into the game as is, even had hud elements working.
What i remember happening is after one of their little get togethers where they expect fans to give them free food and beer like the good goyim they are everyone said that it was a shitty shooter that played like a halo clone. I bet the shooting mechanics in the new version will be ok but the netcode will kill it.
Isn't he a Pajeet?
What's star marine even about exactly? Are they boarding ships or something?
Star Marine is just the FPS version of Arena Commander, it's just a multiplayer mode.
star marine is a self contained pvp shooter inside of star citizen, mocked up as a game in the game. The same way that Arena Commander is the PvP dogfighter game in the verse. Their reasoning is that when the persistent universe launches it would be a real bitch to have fair encounters on the ground/space/whatever.
So you're telling me that it's basically just a Gamemode for Star Citizen.
What the fuck are they doing?
They're making sure FPS combat isn't completely shit like it is in the current alpha universe.
I'm sure it'll still be completely shit, just a different flavor.
Area 18 is still a blurry, hazy mess. They must have every type of blur known to man going including obscenely heavy motion blur. It might even be dof blurring. Straight lines subtlety wobble as I approach them, who knows what post-processing horror is responsible. Controls are beyond horrible, doors lag and jump around like a bad CS 1.6 mod, and I feel like it's at 30fps even though it's running at 70. Almost nothing is improved since the last time I tried this which was probably 6-12 months ago.
What RSI considers important is still better implemented than anything else here. The shops.
Correcting this misconception is why I exist!
Why not just, Fuck, I dunno, maybe this is a bit unorthodox here but NOT MAKE THE NORMAL FUCKING COMBAT SHIT?
yes, they are in the process of that. it just took so long because the initial build had to be scrapped due to
While trying to figure out the controls I seem to have murdered some dude. Then I stole his ship but I couldn't figure out the controls so I blew it up. Strafe keybindings are retarded, I don't know why they didn't just steal X's system. I'm also not sure why empty space renders at 30fps on a GTX 1080 or why everything is so terrible in general. This feels like a game that will need another 5 years just to be playable.
The netcode is pretty much the biggest detriment to the framerate right now. I've had moments where the game ran perfectly when no one was in the server, and Arena Commander is smoother since it's a closed enviroment.
This can't possibly be right
Roberts said something about wanting to make a game that was a generation ahead of its time.
Not a bad idea, chris.
It's a 2011 engine and upgrading hardware doesn't make it work better.
By the time he finishes it will be a generation behind.
Derek Smart was right.
It's already a generation behind. Their engine is PS3-tier and their Morrow tour graphics are PS2-tier.
They've pulled at least a million more on the latest jpeg.
Apparently he's also gone into debt with banks.
This should be fun.
Greatest shitstorm of our times.
Star Marine was outsourced and when they came back after months of work the main level was out of scale with the rest of SC assets.
After a lot of fucking around and messing about with croberts the third party bailed on the whole mess.
Conspiracy much?
Derek Smart, the most butthurt man in the world, was not right on one thing.
Derek Smart was right on many things.
I'm on the edge of my seat
around here? Yep, shills are as common as fuck.
The source of the argument does not invalidate the argument.
Search for the Polaris.
As for the bank loans its a rumor but I wouldn't say it was far fetched.
I see the nu/v/ fags from cuckchan have arrived.
Didn't Big Red Button shut down after releasing Boom?
People saying there's shills are common as fuck, the only proof we actually have for shills was for Evolve.
It's beyond me why someone would pay one single person to post on Holla Forums to make one post saying that they'll download a free beta. You can't possibly believe this is how shills operate, or that it would be a good marketing strategy.
That doesn't mean he was right? The fuck are you talking about nigger?
This is what I was asking source for.
But of course you don't have it.
Lemme guess, Derek Smart told you?
and how much did you pay citizen?
You seem awfully salty for a non shill.
I payed nothing
You know, not everybody that has a different opinion from yours is a shill
I actually jumped on the Derek Smart train too at the time, then I realised he was a hack and he was probably salty because of his shitty game.
There's no shame in admitting to being wrong.
There is still no game.
Sure, but Derek Smart is still a retard
ooo ok edgemaster.
So what exactly is wrong here? The funding thing?
They've been shilling jpeg after jpeg for months if you don't' think that suspicious as fuck at this point then you are just plain retarded.
If your only argument is because Smart said it then you are completely beyond saving.
And, what's your point? Him being a retard does not negate the fact there is something fishy going on with RSI and their perpetual vaporware.
Remember anons, anybody bringing up Derek Smart is a CIG-paid shill. They never backed the game and don't have a single clue about it
I think it's wrong and retarded.
But these are retards getting scammed, these really dumb people could be funding an actual good game.
Why should I care if they waste their money if by some miracle the final product actually ends up being good?
If you don't care why are you in this thread defending the game?
He does it for free.
I'm not defending the game, I'm mostly shitting on Derek Smart and the people calling doom over this game for the past 2 years.
Also I don't care about people getting scammed, not the game or the things related to it.
Yeh, why does it matter.
I think I don't like what croberts is doing because its ugly and dishonest.
Cults of personality are cancerous and cause massive harm but humans fall for every time. This behavior pisses me off and it would be great for something like this failing would cure the problem forever.
Of course if history tells us anything, croberts victims will find the next big thing to wreck there lives over once this all dead and buried.
Going into year 7 here guy.
Year 7?
yep SC started in 2011 as stated by croberts himself.
We're in 2016 user, even if that were true it would be year 5
People calling doom on this project have a point. It's already way, way over schedule, Roberts seems more concerned with the fucking mocap (which he's redoing for a third time) than with the meat of the game, and at latest cult meeting he announced the single player module was going to be delayed for another year, and this when the game was supposed to come out two years after the end of the kikestarter.
On top of that you have the rapacious monetization scheme that is going on, and the unrealistic feature bloat associated with it, and it's not that hard to figure out why people are extremely skeptical about Roberts' ability to deliver. And this is ignoring his past history of failure.
SC isn't even the first time he attempted to make a game like this. He did it with Freelancer and the same exact problems with that project are being repeated here.
0 is a number
as in
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
There are 6 numbers here. 2017 is the 7th year.
It's understandable being sceptical over this, I mean buying into it now is a gamble like pretty much any other kickstarter or crowdfunding campaign.
BUT, from what they showed, I am at least interested in seeing where this goes. That's all.
Also Freelancer was cut down by Microsoft if I'm not mistaken, and also Roberts wasn't director on that, just part of the team.
Digital Anvil was founded by croberts.
He was given 60m in partnership with Microsoft.
DA produced one game, Starlancer, which was made by his brother.
After freelancer was in development hell for 5ish years MS kicked him off the project and released it after getting it to a usable state.
Until that time the mess that was Freelancer was a 100% croberts owned and run operation.
And that's exactly what happens when CIG runs out of money:
Shills move all over the Internet and start bringing up Derek Smart.
Wait so Derek Smart is automatically exempt form any criticism because he was so amazing to call out roberts?
that's fucking retarded user
And the real kicker is that Freelancer is the Game, with a capital G, Roberts has been trying to make all his adult life, but will never be able to delivered because he is a shit project manager that can't budget or plan properly, let alone understand the technology he is working with or what can be done with it.
I predict SC will suffer the same fate as SC. They will run out of money and time, some publisher will buy them out for a nickel and then cobble together whatever assets and code they've completed and release it.
At this point "shill" is a pointless buzzword with no effect on me anymore.
Fuckers crying wolf all the time…just like SJW's like to cry "racist" or "sexist".
read the croberts quotes on these things, he never ever accepts responsibility for anything. The man is a complete cunt.
Here's your You
That's exactly what a shill would say you jewish motherfucker
Derek Smart was the internet's first lolcow before most of you were born. He was a punchline for almost a decade. But that changes nothing about Star Citizen. 5 years in and space shootan is still awful despite that supposedly being the core of the game, and the "FPS" combat is literally worse than UE tutorials I've done.
No, that's what he's going to do when SC comes out and is okay to great.
Here is your place:
But you know where you are, right? You know what GamerGate is and how Chris Roberts connected his critics with it?
chris being in a huff over the failed citizencon, dictating even more now (obviously no one understood what he "really wanted")
sandi off on another vacation
ben/lando being completely ignored by roberts, sandi and p much every developer
that 2.6 is in no state to be released, especially since:
the main fps map is completely broken, because
its too easy to go through walls
which lands you under the map, where you can kill people with ease
but they fixed that by adding death zones when you are out of bounds
but now people die randomly just by running through the map
so the map has been redone to new standards because
chris wanted a leveling system, no one knows how it should be implemented
chris wanted 128 players and that's impossible currently (try 24 and even thats a stretch)
chris wanted vehicles
chris wanted ground and air and ground air combat
chris wanted to tie it into your SC character
chris wanted it to be organic (no matchmaking or other kind of "easy" way to find players, too gamey)
chris wanted a slow and methodical type shooter, but also wanted a fast ttk but slow respawns but a team game but where one person can decide the match (I mean really, )
chris wanted different classes that no one knows how to implement because he literally gave them a napkin of little drawings and ideas that no one can understand
chris wanted all this done before citcon
chris told everyone about all this right before gamescom
chris forgot all about it until after citcon
Some context, please?
And if this is true it's easy enough to see why SC is stumbling all over the place. Roberts has no clear idea what he wants the game to be, expect it being pretty much every game ever.
Why can't he just go with a modular system. Complete one thing and then move to another, or at the very least stop inventing new shit to put in the game five years into development.
Because he is a con artist.
I don't really think he's a con artist. I think he really wants to make the Best Game Ever™, it's just that he is such a retarded sperg he simply can't stop masturbating to the imaginary game in his mind and whenever a flight of fancy strikes him he simply has to have it in the game.
It's like when Holla Forums imagines their ideal game, sees something cool elsewhere and includes it into their vision. Difference is that we don't have $130 millions of someone else's money to burn.
The biggest mistake of SC was putting Roberts in a managerial position. The man is simply not suited for such a job.
He was a lying and stealing bastard from the beginnings in 1977.
He want's be George Lucas and enrich himself. He isn't interested in video games at all.
(84) that you?
I haven't said a single one of those things
Nice try, shill.
you got me.
He got blown the fuck out.
oh look my bog standard level editor proves dem haterz wrong.
wheres my MVP??
So wait, there's an actual game now, not just JPEGs? What's in it, then?
Not really.
After nearly five years, it's just a shitty alpha with really barebone mechanics, demo videos, and p2w jpegs.
Don't let the shills fool you. They say it's not p2w, but behave like it all the time, even bragging to other backer's about their jpeg fleets
Proof of those claims?
Because his autism and obsession with space games are more convincing than anything you put out.
That's exactly what a shill would say, to remove suspicion from himself and focus attention elsewhere.
you can actually look at 3d models ingame, walk around and be amazed at the beauty of the cosmos
I wouldn't call it a game, it's more of an experience
The stuff in the video, basically.
You have one very large map where you can jump around (as in: without loading screens) and do some a handful of missions.
Also you can get out of your ship and walk/drift around at any time.
And this is how the gunplay looks like, without the vision stabilization (the cam is shakier currently).
In the current version you fight against other players only.
This is what THEY SAY the gunplay will look in 2.6. There's also no way it will be this smooth because currently the fps is tied to netcode which is only due for a real revamp in 3.0.
Basically they're setting people up for disappointment in 2.6. They are about to learn that fps players are slightly more ranty about shit they don't like than flight sim enthusiasts who have been the ones complaining so far.
That said, in a year's time or so when the 3 series has gotten a few major updates, I it'll be really enjoyable. I like it already but I have a high tolerance for glitching and buggy shit. I play Bethesda games ffs.
Hence why your opinion is worthless. You have objectively shit taste and no fecal filter.
So in that case, please feel free to steer very clear of shekel citizen while I'm having fun with it, thanks.
every time
I take it /scg/ is slow today.
go back to >>>/reddit/
Why don't they all just hang out in /furry/?
Just look at him playing his own video game. It's right there in the post.
He is using vidya as a scam, he wants to be the movie director of the next Star Wars. He doesn't even play video games, which is pretty obvious.
Not that user, but when and how did CR connect his detractors with gamergate? Why would you even do that?
So no proof other than "it's obvious because I say so"
The proof is right there, if you retard can't see it, it's your problem.
Did you even read it? It's right there in the link.
SC has been trolled by goons since the inception. There was a move to get Ben fired that one time for rampant sexism. Then it was drama about wanting a "girl gamers" exclusive forum section. Then it was trying to connect GG to the drama.
It's just goons buttmad over SC already being more of a success than E:D without even being out yet.
I don't know. It seems like the perfect place for them. Even /trash/ on cuckchan is a better option for them than cuckchan's /vg/ board. They can be themselves with their own peeeps.
This. Sandi is using the studio for some reality show now. The whole thing is just a platform for Chris and his tickleporn wife to get back into the good graces of Hollywood.
Did they? I thought that was just Chris when he ate Derek's bait and went on a autistic forumdad rant.
It was bait but the goons were whipping up derek into a frenzy from which he has yet to come down from. Follow his twitter for a laugh. It was always the goons. Same shitheads you find here
Story behind this? or sauce?
Why does it surprise you? /tg/ and Holla Forums are the same breed of weak willed cuckolds that love to masturbate about how nice they are.
This conman was lying from day one in 2012, when he ordered some Australians to make a trailer demo for him to pretend he has already put one year of development into a game.
And that is what he still does since five years: Doing fake demos for venues.
e3b689 (12)
4273ae (18)
Someone REALLY cares about this game, jesus
I have 18 too
also I tried to play the game, the menu interface is retardedly bad. The sound for selections are obnoxious.
It loaded for 3 minutes two times and timed me out both times. gg
Nigger, this is the TORtanic times a hundred. The sheer amount of sweaty, dank autism furries and other unmentionables have poured into this scam has the density of a neutron star of sperg.
Once it implodes it will rupture the fabric of space and time, the impotent screams of rage of the autistic hordes echoing into decades to come.
Why would we not be interested in this trainwreck in slow motion?
I don't have the videos, but if you google "mae demming tickle porn" or "Sandi tickle porn", you'll find everything
Well I guess I know what the next way to spam their twitch is going to be
This looks pretty good. It's made in cryengine, right?
IIRC they have bots in place that instaban anyone that uses any powerwords, such as tickle or porn.
A heavily modified version of Cryengine, as far as I know
wow he must be really butthurt about the money he wasted on spaceship .jpeg's. and now he's rationalizing his waste of money by trolling Holla Forums.
I shot some guy in the head and his body crumpled inward centered on the head and then expanded again to ragdoll on the ground. So it's certainly still cryengine.
CIG have actually made some pretty cool engine tech with the money left over after Roberts pays his wife $1m a year.
I they will actually make good money after they release "minimal viable product" and sell the engine tech to Unreal.
Did you even read my posts
Just because someone makes a lot of posts doesn't mean he's defending the game
I was excited for this but I can't even play the thing since it's so fucking broken
For all the money he shat out on trying to make the CryEngine do something it's clearly not designed to do he could have financed the development of his own engine, or just paid someone to figure out one that fits more requirements than looking pretty.
He's black
Would a 6950 even run this?
I think it was a case of Cry engine offering the level of graphics he wanted and him choosing it based on that alone.
It also doesn't help that from when they first started work on the game through to now he has promised lots of features that require fundamental changes to the engine and game.
It's still cry engine at it's core so you can turn everything down and get decent performance.
Yes. Part of why it takes so fucking long is because Roberts didn't want to do what is visible in your gif, aka "one player model for your 1st person camera, one separate model for everyone else". Using only one unified model is pretty complicated. It has its perks, but wasn't necessary imo.
The only time I'm going to think about getting it will be when it comes out or when I'm satisfied with the amount and polish of content currently in the game for the price. It's not currently at that point.
It's already "released" but it's not finished. You can pay to get the game in it's current form but what exactly that is will change periodically.
In interviews with the programmers/developers they talk about how frequently they write new tools for the engine.
Does it have a single player mode? No point in playing if open furfaggotry and goonery are unavoidable.
Time to leave Holla Forums then.
Yes, you can play ship deathmatch versus bots in the current version (video related).
The final version will have it's own singleplayer campaign, called Squadron 42.
The matches versus bots run a lot faster than multiplayer (60fps on a decent rig), since the servers currently severely limit fps (to about 20 if you're unlucky).
Sure, it's 2011 CryEngine 3 (Crysis 2 graphics), so it can run on PS3.
They're using encryption for all assets, so you can't mod the game.
Do they also detect stuff like t1ckle and pr0n?
I have no clue, I just remember anons were warning people not to use certain words during the last CitizenCon twitch.
Words like "smart", you're only allowed calling people dumb there.
Tried the updated arena commander. For all the money they spend on ship jpegs it's pretty sad that engagement distance is so high that they'll never see the ships. You spend all your time maneuvering squares over circles like in the pic almost like combat is a minigame. X Rebirth, despite being a shit game, gets you up close and personal and has controls that make sense. X3 is even better about it despite being much faster. It's the worst space combat in any space game I've played. I'm literally reinstalling Privateer.
Every time they run out of shekels, there is a free to play week.
OK I'll bite. Not expecting much, but free is free and as a NEET I have the time.
Have fun downloading 40+ GB for nothing!
Oh no, all the unlimited data and time I have !
At the very least I'll gain 1st hand knowledge that it's shit, instead of submitting to Holla Forums hivemind
As long as it has depth to it. If it's just placing a circle over a square and holding down fire, hoping you have more DPS than the enemy, then it's shit.
I have first hand knowledge, I backed that thing on day 1.
Sorry but I don't value mentally challenged people's opinions very much
kek, that's not even the worst of it. Someone post that one about a guy who sunk all his savings into ships and got divorced for it
Yer I think I read about that one.
It's worth seeing for yourself, but prepare to struggle with it to try and find the fun. You'll need to look at the controls carefully as they have batshit insane controls. Afterburner is a tap + hold on shift. No idea why. Countermeasures rotate on a tap of G and launch (reperatedly!) on a hold of G so you'll need to get a feel for how to make the shortest hold that is not a tap. The elevator on area18 is broken so you'll need to log into the crusader server if you want to do anything. And always remember that you're playing a game that's already 5 years into development, not a concept pitch.
It has no depth. It's Spore Commander - a hopelessly massive scope but an inch deep. Example of how poorly every system is implemented: I turned off my shields and came to a complete standstill and the game still struggled to kill me.
yeah this looks retarded. is there any multi content in this trial, or just the arena?
The multi is somewhat there but you'll need a beast of a rig and a lot of patience. I get about 30fps with a GTX 1080, 6700k, SSD, and 32GiB ram. The only thing fun in the multi is griefing. It's what I'm doing now. Most missions require you to exit your ship and I blow them up when they do, leaving a spacesuit dude floating forever through the universe.
The low fps are because of the servers, a better rig won't help.
You dont even know how hard they fucked themselves in every conceivable way.
The question at this point isnt if they make a good shooter. The question is if they make a barely competent shooter.
I forgot: Go to Universe->"Port Olisar" that is the multiplayer.
"Electronic Access" is the SP vs bots, it's supposed like an ingame holodeck, basically.
There is matchmaking in EA (kek) made by Original Systems (kek) too.
The guns still aim all over the place in multi. Just standing still I had to wait for the huge sway to put the gun on target.
that sounds like fun. Too bad I'll probably mostly get trials instead of preorderfags
Yeah I heard that's a server issue. Not sure if I'm ready for the ultimate console experience
Mentally challenged? Because I got a refund last year?
About your last point: In every other shooter except ARMA bullets come out of the player's face, not the gun.
So they wanted to do everything with the least amount of "faking" possible.
Taken by itself that is kind of a neat idea imo.
Oh yeah, I forgot, this has multiplayer, too.
Afaik the whole system with smoothed camera movement and everything isn't in yet.
It's much worse than just FPS. Everything comes together to make it feel incredibly slow. There is massive motion blur and laggy controls.
Look, i like the idea of doing everything right even if its way harder in theory, but when they made that decision they didnt have anyone who knew the engine well enough to actualy do it right and they were already planning some fairly complex interactions beween player and environment that would be made infinitly harder by shit like this.
If they hadnt done it, maybe they would have actual playable fps right now. maybe they would have been able to finish sq42 much sooner.
as it stands they wasted tons of money and a literal year of development time on what amouts to a vanity feature. it makes no difference for gameplay at all, but i guess its cool to have.
Eat shit lol
They have a 7th gen engine, which already looks like a joke against 8th gen.
A games which takes much longer than 3-5 years to develop is simply outdated and stale on release. Look at Duke Nukem Forever.
I agree with you, but hey, they wasted my $40 I put in long ago. Also, knowing from experience, the development of a big software product (that is not just a rehash) is always riddled with dead ends, RnD and "we wish we knew this sooner".
guess they need more cultists
They wont send the confirmation email to my burner
As someone who hasn't - and won't - donate a single bent penny to Shekel Shillizen, I whole-heartedly support the project and the game. I don't financially support it, because that would be idiotic, but I support the attempt at making it, and I also support scamming the fuck out of people for all they're worth because that's economic darwinism at work.
People need to learn the hard way that hope is a weakness.
That edgily said, there's only two outcomes for SC, and both of them are awesome:
Outcome A: The game is exactly what it says on the tin, and it blows every space sim the fuck out for years to come.
Outcome B: The game is an absolute failure and the aftershocks of self-destructing retards who fell for the ancient trick called "hype" will be enjoyed for years to come.
I'm fine with both outcomes. In the meantime, their bullshot trailers are pretty fun to watch, their forums a massively entertaining trainwreck, and the free fly weekends legitimately fun when you manage to sneak aboard some turbo-autist's ship, murder him, and then kamikaze it into a crowded landing pad.
Did he get it from a crackerjack box?
Didn't they nerf the ship in your pic to oblivion cause people were salty that transport ships couldn't compete with a dedicated dogfighter?
Wait, did I understand your comment correctly?You support economic darwinism, but you would blow >$400 on a fucking engagement ring? A ring that normally gets replaced in one year?
I wouldn't, no. I'd expect someone else to, though, and I'll happily egg them on until they do so, given the chance.
Seeing people waste money is a joyful experience.
enjoyr your shit basic ship while everyone else fly better ship … litteraly
Seems you support rising inflation.
Outcome C: Duke Nukem Forever
All for a turret game.
I think they'll just draw out development forever until enough people have forgotten about it and they can just walk away.
At least where I come from an engagement shouldn't go on for years and years.
And when you finally get married you swap that thing for an wedding ring.
on a last gen engine.
It's not the graphics, they fucked up the netcode.
FPS are server-bound in multiplayer
I thought that problem got fixed back in 1998 with Quakeworld.
At least it's easy to see WHY they fuck up.
A 1,000,000 by 1,000,000 by 400,000 km map is not that easy to keep in sync.
StarCitizen is basically "Yeah, I guess that's cool, but WHY"- the game.
This is some next-level shittery. How the fuck do we go from FPS-bound physics to FPS-bound netcode? What world am I living in right now?
It's a Turkish engine made in Frankfurt.
It's Far Cry - Space Combat. They still haven't fixed the underwater bug (comparing the z coordinate against a fixed water level).
They have to keep all the entities in sync, all items some idiot put into his ship (like that vending machine some transported over half the system) and that over a 1mio x 1mio x 400k km map.
Outcome C is the same as Outcome B.
People melted down about DNF for a full decade.
I support the collapse of civilization. Humanity is a failure, it's time for the world to move on.
This would be quite cunning of them, and I'd have a lot of respect for them if they manage to walk away scott free like that. Coming up with a perfect con is hard work - harder than actually doing the work you're pretending to do, in most cases.
DNF was a generic, mediocre console FPS and it sold enough for Gearbox.
That is the best outcome this SC clusterfuck can ever hope for.
More likely is Google pulling the plug on the servers some day, once they money is gone and that's it, Game over.
Sounds good to me. That's like a second round of tears for free.
outcome A CAN'T HAPPEND.
to sum it up for you:
what the kickstarter backers paid for is not what is being made anymore.
the core backer are nothign compared to the casual who put money due to the hype
kickstarter was 6 millions
they arent even 6 % of the total fund. and at the 20million polls :only 13% wanted to stop the feature creep.
(5% wanted to stop the funding and finish the game and 8% wanted to stop adding goals but still let the money flow)
I don't really think it can be this bad. It will probably come out mediocre with half the promised features, but still be an ok game. The preorder tards who sunk their money into it will claim it's the best thing ever, think NMS shills x 1000. The game will slowly die and the good goys will be ready to fund another kikestarter scam.
What the kikestarter chumps backed is now called "Squadron 42". The scam is that Star Citizen is being made at all - 100% of the funds should have gone into the single player Squadron 42 game instead of making a massive scaMMO.
Kickstarter will be outlawed then this is over.
This fills me with dread.
it wont because it will be release as mvp
6k is nothing. Somebody with over 30k got refund recently. And there is rumor someone did put in 100k this year.
This is why I fully support Kikestarter scams (except not with actual money). This level of glory right here.
In the extremely low chance, you have idiot richfags funding a good videogame without any financial return. They're not investors on a board with controlling stake in the game like the world should be, instead they're just cows hooked up to a milk machine.
In the most common chance, you have idiot richfags just pissing their money away while continuing to tell themselves that it's somehow not the dumbest possible thing they could be doing. Some even try to convince themselves that it's some kind of charity, barring the fact that the only reason to donate to charity ever is for tax benefits.
He looks like one of those computer-generated images of every race mixed into one.
Weird. Our women wear both the engagement and wedding ring, and the big money goes into the engagement ring. The one I got my wife is $8k.
Money legit gamedevs miss out on then. Star Citizen drained $130m out of the space game market, which could have made five awesome AA games already.
Shitizens are actively encouraging each other to not buy other games and stay true to their BDSSE.
Like every cult this harms the actual market.
Oh, you'd like the money to go to Bethesda or Ubisoft, perhaps? :^) Be sure to buy Skyrim Remastered and watch the Assassin's Creed movie, goy!
Isn't this a bit like buying a jpeg of a ship though?
You blow 8k for the promise of a good thing that you hope will come much later in the future?
Since when are Bethesda and Ubisoft into space games?
There's only one kind of legit gamedev - independent, non-hipster, fully-employed-while-devving-in-spare-time gamedevs.
If you're working for a studio, you're not a legit gamedev.
If you're financially backed by someone who has a say in the development process, you're not a legit gamedev.
If you're a hipster piece of shit who uses vidya as some kind of fucking modern art piece or political soapbox, you're not a legit gamedev.
The number of legit gamedevs in the history of vidya is under 10.
Bethesda and Ubisoft don't kikestarter their games or make space games in the first place.
That is the part that really confused me, Freelancer when it first came out was universally panned for being awful. Now there are a bunch of fags defending it as some masterpiece? What changed in 13 years?
I get 10-20fps on the latest patch on a nvidia geforce 720. They've made some good headway on optimization considering how old my card is now.
You really like when investors control design like most AAAs?
Sure this way is worse for those that foot the bill but it's better for the devs and if the devs actually want to make a good game they have more freedom to do so.
Development funding being decided by projected return on investment is what has made AAA so shit over the last 20 years.
holy fuck all that stuttering upon damage, this is so fucking broken
That's only a shitty camera effect and only when you come close to that beam iirc.
This beam is only in one map, which hasn't been updated for quite a while.
I'm recording in obs on a geforce 720. That is my card melting, not the game.
My fuck this game is unoptimized.
Oh, I thought you meant that shaking.
The game runs fine on newer cards is what I'm trying to fucking say.
Is tickle porn all she did?
Anyone have the archived thread from this post? It was pretty kek'worthy when the shill user was responding to admitted to not even playing the game.
cant wait to pirate the game and install all the lewd mods and play it in my private server and explore the galaxy in my ship with a qt crew
never ever
those people forgot what it was actually like to play freelancer is what happened. nobody could play that shit now and go 'this is fine'.
haha this guy think's games can ever be good again. Have some milk.