Videogames can have Indian or Chinese gods and that's ok
Other urls found in this thread:
Christian and Muslim gods/ prophets are too powerful
Indian and Chinese gods aren't real
Because jews and their pawns get offended when we try to depict their gods getting slayed.
Indians got buttmad because of Shiva in Smite.
That aside, Indian and Chinese native religions are vastly outnumbered even in their own countries by Christianity and Islam, so no one cares what they think.
I wanna FUCK those goddesses
smh they censored her cos of an angry hindu man
also they stopped making hindu gods because of him too
Because Jesus is just a guy with a robe and a beard
Not very visually interesting
And we don't even know how Mohammed looks because the fags erased him from history and painting
It's not a question of why not, more of a why bother.
Futa dick
Get lost Rashid
I somewhat could imagine a Jesus character and what his abilities would be, but Muhammed wasn't a god, he was just a prophet. What would his power be? Raping goats and 13 year olds at the same time?
I wanna fuck Redcorns kid.
this tbqh fam
Only 13 year old boys mind you. Muhammad was a notorious homosexual
Jesus is God. It's not a question of what his abilities are.
Also, they do use Christianity and Islamic religious figures in games. Angles and Demons are widely used, they may not be gods but they're at least demi-godly and/or have the same functions and roles as some gods in other religions.
darksiders is Christian
I remember something about SJWs telling Blizzard to take that skin of the game because it was "cultural appropriation", same with the Native Indian Pharah skin
pretty much this, and unless you really look into old testament demons and angels, most of the commonly known religious symbols and figures are very plain and boring. I mean look at OP's pic and think of what jesus or mohammed would look like. A blue indian girl with severed head on her belt, with a neat headdress and wearing half of a dress is a lot cooler than a dude in robes.
Fucking angles tell you what man
Mohamed, Jesus and Budah are all the same guy.
Some crazy preacher that was probably just a merchant high on alcohol all the time traveled the middle east and asia around 5 thousands years ago and a shitload of different people wrote about him and he became a meme.
3 thousands years later and you 3 cults based on the same meme fighting each other.
And 5 thousands years later, we have computers, microscopes, cloning, space stations, and people with low IQ are still memed by just one dude.
Meme magic is amazing.
meant for>>11049801
Christian and islamic prophets/gods are the most boring of them all, that's why they aren't included.
Nigger come off it, this isn't relevant to OP's question and you are just inviting a bunch of triggered christfags to shit up the thread with muh fedoras.
Displaying pictures of the Christian God isn't offensive to Christian's. To many, its something that they can seek solace in. Christian's aren't like Muslims, and get butthurt about the display of God.
That said, outright worshipping the image is blasphemy to anyone that isn't Catholic or Orthodox.
Bindis are probably the most despised people on the planet. Nobody gives 2 street-shits about them.
Ok I chuckled.
I love when dipshits confidently show how stupid they are.
fuck off kike shill
You say those 2 things like they are in any way a bad thing.
They cant even get his name right. Nowadays nothing of the original dude exists, his legacy are just a bunch of memes made up by other opportunists along the way.
I wouldnt call that being a god
Jesus' followers were stoned to death
Why even live?
and later christfags were blazing with the witches
Because they're heathens, just like the Saracens. We tried nice once.
Semitism is a cancer upon the planet.
SMT Nocturne Did a pretty good job of having the final boss be YHWH.
It had some other good things too.
Last I recall, it was not God that you folk empower but a voiceless laughing chaos god. What right do you have to call others 'heathens' when you are the heathens now. Forsaking your God of ORDER to give way to the twisting change of chaos.
Try again.
old kali looks really ugly, the new kali is much better looking
Implying title matters when you channel towards a certain archetype
Whatever you do, it's only helping me and my kind in the long run
Yes they were.
Ἀναστάσεως ἡμέρα λαμπρυνθῶμεν Λαοί, Πάσχα Κυρίου, Πάσχα• ἐκ γὰρ θανάτου πρὸς ζωήν, καὶ ἐκ γῆς πρὸς οὐρανόν, Χριστὸς ὁ Θεός, ἡμᾶς διεβίβασεν, ἐπινίκιον ᾄδοντας!
Also, yer still an edgelord.
What do you think her tongue tastes like, Holla Forums?
I'm an edgelord for wanting change just as you're a stagnant remnant of humanity's dark ages. In comparison, I'd rather be an edgelord as it's a compliment in comparison.
Blood, blood, blood and more blood.
the only hindu god i like in smite is rama so
viking kali is best kali tho
Literally a proto-waifu.
Where's your moe, abrahamic religions?
& now the fedora comes out. The only reason you can read or write is due to stagnant remnants like me. Were you ever forced into a church my your parents?
That's cute.
If I remember right, some poo in the loos got mad at Atlus recently over their depiction of one of their deities in SMTIV Final (or whatever it was going by a the time). I don't think Atlus capitulated, but I didn't exactly follow it.
The neat thing with Darksiders (at least in the first game) was that no faction was exactly "good." Most of the angels are the "honor before reason" sort that have War as kill-on-sight and are asspained that they aren't allowed back into heaven. The demons naturally just want to kill everything still living and many of them serve the Destroyer. For all their claims at maintaining status quo, the Balance is serves its own interests and will happily toss its own under the bus if need be. And most that could be considered neutral just want to be left alone, or have their own goals that make letting War live beneficial to them. Most of the beings that are actually willing to interact without violence aren't even allies: Samael wants his power back and simply has a respect for War and his revenge quest, Ulthane wants the pigeons out of his yard and the demons out of the underground, and Vulgrim is pretty much a demon kike that wants to jew War out of souls (even pulling the "humble merchant" bullshit) instead of kill him. Only character that really comes off as "good" is Azrael, who wants to redeem himself for his part in things, and is willing to accept whatever punishment awaits him afterward.
There are many branches of Christianity that believe jesus was a different person and therefore another god.
Good job for showing how dumb you are stupid.
Indian, singular. All of the complaints you see about Indian deities in videogames originate from a single faggot - Rajan Zed.
The butthurt over the Symmetra's skin is retarded because it's a COSTUME, she's dressing up as kai, you're not actually playing as kai. If you had a Jesus skin for mcree, it would just be a costume.
pick one
Mudslimes would murder the devs. Depicting the lolicon is haram.
It could be done with Jesus, but I don't think he'd fit in many games. And the hebrew god is more overpowered than superman so the game wouldn't be very interesting.
Some curries were offended at Krishna wearing a fedora.
Nocturne's final boss was Kagutsuchi, a flaming turd Izanami shat out on her death bed.
Easily butthurt Christians have a fair degree of financial pull. Offending Muslims has a tendency to result in places getting bombed.
Actually "people" did get "offended" by Symmetra's skin.
pretty much
μὰ τὸν Δία
Penitenziagite! watch out for the draco who cometh in futurum to gnaw your anima! death is super nos! pray the santo pater come to liberar nos a malo and all our sin! ha ha, you like this negromanzia de domini nostri jesu christi! et anco jois m'es dols e plazer m'es dolors…cave el diabolo! semper lying in wait for me in some angulum to snap at my heels. but salvatore is not stupidus! bonum monsasterium, and aqui refectorium and pray to dominum nostrum. and the resto is not worth merda. amen. no?
Really? I know they got mad about her "whitewashed" vampire skin but i didn't see anything about this one.
I don't need this kind of heresy Holla Forums
Don't feel bad, user. Hinduism and tantric buddhism are the waifu religions.
I don't know shit about eastern religion but the art inspired by it is fantastic.
Haoha he hao.
ITT: r/atheism
The Buddha was from a completely different part of the world and isn't the same as Jesus Christ or Mohamed in terms of what his life was like.
Buddhism isn't even technically a religion and has no central God, it's more like a philosophy that Siddhārtha Gautama ("Buddha" was just a title, not his name) created.
because muzzies and christians are the tumblr of religion
they're constantly triggered
Love this meme
No, you're simply cancer. I'm a fedora myself but those who bother to preach about fedoraism and try too hard to put down christcucks always turn out to be a 13-year-old kid learning to argue on the Internet because he got butthurt his parents didn't allow him to watch Sunday morning cartoons instead of going to church, or just extremely autistic. At least if you want to buttfuck christcucks on the internet you can just tell them that organized religion is shit because it eventually brings out the worst mob mentality in humans, and that applies to all religions equally. The social aspect of religions has always been cancer and always will be.
Shitting on Jews and Muslims, though, is a considerably more noble pastime and some christcucks also partake in that, so I can kind of let them off.
You forgot Jews you fucking autist.
Not necessary wrong, but the followers of Judaism are by far the worst for being triggered over everything.
They can't even write crosses on forms so they use circles.
But it's the truth, it has no God and during his life Gautama denied believing he was a God.
You don't need a god to have a religion
no bully?
The very definition of religion is "the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods."
Buddhism is very much that. Instead of a god or gods it is the practitioner. And it is a very dogmatic, organized religion.
You're perhaps talking about spiritualism. It is autistic but it doesn't necessarily require a god to believe in.
No :^)
Fucking hell this is some reddit clickbait thread right here.
Neat. So do Buddhists worship themselves or each other? And what's the point of the sutras, since they don't mention or involve any entities anywhere?
They "venerate" and pray to Bodhisattvas.
Really. My understanding is that Buddha is a state of being which every Buddhist aspired to reach. If Buddhism really is more about begging those people to make the rain come or favor an army, the religion isn't so special after all. Huh.
Because Hindus totally didn't bitch out the ass about Kali and Vamana when smite was first launched.
Because Tencent didn't partner with Shit-Rez and decide to fuck up every chinese god and spooky god so that ching chings won't pee their pants
There as many games with christian shit in it as ones with non-christian, if not more.
What are you talking about?
The first one was me correcting myself.
Technically having depiction of Islamic Gods/prophets is a sin in their own culture, so it would be offensive, that's why they're stupid.
Also, Christian "Mythology" is really fucking boring beyond being really bizarre.
As an atheist, anyone who believes in a fucking sky daddy is retarded.
Seriously, if the whole world was atheist, imagine how much sex, fun, and peace we'd be having?
Also cathars did nothing wrong but the cock sleeve sheep Catholics killed them.
About the same
because terrorism is just too good of an investment to pass up
Here's your (You), Mr Baiter.
The fuck, Is this really good editing or did he actually say that?
The world would be perfect without religion, Imagine, no SJWs, No people to judge promiscuity (there is nothing wrong with sleeping around, literally you bitter virgin christfags)
We'd have science up to a level where we would be in space, Racism wouldn't exist, Trump wouldn't have been nominated.
Seriously, Christians are fucking retarded and do nothing but hold the world back. GOD IS DEAD, it's as simple as that.
Being a nihilist or an atheist is really the only way to become a superman.
He's paraphrasing for Iran.
Why aren't modern Christians this hardcore?
We're reaching fedora levels that shouldn't even be possible
Terror would still be a thing.
There's good money to be made by having a universally hated enemy to destroy.
If it's not christians, jews, muslims, or another group, it will be something else.
A country will volunteer for it.
Nice bait.
That's not hardcore, that's lamecore.
You're a modern day Freud.
Thanks for reminding me that Asura's wrath was shit but it would have been amazing.
What are you getting triggered about user?
How is a method of correctly understanding the world a religion?
Higher rates of disease transmittance, higher rates of divorce, higher rates of accidental pregnancy, devaluing of stable relationships, high correlation with severe depression and drug abuse, etc.
i'm an atheist and you're a faggot
Despite them pissing themselves they still didn't the god out and other games like OW still shows them.
It get's subverted too easily just like all the CUCKS in Christiantiy, just look at our news and social media's reaction to scientists "with the correct information that liberals want to here" and to all the actual scientists who discovered "bad, meany racist things" and never land a spotlight because of the lugenpresse? Just look at Freud's arguments with philosophers of his time and his methods of science turned out to be completely off base because he was so fucked up in the head.
My eternal nigger. I honestly learned so many biblical figures and symbols from that game.
*I'm a faggot
Religion would still exist under a different name and it's because man is insecure and compliant and dependent on social obligation.
We should have stayed nomads.
No it doesn't. You are getting click bait tier articles and actual science getting published in science journals confused. At least for science that is biology and harder,
i don't understand your need to state you like dicks randomly but alright
We know you are.
whatever it is my family has, i don't want to curse the world with it m8
You can still have children after getting snipped user
ITT-butthurt christcucks.
Guess what, religion is a sham, god is a lie, and you're just mad because you can't get laid.
Face it, science proves all the things I'm right about.
Racism is bad, monogamy and patriarchy are unscienfitic and believing in spooks like race, tradition and shit like that is illogical.
Seriously, watch rick and morty, Rick is the coolest guy, and he's basically a science type of nihilist.
Everything that people care about is stupid shitty religious spiritual bullshit.
You are clearly baiting but
you are right
mate pls.
Rajan Zed doesn't speak for the rest of us. In fact, most people in India probably don't know who that faggot is.
Pretty much, I want Holla Forums to fucking leave and suck jesus cock and keep their bullshit racism and backwards ideas out of here.
They have similar functions and roles because false gods are all fallen angels. That's why pagan gods are not all powerful creator beings.
Because christian and islamic gods don't have visual descriptors, and prophets aren't interesting.
There's a lot of JRPGs that let you kill god though.
It probably should be though. You're not supposed to display an image of Yahweh though, and neither the Muslims or Jews allow it. And you're not even supposed to say his name either. Doing so will bring a curse upon you and your tribe. The thing is, Christianity used to be almost indistinguishable from Judaism - but changed after the Romans got tired of the Jew's shit and wiped Israel literally off the map (and called it Palestine afterwards). Christianity was already trying to distance itself from the filthy Jews so that they stopped getting shit on by association, and as Jews and Christians were exodused into into the wider Roman diaspora - and from there exported throughout the empire - Christianity became a more Roman flavored religion. Romans had no problems displaying their gods in great detail, so when they made Christianity their own - they naturally displayed Yahweh just as they did with Jupiter.
Jesus was a caveman.
post more blue women
purple women > orange women
if it's nigger purple women they're garbage tier though
christianity is basically anti-judaism
loved that movie
nice twist at the end
Why is it that Atheist are more insufferable then Christfags?
Hell, most Christian iconography is ripped off from the Greeks and Romans.
No one's more insufferably fanatical than a convert.
Because they're right, and you're fucking delusional and wrong.
Go on, faggot, tell your fake invisible god to smite me.
Why would it be anything else?
>user crosses the road the next day week month to get some milk
>an accident
careful what you wish for fag :^)
I don't believe in god I just find fags like you retarded.
tbh i'd be ok with this just for the contact of a woman
I don't believe in fairytale skydaddies, so I'm not retarded by default.
Shit, I better go let the local Asylum know they've got it all wrong.
Oh gee what the fuck is going on in this thread. nah, I don't care. I'm leaving. Fuck you all.
no complaints here
There's always binding of isaac
This why I hate other atheist you aren't smart cause of your lack of belief cause at the end of the day its like this a dumb ass can not believe in god but that'll never change the fact he is a dumb ass and same thing to Christfags. polite sage for derailing this thread.
Because Jesus as fighter would be boring.
Generally it would be boring and weird to repurpose gods based around mercy and ideas to fight.
Of course we could use some of the angels but of course nobody read book of Ezekiel.
Not to mention shit tone of games that use Christianity and not just Christianity gods.
Islam prophets generally not here because muslims would blow up game studio.
And let's not even talk about climate change.
Christianity and Islam do not have gods, they have God.
They worship their own assholes, instead of a God.
We don't have enough good Sun Wukong stuff.
Dragon Ball is huge but only relation it has is Goku. Similar theme now in DBS with fighting gods and shit but it's a very loose connection.
Constantinople will never rise again.
SJWs' gods are the ringleaders, the literally whos. They pass out commandments about what you are and aren't allowed to do/say/think if you want to be part of their flock.
you know I remember visiting a mosque once because sweden yes and the lady there told us that she knew exactly what he looked like because the quran described it. still somehow they dont let people draw it but describing it is alright apparently.
Jesus is just a dude in a robe yes but then they could just re design him or something if they really bothered, they did it with all the other gods.
I'd say they are more like the saints. The god that the SJWs worship is the intense hatred and frustration in their own hearts. That is the authority that gives the rhetoric it's power. The only reason all the doublethink and double standards make sense to them is that it justifies their intense and inexplicable bigotry towards everyone who is poor and has normal hair.
And, in a way, the gods of all religions originate from the passion in the hearts of their believers. The SJW god just happens to be a black and wrathful passion, much like the Jewish God.
Hmmmm… I wonder if there's a correlation.
Don't respond to obvious bait in serious manner. Let only retards, like him , fall for it.
drunk is the average retards word for being high on ethanol, which is what actually happens to your brain when you ingest alcohol. FYI
Oh its just part of the whole multicultural thing
I want to fuck an asian goddess
It's called mantling you pleb. They aren't even the same archetypicallly.
2/10 I can't tell if you're actually retarded or just pretending.
1/10 Same goes for you.
SJW's would still exist retard they'd just wouldn't have their precious "religion of peace" to defend for progressive points.
Promiscuity is detrimental to civilised society.
No, it still would.
What's wrong with making America great again.
6/10 Made me give a semi-serious reply.
You say it now, but, what if she was a red head?
Yeah, they are doing this thing with skins that are one time only. And people fall for it.
Because Abramistic dogmas are boring, subverting shit.
Could you be any more of a cringey little faggot? There's no way you're over the age of 14.
Right now, Smite is dumping some Nippon goddesses, but, I think there is space to improve it.
Because fuck you atheist that's why.
You reek of pagan-larping. Go back to your containment board.
Ooops, did i hurt you on a personal level? Sorry.
Which board is that?
You're going all out, aren't you?
The ones newfags like you should be familiar with.
can you be anymore of a delusional anti-intellectual christfaggot?
Enough baiting for today, Timmy. You have homework to do.
The republicans could have nominated someone with more principles like Kasich, had they done that they wouldn't be losing to badly to Hillary.
uh huh, sure thing you knuckledragging theistic. Go back to holding the world back and worshiping something you had no control over.
This is how retarded fedoras actually are.
*tips mental illness*
Alright then
>>>Holla Forums
Jap games have em all the time.
They are probably are real but probably powerful demons.
Which doesn't make sense my meme-friend because one existed only 500 years ago, another 2016 years, while the other is before they figured out how to register time and date on poo.
Because they're idol worship cultures. They love to display their godseverywhere and as a result they don't find it offensive.
Technically no. Religions set norms of behaviour, but they are more oriented towards dealing with the purpose of human existence. Most ultra-humanists, even the SJW kinda don't go that deep.
However, what they are is fascists. They serve a cult of internal purism and aggressive expansionism. Plus, they are the second biggest reason why alt-right is being taken as seriously as they are now, and they together will validate their bullshit and cause the downfall of truly civilized, truly egalitarian West. It's basically a race to the bottom while the US-based elite that orchestrated this modern shit-circus rubs their hands with glee of waiting for the upcoming chaos.
Asura's Wrath was one of the best animes of the last 10 years.
Amercans OP.
Because Christfags are still a thing in America.
I'm pretty sure in all three Abrahamic religions, God exists beyond our realm of understanding. Therefore, any depiction of God is just flat out incorrect. Besides, he's overpowered anyways and wouldn't be good for video games.
And we want you to leave.
Medical science or industry science is different because it's findings are normally hidden behind copyright and such. It isn't as open as other science so it is it doesn't really have peer true peer review.
That was a hypothesis brought up by only a few scientists. Scientists bring up competing hypothesis all the time. The fact that you fell for the global cooling trap shows stupidity on your part and an ignorance of how science works.
Compared to some of the stuff in Vedic mythology he's just a punk.
/christian/ is literally made for RPing
The Monkey King is not religion.
The other version is better.
Smite has best girls no matter the pantheon.
There is a monkeygod tho.
El Shaddai is based off the Dead Sea Scrolls, and your best bud Lucifel helps you out.
He's a dick.
hindus and chinks have gods that are awesome and do cool things
christians and muslims have a god that sit around waiting for you to fuck up and break his often contradictory set of rules
only christcucks and sandniggers are so butthurt about hteir silly beliefs that they would cause a shitstorm because of some game
of the the extraneous writings (dubiously canon, as they may have not been written by mohammed) says that you may not craft a realistic depiction of any creature as doing so is a mocking imitation of allah's work
so that's why some of the fuckers won't let you depict him
The Megaten and Persona metaseries have figures from every religious system, including Christianity and Islam. Lucifer, Satan, some archangels, and some others I forget. If you loosen up and include Jewish mythology, there are all kinds of angels included. I'm not sure if any of the games have received criticism for this. I'm a Christian and play the games without offense. It's just cool-looking anime characters that were likely made with minimal knowledge of the source. Likewise, I can't imagine getting offended by Evangelion for its shallow Christian references. They're just there to look cool.
Isn't the entire sequence of final boss fights in FF6 a gaint allusion to Dante's inferno, basically making Kefka a Christian God?
As a Christian, they're way cooler anyway. I mean, there's not really any badass way to depict anything from the New Testament in a game.
Introducing the newest character, Dude in a burlap sack robe!
Any creature? I thought it was only Mohammed and was related to the "no false idols" thing. So all paintings that show people are haram?
are you one of those retards who thinks nge is good and has any meaning besides kids fighting aliens in giant robots?
IDK, Trumpeter was pretty cool in Persona 4. The New Testament includes Revelation, which has some of the most epic imagery in the Bible. Jesus bursting out of Heaven upon a white stallion with His Names tattooed on him and swords coming out of His mouth is just crazy.
OP never heard of Unteralterbach
Go look at Kaneko's anthologies you plebeian.
atheist here, kill yourself
the epic religion repressed science meme strikes again
tell that to non-whites retard
oh I see now, you're a communist pinko red bastard who needs to be thrown out of a chopper!
yep. death is suitable for you.
Medical and Industry science are different because they have to show results. Unlike bullshit science, which constitutes a whopping 80% of the shit you believe without a single second of fact checking or an ounce of critical thinking.
There's a lot of really really, really, bad publications in medicine. Here's a guy who "discovered" how to integrate: fliptomato.wordpress.com
Get the fuck out of Holla Forums.
Well I can agree with that, wasn't really my point. "Operational" science has to show results. Something that actually does something. They don't get to just sit in a room, sucking up grant money, making up bullshit, and getting treated as fact by the media.
Such as?
Since when are you not allowed to respond to bait? Meme yourself, halfcuck.
Are you serious? You were never supposed to respond to bait.
You just did m8, checkmate
What a concise and fantastic counter argument, you're not a real atheist, fellate a bible and then a gun. you ignorant idiot.
are you retarded ?
the reason why is because thoses god arent "true gods"
and i m not speaking about religion here:
polytheistic gods aren t that, they are more of a superhuman figure than "true god"
that s why they are used in videogame.
a "true god" would be boring and also impossible to play …. even in god game like populous you are limited to a specific gameplay/options to interact
the only god game that can do just that is called:
warcraft edditor.
Such as the big bang.
Because the second most powerful figures in their ideologies are a faggot hippy who couldn't save himself from a roman with a hammer and some wood and an illiterate pedophile warlord respectively.
Use Jesus then who acts more like a person.
Not even a god can save you from being a massive faggot
Even basic college science shows why it's true.
The notion of an omnipotent (((god))) with a robe and beard is a literal kosher meme and a corruption of The All.
There's no such a thing in this universe as omnipotence, cause all beings have limited minds and only The All is infinite.
i must be one of the few dumass ? who think there was no big bang of a white hole
if you folow the "parallele univers are like paper sheet parralle to each other"
(one univers = one grid pic1)
then a supermassive black hole (pic2) could deform space/time so much that it touch another "grid" (universe) and spti out all of this matter through a white hole.
the wormhole would collaps by itself. once the black hole emptied a fair bit of his sac of his mass/energy through the white hole and can t maintain the wormhole.
IIRC the observable result would be exactly the same: huge outburst of energy from nowere creating a neverending expantion of the univers…
pic3 show the final moment: when the mass of the blackhole (left) who once had enouth mass to touch/pierce and anchor itself into parallele univers (right)is now, after pouring all his energy, at the limit of seperating himself from it.
see ? why do you say he got a robe and a bear ? he is omnipotent why should he have a robe and a bear ?
because back in the day it was the figure of the father/ancien.
it has nothing to do with his true apearance.
he could be Dick Butt and you would still be right !
that is why monotheistic god arent represented. It s pointless.
no strenght nor weakness. just perfection .
he would lack nothing so no reason for him to do anything.
wanna play god ? look at a black screen and voila … God simulator 2016.
the only religion that bother "explaining" why god would bother is christianity by saying "god is love"
a genius answer because it mean he could still maintaint the "god status" while caring … because he IS love.
and even if you bring the war thing: you make war/kill people for love
If I travel to an empty universe, will I be inside God? Or will I destroy God with my very presence?
looks like a pre-made facebook meme statement here.
well its as retarded at least.
because nothing is .. nothing, perfection is by definition something.
but without even going there:
this sentence is SO FUCKING RETARDED
because it is the same as:
What is this fucking song from? I swear I've heard it before, but I can't be sure if just because I've seen the webm already.
or even more simpler than what i said
is the same as:
ah yes, perfect
an utopia where egoism is the key to all this
because he's a funnier character than we ever had
if we can get atheism to work then we can get the world to be
I'm aware of the flawed logic, but we're talking about God here. He defies logic.
Ah, you believe the propaganda completely. There is no evidence for the supposed big bang, nor does any bit of any cosmological "evolution" theory make any sense with actual provable physics. In fact they all have to defy known physics, or rely on other unproven theories that are paraded around as fact.
You are a buffoon for believing all that shit without any critical thought. Don't even deny it and say that you ever questioned any of that information you were being taught. No, it was presented as fact and you took it that way. Along with the cartoons in your text book showing you how it may have happened.
Claiming that the big bang theory is proven or anywhere close to even brushing up against the word "fact" is to throw out wisdom entirely.
A theory is an explanation. To say it is fact would mean we would have 100% accuracy. It's more like "95% sure it happened sorta like this, but we can't tell you what matter went where."
For a second there I actually thought I was on /x/.
Is pic related you?
I don't have to. In physics you learn proof so it has math backing it up.
Did you question when your teacher when they gave you the pythagorean theorem?
Big bang isn't even 5% sure. That's what is laughable about it.
No, I'm not that faggot. Calm your cognitive dissonance and stick to the discussion at hand.
Then he defines a boring, 1 sided argument.
You saying over and over that a proven scientific theory is false. Show using a proof that it is.
Does bait taste good?
what? no. he doesn t.
i think you dont know what logic is or really mean.
god is something that defy your understanding, not logic.
don t try to use ridiculously retarded meme catchphrase made by retarded atheist who want to be interesting and say : "oh well god defie logic so who cares"
the cheeze thing i said above is a logic issue, same for the duck.
god isn t. he is just something you can t grasp … like insanely big numbers. or in some way quantum mecanics.
the concept of god is pure logic. that s why he is perfect. he isn t inconsistent and everything can be explained by what define it.
so to answer :
if you concider god to be a space: yes.²²
why? why would you limit god to emptyness ?
christianity is really good in that regard exept that they answer everything with religious quote … (thousand of years of theology) they would answer to you by saying : you are part of god just like god is part of you. thus:
jesus is said to be the son of god and then rejoing him to become god … well for a god: parenting doesn t have meaning. for you limited being it have, for a god … think as something like flubber
²²he is god: he can be an entity, an energy (biblical representation = light), a space etc. all fo this at the same time
and before you say it's BS or impossible: thats the concept of god. and in science, more accuratly: quantum mecanics:
why? because: if i show pic1 and ask you:
you can t answer but you can tell me all other parameters
but if i show you a particle you can tell me where it is … but you can t tell me it s wavelenght etc …
(btw: particles shown as a dot is just to get a known visual so you can work with it easier, it's a "mathematical point" like in geometry )
NB:religion have a purpose, not what any random dude would think it is, nor what the church say it is but it have a really implicit and very interesting purpose.
however expliciting the reason would kind of "ruin" the thing. so unless this thread is full of atheist who won t care i wont tel what is it.
I actually don't think he is which is the scary thing. Holla Forums has been getting dumber by the month. Just go outside of Holla Forums and you will see boards filled with idiots believing science is a huge conspiracy.
We've actually got better in some regards. We no longer get the Christ anons who thought evolution is a myth.
What proves it? What's the proof?
So user, what's the purpose. I didn't realize the enlightened ones were here with us.
one SMT has Jesus as an available demon.
Besides the mathematical proofs and abridged you have
An sudoku user.
Chill your autism. I'm shitposting in a shit thread.
Post more green girls
Background radiation?
user if you think idiots are just pretending to be idiots then you are encouraging Poes law. You know they aren't actually pretending right?
Do you think all the idiots on all the dumb boards are just baiting?
Mathematics don't prove anything. They are representations of values quantified by humans that may or may not exist. Writing down an equation that is mathematically sound doesn't make the equation true.
Does not prove the big bang. It proves that there is background radiation.
This is not how you solve problems logically. That there would be background radiation (especially billions of years later) is THEORIZED. That there is background radiation does not prove that theory that there would be due to a big bang is true. You haven't proven where that radiation came from.
Complete and utter unproven bullshit.
You misinterpret me. What I meant to imply is that you shouldn't respond even if they aren't just pretending to be retarded.
You are the perfect representative for a character in 1984. It comes from authority, thus it is truth, and to believe otherwise, even if your senses tell you so, is to be insane or retarded. You are a brainwashed buffoon.
They prove a lot user. It's how I know the angle of a building for example.
It does actually. But instead of explaining why I will instead focus on
Ok user. Lets ignore the red shift and all that that proves the universe is expanding and look at it two ways.
We have 2 different scenarios here user.
Either 1.
So we have 2 options. Now we know it's 2 because of radiation and red shifting of distant objects but at the very least you have to understand that is HAS to be one or the other.
logic is a discipline of mathematics, so you would have a hard time disproving mathematics with it
No, most people with even the slightest interest in how the universe works has probably learned basic math and science and don't need authority to show them whats right.
Can someone show me how to solve something logically without math? I mean deductive reasoning is literally mathematical principles applied to a language.
I'm glad to see my shitposting has created other shitposts.
Have a good day guys.
you would need to ask some actual scholars of philosophy that, I believe they deal with shit like that
You have to first measure that building, with something REAL.
However mathematical formulas, particularly for theories, don't usually have those MEASUREMENTS, and yet are treated as proof.
I have 2 apples and
two more apples, then I will have 4 apples. But in truth I have
because this is just a made up equation.
Mathematics do not prove reality. They can only measure reality or express an imaginary mathematical figure.
Oh, yes, don't bother showing how it proves it. Just gloss over this and move on.
Not addressing the rest of your post since it hinges on yet another one of your unproven beliefs generated by the "science community".
You are laboring under a set of delusions. Popular and common delusions sure, but delusions none the less. You don't realize or believe how controlled authoritative science is. Hell you believe in the Big Bang, which has no actual proof of its own. That there is background radiation somehow makes it acceptable for you to believe that a singularity that there is no proof of existing, expanded for some unexplained reason, spewing out energy and somehow the physical laws forming at the same time, and then somehow all that energy turning into stars, and somehow those stars forming the rest of the elements due to nuclear reactions, which all just happened to exist, and ladidadi da we have what we have today.
That's the big bang in a nutshell, and you think some background radiation or supposed expanding universe proves ALL THAT? You can't even give enough of a fuck to question that?
Your science is a religion. Your scientists are priests. Facts and truth are meaningless in the face of your dogma.
how about addressing mine then?
Some may argue that mathematics is just an extension of philosophy a means of rationalization using language and symbols to quantify our reality.
Spengler does an entire 2 chapters on it in "Decline of the west"
it's good shit.
I did address the very same retarded belief that mathematics are proof in that very post. Maybe if you read it fully, instead of glossing over it for "gotcha" moments you can snipe at, you might have seen it.
What? The red shift is something that can be observed easily user.
So why even post.
So user, the universe is either expanding or contracting. Which one is it?
Take a basic math class then.
So is the universe expanding or contracting user?
That isn't a equation.
It's true the Big Bang isn't proven (proving it beyond doubt is damn near impossible), but it's the most accepted theory.
Also are you saying the Doppler effect doesn't exist?
The Doppler effect proves the universe is expanding.
In what way? You can't observe it with an amateur telescope.
I was making a point. Not arguing against pictures supposedly being proof. Oh, but that's right, anyone can see the red shift right? No need for expensive fucking telescopes, nope, just go buy a wal-mart telescope and bam we all came from an explosion 15 billion years ago.
Well damn, that's some "logic" for you.
How do you think this somehow overturns my explanation for why math doesn't prove reality? Math exists on paper, in computers, and in your head. It is not a tangible material. It is not reality. It is an expression of reality. 1 apple means 1 apple. Writing down "1 apple" doesn't magically make 1 apple EXIST anymore than writing down "E=MC2" means that it is true.
I'm sorry you are too fucking stupid to understand this basic logic. It really shouldn't be this hard to understand, but you just suck up the propaganda that presents this shit as facts so you treat these formulas as fact.
but you use mathematics to prove mathematics aren't proof, poorly at that, isn't it a bit perplexing?
It's size is constant. We can reach the edge, but Neutronium Golems will murder us if we try to go any farther.
No, it doesn't fucking exist, and no it doesn't prove the universe is expanding.
Rip thread
No, it is an equation for 2 + 2 = 4. You mongloid.
Should have grown out of peer pressure in high school, user. What's the fuck is wrong with you?
See vid related
In regards to the universe expanding, it doesn't exist. As in, the evidence that the Doppler Effect has anything to do with the universe supposedly expanding, doesn't exist. I didn't think you would have such a hard time understanding my meaning.
clearly fabricated evidence
But it does.
Objects moving away have a lower frequency than objects moving towards you.
Are you saying that is false? That is the Doppler effect.
I'm sorry, user. Try again?
Here, I'll help you.
I'm gay
U wnt sum dik bby?
What you said is equivalent to f ^ a => g. It's an implication. An equation would be something like f ^ a = g.
Work on that reading comprehension.
The Doppler effect shows that the galaxies are moving away from us.
No, it is an equation. 2 + 2 = is an equation, 2 + 2 = 4 is the equation completed. The numbers representing the imaginary apples do not prove that they exist, which was the entire point. A mathematical equation does not prove anything about reality unless there is a tangible measurement from reality in the equation.
Here's a better real example. The equation for possible alien civilizations in the universe does not prove those civilizations exist, or have existed, or ever could exist. It is a theoretical equation that has absolutely no valid measurement to it. Do you believe that it is proof of that many civilizations? No, I bet not, because it isn't presented as fact like some other unproven equations.
No it does not, because there is no verifiable proof that they are moving. You are again believing unverified claims, just because they come from authority and have a pretext of professionalism about them.
There is no doppler effect from deep space.
The Doppler effect shows that objects moving closer to you will have a higher frequency and objects moving away will have a lower frequency.
The galaxies around us have a lower frequency of light and we can use the frequency to find the speed at which objects are moving away from us.
Some tumblr known for bitching about female armor in fiction thought the character was cultural appropriation.
but according to our friend here it's not proven until someone actually measures the speed empirically, if I understood correctly of course
Yes, you believe pictures of supposed galaxies. And yes you believe that there is a frequency difference somehow proving that they are moving away (these supposed galaxies.) Finally I can agree that you do believe this somehow proves that the universe is expanding.
I mean, even ignoring the tinfoil tier (in your mind) accusation that pictures can be faked and you don't have a billion dollar telescope to fact check those pictures; you are still making leaps of logic. For one thing, that galaxies are moving doesn't prove that the whole universe is expanding or that our relative position in the universe (we are supposedly moving too, remember?) would afford us any ability to sense this motion.
No, no, thinking about such things is just crazy. You just gotta believe what they tell you. They wouldn't lie, they wouldn't lie about all this. Nope, that's just crazy talk. Just believe that we know the big bang happened, we even have cartoons showing what it may have looked like. No need to question what you are taught. If it's part of your accepted world view and society's accepted world view then it is 10,000% proven.
Tell me friendo. Are we the only galaxy? Are galaxies even real? Is space even real? I can see where this is going. This all pointing towards one thing. Earth is flat. Deal with it niggers
Are you saying they are faked?
Even if that is the case (kek) you can observe it yourself with a good enough telescope. In fact most people studying this subject actually do.
Do I need to show you the video of the car again? Objects moving closer have a higher frequency.
The universe is made up of galaxies. Those galaxies are expanding away from us. Therefore the universe is expanding.
Sure you might be able to argue that we don't know if dark matter is moving away from us but we do know that galaxies are and therefore can say the universe is expanding.
Actually I just sort of proved that the universe is expanding in post form without having to believe anyone other than using an understanding of the Doppler effect.
the problem is, we are moving in one direction at a time, and galaxies all around us are experiencing redshift, not just some of them
but you need to assume, for the sake of discussion, that those pictures are authentic, otherwise it will end in pointless shitflinging
Even if the pictures are evil photoshops you can make your own observations using telescopes as powerful as the ones used a hundred years ago.
Ok so lets assume the big bang was some jewish conspiracy. What would be the point of making it up exactly?
that too, but requiring effort is sometime too much
Imagine how much money it would cost to fake so many photographs and constantly faking telescope readings.
This is some flat earth level shit.
well i ll make it short:
1st you must acknowledge a few things/facts:
once you acknowledge thoses fact:
you realise that the kind/naive one will be trample.
the one who lie/manipulate/etc will always win against the rightfull. ALWAYS
be it a debate, in court, every aspect of human society.
there is no "saint truth" that will come and say who is right and who is wrong.
let s make it really short:
this is a dark but true picture of human behaviour/society. Politics is somewhat a good example.
therefore: creating a "safe space" called religion where all believe in a DIVINE justice , where
divine justice can t be rigged or dodge.
"god know everything. life on Earth is just a test/selection for the eternal life"
so you gather all thoses beleivers who beleive in this god, and this religion.
who, based on thoses principle and motivation, will behave as good as possible, as a perfect human being who will give without asking things back and without the risk of getting exploited (because the exploitive will be punish by something uncorruptible) without trying to scam other for greed etc etc ..
so TL;DR (even if i made this as short as possible):
all of this requiere to beleive in a godly entity. Without it, it doesn t work because "Man are sinners" they obey because they don t want to be punish in the eternal afterlife. but it s ok if they strive to be kind/good in their normal life they passe the "trial"
so even if religion is all BS: it's objective is to make people act kindly in a world where the greatest asshole will always win, where trampling people will always make you succeed.
NB1: OBVIOUSLY: thats the principle of religion. the corruption/missuse of it is an entire other problem.
a problem who is at the core of the counter argument:
"can Man really "create" religion without abusing it?"
something that could be answer by:
(and since it's a Philosophical work you can bounce it back with other axis (ex: how can you avoid deviation without leader?))
(well i tried to sum up this thesis in a verry few lines, english isn t my mothertong so i may not use the precise term but you get the idea)
NB2: so yea as i said: religion wont tel you this because obviously . they are in this circle. They Beleive in god they are full of faith, some are corrupted/dont realy beleive it and abuse it (ex: to get money through donations) but telling this, is like telling the secret of a magic trick.
There is no point in continue believing in God and be religious is you acknowledge this
just do it, you do not need religion.
since religion is only here to "guarante" that all thoses member obey the same rule and strive for the same thing without back thought.
My point isn't to say what it is or isn't. My point is to get you to question the authoritative scientific complex, which presumes certain things as facts or "near facts" without any actual tangible proof.
No you fucking can not see a galaxy like a picture NASA supplies. What an absurd lie.
This proves that the doppler effect can be observed with a moving vehicle. Not that it HAS been observed with "galaxies".
Yes, you believe this. Thanks for asserting your belief as fact.
Yes, again, another unproven belief.
What part of your post included proof that a doppler effect was observed?
I am apart (or at least becoming apart) of the scientific community.
Am I a mason too?
What do masons do? What do I get for being a mason user?
The first observations of the redshifting effect was seen a hundred years ago by Hubble, he observed them before NASA even existed.
Are you really saying that for some strange reason the doppler effect only happens with cars? Not ducks or planets or stars or literally all things in the universe that can produce a frequency?
What is it made up of user? How far down the rabbit hole is this shit going.
Do you want me to give you accounts of Edwin Hobble? Was he also a mason?
This just got good.
Has your theories been paraded around as fact? Are you capable of fact checking any theories that have been and will you be able to be published if you have findings that overturn them? Have you been credited with a discovery with no tangible proof to examine? Are you routinely interviewed for a scientific opinion on a subject?
If the answer is no to all of these then you don't fucking matter in the slightest whether a mason or not. How many scientists are there in the world? Now how many of them have access to billion dollar equipment or have their work publicized or enshrined as fact? Not very fucking many.
Though I do believe you are a freemason. A freemason shill, since you faggots own and run this site.
Are these the best pics you could find?
I knew this thread would become Christian v Atheist: Dawn of Autism.
I think your numbers are slightly off there, but no matter
and yet, constantly this redshift doesn't leave us alone, as if stalking us through the cosmos
surely it would diminish or even change into blueshift if our movement mattered in this case
Reveal in the autism, praise the autism
So what do free masons do user?
Now im curious.
They are off. I wasn't trying to be accurate, but the accurate numbers don't make the claim that "we are moving in one direction" any less wrong.
surely it would diminish or even change into blueshift if our movement mattered in this case
There is no proof of a redshift.
Except it didn't. Look at the thread. It's about someone saying the universe isn't expanding and that scientists are free masons.
Alex Jones is a freemason, you do know that right? He's controlled opposition.
what proof would you require then?
when everybody is a freemason, nobody is
Except easily made observations that have been documented literally thousands of times.
100 research hours with the top three telescopes in the world, and the right to disassemble each telescope to make sure there has been no tampering.
Fuck you, we are talking about free masons now
Like what?
user is mad that literally everybody but him is a freemason. He is the one user left out.
Why would you need the top 3? You can observe redshift with a consumer grade telescope. It will cost a bit but you could always borrow one.
Sorry, but I would never want to be a faggot raising his hand to the square.
No you can't.
how about good old try then? I would buy one just so you can.
what's your definition of "consumer grade"?
Why do you think I haven't tried? Because you want to assert that it can be observed? So that is the default truth, your assertions that it can be observed, or rather your faith that accounts of it being observed were accurate.
I don't have a definition of consumer grade when it comes to telescopes. I rate them based on magnification, and there is no amateur telescope that can give you a clear view of galaxies let alone any red shift.
well then, you have the proof, prove that redshift doesn't occur in space
Holy shit, that video is a reaction pic gold mine
I have no observed it and do not believe that it exists. Your belief in it is your right. However, it being your right doesn't mean that it is true.
That poor, poor, fool.
you forgot that movement is relative
nigger you don't even need a telescope nigger
you can see the great semen stain in the night sky.
you can't observe sound.
you hear sound.
another problem: light has a speed and space doesn't transport sound really well (or at all for that matter).
galaxies are just collections of stars.
the universe has stars, correct?
there is stars in the night sky for you, right?
naturally, with the randomness of the universe, stars exist in collections, correct?
therefore the universe is made up of galaxies.
it's like saying the earth is made up of stuff.
nigger in science there is no belief.
there is "is", or "not".
either it exists, or it doesn't.
if it exists/doesn't, provide proof. I'm not saying you should provide proof of redshift not existing, the burden is on everyone else, but science is built on observations and mathematical proofs that are eventually turned into theorems or are proven wrong in future experiments.
the main problem is that you're denying everything up to the seventeenth century, claiming everything to be jewish drivel.
the issue is that we've made so many advancements from what you claim to be drivel. you can't deny the deaths caused by rocketry, nor the countless video footages and kits for young adults to test out scientific theories on their own.
if the FBI can't stop child porn and jews can't stop piracy, they can't control everything. If they can't control everything, why does one assume that scientific work past America's formation all happens to be false nonsense?
I'm getting off topic here.
I wish to ask a few simple questions, aiming for a simple reply to each.
here is your experiment.
The best evidence for light as a wave is Young's double slit experiment. Shine a monochromatic light beam (a laser works nicely) at two thin slits separated by a large distance (relative to the slit size). Projected onto a screen in the background we get a diffraction pattern…a hallmark of waves.
This is something you should be sorta able to do at home.
I'll let you go from there.
you guys still need to poo in the loo
Abrahamic a shit.
nothing gets my dick hard like a naked demonslaying blue chick
whats with all the flaming asstriggered buttresponses?