So far I got Pokemon Ruby, Super Mario World, and Mega Man X and X2. What are other good games I should add? (they can be old or new).
What games should I add to my Nintendo 3ds collection?
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Here's a chart. I personally recommend:
Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon
Mario & Luigi Dream Team
Fantasy Life
Kirby Planet Robobot
Tales of the Abyss
Mario Golf
just to name a few.
also be sure to check out this thread if you want into piracy
sage for double post
This chart is questionable.
Why the fuck would anyone recommend Gunvolt, ever.
I also heard Mario & Luigi Dream Team was clearly inferior to Superstar Saga.
Additionally one should also own MH3U with 4U and Gen, the 3DS is a MH machine, have all of them or go fuck yourself for half assing things (and no, lack of online isn't an excuse, either get gud and solo that shit or find RL people to play with, that's how the game was designed to be played originally anyway).
Smash on 3DS sucks and will destroy your controls, the system isn't physically well designed enough to support the abuse.
No reason to even remotely get RE:Rev when it's out on everything else with better controls, oh and by the way the game sucks ass anyway.
S.T.E.A.M. sucks.
And many more.
Honestly i hate when people cram dogshit into these lists just to add titles to it, so insincere and smells of fanboysm.
Install homebrew and get some emulators. BlargSNES is best for O3DS.
I guess I should add the EO and RF series too. MH is essential as well like that other user said. If you do play Stella Glow, play the undub or the Nipponese version. Play the BD series if you can read Nipponese
If you can find it
Cave story 3d
I haven't bought any 3DS games in nearly a year. I think the last thing I actually bought was either an import of Slime Mori Mori: Dragon Quest 3 or Monster Hunter Cross.
Usually this list is used when someone has a hacked console and wants recommendations, doesnt mean you have to get them if you don't have your 3ds hacked.
Not OP, but would Sun and Moon be available pirated in any reasonable time frame?
If you install homebrew you can have them all
You get them the same time as they're released.
Well, when I think about it, I wouldn't want to get busted in a tournament for not having a legit copy, so I should probably actually buy my Moon game.
SMT IV is pretty fun. There's also SMT IV: Apocalypse, the sequel.
Devil survivor is prety grindy and fun, the 2nd one isn't that goot though.
I dont think you'd get caught, you actually download the games from the actual eshop. I play online all the time.
Well hot damn… I sure am gonna need a giant SD card… When you do this, does it permanently unlock the game for download legitimately on your own Nintendo Network ID?
In very layman's terms, what is happening is that Nintendo relies on client-side verification to check if you can actually download a game on the console. The fools. So a homebrewer purchases the game, derives the game's public key by knowing his own 3DS's hidden key and publishes the game's key on this wonderful publicly available encTitleKeys.bin file so everyone can derive their own download tickets from it without Ninty having any way to know if the game was actually purchased in the first place.
So long as the game's key is listed under encTitleKeys.bin you can download it with CFW from Ninty's servers.
7th Dragon is pretty good, although it's really easy most of the time.
Which M&L isn't, tbh?
Bowser's Inside Story is pretty good, at least. Mostly for Bowser.
Also, I feel the 3DS and PSVita are far better as "game machines" than any of the home consoles of this generation.
The handhelds typically are only a bit worse than the console of the previous generation
3ds is almost as good as a PS3
a PSP is almost as good as a Xbox
a GBA is almost as good as a N64
I see what you mean, but personally I enjoyed the GBA a lot more than the N64. Though that's partly due to the "play on the go" thing. They made long car/train journies exciting when I was young enough to get away with it.
The DS' library was alright, but I didn't get the most out of it. I was a huge Phoenix Wright fan though.
Sage for kind of off topic and my possibly autistic rambling
Too bad they're too busy trying to force Japanese pokemon to people who couldn't care less.
Yep, You can also get all the DLC and updates as well easily. 64GB should be enough
So when a new game comes out, all you have to do is update that encTitleKeys.bin file to go grab it, eh?
Oh, snap! So I can have all the Smash stages without having to shell out a huge amount of money, and I can replace my Smash game with a digital copy without having to buy it again.
If you like Turn-Based Strategy and a clangable robot protag Steamworld: Heist is fun.
1. Hack it.
2. Etrian Odyssey 4, best game on the system, period.
I got up to 12F in Etrian Odyssey V and it might be better than EOIV.
Yep, once you download it from freeshop, it will be in your downloaded game list and you install the dlc and updates from there.
Its pretty amazing, going online used to be a risk with modded consoles but nintendo cant tell the difference.
I actually already have Homebrew Channel 1.1 on my backup 3DS. How do I access the freeshop?
you're gonna need a cfw to install cias, like freeshop
God I wish they just made a harder Gates with more post game and Pokemon to use. The story was so much better (if a bit short and quickly paced) and the soundtrack was underrated and underutilized.
embed related was cut for some reason even though remixes of that track are in the game.
You'll need to do the whole cfw for your 3ds. Depending on your current firmware it might not be possible at this time.
anyone else have this issue where they cant stick with any game on this system more than an hour? other than monster hunter I mean
Slime Mori Mori DQ3 is so fucking good.
because of boredom or because your eyes hurt?
You mean Rune Factory 4.
rune factory 4 is already on there
I don't see it, fambulance.
I got addicted to RF4 but since then I've just been playing .cia converted GBA games
Not OP, but I came here for a similar reason, and don't want another thread.
Pirating off the table, I just bought my brother and sister the new 3DS XL consoles for Christmas and don't know what games to get them for it. The new Pokemon games I'm sure of, but I don't want them to get bored with only one game, and I don't know much about Nintendo products. If you could only get a couple of games for the system, what would you recommend?
tl;dr best bang-for-your-buck 3DS titles?