First former american president to commit suicide when?

first former american president to commit suicide when?

Next week, the day after tangerine Mussolini is impeached.

how many times have you said that in the last 365 days i wonder

>first half-black american president to commit suicide
What do you think would happen if he really did?

Everybody would blame Trump.

First nigger president and the last nigger president. What a relief.

despite Holla Forums's futile blackpill falseflagging "Trump is a Neocon Kike puppe" campaign, who here still isn't tired of winning?

It says a lot about American politics and how much damage has Judeoleftism done to the nation that someone who is an unironic Zionist is the best thing to have happened to it in the last few decades.

You know they're gonna make Kamala Harris the next president in 2024

The government of Israel is right wing, but you can't see that because you're an autist who is in a perpetual LARP because you never got out of your edgy 13 year old phase.

Note that I said Judeoleftism. Israel itself is currently the only nation in the world which practices unironic Third Reich tier ethnonationalism. Even Adolf would have approved, considering he was the one who thought up of sending them all to the geographic Palestine in the first place.

By what crystal ball do you see so far into the future?

Hitler opposed sending them to Palestine. He wanted to send them to Madagascar instead, but as a part of the agreement those Jews would be handed to the Brits.
The British were responsible for the Jewish relocation to Palestine which the British Government was more than willing to give to them.

Those are some nice double dubs but even leftist Wikipedos know that the Haavara Agreement, signed in 1933 between the NSDAP and the (((Anglo-Palestine Bank))), sent around 60,000 Jews to Palestine, adding to the already significant Jewish population (more than 100,000) there. Hitler's own reaction to the deal was at best indifferent but he clearly supported the later stages of its implementation. On the other hand, the Madagascar Plan was not even Hitler's idea, it was Rademacher's.

Kek this.


How would you adapt this scene in the inevitable biopic?

What is the likelihood Obama would have tried to spy on Donald Trump?
My guess is about 100% simply because he was so desperate to get Hillary into office.

Have you ever heard of a president in history campaigning for someone that was trying to become president?

And who was caught lying about communicating with Hillary on and illegal email server. And the logs from the White House showed That he had a three-hour meeting with the head of the BLM terrorist group.

Plus how about the $65,000 worth of hot dogs and pizza delivered from Chicago. As if Washington doesn't have hot dogs and pizza. I think everybody here knows what he really ordered.

The corruption that has been going on in Washington DC for the last 40 years at least is so off the scales it's ridiculous.

To even think that Obama wouldn't spy on Trump is ridiculous.
The best part is whoever did set it up, tried to frame Donald Trump with malware that mimicked Russia trying to communicate with Trump.

And who do we know with access to that type of software oh yeah the CIA and possibly the FBI who knows for sure.

The spying on Donald Trump began back when Bush was in office. So for likely the last 10 years the FBI, NSA, CIA has been trying to find any dirt they could on Donald Trump.

And if they had, you can bet your life the world would've heard about it long before now.

Just take a look at who was against Donald Trump.
Most of the Republican Party all of the Democrat party, the crooked lame stream media, most of the brain-dead liberals in Hollywood, the CIA without a doubt, the NSA maybe, the FBI. And of course crooked Hillary and George Soros, we mustn't forget Goldman Sachs, Google, twitter plus CIA controlled newspapers and the lying lame stream media.
It would've been simpler for me to just say all the crooked scumbags on this earth was against Donald Trump. Plus the brain-damaged snowflakes and they still are harassing Donald Trump with lies and propaganda nonstop.

Magic sentences that make the Swamp and Lying Fake Stream media go nuts with more lies about Donald Trump.

Mueller and Obama involved in Uranium 1 deal is equivalent to treason
Pedogate is real and worldwide.
New evidence into the Seth Rich murder and the DNC involvement.
New evidence of corruption in the DNC.
The Clinton crime cartel and Haiti.
Money laundering and pay for play in the Clinton foundation.
Evidence that many Democrats hold stock in Russian banks and corporations.
DynCorp organ harvesting, murder and selling women and children into the sex trade.
The Clinton foundation and DynCorp ties and the drug trade.
The CIA and DynCorp ties that are worth trillions of dollars and the drug trade.
Petogate, most of Washington DC is involved either with kids or being blackmailed and controlled.
The missing gold from Libya that was stolen.
CIA $600 Million contract with the WASHINGTON POST. Over twice the value of the Washington Post ($250m) {Operation Mockingbird} is alive and well.
John Podesta gets a job at the Washington Post. What a cesspool of corruption the CIA and John Podesta.
Drug money being laundered by major US banks.
Auditing the Federal Reserve, that is a privately owned institution.
George Soros owns politicians in Washington DC and around the world.
George Soros is the puppetmaster of many politicians. Examples are Obama, Hillary, Merkel, Trudeau, etc. etc.
3 Awan brothers and his ties to the Clintons and the DNC.
Democrats Argue Their RIGHT to Keep Rigging Elections in Florida court!
Clinton Foundation Tied to Convicted Child Trafficker Laura Silsby
Jorge Puello Torres, convicted sex trafficker, the fake attorney who represented Laura Silsby
Laura Silsby was convicted of kidnapping 33 Haitian children, was saved by the Clintons, changed her name to Laura Gayler and now works for the U.S. Gov. - She works for "Amber Alerts", a service which deals with locating missing children.
Obama stole money from Freddie and Fannie to fund Obama care.
Obama administration changed EPA guidelines regarding maximum allowable radiation levels in the nation’s drinking water, increasing them to levels thousands of times above current legal limits.
A Congressional investigation reveals the Obama administration covered up federal radiation research so the administration could push the fake CO2 climate change agenda, To steal more money out of the taxpayer's pockets.

You are now aware that two presidents have been impeached in US history, and neither one were removed from office.

He wasn't even half-black. His dad was East African, not West African. It's like claiming George Washington was the first Russian to be POUTS.

who is that semen demon

It would be way more accurate to say he was the first my wife's son to be president.

one has resigned though, another one is close to.

Kang nigers mother was a jewess but they claimed he was muslim for 8 years.


He did appease Sunnis (both the Saudi clan and the so-called American/Israeli trained rebels who eventually became ISIS are Sunnis).


this nigga looks like he's rendered on a ps2 lmao

if by "fix" you mean "avoid fucking it up", sure

pretty good for 1960s tech tbh

What's weird is how his economic policy, which are otherwise what any normal, sane leader would do, are both cursed as the end of the world by Antifa cucks and praised as the second coming of Jesus by cuckservatives. America is so fucked that both ends of the mainstream opinion are so retarded.

pick one

it doesn't work like that in the real world, molyneux

Good movie.

Even if you're going to nitpick that one, drumpf still reversed a lot of obama's shit economics wise.

how is it good that stuff becomes more expensive?

nice blatant Holla Forums thread, reddipol

check out my new tattoo! pretty cool huh

It's almost as abysmal as these people who tattooed themselves that Sanders tattoo.

at least they can claim it's actually a Rick Sanchez tattoo

I think both are on the same level of autism.

In theory, the US has such a strong economy that it can bully other companies to move their companies to it by forcing tariffs on imported goods and offering a low corporate tax rate and regulations. The tax rate part is settled, just need to keep lowering regulations. Its exactly what China does, and exactly what the US has did for almost its entire history before the 60s.

The US government including all their three letter agencies and the lying lame stream media has become so corrupt I'm not sure if it can be fixed. The corruption has spread throughout like a cancer from local politicians and judges right up to the top. The only hope for America is Donald Trump and everyone supporting him. It's very easy to spot the corrupt ones just look who's screaming the loudest. Pedophiles in Hollywood and Washington are panicking. Basically just about everyone in government positions is terrified that they're going to be found out. Including foreign countries and the massive multinational companies and we mustn't forget the central banks that's been screwing America since their invention.

b-b-but my weebshit and chink goods will cost slightly more

Right, who needs health and safety regs? Or breathable air? Fuck it.

Yeah, why does Holla Forums keep making these shitty false flag threads?

Care to elaborate on that?


t. obtuse faggot


Obama was woke to the JQ.


what did he mean by this?

Nice little strawman at the end there dipshit.

Oh shit, Andrew Jackson is close to resigning?

Andrew Jackson was impeached?

I meant Johnson but was thinking about Trump saying he liked Jackson.

Nice rebuttal, faggot.

blogbnagd hrnlufntp will be the first american president to be jailed by the UN for crimes against mexicankind

This unironically