How come concept art almost always looks 1000x cooler than the final product?
pic related, its concept art for the Vegas Strip area in Fallout: New Vegas
How come concept art almost always looks 1000x cooler than the final product?
pic related, its concept art for the Vegas Strip area in Fallout: New Vegas
also, general concept art thread
Because concept art just needs to look cool but the stuff that actually gets implemented needs to work?
Because it doesn't have to be made around the engine restrictions.
Yeah. But at that point, why have concept art if you're going to ignore it? why not see what you can do in the game and just do the coolest thing you can manage without using concept art?
Because video games graphics still suck A LOT
Because it's for inspiration more than anything
So they can base the idea's for the actual stuff on it.
I like when games use their concept art on the loading screen like the first Witcher and Mafia 3 did
Keyword is concept. That image conceptualizes the general idea of what New Vegas is. A largely untouched city, surrounded by strong walls and amidst ruins. The neon signs catching your eye and to contrast against the steel and haze of the sky.
Then there is technological limitations. Even if New Vegas was PC only, so all talks of console setbacks are gone, the city itself would be larger than the map we already have.
Speaking of New Vegas. I found this while fooling around in the GECK. Could the Courier have been made into a securitron in the uncut game?
Go be autistic somewhere else.
I guess concept art is like those ideas man threads. It's just the initial brainstorm, the "wouldn't this be cool?" Afterwards you need to see whether that idea can actually be made to work or if it needs to be adapted or dropped. For example, the Strip (or the settled part of the city in general) in New Vegas. Wouldn't it be cooler if it had been bigger? Yes, assuming the developers could make cool things to put in there. A huge city, in which you only have relatively few quests to do and people to talk to would be both confusing and a waste of effort and resources. If they couldn't come up with enough content good enough to justify a large city, then it had to be scaled down.
to me it looks like you would have been able to have sex with him
What the fuck led you to that assumption?
I really liked Adam Adamowicz Fallout 3 concept art.
its like the game is taunting you with how much cooler it could have been
rip in peace adam adamowic, your drawings were really cool
Because House scanned his prewar waifu and made that securitron Jane, who you give the snowglobes too. There would have been another one too called Mariyln
what makes you think a human can turn into a securitron?
he just replaced her with a robot with a similar personality
I cant tell if you're drunk or underaged. I'm going to assume the latter..
Lazy devs
hey, last time played fallout NV all the way was 2 years ago, and I kept killing house because I found him so despicable, and I am a little buzzed. so forgive me if my fallout lore isn't 100% accurate
No user, forgive me for being so quick to insult. The world would be a better place if we all chose to be positive and kind to each other.
consider yourself forgiven, you inconsiderate dick, think before you reply next time
Do you have ever heard the word "budget"? Pro tip: Budget is not unlimited.
Looks like a cross between Resident Evil and Dead Space
I don't know why this is so cool to me
Too bad the actual game was shit.
I especially like the cello one.
I recommend checking out his other stuff then.
his weapon designs are pretty top notch.
Since the Kryolator wasnt in fallout 3 this is the version they made in Fallout 4 by the way.
wasted potential.
Excellent choice
it's not just about graphics ;_;
Tali's face should've never been revealed.
Elite Dangerous Concept Art
Games are almost always better as ideas
I'm actually hearing a lot of good things for BF1 recently. Aside from the whole alternative history shit is the actual gameplay decent?
I knew there was going to be trouble when they asked if people wanted to see Tali's face. They clearly didn't have any idea what they wanted the Quarians to look like outside their suits.
Apparently one of the Project Reality guys likes BF1, but says it's not worth the full price.
All these concepts look like shit though.
dice's worst effort to date
watch some gameplay vids to further get a look
Because it takes an immense amount of effort and time to make extremely detailed models. There's also technical limitations.
Making video games isn't fucking magic.
I love the Fallout Tactics concept art.
Not that New Vegas' final product was fantastic but that actually looks worse.
I like how it does work in the game where the Strip is pristine (or at least as pristine as they could do in-engine) while everything around it is just a big ghetto, then outside the ghetto you have a sort of wildlands and farms happening.
Because of a combination of budget, polygon and other technical and engine limitations, and lazy devs.
Oh and marketing. Can't forget that. That's why trailers always lie.
imagination & creativity
Plus, let's be real, Gamebryo couldn't handle more than like 6 unocluded buildings on screen.
if you fuck around with the .ini, you can
You don't have to Code concept art, op.
because people have been making pretty pictures for thousands of years and the process is pretty well understood. the whole thing can also be done by one person
video games have existed for less than a century, require relatively large teams & budgets to achieve anything of scale
is this nightcry?
Fallout concept art is real pretty…
That and hardware/engine limitations.
A car battery would shatter after just few hits. The plastic frame they use is rather fragile.
Those were both used though
The melee weapons made it into the game unmolested, and that xbox pip boy prototype was one of the first marketing images shown to the public
It's concept art. As long as it gets your imagination going, it's doing its job.
Is the handle of the Ripper a can of gas powering the saw? Is that safe?
Concept art is literally the "ideaguy" phase.
Fug it hurts, I remember it's early days as a C&C3 mod. I still stupidly have some hope that atleast a demo or alpha will be released, but it hurts knowing it will probably die on its own or go on 'indefinite hiatus'.
Why do all of FO4's weapons just look like samey brown rusty cludge? Hundreds of mod combinations, but they all look like shit and have no personality or feel to them. None of them are fun to use.
Because it is art and games are not.
The problem is that Tali's face was never going to be a surprising reveal. It's not like they hinted that she was some kind of astoundingly hideous or bizarre looking creature.
Quarians are roughly human sized, with normal sized heads, and from what we could see through her helmet, she had two eyes and a nose, and presumably a mouth, all vaguely in a humanoid configuration (just like the Turians, Asari, Salarians, and Drell)
Makes sense that they'd be pale and probably hairless from being cooped up in their suits all their life.. But what was there to really be revealed as some kind of shocking thing after those 3 games? There wasn't even any big fan hype and speculation. The dumb faggots at Bioware just kind of forgot to design something and then pretended like it was a big deal.
It's just not realistic to make a game without lowering your initial expectations. The final product is always a compromise between flying high with the grand vision conceptualised in the art and hitting the cold, hard pavement of reality and all of the constraints that come with it.
Because concept art is done by artists with a vision. Games are build around budgets, shareholders and time limits.
Didn't they end up just purchasing a stock image for $15 and photoshopping it for Tali's face "reveal"?
Vegas had a really interesting concept art.
I doubt they bothered purchasing it.
The ending image was something they pulled off DeviantArt, requesting that the artist grant their "indie studio" permission to use it.
Some of these would make great wallpapers.
i don't know exactly who owned the modified image, but essentially, yes. They took a stock photo of a model which was shopped with missing fingers, a white eye, some black lines on the throat, and a retarded lens flare, and put it in the game.
now more infused with your daily requirement of pozz
communism is cool in concept art but the final product is always just an altright dictatorship
Cause as systems get better, and in order to stay competitive with other games, games end up using the extra power for higher polycounts and texture resoution rather than making larger game worlds
Wasnt the first Pipboy a massive fucking PDA and the 2000 a smaller version of that?