Losing control?
Whats your favorite video game on the gameboy/color?
Losing control?
Whats your favorite video game on the gameboy/color?
Other urls found in this thread:
I've been playing Red Dead. Better than GTAV.
They're all banned.
Morning everyone!
So for xmas this year I get to make an amazon wishlist for a couple hundred bucks and my folks will buy stuff on it for me. Whats some cool games and maybe nostalgic toys or something I should put on it? Can't go full weeb cause my mums gonna see it or I'd just get k-on stuff.
Had a couple people message me yesterday blaming me for not making a thread, posting was fucked up from like 3-5am yesterday. Don't blame me.
I'm here on time for once
How the FUCK was I ever fat? Gaining weight is fucking impossible, I swear.
I hate this time of year. It's the slowest time for sales right before black Friday & it always makes me nervous. Also 16 days until the election. God I hope everything ends up being ok. I have never seen so many shills online in my life.
You could get the new Deus Ex used. Or save for Yakuza 0.
Red dead was fucking fun as fuck. You missed the fun aimless online though which was amazing. Sadly they will probably make a shitty GTA online knock off in the next one which will ruin it.
What you selling now?
Oh fuck get out GET OUT
everyone send me pics of their benises pls
What is yakuza 0 even on? Is it on PC?
no u
No, I played it, just took it for granted.
Yeah, I thought it would be an improved Red Dead Online. Nope.
ps4 and ps3
looking at anons' hard benises turns me on
I'm doing good, also I would like to bring your attention to >>>/late/
It's a good board but we could use a few more people
Thank you
Same shit I've always been selling.
Basically anything worth money. The only thing I sold today was a universal monster movie on VHS for $15. I can't even buy a decent amount of food for the day off of that. I'm sitting on 400 things for sale & nobody wants to buy SHIT.
I blame the time of the year, but the economy is also really bad too. Fucking GREAT movie by the way. Almost sad to see it go.
Are some boards getting closed now? I'm getting e0001 on some boards I checked just a few weeks ago
You disgust me. Take the advice of vid related and leave.
I'd hope /ssft/ does
I don't feel like it this morning
My ps3 crap the bed after a week of playing it and I rushed out to buy another rather than get it repaired just for RDR's online. I loved it.
GTA4 had better online than 5 and its online was fucking awful.
Will maybe add it to the list, whens it come out?
I get that too, but it always comes back for me. I just think the sites fucking up again.
The internet has been acting funky for a day or so now. Twitter was taken down with a DNS attack on the east coast for example.
Holy shit you remembered
There's a bug.
The owner, or a user, should ask on /sudo/ and it will be fixed in a minutes
I've been there a couple of times, seems pretty comfy. I'll add it to my bookmarks.
Thats a shame. Hopefully you get some decent sells soon then. I figured now would be when people started ordering for xmas. Thats what I'm doing.
Nah I've had that happen, they work later.
I remember that shit. Sadly, the single player doesn't have as much to do as RDR or even V.
remembered what?
I want an user's benis inside me
The smart people. I don't think I'm going to make much of anything until Black Friday. That's when sales skyrocket. This is assuming there isn't a civil war over the presidency.
Can anyone give me 1 good reason why we shouldn't kill faggots?
to make a 4am
There wasn't a 4am yesterday just a 5:11am
Yeah but 4 had far better physics at least, which made online more fun. Honestly going around a big rockstar world bores me no matter how much fluff they put in these days.
Hey that means I'm smart!
And man sometimes I picture post civil/WWIII and imagine all the sweet vidya collections the survivors will be able to obtain cheap/free.
Drawing attention to yourself & interrupting the neet life?
they remove from the genepool rather then add
I'm blaming you for that
All of you are toal noobs
see spoiler
I remember how much shit was in SA as a kid. I just want something like SA.
As soon as it gets Purged by Nuclear Fire California will be a nice place to visit
It's time, user.
Time to open your Mind's Eye.
Are you ready?
We're never going back to that. We're not the target audience anymore.
Well I hope you're not ok now :^)
No I mean like why shouldn't the government kill them? Or if you're an anti-government libtardarian why is there a law against killing them? They just create disease and don't deserve to live.
Yeah exactaly, so what's the point in keeping them alive?
Faggots can not have kids. Man and woman can. If by chance one of them is infertile man and woman in principle can have kids.
I guess that's what I get for getting drunk right after work.
I guess so. I played a shitload of SA when it came out but on replays theres really not all that much to do in the open world when not doing missions. Just being younger meant you had more fun dicking around really.
Ain't that the truth.
I hope it doesn't slowly sink into the ocean so those fuckers scatter like cockroaches around the rest of the country. Just one big earthquake and boom gone dead.
Not really, I still go back do a lot of the side missions in everything just like in Yakuza or something. The GTA V side missions were pretty shitty and tried to do South Park shit.
kill me.
Most gay people are gay due to
a: Needing to be special snowflakes
b: estrogens in water, plastic, etc
c: some third thing
I don't feel bad for gay people, but I'm betting the majority could be saved.
fuck your inner eye
They're morally dead filth just put them out of their misery.
You're not going to achieve Gnosis with that attitude, user.
South park?
Fucking sleep needs to be made illegal. Fuck this shit.
How long between the accident & arrival was it? If someone is seriously hurt you have to act as fast as possible.
the last time I did that I let a shadow deamon into my darkness and now it just kinda does nothing sometimes
I'm pleased you agree
killing you with time, don't worry
Best Case Scenario Putin created a weapon that disintegrates people and only people
Then shitlib places would be great to go to, the Roads in San Fransisco for example would be fun to go full SPEED SPEED BOY, as well as there are a some Hipsters who have piles of SNES games
You did it wrong, then.
Nice dubs, though.
You know Social commentary, there was always a little of it, but it never took over a game like it did to GTAV.
This is my gnosis
It was so nice to wake up at a normal time, instead of splitting my sleep up like I had been. I can only hope I die in the upcoming nuclear war. Got cucked anyway so it's not like I've got any reason to keep going.
no, that was my intended goal, although I wanted more then just the one
At least you were right on time!
Hows your friends room mate doing?
Vid related.
go back to being dead you fucking niggers
Any gay person is more useful alive than dead. Put them to work planting trees or something. A gay dude watching your back during war might not be a bad idea either.
It was approximately an hour, maybe an hour and 15. He had road rash on his side, a bad gash on his arm, and a scrape on his knee. Fucker didn't want to sit down though. He's got retard pain tolerance with exactly two brain cells to boot.
already dead on the inside though
That isn't dank enough to be Gnosis, user.
Get you auras together.
user, that's some spicy dark powers you played with.
You're lucky your soul wasn't ripped from you.
Ahh yeah I don't want to imagine how horrible 6 is gonna be with that crap. GTA being set in a modern setting was a mistake.
You doing ok user?
And yeah I hear you about the split up sleep bit. I've been doing two naps a day for weeks now.
No auras.
I'd prefer you dead on the outside, pedo spider
The adreneline boost from all the damage was probably what was keeping him conscious then. The second that wears off he's going to be in a world of pain. I love motorcycles, but riding in the city is just foolish. Too many card & intersections. give me a country road to ride a motorcycle down anyway.
How well prepared is he when he rides? He has a Helmet & kneepads at least right?
More than enough people in the world for that, ones that don't spread GRID.
He'd probably want to fuck it. Or if he was bottom he'd probably be watching my front.
that's not the worst thing which could happen and my reasoning at the time was, darkness is my soul so I hope they enjoy their whole lot of nothing
I am not doing okay. I'm usually not doing okay even when I haven't walked in on that kind of thing.
Somehow I ended up with a schedule where I sleep from about 8pm to midnight or 1 am, and then from about 6 am until I have to be up at about 8. Will have to try and fix it this weekend.
GTA3 and 4 were fine. What are you talking about?
Being on a normal sleep schedule fucking sucks never ever do it
The fuck is GRID?
Super aids or something?
Walked in on huh now?
That was exactly my sleep schedule until today probably. Hard thing about that shit is you don't sleep long enough to stay up long enough to not sleep a short amount of time.
Never played 3 tbh
You're better off now, since it hasn't aged well.
it's good when you got stuff to do, if not then it's whatever
How do you manage to not have a normal schedule while in college?
Thats why I stick to SA.
It's what people called AIDS before "straight" people started getting it. Plus it wasn't pc enough. It means "Gay Related Immune Deficiency"
Superaids exists, it's no joke. It happens when someone who has aids contracts a second different strain of aids. You basically have aids TWICE.
Well, this guy pulled out from a fucking driveway right in front of him, and it looked like he probably locked the front brake, went over the handle bars, and slammed into the car, which took off before he could see what model or color it was. He wore a full face helmet, jacket, and boots.
VC is fine too…if you use guides.
tbh fam
I ride a bicycle constantly & that's my biggest fear. Well that & running over a skunk in the dark.
Ha oh right!
Those faggots have aids parties where they all have nasty aids orgies. What happens if someone gets like ALL THE AIDS???
Why you need guides for?
It also hasn't aged well, but it's aged better than 3.
This is why I don't get how Aids isn't gone. These people are suicidal.
I don't like it. It's like I've got less time to do shit
I used to be able to stay up pretty late but the past few days I'm dying before midnight. I don't get what happened
time is only a matter of perceptive, so if you're looking at it like that then you may want to try another approach
AIDS isn't gone because it's basically a Pyramid Scheme for Degenerate Diseases
So I have the chance to visit europe next week. Problem is I would be coming back two weeks AFTER the election. Am I risking running into a situation where I can't re-enter the country?
What are the odds america goes on lockdown within the next month?
At least in countries with socialized healthcare you're paying to keep them alive. Martin "Big Pharma, Big Karma" Shkreli might be able to hike up all the AIDS medicine one day and they'll die out.
Yeah that guys pretty good. Some of the shit I've seen him do in other vids are just retarded crazy like drifting up and down sideways on slope embankments on race tracks.
Blame big pharma seeing aids patients as great cash cows. They have to eat tons and tons of expensive shit to stay alive.
Age user.
I used to stay up 24 hours every single night now 20 would kill me.
I miss when I could take a nap and still get a full night's sleep. I practically have a checklist I have to go through before sleep now, because if I so much as wake up to pee I can't get back to sleep.
only if you're a mudslime
You can vote now
I already voted. I'm just worried we might go to war with russia or a civil war might break out or something.
If shit went down you will at least not be trapped when shillary starts FEMA camps.
Same here. My mom is constantly turning off our AC cause "its fall" even though its still warm as fuck. And then I sweat through my blankets and wake up every day. Its killing me.
I wish I could stop being a neet.
My dad was like that. It didn't get turned on unless the heat was unbearable. I would roll around for hours, sticking to the sheets and trying to get some sleep.
Seeing as Hillary doesn't get in until January IF she wins and if King Nigger tries anything when Trump wins the Military will quickly lynch his ass
Why would you ever want that?
I fucking hate that so fucking much. Gotta be nice and chill to sleep so you can get comfy under the blankets.
I just wish I could do something besides just play vidya. I'd rather help create something than do nothing.
Stop being fat. Hell I need 3 blankets and sweatpants just to stay warm at 70F.
I'm skinny. My room is tiny and has 2 computers running 24/7 plus body heat from NEET staying in all day. Its easily 10+ degree hotter than the rest of the house.
I actually want to create some redpill shit or something.
Why would you want to go to europe?
Well you can do that while NEET at least. Get into video editing or something.
I'm not even old enough to be slowing down. Bugged life mechanics
What's 4 AM's opinion on No Fap?
Anyway, I'm going to bed.
Shrekeli was actually a Middle Finger to Insurance Companies, the drug was regular price for people without insurance
I'm lazy.
I don't fap, I feel fucking fantastic. Once you get to the point where you realize you feel better when you don't fap, it'll be easy not too. Plus you'll go to hell if you do.
Maybe just general depression then
If you are hooked to jewish porn then its probably good for you. If you watch only healthy stuff it probably doesn't do much.
Night user!
Lookin to buy my first car today lads. Blue Ford Mustang Cope V6 isn't a bad start is it?
Wait, so you're not gonna get your fams to buy you you're waifu to gift her to you on Christmas?>>11042542
Why don't you get into video editing yourself :^)
That shit isn't even hard user.
Sounds like the NEET life is for you then.
Nah mustangs are great starter cars. Good prices and great aftermarket cause so common.
And no I'm avoiding getting anything waifu/weeb related. Just games and stuff.
Shit. Should've got an old hatchback.
What year
I mainly like the look and murrican feel it has.
You're going to do something sensible now? What happened to telling them about your gf?
Not much choice since it's a used car/private deal
I still need to contact the dealer since I was thinking about it over a few days before and decided after talking to a coworker about it.
fuck Europe, come to England instead
pick up drawing then
Shouldn't be too much of a problem if you watch your petrol and maintenance costs
6 am in my country.
Tripped as fuck, playing jazz jackrabbit 2.
Ah, the calm before the storm.
Hey guys what's going on? Seems a little slow for a saturday morning. What did I miss?
I disagree
it was slow yesterday, it's just the site dying on the whole
press f to pay respects
it would have to have garnered some inorder to require fees of it
So this just happened. The odds have to be huge.
At least they sell for the highest price compared to most of the other cards.
We'll be watching driftan and yurobeat soon.
I hope so. Would like to have a lasting first car.
i'm trying to juggle between being a good person who can do normalfag shit & maintain relationships and being good at my career but i'm starting to lose faith that i can do both
at least halloween is coming up
you could say that
how hard is it to make pudding?
that word lost all meaning to me a long time ago.
saturdays used to be great though
Thats all the storm you are going to get, you fags.
if you act like you can then after awhile that act wont just be one
no, I wanted to delete it when it died but nope it's better to clutter and slow down the site with a bunch of dead boards instead of just removing them
That one in particular, eh? Sure, whatever you say.
I wasn't in a position to delete all the dead boards, just that one at the time
wew lad
This is a ded bread.
I fucking swear on me mom castle
Got it, pedospider. I'm sure a child molester's word is to be trusted.
gay iggers gay iggers img ay ioga y img y imga
no bully cirno
I'm sorry, does this make it better?
Reported for spam.
He's only helping, Do you hurt a person for helping?
Is it time to spam fox grils?
about as much as some random anons is
Breaking board rules is not helping.
He's helping. What do you not get? He's helping!
Sure, pedospider.
Does this work?
Name the rules. Theres only one avatarfag. So between you and him, those are the only rules being broken. And no, Ritsu being a tripfag isnt breaking board rules, its just severely frowned upon.
He's making an established comfy posting thread worse. Thats in no way helping. Hes a cancer.
I doubt you're 18. You sound underage. Are you sure you should be on Holla Forums child?
This thread's gay af shut it down
the only established thing here is that 4am is no more
form what it looks like not even the comfy theater wants anything to do with this fucking thread anymore
let it fucking die already, the cancer here is you lot
no, lets improve it instead
I don't know dude, I'm not some fag who has to openly say he reported someone!
nah your nah
Oh yeah, its me thats the problem, not those other assholes.
Spam is against board rules. If you can't follow basic rules like not spamming a thread you don't belong on this site.
Found it. This should do it for you
half the thread was gone the moment it was 50% avatarfags
I blame the mods for being retarded enough to make up a retarded rule they didn't enforce at all
all they had to do was ban ritsu and co. and 4am could rest in peace
Allegedly some guy from /k/ bought it and stripped it all off. I hope the guy saw it and had an aneurysm that his dumb shit was taken off
Shitsu did nothing wrong.
UIDs during avatarfags was often 40s up to 50s. Right now were not only not breaking 30 but compared to nights with 750 posts we barely even have 200 posts. Fucks like you killed the comfy and the thread. Its blatanlty obvious to anyone paying attention.
and how many of those were (1) telling you lot that you are cancer?
but of course you wouldn't wanna have to go into details here, right?
it is morons like you who encourage these fuckers to stay by m'ladying so hard that they feel validated in what they are doing, despite being hated by everybody, even their own
So how the fuck do make a resume when you have zero experience? And why the fuck do these online application sites require one for basic retail work?
Didnt happen until the bans. Most was just comfy posting. But hey, this is proof enough. You come into the thread to shit on the people there and complain, not contribute to the thread itself. Is it any wonder why the thread dies when we have people like you here ruining it?
you don't
Well really the both of you are really just adding to the problem. and the thread is pretty much dead already, isn't this just a shitshow over nothing?
If threads dead already who cares? Im calling jackasses out on being jackases. Which they are. Its not enough that they dont like the thread and can avoid it. No, they need to ruin it for everyone else because they dont like it. Theyre cunts, and should be told theyre cunts.
So this is to all you cunts reading this who did nothing but shit on others and attack the thread. You helped ruin 4am comfy posting because youre autistic pricks who can't let others enjoy themselves, just like the sjws and other cunts all over lately. Go fuck yourself, and your mother too
Sincerely, 4am.
so when did your retarded ass blow in here?
I reckon some time early this year, no wonder you don't know shit
you must be the dumbest motherfucker alive, there is nothing to contribute to a thread that has no topic
it was very fucking simple until avatarfags came along
they even have their own fucking board, but do you know why they don't stay there? because nobody cares for them, nobody wants them and nobody gives them attention there, so they remain here and lo and behold 4AM is dead
That second one doesn't look like total ass. The image used with that text is fucking terrible, those apples would've been ok.
Pistol grips are fine, and that mag is too.
Shit like painting the stock is not fine. Also that (I assume) sticker on the stock in that last one is shit too.
Don't defending horsefuckers, but it's not all bad.
Learn english and then maybe I'll take your word for it you fucking retard. 1/3 people know enlish, why don't you? Are you fucking stupid? Kill yourself.
very fucking rich coming from the little defense force for a bunch of attention whores that have claimed the thread as their own
you really must be the newest new there is on the market, m8
end your life
Ive been here nearly two years on and off. And I can say this is the worst its ever been, thanks to autists like you.
You and your mother can go fuck yourselves too. Hopefully you swallow that bullet soon friend.
You first whoreson.
big fucking emphasis on off I assume
your dumb ass probably hasn't even been here for the people who have actually bitten the bullet
let alone for when the threads turn to absolute shit
>>>/4am/ and fucking stay there
I am an attention whore and I love it when people pay attention to me. Shower me in your pity.
Do they honestly think doing that to their guns and posting it on places like /k/ will get them recognition and appreciation? I can understand the small amount of appreciation from their horsefucker communities, but do they actually lack the proper social skills that they don't expect criticism?
Still havent killed yourself?
is there nigger. Do the majority of everyone here and your family a favor and end it. You know we'll all be happier with you gone. Be kind for once and make everyone happy. Stop being so selfish.
Your petty upset aren't you?
so you really are the newest fucking new there is on the market, could've saved us all the trouble and just said so
user, you know im right. Just take your dads gun and do it. You know he'll be happy. You know i'll be happy. You know just about everyone in the thread will be too. For once think of others and let it end.
can even give you good tips!
Make your family happy and remove the burden of you from their lives. You know im right.
Doing an honest comparison actually. There are right ways to show affection to a series and wrong. You can tell they're doing it wrong as you can tell some faggot walking around with a katana in the day is as well. Sure showguns with art on them is a thing, but the presentation and quality are done wrong.
Also /k/ is elite and weeb so yeah they're asking to get shot. Oh and yeah they do lack social skills because they would disrespect the gun by painting over it and shit like that. Very cancer infested fanbase that /mlp/ is.
tendies :^)
I wish suicide user was actually here, at least he'd be fun to talk to
since you've run out of retorts that aren't "no u" middle school tier, I can lean back with a smile knowing you're talk and know jack shit about the threads to begin with
make sure you bend over extra far tonight when Ritsu fucks you in the ass for being such a good goy
Just fuck my shit up. i could have been spending this whole 3 day weekend snuggling and eating roast pork instead of driving and standing in the sun
she even had a romantic dinner planned for us but wanted it to be a surprise so she didn't check what day i was going to the wedding.
god damn i'm so fucking lonely and restless.
whaa whaa blog blog blog plz respond etc etc. I can't even take my own problems seriously. Everything from having only two real life friends to not sleeping or esting properly i just think of as complete non issues and brush it all aside like it's nothing, causing nothing to be fixed and the issues to fester.
fuck all of this shit, man.
If I was given an opportunity to buy a Mosin for $50 but had cancerous mlp shit on it I would take it and buy a fuck ton of sand paper.
it appears you only know how to make terrible life choices, your waifu included
I've already proven the threads were better. Shit you can just compare to when the avatarfags were here to now where were barely above 200 posts, or are you going to try to actually argue the threads better now that autists like you ruined it?
And im saying kill yourself because I genuinely think it'd be a net plus. You sound like a proper piece of shit, and if i convinced you to end it id obviously be doing your family a favor, helping to remove such a worthless, terrible son. But I digress. Show your proof the threads are better now compared to before, go on , ill wait.
Just paint it over. That's what I did with my second nugent.
That doesn't sound like what a NEET would do. Should've just gone drinking with me fam. :^)
well color me surprised, I am actually talking to a middle schooler here
here's a little taste of how much better the threads were, I bet you even saved the dick pics for yourself if you've actually been there, you fucking faggot
I doubt you could even convince yourself to stop crying, let alone get someone to end their life
mods are asleep post random shit until this thread hits bump limit
Really nigger? Laughing at two gays is worse than a thread of people arguing, spam and barely any posts? In what world do you live? Or is fun just not acclimated to you? Those threads often had near 750 posts because everyone was enjoying themselves giving the guys shit or like pic related, giving huey shit. It was having fun, unlike now, where everyone is gone, including the majority of user posters. Fancy that.
Im enjoying myself though. Im shitting on you. Shit, if I could actually convince you to kill yourself id consider this a net plus tonight. Cmon user, do us a favor and end it. Look around you, no one likes you, and I can tell from your personality its very likely your family doesnt like you either.
why cant you think of others for once and eat a bullet. Do you really think anyone would be happier with you still around?
I made her in custom maid 3d then forced her to dance to shitty j pop and all i could think of was that they should have added the ability to slap them around because you can already swish up their skirt, brush around their hair, and bump their boobs. Will post the screenshots when i get back.
just how many foxgirls do you have?
The work of sanding it would be worth it.
Was that what you did when you said
Not enough.
Get more!
Its like you dont respect the foxtail
so not only do you not know what happened after my image, you also don't know what happened before
why do you bother to argue about something you clearly know jack shit about, m8?
you must be rather lonely thinking everyone's family is like yours, hell I can only hope your parents are dead to not see what has become of you
put on a trip already and start blogging, I know you got a hard on whenever ritsu replies to you, faggot
also I forgot to add
I don't come in here to be liked because I don't fucking trip or namefag or avatarfag
where did this fucking idea come from that you have to get along with everybody?
this is exactly the kind of shit that ruined these threads to begin with
can't tell if mlp is dead on the internet, it's just /pone/, or i've managed to escape pony on the internet.
Again, you avoid the question. Do you really think the threads as they are now are better than before when they had near 750 posts every night of funposting, and comfy posting? Its not a hard question to answer.
Nah, mine are fine. I have a party yo go to in around 8 hours too. But im not an autistic fuck like you ruining others time, so it makes sense people would actually invite me places. Judging by your personality though, I wouldnt be surprised if youre never asked to go anywhere. Which is my point. Havent you considered suicide yet? We both know your mom and dad would be happier if you were gone. Im sure you've seen the way they look at you user. Why cant you be brave and remove the burden that is you from everyone you claim to care about.
Further proving you're a piece of shit user. Dont you think if you make everyones time and everyones life worse, the world would be better with you gone? Youre very selfish making everyone worse by your presence.
post fox grils
I wish. Family comes first though. Rain check for another time.
Yeah. Also play gork or whatever that gladiator one withe the giant heads for the audience is called and some ones where you walk out on a plank or moving tiles. Space pirate trainer and the archery one from the valve lab are the best i've played though. Felt really sick from all the travel so i didn't really play much. Maid thing is top tier fap material though. Would recommend.
Tamamo = Slut
How dare you.
well instead of going to parties I go to work
I prefer more silent, casual meet ups with friends
I also have a rather big family, so there is usually always something going on on weekends, like tomorrow
you hardly know anything about 4am, why would you think you know anything about me?
to you I am, see how I don't care?
because why should I?
to me you are nobody, and that's how it should be
I could talk to you tomorrow and don't know that I disliked you today, why would that be so bad?
don't bother with them castle, they're the kind who don't actually care and are just here to cause shit
well those kinda things help with family matters later on so it's not a utter waste
Implying you have friends.
Because actions are a good indicator of the person you're dealing with. Its pretty obvious from your actions here, coming into other peoples fun and trying to ruin it what a piece of shit you are. I can only imagine how people must feel having to deal with you constantly. Especially if you insist on ruining everyone elses fun all the time too. I pity anyone who has to spend any significant amount of time with you if this is how you are all the time.
and again
DO YOU THINK THE THREADS NOW, WITH BARELY ANY POSTS, MOSTLY ARGUING AND ALL THIS SPAM AND FOXGIRLS IS BETTER THAN THE 750 POSTS OF COMFY POSTING, HELP AND COMRADERY OF 4am BEFORE? Again you avoid a simple question, honing in on trying to convince me you're not a peice of shit and dont care when your actions in this thread, and your constant insistence of how you dont care and how you're totally popular speak volumes to the contrary.
Get out newfag. :^)
Wait, so did you get into the fapping part with your brother?
Almost everything is okay when posting cute foxgirls :^)
do you think I am online as I am irl?
are you this fucking dumb?
you must be underage, I refuse to believe a grown man thinks this
let me ask you, if you know who I was every thread and you disliked me, would you talk to me? of course not
now imagine 5-8 people you don't like in every thread who you can distinguish by name/avatar/trip
wouldn't you want to avoid them?
can you not think this far for yourself?
no I don't
can you not fucking read?
I said multiple times that the threads have been shit ever since avatarfags started being tolerated
seriously, get the fuck out already
simply because that is what you want 4AM to be, doesn't make it so
it has never been comfy, people at 4AM have fucking issues they need to vent about, they wouldn't set their alarm clocks to 4AM to talk about their waifus
no, user, you are avoiding admitting that you have no idea about 4AM, trying to turn the tables on me won't work if you have no strength to turn the table to begin with
your posts are absolutely incoherent
I am not trying to convince you of anything, I am telling you how wrong you are and you can make of that what you will, I certainly don't care if you started crying how mean of a bully I am, I'll just double down and sip my tea
A good indicator of who a person is is how they act when anonymous or in a position of power. If this is how you act towards others and attempt to ruin others fun when you're anonymous and there are no repurcussions, its a good indicator of who you truly are. I pity anyone who ends up with you. You sound like a true piece of shit inside.
go to sleep already, you're replying to the wrong posts now fuckboi
did you take psychology 101 or something?
maybe fortune telling for retards?
and once again, you're the one avoiding everything
thinking I will back down because your vocabulary of mean words is greater than 4 but smaller than 10?
Do you know what they say about people who focus on other's personality? They have none of their own.
They tend to be fanboys, defending the dumbest shit, reflect on that and get your money back if you did take any of the above courses.
I disagree.
I agree. That's enough for me.
Good night random anonymous internet user.
I went full retard.
I've backed down from nothing. I've repeatedly asked you if you think the dead threads people like you caused, filled with nothing but people arguing and cancer are better than the 4am threads before that were filled with comfy posting, feels posting and laughing at some of the avatarfags. Its obvious the threads are worse now than before. 250 posts now, many me and you arguing, compared to 750 posts before of comradery, happiness, and comfy posting. It doesnt take much thinking to see which was better.
I also havent changed my stance on you. Your actions here, while anonymous, has convinced me you're a real piece of shit. Even if you try to hide it in the real world, deep down this is who you are, when responsibilities and repercussions are stripped away. You can rationalize it all you want, but this is still how you're acting against people who have done nothing to you before, simply because you're anonymous.
I disagree to your disagree. People act most like themselves when theyre free from repurcussions. Or social standing. Look at how people treat public service workers compared to fellow working employees, or their boss. If people feel the need to act like complete pieces of shit to others online, because nothing can happen to them, then theyre most likely pieces of shit, who dont do it all the time, cause they might get smacked in the mouth or some other repercussion.
you're entitled to you're opinion even when you're wrongand you are wrong
and I have told you that I have not made any remarks like that whatsoever
are your tears in the way or are you really unable to read a sentence and comprehend what is says?
that is really fucking rich, because this camaraderie for some reason was so feeble, so pathetic, that in your mind a mere mean words managed to break it apart.
Reality is that the threads have been taken over. They could not stand sharing the attention, and their own board failed miserably because they couldn't possibly stand being with others like them all the time.
I feel a lot of projection coming from your talk.
You must be a child, or at least stuck in the mental state of one if that is what you believe. So sad, so naive.
Do you think yourself higher because you think you are fighting for something? You think your name will be colored golden and hailed? Again, I couldn't care less what my image here is, because I have none. Anonymity does not strip away repercussions but limitations that would hurt normalfag feelings. If blunt and straight forward words hurt you this badly, you got the wrong website, m8.
projection/reading too much into it fam
Holla Forums Holla Forums does not get enough traffic for board splintering
I work nights chumley, I dig late nights in general I don't have problems that I need to talk to others about, company is nice tho
no you're going to bed and you like it
Your actions. You've come into this thread and shit on others, solely for doing things you dont like. The threads died right after the avatarfag bans, and the people shitting on the people who got banned for 2 straight weeks. And here you are, shitting on the threads now. That is your action right now. No one did anything to you to justify this, you just came in here to do it, and I called you out on it. Your actions show you for a piece of shit, and you can try and deny it and claim im crying all you want. or that you're really a good person or just blunt, but In the end you're still a piece of shit inside considering how you came in here to shit on others who have done nothing to you, as your actions here are showing, and no matter how you rationalize it, that wont change. And im not fighting for anything, im just calling a piece of shit a piece of shit.
user, you're a piece of shit.
well I've been to the board, and it is what you would expect
you're giving me all the more reason to read more into it, fam
ouch, your tape's stuck, user
and what have you gained?
the respect of some people?`
a name for yourself as the mighty white knight protector?
I'm no good person, I am also no bad person
right here, right now I am just a person
your kind is always so fond of "j-just ignore him!" or "filtered!"
you've probably never had to deal with any hardships in your life before, user
let me ask you this, why should I not be able to say what I want in here?
because it hurts you? does that mean I struck a nerve, I hit the nail on the head?
apparently 4am if free for anybody who agrees with you and your cancer camaraderie
I dont need anyone to congratulate me. You're a piece of shit, and its high time someone reminded you. When people avoid hanging out with you, and you wonder why others dont like you. Remember this moment.
yeah it's slow as fuck, I personally don't go there
he wanted you to know
it's plain to all who actually read your posts man, you're sad
I will remember this moment as what 4am is now, a broken, abused, empty shell filled with parasites
the kind of parasites that attach to something already existent and drive away everything that has lived there before to claim it as their own
yeah he wanted me to know for at least 20 posts, but he himself doesn't know anything
he can call me what he wants, you can call me sad if you will, that's fine with me
words on a screen will never have an effect on me like on him apparently
what does that even mean
don't kid yourself user, you're showing how you feel with those words
Whatever you say asshole. Just remember, you'd make a bunch of us happy if you went to
and did everyone a favor.
Ya piece of shit.
I still fail to see what removing the 4am threads done for the board. Ritsu is still going to be here, I'm still going to be posting on Holla Forums. You might be mistaking some random user for a numale when it's really the user playing defense against your shitposting.
Reminder that things can be fun and not asshole tight here.
wish me good nights or I'll curse you with spiders
good night spider fam
Nite spider
C-come back fam
I imagine it you take pride in your suicide posts
you should browse the board for once
it means he speaks of a 4am that is now, but has never seen the 4am of before
he keeps avoiding talking about how it was, because he wants it to be how it is now
am I? I mean I still haven't killed myself
will you be tripping, will you be avatarfagging?
of course not, because only in here is it "tolerated"
the people who left didn't leave because they beloved avatarfags got "banned", they were already gone long before
and I miss those people, I miss the ways things were, because unlike now everybody was welcome here, not just those who were nice and behaved and made sure not to criticize the holy thread masters
how was it before
weird, I would not have guessed that you were suicidal based on how you were writing, not that it's a bad thing
Much to everyones chagrin.
And i've already explained how 4am was before. Comfy posting, gay posting, feels posting, with discord, cytube, the rare irc being dropped. But apparently I need to give 20 citations on how it used to be to prove i've been here whilst you prove nothing, and continue being the prick everyone dislikes and wish would just go fuck off.
I promise I will if you film your suicide.
If only he were, we might be rid of him eventually. Its cancer like him thats been killing 4am altely compared to how it was before. He can cry about the gays and the avatarfags all he wants but it was still funny as hell, when spider, homoko and the fat dude posted lewds, or when homoko admitted to being in love with belrose till it all blew up. A lot better than compared to now when its nothing but arguing dead threads and barely any comfy posting in sight, but its okay cause someone posted a cock once or twice before :^).
I want to purge this thread and kill its cancer, these threads used to be good I will apply chemo untill they either die or go back to the way they were before.
An user a few nights ago said it better then I ever could rules 1, 2 and 8. Reread rule 8 and you will learn trip/name fagging can be ban able under certain circumstances. Also this thread was comfy back before you cancerous children turned it into your attention whoring circle jerk.
Nice argument.
It was no more when the cancer took over. And that happened over a year ago. They are too lazy to even enforce their own rules. There are so few of us fighting this cancer, its going to stay this way. Keep fighting the good fight.
Cant be done until you and people like you leave or drop your avatar/name/trip.
You are the cancer. These threads stopped being comfy a long time ago when you and your cancer turned it into an attention whoring circle jerk pseudo chatroom. Implying the "contributing" anons are not contributing to the cancer that these thread became. The only people who got bans are the cancerous name/trip/avatar fags they just keep coming back the mods decided to stop enforcing their own rules. Go die. muh rules, muh cancer should have a home I'll follow the rules when the mods enforce the rules equally.
The first post inb4'd the cancer to death. It was a beautiful post indeed. We easily hit bumplimit with all of the cancerous fags proclaiming their homosexuality the other night. Kill your self.
Intelligent people cant comfy post with this much cancer around, your definition of comfy posting is everyone elses definition of cancer, also this shit was happening since the cancer arrived.
So are you contributing to this shitposting a cancer thread.
The thread was dead before I very slowly spammed like 15 posts. I haven't seen you call your self out yet, fucking jackass cuck. I used to like these threads before cancer and cancer apologists like you got here, I really should ruin this threads to unusable levels for you, since you and your kind ruined this thread for so many more people. Oh trust me it was a pleasure, it was a privilege, it was an honor, sjws have nothing to do with this but if anyone is a sjw its you and your kind, who successfully subverted a thread that literally saved user lives whether you did it on purpose for an outside entity or if it was just cancer being cancer, whether you did it for money or for no monetary compensation it does not matter you moved in cancered up the thread and now you are mad when the original residents are fighting back, also when are you going to second grade, those insults are really fresh kid. I will continue to make these threads unbearable until you all leave, die or drop your name/trip/avatar. Your choice.
Sincerely, Old 4am.
I disagree, these threads were the one place where anons on imageboards would treat each other like real human being, and actually helped each other. The rest though is 100% accurate.
Its been slowly declining since the second important exodus, its the worst its been here because of all the cancer enabling 4chan kiddies like your self. Speaking of on and off go off your self, that would really turn me on. After you my friend.
We know thats the whole reason we are here. To make these cancer havens uninhabitable by your kind and return them to their right full owners.
Never seen better projection in my entire life.
>Shilling >>>/suicide/
Hows it going goon.
You very clearly talk from a place of personal experiece when you bring up all the positives of suicide, except it applies to you. The threads havent been good in years but this is the first step in the road to recovery, I will administer chemo until this thread recovers back to the way it was before the attention whores got here, or it dies.
You are embarrassing your self.
Cancer enjoying its self is still cancer. Since you clearly didn't get the memo these threads were never for people to be enjoying themselves, they were for anons to help other anons with their problems. This is not a chat room, this is not reddit, this is place is not for you.
Don't really avatarfag here so I don't know what you're talking about. Ritsu and the others only did that here- and still do now just to piss off people like you.
I still don't know what you're talking about as we get anons all the time. This isn't sekrit club, it's fucking post and chatter. I call Ritsu a fag all the time and have different ideas and opinions than other anons.
This whole "no one is welcome here" is just in your mind. Maybe you're the only one that's not welcome here- you come in to shitpost, don't contribute- hell you haven't even posted about yourself or even fucking said hi. I remember you before since you're bitching about the same thing, but all this time I haven't learned a single personal thing about you.
Isn't that fucking sad?
I'm out though, gotta go head to get repairs done and work out my bartering plan for my car.
See you next time.
well he is the one who wants me to kill myself because of words he's typing
it was not a cookie cutter be nice share your toys mentality
people laughed, cried and actually killed themselves in here before
a venting place, a place to talk freely, a place to come to terms with issues and relieve some stress too
it's hard to believe it's been tolerated up until today while other threads get nuked for non vidya topics simple out of "tradition"
go to the cytube and ask them what they think of 4am, do me the favor
everybody agreed on that having been a dumb fucking thing, not to mention the dick postings
did you know that there is an unofficial rule in here?
it's for that very reason that I don't take you seriously, despite the rule being made at about the time avatarfags started coming up, you still don't know
you are a mosquito
Sad times friend. Good luck.
I feel like I should ask to make sure, is english your first language? and if so are you fatigued?
how is that different from now?
what the fuck, user
there is nothing left to save, user
all we got is the memories, but those are fading by the hour
Oh yeah fam, im gonna respond it every single one of my posts ive made in the last 3 hours to you again as well. Come back tomorrow for the next round of arguing. And the comfy was there before the bans whether you liked it or not.
Hes not here to comfypost, but to ruin everyone elses time. Hence why i called him a piece of shit.
Unofficial rule is not to kill yourself. Im hoping you break that one rule. Considering i'd do the world a favor. And the cytube is usually dead fam :^). It died with the bans too, considering over half the thread fucked off. Usually 5 people or less nowadays, compared to before whenit used to hit 23 people.
yeah what the fuck
truth be told I'm trying to focus more on work and my own shit instead of burning 4 hours for 4 nights out of the week with friendly shitposting
I've met plenty of english natives who can't form a single coherent sentence, user
my sentence is still valid, read his next post
apparently certain topics are taboo, like not bending over for the cancer in the thread
as you can see, I had better shut my damn mouth before I hurt feelings
boy are you retarded, user
hi my name is user, but call me user
can we talk about how shit the thread is lately or do I first have to tripfag?
Wow good argument :^)
And you tried to argue you're not a piece of shit kek.
you were responding to my post user, not his post
why do you always wan't to talk about how shit the thread is
the cancer is tripfagging and avatar fagging?
not like the mods will ban you
I know if only I had the Jews and the Auswitz card at the same time
"final solution"
you responded to me responding to his post first
so you got an answer that tied both of you into it
because it is shit
yes, if those people dropped doing these things, I wouldn't mind having them here at all as anons
and I pray that none of the current cancer makes it into hotpocket position because then god help us all
cytube is not this thread, user
they have their names there, and still fell apart apparently
that is why you are retarded
Jesus christ user, you argue like a kike. You would think basic correlation would be simple for you.
is that really your answer user?
checked for fun
did the "shitposters" come for them in the cytube?
did they start crying their eyes out for being banned for a couple days that they couldn't go to the cytube anymore?
are you banned there when you are banned here?
yknow, there has been people outside the threads in there as well, like from the vola
so who left because they got banned, user?
last time I checked it was the usual people who talk about music, how dumb ritsu is and then watch anime
user, if I wanted to talk about the thread being shit because it was so fun, what would be the point
Does Wincest user still come around here?
I think you miss how the thread used to be
This is another reason why you're a piece of shit. Obvious obtuseness. IT IS NOT JUST AVATARFAGS THAT LEFT. Look around! the only one that posted a ridiculous amount was smokes. When the comfy died due to the bans and the shitposting the anons left and most of the avatarfags are still around and post semi regularly. All they did was kill the thread for reg anons with the bans by ruining comfy. The reason why the cytube lost half its members is because the people in 4am chilled in the cytube too and when they left 4am they left the cytube. Your supposed campaign to cleanse 4am has done thing but remove reg anons and ruin a comfy thread. Its not the avatarfags or even the fucking tripfags like ritsu that are the cancer. It's people like you, and the others that ruin 4am for everyone else because youre pieces of shit that cant let people comfy post or feelspost because a few of the annoying autists post too many of the same characters for your taste. Frankly, mark should ban you fucks for derailment, not the avatarfags.
he was in another thread not even a week ago
the thread would not turn around for me, pointing at me to stop being so mean
I would have no reason to type all this shit to begin with
if you had troubles you'd be called a fag to let you know you've come to the right place and then offered advice or to shoot the shit
you wouldn't be greeted by some smug animu talking how bad the neet life is because he has to cuddle with his waifu and play games all day
Isnt it ironic he complains about the thread being shit, when hes the reason for the thread being shit? Do you think hes even self ware or just so much of a jackass that he blames others for what hes causing?
I don't often check on the 4am threads and haven't seen him elsewhere.
you are a fag user, and we will give you any advice you need
but you have to let them go, they are gone and they will not be coming back
Its about time someone called you out for being such a piece of shit. Because you are and deserved be called out for your fucking actions.
I was being completely serious by the way when i said to anhero. I'd be legitimately happy if you killed yourself. And thats not anger talking, i just hate people like you that feel the need to ruin everything for others simply because you dont like them having fun.
user, avatarfag sympathizers would of course leave if they can't suck dick anymore, and I don't care for them
the people who had left because of the avatarfags is the ones I feel bad for
you talk comfy, you talk feels, why not make your own thread about this?
why take over 4am?
it's fucking bizarre to see you cry out to me to not revert your haven to something I used to use as mine. imagine someone comes into your house and says "yeah, that's mine now"
fuck off, go to a forum if you want to circlejerk with other names
they just might come back when the threads are as they were, I won't know until I tried
and you need to be called out for having take something that is not yours
you can type an hero all you want, I've had insults thrown my way that you couldn't even spell out
and it was great, and I will see to it that these threads will return some day, without you
and as it seems I gotta cut this short, work's calling
These threads are being ruined by pieces of shit like you, and they wont return to whatever you think they were, which you obviously know nothing of considering people like you are the ones who ruined them.
And the fact you think you can argue that over half the thread leaving and now 4am being dead and a cesspit is somehow better because somehow someway its totally going to go back to the way its gonna be when its nothing but shitposters and tripfags now is pathetic argumentwise. It's obvious to just about anyone who reads this the kind of piece of shit you are, who insists on ruining others time.
sure it is. Run away you piece of shit, and stay gone. If were lucky a car will hit you sometime this weekend and rid us and your family of you forever.
no user, they aren't coming back
you need to accept this
Are you ready to stay up all night?
Hes a shitposting liar. Hes using "before the avatarfags" as an excuse to try and ruin the threads. Before the first batch of avatarfags were the other avatarfags, ergo homoko, mom-user, smokes, huey, etc. He's just trying to use an excuse to claim righteousness to further ruin the threads and try and claim to be in the right when hes doing nothing but ruining others time simply because he cant stand theres a thread in the small hours of the night he doesnt like where anons can talk amongst each other and enjoy themselves.
Is it any wonder i call him a piece of shit, considering how he acts. Dudes a piece of shit. If were lucky a nigger will rob him and kill him before the next 4am and we can all breathe easier.
he certainly got under your skin fam
Nah i'm still not mad, i'm just tired of the shitposters and felt it was about time someone called them out. Then hardheadedness took over and here we are. Everyone keeps saying ignore them, but its not doing anything and its just continuing to the point of ridiculousness. I'm not mad, I do hate the piece of shit though.
I wasnt joking either. I do legitimately hope he kills himself
He sounds like a real piece of work
Besides its pretty satisfying calling them out on their shit
You better believe it fam
bamp a lamp one time monijcaz
Good morning DMX!
mo'nin nycka i bo n dat coluh ppl tyme fo'real niggas mah bad.
I've never seen more "this" worth posts then these right here, this tbh.
Are you trying to argue why you should not be on this website or in these threads cause you are doing a great job of it. Some people like your selves deserve to have your time wasted and ruined. You dont belong here and you never will.
Demolish shit this hard should be considered terrorism tbh.
No actions were made in this thread its all talk. I am going to get this out of the way. Yes this thread is better then your name/trip/avatar fag circle jerk. Comradery was here back before your kind got here. He doesn't have to answer for him self, you do, he just wants his shit back. Your cancer made these threads unbearable to non egomaniacs like your self. Nice pseudo intellectual bullshit. Its still not an argument.
Off by 1. This shit has gone so long unsaid, thanks for saying the words I couldn't. You are doing gods work. I just wish there were more people fighting the good fight.
You already ruined people fun a long time ago. This is just a small dose of revenge. Also kill your self moralfag.
You can keep repeating your self but it doesnt make your right. Your stance is childish name calling, finger wagging and saying "nuh uh", you are so oblivious you have no idea how much damage you have done to the users of this board and board culture in general, its time to fucking kill yourself your retarded bitch, holy shit.
Your definition of piece of shit is different from others. To many, including my self, you are the piece of shit. Also you are really good at appeal to emotion, doesn't make you right just make you good at manipulation. You should still kill your self, brutally.
You are the one who has been projecting this whole time. Cancer should be splintered off and disposed of. Kill your self, live stream it.
Welp, we are back at the beginning, only this time with evidence proving that you do not belong here and are the cancer that ruined these threads.
Threads didnt die, the name/trip/avatarfags were still name/trip/avatar'ing. You are delusional or you werent here they were name/trip/avatar'ing last night. 99% of your post is not an argument, and just showing that you an immature piece of shit.
Ever post you make is so pathetic you roll around in your own feces crying that some one you dont like is doing something you dont like, you are pathetic. You lost this argument before it even started and you have been making a fool out of your self this whole time. Please go on its every entertaining.
Can you suck of your buttbuddys shitty dick any harder? I dont think so.
You are absolutely right, unfortunately I dont even think there is anything we could do for it at this point.
Anal devastation so sever you cant even plop out your pseudo intellectual bullshit or half assed insults. Pathetic really.
No one wants 4am threads removed you braindead dipshit. We want cancer like you out. This is simple stuff that has been said enough. If you havent picked up on this maybe you should seek help, you may be retarded.
You are a new male though.
Pretty much this.
It was better before you got here. Also invest in reading comprehension.
You just listed all the cancer that needs to be purged. Way to prove his point, youre a mistake, youre big fat mess. Delete your life account form this earth server. Actually you should really get situated over there cause starting tomorrow, every single day I will make these thread unusable until you leave, die or drop your name/trip/avatar/attention whoring ways or the faggot mods do something about this.
Its time for you to die, lets go, I am not going to wait any longer. I will fucking kill you and make it look like an accident if you dont do it your self soon.
This website is very much a secret club. This thread is even more of a secret club. Its good to know you are one of those people though. Again these threads were never for people with out problems to chatter on about how good their life is. Actually maybe his argument that not everyone is welcome here is based on facts because if you even say that you miss these threads people will literally tell you to kill your self, I saw in the other night. In old 4am thread no one told anyone to kill them selves except attention whoring problem less cancer, like you. There is nothing to contribute to these threads anymore other then cancer like you or anti cancer shitposting like the people who used to inhabit these threads before you all got here from reddit.
How delusional and oblivious do you have to be to make a post like this? Maybe he doesnt want you cancer knowing anything about him. Go get repairs in your head, and on your noose which your broke because you are so fat and disgusting.
An age when people like us had a place as close as we can possible call our home, has ended. That doesnt just go for this thread too, imageboards are dying because of the exact people we are arguing with. Elaborate on the rule I am not sure which one you are referencing
You are a flea.
You obviously were never there so dont worry your self, cause it is most likely never going to return.
It more like "introduce your self or you dont belong here" Still pretty fucked but this is the way people who took over think. I know that but atleast I wont allow them to laugh and dance over the graves of people who gave us these memories in the first place, not easily at least.
I don't really give a shit. I was doing other things if you ignore my arguments that just proves them right (^: . Comfy posting ended when people like you got here. You should have broken the rule a long time ago cause you are a cancer on the face of all groups you belong to. Remove your self from everything.
What kind of responses do you expect from such retards? They dont even have a brain power to read a really clear sentence. Its really pathetic. You are right, but dont expect a real response cause just like the uneducated liberal dividers they are once their hypocrisy is called out they scatter, cherry pick or change the subject. We dont want to hurt the cancers feeling after all.
Speaking of cherry picking. Here we are. You would know all about not having an argument, every post you made is exactly that you know, like projecting how much a piece of shit you are.
You are so fucking obnoxious its entertaining. Remember ironic shitposting is still shitposting, and pretending to be retarded makes retards like your self feel welcome. Also the reason he wants to talk about how shit the thread is is because it used to be good. And he wants it to go back that way, with out you.
name/trip/avatarfagging is the cancer and so are the apologists like you. Feigning ignorance is not good for people like you cause its hard to determine where the feigning begins and where your retardation begins.
There is no correlation between these too things. And correlation does not mean causation. You keep saying this like people actually got banned? Who I still see all the cancer every thread. And if all of this cancer was banned why didnt they use the cytube as a back up for their cancer? Makes no sense. You are grasping at straws.
It doesnt matter what kind of answer he gives to you, you will just find a way to ignore it or deny its validity. Thats what you people always do.
No shit sherlock he has only been saying that a ton of different ways the whole thread. Hes not the only one too.
Believe it or not but repeating the same thing over and does not make it true. Smokes is the least cancerous one of the cancerous attention whore and atleast he is self aware that he is cancer. He even sympathized with anons that him avatarfagging is destroying board culture something most of you cant do, cause your ego wont let you. Also believe it or not but 90% or more of the anons who still went to these threads were just more tolerant of the cancer, cause they have no where else to go. They actually do cream them selves over a bunch of attention seekers circle jerking, they just deal with it cause there is no where else to go. That is not comfy, 4 maybe 5 people benifit from that and the and the actual anons who enjoy that are almost always wannabe name/trip/avatar fags who want attention but just havent taken the leap yet. If being banned on one site stops you from going on another site you are retarded. Stop bring this up. No one gives a shit, the cytube is just another shade of cancer. Good, I am glad this "comfy thread" was ruined cause maybe now you know how non attention whore feel every time their muscle memory tries take them to this thread before they remember its unusable. And they probably cry alone. Classic low effort deflection. Again you can call anyone cancer but it does not make it true you have no right to talk cause even if the people you are calling cancer were cancer (they are not by the way) you are a greater cancer. if some how the post we are making stops people from doing anything then perhaps they along with you dont belong on this site. My question is which fallen attention whoring name/trip/avatar fag are you? Also again just to clear this up having a bunch of cancerous attention whoreing name/trip/avatar fags circle jerking about how good and fun their lives are is not comfy.
Keep repeating it maybe even you will believe it one of these times. You are incapable of being self aware, you have show this multiple times.
This a million times.
You and people like you have made great effort to keep these threads as bad as they were literally with people pretty much only saying how they are gay over and over and over, last night and are and its about damn fucking time people started fighting back. I like how you cherry picked his post to ignore all of the stuff that proves you wrong, classic move form such a scummy person. It became a cesspit the very first moment a name trip or avatar fag stepped in the thread so, you are only proving your opponents point. These threads used to be entirely anons. No attention seeking at all whats so ever, and that is when they were good. These threads were great until all the name/trip/avatar cancer arrived, but you very clearly were not here for that. I am interested in when exactly you got here. You are kicking and screaming because you are not getting your way like a redditor. The only people that believe the shit you think is obvious is the people who are already drinking your semen and dont have a mind of their own, anyone can reread over theis thread and see a bunch of cancerous children getting mopped across the floor screaming and begging for mercy as they get blown the fuck out so hard that a new word is needed to fully encapsulate the level of destruction they endured. That includes you by the way.
How many times have I seen this argument in this thread? Its almost like you guys are coordinating your cancer from some where? Listen this is a non debatable fact. These threads were better before the cancer who seeks attention with names/trips/avatars and circle jerk about all of the good things in their life got here. Thats it. Nothing more too it. If you want attention go else where reddit, facebook something awful tumblr twitter this shit doesnt belong here. Actually maybe just maybe he is talking about a time before those attention whores, there were none before them. There are no anons here. Just a bunch of different people with identities. These threads being destroyed is the beginning of pay back I will fucking rain down upon these treads for now on until its stops. This thread or this cancer we will see how much you value an identity, more then this thread we'll see wont we, and how much mark and the mods are willing to put up with before these threads are just out right banned. I am not going anywhere.
Very obvious.
You are definitely mad because your cancers right to exist is being challenged, it doesnt mean anything it doesnt invalidate your "argument", your "argument" invalidates your "argument" . Dont worry people are tired of you long long ago, its about time you got some of your own medicine. And as long as I am entertained or this cancer persists this will continue ever night I feel like fucking shit up. The hardheaded ness cant take over, its all you have ever been, its all you will ever be. You are so oblivious or delusional, there is a world record waiting for you somewhere. The satisfying part is watching you squirm and grasp at straws as you thing you repeating an insult did a damn fucking thing to that user. You are so pathetic its humorous.
Damn this fag wrote a whole book here