Come laugh at leddit cuckolds get triggered by FCC Pajeet
Come laugh at leddit cuckolds get triggered by FCC Pajeet
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Fucking memes.
You're framing this all wrong. We should hate the poo as well.
It is pretty funny, but doesn't this suck for us too?
If you are American, yes.
No. We return to internet from 2015. That's it. That's literally all that happened.
Stop pouting, it is embarrassing.
oh dog.
I mean.. could it get worse than it already is? Youtube censors us, google censors us, twitter massively bans any redpill attempt, reddit admins literally edits the comments of rw users, netflix is pozz central.. fuck it.
Could it get worse? Almost definitely, but it will have little to do with NN and everything to do with the centralization of tech in the pozzed capital of the world.
You don't know what you're talking about. Every other site besides one in the plans will be slower, so basically the huge companies in on it will further monopolize their niches by slowing other sites down. A move actually backed by Jews.
A shitposting pajeet, who'da thunk it?
Checked and confirmed. Jews benefit. Come on Holla Forums.
It sucks if you have shares on ((((((NETFLIX)))))) or (((((((HULU))))))) or if you are a fan of Amy Schumer/Bill Nye specials..
If they want to fuck up 8ch and related sites, they can fuck them anyway.
Because that's what happened in 2015 right?
open internet
show bandwith
(((Changes))) will not be implemented for a few years anyway. Soon though….Disney will own your ISP….
just like it did in 2015, right shlomo?
nice try. filtered
Go back to Reddit poor fag
well we lose net neutrality we lose piracy.
Who you calling Schlomo, Schlomo? Soon with NN gone, the Internet will be run by a mega-company called Disney GoogleFace. With 40% shares owned by Mindgeek.
I still don't understand why Google was in favor of Net Neutrality. They own an ISP, couldn't they profit off its repeal?
Or was that just a matter of public and private positions
Jesus fucking Christ that warranted a spoiler. Has anyone written a treatise on why kikes are so religiously scatological?
we dont need these platforms. Get the word out IRL. hand out info-graphics, make stickers, put them in books at your local bookstore or library.
epic maymay bro
Plebbit is leaking.
Congrats on being hypocrite faggots, where Shillary dabbing is wrong, but a jew pajeet doing the Harlem Shame isn't.
Don't be surprised if you realize you'll suffer more from this than sjw's and ledditfags, because we all know corporations prefer to pander to someone who says "KILL ALL WHITE CIS MALES" than someone who made a black joke.
Maybe if you knew how to use a brain, like a normal fucking human being, instead of having a mental capacity of an edgy 12 year old, you wouldn't be being this much of a bunch of cucks.
Remember ICANN? I wonder if your nut-sized brains fucking do, dumb niggerfaggots.
FFC and co would prefer to cooperate with sjw's, yet you think they care about you or your rights.
Don't be surprised, if suddenly, you'll become depressed, for making your mind decisions over contraranism and opinions from anonymous trolls.
still upset, kike?
I'm not surprised google did, a lot of people supported NN, most rational people did (not to suggest google is rational). reflect on the projected culture of google and and you will answer your own question. what you should be asking yourself isnt "why did they support it back then", you should ask yourself why they are not supporting it anymore.
I have no idea
but they put jokes about shit and body fluids in every comedy they make; they are totally psyched by it
search "dung" occurrences in the Bible
Let's check out our favorite leftist image hosting site full of pushovers and losers: imgur!
I assume not a lot of salt yet because it just happened
Source on them no longer supporting it?
hahaha pic is you, truth hurts dont it? oh yeah, filtered
Explain to me why anyone ever gave a single fuck about this NN meme.
Don't these dull fucking idiots realize this wasn't even a thing before 2015? Where did any of these retarded Mad Max tier theories about a grim future with people toiling in the mines 16 hours a day just to afford the bandwidth to shitpost on twitter came from?
And right on cue a (( (bomb threat) ))
dont have a source on that one just assuming that due to their activity this time as opposed to the last time. they would not stop talking about it, they were huge supporters of NN last time and now I don't hear anything from them.
Begone kike. Your pathetic attempt to fit in has failed.
if I didnt know any better I would think you were a bot. filtered. anyone else?
net neutrality was "de facto" a rule prior of 2015
you have never experienced an Internet without it
I suspect that a lot of bad things will happen
""""someone"""" will exploit this to get TOTAL CONTROL OF THE INTERNET
(((Google))), (((Microsoft))), (((Twatter))), (((Apple))).
Eat a dick faggot
another one of Jim's minions upset hahahaha love it, fuck your containment site.
Do you genuinely expect anyone to fall for this?
filtered :)
I can smell a kike ten posts back. They always show their nose eventually.
Look at all of these wonderful sources
Spoilers were made for that you nigger!
Including openly calling people curry niggers? Great thanks.
IT'S 2015 AGAIN!
Will this finally wake up the sleeping masses to the PQ (Pajeet Question)?
Wrong thread wew
My bad.
If you give a shit
Yeah. Comcast, AT&T and other shitty cable providers are clearly run by the white man.
Someone with a leddit account should call that guy a racist just to see what happens.
I hope so.
Jews benefit either way, fuckwit. There is no side of this where they're put out or suffer a loss. Basing your opinion on "How much does this hurt the kikes" instead of "What outcome is more beneficial for actual humans?" is nigger tier thinking.
It's amazing the level of brainwashing the kikes managed to pull off on this, even on long time Holla Forums users.
We're fucked either way as far as these fucks are concerned. See what they did to Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack for more info.
i'll make one. they still dont require a good email. can someone link me to that comment or something? i dont know how to find it. i'll say something along the lines of ""i hope a pro2a person kills this brown guy" youre a racist man, relax."
B-but based Jimbo said we should scrap NN? Braise Geg.
What's a good way to save YouTube videos before the site does or goes beyond a paywall. I need my instructive vids.
Said no one on Holla Forums ever
Were we fucked in 2015?
Will we be fucked now that both the FTC and FCC are watching over ISPs?
Remember when GamerGate happened, and all the asshurt kikes and feminists were demanding that both half and fullchan be shut down for hurting their feefees? They even went to the UN begging for them to kill us.
And what happened?
Absolutely nothing.
They had all the power to shut down free thought and begin the purge of non-commies, but they couldn't.
That was in 2014.
With broadband now classified as a Title I communication service, ISPs are no longer considered a "common carrier" but now an "information provider". This change brings with it new responsibilities and obligations. In recent years there has an explosion in the popularity of hateful websites promoting white supremacy and holohoax exposure. The most well known offenders are the Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack and 4chan's politics board. These sites are breeding grounds for extremists and are having a profound negative influence on the next generation of young Americans. Sending their message through your networks is now as obscene and unthinkable as delivering a national socialist TV channel along with the food network and MTV. I understand that such changes will require time to organize and execute. However in the mean time we will be contacting your top advertising customers and will urge them to also express their desire to not do business with ISPs which promote hate.
Thank you for your time,
Benjamin Shapiro
it's better off out of the hands of the FCC, which can be lobbied by jews and have these special fear mongering "possibilities" actually become required and enforced law.
we're better with them not having that power. i'd rather fight them per incident and have tech companies fighting with ISPs about it.
looks like we just did fag. scroll up. filtered.
Wow, that deserves a small loan of 5 memes from my now substantial jew folder.
you know how i know (((youre))) an outsider? maybe you should fuck off back to wherever you came from.
hahahah aawwwww did someone miss temple today? filtered
There's something oddly satisfying about this salt. I think it's because you have all these people on sites that work so hard to censor opinions they don't like crying about the internet being not free any more.
It's going into the hands of the FTC.
image for youuuuuu. ty
They call him a nigger and subhuman. TOP KEK
stay mad obvious redditor. youre just mad king niggers legacy is slipping away and the world will remember the first nigger president as useless. your salt is delicious.
but the FTC doesnt control, nor do they have the capacity (yet) to control those aspects of the internet. it merely falls "under them" because FTC basically monitors all forms of commerce.
i enjoyed fight club too but dont forget (((chuck palahniuk))) is a kike
Yes, yeees learn to hate the Pajeet. Excellent.
Someone with a Jewtube account tell that kike to fuck off.
I feel like all these people whining about NN should be whining about the lack of free speech on the internet's largest social platforms. That is a far greater threat, I bet half these retards never leave the reddit/facebook/google/twitter bubble anyways.
This one gets me every time.
Somehow.. even their insults and death threats seem to be.. tame.. soyboyish.
But user those platforms are the good guys, they only filter HATE speech not FREE speech.
Wow they actually have. Thanks.
These people sound like addicts who are about to have their fix cut off by someone.
Didn't he stop net neutrality?
I'm outraged by this. The pajeet has to go.
Jesus christ, this guy is a literal molten salt reactor.
How exactly does this ruling benefit us? I get that it's fun to shit on reddit, but in the end, we're gonna get fucked just the same as them.
This guy should run for president iin 2026
You faggots don't realise that this site is targeted.
Fuck me, you let the shills fool you into feeding you to the fire.
Fucking useless faggots.
It doesn't benefit us.
And clearly we have a shill problem for Trump here if this bullshit is pushed.
You fags are getting played big time by this gimp.
Kinda sad to see 8ch with more pro NN kikes than halfchan. If you want to enjoy the salt of Soros, reddit, google, netflix and all other lefty filth getting BTFO, halfchan is covering it pretty well.
Reddit is brainwashed by kike companies into thinking it's good. It's all lies, this is just a kick in the nut for (((google, twatter, netcucks, faceberg)))
how many times have you changed IDs?
its sad you shillls have to resort to such measures but I guess when you have nothing to say its your only option. filtered. fire up another ID faggot
Maybe it's your masochism for letting a pajeet fuck over you faggots.
Get a real job. This one doesn't look like it has good prospects for the future.
Pssssst, hey kike, why do you think Pissrael exists? Pro-tip: Pissrael exists to cut costs/efforts for the Holocaust. The joke is on you; you've been duped into conglomerating so that we can just firebomb Pissrael for days. Pissrael will be recorded by future historians as the Earth's largest open-air-crematorium.
Finally, we will disband the pisslamic jewish sect and make them dispose of your ashes by mass conversion to Christianity on Ash Wednesday. We will mark all former adherents to muhpedo with the ashen cross upon their foreheads. Ashen crosses from cremated jews on forced-converts. Then we will execute all the former muhpedo converts because all true Christians (remember it's a Greek religion) know that Semites cannot be trusted. Ever.
Fuck off. The only people that benefit here are the fucking people this board hates.
Free speech WILL be targeted.
Do you realize that (((((the powers that be)))) are already censoring us? 8ch was removed from google search results because of Holla Forums and gg, much to the chagrin of the other boards. And ((((they)))) can already censor sites that speak against them WORLDWIDE without even having to deal with ISP blocks via seizing the domain and hosting, like they did to TDS (by the very same companies shilling for muh NN no less). The precedent has been set, we're already being censored and ((((NN)))) has fuckall to do with free speech.
It is a good reference for how the kikes have destroyed white men. They lay it all out in various movies. Hell even the dems steal movie plots to steal elections. They did it in Washington. Black Sheep was a manifesto for the fuckers.
this board in a nutshell. it's entire political belief is based of being contrarian. If reddit had all backed Trump then 100% this board would have backed Hilary.
Stop avoiding filters.
No pro Obama era NN shill will address pic related. They'll just screech a scream about muh data packages.
Real job?
Will I be even able to access job search engines now without a $5.55 monthly subscription fee?
Face it, the only people that win here are the corporate fat cats.
Time to turn on the gimp in the office, he's done nothing for clinton, he's done little on the wall, he elected a pajeet that targets free speech on the interenet and you faggots still support this guy that literally supported calling Jerusalem the capital?
How the FUCK is any of that Politically Incorrect.
You're all fucking retarded I swear.
And? Some of us just want to watch the world burn because we believe that acceleration is the true Final Solution to the Jewish Question.
What's wrong with milking a few laughs off the demons while we're alive enough to smell smoke?
So are pirateboxes finally gonna get popular?
Address this faggot and tell me why I should support Obama regulations without resorting to muh data package.
I think it's more this:
You're all being herded as we speak.
My IQ raised several points reading that comment
If I had a billion dollars I'd use it to kill as many kikes as possible. Only pseudo-intellectuals/ philosophers use "ifs" to prove a point.
this shit is as good as nfl getting fucked
Go back to where you came from jew.
commies get the rope
You're literally on Soros' side you realize this?
What do you think all that bandwidth is being used for? Did you all forget about the NSA leaks?
Retards so addicted to reddit and twitter they will literally kill themselves if they have to spend 20 bucks a month on it? This is mere natural selection in action
Because now ISPs will directly influence what you can and cannot use the internet for.
Many of these providers have been known to throttle users of things like Torrents. Now they have the ability to directly stop this form of usage of their networks.
Say goodbye to your smug anime grills!
You really are just being negatively conditioned by anything those fuckheads do aren't you?
I don't like Soros, but at least on NN we do have fucking one thing we agree on.
We both don't like ISP's controlling our dirty laundry to such a degree.
Plus it's just simply unpragmatic.
I stopped reading at "pro-tip"
TV and cinema makes you weak, it gives you an outlet for your frustrations. we don't need the outlet anymore.
Kekking at that kike in the gif making a classic mistake. The smart play is to force the knife inside yourself bu focus all your strength on getting it to the side to puncture your own longs instead of heart and bash his head startled by your seemingly suicidal approach, rest is cake
That is retarded
Talk to yourself faggot. You're just another fucking cuckservative to me.
You've fucked up here BIG TIME.
Don't expect that 2020 election if this shit isn't turned around.
I know it is, and that's why I'm dumfounded by how easily anons here are shepherded to doing things that hurt their own activities.
So what?
We agree with soros on neutral data?
We might disagree on fucking everything else. This point however we both have interests in.
This board and Soros.
You dumb fucks, it isn't that fucking black and white.
It's funny how these people can perfectly describe themselves but not be aware of it.
It's absolutely hilarious how muh internet muh media is the holy of holies for the average pleb, these pathetic wastes of oxygen can't even comprehend what a life without would be like. Bring it on, if blackout really does start that's perfect incentive for talking to friends, neighbors, and communities and making rwds happen.
NN is a red herring meant to distract from the vicious removal of free speech and censorship that's rampant on the internet.
That's an interesting read. If ISPs would have had to apply for Broadcasting Licenses, wouldn't that mean that under NN law, they would be responsible for what was being "broadcast" over their network?
Meaning the government could come in, say broadcasting Holla Forums doesn't meet the requirements for a Broadcasting License, and then tell the ISP it has to block Holla Forums for the license or shut down?
I know this is Vice, and they're super gay, but look at their argument. The president itself can't revoke a license. But the FCC can.
And look, NN gave the FCC the ability to revoke licenses that ISPs would need to function. They can revoke it because of obscenity, what's to say they couldn't revoke it due to some bullshit like "hate speech"?
Wouldn't NN have made ISPs responsible for what was bring broadcast on it's lines? Meaning if someone goes online, gets them to kill themselves, then their ISP is responsible for broadcasting it?
ISPs won't do any of the shit the propaganda claims, it's simply not profitable to do so
bots. filtered
get triggered soyboy
That chick is right. Even if this is enforced, we'll immediately see huge issues with it.
Particularly - economic issues.
Trump fucked up with this one.
lol sure thing pal.
Liberal salt is funny but as a Brit I want you all to know I'm laughing at you for selling your freedoms burgercucks.
Mine is better
imagine being so pointless that your entire reason for being depends on totally opposing something rather than developing an opinion for yourself. you're basically admitting that without jews/liberals you'd have no reason to exist.
you must be a newfag if you haven't seen evidence of this being true. chans like this a halfchan used to support ideals like NN in the past. as a recent example, before reddit was big, 4chan (were most migrated from) used to oppose things like pay-to-win/play shit like lootcrates and DLC when other online communities were having a throbbing hard-on over opportunities for "new content" to prolong their favourite games. now because reddit made a big statement about hating lootcrates/DLC these chans now laughably support it.
hahahahaaa enjoy your ban.
caring at (You)
They really love their brands, huh.
I don't know about you guys, but I sure have a hankering for some Gamer Fuel™ right now.
You have to remember some people on these boards are literal autists you wont get through the child like mentality.
HAHA see you later gator we brit/pol/ now.
You're the bot here user.
How much they fucking pay you to fuck the asshole of this board?
They have already been notorious for throttling user. What fucking planet are you on?
They wanted this the most so they can stop hikikomoris from chewing up their bandwidth with torrenting, etc.
Oh and I hope you don't have bitcurrencies btw. Those will also be directly impacted by this shit, I guarantee it.
This could hit the economy so hard and you faggots won't see the wood from the trees because the "boogieman" soros wanted it.
Is that how easily controlled you faggots are?
I bet this also has partially to do with the waves of newfaggotry on this board and other boards including /a/, /g/, /mu/ and Holla Forums on both chans.
Wake the fuck up here faggots.
great retort buddy do another one.
Wow, das rayciss.
No. I willingly accept my make believe shit internet if it fucks with reddit and it's userbase at all.
Even if the worst things the propaganda predicts will happen, it won't effect me. I hate all those companies, I hate most of the internet. It would be a godsend. Shitskins won't be able to afford it anymore, normies won't be able to watch their cuckflix and faceberg spying channel no more. Sounds great
Some other bitches said they were disgusted and puked when they saw his face. Others called him a nigger and subhuman. LOVE IT!
I have autism and empathy does not compute. If you are a pointless being maybe you can kill yourself?
No. I'm saying that because I actually believe Moses; I believe in Christ. Because I believe in Christ; I believe the Jews will complete Zionism and the world will be ruled under the tyranny of the Jews' Messiah, aka the son of the devil, aka the anti-Christ.
There is literally nothing wrong with me playing my part in accelerating the End Times so Jesus Christ may return. Amen.
He's lucky this is only the one loss. Any more and people won't even give a shit that the dems fuck boys.
People will just think it's there to control the masses. So it will ultimately render all efforts here useless.
I didn't come this far to see any of the shit we've done sink with this crap.
People WILL jump off the train with this. They're getting hounded 24/7 with MSM crap and now suddenly there's this issue.
It may be the one final push to swing it..
I'm saying this because the republicans are making a huge mistake with this. Don't be suckered by the support of it by the scum of the left. This benefits ALL people except the ISPs and fat cats that want to control.
I find it ironic that the left supports free speech in this department, but also the control of it in others.
Maybe their pedo needs are so drastic that they're willing to concede ground here.
I smell bamboozle coming off this post.
You're a fucking idiot.
Just because soros supports something doesn't mean you can be instantly against that thing.
You're a fucking sheep.
If one ISP bans Holla Forums, I just take my money elsewhere to one that didn't. Under Net Neutrality, the government itself could blanket ban Holla Forums across all ISP's. There's more incentive for fuckery under NN than out.
Fuck off nigger. Obamas legacy will be erased amd there is nothing your faggot ass can do about it.
Ain't it.
They don't even realise the damage they've just done to themselves.
Oh and I wasn't talking about the poster in the pic :^)
No, not really.
Are you trying to impersonate the cucks from the comments or you're serious?
It was a fun ride, but you all got cucked by A FUCKING POO IN LOO
Obama's legacy?
I couldn't give a fucking shit about the nigger.
I just wanted better internet access and more free speech.
But you're such a raging faggot that you don't even realise the complications of getting rid of NN.
Nah, won't happen. Capitalism will fix it. Communism fails every time. NN is anti-freedom, it is monopoly of the internet by the ZOG, nobody can compete with these tech giants. ISPs are the lesser evil here, and it's at least good old fashioned capitalist evil, not a bunch of kikes pushing mind control and cultural marxism. Trust me user, just this once
No freedoms were sold they were only gained by the death of NN. Go pay your tv license and VAT tax on your imported dildo you fucking turk. Don't forget to bin that wigglywomp cherio pip pip you fucking faggot.
I am tired of you NN faggots spamming every board with more than six active users with these threads. The internet is closed so fuck off before you get charged for going over six million gigs looking at your futa porn and posting ponies. Go back to whatever fucking retard corral you escaped from and stop clogging up the cable lines with your whiney nonsense.
This is what retardation looks like.
free speech on the internet has declined since 2015
I think there was more salt on the Alabama election night from the left than us. When the results were first coming in and Moore was leading, they were freaking tf out, as if a Republican winning in Alabama is anything out of the ordinary. Then it turns out to be a win for the left and we were pissed but not much 'cause "meh, it was rigged, we already know democracy sucks". Now two days later and they're freaking out again, bunch of crybabies.
Christianity is really a white man's religion; I'm not surprised to see shitskins and niggerlovers attacking.
There's a reason Jews hate German Christians more than any other Christians, and that reason was Dr. Martin Luther. Modern day German language is literally anti-Semitic.
Besides, there's still nothing wrong with the accelerationist path. Memes aside.
ah ah thanks
I'm deadly fucking serious. I'm pissed off that Holla Forums is being so easily misled on this issue by the curveball thrown at us with this Soros support.
It tells me that you will support anything as long as that cunt doesn't support it.
He could literally endorse "free money for pepes" and you would vote against it because you've grown to dislike everything he does (quite naturally, because he's pure fucking evil.).
Hey Holla Forums, should I finish watching Umaru (Great show BTW) before NN takes anime away?
< User was v& by freedom USA inc for this post.
That's what the FTC is for. To stop monopolistic business practices.
I'd torrent as much as you fucking can before this shit takes effect.
What has NN accomplished? The only thing that has happened is (((mass internet media))). Kikes own the internet because of it. It's a good idea, but until every single kike is hanging from a tree then it's an enemy.
forgot to mention, tom wheeler was proudly appointed by obama to head the FCC when all this NN shit started in 2013. tom wheeler was a former telecom lobbyist for the National Cable & Telecommunications Assn and fought against NN in the beginning and so did the obama admin. the obama admin finally choked on the massive amount of public pressure and stopped fighting NN and instead started to support it. I looked for news articles about this for source but there wasn't many in 2013-2014 anyway and with all the new NN news, its hard to find. best of luck to anyone that can find something on it.
If you're trusting the kike controlled government to deliver for you, Holla Forums might be more up your alley.
How does discriminating data usage do anything but ALLOW that?
Can't this also be applied to vidya, anime, beer and beef jerky as well?
This was discussed before right here on Holla Forums for 1 month. It was clearly explained why NN needs to go. You sound like an underage faggot like the ones getting triggered in the yt and reddit comments.
but I still hate your shitty opinion.
Where are the website packages Eggman. You said there would be website packages.
And I didn't buy any of it because I know how ISPs throttle torrenting and likely other P2P services. I knew that that suggests they would block that form of data usage.
Give me a short list.
You forgot
This is why inbreeding amongst you kikes is bad Moishe.
Because copyright strikes NEVER happened before.
Is that all you care about?
You don't care about the substance of the fucking subject matter of this issue?
You care about dank may mays?
You sound like the underaged normalfaggot cancer from the recent wave of cancerous faggots like yourself.
Pajeets and Muslims are probably the two that normals are most likely to hate. Muslims beecause of terrorism and Pajeets because they're so pathetic and gross.
We support whatever is best for the white race. I'm not a nerd so I don't really understand the net neutrality issue but if Google and Soros support it then it must be bad.
You don't even get how this thing works do you?
You already have that control.
All this does is allow that control on specific data fucking usage. i.e. they can coordinate usage they don't agree with.
AND the ISPs can now do this legally too.
Well fucking done you retarded potato.
Seriously, go back to reddit kid.
Imagine being this mad!
yay memes that can tell me how to think!
Pic related is you.
No the point was some of us are old enough to have lived a long enough life to see the kikes jewry come full circle in the telecommunications industry.
This is what… at minimum a 30yrs cycle (Bell Telephone was finally broken when I was 7yo), and at maximum a 40yrs cycle.
sharing is caring
Go back to sucking that corporate cock you retard.
Since when was this a cucksoyvative board?
All these dumb people thinking jews would use reverse psychology. It's laughable. jews are fucking retarded as bricks, they get on top through being more crooked than satan himself and whites have too much honor to even conceive an enemy sinking to such low depths. The kikes will only ever use reverse psychology at the very end when they're out of options and we will see it coming a mile away. This is not one of those times. Just look at how much money Soros' threw at this, it will ruin him
With broadband now classified as a Title I communication service, ISPs are no longer considered a "common carrier" but now an "information provider". This change brings with it new responsibilities and obligations. In recent years there has an explosion in the popularity of hateful websites promoting white supremacy and holohoax exposure. The most well known offenders are the Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack and 4chan's politics board. These sites are breeding grounds for extremists and are having a profound negative influence on the next generation of young Americans. Sending their message through your networks is now as obscene and unthinkable as delivering a national socialist TV channel along with the food network and MTV. I understand that such changes will require time to organize and execute. However in the mean time we will be contacting your top advertising customers and will urge them to also express their desire to not do business with ISPs which promote hate.
Thank you for your time,
Benjamin Shapiro
Have none of you faggots learned that anything supported by kikes is not good for you?
#TheResistance is waiting for you.
feel lucky that if you're force away from these distractions, you'll have more time to better yourself and your surroundings.
Wait, not done fighting FOR net neutrality? Isn't net neutrality what we just got?
I'm completely confused on what's happening now.
It's negative conditioning and they use it all the fucking time.
It got repealed lol…
What resistance?
Holla Forums is dead now.
You're just cuckservative sheep now.
This doesn't benefit our society one bit. It only benefits the very people this place was meant to fucking target.
Soros isn't gonna flush billions down the drain to convince us with "negative conditioning", US chanmen specifically, we don't even have an effect on this even. Listen to yourself, a kike throwing money away
You retard. The fucking pajeet repealed it.
He took it away.
And this board was so against it simply because Soros liked it.
Yuh. Sure it has. Drumph is finished etc etc.
Soros is the negative conditioning user. Can't you fucking see that?
I'm not even sure what it is you're accusing me of. I just popped in to check the news on my lunchbreak and there's a stickied salt celebration but also a happening?
I'm trying to figure out if this is good news or bad news.
Oh. Welp.
Soros is a dumb retard
That's not even remotely impressive. FatPeopleHate did that semi-regularly by accident.
First they were gay because they were crazy. Then they were crazy because they were gay. Then they were given a choice and chose gay. Then they were born gay. Then they were born normal but trapped in a gay body. Then they were born gay but trapped in a normal body.
Jews will argue for whatever it is that is their greatest desire. They will wholly commit to that argument if they truly believe it will earn them that object. They will lie, cheat, steal, and feign ignorance if they truly believe it will earn them that object.
It should be very clear to everyone based on their "holiest of holy" book collection. Which consists of nothing but rabbis arguing loopholes in God's law for ~2000yrs now.
In case you did not know by know that this is the jewish tactic: use a friendly progressive right side of history term like Net Neutrality which implies they are all for Freedom of Speech on the internet when in reality it's just a jewish backed up scheme introduced by Onigger.
You're underestimating kikes. Lots of kikes participate in meta-trolling and psychological bullshit. They'll have multi leveled intricate plans. Yes, they're opportunistic, but the only real way to fuck kikes over is make them panic, then they absolutely fuck themselves over. Most kikes can't handle real pressure. It's why they're largely shit in combat. That's not all kikes, but it's most of them. Never generalize too hard because the exceptions can still fuck you over.
Thanks for proving him right.
this fucker gets it.
whichever group of jews wins this, we lose.
Here's some more:
As far as I've been able to tell, it rolls the laws back to what they were in 2015. I don't remember the internet being any different then from now.
Monopolies on what? Restrictions of data usage?
Wow sure glad we got rid of that monopoly and now have to things regulating our data usage!
So much better!
Let's not even begin to discuss the implications this has on pragmatic data usage in our society. You will have countless issues with this bullshit.
The funny thing is that they have adapted to do that because they're too pussy and weak to just take it. jews are 'slave morality: the race'.
I want something, I take it.
That statement is a paradox. Also you misspelled "than". Retard.
FFS this pajeet doesn't know when to stop
Is that really all it does?
Because it looked liked it stopped the roadblock for ISPs regulating data usage, such as with torrents.
That isn't a good thing. They WILL curb stomp that form of data usage. They've always hated it and they all seem to work together in order to stop it and prevent the free market from having an option to allow it.
It chews their profits.
Looked like? Cite it or shut the fuck up.
This is a political board you insufferable nigger. Get the fuck back to cuckchan and take your hordes if shit eating degenerates with you.
They fuck with you now, you take action with the FTC as they are now a Title 1. They fucked with you before, the FCC could attempt to take action but under Title 2, they can ignore the FCC because they had just as much power as the organization.
So which side of the NN ruling will put Holla Forums back on Google searches
The irony here is that literally no legitimate historical sources provide evidence that Jews ever slaves, and tons of empirical evidence that they were slavers and slave traders.
That's about the only part of the Christian Bible I question: the mythical enslaved Jew. I suppose it's rather convenient that myth occurs in the Semite part of the Bible and not the Greek part.
This is the problem user.
I think we're seeing machiavellianism on an unprecedented scale here.
We're being tricked into enjoying our poison.
They know we watch them.
it looks like ISPs we throttling what they didn't want under net neutrality anyways. if you're scared about P2P being destroyed, I'm sure you aren't the only one. think of ways to smear jewish ISPs and the war will be won.
Yeah, it doesn't matter what happens they profit from this. They're playing both sides of the conflict. Basically it's all an internal conflict at most, with some merchants profiting over others.
Intricate shmintricate, layers upon layers of bullshit. Intricate feces are still feces and a knife of truth will always cut through it
How are they going to possibly do that? Please share. Also, they could do that WITH NN. They also could do the tiered pricing with NN too.
nice to know that we are indeed being shilled by pro-NNiggers
They can already throttle torrents speed if they want to.
Enjoy Holla Forums while you can faggot
Just coming from the concept of putting data into definable categories in itself.
That is a big issue. Sure ISPs may have always watched this shit, but they never had the ability to regulate it and prevent usage of certain forms.
Plus how far can they categorize this shit? To specific domains?
The specific patterns of social media that say specific words?
Now you see the problem here.
"To know a thing well, know it's limits; Only when pushed beyond it's tolerance will it's true nature be seen." –The Amtal Rule (Children of Dune, by Frank Herbert)
Where did you get the link for this thread comrade?
My guess is that they were related somehow to the Phoenicians, since the Phoenicians worshipped the same child-sacrifice god. Supposedly there are links to the Sumerian and Babylonian civilizations and I've seen a few things but can't recall them off the top of my head. My guess is that they've always been a servant/parasitic class, and that class has slave morality as well because there's no will-to-power in servants or parasites.
I'm okay with that. I will gladly pay $150 / month for internet if it means the internet is free of niggers and poorfags progressive
Oh so you were just full of shit? Got it.
This might be a dumb question but did it pass already?
Top Kek someone's salty.
The true current year was actually comfy as fuck. I miss all of the Trump rallies and the salt avalanches. Current year + 1 was also good, if not better.
Now any ISP start-up can compete with the other big ISPs! There's no internal conflict, big ISPs made a deal with media corporations all with Oniggers and democrats blessing.
Thanks for admitting you were wrong.
Not legally, take the many examples of "data throttling" that ISPs did. Before, complaints about throttling could be taken to the FCC.
Now what will happen? They can selectively define torrenting as a form of data usage and force PREMIUMS on such usage.
Increasing your bills.
Perhaps even not offering such data usage.
Work it out in your head you fucking dumbass.
Phoenicians, Jews, Egyptians, Arabs. All semites. The etymilogy of all versions is "lord" Baal, El, Il, Moloch, all the same god, name has same meaning
damn, everyone aligned w/ Trump is a master shitposter.
Pheonicians I can see. Babylonian doesn't make any sense at all since they were the ones that finally ended the Jews and sent them scattered across Earth. It was under Babylonian slavery (the very brief few years before Perians freed them) that the Pharisees power died and turned into "oral tradition" aka 2000yrs of rabbis arguing about how to cheat God and goyim written down as the 100+ books of the "talmud".
No. You're wrong and you know you're wrong.
Well my tolerance has been chewed up on this issue.
I hated throttling.
And I don't see how this could benefit me.
Today he shit on reddit instead of in the streets
Knowing your own true nature can never be argued to be a bad thing.
Look it up. I'm talking about the plebite Egyptian people, not any specific dynasty you might be referring too
But user. If the libshits tears are not in vain and the internet does become this tiered shit then the salt mining will be substantially lower yield as libshits are notorious for being poorfags.
throttling existed without NN, now the ISPs have no cover from the public to be assumed to not fuck with their customers. I think people will start watching their ISPs like hawks now. Let the disintegration of Comcast, Verizon and Google now commence.
The Globalist Takeover of the Internet
Long before fake news or Net Neutrality (N.N.) became major media topics, the U.S. government was already orchestrating a legal crackdown on anything it would eventually label fake news.
N.N. was just one move in a sequence of events to completely take over the internet. A sequence that happened so slowly none of you noticed it happening at all. After all, Net Neutrality wasn't even all that bad, right? Sure the internet became a quasi-utility, but it didn't really affect you. If anything, you got a chance to finally stick it to Comcast! Go you! Right?
But is anything ever that simple?
Ask yourself why N.N. came out of nowhere. Why was it so heavily advertised? Who paid for the advertising? And who benefited from it?
Now ask yourself what sequence led up to N.N. and who led it to there? Where did the sequence intend to end? Believe it or not, the sequence already came to completion. On Obama's final month in office, the internet was quietly nationalized by legislation he signed the day before Christmas Eve. The president himself became legally capable of taking down any website in the United States within minutes. Of course, that was ruined by the election.
This is a long piece, and the beginning will cover some material that you already know but it is crucial to understand the big picture. I split this into two posts, the first one covers the two-decade buildup to Net Neutrality, which I will summarize below for those who are lazy.
1950 - Education
U.S. House of Representatives commissions the Reese Committee to investigate potential communist influence of domestic NGOs and nonprofits. Head investigator, Norman Dodd, published the final report in which he discovers that the Ford, Rockefeller, and Carnegie foundations were actively influencing universities to promote "moral relativism" and "internationalism" to the end of "oligarchic collectivism." In other words, globalism. His report was silenced and the two-year investigation was abruptly shut down.
1980 - Civil Society Sector
The civil society sector is typically understood to be comprised of NGOs and nonprofits that, according to conventional wisdom, engage in humanitarian efforts, human rights advocacy, government accountability, and other international efforts of the sort. But if that was ever true, it isn't anymore, and hasn't been for decades. By 1980 all of civil society had been taken over by private and state interests, operating as proxies for their agendas. Just as Norman Dodd had discovered. Julian Assange gives the contemporary example of Google Ideas, a think-tank that proxies high-risk endeavors directly for the White House. Google Ideas was heavily involved in the Arab Spring, which was instigated by social media. VP of Stratfor said they have a "covert role in foaming up-risings," and that "they are doing things the CIA cannot do."
1990 - Media
Bill Clinton's Telecommunication Act of 1996 legalizes the monopolization of the media, paving the way for a two-decade globalist crusade to consolidate dozens of media outlets into just six. And just like that, the globalists need only pluck six strings to make us dance to their false song. Comcast, Disney, Viacom, Time Warner, News Corp, CBS, and still shrinking.
2000 - Social Media
If you happen to have a right-wing perspective, Google puts your search results on the 10th page, Youtube demonetizes your videos (or removes them), Twitter bans your account, and Facebook censors your posts so they never show up in the news feed."
Yup, and what power did the FCC have? Absolutely none.
Oh well yeah, after the muhpedo arab hoards plundered and raped their way all the way to Libya thus destroying most if not all vestiges or North African's contribution to Mediterranean culture… I agree completely.
You pro NNiggers have already been thoroughly btfo by the based poo and have come here doing your masters bidding, but in reality, you've just provided the salt we were looking for.
Soros is out millions, another Obama implement is erased, twitter/reddit/google are having melt downs and youre here austitically screeching about something that is now and will forevermore be irrelevant.
Feels fucking Zen tbh.
2010 - The Internet
The globalists, having solidified their control over banks, education, civil society, media, and social media, now turn their gaze to the crown jewel of their decades-long pursuit: the internet itself.
Already controlling much of the internet's media and all the social media platforms that propagate it, the only thing left for the globalists to control is the infrastructure itself that comprises the internet. That's why ISPs are important now. Before Verizon v. FCC, the FCC classified ISPs under Title I of Clinton's 1996 Telecommunications Act, meaning they acted as private entities with minimal regulation from the government. Separate and unrelated to that classification, the FCC held ISPs accountable to the Open-Internet Rules (no throttling, no blocking, no paid-prioritization).
Verizon v. FCC changed that, ruling that if the FCC wanted to enforce Open-Internet Rules they need to re-classify ISPs under Title II as quasi-utilities strictly regulated as "common carriers", effectively a state-licensed monopoly. The most critical factor here is that under Title II, ISPs need to apply for Broadcasting Licenses, which give the government massive leverage over them. There was an insane amount of influence being exerted over Verizon v. FCC by tech companies and their politicians. Netflix allegedly manipulated their own service to frame the ISPs for throttling. The full extent of the influence is not yet known. It may be that the lawsuit's outcome was sheer coincidence. Regardless, this was a huge win for the globalists, because now they are one step closer to forcing ISPs to apply for Broadcasting Licenses and regularly renew them. Without a license, the ISPs go bankrupt. The government can leverage this over them. Remember this, because Broadcasting Licenses become the globalist's most valuable weapon in just one act more of legislation.
Three judges presided over the case, two Democrats, one Republican:
The Clinton-appointee Democrats ruled in favor of the Title II classification ruling. The Reagan-appointee partially dissented. No surprise. Now the FCC is stuck between a rock and a hard place. If they want to enforce Open-Internet they have to practically nationalize the internet, and any company that wants to offer access to the internet must receive a Broadcasting License. The FCC is stumped and can't really figure out what to do next… So Obama comes in to save the day. He pressures them to move forward with the Title II classification and give the government sweeping authority over internet infrastructure. This potentially unpopular move is quickly rebranded with a cute name and sold to the public as… Net Neutrality. Surprise!
The public is told that they are saving the internet! But saving it from whom? Hahaha from the very people who are telling them to save it! Whether by intent or by circumstance, the globalists ended up playing both sides and winning. They revoked Open Internet in Verizon v. FCC, repackaged it, and gave it back to us in a box full of red tape.
Now here's where the story picks up…
So as an american when your new ISP throttles you or doesn't allow you to access websites considered hate speech what internet provider do you go to as an alternative? O you don't because there is none because internet in america truly is a monopoly.
B-b-but user, our salt harvests will forever be of little yield.
tasty salt
Net Neutrality invokes Title II of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 to require all ISPs and any company that provides internet service to register for Broadcasting Licenses from the government and regularly renew them.
Well… what if the FCC doesn't want to renew them? Ah but that's crazy talk, the FCC can't just revoke Broadcasting Licenses on a whim. It would be taken to court within seconds!
But imagine what happens when you're appointed by the president as chairman of the FCC, and shortly after you get a call. And that call you get is from whatever said globalist president rules your timeline. And that globalist president tells you that a particular ISP needs to have its license revoked because it's violating federal law. Well, you'd probably say "fuck you I voted for Trump" and just hang up. But then the office phones start ringing and you get a little nervous because now other government bodies are calling in, all substantiating that yes, in fact, the ISP really is breaking the law. So you hang up, call your lawyer, and ask him to look up all the laws they were talking about to see if the ISP really is violating them. After all, what kind of law would justify such an abuse of power? None, in fact, that you know of. The next thing that will happen is your lawyer will walk into your office, looking pale as a ghost, and hand you a legal document titled Countering Information Warfare Act of 2016 (S.2692).
This is where everything comes together.
That's new, was it made for this occasion?
I would consider printing my hate speech on a sign and standing on public property adjacent to their employee parking facilities.
You can block me from calling niggers niggers on faceberg, but you have no legal grounds to block me from calling you a nigger to your employees' nigger faces.
Get enough people posting irl of the shit the jews blocked from posting online and people will notice.
are you afraid to form a rebuttal for: ?
Why would he form a rebuttal when Soros didn't give him any rebuttals but to call everyone racist?
Beads of sweat start to form on your forehead as you begin reading the Countering Information Warfare Act of 2016 (S.2692). You put it down and look up at your lawyer, realizing why his face is drained of life. It was drained by the Countering Information Warfare Act of 2016 (S.2692). You're about to ask him a question about the Countering Information Warfare Act of 2016 (S.2692), but you pause, and another thought strikes you-
"Why don't they just call it 'The InfoWars Act'?"
Your lawyer simply closes his eyes, as if with erotic satisfaction, and quickly whispers under his breath "…Bill Clinton is a rapist." You look back at the InfoWars Act to read its mission statement.
That's so bizarre, you think to yourself. Usually agencies are created independent from other branches of government, specifically to preserve accountability and dissuade corrupting influences. Why would you bother creating a new independent agency if you're literally going to house it in the White House?
Okay so it's a center, of multiple agencies. In the White House…
…that answers directly to the President? Okay? What exactly is it going to do?
Wait what? Non-state propaganda? You mean like my evening shitposts on Holla Forums? What the fuck does that mean? Literally everyone on the planet is not a state. And how exactly is propaganda defined? Huh, that's strange… there's no definition in here. Like they deliberately omitted it so they can just… call it whatever they want. Incredible.
You look up to your lawyer, "How the fuck did Obama get this through Congress?"
Your lawyer drops another file on your desk. It looks suspiciously familiar.
"He didn't."
The file is titled National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017,
"He waited until Christmas Eve and hid it inside of the 3,000 page annual military budget so nobody would notice it."
"Ohhhh shit yeah this is that fuckin propaganda thing that Obama legalized!
"So you've already read through it?"
"Oh… yeah no I'm a simple guy"
"Jesus Christ." The lawyer flips through the 3,076 pages of the NDAA to page 1,396 (or 1,438 in pdf format).
"This is so much more than just propaganda. Look at what they're going to be doing."
Identifying current and emerging trends in foreign propaganda and disinformation, including the use of print, broadcast, online and social media, support for third-party outlets such as think tanks, political parties, and nongovernmental organizations, and the use of covert or clandestine special operators and agents to influence targeted populations and governments in order to coordinate and shape the development of tactics, techniques, and procedures to expose and refute foreign misinformation and disinformation
"Clandestine special operators?? That's like some Tom Clancey shit!"
"But just when it couldn't get worse… it gets way fucking worse."
It only took society 20 years!
I think NN should be reformed and not repealed though. I think the focus should be allowing the freedom of the people's use and the restriction on ISP controls and monopolies such as google.
Instead we have the same old left/right division bullshit that has been used to jew us for at least 200 years.
Trump should heavily reform and keep himself skeptical of lobbyists both for and against this shit.
O sorry I forgot about all that competition for providing internet in america, its not as if the country has been divided up and sold off to individual companies that dont compete and thus can provide sub par internet to the vast majority of consumers.
Theres a reason everyone laughs at your shitty burger internet.
>wanting to continue to allow (((google))) etc. to have unlimited power that can not be legally reigned in by the DOJ/FTC
You're joking, right?
Correction. That's what the FTC should be for. It's like you waould say "We need the CIA, they are responsible for our espionage protection"
Now Soros is eternally BTFO. I predict imminent death. He's lost most of his money, credibility. He has nothing left. (((they))) will be pissed at him
We are meming his death. Dead by February
Roths lose their most important enforcer, they will be forced out into the open, their deaths will soon come too
Second, the legislation seeks to leverage expertise from outside government… provide grants and contracts to NGOs, civil society organizations, think tanks, private sector companies, media organizations, and other experts outside the U.S. government…
"They call in their globalist friends from some "totally neutral third-party" and together they can call anyone a propagandist. They can go after literally anybody who's been flagged by a third-party "fact-checker" without having to take them to court. "
"Oh fuck."
"Those fact-checkers were there all along for a reason. They started by flooding the internet with disinformation and then branding the cute term "fake news" to generate a demand for fact-checkers. And then they satisfied the demand that they created. They trained the public to accept the idea of "neutral third-parties" policing online content. Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Google, all the tech companies, and the White House itself were planning to use bots to auto-flag-and-censor any content that contradicts the fact-checkers… across the entire internet. "
"Fuckin' Snopes."
"It's brilliant, really. They control the fact-checkers, the enforcers, and with the passage of Title II, the infrastructure to utilize them. Once a propagandist has been targeted, the President can use absolutely anything in the government to stop them."
And that's it ladies and gentlemen.
That's why passing Net Neutrality is so important.
The President uses the "whole-of-government" to suppress information. Thanks to Net Neutrality's Title II, they can order all ISPs to take down hostile information and any websites that distribute it. If the ISP refuses, their Title II Broadcasting License is legally revoked, they can no longer do business, they go bankrupt, and the government buys out their infrastructure. The government can integrate into the ISPs to censor anything, anywhere, at anytime. The ISPs are forced to obey.
Are you imagining how real this is?
They can physically shut down your access to the internet without a court order! Just because someone called you a propagandist!
Just because you shitpost on Holla Forums! They can take down 8ch, 4chan, Voat, Breitbart and any other right-wing website that pops up to replace it! They would have done this slowly, over the course of years, like they always do, so that nobody would notice until it's too late! They could've taken us down one by one, year by year, and quietly suppress any online reactions!
And it was 100% legal! They passed every law they needed to do it!
They thought she would win.
He's right though, too bad it would be retwitsed all over again if it was reformed.
I think society should be reformed. Eg, once the interweb price gouging abuse begins we implement it in society.
Except some of us actually have jobs and this isn't a reality.
Targeting the criticism of NN on "who made it" only does so much.
If a corrupt person/corp. lobbied for "mandatory comfy toilet paper" for example - even though the subject matter of the reform is harmless, "comfort of toilet paper", people would still see the evil lobbyists and vote against it.
You need a reason why this shit negatively affects common people.
Apparently they could stop it, I'm not entirely sure how but I'm pretty sure they were able to obtain court orders or prohibitory injunctions against the throttling. The issues in court came down to the amount of evidence of the activities.
I have a job and it 100% is a reality. What do you need those things for with your job? Do you not own a pad and paper? Absolutely nothing you 'need' your computer for with respect to your job can't be solved with a pen and paper.
When the whole fucking media is used to shill against repealing NN, you can't really win over public support.
Any fresh salt? We've completely derailed to arguing with Moishe and his army of useful idiots instead of mining.
I only use internet for shitposting on chans, that's all I use it for. Fuck porn, fuck online gaming, fuck cuckflix. I hope you die of withdrawal degenerate
So have you, because you don't get it that a degree of NN is mandatory in our society.
It's why it was just "part of the culture" of internet service in the part.
Because data discrimination will not pragmatically work in this day and age.
If you actually believe this then you don't have a job or you work in burger king.
Go get a stem degree and we'll talk.
It checks out.
And especially fuck social media. Before we had internet the masses were never as brainwashed as they are now
we're fine
pic related, user was answering why are the tech co's fighting so hard for NN
today is one of the greatest days
Was that seriously the only control the FCC had?
There should be court orders for specific ISP activity, not mere licenses.
Jesus, we really are still in the 90's with this shit.
here's what happens:
1) ISP tries to fuck with me and others in my area
2) Switch to new ISP while talking shit and trolling old ISP
3) old ISP sees a drop in profits and an increasingly negative public view
4) old ISP switches back like the whore it is
5) still have to argue with leftist redditors that like to trod out the ISP monopoly line that my area does indeed have multiple ISPs
Hey I remember you from gg. Fuck off shill
choose one faggot.
nigger, you don't know where I live and your lack of knowledge betrays your bias
Are you having reading comprehension issues?
You're wrong. Pic related.
Come to think of it the WWW might even be the Beast. Anyone ever think of that?
I choose you.
The only place in the USA you get 1 choice for ISP is innawoods. Which ISP would be literally your last concern if you truly lived innawoods.
suck a dick, I have at least 4 in my area.
Shut up nigger.
REEEEE MUH FATCATS (hej Holla Forums)
nigger if they actually enforced antitrust i wouldn't give a shit but they don't
This is why I say all NN needed was reform…
But Jesus it was fucking bad law…. on all levels.
The focus should be freedom, not this shit.
I have a computer science degree. I work in programming. I've not used my computer at work for a week multiple times. When a big new project starts we don't immediately start coding. We sit in conference rooms and diagram the entire project on marker boards then assign tasks to groups and further to people.
It's basically the same shit over and over.
A sociologist would have a field day with this, it's a clear example of what propaganda can do. They all repeat the same shill points.
It gets kind of ironic in the end, we always have to fix the things fucked up by jews while these plebs see us as the bad guys.
I'll prove you a liar right now if you give me five digits for your area code.
No I'm saying it needed reform, not repeal.
I don't need to be everywhere in the US, a policy's local drop in profits can affect the ISP's national policy
As I said. Trump planned all of this for years.
You can thank NN for that.
Anyone have the webm version of this?
But can you just decide to take a week off from using computers whenever you want? No you have deadlines to work towards dumb fuck.
All those are valid points.
The problem is that the propaganda ignores shit like
So the issue is - is there still points raised with NN that still need to be covered, such as solving those issues?
Perhaps the repeal was urgent in this situation but I hope they realise that it's not wise to get rid of NN altogether.
The guy with the cup.
Yeah, I've begun to realise that it was in need of desperate reform.
Fuck right arf, internet was fine before Obama and will be fine without.
Yes. I have sick days and vacation days and comp time. I have something like 65 paid days off left in this year.
This entire screencap deserves it's own thread.
I'm disappointed that nearly everyone skimmed over it.
ATT tried to ban 4chan before there was no net neutrality.
I swear to god you fucking faggots are new.
care to draw up the legal documents?
I'll do just that seeya later chum.
One ISP to rule them all, one FCC to strike them, One ISP to bring them all and in the darkness kike them.
Does nothing. The only: literally only, way to fix that is to end NN and allow the FTC to have jurisdiction over ISPs and internet companies.
Here is the top post on reddit.
Another classic example of manipulation:
They knew Trump would repeal NN. All they did was rile up the plebs so they could be used in the next election.
They specifically targeted this demographic (reddit - 20 something white guys) that usually does not vote which they will weaponize in the next elections in the name of MUH FREE INTERNET.
wow you are complete fucking retard
I think I just hate Obama and Clinton for what they've turned NN into.
citation please
I can't tell if you're ironically with me or unironically a plebbit cuck. Eitherway I chuckled.
They blocked it by accident.
Boo fucking hoo my le shill owned imageboard is blocked call le KGB. Piratebay is blocked in my country and it does jack shit, thousand ways to get around
He may not be literally Hitler, but I'll be damned if he wasn't a nice step forward.
kek already answered question.
Christmas has come early this year
shills cant even get their disinfo straight
That's why I said reformed.
Clearly we had unseen issues with the current brand of NN. What we need is NN that caters to the needs of people, not ISPs and google.
But holy fuck I did not make that Warfare Act connection.. wew.
you're a fucking idiot. Then again acellerationists have no sense of right or wrong and just want people to get arrested.
hue hue hue
wtf are you even babbling about
are you people gonna believe the corperate version of "its a prank bro".
Wait WTF. He said he only had 1, that site says he has 7.
Shoo shoo, Globalist Jew/
Frankly, I've had enough of (((you)))
But that's wrong. There is 1 choice. The others either don't have coverage or they are not permitted in every section. That's the fact of the matter.
Yeah sure whatever, faggot.
This is the average redditor tho, they beg to be manipulated.
Look at that cunt admin spez. He knows reddit could be approached anytime by an ISP to offer them a package deal, but he acts like it can only be possible now because the evil republicans repealed muh NN.
Obama and Clinton are gonna be issues for a looooong time ay.
What they essentially did was say NN was for the people's freedom, while underhandedly subverting their freedom.
How much other shit have they done this too?
That's just like, your opinion, man. I have a good sense of right and wrong from my non-Evangelical Lutheran upbringing. I'd rather help speed up when Jesus returns than help some sperg like you do literally nothing.
thx for doing my work for me, user!
I knew he was a liar.
AHAHAha yeah those leddit bastards!!
What fucking morons for not wanting to hand over the control of the US internet (and the world by proxy) over to private corporations aahahaa!!1
We sure as hell are laughing at them since the FREEE MARKET won!!!
Fucking edgelord cattle, the reigns of the internet have officially been transferred FROM BEING A PART OF THE INFRASTRUCTURE INTO BEING PRIVATE PROPERTY and you dare to laugh?
Fucking streamplebs, it's already shit quality compared to downloading.
Reforming NN will do nothing to give the FCC the jurisdiction to reign in google etc. Pay the fuck attention.
Who the fuck lies on the internet? The NSA will add that to his log!
That's NNIggers for you.
Depends on how they reform it and reconstruct the act and enforcement of it.
It's a big legislative job though. And it requires drastic innovative ways of solving this issue.
What's the problem here?
you were allways retarded, but i expected you to be smart enough to not shoot yourselves. Oh well. Thank god i'm not 'murican.
Your collapse is slow and more fun every day.
Good job T_D sub.board(Astroturf)
WTF mang. They just gave the reddit site admin and corporate CEO 8 golds? Do they not understand that is 100% meaningless?
fuck off back to reddit
Is the internet a public utility?
It is now.
That might be a good and bad thing.
There are issues with this, but read the thread - it's not what we think at all here..
TRS is breaking quarantine again.
A classic example: redefining the meaning of the word gay and using the rainbow as a symbol for LGBT
Other examples:
The use of the word: progressive
The use of the term: social justice
yeah and you're the sort of shortsighted faggot that doesnt understand that ISPs will be able to now block anti semetic sites if their investors and ceos find it to be icky.
We will have to see how it plays out, if the ISP's become faggots it might cause trump and the republican base an election. Its mostly on them now, they have the political power to fuck the established order.
how to spot a shill:
Title II is what these Reddit faggots mean when they talk about "Net Neutrality."
Title II of the Communications Act of 1934.
Here is Section 223 of Title II, sourced from the following:
than two years, or both
Censorship. "Net Neutrality" that was pushed on ISPs and applied to the internet under Obama was censorship.
I don't give a fuck about Net "Neutrality," but regardless of how you cunts feel about it, Title II wasn't the right way to do it. Obscenity law has absolutely no place on the internet. Not on my fucking internet. Fuck that shit.
Should have always been so too.
I think it needs new law too, perhaps new agencies and methods of enforcement and oversight into how it's enforced.
Speech is a critical matter in this day and age where a lot of people on all sides are saying "shut it down".
Like a horse chariot pulled apart by horses in different directions.
I can see my new acronym has caught on
No. At least not in America.
It's still not a public utility technically
It's not a utility in regards to say, water, electricity, or sewage.
But it's not subsidized in any manner whatsoever.
Stop earlobe spacing, you fat nigger.
same goes for you
Read into
Net Neutrality is
deeper than what it appears to be.
Okay. So the company I pay money to every month now does that instead of (((google))). Now I have a way out: switch companies.
What don't you get?
Holy fuck, so many fucking autists and shills in here. What the fuck happened to Holla Forums?
Okay in all seriousness, has someone clearly explained why returning to a pre-Current Year Obama legislation, where there was no widespread or systemic throttling or blocking of sites in comparison with today's internet, is going to see the sky fall, social media die (if only) and further contribute to the death of the white race.
Fuck you're daft. There is ALREADY an agency for that, it is NOT the FCC. IT IS THE FTC.
ok chaim
Net neutrality killed piracy, idiot. Every time you read "Net Neutrality" substitute "content owner control" and you might start to understand.
I'll donate 10 cents to your paycheck, NNigger.
It's like the left has gone full circle and become like conservative Victorians.
You're in hell you dumb fucking nulefties.
First, what's with The New Yorker lingo?
You're the type of 5yo faggot that walks into the middle of an adult conversation to talk about his fucking choo-choo-trains. It's called context you fucking jew. I provided the context to my perceived accelerationist views.
I've been using ARPANET since 1987 so I'm fairly well versed in how it actually works. I'm glad idiots like you are scared you won't be able to view r/The_Donald. It means you won't; not because of the law or ISPs but because you're too stupid to use the interwebs like they were designed.
ARPANET views censorship as damage and routes around it.
So they made sure ISPs didn't discriminate data usage and throttling?
If that's the case, then NN hasn't really been appealed then.
Oh no. I can't download some shit tier propaganda show. Instead I need to leave my house, spend time with friends, spend time with family, read, partake in a hobby, etc.
Jesus Christ, kill yourselves
"by accident"
I don't give a fuck about net neutrality because this will give a massive boost to projects like opennic, Tor, VPNs and other methods of bypassing ISP bullshit. The registrar problem needs to be solved. Fuck ICANN.
No. They couldn't do that because the internet was not recognized as a communications system it was recognized as a utility.
When net neutrality dies, we will no longer live in Eternal September, but in eternal current year.
Yeah. It's very interesting how nobody talked about Section 223 when the tolerant civil-rights left imposed Title II on the internet.
Title II has been used to prosecute pornography. And God knows we can't have that on our internet. Of course, a liberal judge would NEVER prosecute a pornography case under Title II on the internet - more likely, they'd use it to throw trolls in jail a la the Kurt Eichenwald seizure gif saga.
Title II is straight up applying obscenity laws to the internet. Dangerous road to go down if you ask me. Fuck Netflix, I don't give a fuck if Comcast makes you pay more to use it.
That happened on Nov. 8th 2016.
Hey everyone look at this faggot with a house, and friends, and a fucking family… Oh. With all that why do you even come here?
Indeed it does.
blus juan upboat
Lemme just put a filter on that ID…
wow what an epic victory fellow kekers, just like based trump
Because I'm tired right now. No one else is home. It's well below freezing out. It's a Thursday.
That is literally all it fucking does, this is your bog standard technomarxist holy war at the behest of Bay Area turbokikes who want to keep the power Obongo gave them over the ISPkikes.
or you just tunnel through to a VPN and they'll be forced to throttle every encrypted connection then normalfags pitch a fit because they can no longer work from home. Let the ISPs try to play whack-a-mole. The improvements will be in our favor.
Great argument nigger. Someone hurts your feelings and you block them? Such a reddit thing to do.
Do me a favor and kiss the business end of a gun and pull the trigger a few times.(Astroturf)
Now a common interpretation of those definitions would be that they're not that mutually exclusive…. I take it that's not the case in this legislation though…
I doubt that would happen, unless they want to fuck with Trump.. the public is dumb enough to blame it on Trump and not the ISPs. But then again, the problem could be solved easily by setting up a public network of free wi-fi access points in case the ISPs try to fuck around.
It is but no one wants to put their shit directly on the webs. Unless something changed extremely recently MAC addresses are all unique per device (obviously they can be spoofed).
Remember when we had to right down our friends phone numbers? We can just do that again and never need ARIN or ICANN.
This isn't legislation. Whatever, I've explained everything to you and you are still bringing up completely irrelevant nonsense to dilute and obfuscate the topic.
nice argument, you've convinced no one of anything
Same, and I already shoveled snow today. Still though fuck you for having a life. polite OT sage
Of course he does. We can't know how sure he was before the election, but right now the entire thing is under his power.
This is some Lovecraft Legal Globalism right there: it's so out of our world that we can't even comprehend it until we ascend past it and can look at it from above.
And like everything in life, it's very likely that this is just the tip of the dick, we can only imagine what else they have in there, hidden away from us. And wonder how Trump hasn't committed suicide or went mad from seeing it all.
Filter him. By now he's only spamming.
you're right, we should all be responding with the same content, repeatedly. quit bitching and start reading
We'd be lucky to see another Current Year+1 again in our lifetimes user. Election, Brexit, chimpouts, happenings, coups, dead marxists. Fuck I miss it.
Should only target pornography that involves illegal acts with a person in the photography (and isn't photoshopped or "mere drawings, etc").
Ideas and drawings really shouldn't be restricted, no matter how lewd that loli pic is on /a/. Yes it's disgusting, but no kid is being hurt directly from it. And the indirect impact would be extremely insignificant.
Of course, when they themselves have the most disturbed pornography with their other skeletons in the closet.
Top Kek can you be anymore obvious?
I don't think people will be that willing to switch through VPN, it's a barrier for more pleb tech users of torrents.
There are rules to "mere drawings, etc." too, remember that.
such as - the drawing cannot be based upon in any manner, or be depicting, a real event" Speaking in regards of CP, child abuse. This, i can get behind
Exactly. It's literally nothing. Won't affect the end user at all.
The only way I can see this affecting anything is if ISPs charge content hosts like Netflix and JewTube more for the absolutely monstrous strain those companies put on bandwidth. Which is a somewhat realistic scenario and affects literally nobody other than the shareholders in those companies.
Fuck "should." Title II (or "Net Neutrality" as the Jews over at Reddit like to call it) has been used to prosecute otherwise legal pornography in the past. It's an obscenity law. Read Section 223. It is fairly obvious in its language - under Title II "Net Neutrality," obscene or annoying speech is a felony.
This is a good thing, because it clamps down on small websites that are full of degenerates. They're usually the asocial scum of society that refuse to breed or socialize.
Since we can pipeline them to social media, their weirdness will get shamed and they will be forced to join normal society and have lots of white babies. The internet has gotten too big recently anyway.
The hip Pepe meme people, commies and bronies are united in opposition.
VPN software is piss-easy to install now.
Not really, now. How does it do that? Protip: it doesn't.
You didn't clarify that point retard.
What matters is the construction of that definition. Is it in regulations or standard codes or is it just a general thing that randomly spontaneously appeared?
to spite you faggots and mine salt for the whole family
If website owners can't pay the fees to have a fast connection, then people will inevitably stop going there. Only the strong will survive.
The problem isn't how easy VPNs are to use; the problem is how easy it is for VPNs to break everything that should work fine:
by original design and RFC
without requiring such technology.
So hiki fantasies are free for all?
And I'm worried about the word "based" there. What's the scope of it?
very underrated comment
Thanks for the explanation user
Brody is a jew tho.. kek, you'll need a gif reaction for your gif reaction.
The scenario you're putting out there is based on pure speculation. Could that conceivably happen under the regulations as they stand today? Sure. Will it happen? Probably not.
We didn't have Title II for ISPs before 2015, and that never happened. Why should it happen now?
Data itself shouldn't be illegal. I think it's bullshit that it'd be illegal to have video proof of kikes raping and eating children.
That's just one use-case, but you should get the idea.
It really isn't and it's sad to see Holla Forums fall for such an obvious psyops. Ensuring that ISPs can't fuck you in the ass is nothing but good.
The NNiggers had a point when they said that ISP's could charge websites.
However, they were wrong in regards to what sites were going to be charged.
Big websites and streaming services, like (((goolag))) and (((netflatulence)))
will be charged because of their ridiculous bandwidth usage
Small sites, like Holla Forums will remain unaffected because our footprint is not nearly as huge as the two I mentioned above.
It's not economically viable to charge a site as small as Holla Forums for using maybe 500GB of bandwidth per month. I get that figure because that includes posts, images, webm's and the metadata that must travel along with it
On the flipside, it's much more econonomically viable to charge the two large companies I stated earlier because, respectively,
These two companies alone receive, process, and send over 50TB of Data
Per Day
That's between you and your ISP. If you move to a nigger-infested neighborhood, don't be surprised if they break in and steal your shit and make your life suck.
If you use a nigger ISP, don't be surprised if they're a bunch of niggers.
Fuck off with that sick shit you scumbag
What horror.
How fucking retarded are you that you think Title II is as simple as "Ensuring that ISPs can't fuck you in the ass?" Do you really think there wasn't an ulterior motive to King Nigger trying to slam through "Net Neutrality" at the eleventh hour when literally not a single ISP was throttling based on content, or proposing to at any point in the future?
How fucking stupid do you think we are?
There are 8 isp's in my area providing >25mbps 2 that are >100mbps and 3 that are >1000mbps.
Just saying.
Poor whites not being able to afford internet?
Don't be so naive user. With the nerve to say that it's us falling for the psyop.
Locks on doors are not analogous to encrypting the transport of data to a third party re-distributor. You're literally too stupid to understand this.
Charging more to access a website isn't even close to being the more profitable way to abuse speed throttling. You're retarded if you think they would throttle access to specific IPs when they can umbrella fuck you in the ass. You want video streaming? Pay a premium goy.
The problem is between you and your ISP.
Either you bypass the ISP's restrictions technologically (such as using a VPN) or you use a different ISP.
1. I need internet access
2. I can get internet access from white people or a bunch of niggers and kikes
3. I get internet access from a white guy
This is not a hard concept, even for a commie like yourself, you should be able to understand this.
This is the real issue. DPI + variable pricing depending on the find in your datastreams. 100% authoritarian jewry.
trips checked
On the day of the rope an user will find you and end you.
I should have known it wasn't mere NN as I thought..
Sorry misquote user, friendly fire.
So use a VPN or
How are you not banned?
Haha same meant for
"You keep using that word." –Inigo Montoya
You do know that "a VPN" in the context you keep using it is literally just "a third party ISP that you trust for… reasons", right? Maybe you don't. Maybe I don't need more hops, and more places for DPI to occur on my datastreams.
Fuck VPNs unless you set them up yourself (I use VPNs exclusively to remote access specific corporate network segments). I setup the VPN appliances in the offices/datacenters and my home.
Every single person here regurgitating the VPN meme is a God damned shill. as if that weren't blatantly obvious this deep in the thread
Yeah man I remember before 2015 the ISPs did that all the time it was really terrible
Oh wait that literally never happened ever in the history of the internet.
No amount of laws will stop niggers from being niggers or kikes from being kikes. Deal with it.
Very stupid, you don't seem to understand how any of this works. If you want to know why major tech companies are investing a lot in propaganda against the abolishment of net neutrality laws is because they don't want to be paying tithes to ISPs while these establish their own unthrottled services as competition. It's not because they're leftists, it's all about the money. Meanwhile startups will have a harder time establishing themselves because they too have to pay the ISP tax and risk dying sooner since they don't have the pockets of the likes of Google.
Aside from the technical and legislative matters, this entire farce is clearly a psyop to rally the base for both 2018 and 2020 and paint Trump as the fascist who killed the 'open internet'.
Moron, there's at least 2 satellite internet providers, cell phone providers, cable providers, and telecom providers. In addition, there are long range relay isps that beam internet to you from miles away. Know how I know? I live in an area without DSL or cable, and I have used alternative internet ever since I threw out my last 56kbps modem. So unless you literally live under a fucking rock, go educate yourself you nigger.
No amount of shilling by you jews for using technology wrong will ever make me use technology wrong.
I don't need to use two ISPs like you retards.
Well duh, that's why you use an ISP owned by whites.
You're stupid fucking niggers. Every single goddamn one of you
Also: future VPN traffic surcharges. Are you going to VPN your VPN so you can surf while you surf, nigger?
How might NN laws benefit the companies that seem to be most pushing for them? Genuinely ignorant here.
And here we have another exhibit of an uninformed person or shill.
Because we all remember how throttled and inaccessible the internet was pre-2015, amirite?
Well if it is then we deserve it. What a massive own goal by Trump.
All of these soyboyz whining about the ebil Pajeet and Drumpf taking away their ultra fast shitfix, shekeltube and HD porn is hilarious. If anything this is a major benefit to society.
What good has come out of shitflix or youtube? 99.999% of it is garbage information or propaganda.
Take a look at the front page of Youtube. The very top page is a row of libshit propaganda "trending". Below that is shilling hollywood movie trailers, followed by degenerate rap music, and then click bait videos such as "TRY NOT TO LAUGH".
If you are misfortunate enough to still watch porn, you will find that no matter what you search up you'll be greeted with cuck porn in the results. And of course the home page will be "featuring" cuck porn as well.
Or maybe - call me crazy, going out on a limb here - literally none of that shit will happen and the internet will go back to the way it was before Title II was applied to it in 2015. I.e. the fucking same as it is now.
Even if that shit you're talking about happens, so fucking WHAT dude. OH NO, Jewtube has to compete with Comcast's video streaming service!!! What are we going to do!?!?!?
Give me a fucking break. All you pro-net neutrality faggots ever talk about is hypotheticals; worst-case doomsday scenarios that never even came close to happening in the 15+ years the internet existed before NN.
And you call the rest of us stupid for not just blindly trusting the fearmongering pushed by kike websites like Reddit, Jewgle and Netflix. Fuck off.
You fell for a kike meme. Buckle your seatbelt, because it's gonna be like when you learned the holocaust was all big fat kike lies.
Oh come on user, surely he knows what he's talking about. I mean, Jimmy Kimmel, all the pop stars, all the celebrities, all the youtbe e-celebs, the reddit community, and even George Soros told him exactly what was going on…. … ……………………………………………
Listen you fucking nigger, what was wrong with the NN laws? Can you name one thing?
No fucks given.
Fine with me
Sounds good
Society would benefit from a break from the internet, if it truly became a tiered hell like cable tv the internet which is largely supported by consumers would be abandoned, it would "die".
The true worst case scenario is enough retarded normies are fine with a tiered toll booth setup, with no resistance allow it to fester as eternal garbage.
Nothing happens or people freak out/internet dies.
Can't lose either way, who cares.
wanna join my google hangouts group? it'll be fun.
We know that “net neutrality” means nothing, shlomo.
Through using Deep Packet Inspection to prioritize or penalize traffic depending on what is in the packets.
For example all these retarded VPN shill faggots won't admit that ISPs could just add a "VPN surcharge" when their DPI boxes detect IP2SEC, PPTP, OpenVPN, etc. Which, they can detect. So it's really just a matter of time.
Without Net Neutrality, all of these companies get to pass the expense of serving their product to their customers. This is why they're upset.
and every single normalfag who uses that for working from home will also get throttled.
Or just use an ISP that's not niggers.
I wish the libfaggot worst case scenario WOULD come true with regard to Title II Net Jewtrality, but it won't. The absolute worst thing that's going to happen is Comcast makes Netflix pay a few shekels more for using an obscene amount of its backbone.
Oh, now we're going with the "Title II = Net Neutrality" thing, huh? Let me show you an excerpt from Section 223 of your precious "Net Neutrality" law:
one of you VPN jews go make that board so my redirect works
Dialup speeds through a satellite don't still happen, they're much better. Latency is still a problem.
Come on, why haven't mods banned [Name Field] yet?
That's a taint but you're the first one saying it here. Saying shit like "haha niggers" is not going to get anyone on your side.
Well if that's what you're going for then worrying about your stuff being stolen is a different issue. There is no lock or door thing going on with end-to-end encryption while you're online, all you're doing is hiding precise data of what you're doing but all the metadata that's on you is still intact and readily available. No amount of end-to-end encryption will hide that you visit and because all that is in the metadata readily available to your ISP. VPNs are more for plausible deniability and making it harder to pinpoint that it's you.
I wish Trump would just ban pornography
That’s funny, because my city only offers one ISP no matter where I want to move in it. And the other cities I’ve looked at? They only have one ISP, too. So how’s about you shut your cockhole when you don’t know what you’re talking about.
Never heard of regional monopolies? They won't have a choice who they use because lobbyists made sure the infrastructure stayed bound to a single company and prevents other companies from setting up in the same area.
I'm expecting higher prices for the "everything" bundle that includes everything outside of social media trash I don't use and slightly higher prices labelled with flashing signs saying it's a sweet deal compared to the everything plan for just social media crap normalniggers use.
Heh heh, you know this could be used very advantageously.
Net neutrality, no net neutrality, it makes no difference. It's fucked no matter what. But at least Frontier gives no shit about torrents and piracy.
Kek I only saved it for the Dafoe reaction…I'll need to make my own and crop jewboy outta there
This is a derail tactic.
Notice the first jew made the false analogy, and then willfully tried to not understand the correction. The second jew pics up as if the first jew wasn't btfo, adds a sprinkle of irrelevant truth to imply authority or expertise. Now it's trying to argue against a point that I never made. In fact it's arguing against the point the previous derail jew tried.
In the end it's arguing against itself based on its first false analogy.
what did he mean by this
Regional monopolies existed before NN and after NN. NN was FCC, monopolies is FTC, fag.
The point is that you have zero arguments and you're grasping at straws.
I don't get how people don't get this
Yeah thanks for calling that out. It's hard to pick up on little details like that unless you're actually involved in the conversation. Most of this bickering is TL;DR.
Another example:
Called ME a nigger:
His next post, he tries to call me out for using the exact same fucking tactic HE used:
Like what the fuck kind of argumentation is that? The posts don't even make snese.. I get a bot vibe from a lot of posts here. Machine learning shit. I don't know. Strange shit going on on the chans lately. Definitely in this thread.
I could see the ADL forcing holohoax education by paying these ISPs to redirect traffic or embed holohoax advertising into all webpages.
Fuck the "muh capitalism" excuse. Prices will go up. I am not advocating kikey communism or multikulti kikey controlled communism disguised as socialism but there has to be a better way.
Non sequitur.
You live in a shitty city. Here are the >25mbps options where i live:
Every company on earth does this. Are they supposed to provide a service at or below cost?
You realize that 90% of cities offer only one ISP per address, right?
What’s not to get, you economically illiterate faggot?
The companies can charge the same amount for a worse internet, and charge more for what is currently available.
It's more fun to make fun of them.
Prove your assertion or:
No government intervention. Pro white ISP startup backed by BITCOIN.
No you asshole, you're all standing against the concept of a free internet instead of explicitly being against the shady laws that are in place and then you're surprised people are saying you're wrong for not wanting safety mechanisms against max kikery. ISPs control access to the internet and they're all owned by jews, you do not want them to have the freedom to monetize your internet access beyond charging you for having a connection.
When did Holla Forums become the board of suck Trumps dick no matter what he does? This basically just gave corporations the ability to actively discriminate against and slow traffic to any site they want to. Why do you dumb fucks think they aren't going to nail us? You think Comcast is our friend? Have you all gone insane?
Take a look at which groups shill for NN.
Yeah in those dark ages we didn't have enough bandwidth to post pictures of smug anime.
Under basic economic theories, the prices that we see in a competitive market would be such that any company is in a state of "zero" profit. The major issue with ISPs is of course the fact that this:
Is NOT the norm. Simple fact is, unless you live in an urban area or near to one, your options are very limited.
Akshewuhlee… I already told you faggots how ARPANET treats censorship, but you fell for the jew's VPN meme instead.
It’s time for you to stop posting. You kikes have been running this tactic for months and it never worked.
Capitalism is a perfect proven system that has worked for hundreds of years.
Looks like you've had too much propaganda.
Guess what, they can already do that. It's in the net neutrality act. Obama used it to blackmail ISPs to take down problematic content or else they're license would not be renewed! It was all set up for the Hillary presidency.
Perfect until kikes stick their filthy, clotsucking talons into the innocent flesh of our civilizations.
You are conflating economic profit with ordinary profit.
Reported, then. No one believes you have ten ISPs in your city.
My point is, so what dude? Is that a problem? Yeah it's a problem, but that has absolutely nothing at all to do with Title II Net Jewtrality. Even under Title II Net Jewtrality, they could jack your rates through the roof and there isn't shit you could do about it. So what's the fucking difference?
Ooh, I physically cringed reading that. Hey good job you white knight faggot, keep fighting for the "free internet" controlled entirely by Jewgle and Faceberg who routinely censor whatever the fuck they want. I guess we'll just ignore the fact that Section 223 of this Title II Net Jewtrality law that supposedly protected your "free internet" has obscenity laws.
Get the fuck out.
Then talk about that and understand that when people refer to net neutrality, they refer to net neutrality and not shitty laws. They cannot understand you if you're speaking a different language.
You kill the Holla Forums
invalid tripcode
Bot = filtered
Yeah? How so? Prove that I'm wrong. Because last I checked Comcast and Time Warner aren't organizations with nationalist leanings.
even the poo to the loo knows reddick can't meme.
Why are you still swallowing 80's era Reagan propaganda user?
no problem
no problem
No. If the government can't intervene, you can start up your own fucking pro-white ISP.
it's never not worked, pinko.
Describes pretty much all of human history.
And it's an unfortunate characteristic of human society..
That's a misnomer. I've made some notes for my own locale to demonstrate how. You need to look at coverage, in any case. Just because a city has it, doesn't mean you can.
no problem
no problem
Cool. Let's start with that.
Son I rarely even hear that company's name.
Like many before me have said, the internet was just fine in the current year (2015 you newfag).
There is always a hysterical panic stirred up every time the elite don't get what they want. Remember Brexit? Remember when it was the absolute end of Britain? Remember President Trump? Remember how we were suppose to have WW3 six months ago?
Except the current NN law that's up for repeal is the one that gave them carte blanche to sic the jackboots on people for it (or literally fucking anything at all for that matter).
Here's mine:
And where I used to live:
AT&T 28.8 kbps Dial-up
Except for the part where the Middle Class hasn't seen real income growth for the better part of two decades now. Last I checked the National Socialists weren't big fans of a crushed middle class and a tiny absurdly wealthy elite. But yeah, that's right user, everyone who disagrees with you is a Commie. Just like how everyone who disagrees with the left is a Nazi, right?
Holla Forums meshnet when
Those ratings are probably not accurate, depending on how they are done. For accurate ISP ratings you need to assume everyone has rated the highest score from the get go and then count the manual ratings. Most people only rate their ISP when they're frustrated by the service because it went down one evening or whatever, but most of the time it's fine.
Could someone explain something to a simple user? How does the Net Neutrality/Title II laws or policies affect rates? Everyone seems to be claiming that repeal will raise rates, but why would that be?
Pure capitalism is horseshit but not because niggers are in prison and the rest of that kiked marxist infographic.
It's what you can buy with your income, pinko.
Doesn't he want to break up the ISPs?
lurk two years before posting.
I've lived with it for a decade. Trust me, those ratings are accurate. However, they are also irrelevant to the point, which is coverage.
So jackshit? A big factor in the increased rate of shutins is seeing no future for yourself other than crushing debt, so why bother getting an education and a job if you can't have your own DECENT place to live in and enjoy a healthy lifestyle and not having to eat cheap fast food every day?
Talk to your neighbor. Get him to talk to his neighbor. Continue until you have a network that spans your country. Then talk to your neighboring countries.
Oh for sure man, the 80's was totally a decade of poverty and shutins.
jewgle wouldn't compete. they would threaten to deny access of jewtube to comcast customers.
Well I'm more interested in what would be required in terms of hardware and power consumption.
snow crash floating technocities when
No user, this time when the technomarxists have their histrionic bitchfit over a two year old Obongo law being repealed, it really is the end of the world. It just has to be.
[Current Year+2]
It would be a bitch without wireless to connect distant pockets of the population.
Obviously I was talking about our century.
I guess you guys forgot millions of anti net neutrality comments were faked by bots.
With respect to pricing, the basic gist of it is that Title II prevents public utilities from forming exclusive agreements that treat some customers preferentially. For example, it prevents your electric company from giving their buddies over at Walmart a 50% discount on their price per KwH and overcharging target by 50%. If this was the ONLY provision of Title II, I guess I wouldn't really give a fuck about it. BUT, there are also some extra rules and regulations in Title II that give the FCC an extreme amount of power over public communication utilities. For example, Section 223 of Title II gives the FCC the authority to take you to court if you make an obscene phone call to someone, precisely because phone companies are regulated as public utilities under Title II.
Title II isn't tailored narrowly enough; it gives the government extreme amounts of authority and control over the internet. If it were JUST about pricing, that would be one thing. But it's definitely not just about pricing.
What's going to happen to Holla Forums?
Will there actually be internet packages that you need to buy extra with the service?
Each person would control a node at their property. Each node would have a solar and battery array. Nodes would be linked by underground fiber optic cable.
Power consumption for fiber optic is very low. Maybe a few hundred worth of panels and batteries.
Cost per node-node connection is something like $39 plus the cost of the cable.
More research required.
Basically the concept of net neutrality is that all data is considered equal. When you pay for a data plan you get what you pay for. When net neutrality isn't followed, the ISPs decide which traffic goes through which plans. For example, there could be a plan for Netflix and a plan for the rest of the internet. You can only access what you pay for. It also means that ISPs can slow down or just ban certain websites from their service. Holla Forums for instance. You'd pay more because you're paying for multiple services instead of just one. It's reckoned that they won't adjust the prices to a fair amount to compensate for the split. That's how the meme goes at least.
I'm just seeing a bunch of colors and some lines. Where's the proof?
Troll toll 50 shekels.
Free speech was already being targeted by the same cocksuckers who supported "net neutrality"
Google has admitted to fixing search results.
Twitter shadowbans.
Youtube blocks right wing channels while leaving up child grooming ones
Do you think these people had any real devotion to free expression on the internet? Fuck no, they just want things to look good.
Definitely. It would have to be done slowly, one property at a time, to link them all up.
Just expanding on this: The Title II "Net Neutrality" law is what allows the FCC to make obscenity illegal on talk radio. (((Howard Stern))) was taken off the air multiple times for saying fuck, cunt, shit, tits, cock, goddamn (the words that the FCC has made illegal under Title II.)
I see people who are pro-NN (in reality they are pro-Title II, but whatever) talk in hypotheticals all the time: OOOH BUT WHAT IF THEY CHARGE YOU MORE FOR NETFLIX!?!?! WHAT IF THEY TAKE DOWN 8CHAM!?!?
Here's a hypothetical: what if the government threw you in jail for 2 years and fined you $50,000 for using an obscenity on the internet? The groundwork is absolutely, 100% there under Title II "Net Neutrality."
How would you like the FCC to regulate the internet the same way they regulate talk radio and broadcast television?
the ADL would love that.
What you are calling capitalism is actually the result of theft mate. The people at the top are stealing all the money. It has nothing to do with "capitalism." The poor are capitalists too you realize. It just means people get to own property and do with it as they please.
they would have done that by now.
So many fucking shills
NN was the standart nobody would have charged you extra for doing what you do daily
Fight you stupid cucks
If the NN in USA is lost it will be over within all the UN
Then why so much japanese anime shit?
I guess you guys forgot millions of screaming leftists, bay area kikes and pro-censorship groups are demanding that the power to regulate ISPs and deny them broadcasting licenses should be in the hands of the US government as decreed by Obongo two years ago and you think that this is a good thing.
I actually don't know what's up with that shit. Are you faggots at least going to be unaffected?
Also you can't use satellites if you want it to be independent. There are technologies for relaying over the air but not over long distances, requiring you to setup nodes in every direction you want to connect.
Hah! CY+2-2=CY FTW!
We'll end up paying less actually
Good riddance
You fucking idiot. You think ZOG is that dumb? To just make obscenity illegal on the internet overnight?
Motherfucker, these people think in terms of decades. The infiltration of America's media elite took a long time. The banking system, Hollywood, education. They're playing the long con. If you think they're just going to throw you in jail the second they make obscenity illegal on the internet under Title II you're a fucking MORON. It will come in increments. At least…it would have.
The important point is that it opened the door to the FCC taking you to court for using obscenity. It applied the same laws that apply to talk radio, to YOU on the internet. You can handwave like a fucking retard all you want, but I think on some level you realize that when ZOG opens a door, it's only a matter of time before they walk through it. And they're smart enough to know WHEN they can do it too.
"Net Neutrality" is a trojan horse to shut down freedom of speech on the internet. Good on you though for being a naive little cunt about it though.
I think we have a plan.
So thankfully every thinking user agrees that Obongo's 'Net Neutrality' legislation was never about a free and open internet but about centralizing control and giving tech giants carte blanche to be greedy kikes. But what next? It's clear that at least part of the reason Soros, NGOs and the Bay Area kikes dumped so much money into whipping up a hysteria was to use as ammunition in the 2018 and 2020 elections. What else do they have planned to capitalize on this collective energy? I envision some degree of false flags blaming the ruling, pre-planned blackouts to 'raise awareness' of NN and probably something really special given the mindshare they've created within their useful idiots. We're in for a ride.
All shills eternally btfo'd
They would have had Hillary do it if she won.
This is what "net neutrality" really would have led to had Hillary won.
Now I wont have to pay for Pornhub, Shitflix, and Youtube consuming 95% of the bandwidth.
Shills identified.
Too bad Holla Forums doesn't get it.
Delicious salt lads. Theres not enough salt miners tonight, get to the salt mines you lazy fuckers.
George Soros, Google, Facebook, etc. were desperately trying to save King Nigger's (((net neutrality))) so that should tell you everything you need to know about it. This is the best outcome.
Holy shit did you actually fall for that?
Listen, anything that tells you that a situation is complicated and that you should look into it is probably worth listening to. But when it says a situation is complicated but it can easily sum up 40+ years of telecom policies and regulations to a few halfchan quotes is probably just trying to lead you to a conclusion.
A history of telecomunication regulation that doesn't even go into Pac Bell's deconstruction or the legal obligations the companies pledged to in order to be allowed to come back togeather, mind you.
This is what it looks like when you take away a junkies heroin
I propose we institute a new universal healthcare and housing plan. All homeless would be offered housing in a federal facility, with food, utilities, and necessities of life provided for. In exchange for all of this, the occupants would have to work in a government given job, in a free healthcare clinic open to all without insurance. Now those that can't afford healthcare, can be taken care of by those that can't afford housing, and everyone is happy.
(checked twice)
The great salt mine opening was delayed for a couple of days.
Them White bitches grunt like fucking animals as they ride my BBC.
great argument, you connived us all how fucking retarded you are
Hey Kamfy.
Drown yourself
Our entertainment industry is controlled by Jews, so theirs is the only one creating quality content.
I've already filtered you, cuck boy.
pic related you pinko cunt.
Shill? what makes you say that? I was making fun of the first image with the crying cunts. I suppose I should have pointed that out but still.
Shit, Pajeet Pai coming through with a salt mountain. God I hope he didn't poo in it though
So, you still believe in it because you're a useful idiot?
Because you can literally replace all of the nouns in this with Capitalism and Libertarian and it would be just as true.
Nice spacing
Possible crossfire, sorry user.
If it hurts your feelings. So, you still believe in it because you're a useful idiot? Because you can literally replace all the nouns in this with Capitalism and Libertarian and it would be just as true. There, are you happy?
You have no understanding of any of these ideals, and need to unplug from the internet and read a book. Capitalism wouldn't line up and shoot it's consumers, because they couldn't consume, and Libertarians wouldn't allow a government large enough to have the kind of power to infringe upon their rights. Your are honestly this fucking retarded, how can you even type?
Hello, plebbit.
For which we can blame King Nigger.
Can't wait for Americans to be blocked from 8ch tbh.
As someone of Slav ancestry who have lived through communism this image makes my blood boil. How most of the world doesn't seem to care at all about the greatest injustice that was ever commited in human history against our people and how it IS they the world believes is the victim while having all the power and causing all pain and misery in the world. Our world is truely hell, and we must be brave samurai to endure this nightmare with open eyes and still have a desire to fight and face to blood shed. I wonder how many anons were lost to the blackpill
The Eternal Indo-European at it again
I wonder what was worst, this shit or the feudalism they had before
The only thing that would have made that video more complete is if he had of said "you can still follow your favorite fandoms, like Star Trek"
I will enjoy seeing you hanged from a lamppost. You will get yours
I feel conflicted. On one hand, companies like Jewgle deserve to be shot down, on the other, this does kinda absolutely fuck any hope of right-wing presence on the internet that isn't kosher conservatism.
They'd probably go after the right even if NN was enforced. The methods would just be different.
childish tantrums deserve childish responses
get dabbed on, reddit
I wonder how many Americans realize that we don't actually own our property, and haven't since the early 1900s. This quote from "The Curse of Canaan" by Eustace Mullens explains it some:
Thus, the Federal Reserve Act, a key point in the control of the world's economic systems by the Canaanites, was enacted onto law on the 23rd of December, 1913. The 16th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, the income lux: amendment, which was also a key element in the program, was adopted on May 31, 1913. This amendment gave the Canaanites control over every economic aspect of the captive population of the United States.
From that day on, they had to report every penny of both income and assets, as had been laid down by Lenin in his program, "The Threatening Catastrophe," which he had published in 1917.
This program called for the confiscation of assets as punishment for "concealing income"; it was adopted by the Internal Revenue Service. The Lenin program now is the official operating doctrine of the IRS. The 17th amendment to the Constitution of the people of Shem, the amendment changing the requirements for electing Senators to the Congress, was adopted on May 21, 1913. These three amendments effectively sabotaged the Constitution, removing its historic protections of the people against a tyrannical government. Because income is actually property, the 16th amendment stripped citizens of the United States of all property rights, as did the later provisions for confiscation of all money and property. The Senate election amendment stripped the state legislatures of their historic right to elect Senators; it had been required to maintain the balance between the less populous and the more populous states; it now costs ten million dollars to elect a Senator. This amendment left the inhabitants of the several states bare to the most vicious intrigues of the barbaric and devil-worshipping Canaanites. In effect, the people of Shem lost a racial and religious war, because of these three acts of 1913.
Well now, if you want to be fair, communism doesn't kill its most devout adherents either does it? But if you don't think that Capitalism will kill people who get in the way of their profit, I suggest you might want to look into what a banana republic is, or even just google Blood Diamonds. Capitalism can, and will, kill you just as quickly as Communism will. Mark my words that in a few years the bullet will just be starvation as your job is replaced by a robot or an algorithm.
But they would allow a company to become large enough to dictate what the terms of service over every aspect of their life is. As long as it's a company doing it, who cares if the alternative to obeying their contracts is to go fuck myself there are no other options.
Please, don't take these statements as endorsement of communism, or this as a denouncement of it. Communism and Capitalism are both ideologies. I'm simply want to point that out. Any adherence to an ideology to rigidly can be extremely dangerous as it removes your ability to objectively look at what is going on because it conflicts with your world view. Being ok with government banning of business practices simply because it screws over capitalists is just as stupid as being ok with giving companies a blank check to fuck you over because it screws over communists.
Its not snark, I'm being serious
What the fuck was worst?
Czar rule was fucking shit as well.
The fear mongering over NN is retarded but so is this post. Regardless what you believe you can't be this naive.
damn this shit is good at exposing kikes who don't read the thread. wew lad.
I'm here from Reddit.
How do I find good memes here?
All the right people that are totally not globalist shills are for the totally not astroturfed net neutrality.
I've explained this before, but I'll do it again.
ISPS WILL NOT START BREAKING DOWN THE INTERNET AND CHARGING YOU AS AN END USER FOR IT LIKE ITS CABLE TV. Why? Because its fucking massively impractical. I mean, VPNs are a fucking thing you idiot, can you imagine how easy AND lucrative it would be to constantly offer a vpn service that will cycle through on the "low cost" packages for different ISPs, so you connect to them then out to w/e other sites you want, and the ISPs get nothing or next to nothing in the end? They'd spend so much time and money and effort chasing their tails trying to shut it all down that it would never be worth it in the end. And make no mistake, the information and end user desire for such things would make information on it wide spread and create lots of people trying to cash in and make money off it VERY interested in staying one step ahead of the ISPs. Basically, charging the end users would create a huge demand for innovation and trickery to get around the ISPs bullshit, and the ISPs would eat through money trying to stay ahead of a huge army of users working to get around them. It would cost them way more in the end to do it this way.
No, what makes a LOT MORE SENSE for the ISPs is throttling the major internet giants themselves and charging THEM money for all the bandwidth they eat up. That is, for example, facebook wants all its users to continue to have fast access to its services? Well, they need to start paying more for their usage. And, they'll either pay this, or end users will grow frustrated with those websites being so laggy, that they start looking for alternatives. If those internet giants want to keep their customers/users coming back, they'll have to pay extra to maintain their access to those users.
So is that bad for us? No, not one damn bit. Because it creates many positive situations for us as end users, and users like people here specifically. Let me give you an example:
Currently youtube demonitizes or simply removes content that it finds "objectionable" and is instantly ready to follow the SJW/leftist dogma and their crusades against certain user bases. Well, in the end this costs a site like youtube money because this is video content that people WANT to watch, and ads COULD be played on, and that would make them money. But instead because their parent company makes so damn much on the "NN internet," THEY DONT HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT THAT LOST REVENUE. But now, if an ISP is charging them more for that same usage they've been getting, they're losing profits. So, they need to look for new revenue streams in order to get their money back. This either means charging users, OR opening up access to their site more freely and not policing it like the left wants and letting all those videos they've been crusading against, actually start earning their makers and youtube more money.
It creates a situation in which these mega sites are encouraged NOT to censor or control the content on their sites based on their ideologies, because it will cause them to lose profits and possibly go bankrupt or be replaced by their owners due to losing their owners money.
The only other situation, is they refuse to pony up the cash, those mega sites slow way down, and finally theres a large demand for alternatives that will formfit smaller communities and groups and can essentially monopolize those different user groups and pull them all in to their individual sites, and capitalize off that entire group, splitting the internet up across a larger variety of sites and preventing any of them from growing so large as youtube, google, netflix, facebook, twitter, etc, have all grown to where they can actively censor users and face no consequences.
There is no negative for us, and internet companies arent going to start charging end users more or splitting the internet up into cable-tv like packages, all that will do is create competition in their markets, demand for better ISPs and ready and willing customers across the nation. No, its better to keep it hushed, target the mega sites, and eat away at the profits they've reaped over the years and grown fat and arrogant off of.
Automation is never gonna lead to that, pinko. Your ilk have declaring that this is about to happen ever since the industrial revolution. Never will.
t. burger
What you fail to acknowledge is that in either of those systems you are not required to partake in any of their associated shit, whereas with communism you do what you are told, or die. If all the workers are replaced by robots, and people can't afford food, you'll see just how fast small farms and homesteads become insanely popular and provide for droves of people. This is already happening to a degree. As for terms of service, I don't like jewgle, so I don't use them. I don't like netflix, so I don't use them either. same with twatter, kikebook, and all the rest. Winblows? yeah, that runs great on a VM. I live a free life in all areas that I choose to, because I Choose to. With communism, you no longer have the ability to choose.
What is really bad, however, is how our government is continually, albiet slowly, outlawing and "licensing" anything and everything so that only large corporations can do them. Want to butcher your own animals? Can't, illegal. Want to sell your own goat's milk? Better mark it for animal use only. Want to sell premade food? That's a real nightmare.
If only there were some kind of third option no one ever told us about…
Lurk two years before posting.
Peter the Great was killed in Paris and replaced with a jew-controlled imposter, Russia was fucked over ever since.
There's that stupid fucking word again.
You can always tell it's a commie when they spout that stupid fucking word at everything.
Ideology is codeword for "I don't have to make my belief system internally consistent or logical."
Capitalism is fine given that you don't have a kike central bank. Keynesian economics is a fucking poison. Austrian economics with a sound monetary system ensures prosperity for all. You don't know a goddamn thing about anything. Get fucked.
Excellent posts, user. This sort of thing is worth killing or dying over. It is 100% unconstitutional and a violation of Free Speech. We really need to give all censors the death penalty.
Kill the pajeet.
Every time I see his face.
Every time he puts himself in front of my face.
Kill the pajeet, now.
Kill all pajeets.
Burn all of it.
All Asian Cannibals Will Pay for Placing Themselves First. Fucking jews.
Actually, fascism isn't third positionism because it's not an economic position. Remember to have your back to the wall. Read Siege.
National Socialism used a capitalist system of economics, with some market control by the central government. Go read about Hitler, Hjalmer Schacht and the Reichsmark. Lincoln did the same thing with the greenback, more or less.
National Socialism isn't fascism, dumb shit.
Atually, NatSoc and Fascism are the same thing. I guess you guys are just too ignorant to know that though.(go read a book, nigger
Alright, reported.
I just calmed down a friend of mine freaking out about this. This isn't the end of Net Neutrality, it's the end of (((Net Jewality))) imposed by Obungo in 2015. The Internet became a huge part of everyone's lives around the early 2000's. If the telecom companies were going to introduce cable-tier packages and bullshit, they would have done it back then, but they did not. Instead all that's going to happen is massive bandwidth hogs like Netflix and Hulu need to pay their fair share. In the real world, truckers pay more to register their vehicles because they cause more damage to highways. These massive data pigs will need to either streamline their services or pay fees. If they try to pass those fees onto their customers, they'll lose customers. Simple as that, they need to bite the bullet.
tl;dr kike companies threatened with paying for their bandwidth told retards this was censorship and got a bunch of lefties to protest it with fearmongering.
I've never been a fan of the Holla Forums school of argumentation, but seriously, read a fucking book.
I'll give your dumb ass a hint: National Socialism is a philosophy. You dumb shit.
this way is more obvious
Hot damn thanks user, another for my collection of increasingly lower quality LA Noire doubt reactions.
Top fucking kek right there.
But guise! The alt-right is pro NN. You don't want to punch right, d-do you?
I don't know how to make it any shittier.
Dicky Boy is such a man tits cunt
Chad memes are Facebook tier cancer
explain to me why net neutrality is good/bad like I've been working too much to pay attention to politics for 5 months.
Yep, still cancer
In the short term, you'll probably pay more for your internet or get a worse service.
In the medium term, it may encourage more investment in internet infrastructure.
In the long term, who knows.
Net Neutrality being repealed is bad because it directly funds Israeli pockets and synagogues across America.
That's all you need to know.
Net neutrality supposedly treats every website as equal, meaning ISP providers can possibly start demanding money to access certain websites.
Thats the rethoric thats pushed on normlafags,
NN however is controlled by both the governmment and internet centralizing sites like Google/Youtube/Twitter/Facebook who curate any content the way they see fit and also make the possibility of what I mentioned avove happen even with net neutrality.
Much like the 2016 election both cases will likely fuck most people regardless, and in this case removing NN leaves anything out in the open much like Trump did even if everyone knew he was Kike owned.
If you don't understand my post its because I have a very simple grasp on this and I'm shit at explaining shit, much less at 3 am with 2 hours of sleep.
It's because you're a minimum wage kike shill supporter of Israel. Logic is not (((your))) strong suit.
You should not be using application layer VPNs…
What OS are you using? You should be using OpenVPN as a protocol on the 2nd layer so you aren't relying on pajeet coded applications to protect you.
one race the human race:^)💰💰💰💰🐵🐵 🦍🐒🙊🙉🙈
Sure thing shill
This is some classic nu-Holla Forums. Continue getting paid by the post for (((Brian Roberts))) new synagogue, you wonderful kike you.
THIS i like this im going to use this
Haven't seen 'ol shoveldog in ages
application layer vpns are fine for normalfags, which was my point. If you want to write some normalfag friendly instructions on how to do a layer 2 openvpn install for windows and ubuntu for secure normalfaggotry, do it imo. It would help everyone.
Nice one. This pajeet truly did invoke Kek on this day.
Pia and Trump should team up to form a salt mining company. This level of butthurt is amazing.