Paladins General
Triggering pozzed hot pockets edition
Paladins General
Triggering pozzed hot pockets edition
Other urls found in this thread:
2:00 Grover skins
5:06 Buck skin
8:16 shooting range changes
9:11 making fun of people who complain about Skye
9:40 boosters
12:09 Bomb King Halloween skin
14:50 Q&A
It would be better with checks and xs. Overwatch still a shit
Why was the previous thread deleted?
What about paladins triggers faggots in particular so much?
Play nothing but support and you'll see you're wrong about Overwatch not doing it too.
Or is it super bad in Paladins?
They both suck but Overwatch sucks less. Far less. Paladins is dumpster fodder.
A cross generally means incorrect or doesn't apply in Western culture.
Wait never mind I just understood it
Yeah but if the alternative is just blank, it looks like it could be switched
Basically nobody plays this piece of shit.
The only people making a thread for it are paid shills, spergs on Holla Forums that hate overwatch to the point that they'll play anything else out of spite, and triple counter redirection reverse psychology faggots trying to saturate Holla Forums from within hoping that eventually it'll escalate into all overwatch threads being perma-deleted (yes i'm onto you, it's the oldest trick in the book)
Apparently the BO and a number of hot pockets were retarded enough to buy OW
This is what happens when you let random retards make and moderate boards
1) Flavor of the month
2) "CRAPCUNTS" as a forced meme completely and utterly failed, limiting no-effort-shitpost entrypoints
3) General contrarianism to try and fit in, not quite grasping sage isn't a downvote and they don't need to prove anything to anybody
It's 8ch's double-edged sword, tards get ahold of the 4chan legacy-boards that're guaranteed users and they can't really be made to give them up without the site losing its trust.
What in the everloving fuck?
Also, who is the best character and why is it Buck____?
Imagine being this butthurt.
I like both
Recovery seems a little too good
Or the cards that make it be available consistently.
McCreaper is better. He's genji, but with McCree's revolver.
His ult is also up constantly, and is basically identical to Pharah's if you use it right. That's pretty amazing considering everyone else's ult is limp dick garbage.
Blizzard made Paladins too?
downvote negated
ip block never ever
Hi-Rez made Tribes: Ascend and Global Agenda and dropped them like a hot potato as soon as they stopped making money.
imho shit company that cant fight through a low and lacks the will to make new content for an existing game.
just fuck off both you and overcucks
When will they move Pip from support to flank?
I can repost too, OP. If dubs you must attempt to drink bleach.
Can't negate the butthurt but I can negate the downvote.
is Pip just a shit healer or does no one know how to play him?
Shit healer
Awesome flanker
He has only one ability to heal, what do you think
You need to spec him right so he can get two 1k spike heals every five seconds with his card loadout. When properly specced he is actually better at healing than some other supports.
Thing is he needs to be played as a combat medic rather than a dedicated healer. You engage together with your ally, slow enemies down throw a few shots in their general directions then throw out your heal pot once or twice and continue fighting.
People who say he should be a flanker are idiots. By himself Pip is a joke and can be outplayed by almost everyone.
As far as pure healing potential goes it's like this
1)Ying 1400 HP per second in large area for 30+ seconds with proper build. Cooldowns are nearly nonexistent.
2)Maldamba 480 HP per second with excellent ability to save allies at range by giving them a speed boost and decent health regen as well as reinforcing objectives with his flasks. Cooldowns are low and can be lowered even more with proper build.
3)Pip 2k HP every five seconds. Best spike healing potential. Reasonably low cooldowns with proper build.
4)Grohk 340 HP per second +4% of allies max HP per second every 15 seconds. Has very limited range. The emitter can be easily destroyed unlike Yings illusions and can not be placed on payloads. Long ass cooldowns.
5)Grover 80HP per second passive heal and 1000 HP spike every 12 seconds. Long ass cooldowns that can not be mitigated by anything aside from in match upgrades. Passive regen is a joke.
Thank you based Pip
Please show us your high quality, impressive games O Great One Asking Whether Pip Is a Healer
I've won games with no tank or healer. It's hard but as long as your team actually uses their strengths, like brute force attacks in that case, you can win.
His grenades are slow, have an arc and unlike Grover's axes or Cassie's arrows have relatively accurate hitboxes so you have to try to nail those 600 hp direct hits because splash damage in this game is a meme. Only his first shot after slowdown deals 960 damage.
His self heal is not impressive because the cooldown on it is 12 seconds if he doesn't hit any of his allies with it. His escape tool has limited vertical range that won't reach any ledges and he can't heal himself while hopping away.
Drogoz can boost away and spam the ground. Cassie can roll away out of the slowdown and outdps. Viktor has range advantage and higher DPS. Bomb king can poppybomb away if necessary. All tanks, even Barik laugh at his damage output. And even Flanks can shit on him with higher DPS and Buck out-sustaining him with his own better heal and pursuit options.
He only shines when he is close to a tank or a damage dealer where he can add to the overall effectiveness of his partner by making it easier to land shots, giving a quick pick me up, throwing some extra damage in and bail when his ally dies.
because there was already another paladins thread, but that one was bumplocked. im going to assume the op is in to men and reported it as a duplicate.
No there wasnt, it was the only paladins general
It's number three on steam just behind hat trading simulator and waifu dressing simulator with 40000 players at all times.
Keep trying.
Sometimes, even in comp, shit like this happens.
There's already an active Overwatch thread.
Tales from woodleague.
how do I play against real players? causal only puts me against bots all the time, only way I see is ranked. But ranked mode requires grinding.anyway I can play agaisnt real player without grinding?
You play against bots until you reach level 5 after that you get matched against humans.
It usually takes about 30 minutes to reach it.
They totally looked out of woodleague alright. I'm not playing as much, something like, one or two matches a day, I'm still diamond though.
but why? it makes no sense. playing until lvl 5 against is still grinding. I just want casual pvp
Because durr.
Maybe they want you to learn the basics against stupid bots so you could be ready to face humans?
that's what the turorial mode is for. not "Casual - Play against other players" mode
People tend to skip tutorial. They can't skip five levels of bots.
HO-LEE-SHIT Evie is super fun, why did you fags tell me it was shit?
It's noobstomp.
Becaue shitters don't know how to play
Why you filtering out that name, fam?
One of the names was rude and didn't fit this family friendly board
Don't deny others the stat inspection when you're handing out tips.
What's your Evie build? Mine's shit, I need to work on it.
and not alerting player that much play against bots for an hour before they can play it for real. not even telling us they are bots. in fact they tell is they are real players.
I dont even know why you defend such a shitty concept. if people want to skip the tutorial, it's fine. the shitty people play against eachother.
it's good to shitters bitching and moaning so hard about Skye that her ult now does literally NOTHING.
Just saying fam, I agree they should tell players.
Yeah, I personally think Skye's strong because of her stealth and 30% HP removal, not sure why people kept crying about the (mostly) easy to dodge ult.
*30% hp removal and 15% bonus damage
That makes more sense than what I had. I'll give it a shot later, thanks.
Ay mayn, what's your character name? Need the ol' inspectoru.
I didn't even force it, I only posted it once or twice around May, yet it only took off recently
If anything calling CRAPCUNTS a forced meme has become a forced meme in itself, as much as trying to call ASSFAGGOTS a forced meme is
Calling CRAPCUNTS a forced meme a forced meme is a forced meme.
I want reddit to leave and never come back
There may be some truth in that statement
Either way this genre of games would be called something eventually because there was a need for it, I merely came up with the acronym. Even if I didn't, something else would have taken its place. It's as pointless to call an inevitability a forced meme as is saying that the name nuDoom is a forced meme.
ASSFAGGOTS was made to make fun of guinsoo and his acronym.
CRAPCUNTS is just trying too hard.
Oh come on you're not even trying anymore
How so?
What does CRAPCUNTS stand for?
this is fucking insane
Why does it exist? ASSFAGGOTS was made to show how stupid MOBA was, whats the purpose of crapcunts?
It doesnt even make as much sense as assfaggots
Yep, half your health with blinks and ice block.
Get health on kill and you can constantly run around killing things.
The exact same thing you've said about MOBAs.
Cartoony Roster of Asymmetrical Player Character-Underpinned Netplay Team Shooter is pretty much an apt description for these kind of games
which of these decks do i use?
Stop being stupid. Stop falling for shitty trolls.
Hey bro, still need that character name. Need to make sure the tips are from a quality source. Hook an user up.
So what acronym is it in response to
And no, that's a terrible forced acronym
The blandness of FPMOBA and/or the generic description of 'class-based shooter'
Explain your reasoning.
I'm still pretty convinced it's the same guy shitposting and trying to shove the narrative considering how fast he hopped IPs to evade bans in the first couple of threads
MOBA was a new term made for marketing, and similarly, CRAPCUNTS is a new term made for shitposting
both are garbage and neither are appealing
It was mostly its resurgence that tried actually forcing it, they gave up since nobody actually posting it was referring to it as a CRAPCUNT no matter how hard they saged or whatever their reason was, point being they gave up and now the usual pissing and moaning rarely if ever refers to this game as such.
I never saw blizzard or hirez tey to ram FPMOBA down people's throats
and it just comes off as terribly forced, what more needs be said
Then how did ASSFAGGOTS become an exception to that? Are you speaking of a personal preference, being annoyed with the term itself thinking its pointlessly derogatory to a genre of games you like, and/or would you have felt the same thing over ASSFAGGOTS if you were around the rising popularity of League of Legends?
I don't understand what more needs to be said because you have not explained how the term itself is forced. Is it the term itself that is forced, or is the usage of the term itself? And if so, how exactly are they forced?
The people who liked RTS games were angry that they didn't get any RTS games and blamed Dotalikes. So anyone who were an RTSfag instantly jumped on ASSFAGGOTS. Which is a term, ironically, meant for mocking people who were stupid enough to not use Dotalike and using the "MOBA" term which described nothing.
So in short RTSfags have been pushing ASSFAGGOT extremely hard and in doing so have been mocking themselves the whole time.
ASSFAGGOTS was in response to Riot pushing MOBA as a new term, which was terribly bland and didn't really give a clear explanation like FPS or RTS or even 4X.
What's CRAPCUNTS in response to? How do you not see how unfunny it is.
Buddy, why you not giving name?
It denotes a super fucking major divide in shooting games in which certain roles get different abilities or potential weapons, not unlike differentiating real-time RPGs and turn-based RPGs.
Genres aren't for marketing, they're integral descriptors. That's why the reaction to m' MOBA was so strong.
It had a reason to exist and is more descriptive than MOBA. I still prefer ARTS since it denotes the genre it stymies from, as well, giving context to UI and purpose.
Yes, CRAPCUNTS sounds like shit and was being forced explicitly by one guy trying to make every paladins thread hit muh bumplimit
ask the mods, they banned him plenty of times
"no", I haven't played Paladins since the first few threads and I have never been on the 'its a good game really guys' train, I just hate forced memes that much more
"no", if you were around as ASSFAGGOTS arose you would know better and understand why CRAPCUNTS is still taking so long to get off the ground
I'll also answer
because someone fucking forced them and their proliferation was and is the same couple of people
I always understood it as just aping ASSFAGGOTS for the sake of it.
It really doesn't and neither does CRAPCUNT.
I believe the term was 'hero shooter' (from Paragon or whatever it was called) which in itself is undescriptive as hell. I don't think class-based shooter is as fitting for these kind of games because IMO games like Battlefield and TF2 have considerably different directions in design that separates them from games like Overwatch, Paladins, and all the other clones looking to hop on the Overwatch train.
It wasn't FPMOBA's, but it was hero shooter:
Perhaps hero shooter is just as fitting for these kinds of games, then?
ask the mods, they banned him plenty of times
Thanks for the explanation
I don't really hate these games or browse these threads much, I was only wondering where the forced meme aspect came from
Forced af fam
It's because you're a shitter, isn't it?
Can someone just tell me what CRAPCUNT stands for
I didn't know whether to report for afk or intentional feeding, so i just put "for other reasons".
The joy of a f2p game is playing with literal brain dead mongoloids from BR and Poland.
Nigga its like you hate fun.
Forced meme, it's not like ASSFAGGOTS, a name that actually got the origin and explain as well the gameplay.
Crapcunts may as well be any shooter that is not realistic, so Timesplitters is a Crapcunt?
The game's not bad, but it gets borin after 1 hour or so. It was designed for casual players to spend one or two good matches on it, and it shows. It's not challenging, it doesnt reward you as a player. I prefer to spend hours on a classic arena shooter trying to improve and beat the new russian guy who joined and it's trying to take my lead
Loving every laugh. I started playing about a week ago, just leveling characters to do unlock comp, playing random shit, and laughing myself silly the entire time at how christ awful literally every single other person in the game is, only to have a friend link a ranking site today and discover I'm ranked in the top 100 worldwide. Are you even trying? Are any of you actually trying?
Yep, rank 61 in the world in 70 matches. Are you even trying rofl.
I'm going to have to agree with the autist. It isn't a very good acronym.
C'mon dude.
Try playing solo queue without at least one healer babysitting you and you might be unfiltered
Hilarious. I do, and it is exactly the same experience. I strafe, nobody can hit me, and I 1v5. The healer is busy farming the entire enemy team solo, literally body blocking them in their spawn, to "babysit" me. Fall on your face and beg for tips, and I may deign to give you some.
Out of 87 matches at most 10 are without friends and 4 of them are losses
Yep, and the losses in those were to a legit notorious hacker who was flying around the map, had 100% headshot at any range, and could see through walls. I even recorded it.
Lel, I only unlocked comp earlier. Looking forward to the insane excuses when I instant myself up to a similar comp rank.
And now do the same for the people we vs and notice that they're all 3/4/5 mans too, getting farmed.
You sound twelve.
Like I said, insane excuses. This is really all you guys have after exhausting all other options in the playbook? I sound 12?
Yes, you sound like a twelve year old try hard to me.
You played 90%+ of your matches with stacked team, most certainly with voice chat to help each other, in casual, and you're acting like you're the hottest shit around.
Of course not. As of this moment there are 61 people who are hotter shit, and not one of them will be any of you.
He used "lel" unironically, that's enough to make him underageb&.
How do i get gud as Barik? I feel like his weapon deals no damage and his turret dont deal much damage as well. He have little hp and while his shield are ok i dont see why i would play him over Frenado and that hook guy (forgot name) Is he underpowered or am i doing something wrong?
He deals a lot of damage, what are you talking about?
Barik is a great character, however he's best used with another tank on the team.
You have two ways of playing Barik:
My personal favourite, which is utter and complete shit on comp, putting turrets together that heals you constantly and you heal them back, making yourself an unkillable machine unless Drogoz / Bomb King are there. His shotgun deals quite a lot of damage and he can obliterate other tanks really fast, headshots with his shotgun is quite easy as well, now add the 150 DPS of each turret.
And now the, actual useful or usually most useful way to play him is putting turrets in corners hidden and not close to each other with a lot of HP but with no selfheal neither with you healing them, you'll be on the point and the turrets somewhere else dealing safe DPS. If they go for the turrets, you kill them, if they go for you, you just have to dance with them and they should die faster than you since you have a higher DPS than the rest of the tanks minus Ruckus. Also give Barik's a shield after using his rocket shoes for more survival.
This is all I gathered after seeing many Master Barik's playing him, some of them could hold the point against Fernando + Makoa all by himself meanwhile we all gave him some fire support.
What talent build are you using?
Do you mean the cards? I'm warning you, the way I play him is just for casual. I would need some time to open the game again and copypaste the build.
Guys, new character announced
Heres her theme
Yea i mean the cards because that might be a reason why i do badly with him
why are they so happy
they do it for him
They do it for free.
Fucking stormweenies.
blue orc has a ridiculous laugh
How come his ultimate is only useful as an emergency heal or shield penetrator when the rest of his kit is so damn solid?
because ults shouldnt be win buttons
Sometimes comp man, sometimes.
No there wasn't, they're just class-based shooters with a cartoon theme.
There was an actual need with assfaggots since that whole genre had very distinctive gameplay elements to it and the industry did a shit job of coming up with an acronym that worked.
rito just wanted to be the first to coin a term that wasnt referencing a warcraft 3 map
user, how cute are the waifus?
Are there any cute gothiquettes?
There is an edgy purple haired feminist.
Is that cool for ya?
no user, not at all
theres a grumpy evil? magical girl
…you mean Skye? How is Skye a feminist? Her history confirms she's basically a slut.
Ok mate.
Evie has a Punk/Rock skin, thats the closest to gothic we have for waifus at the moment. Maybe Ying on red/purple clothes may please your dick eyes.
Lad have you been living under a rock?
I raffed.
Fuck shit up with their combined stuns, damage and coordination
Not always bad
Why do I have Barik's engineer skin when I didn't use steam
I can't disagree with that, but the potential absolutely pales in comparison to say Grover's heal or Pip's polymorph.
The ult doesn't even heal Grohk himself
It's like painting a large sign saying 'shoot me' on yourself while throwing peas at the enemy
Found the shitter.
Why even live?
Found the missed abortion
Do you even grove lad?
Lads for some.reason when too much shit happens in the game, the sound gets all fucked up, slow and crispy.
How can I unfuck my shit?
said the faggot who sage=downvote-ed
Aren't HiRez those faggots who utterly ruined Tribes with p2w shit? Why wouldn't they do the same here?
Funny, i got several dozen wins with him and i still haven't been given that skin.
Yes, thankfully this game only has payed cosmetics shit with no bonus damage, defense and whatever else.
It's just eye candy.
dohoho, it will. Forgotten Tribes so quickly?
I don't understand people's nostalgia for Tribes, it had a p2w cashshop and the game itself had draw distance problems, so that you could be shot at by snipers that you couldn't see
So what does this game have over Overwatch aside from the fact its free to play (and presumably you can at least speed up grinding shit with cash)?
I'm not trying to start shit, I'm just wondering if it has a different gameplay emphasis or something.
Not really, no.
Tribes had overpowered hitscan weapons with hitboxes the size of a house that you could either grind for a month and a half or pay money to get them and rape everything in front of you, making the game pay to win, everything here is purely cosmetic, even the "different" weapons.
it has "loadouts" that can change your characters abilities, passive and active dramatically.
Bumb agaendst :-DDD
It didn't always have a cashshop, faggot.
Overwatch has really bad mouse input smoothing with no way to disable it. Paladins doesn't so aiming is much more precise.
The flow of Overwatch is based heavily around coordinating ultimates. It takes the dynamism out of the FPS genre in favor of cookie cutter strategies. Ultimates in Paladins are still useful for making pushes or holding a point, but not nearly as crucial as good ol' fashioned FPS movement and positioning. It feels much more satisfying to play than Overwatch which feels like I'm playing a MOBA in first person.
Characters in Paladins are more well rounded; for instance, the supports/healers can put out decent damage and have a nonzero chance of holding their ground in one-on-ones. You can argue that this isn't good game design, that there shouldn't be such overlap in roles, but it has a huge positive effect for casual play in that it makes people actually want to play the healers. It improves your odds of finding a well-balanced team, and makes it much more fun to be credit to team.
Rather than walk on foot, you ride mounts into battle in Paladins, which disappear after you dismount or get shot. This both takes away a lot of the tedium of getting back into the fray after you respawn, and improves the viability of slow tanky characters. Contrast with something like TF2, where the Heavy is all but useless for anything but defending last because it takes so damn long to move him anywhere.
Paladins has a loadout system in the form of decks of cards. You unlock cards for specific characters with in-game currency, each of which grants a certain ability or passive effect. You can use 5 cards per loadout + 7 additional points that can be used to enhance their effects. This opens the door for some very interesting character customization strategies. Furthermore, during matches a similar system allows you to buy upgrades like resistances. These add layers of depth after everyone's characters are locked in, giving you a second chance to respond to enemy team composition.
On the negative side, Overwatch's presentation is unquestionably better than Paladins. The game looks better, the settings are more interesting, the characters draw you in more. Paladins is, let's face it, pretty cliche, bland, and corny on the surface. It is never going to be anywhere near as popular as Overwatch for that reason. On top of that, being F2P draws in children and BRs. But as a whole, I think Paladins is a much more fun game for casual play, better designed than it has any right to be, and might even have some competitive depth underneath it all.
Except it had a cash shop when it launched you dumb faggot
Good thing you conveniently ignore the invisible enemies shooting at you
Right, because it totally counts when the game hasn't even officially launched.
Good points and I agree with you for the most part, but personally I find Paladins more visually appealing than Overwatch, both in terms of actual art design and the technical stuff in-game. I don't think there's a single character design in Overwatch that I like. They have more personality, but they're still ugly and unappealing. Overwatch's visuals and physics also give it a sort of floaty vibe and at times it can get very chaotic and hard to tell what's going on. Paladins is also pretty floaty as far as FPS go, but nowhere near as bad and it's closer to how a FPS should feel than Overwatch.
You can't be serious
I don't mind Paladins' art
Except Cassie
Her hands are too small and arms are too short or something, shit's bothering the hell out of me
Nigga you dumb
Stop derailing this thread with faggy Tribes Aacend shite.
Pretty spot on user, VVGN.
He doesn't even do that much damage.
Bomb King is love.
Bomb King is life.
Behead those who insult Bomb King.
This is only really true in the case of Mercy and Lucio. And addressing this is already on Blizzard's to-do list with Mercy since it has made her less favourable in competitive play. Zenyatta and Ana are both able to dish out damage and look after themselves and perfectly good choices for people want to fight and heal.
This is a solution to a non-problem really. If travel times are becoming tedious you put the spawns closer to the front lines. Overwatch's tanky characters don't move all that slowly so it's not a problem for them. What this does do is kill any depth to map travel. Granted neither games have much in the way of advanced mobility but at least with Overwatch you can use the heroes mobility abilities to get to the front lines faster, finding the best opportunities to find shortcuts in the map layout, that goes out the window though if "get on yer horsey" always becomes the best way to get from A to B.
Everything you said is absolutely correct
Why is there always one in these games?
People enjoy the fantasy that if you're born fucked you can still somehow compensate, no matter what you're doing, with intelligence.
You don't need intelligence to buy a rawbutt.
Goblins are not known for intelligence, but for hoarding gold through usury, at least in most fantasy settings. Or where those gnomes?
I hated him at first but now he just clicked with me.
He's super fragile and can get curbstomped in 1v1 situation by pretty much everyone so at least lvl2 Haven is a must for him, you also have to stay back or in the crevices where the enemy can't see you, his grumpy and poppy bomb are Godsent for clearing the capture point, or simply getting people to fuck off away from you with a well placed poppy bomb.
You don't seem to understand that Tribes wasn't originally like that.
And you don't seem to understand that Paladins does not have weapons and shit that five you an edge over other players like Tribes did.
You can buy or get cards and creating card decks for every individual character is free to all in any way they want it.
Jesus, you're dense or a shill. They'll add things like new cards for crystals, new levels of cards for crystals, buyable perks for crystals, etc.. Hi-Rez has proven they're fine with springing these traps. Do you think they're going to make much money on selling costumes?
Stay triggered retard.
Did Hi-Rez ever add something that changes the game and can only be bought with real currency?
Stop you right there.
Smite has been around for a much longer time than Paladins, several years now, and still doesn't have anything similar to what you say.
Only cosmetics are pay2buy and everything else can be bought with in-game currency you get from playing the game.
The only example you have for Hi-Rez jewing out is Tribes, that came before Smite and Paladins, so it's not far fetched to say they learned their lesson, that p2w kills games, and they are not gonna try it again.
And on top of that, there's another detail. Nobody signed up a contract that forces them to play the game forever. As it currently is, it is NOT pay2win and you can have fun playing it without shelling out a single dollar.
The day they implement any of the things you mentioned, everyone else will just ditch if for something else, but in the meantime we got to have some fun for free.
If that day comes, of course…
So you're either an alarmist fuckwit, saying we shouldn't enjoy free things today because MAYBE in future they are gonna charge for them and this makes the previous time negative fun somehow… Or you're just a shitposting faggot grasping at straws to bash games and you got disapointed that p2w isn't something you can argue with. YET, BUT JUST YOU WAIT!
Think for a moment. I know it's hard. What in Paladins will currently make them significant recurring revenue? Can't think of anything? Yeah. Now what's it set up for? The loot crate model? Yeah. Buying crates for existing cards doesn't feel necessary right now though, does it? And they increase your character's power, don't they? Hummmmmmm I wonder what will happen. I am completely unable to guess!
You completely ignored what I just said about Smite, a game that has Gods you can unlock with ingame currency and no advantage whatsoever to be bought with credits.
In fact, Cards in Paladins can't even be bought with the crystals, so it's 100% not pay2win.
But do go ahead and pretend you're smarter than the sheeple for not playing a game while it's free just because in your head, the pay2win is real.
Why even get up in the morning? A meteorite might land on that empty skull of yours and shatter it.
Keep up the good work.
Apparently Veteran is bugged and and heals for 40% a second instead of 4%. That's why it's so good.
You can buy them via loot crates with crystals. It's similar to Tribes' model where you can pay-to-not-grind.
No, you can't "buy" them. You can buy lootcrates that may contain them but you can't specifically buy that one card you need to finish this build.
This voids the entire idea of being "pay2win", especially considering how dirt cheap they are that you can buy them in 2-3 games alone or with the reward of leveling a few heroes, making loot chests being the least atractive option.
The only thing that matters to you fags is that people don't play videogames. You're happy if the Overwatch players get butthurt the Paladins players and vice versa. I honestly think you should be banned on the grounds that your entire existence is about making more people play less games.
So that's why it was so good! I usually ended up getting that one only unless I was going with a character to kill a lot of people because it was pretty nice.
Hopefully they fix the description and not the effect.
What's so good of Aggression?
What's 5%/15% more damage going to do when you can get 150% more damage on shields, 90% reduced healings, reload speed, destroying buildings? It's the worst upgrade and the most expensive one.
That's what I meant, Aggression is trash.
What if I want people to play good games instead?
You'd be starting threads about those games, talking about them and convincing people by telling them how great those games are, not start a shit flinging moral crusade against other people's personnal tastes while offering no alternative.
But since you gotta play videogames to talk about videogames, that's not a possibility for you, I guess.
I need to start playing with friends exclusively
It doesn't matter. There's always someone that will ruin it.
I had a really bad streak today because I always had the same russian on my team that bought aggression like the retard that he is.
Because the jews must have some kind of representation in every videogame.
Nive quads faggot, now go play something thats not a timesink skinnerbox you fucking addict.
Maybe you should try it, and you might get some nice digits.
Is aggression good on Makoa if i want to one hit kill enemies after a chain pull?
600 damage x 1.7 chain x 1.15 aggression = 1173
Could do so much better buying blast shield/haven and whatever you need with 600 leftover
But i want to kill hard and fast with Makoa.
What do i do?
Buy haven/blast shield and kill hard and steadily
Survive longer and aim better, thats how you kill fast with Makoa. Aggression is going to do jack shit for a 400 - 800 - 1200 upgrade.
hey viktor why did you get aggression instead of wrecker when they have 3 tanks?
at least you can talk, but were never going to punch through those shields like that
Every single braindead mongoloid that unironically "mains" Viktor deserves to be castrated in front of his friends and family.
every single hothead deserves to be dunked in ice water in front of his friends and family
I fucking love Bomb King and it's so painful watching him being played by morons.
shamans > paladins
can you reccomend any good arena shooters?
Sometimes, yes.
What's the point of Ying's card that makes illusions last up to 12s longer when the max she can have out is 2?
So you don't blueball your customers.
Spotted the furfag.
If he posted a lucario img he'd be a furfag
If we post pictures of Pip, are we also furfags?
but arent half the classes locked behind a paywall?
In Overwatch, all of the characters are behind a paywall.
I guess you can pay money for them…but you actually get arguably the strongest characters from each class free out of the gate (excluding support), and you get enough in-game money to buy a new character every 5 or so games.
But, yes, you can also pay money to unlock them, I suppose.
In one day you can unlock all the characters if you are not a casual.
2-3 days on average.
One week if you are a casual.
You get way too much gold in this game, I have bought everything with not as much time and I dont know what to do with the gold, I guess buying random skins but I prefer the default skin on most characters, so that leaves me with the skins that you can only get with the "special" currency (real money or weekly log in bonus) which gives you 50 for free each week. A skin is 250, a fully skin which brings weapons, voices and everything is 600, so in a month you can get a normal "premium" skin and in two and a half a full "premium" skin without paying shit.
800 hps that you don't have to aim and can heal yourself with, 1000 dps hitscan weapon with no damage falloff, 2x500 burst in a massive AoE, and a teleport that makes her almost impossible to flank. Her ult isn't terrible either. If your team doesn't have a Ying you're crippling yourself.
Fuck you nigger.
I guess you should stop playing shit games then
How new are you?
Why don't you just discuss these on a site more appropriate for this like >>>/4chan/ or >>>/reddit/?
I think if you all left it would be better for everyone.
But he jumps around a lot, has a smaller hitbox, splash damage + slow and an instant 1k heal.
If not for the difference in ults I'd say he's a better Buck overall.
Aggression could be worth it if it had twice the bonus or was dirt cheap. As it stands, there's no reason to get it, only one that somewhat benefits from it is Kinessa, but I'd still take deft hands.
And Kinessa only really benefits from Aggression if she can consistently get headshots on 2000-2200 health characters without any Haven ranks. Rank 1 Aggression bumps her max damage just past 2000, rank 2 boosts it just past 2100, rank 3 boosts it just past 2200. So rank 1 lets her oneshot Kinessa, Skye, Mal'Damba, and Androxus, rank 2 lets her oneshot Cassie, and rank 3 lets her oneshot Victor. But, and this is a big but, only if they don't have Haven ranks. If the champ you're shooting has even 1 rank in Haven you need rank 3 Aggression to deal >2000 damage, and if you're landing shots at all they're going to be buying multiple ranks of Haven as long as they're not terminally retarded. Just buy Deft Hands and follow up headshots with a quick bodyshot. Hell, you have a team and it's really obvious when Kinessa shoots someone, they should be capable of finishing off an enemy with less than 300 health. Deft Hands also helps when you get surprised after throwing out some sniper shots and need to shoot a flanker with the carbine; reloading faster can mean the difference between life and death.
The correct way to play Kinessa is to build into Oppressor Mines and just put them everywhere. I use Amplitude 2, Generator 3, Octopressor 2, Quick Scope 3, Well Stocked 2. 4 mines with 60% increased range that slow 3 enemies and you regen 1 every 6.25 seconds. Quick Scope 3 because you do not want to be zoomed in the majority of the time, but you will still need to snipe. Stick with your team, but hang back from the point. You want to be close to your teammates because you're very vulnerable to flankers and you want to support them with Mines, but you're squishy and don't want to be taking chip damage. Cover flanking paths with mines so you get early warning of flankers.
Aggression would be worth if instead of 5% would be 10% so it negated Haven.
This would make sense and you would see damage/flankers actually going for the damage and tanks would die faster, it would also require more thinking than just Cauterize / Wrecker all the team with the exception of one going Deft hands or the rare case of Bulldozer for Barik + Ying.
We get it lad, you are a weeb and you suffer the yellow fever.
Now will you fuck off?
Support only does 28k healing ;_; i dont wanna play tank if people just cant fucking heal.
I'm no fan of Overwatch either, but if I had to choose between the two, I think I'd choose the one that's not a pump-and-dump Chinese-tier "F2P" clone.
Saging for trying to inferiority-complex fueled drama.
I don't understand Paladins. It's an Overwatch clone that brings nothing new to the table, and Overwatch wasn't even that good a game to begin with to warrant clones of it being made. It boils down to this question; which turd would you rather eat? The one that came fresh out the anus, or the crusted one that has flies swarming all over it? At the end of the day, you're still eating shit. Really? Who is this marketed for? What makes this game worth playing?
p.sure you can search names with game IP m8
did you play it?
*ID rather
Don't dodge the question.
Did you read the thread? Haven't you read that post and the answers it already had before?
Protip: these two posts: and are done by the same person.
Which doesn't happen ever, unless against bad players that don't require Agression to kill anyway.
Kinessa alone is a good reason to bring Haven, unless there's 2 AoE champs or Skye. And even then, someone will just grab Illuminate and everyone else gets Haven or the other sniper gets haven and ducks it out with Kinessa.
I find that Agression would only maybe kinda work with Life Link since it translates to extra healing, but it's such a pity amount, you might not bother with.
Buying any other upgrade, even in other categories is a better investement than agression. Really should be buffed to 10/20/30% instead.
Whatever. Enjoy your weird persecution complex I guess.
You just timestamped your own post, with the same ID and my post, for some reason, to prove… something.
Whatever, you're not gonna post as 803715 anymore, since you already switched IPs.
Your obcession with scat is of no concern to anyone, if you "don't understand Paladins", either play it and figure shit out, or don't. It's not like you have to like every single videogame, user. I mean, nobody else besides you and memespouting retards likes Arma or Project Reality, for instance.
Heres another samefag
You keep accusing people of being samefags on the Overmme thread as well.
How much are you paid?
What do Arma and Project Reality have to do with anything?
This entire thread
Its the autist from the Overmeme thread that thinks that anyone who hates his shit hates the cartoony stuff and want "muh realism" even though Quake and UT are revered on this board.
These threads are solely populated by a dozen fags that play with each other over Discord and another dozen of casuals besides the people who bash it of course.
More like
Totally not a shill
I'm probably just going to uninstall this shit for a while. It seems like every one match where it's an even tug of war and skill and strategy and clever use of characters happens is followed by 10 matches where my team is full of fucking retards who think they should focus on running off to the side paths to get in 1-on-1 fights with the enemy team.
I'm sick of running to the point only to have my damned team vanish into thin air.
I wish there was a splash screen up when the round starts: "This is not Deathmatch. Your goal is not to get kills. Your KDA is irrelevant. Get on the goddamned objective."
You'd think that would be obvious, but I've had far too many experiences where we clear the point and I'm the only one standing on it. I look behind me and what do I see? At least 2 other team members hovering around, but not GETTING ON THE FUCKING POINT.
Where are the other 2? Fuck if I know! They're not respawning, they just aren't anywhere near THE GODFORSAKEN POINT.
What if you flank went 60-8 and is dismounting every enemy leaving their base
I agree most with the second point. First character i started playing was Ying and i loved it how i could still deal a lot of damage even as a healer. Couldnt say the same when i tried playing as Mercy on Overbotch
Hey, that's great.. But you know what's better?
This, I was going 44-6 as ying when I first started playing, feels really good that the medic isn't a fucking light weight in the damage department also helps that ying is cute as fuck
That's great, but only if the other people on the team are pushing the cart.
If they're not, your good playing is worthless and you'd be better off on the objective.
If your flank is doing so well you should on the cart tbh fam
Play competitive. Trust me, its much MUCH better and people try to win.
It's more fun to play comp, people try their best and do the objective.
5 5 5 get
played my first competitive match
ur breddy good :DD
I think the worst thing about this game is everyone's obsession with flankers. One flanker on your team that can't do their job is annoying, two is hell, and three is just outright bullshit.
Flankers are capable of carrying the game though.
Front liners and supports who won't stay on the objective, and kinessa players are far worse.
It's not THAT bad, but it's pretty bad. I'd say every close match is followed by 5 where I'm stomped and other 5 where I'm doing the stomping.
Some funky matchmaking at work here…
I also dislike how I can't pick another hero midgame as in Overwatch.
I get that they are different games that play in different ways, but this just makes it frustrating when you pick Grover for instance only to notice nobody is sticking near the point with you and a Skye is just fucking shit up.
I could easily pick up Viktor or Androxus and go after her but nope! Gotta stick to the end with the tree.
Most sniper players are utter trash because they just want to play a Flanker that doesn't have to expose itself and has their team acting as a wall between them and the enemy team.
This is why I like playing flankers and making Cassie\Kinessa players my bitch.
A good sniper always has the point in clear sight and focus on taking down priority targets to assist it's team. A good sniper is closer to Support than Flanker, a bad sniper does the oposite.
I'm seriously glad it isn't possible to change hero midgame, as it doesn't allow the match to turn into a roulette of counterpicks.
Overwatch kinda solves that with the travel time and the loss of Ult charge when you pick a new hero. Constantly switching has a cost so you do it tactically, like after losing\capturing the first point.
This. You picked a character, stick to it.
You got countered in the draft mode at the beginning on comp? Well think twice before picking something easily counterable or speak with your teammates before picking anything.
You still get countered anyways? Git fucking gud, even if something counters you, you can still do a lot to the other character easily. You are Kinessa and the enemy team has Skye? Place mines everywhere and carry cards that increase the speed of teleport, that heals you and gives you movement speed boost after the teleport, stick with your team and instead of thinking like a sniper, think like a soldier with a big ass gauss rifle, that way they can protect you better. Or, you know, you can call your team so one of them stay with you for 1vs2 Skye.
In short, if you get countered learn to fucking play. It's fucking awful to play a game where everyone is switching class, it was no fucking fun to dominate on TF2 as Scout and suddenly a lot of players going Engineer, then I'm forced to go another class to beat them then they switch to another class to beat me. It's utter nonsense and shit, learn to play with your character in all instances.
Oh god Viktor buff?
Maldamba gourd damage doubled
Objectives and Payload carts no longer progress faster with multiple players, one player will give the maximum amount of progress.
Objective capture rate and Payload cart speed now increases over the course of the match.
The team that captures the Objective gains an additional 300 credits per player.
The defending team no longer gains credits when successfully defending the Payload push.
Objective capture rate and Payload cart speed is no longer altered when you are ahead or behind in points.
Each role now gains additional credits for doing their intended role:
Front Line champions gain 100% more credits for standing near an objective.
Support champions gain 100% more credits for healing allies.
Flank champions gain 100% more credits for eliminations on enemies when they are behind enemy lines.
Damage champions gain 100% more credits for dealing damage to enemy champions.
Some big changes.
Looks like games will end faster with one side snowballing slightly faster, and supports will stop being so starved for credit.
Not sure if other roles getting credit buff is right though, I think they get it fast enough, especially front line.
I don't like that part, at all. The good part of competitive was the comebacks, with this a comeback will be harder to pull.
And if you're doing well you can get over 1800 credit in one round already, not sure why they're doubling it.
So you can get chests faster. Remember that now taunts are exclusive from chests, before there was no taunts so people that played before have a high level and can't level as fast.
It's quite unpleasant to see how people that get into the game now can open 30 chests like nothing with a chance of a taunt when you already opened 30 for only cards and duped cards, this is for the veterans.
You can't change your cards during the game though, that's not a solution.
I never much liked this style of game since often it will be decided at Hero pick and the game is just the unfolding of your counters. It's just like playing rock, paper, scizors but after you draw, you gotta run around and smacking things for 30 minutes before the next round.
How is that bad? Not only is it the enemy team answering your strategy with their own and adjusting it on the fly (depth in gameplay) but it's also several players ackowledding you as a threath. Every Spy player knows he "won" the round when he forces the other team to pick several Pyros, for instance.
And besides, this is the part where "Team" should come in, since you have teammates that can pick Soldier\Demo\Spy and handle those sentries for you so you can keep playing Scout anyway.
So now only the Front Line have to stay on the objective, everyone else is free to fuck around. I dunno how to feel about this, seems unnecessary since that's the default for scrubs anyway.
But it's cool that different roles get a boost in credits with their specific role.
credits as in the in-game currency, the ones you buy Wrecker, Illuminate and similar. Not gold that you use to buy new heroes and skins.
How about filling all your loadout with different cards? I have 6 different loadouts with snekman depending on what my team needs.
I have 3 different loadouts with Androxus depending on what Im going to face as well. Oh, these guys are not going to shoot at my reversal, better use a card loadout that doesn't use reversal etc
Thing is, even if you get countered, you still have a team and other 3-4 guys that are not countering you, use that.
It is bad because it destroys the flow of a game. I don't want to be forced to play another class because of A or B neither I want to force the enemy team to play another class.
The problem with the patch notes here is how it will go down in the game. Pip will get hurt the most, which is unfair neither we know at the moment how flanks will get that bonus credits. By the way, credits in-game affect the experience at the end if I remember right, which is what I was talking about for the chests when leveling up.
To be honest, I do not like this patch at all. These changes on the credits and the payload moving at max speed with one player seems dangerous to me. It will make people spawncamp even more.
Would be nice if they let you change cards between rounds at least, if not lives
I never managed to change my loadout in game after picking one. Dunno if it's only during round start that you can change it or something.
By making it more dynamic? And requiring you to play more classes than just the one you're more familiar with?
Mate, if you had an RTS where you could only pick a unit to produce that counters or is countered by your oponent, it would be a shit game even if you could micro the fuck out of your units. That's core in RTS, that you meet the strategy of your oponent and react to it.
Changing classes to meet your oponent's pick isn't different at all then leading rockets depending on the speed of the enemy, it's just you reacting and adapting.
I dunno, if they get a flat credit boost whenever they heal people, a healer can spam that shit to heal tiny amounts of damage and get rich faster, as long as he pays attention. PiP also has an AoE healing, so multiple dosh for one skill.
It can also be adjusted per Hero so Grover only gets a tiny amount from his passive healing and a bigger amount from his active healing, while PiP gets a large amount from everyone hit by the flask.
You're right about the flankers, though. What counts as "behind enemy lines?", their position?
If they increase the amount of credits you get in game, they can lower the weight for the experience you get at the end and you'll get the same thing after the game, but still more credits during the match, changing nothing.
I'm betting that most games see people buying several items or maybe maxing a single one and buying the first rank in another. They want more credits for every player so they buy more items and more ranks, probably.
Kinda get the idea Hi Rez was expecting players to farm for a bit longer and matches to last longer so players could get a lot of money, but they weren't counting on how fast everyone rushes the objective and ends the round.
Oouuch. Now there is incentive to actually win the first stage of the match.
No shit, getting tired of these stalemates where a team just shoot from afar, then defends and when it's 3v3, they actually go in. I'm beginning to think that was some kind of meta strategy to maximize farm or something.
…mate, have you played the game? Farm what? There are literally only 2 things on the entire map that aren't static: the objective and the enemy team. There's nothing to farm!
The enemy team, mate. I get the feeling Hi Rez expected players to run around the whole arena, retardedly chasing each other, going at least 100 eliminations per game. Only way you could max several items, really.
It would actually be like that if it wasn't for the few competent players that stick to the objective.
oh no
Did they do anything to muh Bomb King?
You get a new skin.
That's all.
Good, i was afraid for a second.
I can happily go back to anally raping pubs.
Maybe they expected more fights to happen on other points of the map instead of the usually choke points that these games tend to gravitate too. The old maps were FUCKHUEG. But it was mostly empty space so you spend more time traveling then fighting.
Just played first game with snekmancer, his kit seems kind of amazing.
And holy shit, what do you know, i finally got my skin with no notification whatsoever.
im movin this
Not expecting his damage to be as high as it is but I love the hitscan heal, way more interesting to use then other heals
his damage potential is respectable, its not a very reliable weapon though, im worried how shit he will be after they reduce its hitbox, i guess too many bucks and skyes were complaining about their assassination attempts backfiring
Long range is stupid difficult but you can hit so many cool angles with it, especially to above ground and arch over the rooftops. I doubt the hitbox change will change much, just tighten it up so you don't get those silly hits when the venom isn't even close.
What are best cards to use with him right now? Right now I'm going moral boost for practice on his ult
i dont know, i think it would be pretty god awful if it worked how it looked.
My personal favourite when going full support.
pretty good, you want at least 8 levels of survivability crap since hes the least mobile support in the game.
not that theres much else worth taking, most of his other cards suck.
all really good, ritual magic is probably the strongest of them all though, the less gourds you spend on yourself the better
Why are there Russians with cyrillic names playing on US server?
Seems pretty good.
I've won my first 5 or so games but now I'm getting games where every damage on my team is some how
no ip blocks
>now I'm getting games where every damage on my team is some how
Just total newbs most likely, I only play payload so I won't get people playing at their prime level.
I'm going to start playing only ranked soon, any current meta that dominates or is it still just first pick Fernando and play around that?
Ying is top tier, if you can get both Nando and Ying you've basically already won.
Fernando and Ying are the strongest characters in the entire game at the moment. Keep in mind that in comp, if someone picks Fernando the other team can't pick it.
The current meta uses usually two tanks this way you leave the other team with only one tank and Ruckus which is free meat for all DMG, Flanks and Pip, a support and two damage / one damage and one flank. They don't usually flank, they just stay on the point and cover each other, so playing Flank on comp is actually hard.
Ofcourse it's possible to win with shit like 5 damage teams, but those are special cases of the opponent being shit.
that sounds horrible until the roster fills out more, but it might make for more interesting games than some lame tier list.
There isn't a point to ban yet, but at least they can continue to nit pick at Fernando until they figure out a Goldilocks state where he is good at what he does instead of just mandatory. His fireball was a bit to strong and his charge is getting nerfed. This might calm him down a bit. It won't change his core play style but it gives less tools to bully non stop.
Fernando isn't that bad, they often put themselves in shit positions chasing
You saying Ruckus is bad? He seems nigh-unkillable to me unless focused by every member of the opposing team.
Or maybe that's just pubstomping?
That sounds like something that any AoE hero could break easily, though. Especially with Cauterize.
He has problems against long range and whenever he isn't on the point, but other than that, I agree. He's pretty great.
i want dota 2 match systems, at least there is a 50% win ratio
The game really needs another dedicated front liner. Especially since Hi-Res is considering adding the ability to ban a single hero to comp; you could potentially end up with one team picking Fernando & Barik with Makoa banned, leaving the other team with only Ruckus for their front line.
Ruckus isn't bad. He's just not really able to protect other players and he's easily shut down by being focus fired, sort of like the Heavy from TF2. He's not a tank so much as a bruiser. He works best when paired with another front liner: if he's the only front line on the point he's just gonna get focused down, but if he's got a Barik or Fernando to shield him while he chews through the opposing front line, you can take and hold points easy.
That's why Drogoz or Bomb King are a must on the damage.
It's most of the time Drogoz Vs Bomb King. Drogoz has more damage meanwhile bomb King has the poppy which negates the point very well, however you're forgetting how Ying doesnt need to stand nearby to heal people thanks to her illusions so she can harass Bomb King.
We had a match were they had Ruckus and Fernando, so it was hard to cap the point but we had Makoa and I was Androxus at that time.
Makoa was pulling people back like stupid people would say "a scrub" and making us lose the first points even if we defended the payload, however he was smart and a teamplayer. Instead of flame him like the typical russian the support and me told him to pull Ruckus.
Instead of going to the point, the 5 of us were in front of the point waiting for Ruckus and Fernando to appear, pulled Ruckus and died in the moment he got pulled, then we proceeded to eliminate everyone.
Ruckus is slow and cannot move properly, everyone counters him hard, Bomb King however just makes Ruckus directly useless and non existant. Ruckus, Grover and Skye are at the moment the worst characters for Competitive, they get shat on quickly and easily by anything.
Even when Ruckus has another tank with him (that makes him not be shit and just meh) he's still crappy. Fernando can cover him, great, but you're forcing Fernando to cover Ruckus and not the other 3, if it's Makoa you can hide and wait for his short shield to go off, if it's Barik you laugh it off and destroy the shield since one or two players should have Wrecker.
tl;dr: Ruckus is shit for competitive and only used as last resort. If enemy team has Bomb King, he's not even last resort, you're better off with another character.
forced 50 is here as well
nah that's just you shitters not knowing how to sit on the point
I peek back in this thread and the faggotry is through the roof, holy shit.
Sorry for your inferiority complex, bro; but both games of your genre are still shit, and choosing Hi-Rez of all devs turns you into a cock-gobbling faggot with no taste.
Might as well pre-order the next Ubisoft game while you're at it.
Fernando's so far ahead of other tanks imo
How the fuck does one play Fernando competently and why the fuck is a mirror match between the two the most cancerous shit in existence. I swear I thought I had something going with this deck but the 30 feet is fucking nothing in this game apparently so it's a constant bitch to try and make use out of the card, especially when every game has shitters running around like retards instead of sitting around the cart.
Get last stand or whatever, the card that recovers hp to 50% when you have shield up
Oh boy a FERNANDO, and your build is fucking awful.
Follow what I tell you:
Evolve 4
Towering Barrier 4
Heat Transfer 1
Launch 1
Last Stand 2
Trust me on this one.
F- see me after class
I may be shit but you're full of it m8
Make up your fucking mind.
Tank: Last Stand 4, Towering Barrier 4, Running Start 2, Launch 1, Heat Transfer 1
You stand on the point and flame people. You take some damage, use your shield to help heal yourself. Charge cards help you reposition quicker.
Aggressive Asshole: Incinerate 4, Hot Pursuit 3, Running Start 3, Launch 1, Heat Transfer 1
Use your abilities to go very fast and run around killing their squishies. Only use if you have another front line on your team. Becomes quite good lategame when all the damage classes have Wrecker 2 and your shield starts evaporating.
Safe travel isnt the card that makes you charge further…
That's right. Safe travel is the card that gives you a shitty shield that lasts half a second and goes down to anyone breathing near it with Wrecker. Launch is the card that makes you charge farther.
Self-shielding is garbage. That's why Ruckus isn't good.
You never need Launch 4, but at a single point it's pretty okay.
It's bad because it doesn't protect your allies. Once you get out of the casual matchmaking tire fire, people do stand behind shields. It's bad because you don't get the shield every 6 seconds; you get it every time you charge, and if you use charge every time it comes off cooldown you'll be constantly charging out of position. It's bad because you're spending 4 points on a 1000 hp self-shield when that could be literally anything else. It's bad because wrecker is so common in comp that it won't ever actually save you; it'll go down to a damage class sneezing in your general direction.
You can cancel the charge early, as early as starting it really. The bigger issue with it is that spamming it off cooldown leaves you with no method of disengage / engage afterwards
You mean stun yourself?
How? I tried hitting all the buttons but none of them cancel his charge early.
I may be a retard since I tried it myself in the Practice Area and it seems impossible yet whenever I'm in a game I swear I can cancel the charge early just by hitting M1 for some damn reason.
Just tried it in the shooting range. No cards charge travels about 5 tiles. If I mash m1 while charging I stop at about 4 tiles. I cannot cancel the charge at any time, it just doesn't travel as far.
It's page 13, who's making next thread
I.m scared onni-fam.
new thread
the pumpking has arrived