What's the deal with this? Apparently it has no ending and Square Enix made them split the game in two? Nobody talks about the game.
The Vanishing Game
Other urls found in this thread:
three, actually
Where can I read more about this?
Whelp, with this kind of marketing nobody into cyberpunk played it. And the ones that did basically confirmed it was BLM and SocJus instead of anything anyone interested in Deus Ex actually wanted. Even Normalfags.
Not enough interest beyond the rare couple of generals that focused on Human Revolution ever went into detail, and the game is Persona non grata in regular Deus Ex threads.
I think denuvo is bad for games. Pirates who download games usually talk about them too and create buzz on the internet, which serves as a marketing really. I guess thats why nobody talks about it
Not even consolefags paid attention to it after a day or two, I think it's just that nobody wanted a half-length pozzed up sequel to HR.
Deus Ex sequels were a mistake
I loved my time with this game, it's just that there is not much to say. Prague is a god-tier hub to play around in, the writing works and the gameplay is an improvement on HR. Since its story has no proper end and the supporting cast is weaker now except for Jim, there's not as much to go on. They tease too much throughout the game that the ending, while a satisfying gameplay finale, doesn't and couldn't cover enough.
You say that yet few of the IRL narrative elements tie into that. It's not pro-BLM since it gives augs no slack for being extremist cunts. It also puts alternative media on a massive pedestal above the MSM yet our alternative media is almost 100% pro-Trump. It just doesn't fit a contemporary narrative.
Yeah some butthurt writer trying to make an analogy with the treatment of Augs being the same as the treatment of black people doesn't make for good writing, who'd of thought.
That's because the general consensus on it was that the gameplay was alright but the plot was kind of terrible. It's one of those games that is probably going to be forgotten in about 5 years, like Thief 2014 and Tomb Raider 2013. There's just nothing that memorable to really latch onto aside from "it's just more of Human Revolution".
Also it's reputation was tarnished because it tried to be topical and talk about Black Lives Matter. Instead of do what every other Deus Ex game and try to predict actual future events. Which just showcases the writers and their lack of actual interest in things that actually matter in the world. Instead just focusing on what's on their twitter feed.
Because the French Canadians made it, so it sucks.
The only time I talk about this game is because of this quest, it reminds me of Tay.ai.
Because it is released.
Shills talk about games before release to rake in enough preorders.
After the first week it's over, nobody cares for the long tail.
I was kinda tempted to buy it since I liked HR, but denuvo combined with talks of a half-finished game put a nail in that coffin. It's now a buy it for 20 bucks with all DLC title for me. Not much else to say, and I guess that goes for a significant amount of people.
Still waiting for a crack, I'm not burning money on this shit.
Can't that only really be said about the first one?
Invisible War was just trying to be like every other futuristic sci-fi story while Human Revolution was just trying to flesh out the first game's mechanical aug backstory without any real regard as to whether that shit is going to happen in the future.
Is MD getting a GOTY edition with all DLCs on disc?
Wasn't "pirating helps our marketing" a commonly stated thing only a few years ago?
The whole augmentation thing was thoroughly digested and then run down in HR. That they were going to revisit the theme was the first sign, along with bringing back Jensen, that Mankind Divided was going to be half-assed.
Denuvo copy protection hurts bad games more than it helps them.
This is a good thing to know.
This game is a fine example of how single player story driven games with a big budget are dying.
Videogames are social now. It's pretty sad but I switched to JRPGs and VNs a few years ago in preparation, I saw it coming. Seeing Steam turned into videogames Facebook was a warning sign.
I don't know about goty but it better get a complete edition. DLCs should be included years down the line.
You might say they divided the game.
What a faggot.
Sauce pls
Piracy on PC is actually a pretty big issue for single player games that can be played offline.
It's why Japanese devs often port their games to Steam late.
I didn't even watch a walkthrough of it for the plot past the first hour, it was that bad. NG reviewer claimed that it's definitely a game for the old DX fans to love, but that's just bullshit, I don't know what he was smoking.
They're just an excuse for socializing. Any other vehicle can serve this purpose, nobody needs vidya for that.
Unlike PSN it doesn't force you to use you real name.
Yeah, I'm not going into microtransactions.
No it isn't, PC poorfags who spent their entire $1000 on their GPU can't afford games anyway. So they won't buy them with or without DRM.
I've heard its a mixed bag. Gameplay is fine, good. Hubs are fun and the weapon system is cool. The game falls apart with the story though. One of the strengths of Deus Ex was seeing a future dystopia based on real life theories of where government, society, technology etc. would go. It allowed you to work backwards from where the world was in 2051 to the current day. Not to mention it had a fairly generic conspiracy plot with lots of good stuff tucked away, like the discussion with the proto-Daedelus, the bartender etc. Wrap that up with top tier gameplay that encourages players to play how they feel like and it isn't a surprise why the original is so beloved.
Mankind Divided uses augs as a very poor analogy for racism and even involves Black Lives Matter. Augs were presented as being the rich man's luxury or the poor man's curse in HR. Poor people couldn't afford neuropozyne so lived in constant pain with their augmented limbs, leading to black market gangs to sell them. The aug divide would have served much better for a class war started by commie terrorists rather than MUH OPPRESSION! Yes, the people who are far stronger, smarter, tougher and in some cases even more charismatic than normal people, are somehow rounded up and thrown into some ghetto to segregate them. The rich and powerful are somehow trampled. It's a poor attempt at matching something of today and falls flat.
Honestly I just use PSN to buy games. PSN is optional unlike Steam.
I never use Steam anymore, I get the feeling it's trying to make me a member of a community. Can't have that. Luckily Steam can be cracked pretty easily.
It becomes mandatory once you want to move your saves out of your console.
I think Ross from Game Dungeon summed it up pretty well in his DX series (which is pretty awesome, you should check it out if you haven't) that the original was, while a dystopian future, still based on reality and quite realistic views of how progress might take us forwards in 40 years. Then Invisible War threw that all out with the bathwater and became a style over substance "scifi" setting, and HR took that even further with its impossible architecture, designs and neon-glow hell. Augs, augs, augs, while DX had augs just as a small part in the game's background story and was more about shadow government, conspiracies and being an agent around the world.
HR wasn't a bad game, but it wasn't very good either. MD is the same.
They were already "social" when Pong came out and didn't have AI
Remember when the devs tried to shill that it had nothing to do with current events and that it was OC donut steal?
because it was worse than the first game in about every aspect. gameplay, story, exploration.
AND the game was split into multiple games because why not
What is this multiple split? You mean HR and MD were supposed to be one game, or is there another sequel coming that was supposed to be MD?
I heard it was a giant mess to get running, choppy FPS and crashes and the like.
Not really. PS4 supports flash drives?
Sure but nowadays everything is social. Multiplayer/MOBA/MMO/Mobage/Augmented reality damn it all to hell. I play games to get away from people.
Only while online with PSN to check your "trophys".
Prequels. It only had one sequel, although it was poorly executed as well.
I backup my saves to usb stick all the time. You don't need to be online.
System storage management -> local saves -> game title -> save name
Select copy to USB. Done.
You probably are thinking about cloud saves, where you backup to their servers which is another option.
*A Deus Ex reboot for consoles was a mistake
I mean, you could sorta lump Invisible War into that category, but I was sorta thinking of just ignoring it.
Now try restoring them.
And if you don't believe me:
Eh, he also spouted a load of bullshit about HR's gameplay being better when that is a mixed basket, anyone with two brain cells to rub together can already see how the original game's depiction of the future was much more down to earth and believable than IW's and HR's.
I dunno man, I just enjoy the shit out of overly long DX videos.
Nobody talks about it because it uses Denuvo so no piracy demo, and it made BLM niggers angry, so no SJWs.
what's with this new trend of advertising videogames with totally unconnected, mainstream pop songs that have no relation to the actual game?
it is just pure stupification of the masses? Sensory overload for shekels?
It's shit, duh.
which is why all the advertising is "le discrimination evil people" meme
fuck off
I assume he means all the individual mechanics are improved and refined.
It supports the oppression narrative of BLM, but it replaced the blacks with robot people, and niggas aint down with all that cyborg bullshit, so it got bad press
Better than whatever squaeidox came up with.
That has been going on for ages, m8
DX:MD outright had building entrances exclusively for augs and benches with labels for humans only on top of the concept art with the totally-not-BLM protests. So no, it isn't "a similar narrative", they made it very clear that it was their goal.
I hope he fucked both of them
this pandering to the liberal bromides of our age isn't new for Deus Ex. Human Revolution was Occupy Wall Street: the game. Videogames have been vehicles for social justice for a few years now, but people are so dumb and cucked that it takes a bunch of angry nigger faces on their television to realize something is going on.
Yet the major antagonists are augs who just want to fight and say fuck peace. Quit shitposting about games you haven't played.
Well none of them try to blow up your transport in HR, so there's that.
How? The game was mostly about forced evolution, not the difference in wealth between classes. That part was still there, much like just about any cyberpunk game\movie\book but it was so background that the beer brand was more important than that.
The whole game was about how most people run a Red Queen's race with augments just to keep their jobs and lives or they aren't as good as the augs, meanwhile the augs have to constantly take a drug that's quite expensive or they become amputees at best.
Jensen himself not only had implants forced on him the whole thing was a plot to implant him but his DNA is the answer to neuropozine and forcing augments on one's body
The plot of the game wasn't even that good, neuropozine was a shitty drug they made just so being an aug had a downside and there were many ways to do it too.
But why the fuck would you make a very low effort brain dead analogy about the game using something that has nothing to do with it?
And while we are at it, what was the "liberal pandering" of Deus Ex Invisible War? Or the first one?
Sometimes I get the idea you fags try to grab whatever excuse you can get to bash liberals and appear smarter than you really are.
All I have to say on the subject. Shit game written by a white cunt and a salty nigger that has nothing to do with Deus Ex thematically.
The third one isn't really that bad, just some detective thinking to rule out possible suspects. He says "body augmentations" so it includes ALL body augmentations that are probably Haram to them.
The second one however…
I mean, they have to see this shit during play testing, right? Even if just to see how it renders and if there's any clipping or other problem?
Then how can anyone look at that face, that nose, those eyes, that hair… And say "yep, that's good, ship it!"
I've also recently seen some of the more modern batman cartoons that happen in the future and the kids\punks have their own language that DC made for that time.
I'd expect that someone trying to make a cyberpunk game would try to either use the proper slang for it or at least come up with new one on their own, not just lazily past old internet slang. Nobody says "trolled" anymore, it's bait this, trigger that…
Which begs the question, why haven't most companies figured out that this "let's appeal to everyone" aproach doesn't really work, and they'd be better off making games that appeal to specific niches instead but more of them?
Instead of what Deus Ex has become, they could have made a game all about the roleplaying of being a cyborg while you crack down conspiracy theories and another game about being Super Cop: Blast and Shoot where you punish crime with your super augments.
They'd hit both demographics and clean market with them, even if both games had half the work done for them.
Jihadists have repeatedly shown that they are perfectly willing to commit haram in preparation of a terrorist attack because they know all their previous sins will be "forgiven".
The Orlando shooter was a known homosexual that frequented the bar he attacked, the Nice trucker ate pork, did drugs and fucked prostituted, and every time one of them chimps out the media pounces on the excuse they're not "true" Muslims because they did this or that.
Jensen is basically parroting what the white whore that wrote this propaganda piece of shit thinks. It's "Religion of Peace" bullshit.
Just FYI, Jihadists are allowed to do anything that goes against muslim doctrine. Simply because they're participating in holy war and thus spreading their faith as Muhammed intended. The strict rules and the ability to waive them is incentive to become warriors of the faith.
The "trolling for information" line is not bad at all seeing as how troll means to search. She's asking if he's searching for her secrets.
I want cuckchan to leave already.
Ah yes. Kitman and Taqiyya.
Here's a tip, words mean more than one thing, friend.
What is there to say?
The plot was pointless. Nothing was accomplished. It's one of those times when you can say, "Why not show events leading to this, or jump straight to what they lead to?", because it goes nowhere.
The gameplay itself doesn't feel very Deus Ex.
The most compelling missions were sidequests, and the game seemed to acknowledge this, but it totally throws off the pacing because you have to hold off on the main missions. There's "okay, fighting the end boss means giving up all sidequests", and then there's "every five missions, the day/night cycle shuffles and you forfeit all sidequests". Especially when half of the Story quests are courier missions and the like. "Go talk to so and so at such and such place".
I don't understand why we played Jensen. I don't understand why they chose Prague. The "aug racism" angle is retarded, doesn't fit Deus Ex well, and it's stupid that they literally call it "racism", which isn't a thing. Emphasizing that people think augmentations are dangerous is one thing, but there's no way it would happen in real life… not because people can't be scared, or hateful, or bigots, but because the amount of effort involved to remove a section of the populace is just too great. It feels forced.
It would have been better if they just made it so public opinion turned. Now you're "unclean", possibly dangerous, and people snub their noses at you. I could buy some shops having a "no augs allowed" policy, but entire cities and police forces? Especially when they're using drones, turrets, and mechanical suits to enforce the law? How are those less of a threat? It's pretty evident that everyone going crazy wasn't their fault.
That's them main issue with Deus Ex now: none of the characters are believable. Pritchard and Sarif weren't flawless, but they felt real and their motivations had enough depth without being unclear. Meanwhile, over in Mankind Divided, every conversation involves AUGS AUGS AUGS OPPRESSION. There's YELLY AUSTRALIAN BOSS MAN, who is always angry for no reason, there's a bunch of people who barely want to speak with you and are obviously spies, to the point where anyone paying attention would realize it, and then there's a bunch of quirky side characters who need their problems solved, usually because the police are being dicks or the gangsters are doing their thing.
It was just boring and unremarkable. The best thing I can say about it is "a screenshot looks like concept art", but it's mostly because the streets are so cluttered. I find it distracting. The city was small, and a lot of side areas are used. It's only "dense" if you consider every little thing you can pick up to be worthwhile, and most of them aren't, so most buildings are pointless to explore. They're there more for explorationfags who cream themselves having a bunch of nooks and crannies to find themselves in, but with no real purpose or reward beyond "more hacking software", I find it pointless. If I stumbled upon something cool, like I could in the original just by walking through back alleys, I'd be happy.
That's the core problem: Human Revolution did a lot of the same stuff better. Detroit was up there with Santa Monica in Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines. Praque is just bland. It felt like they tried so hard to take it "to the next level", and they just made it boring. They focused on all the wrong things to make the world seem to have depth, and it comes across as an illusion instead of actual depth. It ticks off checkboxes to say, "see? Deus Ex!", but it misses the spirit of the thing.
At least Human Revolution had a heart. Mankind Divided didn't even have a good soundtrack; they did the popular thing of having a muted, subdued atmospheric soundtrack. It only serves to make the game somehow even more bland.
We can all hum the songs from the original. We can all hum the theme song from Human Revolution. We can remember all those cool moments either game "tricked us", mostly the first, but there were some good moments in Human Revolution. Mankind Divided has none of that. Any time you get set back, it's in a cutscene, and it's not your choice. I can't choose to not chase the terrorists. I have to do it. I have to walk into a trap. I just cease to care, because I only want to get back and so sidequests.
They could have done a really cool XCom-styled world-hopping base-building RPG where you take missions, try to investigate, and build your home base. Half X-Com, half what MGSV was supposed to be, and with a cyberpunk twist. Instead we barely get to see the inside of the Interpol station, and we never get to influence it or make any kind of decisions about it.
Whole thing is super lame, and every scene with the Illuminati contradicts the original game. So it's trash.
Right, right. Forgot the "everything is allowed as long as you do it for the jihad" rule.
I'm sure all those whores and pork was part of the plan.
Learned something new today. And from Holla Forums, fancy that.
Does the term have anything to do with "stroll"?
I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or serious. But I assure you it is a very real exception to their beliefs.
Of courshe! Doctor Pavel refused his 72 virgins in favor of your flight plan, we had to find out what he told you
No, the word stroll means mostly a leisurely walk, however, there is another definition of it being a victory or objective that is easily achieved.
That's actually pretty interesting, how many cyberpunk works takes religion into account? Shame that's probably underused in this game.
I should have placed a :^) somewhere because yes, I was being sarcastic.
Deus Ex Invisible War did it. :^) and proved it's not always a good idea
In a futurist setting, religion either decays to the point it no longer exists or it is diluted with hundreds or thousands of religions and each becomes just a club to pass the time.
Do keep in mind that religion is always just another barrier to stop a man from commiting crimes, a morality wall if you will, with laws, conscience and punishment being some of the others.
Cyberpunk worlds usually feature a setting where morality is severely warped, being moral in such a world is a ticket to an early grave and you're seen as the odd one for not being as individualistic as everyone else. Even those that try to work for what they consider to be the greater good will do so in a pragmatic way, unafraid of commiting crimes to do their thing.
Now the whole Theology aspect, that usually survives but is transformed into a product someone can market to you. In a time where your soul has no anchor or lighthouse, a lot of people will show up with their own solution and guidance, all at a very reasonable price. Some of them will be based on old religions (to make it more authentic), others will be entirely new because the old didn't worked.
You might still see actual religious cult in the form of a corporation dedicated to a deity or god, worshipped by all it's menbers. It might be open and try to spread it to as many people as possible or be hidden and keep it to themselves, but you still don't know if it's the real thing or just another pyramid scheme to keep the power going up to whoever actually rules that cult.
So take your pick: either soul soap for cheap price or ancient cult for an higher price, both are still not gonna keep you safe.
Don't be. Its real.
I have never heard anyone use troll in the context described in any of those examples and the two at the number 3 makes me think it was put in there as a joke like to fish for replies. The only times I've ever heard anyone actually use the word troll is to call somebody a troll as in cave or bridge troll, and the context is that they're basically calling you a NEET. The only other context people would think of is basically fucking with you to get a rise out of you.
Did they hire Bioware to work on the character models?
its not sera
Stop being salty that other people are higher rank at english than you
the "as long as…" part is entirely of your own invention. if you jihad, everything else is forgiven by default.
No its because of the in game one time usable DLC.
read a book faggot
Those post-pregnancy nipples.
Well that doesn't sound promising at all.
The first one is heavily religious. It's a cyber-messianic second coming-revelations story.
the gameplay for this game is overrated too. missions are often 1/3 vents, the other being some aug and then the brute force approach. there were few weapons, they all felt like shit when shooting and the upgrades were also few (the weapon system looked like it was made for a ton of upgrades, maybe they just had to remove stuff to put in the sequels).
also, takedowns are still shit, not just because they change perspective but because they eat power. and the fact that even late game you basically have to go through dozens of batteries to use your powers for like 5 minutes. it's so fucking gay
moreover, the way the game is designed, going stealthy is actually easier, at least on the hardest difficulty (give me deus ex, the one above is retarded). you have to basically be on your 2nd playthrough to actually go tank destroyer mode and even then you have to spend all your energy cells
the original deus ex had much better game play and human revolution was better balanced too imo. sure, it had less augs and forced shitty fights, but overall the entire game wasn't designed around checkboxes and pleasing reviewers
also, i like how the faggot is good looking and the woman looks like a fucking troll. fucking feminist cucks
Yeah, how they fucked the weapon design is nothing but shameful. The animation also sucks dick, so even the weapons that return suffer.
That only matters if it's your second language, or your accent is so terrible the words that come out of your mouth is garbled gibberish.
Go drop that word in an everyday conversation in the context described then post results.
That gun would be a real pleasure to operate.
My fave part of the game.
kys faggot
fatty detected
'Gameplay' is hard to analyze in a DX game. If you're immersed, i.e. you like the world-building/plot etc… then it's cool to just wander around and uncover the story.
tbh, I've still go no idea if the original has good gameplay or not. There's maybe 2-3 levels that actually feel like gamey missions… but most of it is just hubs (big and small) with various objectives weaved in. That's what separates DX from all others.
And the story was a mess, seriously i can't explain the story on top of my head to anybody.
That's a good sign it was shit.
triggered big boy?
what could possibly go wrong?
I didn't even realise until that pic. I felt bad for creeping through his apartment, which I didn't regarding anyone else. Guess some people like to have their privacy.
For discussion's sake, how was Deus Ex's level design better than Mankind Divided? I remember there usually being about that many options in each mission of the original.
it's been a while since i played the original deus ex, but it might just be a matter of presentation. mankind divided made this very formulaic i guess, for the lack of a better word, while deus ex seemed less "gamey" about it and to me, at least, it didn't feel like constantly picking between 3 split paths on hallway.
also, there were some points where small choices could've made a lot of difference too, even if it wouldn't fix the level design. for example, if i didn't want to work with the dindu pilot, i should've been able to call malik or have some alternative means to get to places. maybe add additional hubs or sidequests if i don't want to work with that nigger. same with delara, helping smiley and so on. anything that was in the main quest outside of the stuff in the very end had basically no choice involved, outside of choosing which lead you'd follow at some point in the game.
Shills don't talk about games two weeks after release because they can't con a big number of people into buying it anymore.
It doesn't matter when the definition of the word is what I just posted. I've been an avid fisherman for a long while and yes, you troll the lake for fish. The motor on the boat that lets you cover the lake is called a trolling motor. You've most likely only heard the one way association with the word because the internet changed the meaning of the word for you. Again, words can have multiple definitions. In the context of the game, the devs used the actual definition of the word correctly.
they don't get paid for shilling already released games.
Simple as that.
They get paid when DLC, remasters or other events are imminent. You'd think a competent merchant would employ at least some low level shilling between events so it doesn't look as suspicious as usual when the next wave starts…
You mean people starts talking marketers begin shilling when new content for a game is going to be released, no way! That is so suspicious, i am sure the joooz reptilians are behind it!
They really don't give a fuck about that anymore.
(DLC aren't advertised outside the game itself as it puts people off buying a game.)
We've reached the point where a game only enters my purchase decision process once the final complete edition is announced. Proudly announcing that your game won't have any post launch support be it DLC or just patches would be the only way to enter that decision process at initial launch.
wow, didn't expect this to be this bad.
Whomever came up with that shit need to be kicked out the industry and never return.
I guess we must agree to disagree, because MD never felt like picking between different three split paths. Most of the places felt organically designed, from the sewers to Pallisade, with the secret paths being hidden like they should be; I didn't really know what opportunities would come up until I'd seen them.
If I can fault it for anything there, it's that the gameplay itself is telegraphed a lot more, from how the augmentation upgrade menu is designed and also from the tutorial. These bothered me at the very beginning, but when they let me finally goof about in Prague I forgot all about it and just had fun.
Looking at how it sold, Squeenix might think they didn't do enough money-begging, which sucks, because I'd hate to see it be even less transparent.
they changed her color just for "diversity" purposes you dumb fuck
Nothing, I told them nothing!