How do you find time to game, Holla Forums? I don't just mean during a working week, I also mean when you're a NEET and want to find just the right time to play through that game you've been looking forward to.
How do you find time to game, Holla Forums? I don't just mean during a working week...
I don't. Just made an early resolution to quit console and pc games in favor of handhelds only. Now I have more time to be a huge sack of shit reading the daily news.
Not a matter of finding time to play vidya in my case, but finding drive to do so. Which isn't to say that I don't find what I play enjoyable (I tend to do some research before picking something up), but it gets to a point where having a backlog is nice in the long run, yet overwhelming as to trying to decide what to play through next. Not having had a lot of access to games when I was younger just adds to it, as there's a lot of classic must-plays as well as hidden gems I still need to get through.
I suppose it helps that I'm not real big on current gen; most recent systems I have are a PS3 and Vita, which at least have decent libraries (depending on taste with the latter, which does best for those into niche stuff). Still waiting for the PS4 and XBONE to get their shit in order (though I'm less inclined to go for the latter anyhow; not big on Microsoft), and NoA and Treehouse have pretty much killed all desire for a 3DS and/or Wii U.
I usually work it into the morning before I have to work, or I play in the evening when I don't have that much going on.
For backlogs, I don't have one. I just play whatever is appealing at the time and see if it coincides with old vidya that could be enjoyable.
The problem is that this time will never actually happen. Ironically, it means you would get a lot more gaming done if you had a job or school. You would frequently come to a situation where you realize that you have an hour of free time to game, and won't have another opportunity for several days, so you jump into it. Compare this to being a NEET, when you persistently think you can just play that game in a few hours, or before bed, or tomorrow, and then the days just keep going by and you never play it.
Pretty much this. Actually having to value your time makes you pay more attention to it.
i stop masturbating for a while
Get the fuck off the chans. It's hard to game if you're shitposting all day instead.
Seriously nigger?
I have a job and I have no problem playing through games.
Game saves exist for a reason.
I can't bring myself to play many videogames anymore. I'm 32 and would much rather read something.
I'm really old, on Holla Forums:s standards, and probably other standards too. I play when I can, but mostly I have been enjoying small indie puzzle games or platformers. They have just the right amount of content and gameplay for me. Never buy them over 5€.
Last "big" game I played was Dragon's Dogma on PC, and it was amazing. Never before have I seen such attention to detail. Pawns where insanely fun to work with, and monsters… oh shit fighting them was fun.
Depends on the person. If I know that I can't invest a good 3 hours into a videogame (usually an RPG for cases like this), I won't bother. I need more games that I can just pick up and play for a little while, and feel satisfied afterward. Games like Hotline Miami, except maybe a little less frustrating.
Saturdays. Soon to be Fridays, with my most recent work schedule change. I often go weeks or months without playing anything, but only because I'm dead inside, and mostly dead outside.
By not having friends.
There are only two ways I play games nowadays.
I have one or two games at a time that are easy to pick up, that I know really well, that I'm not getting anything new out of but I enjoy anyway. Usually multiplayer shooters. I'll pick up one and play pretty much nothing but that for months or even years. Other than that, I don't really pay much attention to the video game industry any more. Very little interests me.
Except for those rare times when I do stumble something fresh. Then I drop literally everything, binge the fuck on that game, and become a poopsocking madman for a month or two. Until one day, just as suddenly as it began, I lose interest in the game and never ever play it again.
For weekdays I usually have a few free hours in the evening that I sometimes use for gaming, but if there's something I really want to play and get into it happens on saturdays where I haven't got anything work-related scheduled. That is often hindered by all kinds of other activities like p&p roleplaying though.
Having a 50 hour work week and a 4 days per week /fit/ program has its limitations.
So you're not interested in vidya at all. What are you doing here?
I don't play (((video games)))
No slacks, jack.
I'm a natural procrastinator, if I don't have to do something immediately I'll play vidya.
I always finish what chores or tasks I have, or at least a giant chunk of it before playing vidya.
Sometimes I have to compromise not playing for a day but it's fine. I'd rather play with nothing on my mind rather than playing while every now and then anxiously looking at a nearby watch and wondering if I should just stop now and start working on whatever.
I don't play games that have a start and end anymore.
I turned by gaming PC into a NAS and got a macbook pro and PS4. It's unbelievably comfy.
I worked in a shitty "part time" job (it wasn't, I had to be there for 12 hours a day, sometimes more, even though I was paid only part time) before I quit. More than finding the time, I had no will to play video games, even in my occasional off day. As soon as I quit, bam, video games galore.
Also, I wonder if I will still like video games when I'm retired. That seems like the best time to enjoy video games, but when I see old people they don't even watch TV, they just look at the ceiling or cry and do nothing all day.
I don't play video games at all during the week. I also stopped playing all of those cancerous skinner box games that are as addicting as crack.
Same idea here. Except that my Macbook is a Thinkpad.
i wake up at 1 am and rip vids for 5 hours straight
mostly because this is the only time my internet is acceptable for multiplayer vidya
then i fuck off to my dumpy factory job, feel real tired when i get home, and fall asleep at 7 and do it all again
I play it after I got home from work, took my bath and had dinner. I make a point of playing at least 1 - 2 hours every day.
Work tomorrow. I want it to end already.
hold in there user.
It would be nice to have a place to discuss financial independence.
I need to do the latter, I've been playing Wakfu for ages and every time I play it I'm thinking "Life offers me so many things, and I choose this.".
Fuck my shit up, I wasn't made for the normalfag life.