Anime hater here. Why are these so popular? These Sakura games seem to be big hits on steam.
Anime hater here. Why are these so popular? These Sakura games seem to be big hits on steam
people keep on buying these mostly so they can write some shitty joke steam review like "my parents disowned me" or something like that.
Because a bunch of people on steam like moe blob games
Anime lover here, I wouldn't mind playing pic related if I was bored and I could find seeders.
Because most gamers are mentally stunted individuals that would rather look at some drawn tits than real ones.
Steam has a pretty damn big userbase. i.e. everyone who chooses to play games on their pc outside of a couple of people on Holla Forums and Holla Forums that are against steam. Look at a steam profile cringe thread and you can see just how much of the lowest common denominator is on steam. There's bound to be people who """play""" VNs, and don't know or care that there are better VNs (that you can pirate anyway).
The same reason you're in this board OP
most real tits suck in comparison tbh
you are as cancerous as the people ego make moeblob shit
hang yourself
I really need to make a shitty anime VN and live off neetbux, but I'm sure by the time I do it the fad will have died down.
they're cheap to produce nukige
winged cloud has found an untapped niche as japanese nukige rarely gets translated.
it also helps that the games are rarely over 15 bux and theres always at least one of them on sale.
the artists have the worst sameface problem tho
one only does tsurime eyes and the other only does tarime
Is that what you identify as?
Because anime fans are fucking retarded
Because you wouldnt get your dick sucked even if it had cream and a cherry on top?
fixed that for you
But watching softcore and porn is somehow acceptable.
Fuck off.
It's anime shovelware. I've only seen the nu-weebs that call Tumblr and Reddit their home are eat the Sakura novels up. Everyone else picked one up dirt cheap and realized they had made a terrible mistake.
But the sakura games are american made, user
user…. I don't think they're jokes
Porn is free
Nothing wrong with supporting creators of hot animu porn with your wallet.
You're easy to trigger.
I love anime and I still think that VNs are not video games and should not be allowed to be discussed on Holla Forums.
If you loved anime user you only had to ask!
Why are you even here then?
Singles hater here. Why are there no dubs in this thread? OP's thread seems to be a dubs thread.
Because they are mentally ill, either congenitally or by conditioning, and our society no longer kills or cures them respectively.
let's get the ball rollin
We may never know.
I honestly don't understand VNs in general, and I like anime. They just bore me the fuck to death, and there is NO game play in the "game". I know mark allows them here because he is a pushover kike who allows overwatch too, but I just don't get them.
OP you should do what I did: try out anime/VN/LN/manga no matter how repulsive the genres seem to you. I used to think that the overwhelming majority of jap trash was just that: jap trash meant for people who have never read a book except when they were forced to in high school and never watched a movie unless it was an american blockbuster. I realized that this kind of thinking made me prejudiced so I decided to just throw pretty much all the "highly rated" and recommended and popular jap trash on my backlog and I've been working on it for the past 5 years.
And you know what I've come to realize after spending 5 long years watching anime, playing VNs, reading LNs and manga? It's pretty much all jap trash. There's a few REALLY good pieces of work (8+/10), a slightly larger amount of decent stuff (6-8/10) but the rest is just average or plain garbage. Out of hundreds of products I picked out from the jap trash bin, I have a whooping 3 works I'd recommend to anyone:
VN, anime adaptation is garbage; first half is 6 or 7 out of ten, second half is 9 or even 9.5
Apparently a manga adaptation. The anime was fantastic though.
Japanese version of the Avatar movie, the one with the blue aliens. The studio that made that movie has made a lot of other works, but this one's my favorite by far
And a few recommendations I'd make for people who like specific stuff:
5cm per second
Sengoku Rance
Detroit Metal City
Kamidori Alchemy Meister
Symphonic Rain
Fuck off, Holla Forumstard.
So you're a snob.
How long before the "weeb"tards show up and start spewing shit?
Somehow they manage to be worse than even actual weeaboos.
Extremely intelligent and surrounded by people who are by comparison retarded, or too stupid to properly appraise the intelligence of others and convinced their differing opinions indicate retardation to preserve your own ego in an incomprehensible world. Without any further information, I can you which is more likely by referencing the Bell curve.
Fortunately you provide us with an example of anti-elitism, so you are guaranteed a retard.
Also a pretentious faggot as well. Nothing to see here.
Describe how you distinguish pretension from genuine intelligence.
All I see is you being an insufferable condescending cunt trying to suggest people have mental illnesses for the most pathetic petty reasons.
You can spew all this shit with as many big words as you want. It doesn't change that you amount to ignorantly and obnoxiously spewing a bunch of biased bullshit you think you can disguise as "intelligence".
You think all this shit makes you remotely intellectual and by extension better than us somehow? You're pathetic.
Alright, you insufferable shit, I'll give context for everything I insulted for as effortlessly as possible.
This is nothing I haven't tediously had to call out before.
You're the faggot, faggot.
It's like a book where you can sorta choose you own ending + cute pictures and voices, whats so fucking hard to understand, queer?
If you find that monstrosity from Occultic;Nine sexy you should just cut your dick off
So, you admit it is not a game, and it is instead an interactive book?
Way to go, OP.
The fuck are you, fresh from SA? That shit fell to the wayside about a decade ago.