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Dark Souls/Bloodborne thread
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Apparently using heavy armor with UGS-tier weapons is more or less giant dad tier.
Until they patch in Well, what say you? I'm still not going to enjoy DS3 as much.
Welcome is a decent second in my book.
How did I not know about this? I know what I'm getting when I go home.
They're "fixing" poise?
But wait, how does that work?
Let me explain, basically people didn't understand jack shit about DaS3 in terms of what actually went wrong mechanically.
They assumed straight swords were OP and enemies had 500 poise while you had none and so on.
While it's true that basically there's no player poise, that's not exactly the reason why the game is fucked.
DeS doesn't really have much poise, BB basically doesn't have poise either.
BB especially has enemies that can power trough your attacks.
Yes DeS and BB work as intended, and DaS3 feels like shit instead.
That's because of the biggest problem of the game, weapon arts.
What DaS3 actually has, is a metric shit ton of hyperarmor when you use a weapon art attack, or a humanoid enemy does, and additionaly EVERY SINGLE ENEMY IN THE GAME has shit ton of hyperarmor on 90% of their moves.
So basically it's the worst of both worlds, there's no poise, except the poise is "applied" in massive amounts via hyperarmor, but you don't have the speed, the correct stunlock and the counters present in BB, thus you get a shitty experience.
This of course not even going into how much magic god completely fucked.
So considering all this i'm confused, how the fuck do you "fix" poise in this game?
I've been following it patch after path and all they managed to do was tone down the hypearmor on most enemies attack and give various weapons more poise damage, how do you suddently "insert" more poise into the game and make it work with the current clusterfuck of a system?
Are they just gonna pump every player armor with poise and it basically reverts back to DaS1 but more fucked somehow?
All I know is they made it more effective for heavier shit.
play stationlifestyle.net/2016/10/21/dark-souls-3-update-1-08-today-adjusts-poise-values-fixes-bugs/#/slide/1
Thank you for not referring to these games as "soulsborne"
I'm really starting to think that "poise" in 3 is supposed to be nothing more than a value showing the time hyper armor is active, but they horribly fucked up actually implementing it.
What's wrong?
Nothing wrong with playing some Soulslike games either
From reddit, it looks like they reworked the poise algorithm, and added a shitton of poise to the heavier armors, while nerfing the poise on weapons/equipment, such as wolf ring and yhorm's shield. It looks to make the hyper frames come out almost the entire start-up animation for UGS weapons, making them feel likely closer to their DS1 counterparts. Of course, extensive testing hasn't been done yet, so we still don't know how this affects lighter weapons.
I considered it, but opted not to out of respect for both games.
I guess that's…something.
Basically the way hyper armor works in DaS3, the game is applying poise to the player/enemy.
So you can break the hyperarmor because it's just poise, but it's massive amounts of poise so it's fucking stupid.
At least this is what i heard from people testing it out since release.
Even if they, by some miracle, someday fix poise in it, magic will forever stay completely fucked.
I think Miya loves making games without poise and on BB everyone was on board with him but when it came to DaS3 something happened in the team or someone high up told them to change the way it works because DaS1 fans would bitch about it and we ended up with something that doesn't know where it belongs in the series in terms of poise mechanics.
I think something went horribly wrong during development, there wasn't enough communication and cohesion in the team.
100%'d 3 the first week or so of release, and now I have no desire to ever touch it again, meanwhile DaS still gets a yearly playthrough that's always a blast.
Why is 3 so shit?
I can agree with this. I was playing earlier, after a long hiatus from the game, and I couldn't help but notice the incredible amount of hyper armor certain enemies have, like those giant undead ninja fucks in the catacombs that wield murakumo type swords. Not only do they boast a huge amount of hyper armor, they move incredibly fast with their dash and kunai attack, AND they cause bleeding build up/damage, AND their moveset is varied with moves that have both short and long wind up times that are used inconsistently. On top of all this, they're often paired with skeletons that throw clay bombs filled with dark energy at you. It's a real fucking pain.
Thankfully, not all the enemies in the game are like this
I bet you don't even play Minecraft the Dark Souls of Dungeon Crawlers
That's the best way to describe almost everything about 3.
Bland levels, very little connectivity between areas like in the first game meaning you're rail roaded, bonfires are everywhere, regular enemies feel bland, you're rewarded for picking certain weapons over others even more so in this one, pvp is appallingly shit for invaders, covenants are shit, magic is shit, splitting the estus between hp and mp fucks you over because hp/mp replenishment that aren't estus are extremely limited. There's probably more.
I still consider it a better game compared to DaS2 tho.
I hate everything about DaS2, always did.
It has technically more variety in builds, but i fucking hate the level design, the weapon/armor design, the story, how the game looks, DaS2 will always be the worst in the series.
DaS3 is a limited technical mess but it's still better than 2.
I can agree with all of that.
40/40 with a Refined Longsword or Refined Carthus Curved Sword? Wew.
When the fuck are they going to release Bloodborne on PC?
The same time to do an HD 60FPS re-release of DeS.
second quote for
Around the same time DeS gets a PC release.
Yeah its called "a combat system based on completely different things" being forced into Dark Souls gameplay.
So the DLC releases in 3 days, you guys got any predictions? Hopes?
I bought The Old Hunters a few days ago and I'm wondering why I didn't much sooner. I'm only at the Living Failures, but I really like it. Maybe it's just because I use a STR character and was sick of mostly using the Wheel and Stake Driver for the majority of my playtime, but it just feels so liberating to have so many more options to mess around with. The beast cutter, Amy arm and pizza cutter are all really fun to use to the point where I can't decide which one to focus on. Ludwig was an incredible boss and the level design is really solid so far as well. The Research Hall feels like a nice mixture of the Tower of Latria and Upper Cathedral Ward, which are two of my favourite levels in the whole series. The Constable Garb also looks class with the Iron Yahar'gul Helm.
Extremely pleased with the whole thing so far, still haven't played Artorias of the Abyss though
I hope there are qts. Really I'm just excited for another snowy area. Coming out of skeleton land and seeing Irythill for the first time was incredible
I started Dark Souls 3 a few days ago. I think the combat feels the most satisfying of the three DaS games, but might be the worst mechanically in the series. My friend put it best when he said it's Bloodborne enemies vs Dark Souls players. That is, fast hitting enemies against slow hitting players. Now, this was not a problem in DS1 because of the poise system allowing you to equip heavy armor in order to withstand enemies' attacks and have your own weapon follow through and hit them. In DS2, I played with very light armor, so I'm not sure how true this is for that game, but they instead allowed you to stagger enemies in order to continue dealing damage without getting staggered and damaged yourself as an alternative to baiting an enemy attack, and then countering yourself. DaS has always had a problem with tracking, although it was ramped up in 2, which made it extremely important to be able to return attacks before the enemy could wind up another attack. Thankfully, you could usually rolling attack into a combo of your choice, or backstep and follow up with an attack. (I heard they made backstep not useless in DS2, which is great, although I thought it was still DS1/DS3 tier when I played, so I never used it.)
Come Dark Souls 3, and there is no player poise besides "hyper armor" which is a stupid fucking mechanic that resulted in From destroying a core game mechanic in order to entice players to use a straight up inferior version of powerstancing. (By far my favorite change in DS2.) Tracking is about two times worse than DS2, which was already very bad, and a lot of enemies also have shields, meaning you either have a shield and counter their attack after they hit you, or your shit out of luck. (Most enemy attacks that allow you an opening before they strike grant them hyperarmor, and their attacks are just fast enough that rolling and then attacking will not work.) Parrying has become quite easy, so that is an option, although that brings your two options down to practicing enemy parries for a few hours so you can get through a 30 second run to the next of the very many bonfires in the game, or just skip the practice, run past the enemies that will destroy you if you fight them and do not drop anything that makes them worth fighting, and get to the next bonfire relatively hassle-free.
So far, I'd rate the games DS>DS3>>>DS2 in terms of PvE.
DS2 is placed last because the enemies are either too easy or too hard, and a lot of the difficulty of the game comes not from enemies with challenging and damaging movesets, but from the fact that most of the areas and bosses difficulty amounts to a gear check. "Do you have a 100% physical shield and a fast hitting weapon, or do you not?" (Throne watcher and defender are a good example of this. Nightmarish without a shield, and a cakewalk with one.) There are a lot of other PvE problems with DS2, (Hitboxes, tracking, Soul Memory, MANDATORY 30 ADP DUMP, etc. etc.) but I will not bother with them as they've been discussed to death.
We need more bird girls.
In terms of PvP, Dark Souls 3 is probably one of the worst games I've played in a while. I would say about 80% of the invaders I've faced have been twinks, and after doing some research on why this was, I discovered it was because the game prioritizes invading coop sessions. So what ended up happening, was red phantoms would be dropped into games against a host and 3 phantoms, usually sitting around waiting to gank the invader, so invaders turned to twinking in order to counter gank squads, meaning that both hosts and invaders have a terrible time in PvP because it always ends one sided.
In Dark Souls 3, there are I'd say 4 main factors that have completely killed the PvP.
Let's start with rolling. Rolling is extremely good, to the point where you can roll as an alternative to running/sprinting. By itself, this isn't so bad, as it can prolong fights and make them a bit more interesting, although the stamina cost is so little, that there is no reason not to roll whenever you can. Again, however, by itself this is not so bad.
Estus. From decided to let invaders drink estus. This was a straight up bad idea. Invading, and being invaded, are both supposed to be challenging. Hosts who were invaded would have to fight an enemy that was an actual player, which meant mind games and movesets that the NPC enemies could not provide. If you were unlucky, you'd also run into someone with much better gear and who spent most of their playtime training to fuck you up. Invaders would have a hard time due to the fact that healing was hard, so even if they were twinking in previous games, they could still be beaten by a few well-timed attacks, unless they wanted to consume a humanity. For hosts in DS3, this makes fighting phantoms a pain in the ass, and not in a fun, heart-racing sort of way, but more of a "Oh, this again…" sense. (Considering you stand to gain absolutely nothing from defeating invaders in DS3, and stand to lose a whole lot, there is not much reason to avoid pulling the plug if you're just trying to PvE with some summoned friends.) By itself, this is still pretty bad unlike rolling, especially when you consider downing a charge of estus takes about one second from start to finish in this game.
Parrying. Parrying is very easy in this game. You can conclude what that means. Both hosts and invaders just spam parry, because it doesn't matter if they miss a bunch, they can just roll away, estus, and continue doing it. All a party needs is an upgraded weapon, a parry, and it's over for the other party. This is probably the breaking point that put PvP over the edge from mediocre to bad, and potentially the single aspect of the four that makes PvP in DS3 by far the worst in the series.
Finally, poise. You all know about how DS3 provided the player with no poise for reasons listed above. This renders a large variety of the games weapons, which is definitely one of the selling points of these games, as worthless for PvP. Because of how poise works, you would not be able to get a basic r1 attack off with a heavy weapon since a lightning fast dagger hit, even against a full Havel's opponent, would stagger them out of their lumbering swing. This final aspect takes PvP from 'bad' to 'terrible'.
Add these 4 aspects together, and you get an inexcusably terrible PvP experience. I really don't know what the fuck From was thinking when they designed this shit.
In terms of PvP, I'd rate it DS2>>>DS>>>>>>>>DS3. This is not factoring in the community of Dark Souls 3, which is BY FAR the worst. It's probably a symptom of the games going mainstream, but most people that I've played with and against in Dark Souls 3 are downright bad players and/or human garbage, whereas there is still that Dark Souls charm in 2. Due to the broken matchmaking in 1, I was only invaded once or twice by lonesome zweihander twinks, who still managed to make me laugh with their antics even through their cheese. Not good, but not large enough of a sample size to consider the DS1 community bad.
I'm pretty let down, because Dark Souls 1 was such a great game. Great PvE, entertaining but flawed PvP. Dark Souls 2 did a lot of things right, but the few things it did wrong, it did REALLY wrong, making it the black sheep of the series. By far the best PvP of the series, although the PvE often felt unsatisfying for all the usually cited reasons. Dark Souls 3 should have been a return to form, but instead From got tired of Dark Souls games, and gave a terrible, half-assed send off for the series, making a game that solely serves as bait for "MLG gamers" (the meta following tryhards who gain enjoyment out of abusing Froms shitty balancing), memespamming faggots ("Wut r u, casul? git gud"), lorefaggots ("Could be used for x, but perhaps…………." THE LORE IMPLICATIONS) and all around casual gamers who believe they're above others for playing Souls games. No use in mentioning all the CoD-tier reused assets and effortless fanservice.
I've reviewed the upcoming patch notes by the way, and while it's a step in the right direction for sure, the game is still fucked PvP-wise. Sources say the PvE content in the DLC is apparently very short (4-5 hours), and since it's a PvP-focused DLC for the Souls game with the worst PvP, it has no chance of being even nearly as good as Oolacile or the 3 kings were. Just letting you know now so you don't get crushed on release day.
Here's a question: Should I get a cheap PS4 for Bloodborne, or will the Pro make it a significantly better experience? I do like smooth frame rates. (What's up with DS3s terrible optimization anyway?)
I want to console the Vicar.
It was released early on the xbone.
As it turns out its shit.
But muh 1v1 2v2 4/6 ffa arena
oh, really? Well that was a let down before it even started.
The same could be said about AotA, whose only saving grace I think was that it had several bosses that were actually fun to fight 1v1. The level design and enemy placements had me dashing through everything that wasn't a fog gate.
The main issues with pvp is that the meta is set in stone because of the game mechanics. You find almost everyone using the Carthus Curved Sword, the Gravewarden Twinblades with the one bleed buff on it while stacking luck because bleed does more damage the more luck you have, the Gottard Twinsword/dual katana with any buff, katana running r1, or Yhorm's machete. Don't forget that invaders prioritize hosts that have at least one summon with them no matter what, invaders have half the estus while the host has full and any summons also have their own estus, and the host is allowed to switch to Way of Blue to get another phantom to help them shit on invaders. I've had plenty of instances where other invaders will attack me over the host as well due to being in Mound Makers.
I agree, but one of the boss fights is actually just 3 reskinned wolves, an invader npc, and reskinned suly beast.
The other boss fight is pretty cool though, but its not anywhere near 14 bucks.
huh. Are there any VODs of the DLC? I'd like to see it for myself.
By the way, today i tested the new patch and they did touch up the poise on heavier sets.
I've got a guy in full havel that was completely fucking useless before, now he's now DaS1 levels of tanky, but getting hit even by a fully lightning buffed two hand sword hit by those big knights just outside the two princes boss fight won't interrupt my dragon's tooth swing anymore.
As of right now, heavy weapons swinging aren't interrupted by smaller attacks if your armor has enough poise, making heavy builds, if not excellent, at least viable again.
Invasions are supposed to be spontaneous, something you kinda fear, but appreciate for a change of pace in the game in which after you beat it once you can beat it with a critically low level character; I got through to aldrich without leveling past 25 on a gimmick character that I designed around alfred from BB, which is going pretty well for those who were wondering about that, which tells a lot about the game, considering I was using a shield with one upside of having a skill that lets you attack multiple times for all your stamina.
I eventually did push strength up from 30 to 45, but that's because aldrich is one of the poorest designed non-gimmick bosses in the game. I guess it's a canonically hard fight, but the only thing I really die to is the arrows that fire in a straight line and track you forever.
Anyway, I really don't get why people either want to ruin the fun for others by making invasions about using a bunch of scummy means to win or why they think it's fun to basically kill a handicapped player in a completely unfair fight; I usually don't summon because summoning makes an easy game even easier, so I guess I'm the real winner in the end, but the fact that the meta will always be more important than having fun gets me on an internal level.
As another aside, alfred build is delicious, but some things I found out about the spook wheel
The sad part is that it's still more fun and less faggoty than high level pvp.
Don't forget that if you get the proper bow in the window they offer it means you have to wait until NG+ to actually do her quest line.
Last three invasions I got some lucky hits
I realize now that he was playing more like a caster, but he was probably dicking around with his friend as dual pyros
I can't stand that, especially people who are willing to wait around for the phantom to come to them; it's logistically sound but you're both basically just wasting time trying to get an easy kill; It really amazes me how easy it is when the players actually come in and then it's a fair 2 on 2 and they aren't used to it. Pikeman alone killed a herald I beat the crap out of while I dealt with the host and we both finished around the same time.
That's what happens a lot of the time. I'll sit and wait around because I would have to be suicidally idiotic to go to them and embrace a 4v1 straightsword stunlock hell, but they're too cowardly and think I'll get impatient. Especially if they're ganking and not trying to get the level done. In that case the standoff usually lasts upwards of 15 minutes before the blue gets desperate for his ear at which point I'll black crystal out if I'm low on estus because blue scum deserve nothing but wasted time.
What the fuck, how do you get into the DLC area?
It used to be the blue man group would also just invade, just they invade the invaders after they won an invasion; what happened to that? Now you can stack up to 5 or 6 guys against a lonley red invader with all the covenant counter invasions that go on. And two reds will never be in the same invasion most of the time because even with a second phantom reds are prioritized to everyone first and then to double ups.
It was accidentally released 5 days early on the Xbone and was taken out, while on PC people are just using CE tables to get them. I'm really thinking of just using CE to get the fucking covenant items so I don't have to fuck with the 5 years of farming to get 30 for the Blues and Watchdogs.
just what gank squads need, more advantages over invaders
Don't forget the infighting between invaders that sometimes pops up.
In fighting really gets my gollies in a bundle
You just have to learn to roll with it and hope for the best.
Should I bother getting DS3 during the next sale or wait for the full DLC release like with SotFS?
Just wait for the DLC release. Better yet, just pirate it, the game isn't all that good.
If they did that, Sony would have to stop making consoles.
There's a few games that look good upcoming on the PS4, but generally the market is mostly available cross-platform at this point, the only time they'll MAYBE, think about it is if the PS4.5 is at the end of it's life cycle and they know they're not going to make any more money out of their machine.
On the plus side, a lot of emulation fronts say PS4 emulation is looking easier than PS3, but we'll still probably have to wait years.
You really should play AotA, IMO it's the only thing worth doing in the "endgame" of DaS. All the other zones are trashy gimmicks that are cool the first time, especially Izalith (except the cool part).
Embed. Guy is over-levelled (90-100 is recommended level) and a skilled PvPer. Value for this DLC I think mostly comes in PvP stuff. The new weapons all have either cool movesets or weapon arts, and the arena stuff is the best to date (honour duels with no Estus, 4 & 6 Man FFA Brawls with limited estus, 2v2s, 3v3s, etc, and according to SunlightBlade, probably a variety of Arenas, so far only seen Kiln arena), will allow for much better events/proper fight clubs/etc. The patch update available to everyone is making PvP a lot better too, heavy armour can be relevantish instead of completely useless, but it still remains to be seen (DLC weapons still aren't balanced of course, since they aren't out yet officially, and From takes time to iron out the kinks).
Forgot to mention, he does kinda rush through a lot of stuff and doesn't fully explore, but a speedrunner could probably finish the DLC very, very quickly.
It looks fun enough.
I've got it playing in the background so I can peek at some details while I do an NG+7 gravelorded aggromodded run of DS1 with a friend.
link to mod please
Did this become the meta? Been a while since I played, but I stuck to 125 when drawing up builds- although I can't recall getting over 100 in a playthrough- for feeling anemic otherwise, even if the builds I've drawn up sometimes had a lower leveled stat lineup for use at SL100, docking this or that stat to fit. Guess I just need to lean things out on the next playthrough.
I've got mine planned to 120. For the DEX build, I think I could have comfortably stayed at SL100 but for the others (30 Quality/45 FTH and 20 Quality/40INT 40FTH), everything had to be meticulously planned and I likely won't get anything near the best from any stat.
I wonder if the meta should be slightly higher for the sake of hybrid builds. Not by much though; SL130 should suffice, a bit more to pad out on the important stats and maybe not fully rely on Prisoner's Chain, Knight/Scholar/Priestess/Hunter rings.
120 is the pvp meta level, I think everything else was just created based on the multiplayer level meta that's been in the series since DaS maybe DeS, I missed the multiplayer of that almost entirely and the starting levels of each class.
That's more or less why I drew mine up that way, expecting the overly wide stat spread to make things a bit difficult to actually be effective if not hyperspecializing. That, and wanting to be in a comfortable place where I'm not advantaging myself excessively against leaner builds in spite of not being terribly competent nor am I in as bad a place if fighting someone towards the upper end of the matchmaking that thinks the DS2 creeping pseudometas are still relevant, also the reason why I slipped in the extra five points, expecting most people to do it on the sly after looking over Mugenmonkey, in spite of the nominal meta being lower. My first build in particular was pure Faith, using buffs and a raw Red Hilted Halberd, since the scaling infusions sucked. The buffs also sucked, unfortunately. It was horrendous, though I never actually got far past 100 if at all in NG, again, and didn't level to 120 in NG+. Other pure & hybrid builds aren't so bad, but it's irritating to arrange things with so many superfluous stats that don't do overmuch.
I really hate the END/VIT split in particular. At the very least, From could've rolled things back to Demon's Souls in a way, and make both VIG and END contribute to equip burden. Make it easier for big builds to be big and gougers of either or modest investers in both to wear medium armor without going down to the wire in equip load. And for that matter, returning to FAI and INT giving typed spell slots (of which certain spells may fit into either slot, like pyromancies) while repurposing Attunement as a cast speed & mana gouge stat, the former two giving a modest amount of both on their own, but not a great deal. Make more things cross over into each other and nix vitality entirely. Maybe give Luck a little more utility outside of hyperspecialized builds.
I see. So the PvP meta ended up creeping up to the old DS standard meta after all, while those wanting the DeS 100 meta more or less ended up eating dust as a NG closing PvE level?
All I know is that I tend to have to grind a little while to get to the levels Fexralife recommends for a portion of the areas in DaS3.
I should add my planning could be smarter but I'm a big baby and I want to play with a lot of toys so I might end up putting a few levels on a stat or two just to goof around with a weapon (like Pontiff Knight Scythe requiring 12 FTH). Then again, I play for the PvE experience so I don't have to be a min-max monster.
My Pyro build also has a few infused weapons given the STR/DEX investment is small; Dark and Chaos have proved useful in NG at SL70 (60 or 70 is my usual soft cap to clear NG then I finalize at 120 in NG+) but as with almost everything else about it, the treachery of DaS3 surfaces - everything's great in theory, the weapons have fun move sets, the magics look cool but in the end, if you're not pure DEX or 40 Quality with a straight sword, hard times await. Though I've noticed that, as many anons pointed out, endgame magic builds are beasts.
Tell me about it. This is the only time in the series I didn't make a STR build. And I pity the poor saps that want to cosplay Eygon or Smough while staying in the 120 range (50+ VIT with +2Havel's).
why do nu/pol cucks exist
wrong thread, buddy?
Why do they even still have the connection on co-op and PvP? It's clear people doing PvP don't want to run into people doing password games and people doing password games don't want to deal with invaders. Everybody always goes on about how easy and casual this game is compared to the others so why do people get so angry over the mere suggestion of just not grouping people up in a way that only pisses everybody involved off.
I know, invasions are there to offset summoning making things easier but does anybody actually care anymore? I mean I really liked PvP in Demon's Souls and Dark Souls 1 because of how messy and chaotic it could get and the fact that they clearly just made a game first and then added multiplayer aspects to it without worrying too much about the balance but Dark Souls 2 and 3 really seem like they put most of the effort on the multiplayer due to things like the awkward poise system meaning that two nigger thralls can gangbang you in 5 seconds and some other shit.
I guess what I'm getting at here is, does anybody actually give a single fuck if a bunch of scrubs get carried through the game or play with friends if it means getting a bit less shitty PvP? I really think a lot of the bullshit with the PvP could be solved by just reworking a few of the mechanics on the invasions like not preferring invading worlds with active phantoms and maybe making the mound makers work like some kind of reverse darkmoons who specifically show up to aid invaders in worlds with more than 1 phantom along with them simply worrying less about keeping shit balanced for PvP.
I base this mainly on the fact that the most fun I've had with PvP in any of the games was with it involving scumbags doing deceitful things like using knockdown attacks in Sen's and baby nail in Demon's Souls while sprinting between enemies and fucking gravelords the few cases that they actually worked for me. I wish PvP would go back to being the messy and chaotic clusterfuck of environmental hazards it used to be and stop being about gangbangs by phantoms. It also completely fucks up the occasions when I want to do co-op and feel like going through an area with somebody and replaying a boss with them only for it to devolve into them summoning as many other players as they can and expect you to just walk them to the boss room slowly while forming a wall around them.
Too bad UGS still can't actually hit anything with a working roll button.
Can we talk about how aldrich is literally the poorest designed shit fest in the game? I think he is one of the worst non-gimmick bosses
It's not that hard. Also farron spin sword is pretty fucking easy.
Aldrich is a shit boss in general. Go in expecting a horribly grotesque shapeshifter and get a ladyboy dragging his prolapsed asshole across the room.
The fight boils down to chasing his teleporting ass across the room and running away from the homing thundercloud of arrows. Its not a fun fight. In fact, very few of ds3 bosses are fun to fight.
Invasions suck and are not fun. Des/Das had the only good invasions in the series. BB/ds2/ds3 shit invasions i dont know why from changed its formula. DLC arena will make pvp great again but wont fix invasions.
Don't forget that he's hyped up as this huge monster along with Sullivan for most of the lead up to fighting them, only to find out they're in roughly the middle of the game, which is where most npc questlines end anway, so I think they wanted the fight to be a lot later or something.
I think From realized that people were having fun doing the invasions, and decided to stop people from getting that fun. The pve in 3 is fucking awful as well, so I think it was intentional to make it as shit as possible.
PVE was fine for the first few playthroughs when you had the sense of satisfaction progressing through the game. The fights are challenging but not rewarding. 4-6 hit combos and endless delays on swings are not fun to play against.
All I know is that any place that has the Ghrus that can grab you makes me want to quit every time I run into them. It just seems like a lot of the enemies are rejected Bloodborne designs, or are treated as though they're from there. I shouldn't fucking lose almost half my health from a single Grave Warden attack or be stunlocked by the Thralls for 3-4 attacks in the knight's set though, that's fucking bullshit.
Champion can be fun when he doesn't go full retard and goes 2-3 minutes swinging non-stop and I'd love the Dragonslayer Armor if you didn't have those assholes shitting aids blood at you from off-screen.
It would have been so cool if the fight was a sort of sentient room, with him being everywhere or at least body horror the hell out of that sludge.
Tyrant cannibal saint sounds awesome but all we get is MEMBER GWYNDOLIN?!.
Just pains that the build-up and lore to Aldrich makes him sound like a really interesting part of the story. The Age of Deep, Sulyvahn and his possible influence of Lothric that then triggered a war with the angels (whatever they are) is all pretty interesting.
Don't forget that the first DLC is nothing more than "remember the painted world from the first game?" with two 2 boss fights.
I went in expecting this huge badass; a fucking cleric that decided to consume gods like that band of constables that got killed except for the one cool guy who ate a fucking beast whole; he became a beast in the end, but he was still a sick badass. I saw he was a gooey mess in the intro and thought maybe that's what happens when you mix souls, so maybe he'll be a huge version of the goo things that are all over outside his room. I thought maybe he'd have a grab where he tries to eat you, even though I hate grabs, and he throws boss type things at you, like the first boss of DeS, so he like smacks you with some of the gods' weapons. Why does he have nitos sword even? Nito was a lord, not a god, and he was on the other side of the fucking world. Priscilla also makes no sense because she was in anor londo, but not a god, and in a painting; why would he go out of his way to consume two other characters that aren't gods? He gets gwyndolin, but not gwyntits? I know she wasn't in anor londo and she becomes a fucking slug mother, but that's closer to a god than fucking nito.
His lore doesn't even make sense.
more than should be of them are gimmicks is the thing; Gundyr is a straight on fight, vordt and dancer are straight on fights, CRGW is a gimmick, crystal sage starts as a straight on fight but then has a gimmick, abyss watches is straight on with ads kinda, wolnir is gimmick, old demon king is a straight on fight with an instant kill aoe attack near the end, deacons is an ad fight, Sully is straight on, aldrich is straight on, yorhm is a gimmick fight, Dragon slayer armor is straight on, lothric twins is straight on, Revolver Ocelot is straight on, ancient wyvern is a gimmick, storm king is a gimmick in the same way that most bosses can become a gimmick fight, nameless king is straight on, and soul of cinder is a straight fight.
All of them can be smacked in the face for a crit state too, which is fucking dumb.
why are grabs even in the game, in DaS I could mash out of all grab damage if I could see the grab coming, and now there are exactly three grabs you can push out of
literally cancer. Why the fuck do they do that sashe and then swoop back to counter hit? I fucking hate fighting them.
Because they're characters with Bloodborne movement that weren't adapted for someone who's with Dark Souls movement.
what the fucking cock sucking christ is this shit? I'm just going to see what happens when I push everything to the limit just to see, cuz I'm getting tired of this bullshit
Seems there's heavy lore implications with the notion of Humanity but I'm a little miffed that this DLC seems to be the development to Londor. I really wanted to visit that place and be all "Bow down to your king, you bacon-faced shits!"
That man is an inspiration.
And From needs to give Jason Pitt more roles; two roles in the series - Vengarl and Valtr - and they're both fuckin' stellar.
I always thought those were parts of him; ditto for the ones in the Cathedral of Deep.
He dreamed of her while digesting Gwyndolin. Beats me what happened to her. Yorshka probably auctioned off the painting to be the only waifu in Anor Londo.
I've noticed DaS3 has a lot of these 'GOTCHA!' moments where enemies continue attacking in parts you'd think it's safe to attack like the Dancer doing a spin after the leap attack, Nameless King doing thrusts after the dive attack and the Champion starting phase 2 with full meter do Champion Charge super and FRC it to gatling combo, special canceling that to the poke to shoulder charge special which in turn can be dash canceled to the leap attack and cancel that with the kick Blowback attack. (FG lingo jokes aside, he does that shit - 5 or so attacks in a row with no interruption. Fuck that guy.)
I wanted to roll a Firelink GS Pyromancer build, but juggling the stats for it is tough.
I fucking hate that shit; it just reeks of "roll more," but rolling is nearly as cancerous if not more cancerous than just blocking; at least blocking makes sense in a world with sword and board, but rolling is just fucking dumb, roll should be what the non knight guys do instead of needing a shield to block, but instead they got really high on that "engenders passivity" bullshit and said that shield men should go and stay go.
How hard does the dlc look? In DS3, I am on new game plus 5 and was wondering how that compares to the base game.
If blocking in pve took less stamina, I'd actually do it, but since blocking both makes stamina regen extremely slow and eats up the bar every time you get hit by anything there's no point in doing it.
There's a developer message that says you should be around the Twin Princes fight in fanciful terminology.
Should not be too bad than. I hope they add more slabs since I have used all of mine this playthrough raising some random stuff. I really kind of stick to the knight spear, the halberd, the carthus curved sword, and the lothric knight sword and that kind of gets boring.
You do it when it's dangerous to roll and run the risk of falling, or when trying to get behind an enemy. Unless you have very little stamina or the attack you're guarding against is a really strong blow from a boss, blocking is absolutely worth it.
There's a single slab in it that I know of. Did you get the slab for dropping the coiled sword fragment to the crow as well? I'm thinking of just booting up CE and dropping a whole bunch 8 at a time before quitting and waiting for the next DLC to drop.
I've always put rolling over blocking, but that's because I almost never actually play with a shield.
which is like never
There is one place in the game with sheer drops all over and that's at the cathedral
The boss looks like it will be a handful. Three full bar phases.
Wikia recommends SL60-70 minimum. So yeah, end game.
There's two slabs if the wikia is to be trusted. One to be found and another given by a NPC.
Fromsoft has some good animators, let me tell you
The model is normally fine, but stance and it contorts into a snek
get the fuck out, that can't be true
The process has already begun
Kill me.
pic related
you know you can lay down your sign, and keep trying until you beat him as summon, then killing him embers you and gives you an extra ember, and then you can summon after that.
I suppose I can drop mound makers for a bit.
It's odd, though. I haven't seen many other summon signs in the area when I was embered, even though I'm trying to keep my weapons upgraded, my soul level should still be in range for at least some pve players.
Fexralife says 45 to 65, and since there's chunks you can pick up, you should be at the point where you're using them to upgrade weapons.Keep in mind the next area is where 90% of pvp happens.
Do you accidentally have a password on?
Aren't those chunks only when you kill dancer
Somehow read it wrong, but considering you can hop through the Dungeon and find one in the Profaned Capital both of which are really short, you should be fairly close to needing them. If you're using a boss weapon, +4=+8/9 in the matchmaking system.
I finished Bloodborne 3 times but I never did the chalice dungeons, how fun are they? Are they worth playing through the game again?
Melee with Ponty is frustrating at first, but any ranged builds trivialize him.
Go put your sign down in front of Vordt or Deacons or some other easy boss, kill it and receive the gift of ember.
There's ranges in the matchmaking that limit the levels of upgraded weapons to stop twinks from running around one-shotting everyone at level 15 with endgame equipment that's maxed out. It's just meta that's extrapolated from the 120 that's used in pvp.
Well the meta is garbage.
The non-root chalices are fun enough to go through once by yourself. I enjoyed how oppressive and claustrophobic they could be at times, which is never the case when you have summoned help.
That being said the chalice dungeons, especially the root ones, are pretty formulaic so you might get bored on your own. They're much more fun for jolly co-op if you're going to be playing them at length (i.e. beyond playing the mainline chalices once).
Which is why I've seen people talking about how it feels great when they go above or below the meta and get a better pvp experience.
So if I do something like make a ganondorf with a bunch of heavy weapons, quality dark magics, and heavy armor I might run into people also doing gimmick builds like me?
It's entirely possible. I've ended up getting stuck at level 100 for the last 3 characters because I clear the game and have to sit and grind even more because I always end up focusing on leveling up weapons, so I don't know.
Depends on what you mean by "going through." I wouldn't start a brand new character for them. There are a few unique bosses, one weapon, and two armor sets you can't get otherwise, not counting the Uncanny and Lost variants. Chalice dungeons are mostly good for grinding blood gems. They can be fun and interesting at first, but then you have to go through the same ones so you can grind for materials to make better ones, then repeat the process.
The Pthumerian line of bosses are pretty neat, but in order to get to them, you're better off using your best character to roll through the earlier dungeons with giant pig and Silver Beast bosses. The blood gems you get are mostly used for PvP and NG+5 and up, but you might have to grind for a long time and it'll probably suck the life out of you.
In short, if you're going to do them, better prepare for the long haul, even if you just want to fight new bosses. The Beast Claws are pretty cool though with the DLC rune if you care about that at all.
So as it turned out I just needed to upgrade my uchi. Why are whips such trash?
I've become very proficient at grinding in this game because of how often I just hit a wall with zero souls. Also I accrued like 100000 souls on my alfred character because after level 25 I ran through the game like I was taking a piss and not leveling ever, so theoretically in NG+ you could probably get like 5 times that just running through the opening areas over and over.
You're interrupting MY game faggot, deal with the consequences.
I was stick in the sense that I didn't really want to get up to 120 and be stuck doing pvp unless I decided to go into NG+ or wait until the DLC comes out, so I would instead roll up a new character and delete the old one because I'm retarded. I've cleared the game something like 4 times now and I'm working on a cosplay build of someone from Astora from scratch, kill me.
Don't invade then, what is with souls players and these retarded concepts of honor or whatever, you're in my game to kill my ass with god knows what build and think I'm not gonna use any advantage to crush your ass then spam hello skulls.
you can coop on people in NG + even if you're on the first run I think, as long as their level is in line with yours. Maybe it's the other way around though.
why would you end the life of someone who hasn't realized their full potential
nah brah I just don't want to deal with your fucking faggotry of being a scumlord and making the odds further out of my favor. I don't care how scummy someone fights me as long as they're doing it on their own, but as soon as they bring a friend in it's just cheep; it's pretty sad that you can't win without abusing the system.
you're only making your own game worse, the player vs player fights are actually somewhat reasonably balanced compared to the bullshit that always happens in From games.
You're the kind of faggot who thinks it's alright when someone invades and suddenly has a host with 2 summons and a blue phantom breathing down their neck and suddenly another invader decides to kill them because they were closer than the host or his summons.
Is bloodborne actually good? I have the feeling that it's really short, and I never see Holla Forums talking about it.
I did play DS1, my first invasion experience was a twink in full black knights with a lightning zwei, I scratched him and got one shotted.
So fuck off, you invade my game, you die.
Your imagination doesn't count user.
Exactly, I'm that guy, I'm the one that 100% ensures you invaders have the shittiest time imaginable and I fucking love every minute of it, christ look at all the tears here already
Don't come crying to me when it happens to you. Which it will 95% of the time when you invade.
It's about 30 hours if you do every boss in the game, 40 if you're including the DLC, 50-60 if you're including the chalice dungeons. Bearing in mind that most people here could complete DeS in ten hours easily.
And I've never seen a game shitposted to death as hard as Bloodborne, but it hasn't been as bad in the past month.
I can kill 3 people easy, especially with magic. You can't tho, cuz you're a scrub
I can often get the faggots out and smash their shit in over time, but then my desire to bathe in their blood drives me out and forces me into precarious situations that I either die to or somehow win to by bullshit.
I went through bloodborne very fast, and skipped entirely over cainhurst accidentally on my first run.
It's really fun, albeit very easy, but being a constabro and crushing vermin with buds is a plus
oh god this guy's a real faggot
I've done this on multiple occasions, it's really easy when you GIT GUD, scrub, lol
you're projecting a little bit.
more like fucking 3, if I didn't always go for optional shit I could do all the important shit no problem.
I did say easily, and the point being that these games aren't all that long.
Having to normally spam farron darts, I found myself in invasions that last around 30 minutes to an hour.
Poking with magic is the best shit when you play dirty.
I kinda feel upset when I think about that; I think how cool a new build will be, and then I think about how it will fare against the levels, and then I think for two seconds about every layout of every level and put the game down because I already know how it looks.
It hurts sometimes
The most I've done with that is spamming bolts at people who run, the most fun shit ever is to just keep tossing heavy bolts at someone and do 1/6 of their health per shot and watch them run around and scramble for a heal. Do farron darts actually work that well for pokes? How much damage can you theoretically put out with one full meter?
Just dodge. He's not that hard once you realize his combos might be really fast, but they're all telegraphed a mile away and he only has like three of them.
Assuming you're dealing decent damage, you should be able to destroy or severely damage the clone while he's still summoning it.
Ah shit, that was for
It's been a long while since I played darksouls 3.
But with 60 INT I think its 200 damage with great farron dart or near.
Farron dart can be used when sprinting so you can actually sprint around and rapidly spin to randomly shoot at em. It's very good for pokes since it costs nearly nothing.
No, this looks like the face of Mercy.
it's the 24th today though
it's supposed to release at ~3-4pm Eastern.
Time to use my dante build and go CURAZEY
My Lemeza build is ready to explore every nook and cranny.
speaking of cut content, wasn't vordt supposed to have an attack where he summoned a bunch of swords on the field a la aldrich's arrow rain attack? What happened to that?
Got cut cause it was too strong for the second boss in the game I guess.
well that blows, that looked like something like virgil's summon swords, It could have been a spell and everything maybe.
Also where the fuck is this access point, someone said cathedral of the deep alter, but there's nothing here.
whoops looks like I'm a fucking faggot who can't read
It's 3PM PDT, which means 6PM EDT
You know as much as I hate to admit it, there are actually a number of things I miss in DaS2 that didn't show up in 3, namely power stancing but other than that I liked the addition of other phantoms in NG+ with new loot you could get from that, or the use of Bonfire Aesthetics which I mainly used to farm Catarina set and fight my favorite bosses again. These are things that would have only improved 3 were they implemented so it doesn't really make sense to me why they were left in the cold but that's just what I think about it.
Every fucking souls game has been rushed out the door and it's really regrettable, but 3 honestly seems the worst, I don't think Bloodborne had the same issue (though having not played it I can't fairly judge) I really wonder what one of these games would be like if Bandai would just back the fuck off and let it happen, providing of course it doesn't become subsumed by schedule creep.
I get that you like the idea of powerstancing, and I do too, and I'm sure you already know this, but the reason they didn't bring back powerstancing is because of how OP it was to powerstance two greatswords/maces/etc together.
I suppose it was very powerful, but wouldn't it have been better to tweak some numbers and not make boss weapons stanceable as opposed to these sorry fucking excuses of dual weapons? I don't know, I just fucking loved powerstancing too much to just let it go, especially since the fucking shield build was the most fun I had in a DaS game.
You can still do a shield build, you just have to use the skeleton wheel shield.
It wasn't just shields mang, I know you can push peoples shit in with Yhorms Greatshield and all but it was the fact that you could use the twin greatshields as an offensive tactic with a unique moveset.
I guess that's what bothers me the most, I don't feel like the equipment in 3 has as much variation, shit even all the fucking riposte\backstab animations are the same as compared to the ones you could do in 2, it's just feels lacking.
I think the way they tried to restrict that shit in the first place was going about it all wrong. They put ridiculous requirements on weapons so that you had to have even MORE ridiculous attributes to powerstance them, so you'd think people wouldn't bother, but then you get people who literally build fucking 75 Str to powerstance the Greatsword with another Greatsword.
Reducing the damage of powerstancing by 35% would have balanced out powerstancing, I think.
who writes these fucking wikis?
Are we put here just to suffer
Nothing pisses me off more than that, I tell ya hwat
DLC torrent when
one more hour I think
Decided to make a fresh challenge run cosplaying casca with 2H lothric knight sword only. Its working out suprisingly well so far.
For boots you should be wearing the nameless knight, since that has the closest thing to her shin pad things. I only know this because I rewatched berserk, noticed how she had leather over some kind of padding, and then while playing DaS I noted that the knight has the exact same thing on his shins.
Otherwise, I wanted to ask about the LKS, what is the advantage to using that over the straight sword or the broad sword? Even for a dex build, with 18 dex I'm pretty sure the longsword still does more damage, but then again rule of cool for a casca cosplay does make enough sense
Draco Knight?
I've only really settled on lothric knight chestpiece so far, boots and gloves are still up for grabs so thanks for the advice. For having played with broadsword/longsword a fair bit before, I'm pretty sure the LKS has more range, but I'll have to really compare them. Fact is that sword really looks like Casca's.
Casca is such a qt
not brown enough/10
Possible in Carthus since it's the goblet that triggers the boss fight, but the room is still regarded as a boss room, so the invader can't walk in
I think the only other location it's possible at is soul of cinder.
I've started a Senator Armstrong run for shits and giggles.
-No armor (only pants)
-Fists only (Demon Fists and Caestus)
-Iron flesh, Great Chaos Fireball, Chaos Storm and Boulder Heave.
I'm currently at Farron Swamp and once i get the Demon fist i'll use the caestus as an offhand parry tool and to pummel certain enemies.
It also works with Vordt as long asn it's the first time you fight him
I realize that, mr trips, I tend to distrust character editors with lighting and always overevaluate brightness. Thankfully, that's what the slug slut is for.
That sounds fun as hell.
So, I don't know if it's just me, but the texture pop in is pretty atrocious. It's been that way since launch and nothing I do seems to remedy it. I'm just wondering if the latest patch may have fixed it to some degree? If not, then could it be caused by my GPU? I don't seem to have this problem in other games, though.
visually it does seem longer, so that's sound.
For some reason the only art of her I can find is her being raped or with long leather boots, so maybe instead use the soft leather boots and hard leather gloves, and just so you don't get depreciating armor cost, wear the pyromancer crown, since that seems to be the closest you can get to no head piece. The closest thing to her helm would probably be the herald helm or the steel soldier helm.
PC version is a shit port
So far it has been hilarious as fuck. I've only had troubles with the fucking Crystal Sage. I'm at level 39 and i already have 20 vigor, endurance and STR, as well as 15 Faith and Int (Started Pyro)
It's a personal challenge i'm doing after a Madoka Magica run and a Belmont Challenge. Both hard as fuck
You can do it in several places.
Crystal sage, very carefully for the abyss watchers, dancer, or even before dancer is activated, just going into that room and talking to the old woman, really any boss that doesn't have a fog door to start.
I got a LKS but it's for the LTN infusion since it has really good FTH scaling. Though the SSS is probably the better choice given its Quality scalings, buff art and being able to be buffed.
Speaking of Berserk-themed builds, I'm still miffed the Evangelists don't drop the bible. Shit would be perfect for a Mozgus build by making it a blunt weapon/catalyst.
And since I'm bitching about weapons, why the fuck is the Immolation Tinder a sorcery catalyst instead of a pyro one?
Reminds of the MGRR builds in DaS2. The Sundowner one was pretty cool.
I fucked up my Pyromancer build, and I'm going to start another character, but the Minmax attitude in me wants to decide what to do before I start so I don't fuck up entirely.
user what are you doing with your life
ran those exact same two weapons on my first run
Dark Sword ended up being way better since R1R1R1R1.
I hate the idea of having to wait all the way until the point where I can redistribute just to reset. Not to mention, I still don't fully understand how scaling and shit works. I get the E-S system, but it still seems like there's something I'm missing.
Yeah Dark Sword kicks ass, but it's kind of boring at this point.
So how the fuck do I get to the dlc?
Has it released?
Dark Murakumo has served me really well (with 30 INT-FTH, you can kill Silver Knights in 3 hits, stunlocking them to death and both Dancer and Nameless are weak to it). Give it a try if you're running a Pyro build.
SSs are very strong but kinda dull.
Cathedral of the Deep bonfire. You'll find a NPC there.
So, anyone making fashion plans for the new sets? (I admit I spend a autistically large amount of time on this but DaS3 does deliver in that part.)
According to the steam store, yes. Though in game says nothing so I'm not entirely sure.
That sounds fucking sweet. Wonder how well it would do in PvP.
Do I have to do anything first or will they just be there?
Sundowner build? Care to share that?
So far, the most fun i've had and the biggest challenge i've beaten was the Belmont challenge:
-Minimal poise (You must get knocked back with every hit)
-Whip mandatory. Two handing forbidden (Only for the weapon art)
-Left hand empty
-Certain spells will work as your skills (Fireballs are holy water, Force is grand cross…)
I need to find new challenges and cosplay builds to do
I was bummed about that too, I saw it in the loading screens and thought it was a weapon you could get. It works with how miracles work in the games though, since you're telling tales and having a book you read from directly makes perfect sense; although if it allowed for extra atunement by principle I'm sure it would be hated.
On a similar note, making angel face is actually pretty easy and if you go and get a bonewheel shield really early you can fuck around with a high strength character with a heavy infused bonewheel shield.
god I hope that's a coat and a dress separately, I need that for my alfred build to be perfect.
GG From
For Vilhelm's you have to kill vilhelm and you will find his armor later on.
For the Millwood knight set you need to find the Capitan's ashes in a tower and give them to the handmaid. She will sell it. This armor is heavy as fuck, but great for Fashion Souls.
For the ordained set you need to kill the main boss of the DLC.
For the Follower set, you need to kill Farron Followers. This is my fav armor in the DLC.
For the slave knight set you need to do a lot of parkour in the corvian settlement and drop into the house where it is.
Also, in terms of weapos there is a Pyro flame that turns souls into Estus. The closest thing we have to resonant flesh.
No I mean the NPC.
My game doesn't crash, GG user.
Oh. Then not, the NPC will be there waiting for you by the bonfire of the cleansin chapel. Talk to him and he will drop you in Ariandel
Try changing some graphic settings.
Well something is fucked up because nothing is there.
These sonyniggers really have nothing else to play. Who the fuck stil cares about Souls games
DLC when ?
nice reddit spacing faggot
Try doing cosplays. I did a style build where I'd only use weapons with skills that were flowery, and that became my dante build. Also try doing a no estus run, ashen is fine, but no heals of any sort.
Half an hour ago nigga
Fucking steam
I knew I shouldn't have.
Did anyone else get it?
Works On My Machine
You're just dumb
Kind of like those normalfags who comment on steam forums
Pretty viable if you keep it your back and two hand a rapier. :^)
In all honesty, I haven't tried but my Pyro build does have a more unusual armory - Chaos Corvian Great Scythe, Heavy Reinforced Club, Sharp Black Blade, Dark Murakumo, Crystal Twin Axes and I'll probably make a Dark Thrall Axe.
Supposedly, he'll simply be there. But they subtly recommend players go with their end game build.
Vid related. Might be doable in DaS3 but "phase 1" will be trickier to recreate.
That Belmont build sounds really cool.
True but after bludgeoning things to death with the Logarius Wheel, it's just not the same thing.
Hope so too. I already feel they fucked us over with Yuria's costume by making the skirt a part of the chest piece. Hopefully Vilhem's chest piece will fill that fashion gap.
Antler helm looks like it will look great with Gundyr's armor or the Pyromancer costume with the pelts and Northerner pants for a whole "I wear what I kill" look.
Is the blue sentinel stuff still shit?
Or can I finally do shit without having to be afk for an hour.
Not all A's are created equally. There's a few factors you need to consider.
To start, picture the scaling as a 1-60 scale: 1-10=E | 11-20=D | 21-30=C | 31-40=B | 41-50=A | 51-60=S
Now, it's not exactly that but that should give you an idea about how it works. A weapon may start off at 42 (or a "low A") and gain 1 point of "scaling" per upgrade up to +10 where it ends up as a "low S".
The other factor is the weapon's base damage. The higher the base damage, the better the "scaling" is per grade. This is why a +5 Black Knight Greataxe with C/D scaling gains +297 damage at 40/40, while a +10 Refined Longsword with B/B scaling gains +230 damage at 40/40.
Did you actually buy the DLC or did you goy and get a season pass? That's literally the difference between having the dlc and not having it right now.
You could also do dual executioner swords for sundowner and probably fire infuse two great shields. As for armor, I don't even know what would work for sundowner
I have a season pass, on xbone, did I fuck myself?
Looks like if you bought the season pass separately it works, but if you bought the deluxe edition it's currently not working.
I did that
Can someone fucking take a picture of where the guy is, I'm losing my shit over here
I played old hunters and its one of the best DLC's I've ever played.
He's right next to the cleansing chapel bonfire
He doesn't even wait for you to see or interact with him before beginning to spout his "please play my DLC" bullshit
For the chest piece only Gundyr, Morne and Tarkus come to mind.
Gundyr (body), Morne (hands) and Executioner (legs) perhaps?
Cleansing Chapel bonfire. Pic related.
You one of the anons in the previous BB threads that was asking if TOH was worth playing?
But yeah, it's genuinely good. Doubles the armory, adds some cool new sets, totally redeems Beast Claw and Arcane builds, challenging bosses, some of the best music in the game and gives tons of closure in terms of lore (Pthumeru and Cainhurst feel like the last piece of the puzzle though).
This could have all be avoided had I just played offline to begin with. The REVOLT fix was shit and didn't even get you online the majority of the time.
He is literally not there for me. I'm getting confused. Where are you in your game?
Confirmed, nice one nigger.
Fishing hamlet was one of the best levels I've ever seen in a game it truly matched one of Lovecraft's novels and Ito Junji's UZUMAKI
Looking at Valorheart on the wiki, it seems to me like that shit could pack a serious punch in PvP.
It has some really cool features, but requires very skilled stamina management, and trade avoiding against large weapons (as per any smaller weapon though).
This guy sums it up pretty well if you don't mind jewtube.
Is this some maximum jewery going on? I thought a season pass was pre-ordering all of the unannounced but planned dlc to come.
It should be fixed now, I'm downloading it now. 1.5GB file.
It was steam's fault, they probably forgot Deluxe edition people.
Looks like it could be fun. Definitely gonna have to try it out.
Doing a strength only speed run up to the cathedral just to see if this works.
stop being entitled goy, if you want the new DLC buy it again.
Why must things be so hard?
I'll get it once or twice per game cycle.
update, crystal sage may be the absolute worst boss to fight ever solo
I like to keep some sort of projectile on hand to trim down the other assholes, but yeah having no health against him is the worst.
finally beat the faggot at 38 minutes into my run, got to the cathedral and this guy still isn't here, specialists are absolutely baffled.
Still horrible, an hour of farming got me 2 (Kill the first two hollows at anor londo, only had 257 Idiscovery with covetous gold ring and rusty coins. I realize I have the Crystal Sage Rapier, gives you 50 more, so I can hit 307, just twohanding my main weapon with it equipped in the offhand).
If you want to help people, you should farm the silver knights after Sulyvan and be a blue sentinel/darkmoon in that area since it's the most active for PvP (both duels and invasions with all the aldritch faithfuls and different invader types).
DLC is fun so far, dealing with the big knights with caetus parry but the red-eyed archer got me.
I'll probably just wait until the next DLC drops to get back into the game, but I'm just going to use CE to drop 30 of all the cov items makes it to where I don't have to worry about getting fucked all the time in invasions due to not following meta and have fun or having to grind for ages because I cleared areas too quickly and leveled up too high.
Fuck it, I'm just going to slowly walk around as pyramid head on my alfred build and invade people
Is it possible to do that without getting banned/softbanned?
I know it was easy before in previous games but I keep reading that you can get banned easily with CE, yet I see streamers that use it on stream and shit.
I still enjoy the PvP, and even got somebody just now despite using a non-meta weapon, Lothric Knight Greatsword (Darkmoon atm obviously).
But yeah I don't blame you, meta is cancer. I think right now the most popular one is Carthus Curved Sword, after the Gotthard Nerf. Only good strength weapon is Yhorm's Machete, and you still have Uchigatana cancer running R1's.
So long as you set the game's matchmaking mode to offline they don't harass you. Just make sure you have enough items to drop to be able to get what you need.
So did anyone on the xboner get it running?
That fucking ridiculous gauntlet fight.
Is this really necessary to do a three stage battle?
They had to pad out the dlc somehow, because there's only one other boss fight that's another two enemy fight.
So it's already half over? What the fuck, I thought they said this was gonna be as long as all three Dark Souls II DLCs combined.
I think the plan is, at least from what this DLC has brought, this is the big PvP update with new weapons to break up the meta and the arena to make fight clubs, honour duels, free for all brawls, etc, all not just viable but officially supported.
The next one hopefully will be longer… But I wouldn't put my money on that.
They said it was around the length of the DLC from the first game. The second one is the "long" one. But at least you get a pvp arena full of only the people who also own the first dlc out of it!
It has an assload of giant open fields with pokemon-tier winding cliff pathways
It's "bigger"
The one thing I do like is the new Crow Talons weapon, it actually makes fist weapons playable. But it makes me wonder why they didn't just fix fist weapons and make those useful, instead. Why put the only good fist weapon behind a pay wall?
Because they're milking the series for all it's worth. How they handled 2 didn't teach you anything?
I think it's a trend that's been around for a while now, to be completely honest.
With Dark Souls 1, AotA added Dark Magic which was a new (OP) dynamic and a few bits.
With Dark Souls 2, there was plenty of new weapons with the three DLCs.
Bloodborne's weapon variety is shit without the Old Hunters, and with it, it's still lacking (but probably some of the coolest weapon designs they've had in all honesty).
With Dark Souls 3, we have all these weapons that are completely different from what we've had in the base game, which, while generally cool, still had clear better choices (no reason to use Smough's Hammer over the superior in every way Great Club, and most of the best weapons were quality types, plenty of trash weapon arts).
I like From's design in general but it is a pretty Jewish practice. Hopefully between this DLC and the next, they'll look towards fixing up some systems that need it (invasions) but knowing From… The prognosis is doubtful.
I mean, say what you will about the overall idea of DLC, but making players pay for something that adds nothing new to the game is objectively worse
Aye, I agree there. I just mean it in the context of what you said:
A lot of the time they opt to add new mechanics in the DLC, so people who don't get it get shafted in PvP. Granted the PvP has never been great, but it is still paywalling options, like you said.
There are so many easy ways they could fix it, but they never will. Giving invaders full amount of flasks, changing the max invader system to be proportional to the amount of summons (i.e. 1 invader possible for 0 or 1 summons, 2 for 2 summons, etc.) instead of being a flat 1 unless fingers activated, having invaders both under Rosaria's Fingers or Sunlight Blades be allies and not deal damage to each other - or in the very least not have the other red phantom have the highest lock on priority over the host and his phantoms, among many other ideas.
None of it will ever come close to happening though. Invasions have permanently shifted from hunting prey to being at the mercy of unending stunlock, overleveled password phantoms, infinite rolling, and seeds. In this way DaS is dead.
I'm almost always in Mound Makers while doing pvp, and I can't tell you the amount of times I've been attacked by other invaders despite the host having two summons with them.
The thing that is jewish is DLC is usually 1/10 of the final game cut off, pushed off to the side, tinkered with, and then released afterwards to give an earlier release date and a second financial gain.
You could literally just remove seeds or make seeds have the effect of a dried finger without letting a second phantom be summoned.
Should I start a new character for this Ashes of Rivendell DLC shit? When's the earliest you can access the content?
I've got this guy at level 20 in Irithyll of the Boreal Valley right now, so I'm thinking of just continuing on with him as long as that doesn't mean I'll miss something new.
Don't you canonical spend eternity with Fire keeper in the darkness?
You do, if you give her the eyes and don't attack her while she's talking to you.
You can go in right when you get to the cathedral of the deep, but it straight up tells you that you should beat the game first
Alright, I'll keep going with this guy then, thanks.
Yep. I agree there. They sacrificed too much of the invasion for the sake of the casuals who want to PvE without any troubles.
I mean if they just separated passworded co-op parties from invasions, it'd allow the newbies to go through the game in easymode without encountering invaders.
Other changes that I would've made would be:
-Invasions prioritise according to numbers (if a player is solo a single invader will appear, if he summons, another invader will shift priority to invading his game)
-Co-Op summons limited to number of invaders (one invader? One summon maximum outside of password game "safespace")
-Resummoning can be done ONCE per invader.
- Keep Estus and HP the same (invading is meant to be a challeng to invaders, since the beginning)
- Invader souls drops where they are when they invade, not where they died in the game world (this is REALLY DUMB)
- Blue Sentinels help Way of Blue, invasion sin is back, dark moon blade invades sinners (PVP sinners only, not NPC killers).
you can probably access it in 30 minutes with a warrior if you pray your cards right, rive to tark about it. Just pick up the ashen estus flask too, or you'll end up with 3 heals instead of 4, making sage a fucking brutal fight.
It's just the new meta. Invasions went from harvesting host tears, to hosts harvesting invader tears.
It's not a sin if you finish the job.
So is the DLC good ?
Debating whether I want to play it or not.
I'd like to see Darkmoons harass Aldrich Faithful, and Moundmakers be able to fight bosses so using the white soapstone has a use outside of willingly forcing the effects of a seed on you.
Not really
It's only like 4 hours, regardless
And that's bullshit. What's even the point? At some point most people realize "hey this isn't fun in any capacity" and will stop invading.
Summoned mound makers being able to fight bosses would add an incredibly interesting dynamic to that covenant. Get a vertebra shackle for either killing the boss or host. Interesting choices for the summoned phantom and the person summoning.
Too bad that would be fun so it won't happen.
Do people still play Dark Souls PC online?
I hated it when I first played it. Couldn't understand how anyone could possibly like the game. Then I played bloodborne and loved it. Then I played demons souls and loved it. So I think I'm ready now.
It's the same as all the people who realized being invaded wasn't fun in any capacity, and stopped using humanity.
The whole point of PvP is to grief people so they quit playing, so I don't see why it matters whether it's the hosts or the invaders crying.
can you toss the jav outside a boss door to cheese a boss?
literally missing the point
With classic indictments. That way you know you've rustled their jimmies.
Would be pretty cool on both ends. Aldrich Faithful and Blades are pretty much rivals, and afaik, that's kind've the same with Sunbros and Moundmakers. Would make things al ot more interesting on both ends.
Pretty much. That's why I don't even invade anymore. I don't have the connection where I live to do gankspanks. Your time is better spent doing duels or in the new arena if you want to test your skills. If you want to have fun trolling, those times are past, except the older games. This is unless by some miracle From Soft decides to do some rebalancing that isn't minor tweaks for once.
Why engage in PvP if you're not trying to absolutely shit all over people and ruin their day? Winning is easy, but making a person miserable takes skill and dedication.
grab wulf2k's DSCM app. it matches players in DS1 about as well as you'd get matched in DS2 and DS3. Honestly the biggest fix for the game bar durante's dsfix, which upped the framerate cap to 60 although certain frame timings get fucked, like i-frames and distances on rolling getting cut by half. Hardly noticeable if you're not a pvper though.
Wtf, I thought they were making it as long if not longer than the AoA DLC from DS1 ??
Well, the majority of the playable area is open space filled with dickloads of annoying enemies, and most of the actual loot is in fairly predictable areas, so the best course of action is to just run past them all, which naturally cuts the playtime down by an hour or two
I actually do want to have indictments again; I was hoping blade of the dark moon would do that instead of the blue sentinels with a bonus for killing aldrich faithful.
isn't it past your bed time?
The difference is that by using humanity you're able to summon. There's a cost-benefit, risk reward type deal going on. The invader has lowered health and has only unkilled NPC enemies on his side. That's the price the invader pays.
Nothing says dedication and skill more than summoning a few people all spamming straightswords in a game with zero concept of poise. Invader tears amirite?
So not an improvement on the base game, then
The dress that I thought was great for the executioner set cosplay
It's just a white version of the hollow bitch dress. Although, it does look very similar to the executioner set from bloodborne still. Either way and I can probably make it work when I have everything running again, I'll definitely see how the fashion works out for alfred.
This is going to be tough.
I guess he pulled a fast one
Take off those rose tinted shades, the only good things to come from that DLC were the Sanctuary Guardian, Artorias, and the extra cutscene with Sif.
It reminds me a lot of the darkroot garden/dark forest, at least feeling/design wise. It's not bad but I really do prefer their tighter areas overall (my favourite area in DaS was Sen's Fortress). The "town" feels like a very low effort Hemwick. I'd say the standouts for the PvE Content would be the two bosses (first one isn't amazing but is pretty good, the second one is awesome), and the combination Great Hollow+Anor Londo Archers roots down to the first boss.
It's not only worse than the area whose ideas it's recycling, but it's also worse than most DaSII levels
There are exactly four new spells, none of which are a game changer by any stretch of the imagination
The bosses are multiple enemy fights, the "we needed to make this harder to pad out the playtime" kind
The sole saving grace is the arena if you're into the more structured pvp, and the handful of new weapons with new weapon arts
They phoned it in hard
It would be interesting to see if they would allow the mm to still attack the host/phantoms while in the boss room, but I think they would probably lock it out.
It even makes sense if you look at what they bothered to code in for items, considering Blades get the dual cov item from killing Faithful like Fingers get from killing Blues.
Feels bad man
Not really.
I like Manus as well, and the area as whole except for that whole part from the jail to Manus's fog door, that whole area with the little humanities was a shit show.
Kalameet is hit or miss for me, not a big fan.
Awful. Playing at 30fps.
Actually I might not even get it. I don't want to reward them for poor work.
Well sure, tight labyrinthine areas are more fun to navigate and fight enemies in and making every level a big flat field is a pretty low-effort way to make your game feel big. This isn't King's Field III and it isn't 1996 anymore.
Wasn't the Road of Sacrifices or whatever it was called already a very low effort Hemwick? It literally reused Hemwick assets.
Oolacile Township wasn't an open space filled with dickloads of annoying enemies, it was a long linear path filled with dickloads of enemies.
The point is playing coop means also playing counterop. If you want to make the game easier, you have to be prepared to face consequences. That's why if you use the item for 3 player coop in DS3 then you all more invaders and at a greater frequency.
The only time I dropped it from 60 to 30 when playing is when I was trying to get the Iaito and a few other jumps like that because the jumps were fucked.
Yeah but the rolling and the iframes. Not acceptable.
Whoops posted in the wrong thread and I dont keep cookies or local storage or referrer so I cant delete it. Sorry guys.
Fuck you Carlos. I laughed.
It's even worse when I see blood around their necks. I almost cried.
I got used to it after playing it for a while.
Don't forget the Sif fight has him start limping when you get his health low enough.
Yeah. It feels like another recycle.
I'd say they honestly dropped the ball pretty hard with the PvE content this DLC. I'd say there's exactly two player type the DLC caters to: The lorefags, because there's some nice stuff in the items and themes, and the PVP crowd, especially organized PvPers.
I'm really hoping they'll do the series justice next DLC, it feels really bad after DS2 DLCs and especially Old Hunters that they released something this… Mediocre.
I'm sure the PvP will be entertaining for a while to come but I'm honestly not so in the mood right now.
Everything before it was, however.
I'd probably accept Manus more if he didn't have a street fighter combo to blast your ass out of the bonfire flying at a trillion miles per hour. In fact, I don't quite like many bosses that do that.
Everything before it took all of five minutes to get through
It was practically a welcome lobby
You know, I honestly forgot how much I hated NPC fights in this game, but now it's all coming back.
The big draw of it is the weapon art. And the reference. It's a reference to the earth element axe that Gutts rejected when they visited the witch in the woods.
but the weapon art is an otg special. The moveset should have some kind of wide sweeping slaps instead of big chops only.
It's like pottery
Such great design From Software that we get to enjoy.
Okay so I just released the loli to make a picture and ran through fifteen trillion enemies all of which were either flies, javelin tossers, or wolves, and I wound up back at the fucking corvian chapel. Where do I go from here?
True, it's still a fucking hassle on a fresh playthrough, especially if you have to gun it through again to make it to the shortcut to artorias.
It's definitely one of the worse (if not the worst) of the weapons, yeah. Shame they didn't add sweeping attacks, could've been good for rollchecking/dead angling. Real shame.
Played around with some of the weapons and decided to look up a few videos on them:
-At least the Javelin has some unique aplication, good moveset with potent checking/finishing ability. Buffs don't affect it's weapon art, but LEO RING does.
-The torch functions as a good mace with fun gimmick firebreath.
-The Quakehammer is a good alternative strength weapon.
-The Millwood battleaxe is a (finally) functional axe.
-Parting flame is a pretty damn cool pyroglove (nice bonuses for PvE, or if you use Black Flame a lot).
-Follower Saber looks to be another Carthus Curved Sword (I think it's actually more OP, fuck).
-Millwood Greatbow is the hardest hitting, shortest range greatbow with an insane damage weapon art.
-Valorheart is fucking awesome, really nuanced and unique weapon, very cool moveset when using the shield, functions as a straight sword (aka always good) when not using the shield, and thus able to deal with it's shield mode's weakness (big weapons that it can't outrade)
-Friede's Scythe is amazing and has taken the lead as best scythe, very cool movesets and chainable combos, damage isn't as OP as it first seems (magic is on the magic scythe,
-Crow's quill is baller as hell, kinda like an estoc that comes with built-in super throwing knives, insane bleed potential and great backstab/parry ratios
-Crow's Claws completely outclass the Manikin claws, better bleed, unique moves twohanding, great weapon art, doesn't have the hollowed luck bug
-Rose of Ariandel might make PvPing with miracles somewhat viable if risky, nice new faith whip
-Onyx Blade is an extremely cool hexxer weapon, crazy hyperarmor both one and twohanded, natural dark damage and weapon art grants large fire damage buff.
So does anyone know what to do with the girl painter once you've done the bosses?
Nevermind, I found the switch. now to somehow survive the three phase boss fight.
Leo Ring will forever be the most enigmatic piece of equipment across the entire series.
So in general DLC1 is amazing, it has some of the best level design ever seen in a SoulsBorne game. It just sucks that DLC1 is just one level. If DLC1 had 2 other areas that were similar in size and had the level of care this one does it could have been the greatest SoulsBorne DLC ever released.
Every time I leave the Undead Settlement through the tower and into the wooded area that leads to the Crucifixion Woods, the framerate just fucking drops for a brief moment. Game has trouble with transitions between areas. What the fuck.
Playing 3 online for the first time here, is there any reward for defeating invaders as a host of embers ? I got fucking dogpiled while approaching farron woods and could only beat one. Am I just better off going unkindled in this area ?
The game is biased in favor of hosts. You, as a host, have an abundance of resources at your disposal to keep invaders at bay. You can summon up to three people to enlist in your personal gank squad. The invader has half of the estus flasks he'd normally have and no other healing consumables.
The game gives precedence to hosts who have phantoms, which means that invaders will most likely enter the world of a ganker and his sycophants. From the invader's perspective, you are more likely to get your shit kicked in than you are to find a fair fight, so invaders will likely take any opportunity to cut you down as quickly and efficiently as possible when they encounter you without any assistance from other players.
In short, summon and gank or go unembered if you don't want any player interaction.
I know that you can get shackles if you kill a mound maker and a medal if you kill an invading warrior of sunlight, but I don't think anyone else gives anything.
Just don't walk in the water and you wont get invaded by any Watchdogs ever.
The only good thing to come of it was the arena to kill fight clubs, and the pvp weapons. The final boss is okay. The presentation is okay, but the level design would be much better if it weren't drowned in fucking enemies everywhere. I can understand certain spots, like the rot-filled basement, but there's no excuse for you to fight three dozen spear chuckers and flame spitters just to get there.
That's the same right after you fight Vilhelm in the dlc. And even more annoying this time.
I mean, I don't particularly care about FCs or their fate, I just get tired of invading into them. If this cuts their number down even a little, I'll take it.
Okay on that I can agree.
Ok, so I beat the Capra Demon, the Gaping Dragon, Queelag, Ceaseless Discharge, Havel, the Moonlight Butterfly, the Undead Dragon and Sif yesterday.
But I still cannot beat the Hellkite Dragon for some strange reason. How can such an early boss be so difficult?
Am I doomed to forever be skrub?
I never bother with hellkite.
It's that easy. Another thing you can do is get a few swings in, run down to the lower area after he does his aoe, and then repeat until he's dead.
fucking jesus christ finally
If you're talking about steam, then you're an idiot
I'm not liking this DLC.
A good chunk of the level design suffers from the same problem as Darkroot Garden from DS1, where you have a big, open and flat area. Most enemies feel pretty inconsequential as well, which rely on the same old R1 spam to kill effectively, or simply be ignored by running past them. They don't even have useful drops, and those that do (like the hollows that drop the new armor) are pretty rare. I've killed dozens of dudes and I've only gotten 2 armor pieces (repeated ones at that).
One of the few encounters that felt memorable to me so far was the viking dude in the tower. That place is pretty cramped, so fighting a big enemy with a shield was interesting.
Other than that, this DLC perfectly represents the problems I've been having with Souls games as of late. Ever since I've played the Nioh beta, none of what I'm seeing here impresses me, and on top of that it's become tiresome.
Well now you're an even bigger idiot
wow, why am I not surprised
I got DaS3 running on my laptop, but none of my saves carried over. I can't decide what kind of character to make.
Are miracles and sorcery still shit? I heard they did some rebalancing ages ago.
PvE? Just fine on both accounts.
Miracles suck, Sorceries are workable (pestilent mercury is really strong and with the DLC, Cold Snap makes for quick frostbite on enemies, since nobody has frost resistance) but you still want a serviceable weapon (MLGS, etc). Dex Sorcery builds should be a lot better with Friede's Scythe, new DLC boss item.
Right, thank you. I guess might just make another boring DEX build.
Quality is still on top because they managed to make a more OP quality weapon than the carthus curve sword.
Fromsoft Logic: "How do we break the meta? WE MAKE A META WEAPON TO BREAK ALL META WEAPONS!"
Still this DLC adds a lot of viable weapon options for different builds (at least two good strength weapons, one an axe, one a great hammer), some new dex weapons (crows talons & crows quills), new greatsword for Hexxers, etc.
See attached video for the Follower Saber.
Or Onyx Greatsword for pyromancers. I keep forgetting they're faith/int scaling since DaS2.
The scythe is also the best scythe in the series, that thing is fucking ridiculous
I hate weapons that have lots of time and effort put into their entire moveset, it makes everything else seem like a piece of shit
And the crow quills is a tonal clusterfuck, it's a rapier so you expect it to have a rapier moveset plus a ranged attack, maybe with some secondary parrying blade functionality, but no, it's a rapier with FUCKING NINJA CLAWS AND YOU DO CLAW SWIPES AND JUMPING KUNAI THROWS what the fuck
If you use the slumbering dragon ring, you can backstab him out the window.
Oh, there's also a new pyromancer flame, but they absolutely fucked up it's unique ability
It gives you health based on enemies you killed with it equipped, except it doesn't work on players, and regardless of how much it heals you for, you're locked into a 5 second animation of you rather appropriately screaming at the heavens, which basically kills you if you ever accidentally press the button
Chillbite Ring is +140 frost resist, that's a pretty substantial boost to damage reduction.
Yeah, but nobody is going to wear it by default. Forcing them to switch to it when fighting you with a Friede's Scythe or MLGS is a good way to punish. Most players can't fast swap anyway
I never dash on first playthrough, I like to explore every nook and cranny. Yeah the drowning of enemies is a pain but the level has been set up to avoid that from happening. You just have to be an assassin about and take out the enemies that call for back up, and even if you have packs, use those throwing knives to seperate the two. The only issue I had was the giant wolf with the pack of wolves but I figured if I cleared the tower and funneled them I took them all out without taking damage. I can't help but think your complaint is your inability to change up your tactics or use the enviornment to your advantage, you know the same tactic you would use to agro enemies into your territory in DS1.
You see, you'd be right if I didn't start with a slower, more methodical approach. I decided to try starting with what enemies I could see, taking them out while aggroing as few as possible, because I had a much more squishy cosplay build going, that didn't exactly put out the two or three-shots most other builds would at that level. Anticipating a boss fight, I prefer to not use any estus when I can, so imagine my surprise when I finally decide to get out of dodge and leg it past all the fuckers to see how far I'd get only to find another two-dozen waiting. in DS1, at least fuckhuge numbers of enemies were navigable in that they were either easy to kill, or had exceedingly small aggro ranges. Then again, I had the same gripe on my first run through irithyll because I didn't have enough damage to kill the pontiff knights and the flame fucks, and ended up dashing through that too. so I guess you can take what I say with a grain of salt.
The first portion of Irithyll is dog shit in terms of level design and types of enemies. Having to go through a relativity flat narrow corridor means you only have one way to deal with them and that's straight through them. This is amplified by the fact your lock on rage is garbage especially when the Pontiff knights and witches can do locked on ranged attacks about 5 times futher than you. It becomes even worse when you take into account the fire witches tempest move so you can't even do first person range attack mode effectively. This is by definition a failure on FromSoft's part as it goes completely against the mechanics of the game in every way. This area isn't hard, it's cheap and broken which just leaves you with the only sensible option to just run past everything.
The thing with the first portion of the DLC is the fact you've got uneven terrain to hide yourself and sneek up on enemies sitting down or the ones that have their back to you. The wolves tend to attack in packs and keep their distance like they are also concerned with self preservation. Once I took out the callers you can manipulate this behaviour to your advantage. It's the same with the witch trees. The uneven terrain and normal trees allow you to cancel out those slow moving fireballs. When I faced a Millwood knight with a wolf I used a knife to agro the wolf and then dealt with the knight. Also taking out the Millwood bowmen first is a must as any veteran will know which as I found out later can use the tower as territory to your advantage especially with that pack of wolves with the big one.
The only bit I didn't like was fighting three giant crabs at the bottom of the painting. They're a decent enemy to fight on their own but the damn camera works so much against you that they make them a chore and even worse so when there's multiple of them.
I suppose you're right. I'll probably end up going back through with a much more beefy, up-front build the next time I play through it now that they changed poise.
Just spent my first few hours with the DLC. "Salty bitch" doesn't begin to describe me but I've jumped in a NG++ run and going shieldless is playing its part.
First area, I found to be insufferable; combed it meticulously but it was obnoxious; I'll likely go stealth and run past it in future runs.
Wolves are absolute cunts that take all the bullshit from dogs and turn it up to eleven. I can deal with them being faster and stronger, having borderline zero start up shitty animation attacks, dodging EVERYTHING you throw at them, coming in packs etc but their constant fixation with running off-screen to get behind you is really annoying and you have to deal with that when fighting multiple.
The Viking assholes feel like Cathedral knights on steroids which isn't any fun.
All through that part, I felt like I was fighting with every bad enemy design decision in the game.
Just entered the Corvian Settlement and I'm liking this part. Seems short but I like the area design, reminds me of the Undead Settlement which is, in turn, probably my favorite area in vanilla DaS3 alongside Lothric Castle.
Some random thoughts:
Maybe it's because of the silly enemies but I can't help but think of Ghouls n' Ghosts while going through the Corvian Settlement.
Corvian knight armor looks cool so naturally From thought it would be a good idea for it to not be a drop.
Cough it up, waifufags - how many of you are rocking the Slave Knight Leggings? :^)
Thinking about making a new character, just for shits and giggles, and I have two ideas in mind.
Anyone think it's stupid? I think it could be fun.
user, any theme build is fun go for it. The wolverine build seems good especially, would certainly be a fast paced game of Fuck or Get Fucked.
Tho what is the INT for along with your STR? The scaling on faith for the demon fists comes online (To a whopping D) before the int, but considering it's only one level it probably doesn't make too much of a difference one way or another.
Hope you have fun with the next round of big wide open spaces and The Sewer Level
That's exactly what I was thinking. Could really help me git gud at dodging and maybe even parrying. Regarding the scaling on demons fist though, I have no idea how it actually works. I just saw it was a C/D/D on STR/FTH/INT respectively, and figured I'd want INT more than FTH with a Pyromancer.
I'm wanting to make a new character that's Ganondorf themed (TP era, using Lothric's holy sword, and a ton of miracles like lightning stake and lightning spear), but having just finished my Lemeza run I can't find it in me to try to get all those souls for another character, and I don't have anyone to transfer equipment from my other characters. Anyone know of any working CE tables that might allow me to do item swapping?
You need roughly equivalent Faith\Int for most spells, but I figure you'd be more interested in the buffs, right? Power Within\Carthus Beacon\Sweats\Iron Flesh since they don't need more than 15 faith at max if I remember
Though that means you're also gonna want atleast 2 spell slots before you consider slipping on the rings that give you more, but that's just what I'm thinking on it.
Hmm, I actually have never done a run using buffs. It could add some fun to the mix. I think right now, I want to do the Wolverine run first, and go with Lightning infused Claws, since it's E/C/A on STR/DEX/Faith respectively, and focus on leveling Faith and DEX.
Do it, especially with Cestus types Carthus Beacon will be your friend,with Pontiffs Right Eye you can get up to 30% bonus on attacks as long as you get more than 3 off at once, but it doesn't stack with Power Within (Which is a flat 20% bonus that very slowly drains up to 1\3 of your current health) so keep that in mind.
I personally make sure to always have Flash Sweat on my warriors since its benefits are pretty noticeable, and profuse sweat is also good since it increases your resistance to statuses so it can keep you in the game. Try them out at your leisure and see what jives best with you.
Also Faith\Dex has always been one of my favorite builds (Except in 3 honestly) so that sounds like a pretty tight run there.
Awesome, I'll keep it in mind. Wish I wasn't stuck at work right now, I could try it out right away and see how it turns out.
holy shit that's what I was doing too, how about that?
What I did was start pyromancer, do high faith and int to start, slowly build vit and vig, then get strength and dex up to snuff, dex should get to 18 and then hard cap it because that's the minimum for the black knight great sword. Then just keep dicking around leveling all four do get dark and chaos on all your weapons. I also got dark hand as early as I could, then got executioner leggings from bazuso, morne chest piece, and brigand gauntlets. Going to put wolnir's crown on when I beat him too since that's as close to ganondorf as I can get really. For reference I'm doing a very mixed ganondorf, using all his versions for inspiration. Later on I might use a different chest piece, something with a red cape still, because I was doing an OoT oriented cosplay. I also want to get the fume knight sword since it looks like one of the swords he got at some point, and also some hexes. Ganondorf is really fun for extreme stats play, since he wasn't ever tied down to being a sorcerer or a beastmode swordsman, so I just dick around with giving him everything and seeing what sticks. Lightning makes sense since he does have light attacks in OoT, and hexes make sense too because he's called the king of darkness or whatever and he does a bit of dark magics. The most fun thing to do probably will be using a bunch of buffs or other magic shit, and then using magic nullification on anyone else to go hand to hand if need be.
If you really get into it, it's fun, so I think cheating in some things would lessen the experience a bit.
I was really into the lemeza run but the whip's moveset is so trash, I felt sick just trying to farm one of the endgame bosses for souls to complete the build after I'd finished the game I intended to go to level 140, join mound makers, then invade around pontiff killing any enemies in worlds that have seeds in them before hunting phantoms. I'd at least like to start a new game with all the equipment that I need, then start getting souls to really get the build off the ground, rather than waiting until I've about got the game finished to pick up the most important weapon of the build.
All of that may sound good on paper, but enemies in that area are complete pushovers that you can just R1 spam with a wide-swing weapon to win.
The viking dudes are way easier than the Cathedral knights, and wolves much less bullshit than dogs, so I have no idea what you're talking about. If anything, I just find most of the new enemies dull with the exception of the Corvian knights.
Sorry m8 but I gotta agree on the fact Wolves are just dogs turned up to 11.
Why's that? I found them to be way less aggressive. I can't imagine fighting the same amount of dogs as you do the wolves in the DLC. I frequently found myself backing out of fights against dogs, particularly in Irythill shortly after the silver knights, and at worst you fight them two at the same time in that part. In the DLC I was steamrolling multiple wolves with a straight sword. The only part I had serious trouble (for obvious reasons) was when the big wolf joined in with half a dozen smaller ones.
They're less aggressive until you accidentally stumble onto them, and then they're nonstop ducking and weaving in sync so when you swing at one, two more come at you and interrupt you.
That just wasn't my experience. It might have something to do with the fact that I'm still on NG and they die in two swings from one-handed straight sword.
Another thing is that if you're fast enough you can catch several of them at once when they're spawning or howling, so that could be another factor.
They die with three hits using a Refined Dark Sword +10 for me, 40/40 in STR/DEX.
And I forgot to mention they do very little damage. So maybe I'm also leveled too high (approaching lvl 120).
The area is designed for right after lothric, so ~80.
So despite the fact that the DLC tells you it's super hard if you're not at endgame and discouraging you, if you run through the DLC, you can equip yourself with better weapons within 1 hour of a new game. Want to play a dex character? Crow Quills are S scaling with the Sharp prefix and can be acquired in 3 minutes from the DLC entrance.
Want to play a greatbow character? You can get your first greatbow in 2 minutes from the entrance.
Want to play an axe character who causes earthquakes that kick the shit out of even the endgame boss? 90 seconds from the entrance.
Want to play a fist character? The best fist weapon in the game is 3 minutes in (at the same location as the Crow Quills).
They clearly underestimated a player's ingenuity, as I ran from the beginning of the game to the DLC and acquired the Millwood Greatbow and Captain's Ashes (for the arrows) in 1h30m (because I didn't know where the fucking bow was).
The power creep when expac 2 comes out is gonna be something awful.
What a disappointing DLC
That describes Dark Souls 3 in a nutshell already, it's no different from the vanilla game in that regard.
Compare the number of ambushes in Dark Souls vs Dark Souls III. Dark Souls III never stops with the ambushes, and considers super powerful enemies to have the same value as beginning game enemies. At least Dark Souls 1 stopped doing this after the Lower Burg.
That's like saying a sword is an arm blade
It's literally the Fist & Claws family of weapons. Do you like to argue about what shade of blue the sky is?
sky blue, probably.
"Fist & Claws" sure sounds like it makes a distinction between the two, so why shouldn't you?
It doesn't, the in-game category is literally "Fist & Claw." Calling it fist as a shorthand. Do you have low functioning autism?
What do you think "&" means
I just imagine this in your everyday life.
"Hey John."
"No, I'm John Smith."
"Yeah, so I call you John."
"But my name isn't John, it's John Smith."
"Why would I call you your full name every time?"
"Because that's my name."
"Okay John."
"No, I'm not John, I'm John Smith."
Now shut the fuck up, kek.
So if someone told you John and Smith were coming over, would you expect one person to show up, or two?
I'm legitimately curious where you draw the line here
I draw the line on there is a common name, and then there is a full name. I'm not sperglord super low functioning autism where I need to spell out every name meticulously in full every time. It's fist & claws, or just "fist." Why fist? Because it's a weapon that has low reach that is attached to your .. YEAH.
So are daggers, and pyromancy flames
Is "claw" too hard for you to spell compared to "fist"? I mean, they're both just four letters
Don't tell me you're actually so autistic that you think I'm saying you should spell out "fist & claws" every time?
I'm just going to filter you, since the thread is dead anyway.
This argument is getting retarded. The point is, both weapons are listed under one fucking category, and for being one of the strongest weapons in the category, it can easily be acquired in a reasonably short amount of time.
Precisely, thank you.
Also looks like once again, From offers no S-class Str weapons. I know the reason is because two-handing is Str*1.5, but it would have been nice to see an S-class Str weapon.
I never even disputed that, I was just saying it's stupid that they're in one category, or that anyone would go along with it when there's no mechanical reason to in the game
We live in an era of Quality, it's best just to embrace it