Let's talk about CRT's and what made them special in the eyes of anons. I just wanted to make this thread for some advice. I saw a CRT today on the side of the road. It was still working, but it had rained eariler today. Should I take it?
CRT Thread
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I play my games with a complex network of carrier pigeons, rats, & a can on a string.
Thank you for Correcting Record the!
CRTs are cheap as fuck nowadays, instead of shitposting you can just get a small one to at least see the difference in contrast and improved input latency they have
I'm just avin a giggle mate. Tube TVs are a fine way to play old videogames.
I have no nostalgia for CRT's despite owning like 7 over the years. Get over yourself hipster.
Take up so much room is the issue.
Realistically though, do you think that once flatpanel displays reach a high enough resolution for perfect CRT shaders, and once they have features such as HDR, local dimming and variable sync, they will compete more nicely with CRTs.
Everything looks better on them. Even the Wii which is a late console looked signifcantly better on my CRT than on my LCD.
Why does it offend you that some people like old tech? We're not attacking your taste.
Every FUCKING time
A video device is an output device. You do not input your buttons into it.
Unless you emulate it hooked up to an OLED, but CRT does look significantly better than an LCD.
We will most likely never see true HDR to compete with CRT on modern LCDs though. And local dimming still causes light bleed
The only display technology available that has the dynamic range as a CRT but the compactness and power consumption comparable to LCD is OLED. And OLEDs have absolutely horrifying burn-in and not as long of a life as CRTs
My main problem with modern displays is the black levels. If you don't own a CRT or an OLED screen, horror games look like absolute garbage.
Oled tend to burn out quickly don't they? They're also VERY expensive.
Correct. The organic diodes degrade quite quickly, especially the blue ones. So in just a couple of years of normal use, the screen will get an unpleasant yellow tint.
Time to come into the 21st century
OLED's are estimated to last about 5 years running at half brightness. Frankly that's pathetic. I'm curious what kind of issues SED would have needed to be sorted out
Pictured are my CRTs, minus my 9" Panasonic. Each one has Component video options (RGB and yipper.) CRT is absolutely the best way to play these games. Very happy to own such high quality sets.
Reminder that blacks are perfect.
My autism station
very nice set. How big is it? Also needs more tea cups
That looks awful. Would look way better with an analog scandoubler.
I finally hooked my PVM2030 through a SCART adapter last week and the difference was stunning.
Two things amazed me: sharpness and color saturation. Both are incredibly nice to look at.
How much were the three Ikegamis total?
My LCD TV looks nicer.
We're happy for you. Good Job user!
its only one ikegami, and I got it for 120+33 shipping. Each CRT cost about the same (150-165ish), with the exception being the 9" which I got for like 50 bucks.
cell phone cameras don't do it justice.
someone listed a 13" PVM on ebay saying the RGB test lines were an issue, unaware those are on all sony monitors. Free shipping and only about $110.
So now I'll have 5 monitors.
If you don't want your thing to be ruined by hipsters or normalfags, don't talk about it on a mainstream board.
Fuck off CTR shill.
I should probably stop falling for the scart meme and just get a s-video cable.
Can i get a cheap made Pc to consumer cRT connection going on with only a scart cable AND a scart to s-video adapter? Leaving the gpu output issue aside, since i own several old amd cards
You must movie on, user! Its the current year, the past is outdated and replaced. Stop living in the past and embrace the glorious future that surrounds you!
Also how the fug do you look for crt monitors with scart on ebay?. I could not find a single one, the closest thing i found was PVMs with a weird "VTR" input that looks similar
You don't unless you're from yurop. You have to buy a BNC to scart cable.
rgb is incredible.
crash team racing is great
I don't think professional monitors have scart-in. There's two notable different rgb standards, that being RGB through BNC, and Sony's proprietary connector. The Sony connector looks like IDE pins, and the BNC connectors distinctly label themselves R, G, B, S. some support yipper.
Unless you get incredibly lucky and happen to find a PVM at a garage sale or a tag sale your gonna be paying a pretty penny for one. If your going to use a regular consumer grade CRT instead of a PVM then just get a framemeister for your modern TV you hipster faggot.
framemeisters are more expensive and don't look as good as crts
In my experience i've found the difference pretty negligible and you don't have to deal with a hulking behemoth of a television or have two separate setups.
I play light gun games
I play games with lots of dithering.
Anyway people shouldnt let CRT threads slide into this eternal confrontation of lcd fags vs crt fags. Stop taking the bait.
I've found that the benefits of RGB on a crt is far greater than viewing the games through composite or s-video.
In the long run LCDs are cheaper as they don't consume too much power.
What does a framemeister even go for these days?
What I do with CRTs
Nostalgia is one hell of a drug. Also who plays old games for their graphics? Maybe I am too used to spreadsheet simulators and ASCII 'graphics'
you'll be paying about $2 more per year on your electric bill for a CRT if you use them at the same rate. And another $350-400 when your LCD dies in 5 years
300-350 + shipping.
I sold one of my crts to a friend. I had played guitar hero at his place earlier and the lag was killing me. After he hooks up his new crt he adjusts his lag compensation from 500ms to 0. His fucking tv was lagging over half a second. I don't know how people can even play old games with that much latency.
For my PC I got myself a € 100 LCD in 2011. It paid itself within that year.
A CRT which gets actually used is signed up for refurbishment after 5 years and completely done after 10.
I don't see them ever fixing this problem either. It's just how they work, it would be like them fixing the fact that the phosphor in a CRT slowly burns away, no way to do it. Can only try and prevent uneven burn, which is never going to happen if you play 4:3 shit on it.
A CRT tube lasts about 100,000 hours before it needs replacement. Tuning up any electronic is a necessity. I'm sure you're still paying for it in a sense, considering it's a 100 euro LCD.
I wonder how long the average OLED or even LCD would last. I talked to a SONY tech out of california that swears a studio he visited has PVMs running for over two decades before they had to be fixed. By that point they just switched to LCDs because it was cheaper, but god damn is that a lot of hours.
50000. And it looks like shit after 25000 already.
CRTs only sharp and bright when new. That LCD still looks like day one. If you turn down the LED backlight from the beginning, it won't burn out ever.
It's 1080p already and since 2011 I saved 120 bucks per year on electricity by putting the CRT onto the shelf and not turning it on again.
Guess what I can spend on the next LCD now.
I have a CRT TV made in Europe, which is 27 years old. It still runs without any repairs expect for the power switch. The tube is done though.
.How do I hook up a shitty crt tv to my computer?
It gets complicated. The consensus seems to be you should mod a Wii instead if you want an emulation box. That, or buy a graphics card specifically for 240p gaming.
I've done some electronic stuff, would it be hard to make a VGA-RCA adapter?
I only know how to do it if you have RGB input, then you can simply use a custom resolution setting. If you need composite then you will need a VGA to CGA from china. The fact that it only outputs 480i probably won't matter to you.
Any graphics card with an analog TV-Out port should suffice.
I wouldn't know. I own an extron, & from hooking it up to my PC I've had very mixed results.
Do you use linux? Using this xtiming.sourceforge.net
with this community.linuxmint.com
Pic related NES looking perfect
I may have to dual boot linux mint now. Might be something I look into.
My camera is spazzing out and I think it has to do with the fact I had to put the refresh rate on like 65hz to try and get as close as possible to 15.75khz horizontal, but you can't tell at all IRL
I fucking hate these goddamn things. Every single one from chinktubes to Sony has this fucking high pitched whine that drives me insane.
Anything that raises voltage does that. I hear it from phone chargers even. The meme is too strong and too tasty though.
Because it's an affectation
Yeah but those I don't hear unless I get bear it. CRT's I can hear from across my room.
That's very useful user, you don't happen to know the exact xrandr command of NTSC, PAL or PAL60 specs?
For example NTSC is actually 59.94hz @15khz, C- Sync, and if you want to output 240p to a TV you needed a very specific CLI input, i got this info in 4ch /vr/ like 3 years ago, but i lost it and then never could locate the user that gave it to me again.
they work but if you use the analog outputs of these cards you only get 800*600 in your tv, no matter what you do and it's going to be flicker hell, maybe if you are really lucky you can find one that does 480p ,
The only input you can modify is the one that comes out of the VGA port
It's ok, you'll lose the ability to hear the whine as you age
I could hear a crystal-clear high-pitch note from CRTs about a year ago, and now I think my hearing range has dropped off because I can't remember hearing it recently
I only know how to do it for RGB and I'm still a noob at that. I know RGB is a lot more forgiving if you look at all the wacky arcade game resolutions and refresh rates.
All TVs & monitors are built to impress people though. Are you saying just by owning a tube TV that you're being an attention whore?
Would you prefer it if we said the time it takes for an input to be registered, rendered, sent, processed and displayed? Input lag is short hand and means the same thing you sperg
Here's one for the CRT peeps with experience. I have a regular ol' TV while I save up for something better.
The top right corner for about the very last 1/2 inch or so seems to "split" the colors into it's rgb components. It drives me nuts if there's text there because it makes it obvious, but it's ignorable when there's just regular picture without text or numbers.
Is there any specific setting that can help? Or do I get one of those big ol' coils for degaussing? Or should I just not expect much out of this old pos Imma throw away
is it anything like this?
Sorta! But it's literally only for about an inch on the very corner. It doesn't go all the way thru horizontally.
It's noticeable when there's some kind of UI element in the corner, but if it's just general graphics moving it's almost unseen.
so the set is receiving a signal and not displaying it entirely correctly? I'm not a complete expert on this, but I imagine this would be from one of the color guns being out of alignment to a very slight extent. If you could provide a picture of your problem I'd be able to get a better idea of what caused the damage. Kinda sounds like magnets.
Here's a quick diagram
I'm away from home for the rest of the day so no picture, but it looks just like where you can see a faint red after image a few millimeters on top of text and a faint blue after image a few millimeters below the text.
I'd like to see how it appears on the TV itself, sorry.
Here it is, I woke up my brother for a picture.
Are there any magnets or anything magnetic near that corner of your TV?
There's definitely misalignment there. Could be damage from magnets, here's an interesting bit, however. Try orienting your screen into a different compass direction, maybe westward.
when did CRT computer monitors get such a stigma. I swear to god it's less offensive to call someone a nigger to their face than it is to have a CRT on your desk. If you go on youtube videos of CRT computer monitors people in the comment sections lose their minds. It's as if someone else daring to use one is an attack on them. But only after they get over their incredulous Did? You? Even? Know? That they are like old and get hot and use lots of power and they're heavy and take up space?? Did you even know?
No magnets near it, only a lamp about 3 feet away from it.
Just got home and tried it: no real difference, or something so slight I probably imagined it.
1600x1200 CRT fo'life friendo. A proper desk SHOULD be able to hold 50 pounds.
I'm actually getting a little 15" mid 90s monitor either today or tomorrow for playing doomclones and maybe some oddworld and stuff. It looks charming as fuck.
It seems like ANYTHING crt infuriates people who don't use them. These threads are like a case study on that.
I like CRTS. CRTS are fun. They're neat, and I like to play games on mine. I also play VHS tapes & DVDs on mine :)
Okay here you go
Did you wanna talk about Crash Team Racing?
New monitor: Sony PVM-1380. Need to figure out how to play with the output size, it's not fitting into the display, but it's got a very, very impressive look.
Working on a sony PVM 3D model for reasons
Could really use some HQ pictures of each side to use in case any proud owners feel like giving a hand
Good taste user, looks like you haven't gotten masters mode yet though.
It's hard
This meme needs to die.
Wow it's like I'm back in 2005
Why? She lost her Rosa Miysticae a long time ago. I don't keep junk around.
stop hoarding monitors faggot, that s why their price is so fucking high
Butthurt poorfag detected. Get a job
I got these for very cheap, actually. Just gotta keep an eye out for them. There's tons out there, just keep an eye out.
if you want to play with your super scope you need a crt
Missing vent holes, 2 Screws, & the concave handle. You need some work on that for sure.
smaller pvm's don't have the handles