Anyone played Dragon Quest Builders yet?

Anyone played Dragon Quest Builders yet?

I downloaded the demo on PS4 expecting a bad minecraft clone riding the DQ name but honestly i enjoyed it, like really really enjoyed it a lot. By the time i crossed a poison swamp and fought a dragon i was reminded of playing Dragon Warrior on the Gameboy Colour and this interests me.

Though i worry since its not procedurally generated how big the world is and how long the game is.

Has anyone got the full game? does the area you light up grow for a bigger town layout? does building rooms outside mean monsters spawn in them? and how long is it?

Too expensive

Why is every thread on this game so similar ?

Well its not like you can't pirate the vita version, i'm just interested in size and length.


who asked for this? was there really someone who wanted minecraft and dragon quest? I can kinda understand the mosou but a minecraft clone with a DQ skin on it? I dont understand.

Each chapter takes place in a different place, and each place has three portals

People said the same with Crystal Chronicles though. You dont mix things up and you end up like Final Fantasy struggling to get a game out a decade as they go through constant reworks to try and chase the next hot ticket.

Japan. They can't get enough of minecraft.

Why would anyone own a vita?

So the town size stays the same but you build multiple?
is the endgame basically managing like 5 different castles or something?

Nobody asked for this, but I'm glad they made it. It smashed through my expectations

Frankly user

The Demo kind of makes me want to see a FFIX or even Wind Waker version of this. Autistic building is way more fun with charming music and art with a story behind it.

Been watching GetDaved play it, trying to convince myself I don't need a PS4, no matter how great it looks. I just can't justify the PS4 between just that and Bloodborne, since I know FF12HD and FF15 will be on PC later.

Each chapter is self contained - you don't bring your items with you, you start from the ground up. And some of the recipes are altered to make use of the different materials. And the quests have more variety than you might expect. For example, chapter 2 is all about curing people of a disease, and to do that you have to build an infirmary and treat them.

I'm only on chapter three, and not that far into it, but so far I've only managed one city per chapter. The title of chapter three has two names, though, so I might end up with another.

I wonder how this would do on pc. Since FF7 and 8 did come out on PC back in the day so had some audience for FF games. I dont know if Dragon Warrior/Quest had any PC releases ever to be honest.

God knows hearing the same overworld theme in this as DW 1-3 hit me so hard in the nostalgia doctors say i may have a long road to recover.

Also if you havent anons go get visualboy advance and the gbc dragon warrior 1-3 roms, they are easy and short and the most fun jrpgs.

This game is super comfy and I have to struggle not to waste all my freetime playing it.

See if you build roads to bridge towns that shit really interests me.

The demo basically felt like i was playing less minecraft and more rpg maker and beginning to make my own Dragon Warrior 3 style world.

It makes me wonder how autistic it could get, if you ignored the light border could you build a huge coast to coast city state per chapter?

Well the concept clearly works, so I'd be surprised if they didn't do something more with it. I'm almost positive they'll release an expansion of some kind, and I wouldn't be surprised if they turned it into a series.

Motherfucker if they made Crystal Chronicles Builders with multiplayer i would lose my shit.

That and My Life As King would make a fantastic pair of games for the 3DS or Switch. But I've been wishing for a MLAK port for ages.

I don't see why not, but your citizens would stick to the light.

That being said, at the end of the chapter, the light extends to the entire island, but I didn't stick around long enough to see if the citizens moved around. Besides, there's a separate 'Terra Incognita' mode with its own island that's like a free roam mode. There's not much when you first unlock it, but every chapter unlocks another portal, and each portal has new materials. You get to build stuff with all the recipes you've unlocked in the chapters you've completed.

Its like the missing piece from my dream comfy game. Crystal Chronicles meets Harvest Moon meets Animal Crossing meets this kind of literal worldbuilding would be amazing.

Imagine a cutesy rpg lite world where you and your friends build towns and make an rpg world together?


This is the autism i wanted to hear.

I guarantee we are not the first to think of town management + Minecraft. In fact, I'd guess there's a Minecraft mod out there right now that does that.

All of japan.
When it came out 99% of the japanese streams on PS4 were of this game.
Hell, it's still popular right now.

Even a little baby knows japan fucking loves DQ and they LOVE Minecraft.
How fucking clueless can you be?
You know less about the world than a small child.

It's called Millenaire.

I tried some back when tekkit was the in thing with folks, but after Witchery i got real bored with Minecraft since i always felt either too old for it or it just lacked some charm to it.

its funny but in Bongland DQ has almost been none existent bar a blip when Dragon Warrior Monsters was the huge pokemon clone success along with the 1-3 gbc editions, bar that we've always been way more FF leaning.

I tried the Vita demo and thought it was pretty enjoyable, the NPC housing and crafting gimmick seemed enough to give the minecraft gathering shit meaning but if I'm gonna buy it I want it physical since vita memory costs a fortune and as far as I can see it doesnt have an physical english vita release.

Also I don't like that you can't really put rooves on rooms, I tried and it was a huge pain to get the camera inside the room to see what was going on. This kinda kills vertical building too which is like the best kind of building.

does play asia have the vita english language one?

This is one of my only complaints, too. I wish the roofs just disappeared when you enter a building, just like they do in the actual DQ games.

They do, but I'm going to wait a while and see if it maybe gets a US physical since it's not like I expect supplies to run low or prices to go up.

If we ever get a DQ Builders sequel, I'd like to see a few things

i cant remember the last time a game had such little negative reaction on here.

A niche game has fewer shitposters.

It's a vita game (barely anyone owns the handheld weebmachine on Holla Forums), it's a DQ game (strong, unerringly loyal fanbase), and it's pretty good in a lot of ways that make it feel like the devs spent a bunch of time going through complaints about Minecraft and said "let's not do any of that"

For vertical building I ended up using the lower floors for storage bullshit (the coffer, the treasure room, etc.) and the upper floors for rooms I had to see into.

When I got actual roof tiles I thought it would work that way, too bad it's basically just a pretty way to fuck yourself over. Roofs would have been useful against the artillery-style enemy attacks too (the snail guys).

For the vita version, if you touch the screen it should adjust the camera inside, but I haven't actually put a roof on any of my stuff yet, so i can't confirm.

It's on every sony platform: vita, ps3, ps4.
However the ps3 one might not be out here.

I'm playing the Vita version and it's just cramped and hard to see anything when I get the camera inside. Since the game can recognize rooms when they're built, they should have done a translucent/tearaway view whenever you move inside a room.
It's not really a problem since the game doesn't demand you build an apartment complex anyway, but it would've been nice.

Yeah the interior camera is so bad. Even indie shits with rainbow hair can do a better interior camera.

It's pretty much my only complaint about the game, so it sticks out in my mind. Otherwise it's well worth pirating

That's because they're used to having to fit a lot into a small frame.

Blocking-Building RPG

Thats correct. And i had a lot of childlike fun without the usual cynicism and let down grinding i experience in most modern games.

This game is comfy as hell, feels like something miyamoto would execute underlings for not thinking of first. Dragonquest music and theme using minecraft vehicle for quest oriented building.
Got attack of the autism and havent used portal yet because trying to building max height mech out of dirt in town til 4am

I guess i just miss comfy console games, even nintendo barely makes them anymore

I was wondering the same thing.

When the fuck do you get the recipes for slime, gold, and cherry blossom blocks?

I don't know about slime or cherry blossoms, but the gold block might be made from chalk. You can get different colored blocks using it, and there's a recipe that combines it with gold or silver and something else to get a gold or silver block

Guess I ain't playin it then

Aren't those the preorder dlc blocks? I assume there's some code redemption option in a menu somewhere that gives you them.

You do realize Minecrap is just a ripoff of Infiniminer and Manic Digger, right?

They come as free DLC with the store edition. I put in the code but I've not got the recipes yet. I was just wondering if there a particular point you get them or if I fucked something up.

Free mode only, tis saddening.

So you have to beat the story mode then?

Only the first chapter


How is the plant growing system? in the demo i got grass seeds from bats and pink flower seeds from shit in this poison swamp hidden over a mountain range i blocked up and over but cant use in the demo.

The stuff you got is simple, you plant it and it immediately grows into whatever it says it is. Later on you get seeds you can plant onto tilled soil, those grow over a few days.

You make a rake to till soil, then plant the seeds. In two days they should be fully grown. Fully grown plants give two drops when they're harvested, and each drop can then be turned into three seeds.

And what about the Dragon in the demo? is that in game or a hidden demo thing?

It's in the game as well, it's an extra challenge that isn't necessary to do but unlocks stuff in Free Mode if you beat it.