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and Holla Forums will never attack (((corporations))) because they're too busy actually sucking jew dick
Interesting. I wonder when we'll go full Shadowrun. Also, I like seeing the look on people's faces when you point out that the reason the Occupy (((Wall Street))) thing got buried faster than (child raped and murdered by a leftist politician/businessman) was because of the ethnic makeup of the 1%.
They're better communists in comparison to other communists who drop their anti-corporation stance the moment they see a pride flag.
Maybe don't stand in front of a bulldozer?
They even made a film portraying them as maniacs, batman something, so the bad goyim never emulates.
This timeline is great
Rumour has it they pay for shills too. Thanks for the old news.
Not soon enough chummer, not soon enough.
We should research these groups more. It sounds like the perfect method for kikes to get agents into nationalist movements without it being too obvious. Finding out that any prominent alt-lite fags have connections to these groups would sink their careers.
This is something bot enough attention is paid to. Black cube is now known because of their Weinstein shit, but they are just one if the Mossadkike and CIAnigger tier private intelligence corporations that are basically doing work for the intelligence criminal agencies. The lady who worked for the vaccine company, the one who was a whistleblower, had her house broken into several times one night while she was in it after she already installed a security system. They were sending her a message. These guys even tapped her cell phone somehow.
>(((Corporations))) Spying/Killing (((Activists)))
Wow, this thing for slid like a motherfucker.
I love how this cuck admitted on national TV that his own son calls him "Fake News".
OK, I'll explain. Why do they seem to be on opposing sides? It's the same as with the news. It's a kike extortion racket. So what they do is they feed various kinds of "protests" so as to force companies into giving them money. See Anita Sarkeesian.
wat if we hire a spy to investigate soros and antifa?
This fucking 'uh oh' shit kills me with how absurdly normalfaggy it is. I love you, user.
Hold on a fucking minute. Caterpillar only built the bulldozer that killed Rachael Corrie, they weren't driving it. The IDF was. So why did Caterpillar hire C2i to spy on her family? They no dog in the fight. or did they?
It makes more sense when you realize that people will sue, and sometimes win, over the dumbest shit. Gun manufacturers have lawsuits filed against them all the time, and these are expensive to deal with regardless of how they fail. Without more context, we don't know if Cat was just checking to see if they were going to have an expensive pile of trouble in the future, or if it was something more involved and sinister.
My own company was sued by an illegal that caused a crash with one of our company trucks. The fucking pics managed to win.
My company hired a private investigator and a short while later at the worst possible time, those beaners went back.
Occupy fell apart because of the sudden deluge of identity activists and lunatics who took over.
Shit was hilarious and depressing.
Leftists are the biggest corporate cocksuckers there are
Interesting fact: the people who started T_D over on plebbit got their start with a subreddit (worldofpancakes) named after that bulldozer incident. They were known as "the crew" and included such members as NYPD32 and JCM267. I can only speculate if some of them had any involvement with corporate espionage, but it seems to be a pretty specific incident to base an entire online group over. These people absolutely are by NO means Trump supporters. They are hardcore zionist neocon nevertrumpers and view Trump and his supporters as morons. For a brief period, a different group took the place over who were actually pro Trump (CWM and others), but it's the same kike loving shitbags running it (under different accounts) once again after they perpetrated a takeover last year.
Here's a link from a forum full of libshits kvetching over the situation back in 2014
Bottom line is that if you are a Trump supporter, T_D and its mods are playing you from day one. Get the fuck off plebbit and go somewhere less jewed up.
Quit talking like a nigger.
It's funny how the left now does whatever jew-controlled multinational corporations tell them to and the right sticks up for the working class.
I vaguely remember CWM getting outed as a Jew not long after he went megalomaniac and got booted.
"The Bureau and Guardian were given inside information which shines a light on this hidden world, when hundreds of pages of documents were leaked to us from two corporate intelligence firms. The documents cover the period 2003-11 and offer insight into how some operators in a normally subterranean industry work.
The subsequent investigation by the Guardian and the Bureau then identified five large companies which have paid corporate intelligence firms, often known as “private spies”. These firms were paid to monitor campaigning groups that challenged their businesses, the leaked documents reveal.
The monitoring, which included the use of fake activists, who infiltrated campaign groups to spy on them, intelligence gathering and obtaining internal documents, was funded by household names including the Royal Bank of Scotland, British Airways, Porsche, the utility company RWE and the manufacturing company, Caterpillar.
The targets of the monitoring spanned the grieving family of a young protester crushed to death by a bulldozer to a range of environmental campaigns, including even phone mast protesters.
The leaked documents suggest that the use of secretive corporate security firms to gather intelligence about political campaigners has been widespread.
The cache of emails we obtained shows how one of the “private spy” firms, C2i International, used two infiltrators to acquire advance warning of demonstrations that were being mounted against big companies. They then fed this information back to the companies."
good thread op ignore the shills. this just proves that gangstalking IS REAL and funded.
=At the time, Corrie’s family was taking legal action against Caterpillar, alleging that the firm was complicit in war crimes by exporting bulldozers to Israel with full knowledge that they would be used to illegally demolish Palestinian homes.=
Bump for a good thread. We Shadowrun now.
She was a stupid cunt, and you know she was. An insufferable shithole, absolute garbage. God damn her soul. Fuck that blue-haired bullshit.
We already know the unions are nothing but corporate shills. Old news.
And to think I wasn't even expecting a nose behind it.
Fuck off, you're stupid.
PR firms have been doing this shit too forever. I remember in Australia in the 80s or 90s they were deregulating the milk industry, so a PR firm created an activist group called something like "the womb of mother earth" to make the other protesters look retarded. It's a pretty good tactic. Protest groups are extremely vulnerable to espionage and false flagging because they're already retards to begin with.
its fuked
ppl think activist necessarily means leftist
this is shit we should all be aware of and be able to counteract
how far the left has fallen..
The left is a psyop to give all opposition to corporate/state hegemony a bad taste, making it easier to dismiss any opposition to the system. There's a reason only the most detestable people are ever televised complaining about the state of affairs.
*your stupid
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First of all, real niggers never show up for meetings. Those niggers were CIA agents. lulz @ how naive people were way back then.
Kikes own caterpillar. They were probably afraid of the damage that recordings of her murder would cause if released onto the net. All dow jones subsidiaries prop up israel's economy.
Oy vay! Thats ANTI-SEMITIC you filthy goyim! Dont you know about the 6 grillion!
She put her life on the line for the White people? Yeah right. Sand niggers.
>Oy vey she deserved to die because she was protecting sand nigger homes from the (((chosen people))) effectively forcing them out of their lands and into Europe
Don't your supervisors even proof read your shit posts anymore Schlomo?
Meh, Caterpillar has done Billions in business with China, who also use their bulldozers to pancake any civilians that protest the Communist Party destroying their homes and seizing their land.
Her parents are dumb for trying to sue, just like any Leftist that's tried to sue gun manufacturers. Any sort of law passed here would just be Slippery Slope legislation that a resurgent Left would size on in the future to attack firearms. This is something that can only be delt with as part of Trade Policy. Which would be fun to see, but I don't think even Trump would be so bold as to start an outright Trade War with China and Israel…at least not in his first term. But who knows what the future may hold.
true story
So kikes really were behind it all along.