Are you a NEET?
Feels like Holla Forums is more wage slaves and western output consumers nowadays. Where did all the NEET weebs go?
Did everyone get old? or just more normalfag?
Are you a NEET?
Feels like Holla Forums is more wage slaves and western output consumers nowadays. Where did all the NEET weebs go?
Did everyone get old? or just more normalfag?
I'm a NEET
Because being a sad depressed faggot is kind of gay.
No, i take useless classes to become a wage slave.
I'm a proper NEET over 35.
Sir this is not an ICP thread.
Yes, and?
The majority of halfchanners back in the day were college students. After the split, all the new college kids kept going to halfchan while anyone who gave a shit about moot fucking things over came here.
The 2014 exodus people are mostly out of college now and looking for jobs to keep themselves out of the dumpster. Or they failed at pretending to be disabled and are too busy eating rats to bother with shitposting about vidya.
Failed? just go to your doctor in a Minecraft shirt and tell him you need to turn the lights on an off exactly 14 times before you can sit down.
I'm a neet, but I need some money. How can I easily make some cash before black Friday?
They may also be too proud to actually go full autismbux. We're talking about the exodus after all, the people who left didn't enjoy the new style of buttfucking 4chan had just installed.
They might be lurking user. OP what are the benefits of being a NEET? That should convince some people to quit their jobs and join you.
Being NEET is no fun after 25, and after that you're pretty much fucked unless you can clean yourself up and get a job through nepotism.
I think just the Minecraft shirt is enough.
Nothing is fun after 25!
Wageslave, reporting in.
Being neet after 25 with no diploma and any job experience is even more fucked.
its pretty gud meng.
Being able to spend your limited biological life as you wish instead of being a slave to the system. Being NEET does not equal being a depressed faggot, if anything a lot of wage slaves are more depressed but have been well trained to hide it and keep slaving away.
When you grow older and see that you are past your prime, sitting in a room watching anime doesn't seem as appealing anymore.
You realize your time is ticking away and you cannot be a burden to your loved ones anymore.
Neets stayed at cuckchan for neetcuck reasons.
Sounds like you want a husband.
I wanted to break PR in deadlifting. I can't anymore.
I never was a pussy magnet.
Never learned to code to make a game.
I am only left with writing books.
We aren't supposed to experience infinity during our finite lives. Enjoy your writing and other interests while you still can and stop dwelling too much on what ifs, live in the now user.
It's the NEET way
or the /cuteboys/ way. Always two there.
Yes I am a NEET
It isn't something worth bragging over. Unless someone explicitly asks you what your profession is, there's no reason to bring it up.
tits or gtfo
lay off the creatine m8
It's all natural :(
NEETdom should be more powerful now that summer is over.
I kinda wonder how this is when you're self-employed working on creative pieces that fetch you no money until they are completed and sold.
Likeā¦ am I employed while I'm writing novels? If not, am I a NEET who can still make money? Is it still considered "training" if I'm in the library brushing up on history to improve my craft?
More comfy certainly.
25 NEET here, comfy. but there are far too many normalfags everywhere posting retarded shit. I /do/ love hearing about what happens in the 'outside' world though. Mum is working on getting her disability- and if that goes through she'll suddenly have 10k from back payments
Election bullshit, video games are garbage and have gone to the dogs. Don't care about relationships/casual sex after being rp'd. Just kinda sittin' back and watching everything burn; but toasting some marshmellows over the fire
Got my anime backlog to get through; thinking about signing up to the adult education centre and finally getting my grade 12 diploma. I imagine most NEETs are still 'around' but have been driven even further underground thanks to the normalfag invasion of the chans
and by that, I of course mean a total takeover.
You're still NEET if you're doing your own training that isn't going towards a recognized accreditation. It could still be beneficial towards making a living, but you're still NEET.
Whether you're NEET while writing something depends on whether it goes on to make enough money to live off. That would make you Schrodinger's NEET.
I started coming to the chans at 15, now I'm 28 and I fucking need to work to live
I'm technically a neet since I didn't go to college this semester. I consider myself to be more hiki/antisocial.
Being useless adds to my depression, so I try to do stuff whenever its asked of me and should to go back to studying, despite hating the people and environment there.
but that's anyone at any age
depressed wageslave too rich to be poor and too poor to get ahead reporting in
I'm not a NEET, but I'm still gfless since birth.