What is the best fighter in a game? Are they better than warships?
Protip: Vagyr Assault Craft is.
What is the best fighter in a game? Are they better than warships?
Protip: Vagyr Assault Craft is.
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I've sent my fighters out to attack the aliens. Only lost one so far, but I am outnumbered. Fighters will weaken the enemy fleet and my missiles will take care of themselves.
Expect a tutorial on fighters and carriers.
Maybe for fucking Quakers.
the nerve of some faggots, fine, here second best ship
You wot m8?
I was about to make a thread and call it a dreadnought edition.
Must have confused them with the Amish. They are the same shit right? The pilgrims who murdered the injuns
Also, is it just me or did Walter Dock go into anarchy on ED?
Not even close.
Where the hell are you Starmade faggots?
I finally go back to play a bit over the weekend, but can't log in.
Did we get booted or something?
found this
anyone knows what is that pic about the girl shooting out a loli?
Best frigate coming through.
Pretty sure the Quakers aren't allowed to be violent or even carry a weapon, not sure about the Amish because I think those guys dealt more with injuns. But again I m not well versed on the myriad of american cults.
My fighters destroyed the engines of at least 25% of their fleet. My fleet is now taking on the rest with their missiles. I lost 16 fighters out of 108. I think that went pretty well. Now I can only hope my missiles will take out the fleet because they can rip right through my armor and shields with those meson cannons.
Bumping with Space Hamster.
Not as good as Cat Shit One.
And what is this?
Can you capture it?
I actually like the assault frigate more, aesthetically at least. Massed HMF's are far superior in game though.
Stellaris with latest patch and DLC.
Didn't start any research unfortunately, so probably not.
Also, the crystals are growing…
They sent there biggest ship after me when I destroyed 75% of their fleet and crippled the rest. I'm sending out my fighters to take down their shields and then I will send the ShockDrop Companies that are in all of my ships to take it over.
I love the front of the HMF the most. It sets it out from all the rest. the assault frigate looks to bulbous.
Anyone ever triggered by Freespace's naming convention for ship classes?
i.e. Destroyers>Corvettes>Cruisers
Nova Cannon time?
user pls.
Yes. But I forgive FS for that tiny, tiny sin.
Yeah but once they started shooting beam cannons at each other I didn't car.
kinda salty
It's a fucking carrier. Red fucking alert. I sent my fucking fleet their to attempt boarding actions and my captains are dumbasses who won't cancel the order in time.
I can probably take out the little shits streaming out of it, but I don't want to risk losing that carrier. I want to capture it even more now.
And now i ran into the Vulcan star empire.
Also, someone buffed the mining drones.
This is the Bentusi voice actor playing another unbound in BSG.
Meta as fuck.
And now i ran into a giant space monster that has its energy level on its name.
Also, threat level is a fucking skull, just like with that giant A.I Dreadnought i posted earlier.
It was a queen ship. It's been captured, but one of my missile colliers got a bit damaged. I'll need to tug it back to Earth since I don't have a nearby shipyard laying around.
Good thing I keep tractor beams on all my ships.
Finally, ship launched fighters and that Beluga Liner and some ayyy archeology. I can actually start making my trip to Sag A*
Or you could just load one of those randomly generated system outside the bubble, tell yourself it is Sag A* and save yourself the trouble.
Does anyone know of any colorblind options/ ways for me to change colors in ED? It is impossible for me to read the dock numbers in PEW-1901 station in ADITI
Does anyone here play Fractured Space?
There brah
But muh back hole
And putting my name in a planet that no one would ever see is one of my goals too.
Okay, user, I'll tell ya this: I immensely appreciate your tutorials but I don't follow tutorials for vidya.
But tell me: if it was very easy for me to pick up X3 and I like it when it hurts but I still couldn't into Dorf Fort, how much difficulty will I have picking up Aurora? How much pain did ye have?
I'm not colorblind but ffs that pink on white is obnoxious
Doesn't changing the HUD colors introduce glitches in the HUD/game?
Not anymore, certain scheme will make the portrait look weird but nobody cares about them, they don't load half the time.
If you can't into dorf fort I wouldn't bother with aurora.
I never played dwarf fortress. I jumped straight into Aurora from Homeworld 2.
It was fairly simple after watching 5-10 hours of tutorials.
Neat! Finally I can pimp out my Courier on the inside
B-But DF is just too autistic for me
Felt like it's too much micromanagement in the first few hours of gameplay
Okay I'll finish my degree first and then try Aurora
Yeah, you won't like aurora.
Aurora is worse.
Well shit. I'll put it on backlog anyway and check how much of a casual I am next holidays I get
Any recommendations for a 4X game that has a bit less micromanagement?
Any Making History game? Not space related though
There's endless space and stellaris. Endless space I tired and it was fun but I always did get my ass beat in it, I haven't tried Stelllaris yet.
There's also Final Frontier for Civ 4, which I will seriously recommend.
Tried SotS? Low micromanagement and the battles are fun.
thanks for the HUD editor, that's cool but does it affect the dock numbers that appear inside stations?
I'm not colorblind either, but the pink is impossible for me to read in that station
Thanks all for the recommendations
Will try, MH2 looks interesting. Hopefully I won't be limited like in EU4 god, that game… 3 was much better where I couldn't do anything because the game thought it was not OK to do preemptive strike on the neighboring country to protect mine. Just because the king was too young to rule…
I'll give Final Frontier a shot. It seems like a refreshing take on spess 4X
S-sorry for the assumption
Last part is for
Was meant to say: looks cool, I like real-time tactics, will try
sage for double-post
the landing pad markers are not pink, they're yellow
from colourblindawareness.org
user confirmed colorblind
Is there a space game that lets me assemble a band of horny butt pirates and go plundering booty across the stars?
TiTS kinda
the numbers in that pic are yellow, yes. But in PEW-1901 they are pink. so no, I am not colorblind. Next time I return to station I will take a screenshot and prove it
Nobody would buy that so nobody wants to make it.
Some Imperial stations are white inside and show red markers
Ignore the link, the fucking new reply button is always faded out until you close the reply box then click on the post number again to make it work.
As promised, here is proof that this shit is hard to read. Also, sometimes the dock number is completely hidden within the glare from excessively bright white inside the station
what the hell happened to my screenshot?
Anyone been around those prison colony systems to check if our player faction has been injected into the game yet?
Gonna do some bounty hunting to check out the fighters and then head off on my exploration journey to get buttfucked by Thargoids once 2.2 drops.
2nd screenshot is a recent bug with that station interior. Furthermore hud color changing doesn't mess with docking number color.
In related 2.2 news, I've finished all the material gathering for engineering a Beluga. Can't decide on weapons yet. I also mine too much.
What was the systems? I'm flying all over lately.
loading times killed the game for me. But all that potential… now I understand the sots 2 reaction.
new station interiors are fucked at the moment it seems
I'm assuming the interior in this station is new, haven't seen it before
we wuz carriers and shiet
Go to Aditi, the system is the same.
Also the Prison Colonies are
I think it's always been like that. The last 2 CGs with rare trading and bounty hunting were both on the same station that was also white with red numbers.I bet It's whiter with higher graphic options.
maye, my settings are
Maxed texture quality
no bloom
no DoF
low shadow quality
no AA
1.5 supersampling
maxed material quality
I've also disabled the sidepanel effects, so the panels pop up instantly instead of taking .2 sec to load, and enabled reduced shaking to make VoiceMacro more accurate
Yeah, that could be it. I'm gonna have to go back to aditi to make sure
Fort Autismus
Long loading times? In Sword of the Stars?
I can't get my fleet to hold formation. The carrier group is going way ahead of the others because it's going too fast and the others aren't keeping the proper distance because they're going at the same speed. I tried the keep same speed checkbox but it's not working.
The battles take forever to load.
I've lost hope in Star Citizen the organization I was with was dissolved and it was made up entirely of top tier warbros hope is for those that can afford it
For anyone that was able to try Start Citizen: how is the flight model compared to Elite? I really like the sim-ish flight from Elite.
oh god I got quads kill me
While I love the classic Freespace figthers Appolo's still give me the nostalgias something fierce that this thread has gotten this far into a fighter discussion without anyone even mentioning Starfuries or even one of the variants, is just plain disgraceful.
so you just rolled with it
I think the capital ships warping in on elite is the fucking greatest shit, I love the sound it makes
They load in 5 seconds for me…
The sense of scale in this game always fucked with my head and now it's just been taken a step further.
Chris Roberts confirmed for /bane/poster.
I already got my full refund last year.
Waiting til it's finished.
I was in the same seat though I mostly just lurked and haven't spoken to them in ages since they were content to stay on half/vg/ even thought they had been talking about moving somewhere else for the longest time since the original game we played was dying and got my refund the other day.
CIG must be losing a lot of money because they tried to give me the whole waltz around with how I'd see they've totally got tons of progress done if I "actually looked" and "please go try the playable alpha". Then they tried to guilt me into revoking my claim because they already spent my money and it would be unfair to take money from someone else's pledge to give to me.
Pointing out that Chris Roberts himself told polygon that they honor all refund requests last year got them to give in, though.
The monster is progressing slowly.
The first turret is a explosive/pulse/cannon combo.
The second is pierce/pulse/cannon.
Since the finished ship is supposed to have about 8-9 of these, I figure I can mix and match.
Is EMP or overcharge effect worth it?
Should I try beam instead of pulse (I do have beam secondaries planned)?
Is it going to be Gothic Style with a front for firing torpedoes and ramming?
It gets bad when there's large fleet battles because the same seems to want to load EVERY GODDAMN ship ahead of time so late game you're going to have to wait a while. It's annoying, but for me it was never enough to ruin the fun of the rest of the game.
Not everything needs to be 40K.
Look at video embedded. Around 5 minute mark. That's how fast it loads for me. Late game battles.
I finally got my fleet formation working right
WTF is this hit?
Nothing yet, I'd suggest checking after 2.2 personally.
Aight, im gonna try out that dreadnoughts killing power with few corvettes.
Gonna post images of the battle in a while.
Not very surprisingly it was a fast fight.
tier 3 plasma cannons and some sorta leech ray was all i managed to notice before all corvettes were destroyed.
That fast loading is 6 ships vs 8 ships. Try 20 ships vs 20 ships. Or 20 vs 100.
3 big guns now and finally begun armoring
Fuckin hell m8. Never thought of doing something like that. I usually just keep them all in one task group.
Just wait for one of those fast bastards to get behind you though,
Reposting Tutorials for Tutorial 10.
The TIE Defender and Hunter are nice but I prefer the Phantom even though the long pilot capsule is defeated by the wing blocking most of the top view anyway
I think I'm glad Disney hasn't brought back the Phantom or the Star Wing to ruin them too yet
Every TIE fighter of the old canon.
Not every one.
No one cares about Legacy although the TIE Predator is awesome.
Stellaris looks great but since its Paradox how much spreadsheet shit does the game saddle you with?
Gotta contribute
Spreadsheet? In stellaris tech is handled through this RNG "pick a tech, then roll like a slot machine" system and combat is pretty simple. Use torpedoes and other weapons that can bypass shields and focus more on armor instead of shields since they never last and you can save power for harder hitting weapons.
It might take a few months according to some anons. But those were the three systems we chose, just gotta wait and see which one sticks.
I'm going to make my next generation of survey ships so fucking invisible that even God himself will shit bricks.
My fleet got their right before a missile barrage hit my last survey ship.
I'm so proud.
It's kinda stupid. Repeat and silly variants.
I don't have the same options as you in the game for some reason.
No option to Convert anything under installation.
Only 4-5 options .. Infrastructure, Maintainance and such.
Also, fuck this game for having non-resizable windows and requireing big resolutions. 1920x1080 isn't enough? Fuck you.
Guys, i think i just found the nova cannon in this game.
Our Starmade server is unreachabe again for some reason.
Seriously, it's shit. Slow as hell, laggy.. why did you fags choose it anyway?
Is Stellaris shit shit?
Have they overhauled the shit systems and battles?
Does it fire minature black holes?
because one faggot whent and ran his mouth on the other server and pissed off one of the locals to the point where he parked a ship and bombarded the station killing anyone not in a docked ship
Do you have the newest version?
Have you researched Trans Newtonian technology?
Could we talk about Sins of a Solar Empire? Game is awesome, and their mods are even more!
One mod I would recommend is Star Wars Interregnum. What is this mod about? Well, It just Sins Rebellion (With the 4x expanded mod included) and Star Wars. Thats it.
Yep. Its about the Sins factions invading the Star wars galaxy, and so they screw up it: Darth Vader controlling what remains of the Empire (besides whats controlled by Imperial Warlords), with only the help of the Human trade Alliance (TEC Rebels); The Triple Alliance of TEC loyalist, Vasari rebels, and the Adven rebels taking a great portion of the galaxy, while allied with the Alliance to restore the Republic; Vasari Central Comamnd (Vasari loyalist) conquering the Hutts, and making them their bitches; And the Advent Orthodoxs (Advent loyalist) going on a crusade to convert the galaxy
Isnt that cool? Of course it is! Go on the link and go to article section for the lore/history.
Legacy is good. Only problem I see on it is having an edgelord claim the imperial throne too fast, and with most of the Empire, regardless of the previous loyalty that people had with Roan Fel. A more balanced power betwen factions would have made the Second Imperial civil war much better IMO
So far i can tell some differences between 1.2 and 1.3 i have noticed.
Some weapon hardpoints are now weapon specific, for example the corvettes with one medium and one small weapon slot are only unlocked once you have discovered torpedoes.
SImilarly some ship sections are unavailable until some specific weapon is discovered.
Also, some parts like hull regen plating can only be slotted on specific slots that have an "A" on them.
They have also added "Enclaves" which are autonomous space stations that sell to you something specific to that station.
For example i found one near to my homeworld that was exchanging Energy credits to minerals and vice versa as well as offered to sell me strategic resource that makes planets 10% more habitable.
The second one i just discovered and they seem to be information brokers.
Will provide further screencaps of their knowledge as i dig through it.
Time to get ourselves some research boost!
Talk about shit taste. That game was a mile wide and an inch deep with zero mid- or end-game
Im still playing it just to see what sorts of shit it has to offer.
Also a new save because 1.3 nuked 1.2 saves.
cuck game made in cuck country for cuck players. Enjoy your fucking $10 DLC with jpegs
Stargate mod new release when ;_;
Hopefully never.
Stargate is shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.
Their ships werent shit. And the series itself was ju ok/only somewhat mediocre. It was silly and comfy.
No user, they were very shit.
Gotta post some more Stargate stuff that I have in my computer. Enjoy
Biggest issue with Sins is the factions are extremely similar to each other. They obviously support different playstyles but the majority of their ships, buildings, and research are functionally identical
Factions arent similar in Sins, user. Of course most of the ships have the same role.(There is a sige capital ship, there is a colonization one, there are frigates and cruiser with specific roles, etc…), thats normal. But althought having the same "role", the efficacy and method of a faction ship in doing that role is different.
Dedauls is the only decent looking ship of the lot
Is that SW map accurate?
If it is, then the 40K Imperium is definatly larger than SW
Version 7.10
And haven't researched T-N yet.
Can't build mines, can't build refineries, can't build ships, can't even design ships (no options to change anything or create designs)
OP took Homeworld so I'm posting Wipeout 3 ships instead.
Then research T-N. It's the first thing you are supposed to do.
I know this feel, I constantly have to guess things tutorials leave untouched. For example that you essentially cant do shit before you research T-N.
Look, if you just want a flying brick, at least go for a classic like the B5 Omega Class or FS's Orion.
Taiidani Defense Fighter!
Holy shit son! I made that image months ago on the HW3 FB fanpage!
All these great ships and you pick the flying W
To be fair, most of the ship is alien tech scavenged or gifted from the most advanced races in the galaxy and somewhere in the etherworld. And then built by the Asgards with a few 'umies muckin about.
There is nothing wrong with flying bricks in space you unneccesary aerodynamic fuck.
I still haven't found anything to fill the hole warframe left in me when it went to shit
Here is my new fighter design. Instead of lasers for the weapons, I am using gauss cannons. I also added better engines and decreased the weight.
post dick
As much as I like Freespace, I've always felt like a lot of the ships look a bit too overdesigned and visually "busy". The Orion and Arcadia are two of the biggest offenders. Then you've got the Myrmidon and the Ares, which have all these various bits sticking out all over the place. The Myrmidon looks especially awkward. The Ulysses is a bit weird-looking, too, but its design is a hybrid of Terran and Vasudan engineering, so that's to be expected. There's no kind of uniform color scheme, either, so the ships end up looking almost like they don't all belong to the same organization.
Freespace had much better gameplay and modding tools, but I have to admit I prefer the sleeker and more streamlined ship designs of Wing Commander.
Here are some Wing Commander fighters for comparison.
Oops, forgot the Arrow.
Kinda a shame there wasn't more flight time with the saber in Reach.
It's shit man. Even Disney couldn't come up with something stupider than that
The TIE Striker has got to be the laziest "new design" I've ever seen.
"Yeah, let's just take a TIE Interceptor, turn the cockpit sideways, and remove two of the solar panels. Bam, brand new fighter."
Athena is fucking beast, M8.
And a looker too, unlike that POS Erynies.
No it doesn't you stupid fuck.
Humans are creative..or have you perhaps forgotten that every single alien things you've ever seen was made by a human in the end?
The whole "everything has to look like it's made from the same template" is BS. That's rarely true even when things come from the same company, let alone different companies.
And you shitting on the Orion is the ultimate proof of your faggotry
Fuck everything. I didn't manage to do even remotely as much as I wanted this weekend.
Server problems/lag and loosing connection.. I planned on finishing the basic outline of the engine section.
At least I finalized 3 turret templates and the central superstructure.
Speaking of which, do you need rail mass enhancers in a turret?
He's right. Vanilla Freespace doesn't have good visual design. It's the weakest part of the game. I think the artists and modelers were still wrestling with their order of operations: large/high level structures always supersede smaller details. When the reverse becomes true (see Orion) communication of the form falls apart. Homeworld 2 is a great example of successful design that doesn't fall victim to this at all.
Do you suck dicks?
Hello I made another one of those.
Goddamnit user you know people fap to this right? Please don't ever stop
The athena is an inferior craft aesthetically and in performance to numerous other ships in the game. It's shitty as a bomber and shitty as a fighter, outclassed by real bombers for heavy work, the herc and perseus for anti-fighter, and erinyes for anti-bomber.
Do you even dakka?
You belong in the 98th Dulls training unit for special children
The erinyes can mount 4 kaysers and 4 maxims, and then you can throw a rack of infyrnos and a rack of hornets on and literally be prepared for anything. Want to fuck up a capital ship? No problem. Want to fuck up a bomber wing? Too easy. Some shit little interceptor thinks it can come at you in guns range? Meet the kayser.
I won't be asking for a refund
I need a reminder to not be retarded and this will either pay off or remind me of a mistake that I will be able to share for generations
it really was the community man, I felt the glory before in the MMO DOMO when I rallied a team and had a good time one day
it's all about the people you play with and it helped me realize why people play such shit games all the time, they have friends to make the game less shit
the warbros are talking Warhammer Eternal Crusade and have been for years so maybe look at that
The Athena is a FS1 ship so the Perseus and Erinyes don't even belong in a comparison with it. "Real" bombers suck, they're for your wingmen, and between the Apollo, Ulysses, Herc, and Valkyrie none can hold a candle to the overall performance of the Athena.
You belong in an unescorted Elysium transport bound for the salt mines, pilot.
Since everything you said was blatantly retarded. I doubt you've played FS1 let alone even piloted the Athena you faggot?
The fuck did I just read? Have you even piloted the Athena you dumb fuck? The Athena is hands down one of the best fighters in the game. It's also functions well as one of the best intercptors in the game. Furthermore you're comparing FS2 craft to FS1. Your only valid complaint is about it that a light bomber is not being that good for heavy bomber work, no shit sherlock. However it is a monster at destroying subsystems.
Nobody in their right mind would take the Prometheus over the Avenger
Well fug.
Well, what should i do?
Try to put up a token resistance against them or just fold and let them weaken themselves with massive conquests and then rebel?
Homeworld has shit designs compared for FS and you are a moron.
Looks like im running out of time.
The decision must be made now.
Athena is aesthetically 1000000 times better then the trash heap you fap to, you nigger.
It's excellent for crippling capships and great in dogfights - an unholy offspring of an interceptor and bomber, the ultimate jack of all trades. Anything it can't out-fight (which is almost nothing) it can out-run.
Erynies is FUGLY. FUGLY as hell.
Craft of choice my ass. I take the Ares or anything else really.
Go down fighting. Don't let some sponge bully you around.
Alright then.
Cause that worked out great for the f-35.
Luckily, the Athena isn't the f-35
Any multi-role will suffer the same problems. A bomber that dedicates some of its tonnage to being a fighter isn't going to be as good as bombing as it otherwise may have been. It's also going to be a shit fighter
War in heavens soon!
Who's ready for Ayylamos?
Guardians drops in 2 days if Fdev doesn't fuckup and no the guardians aren't just the fighters
Also what's the status on our faction?
You sir are a scholar and a gentleman.
One step closer to heaven.
stop shilling this turd already
Good thing games don't have to be realistic, ain't it?
but nobody is even discussing it, at this point he is basically just spamming pictures
Well sorry to trigger you mate.
I like looking at pictures of someone playing Stellaris. It's like I'm playing it myself except I don't have to suffer through hours of nothing.
no argument
I'm sick of the crashes in Aurora and need a space game that can satisfy my autism. I had a fleet battle against about 50 enemy ships and wrecked their shit but my game crashes any time I open system view. I had to finish the battle without even being able to see the map. Shit like the 20 errors the happen whenever I progress time when I divide my survey ships into separate task groups annoys the shit out of me too.
Got any wishes for next post?
Space ships? Stations or just random stuff that comes at me when it comes?
It's a shame Aurora is so shit in its technical aspects.
What the fuck user?
Yeah but magical "it can do everything!" fighters are gay as fuck. Spess fighters should be diverse
I want to know how the "great" wars between ascended empires are handled. That was supposed to be a big feature of a paid patch wasn't it?
Well so far the two havent done much anything except colonizing worlds within their own borders.
Also im guessing that by signing up under either one i get the ire of the other while getting some sorta (or possibly not at all) sort of defense from the other one.
Here's what the other empire is offering me if i were to become their vassal, or satellite as it's calling me.
You'd think siding with a science focused ancient realm would benefit your scientific research and not vice versa. That's like the British forcing Indians to help them out with early taxology and naval navigation instruments.
Well to me it seems more like they are just looking at the galaxy as their personal domain and im just a squatter who has built an elaborate empire from their equivalent of cardboard and discarded bean cans.
Well, good design isn't based on anyone's opinion so unless you're prepared to show why Homeworld has shit design I'm sticking to my guns. Homeworld is quantifiably good because it has a superior communication of shape and scale, better visual indication of ship role, better industrial design elements (exterior markings, use of varied materials, indication of sensors and other mechanical parts which a manmade product should have), more sophisticated shapes, and a unified color scheme.
Boxes slathered in greebles so deeply set you can't even tell what you're looking at isn't good design - not that all FS ships fit this bill. Fighters, bombers, and Shivan ships are all pretty good.
Welp! Looks like it's happening o'clock.
let them fight
Im just located right between the two, so let's hope that they wont completely murder rape me out of existence.
Well shit, looks like the entire galaxy is on either side.
For reference, one of the guys on parrot side is in federation with me.
all thoses modern space gampe when i m just here still playing star wars empire at wars FoC with S.I mod …
This shit is escalating quickly.
The bros were great and I saved connections with some, but I was referring more to the speed of the game.
Oh shit I got BTFO I confused that dogshit with the zeus, I haven't fired up FS1 in a decade
That said, sub the valkyrie for the perseus and the herc for everything else and what I said is still accurate, and the Erinyes is the best heavy fighter in FS2 hands down
Really, it's just a herc II but shittier
Now i can only hope to not get horribly steamrolled.
Prepare to get BTFO again
Athena is nearly as fast as a Valkyrie while being very maneuverable and hard to hit. Athena also has far better gun placement than the Valkyrie and a better payload meaning in many ways the Athena performs the job of Interceptor a lot better than the Valkyrie can.
Then the Herc, the Athena again is just as tough as a Herc while be more mobile than it and harder to hit with far better weapon placement meaning it can concentrate that firepower making it perform far better in dogfights. Furthermore the Athena can mount Stiletto's which will absolutely cripple any capital ship it faces.
Put it plainly, the Athena offers far more tactical flexibility than both the Valkyrie and Herc while not suffering as nearly enough tradeoffs. Why the GTVA chucked it nobody knows, probably cause the Shivans complained it was unsporting.
Well shiet.
I just got a single fleet of these fuckers within my sensor range and check what they are packing with that fleet.
You can do it.
Another thing i caught on sensor range.
A 3K squid fleet starting some shit with an ancient dreadnought.
The dreadnought took zero fucking damage from their siege cannons.
all right mate. I just dont want to see anyone else fall for the Pradox kikery.
Let's hope stellaris wont get jewed that hard.
Who the fuck am i kidding, of course it's going to get jewed that hard.
Im doomed, aren't i?
you should pirate new DLCs if you own the base game already. no way the Leviathan is worth 10 bucks
No update yet on the faction. Also, gonna do some sothis runs while the getting is hot.
Does Holla Forums not play Starsector anymore? The fun thing about it was being able to pilot capital class ships in your fleet you can't pilot capital ships in many space games.
Without Ironcalds?
When that mod died, my interest diminished.
Waiting on the update to make carriers actually fun.
You don't happen to be trashman, the guy that did the addon for ironclads?
I still play it from time to time, though I usually played SS+ with nexerelin and almost all of the compatable faction mods.
Now its just dynasector with nex and most of the faction mods. playing tiandong because i want that 7 large ballistic slot battlecruiser. All of the dakka, all of the time
It can't do anything. But what it can do it can do REALLY well.
It's a lightning bomber, so it can't carry heavy bombs; it can de-fang a destroyer, but not destroy it.
While some fighters can have 6 primary banks, it has 4 primary banks with lower gun selection. But it has a very tight grouping with those guns, mobility and speed greater than some heavy fighters, amazing afterburner and thin profile, plus good secondary capacity.
I be him
Whats with Stargate and vidya? Its like a curse or similar. It does even affect mods.
There are mods, sure, but for being a rich sci-fy setting, there should be more (finished) mods…
I played Tiandong too. The oversized weapon mounts were the best thing about them. They also had good armor as a bonus.
Its almost like the entire franchise is so shit noone cares enough about it to put in the work…
>It's just the shitty new armors for $40 worth of goypoints per faction and no individual sets either
Why was I not surprised?
I will just wait for the complete edition
And finally, like me: I don't have the time next to my MA degree project to work on a mod and there's no decent game that could host a proper SG mod
It's unsettling how you dedicate your time to anger SG fans by shitting on the franchise without any proper reasoning on why you think it's shit.
I understand that a complex franchise like SG can be really difficult to appreciate, so at least tell me that you hate it after having watched more than just a few scenes on youtube - so that I can log you as retarded.
But from I can tell you have absolutely no fucking idea what you're talking about so I'll just assume you are
The premise is idiotic.
Characters are obnoxious at the best of times.
The villains are universally retarded.
The villains mooks are so unthreatening the series took out time to explain why they couldn't menace the goodguys, even if they weren't lead by retards.
The new and bigger bads they break out in the last seasons are even more idiotic than the first set.
But that's just the basic story stuff.
The series is also riddled with plotholes (Why is the entire galaxy speaking english? Why did no systemlord send a ship to sterilise the earth in the 5000 or so years since the rebellion that kicked them off the planet and modern times? Its not like they wanted that rebellion to potentially spread to other worlds. If the Asgardians have tech so much better than the System Lords, why haven't they just kicked their asses already? They may be peaceful, but they are still willing to kill to protect others regularly.
Their set designs and costumes are lazy in the extreme. The entire point of the show was that it was going to be dirt cheap to make, since they just use generic concrete walls and military uniforms to make the underground base and use some random forest or quarry when they need outside shots.
Their ship designs are shitty looking crap that some how manages to look worse than the original movie. The pyramid ships are only rarely used, since they look so awful and they cost more to film in than a random forest. They fly sideways for no apparent reason despite having its main engines pointing out the bottom of the pyramid and the ship landing straight down instead of sideways. I guess the guys who designed it didn't really think about how it would move…
The oriships look even worse, being just a big empty ring.
Their plotlines are uninspired boring crap that reads it was written during amateur hour.
Was that specific enough or do you want an episode by episode breakdown? At least SG:Atlantis had humor, even if their villains where even dumber than the Goa'uld.
2.2 soon boys.ayyylien artifacts and passenger cruising.
How many fighters are they letting you crap out at a time anyway?
It's just one isn't it?
According to some people it looks like one fighter at a time with a capacity of having around 32. Which means they also get made inside the ship so if your fight dies you got to wait until the ship finishes building it. There's also having two different types of fighters on bigger ships meaning you can fly one and when that one gets destroyed you can use the other fighter stored right away while you make anotherone.
That is the stupidest thing ever. This is the one feature I was actually looking forward to. I'm not expecting to field full squadrons here but they are doing the absolute bare minimum and calling it a feature. I would rather they just didn't even give us the feature instead of this cocktease.
same reason why you can hear sound in space
when? they only teleport faggots to other places, the only ones that killed are the ones that were hiding
I liked the designs and stuff, but oriships looked like shit, didnt like the last season with them anyway.
I'll ignore your empty arguments like >characters are obnoxious and >villains are retarded
The Goa'uld was feared and powerful, they had the numbers and not the smarts. They hadn't had any natural enemies in a very long time when the Tau'ri showed up… and not even then…
I'll agree with you on one thing only: the Ori was a joke on all levels making the last seasons unbearable
'twas shit
This is just nitpicking. Point me at a large-scale show with Stargate's low funding per episode (around $1.5 million each) that doesn't push language under the rug within an episode or 2.
There are many languages in the galaxy SHOWN on screen anyway but out of convenience they chose not to have the SG teams spend half the episodes deciphering a new one.
That, and most of the Milky Way was affected/seeded by the Goa'uld one way or an other (for slave soldiers and miners, obviously) and they happen to speak English too (for convenience, again)
History lesson:
Earth was primitive, only used for slaves and mining by the Goa'uld but eventually they (Ra) mined all the Naquadah and the salves started rebelling because we are famous for that. Now that's all fun except the Goa'uld was fighting a galactic war against the Alliance (of 4 races) at that time and the Earth gate got buried meantime. A worthless planet with no technology and a non-functional gate, of course it was ignored for a very long time - the Goa'uld could get all they wanted from other places much easier and they were too damn busy fighting a war on several fronts. The Jaffa even had a myth about the Tau'ri rebellions and they considered the planet lost (unknown, forgotten, not defeated). Oh and the Goa'uld thought that there were a small number of Ancients (Atlantian descendants) protecting the planet. (and I believe they were really there, can't remember)
Now the Asgard's dilemma kept coming back throughout the series and the reason was that they were damn busy fighting against the replicators. Nothing more to explain: they tried to fight the Goa'uld, they failed because the replicators were there.
It was underfunded, like many things in TV. First few episodes cost somewhere in the $1 million range, which grew to two-point-something by the last season. Now saying that the sets were shit and the designs were lazy on this budget is just plain shitpost. They were cheaply made but they always delivered the visuals needed - often exceeding expectations.
Empty statement of opinion. Here's mine: most episodes were interesting and they always tried to do some variety even if it was the n'th "rebelling jaffa against the local subservient system lord" story.
Also: most of Earth's technology and knowledge came from salvaged tech, borrowed stuff from the Tok'ra and gifts from the Asgard. Earth ships were far inferior until they received upgrades from different races in exchange for shit. It added a HFY factor to the series
Daedalus looks like a retarded half developed Battlestar.
Hol up…
So you be sayin…
The Goa'uld was kangs?
They are essentially the superniggers of the galaxy, yes
Is the artists taking all your minerals then running a bug? I thought it was supposed to be a joke about kickstarter and patreon.
They had space age weapons, nukes, jetfighters and interplanetary warships that can glass a planet from orbit, and STILL managed to lose to a slaves with bronze age weapons…
They not only lost, but got kicked all the way off the planet. And despite their entire empire's safety hinging on them containing and crushing this rebellion before the rest of their slaves got ideas, they left the rebels alone for 5000 years. They could just have flown a warship by, bombed earth into oblivion from orbit while the locals longest ranged weapons where bows and arrows and shown recordings of the carnage to slaves across their empire as an example of what happens when you fuck with them. But nope, better just leave them alone and hope noone ever wonders where they went or start spreading rumors about people who fight their gods and don't get curbstomped. Oops.
Loosing an interstellar war to savages armed with little more than sticks and stones is a spectacular level of ineptitude. That they made it worse by never deploying a single spaceship to stick it to the rebel scum, for thousands of years, allowing rumors to spread about the rebels and such, only compounds this level of idiocy.
Only a single system lord sends a few ships by earth to nip the problem in the bud when those humans begin to use star gates to go out and starting shit with their new super guns and shit. The rest of them just sit around and do nothing. Its not like the humans are gunning for all the system lords and are inspiring their own guards and slaves to rise up in revolt. No wait, the humans do exactly that and the system lords do fuck all about it.
The system lords also had 5000 years to try and understand their technology, with their long lives and genetic memory to help their research, yet have poorer understanding of it than earth humans have 10 mins after seeing a device for the first time. Regularly.
They haven't even made simple adjustments to make their tools more efficient for fighting against other goa'uld, their main enemies for the last few thousand years. Nor do they do so in the 10 seasons the show runs, despite their guards complete inability to deal with even small groups of human soldiers with vast numbers.
They where so comically inept and unthreatening the show replaced them with the even dumber Ori.
The asgardians had thousands of years to fight the goa'uld before the replicators showed up. Given the goa'uld's complete inability to adapt to anything at all, even other goa'uld they have been fighting for thousands of years, and the Asgardians having the overwhelming advantage of knowing how their own shit works and how to improve it, that should have been a short fight. Except the Asgardians are retards who can't even fight lego bricks and have to import humans to do it for them, on account of their idiocy.
And the asgardians "defence" for lesser races? Just a totempole that teleports people. Never mind that the people who got teleported could just break the shield preventing them from leaving the cave or dig through another wall, or just shoot the totempole before it teleported them. Perfect defence in deed. Since humans could dismantle it without ever having seen Asgardian tech before, its safe to assume it had zero measures to protect it or prevent anyone from tampering with it. Why would a planetary defence system ever need that shit?
The only reason humans had to deal with the goa'uld, was that the asgardians where even dumber than the goa'uld.
The entire premise of the show is fundamentally an idiot plot.
Earth only poses a threat to the goa'uld because the goa'uld are retarded idiots. Earth only needs to fight the war, because the asgardians, are even dumber idiots.
The humans are winning the war because the goa'uld are too stupid to deal with 1 planet that can't even go beyond a close orbit when the show starts and never has a standing fleet of ships bigger than 2-3, despite the system lords having fleets of supposedly far superior ships.
Everything in the overarching plot revolves around everyone but SG1 being drooling morons at all times.
Reviewer said was a random event, so I don't think its a bug.
So EXACTLY like a patreon / kickstarter.
but i didnt say anything about the villains, hell i cant even remember most of the plot, because i watched the show years ago when i bought the dvds like a good goy
but user, they were A LOT of pissed off slaves that swarmed the place!
he got important stuff to do, its not like the niggers could to beyond the bronze age
the xenos are busy fighting each other when RAAAA got killed
didnt the rejuvenation process fucked up their brains?
but they just to everyone to get along
i remember they made a comparison with energy weapons vs projectile weapons when oneil asked why their shitty human weapons manage to kill more robots
humans are way more smarter than xenos
Did Holla Forums ever do that Freespace Campaign together?
My dick is as hard as diamonds right now Holla Forums
can confirm, am 27
Yeah well duh, Fags need not apply
Shit dude we know you have a dragon dildo up your ass, but can you stop being a faggot?
Hey ED people. since it is my email that is associated with our player group, I now get emails promoting community events that occur. This first email talked about some hippies who want to make sure Colonia stays safe and organized a google doc outlining their goals and asked for other player groups to assist. It also shilled for the ED discord. If you want more info, feel free to ask me and I'll provide what I can
I've taken over everything except 6 empires and the last six are freaking the fuck out setting and rejecting defensive pacts with each other.
Also as an aside. There's no reason that Stellaris should be 32 bit. End game suffers because of it.
Stargate is cool. Anyone who says otherwise is wrong. The only thing they did wrong was, well apart from the Ori I mean, the only thing they did wrong was not having more multi-episode arcs about the Goa'uld and Jaffa.
So how is Endless Space 2?
Not done yet.
I'm heading there the moment 2.2 drops. Gonna be mining all day it looks like.
well watch out for Colonia Militia Forces when you are out there. I think their plans are to divide up Colonia into different sectors that each player group that signs on with them will protect from the ayys or any criminal scum.
Not complete yet. I would wait, unless I wanted to contribute to its development.
I like mining, but I don't like mining enough to travel halfway cross the galaxy to do it.
was about to check up on the CG at Gyvatices and was greeted by this shit
is it alium tiem now?
Poor user. I pity you.
Anybody remember playing Freespace 2 for the first time? I'll never forget that game and the feeling of those large battles where you're in your fighter and you're flying by friendly capital ships and it makes you feel like just some little guy.
Is there any newer games like Freespace 2?
Is there any mods or modifications recommended for the Freespace games?
Seeing this thread give me desires to replay it.
Man, Stargate worked best BEFORE it was turned into a generic Sci-Fi.
Humans without starships, exploring aylium worlds trough gates - that's SG at it's best.
It went to shit.
Yeah, tech upgrade for the Tau,ri was too much. But it was ok more or less.
But the last two seasons when full retard.
Also dont forget Atlantis. They restablished contact with Earth too soon.
I'm not angry, he asked for specifics of why I thought the show was bad, so I gave the specifics.
No one has ever cared what you think L O L
That was a real strong one user.
Mad banter.
It must be awful to have such shit taste.
2.2 is live
aaaaand it's 13gbs, so much for playing tonight.
about fucking time they pulled their fingers out of their assholes and fixed that shit
How in the fuck do you even git gud at combat in that? I thought it was almost exclusively space trucker the game.
FA off an a FDL
Friends of mine convinced me to play SWTOR with them. Anything I have to know before starting?
Also, characterbios read like fucking tumblrblogs.
Never played MMOs before, when they say "play for free until Level 50", does that mean I have to hand over shekels after that to do anything or does it mean that I am only capped at Level 50 until I hand over shekels?
You wont make it to 50. You have friends who like multiplayer singleplayer games with unnecessary grind in odd places and "dungeons" that you do not need more than yourself for. It is true bottom of the barrel MMO trash.
Check with your friends what faction you are gonna play as (empire or republic), then try to get each guy to be your groups dedicated DPS, tank or healer.
With empire, Sith warrior can handle tanking as well as melee DPS if he is specked right.
Sith sorcerer does some healing and control if i remember right.
Bounty hunter handles tanking as well as some healing if statted right.
Imp agent (has the best story btw) handles ranged dps with either a shotgun or sniper rifle.
I recommend you check some build planners before going in so you wont die miserably to some mobs.
Playing Space games like Freespace or TIE Fighters…What type of control is recommended?
Keyboard and mouse? Or using a joystick?
If the former…using mouse is tiring to continuosly go in circles during dogfights, and using keyboard only, is unprecise. Then what kind of configuration should I use then?
I was thinking about getting rogue squadron 3D.
How does it play with keyboard and mouse?
Yeesh. That really reads like shit
Freespace can be played equally well with joystick, mouse and keyboard, or just keyboard. I'm not kidding, I know several people who beat the game on insane with WASD. Try turning up mouse sensitivity if you can't turn but with mouse you'll always be sacrificing your ability to make extended turns for accurate shooting.
Why are there no games about space life? Maybe I just wanna drink a bottle of Kanar.
Has this thread been up since before the 6th? Because it's been out for 19 days by now.
Are there any modern games like Freespace?
I'm assuming I am facing the Precursors again here. Luckily I got most of my fleet to a jump gate built by an unknown race. I would have lost every ship otherwise as my Task Force Fleet is 6 systems out.
Not really. Every space game that comes out now is an open world economic simulator instead of mission-based like Freespace was.
I guess I'll just play Freespace again. I haven't played it since like 2003
A lot has happened since then. There's plenty of content for Freespace that will be new to you.
You don't even know what you're missing. New campaigns that push the limits of the engine are being released on a constant basis. Between the Ashes was literally released today.
I just got home ready to play.
son of a bitch. I'll just let it download overnight, since i cant use any internet while i download shit.
Too bad my third world friends. I feel for you.
So as soon as 2.2 dropped I headed out to Ju Shiva to check the resident factions there. Looks like we still aren't in. Maybe sometime next decade, have patience lads.
I do. Still waiting for the day their only carrier ship the Paragon is viable.
I have faith that by 2.3 launch we will be in.I mean, it only took a month or so for them to add us to their internal list of player groups and start spamming my email notifying me about exciting new opportunities
clearly those in the beta where hard aw work
If this is something that you've experienced and you're unable to access the game because of it, please contact our Support team with as much detail as you can provide so that they can resolve the issue for you. The dev team are working on a fix and we'll resolve this issue ASAP.
Everyone knows the beta period isn't for bug reporting and quality of life improvement, it's for Forumdads who actually pay in to play a beta to find innovative ways to destroy new features as soon as possible.
Does anyone still play KSP? That's autistic enough for these threads, right?
I know the devs are lazy shits that cut interesting features and steal mods for "new" gameplay mechanics, but even with all of that missed potential it's still a fun little game.
Doing a science mode run right now, and I'm killing two birds with one stone right now: testing out a slapdash long-distance rover prototype and taking a trip to the nearby mountain biome to gather some science so I can unlock some electricity generation and start making space stations.
why havent anyone bombed the Syfy HQ yet?
Going into space properly, finally, so more in-theme with the thread.
Going to strand a few fuckers up here as a manned relay station and beam some science back down.
I'm still pissed they cancelled SGU instead of fixing it. It was just starting to improve in the last season right as it got the axe.
All they had to do was turn the teen drama people-crying-musical-montage shit down from 11 to 2, and keep the rest pretty much the same. I didn't even mind the "so nerdy viewer self-insert" character Friendzone. He did his job acceptably as the sole source of comedy relief in that grimdark show.
I also liked that angry scottish doctor guy. He was a much more reasonable scientist than the Space MacGuyver duo Sam and Rodney, and it was nice to see him put everyone in their place constantly.
Commander Cripple was fine. Lt. Hooters and her tits both got way too little screen time. They introduced that redhead chick and the other invader guy as converts which added some nice new dynamics to the ensemble, but then killed them off almost instantly because the writers were fucking retarded.
I could go on and on. That show is like the pinnacle of wasted opportunity.
Parked in a nice high orbit for comms relay.
I don't know what the new comms mechanics are, or if these things will still need a shitload of mods just to have interesting functions.
Probably that second one, though.
Don't drive near any landing pads in your srv, you get a fine that instantly turns into a bounty. If you do suicide your SRV to get in your ship you're screwed either way. Since bases still have fucking overpowered to hell weapons.
800 hull gone in no time at all.
Love how no one in the beta found this.
I'm one of those.
I have a joystick, but for some reason keyboards sits better with me. Plus the joystick is squeaky as hell, it pisses me off.
I don't like it. I tried to like BP, but it just felt so…pretentious. And the whole plot is a turn-off.
What game is this?
Kerbal Space Program
It's like a triple fucking rainbow.
I liked Age of Aquarius, the first one. The second one, War in Heaven, was so depressing and relentlessly unpleasant that I hated it. Plus, the woman you play as in the second one is a total cunt, and I hated her.
War in Heaven really seemed to be going out of its way to step on anything from Age of Aquarius that was positive or heroic. I also think the writing protests *way* too much with its constant need to reiterate: "No, there was really nothing spiritual going on! It's all cold, hard, deterministic science! Everything else was lies! Everyone you thought was a good guy is really a bad guy! There *are* no good guys! Samuel is delusional and under mind control! A deal with the devil is the only option!"
Enough already. I get it, you're edgy and I'm wrong for enjoying anything spiritual or mystical, or even just something that's not completely fucking hopeless. Remind me why I should give a fuck about what happens when you've made me hate absolutely everyone?
fuggin dropped
Finally my Nausicaan engineer will be complete.
I got some good news and some bad news.
The bad news is that the Tyranid-likes are back.
The good news is that they first attacked the space angler fishes and the space elves.
Well, handle it. If you can't you're worthy of the terran empire.
Besides, they're removing filthy xenos right now.
I will.
And i will inspire my armies to make no retreats.
Isn't there a "no niggers" mod?
Due to our temporal agents going back to the past and warning us of the upcoming invaders we have now prepared a bit better for the not-tyranid scourge.
Oh sweet Jesus, what's next? Sticking engines on the Vatican and sending it into space?
Gentlemen, i bring you the latest addition to our fleet.
Let's look at what this thing has eaten.
This thing was an ancient alien cruiser…
Oy negro, hows the game now compaired to 1.0?
Thats the last version I played and I aint downloading and reinstalling all those mods if at least the performance hasnt improved.
How about some space marines?
I'm stuck on the first mission in Between the Ashes. I keep scanning this freighter and falling the mission at the end
Must be a bug, I didn't get that. There's a BtA bug report thread on Hard-Light that might have some solutions. Gotta have FSO v3.7.4 too.
If you dislike dark stories I guess there's nothing anyone can say to change your mind. I think it was exactly what the player needed after the sappy swashbuckling adventure that was AoA. I'm curious about the rest though.
I think the most interesting part of WiH is its insistence on mapping the mystical to the scientific. Tying up the loose ends and inconsistencies from FS2 and AoA in a way that allows the story to continue (a tall order) requires it to explore theoretical territories that I'm fairly sure no science fiction game approaches. Why should there be anything spiritual, anyway? Mustn't everything must have a physical explanation? I'd rather hear it than not, since reading the techroom is optional.
And why hate everyone? Nobody is the bad guy. Everyone has their own totally reasonable and human motivations for the things they do. Some of them have been manipulated but that's just part of the tragedy and you shouldn't think less of them for it. Even the Fedayeen are only operating based on the shortest path to victory and whatever that entails. The Shivans and Vishnans are beyond the scope of our moral framework. We don't know enough about them yet to decide who we should like more. Multifaceted characters/organizations/entities make for good writing. Nobody should be a fucking altar boy.
In the end WiH leaves a good taste in my mouth. I like everyone and I don't care how the cards fall or what side the player ends up on, I just want to uncover the truth and see what the UEF and GTVA have in store for one another. I'm hoping for the most tragic possibility: the Fedayeen defect to the GTVA as foreshadowed. Then you watch your former enemy sacrifice themselves so you can get the job done.
Well, you're entitled to that opinion. Like I said, to me it came across like they were protesting too much, after the negative reaction to Sam's near-death experience in AoA and its accompanying briefing text.
No. Especially not in fiction.
*Everybody* is the bad guy. Everyone on both sides is a fucking asshole. The only person who is established as not being an asshole is Admiral Lopez, and the campaign dedicates a great deal of time to making her life miserable. And it really doesn't help when one of the people I hate the most is the person I'm playing as. They made a token gesture toward making Laporte multifaceted, but she is quickly revealed as just being a bloodthirsty, vengeful cunt and nothing more. She goes from "I don't want to kill people" to "Better you than me" within five fucking minutes, when you make your first kill on your first mission. And she never gets any better, even if you try to take the more moral options in the Fedayeen missions.
And you think that's a point in their favor?
I've always felt like that was just an excuse to avoid answering questions. "They're beyond our understanding, I don't have to explain shit!"
WiH seems to be saying that we shouldn't like either of them, but selling ourselves out to the Shivans is the only way to survive, so that's what we have to do.
I did find it weird that people seem very willing to accept the implication that Sam was being manipulated by the Vishnans, but don't consider that Ken might be manipulating Laporte. Everyone is taking the "revelations" of the final mission of WiH at face value (you know, the part where the dialogue between the Preserver and the Dante is changed to make the Vishnans seem more sinister and the implication that Sam is under mind control).
Well, that's the essence of war isn't it? People trying to kill each other. There's no nice way about it. And the means are quite justified from the perspective of both sides; the stakes are so high there's nothing they won't do. The UEF believe they must win because they are being annihilated seemingly without provocation, and because the Vishnans have promised the opportunity to transcend this fucked up universe entirely. They win or humanity is gone. The GTVA believe they must win because the Ubuntu philosophy would destroy them from the inside out, the desire to reach Earth is the only thing holding the people together, and because they've discovered the elders are compromised by Vishnan influence. They win or humanity is gone, or worse. They both think they're countering an existential threat; there isn't room for compassion in that equation. And I do support the Fedayeen atrocities, if for no other reason than that their prescient computer predicts the future so well I can be sure I'm doing the right thing in the long run. Maybe you don't like how hateful everyone is, but I think it paints an incredibly compelling picture of human conflict.
Since Laporte has all her life been manipulated into a weapon by Ken it's unsurprising that she turned out this way. But her behavior isn't even that contemptible, seriously. What fighter pilot would boo-hoo in their cockpit after shooting down enemies attacking an escaping civilian convoy? Later tens of thousands of allies get senselessly vaporized around her and she's supposed to feel sorry for the Tevs? I wouldn't.
You mean like FS2 did with the Shivans? Volition wrote the book on inscrutable, unexplained aliens. With the sheer volume of technical explanation BP has devoted to Shivans and Vishnans so far, you don't think they're really going to play that card are you? We'll find out what makes both cosmic horrors tick.
I assume you're talking about the possibility that Ken is not only influencing Laporte with Nagari but also lying to her. People have already considered that, and the Morrigan in Shadow story is based on this outcome. But the story can only get so convoluted and I think Bosch was a pretty cool guy so I'm inclined to believe him.
And I think it makes the whole thing boring, because when there's no one I like, there's no one to root for, so I don't care about what happens.
You know as well as I do that Laporte's bitchiness doesn't stop at "not breaking down in tears when she shoots someone down".
Volition didn't ask me to consider selling humanity out to the Shivans and accept "They're beyond our comprehension" as justification for their mass murder of Terrans, Vasudans, and countless other races.
Well, ultimately this comes down to personal preference. I could just as easily say "The story can only get so convoluted and I think mysticism is cool, so let's just stick with the Vishnans being the good guys instead of trying to weave this tangled web of cynicism and hopelessness."
I think the running interpretation at this point is that Shivans act as the immune system of the universe. If a civilization were to become successful enough they might consume all there is to consume, up to and including reality itself as alluded to in the Granite Hunter files. Like cancer. So look on the bright side, the Shivans are saving everyone else from us.
The annihilation of countless innocent people is never the bright side of anything.
Also, I have to add that I think the whole "Humans are dangerous, warmongering bastards who are a threat to the universe" thing is massively overused in fiction. Most normal people just want to have a comfortable life with some friends, some hobbies, and some people to sleep with. Very few people actually like war and violence.