Starting with the most troubling picture I've seen recently.
Cosplay thread?
cosplay is for fake gamer girls
I love the commitment to the meme, the mech is shit, she has mountain dew and doritos. If you think that's bad, you fail to see the irony.
Why does 3D exist
This, only attention whores do this
I come back from getting weed and the thread is nothing but memes. why
Back to cuckchan you go.
overwatch fucking sucks and the fact that theres a general of it on here really makes me angry.
kill yourself
I think we're surrounded, boys.
Implying it wasn't shit to begin with.
wew and to think i came back here to see. it's like im stuck in a groundhog day.
I think you may have the worst taste on the planet.
Fuck off.
That horrible cosplay is now a spray in the game for the character.
I think it's great. You faggots will probably cry about it, like you do about everything.
Is that that one tunameltchan?
I hope you realise he's talking about people like you.
Oh, I almost forgot!
I'm so glad we no longer need women for reproduction.
The face and forearm leads me to believe this is either a dude or actually a korean
Clearly a dude.
She's got a great body and everything, but she doesn't look anything like quiet. Quiet has a more oval facial structure, whereas this girl has a more vertical facial structure. In addition, her breasts are smaller than Quiet's. No, I am not implying that it really matters to anyone who just wants to use her photo set as fap material. Yes, it does matter when trying to achieve authenticity.
Well, certainly not I. However, some autist exists out there who does, you can be sure of that.
First off that is what she is cosplaying as retard, maid who has her tits out, secondly she is cosplaying she is obviously gonna be an attention whore, and thirdly the duck you mean they aren't needed for reproduction anymore? You and your boyfriend trying to get pregnant?
what kind of azn is that?
I've fapped to that pic many times at this point I don't care what it is, in that pic it's a girl.
You're reinforcing my point.
And you're a beta who likes it.
You know how the conventional wisdom was "some day science will make men obsolete?" It's actually turning out to be the opposite. You can turn any of your cells into the embryo.
In-Vitro Fertilization. In the future, science will be able to take tissue samples of already existing human beings and use that to create eggs that can be developed using In-Vitro Fertilization
Nigger why do you think I'm saging?
Because you're mad at something
You have to go back.
nigger you're dumb
So how does she fix it?
Is this a boy?
Thanks OP, I needed a laugh.
Fuck off back to 4chan you normalfag.
Sage and hidden.
you really are autistic
Have you seriously never heard of the Lusty Argonian Maid?
That's Prof. Autist to you, faggot.
Dr. Prof. Autist?
How about no.
She's kinda chubby but that's the emphasis to distract you from that with shots panned up or he laying down of her tits. We can't see how awfully they sag kek.
Cosplayers are mostly shrews anyways if you aren't fat, smelly or ugly and go to a convention most people will be willing to talk to you and man, none of those fakes know anything about their own characters. Hell I even informed them of the cost of comics or games and where to find them, year they came out, and relevant console or emulation if they are willing to figure out how. If you find a good looking cosplayer chances are they know it and do it for attention, I had this happen as well where this bunny girl was far too happy to show me her tits with her boyfriend giving me the stink eye the whole time, she just put her mammaries in my face while showing me previous photo's she's done. Women aren't whores, people are the whores Anons.
Well, assuming you're not being a smart ass, there's no fixing it without surgery.
Hey, whatever. I doubt she cares about authenticity and just wants to flail about in front of a camera like a pin-up girl. I don't care, and would fap to said flailing. You shouldn't care either.
Those are some saggy boobs she's got plus her eyes are fake, the color I mean she has contacts.
are you some sort of masochist? if you dislike 3dpd why do u need come this kind of thread?
attention whores are only good relieving built up stress during video game sections.
Dr. Prof. Autist. PhD in vomit-inducing cosplay.
Good lord that Cammy looks like a less attractive dairy cow
Worst cosplay ever
I need more bodypaint in my life
Why do all girl cosplayers look like complete assholes who would be mad if you complemented them?
I think you're projecting. Most cosplay chicks I have met are giant sluts who love attention.
this is what i secretly believe
Ones I met are the type who don't want you to look at them unless they give you explicit permission. It's kind of strange.
Was that woman born and raised in Asia (not the west)? That's what her face tells me.
Might just be my area or yours. But out of the 15ish cons I have been too, there were only 2 where I didn't pick up.
Cosplay is just suicide girls for weebs.
Is this real life?
Guess the show, lads.
Literally any generic animu. I'm guessing you're picking on Kill la Kill, though.
slow down with the dump mate
Time for dubs
>essentially labeling yourself "2Dsexual"
>being no different than a motherfucking tumblrite
End your life immediately.
gif time?
I don't have any more sexy GIFs tho
guy moves as if to attempt to stop his child becoming a lesbian, but is unsure of what to do
>being no drifferent than a motherfucking chad
Fun fact, the first pic is a dude, and a massive homosexual.
Best cosplay coming thru
Where the fuck do you think you're posting, nigger?
No sir, I do not like this.
Thank god for CD Projekt Red for creating these characters.
Oh and before anyone says, I know they were created by the writer of the books, but they look completely different in the books. The sexy versions are CDPR design.
My nigga.
Anyone knows why threadhiding doesn't work but hiding individual images does?
I don't want to puke everytime I scroll past this thread
I remember once on a Halloween I saw a Pacman and 4 ghosts about half a mile down the streets. I could faintly hear shouting "WAKKA WAKKA WAKKA! WAKKA WAKKA! WAKKA WAKKA WAKKA!"
Man, you beta fags sure are butthurt. This thread is great.
I agree, friend. However, is pretty alright.
i am really hoping that your statement is fiction
Todd howard please
Isn't that Anna Cherry, of Honeybadger fame?
Even better.
I don't usually into 3DPD, but that is really good.
Dont ever see much new Berserk cosplay but that armor is on point except for the sword.
That's pretty funny. More whores getting karama for being whores please
go to the lol thread, that seems to be the theme of the week.
They completely butchered FemShep in ME3.
Sweet lordy jeezus
Forgot what made the AN 91 so special that its considered space magic? Havnt been to /k/ in a long time.
Also isnt there that Japanese girl that does Camo and /k/ shit on youtube? Forgot her name but I know shes in Japan.
Guns are for degenerate apes anyways, tanks are for real men.
making my balls hot
Does embed related count?
Tanks are outdated lmao.
I wonder if anyone has tried it with Sif, and then dressed up as Artorias.
before anyone calls me out on it, yes I know her name is amaterasu
that's not true
It fires two rounds in a single cycle by having a floating receiver inside of the receiver with a pulley system. In a way, it has a gas operated and a blowback operated mechanism working in one gun. The outcome of all that shit was having a 2-round burst mode that was technically firing at 1800 rounds per minute. The muzzle device is really interesting too, acts as a muzzle booster.
Thats a man, man
That supergirl is a super qt
Holy shit my sides
/k/ approved
DD: 3D is PD
won't someone tell me to kill myself? i miss those days
whoaaa, that grill actually really looks like Jolyne
is that good?
Kill yourself, I guess.
It took me like three minutes of being disgusted by knights wearing baggy pants and sneakers before I realized it was supposed to be a pony related cosplay and got disgusted again.
in addition to what that user said, that cyclic rate means that the 2 round burst is so fast that both bullets are out of the barrel by the time you feel the recoil of the first. you can put two bullets into the exact same spot with every burst. i still have no idea how this concept hasn't been introduced into the more commonly found military weapons; effectively doubling your firepower with zero impact to accuracy seems like a no-brainer
Kill yourself you humongous faggot
user why did you have to point that out? Ignorance is bliss.
eh. she's not that bad. you'd hit it. don't fucking lie.
Are you that much of a newfag you don't get it?
you fags deserve the gas chamber
keep in mind that this is the last (you) that (you) get.
It may have been a single autist in one thread, but many a great things have been remembered from a single post in a single thread.
Anyone have the archive of his spergout and/or Mark's response to said spergout
That whore doing Videl would make a good Aeryn.
i fucking love posting this
Where did time go
I don't even know if I remember the original thread or if it was a fucking dream.
Fucking majestic.
This. Requesting the one where user immediately derails OP's heartfelt thread about his sister with a single post.
Probably one of my favorite posts on the site.
^ this guy's not attractive
^ this guy is. Mystery solved.
God damn, I actually feel bad rereading that and even worse for laughing.
Holy shit it's been photoshopped so much it looks like someone slapped a new face onto it.
Every time.
I hate cosplay photos. Cosplay is only neat because it's a real person in motion but when it's just a photo you may as well go for the superior drawing or even 3d model. They look miles better. But as we all know these people are terrible butter-faces or frumpy potato's stuffed in cheap fabric.
i knew a girl for about a year who went to cons for things like Star Wars. she never really gave any hint of having any passion about nerdy stuff, so i was skeptical right off the bat, along with the knowledge that she always liked to wear short shorts everywhere and do the whole "tie your Tshirt to bare your midriff" thing. So for one Halloween she uses a costume she used before to go to a convention, and guess what it was? Yep, slutty princess leia bikini. she was a massive attention whore, and most of the girls who do this are in it for validation only.
i mean what percentage of the girls who cosplay do you think go on to live happy, fulfilling lives, remaining faithful to their partner?
A professional nude photoshoot with nonshitty bodypaint, no less
It could only be better if there was dicking
Is that a dude or…?
Why isn't it a custom to post source?
Also what's wrong with these women and how do we make all women like them?
You thought that meme was exclusive to here? Just how unaware are you?
Or what? You'll fart?
Nagano is cute, CUTE!
but i like it here
You are gay, GAY!
If you wanted more, you just had to ask.
I have much worse Chun-Lis
holy shit that zangief is bretty gud
video related
Truly the worst gender.
youd have to have been high to expected anything else ha ha ha
at least put some fucking effort into it, Christ.
god damn i love this bitch
Jump off a bridge, special snowflake.
Most of these cosplays fucking suck.
I thought that was the point of these threads.
more like masochist
Looks dark green to me
Alright so what do I have to do to actually plow these girls?
Be attractive
if you're not attractive, you can still get a pity fuck from some gold digging bitch if you buy your way into her pants
How attractive?
I was turned on ta first, but then I saw those horrible, horrible gloves, then saw that the shes, then realized the cosplay itself is mediocre and she's doing it because she's a whore. Second girl is super cute though.
13-15 is good enough, should definitely go for 11-12 though. Remember, if you're not chad(or at least be fucking confident), you're a sexual deviant or a creep.
I'm actually OK with this.
Does age matter? I'm like 27. How am I supposed to bang these sluts? At what point does it become weird?
Wow. You are new.
Your age is fine, hell you can even fuck the ones who are 13
In cons, you set your own limits. Once again, if you're attractive to them that is, this is all what you think about yourself, how you see yourself, they will see you.
Been in a relationship for awhile. I've only ever dated girls I've met in school or college. How the fuck do you approach people in a setting outside of school holy shit.
How do I ignore the fact that I'm broke as fuck and just bang sluts or find a wife material qt?
You should be fine for the most part, but–
Some of these people have very questionable ideals, and others may be moderately, sane, but others come from tumblr, instagram, facebook, etc, what I'm saying is….
Some of these bitches are–
Seriously user, be careful at cons, I need that story about the chick who had rape fetish and made a guy who was tied up get raped back and forced him to eat his cum.
Well, you just do it.
If you're in the same cosplay for a certain series then that's a bonus! Ask them what VIDEO GAMES, or comics they like and how often they've played. If you're already confident outside this field, it should be a walk in the park, because the funny thing is, people at cons are easier to hook up with than girls from college/school.
Would have to be a solid 11/10 for my judgement to drop that low.
Oh, then you're fiiiiine.
You worry toooo muuuuuuch.
Get out there and grab yourself some poon.
what do you usually cosplay as?
Travis Touchdown. I mostly spend time in those foam fight halls battling autists. And the old guys that are literally only there for the fighting.
There are no hot girls in the foam sword fighting areas. Just autists, fat metal heads, and that one guy who looks like fucking legolas for some reason.
He's a bit more obscure, but you'll be fine, as long as you're cosplaying, or trying. You're good. Any more questions?
Fucking confidence, how do I get that back? I'm lifting like a mad cunt, but I feel like my life is going nowhere, and I don't have a single positive thing to say about anything.
Wait a minute…that card
Fake it. Find something that lets you feel even false confidence and ride it.
Just think to yourself, I may not be the best looking person in the world, but that guy over there is fucking ugly and probably wishes that, even if he wasn't deathly handsome, he at least looked as good as me, so he could talk to that girl over there. Well guess what, you are as handsome as you, and you can talk to that girl over there!
Or alternatively, you could get some dutch courage, maybe organise to have a few pre-drinks with friends before attending the con, and treat it like a party sort of deal, or at least have lunch at a place that serves alcohol and have one or two with your meal.
The important thing is to not experience a setback as failure, but as a lesson. Don't think "Well I embarassed myself in front of that Lara Croft cosplayer so I'm gonna die alone surrounded by cum-stained anime figurines" but instead think "well, that girl didn't appreciate such a blatant double entendre so I should try and tone it down a bit until I at least get a feel for the next girl's sense of humour".
You can do it user. I know you can because I have been where you are and I have gotten to where you want to be. You'll feel like you're having a heart attack at times if you've got the Black Dog but that's just your heart pumping the poison of weakness out of your system to leave nothing but rocket fuel for a sex machine.
Thanks dude
user, I fucking love Travis Touchdown. Even if you don't get some mentally fucked up cosplayer pussy, know that you have my respect for cosplaying as him.
I actually cosplay as well, and I had plans to do his costume sometime, I have a similar build and passable facial structure to pull it off.
MK's masks is quite the boon to cosplay when you think about it.
Was that a double pun?
dammit, and I just ate too.
Now that everyone spams the thread with this shit, your freaking out about Juri cosplay is no longer unique.
I was mainly talking about the masks are great at covering up butter faces, but it's a nice Boon pun too.