
Lost control so much there wasn't even a 4am today

rip 4am

It's dead. Go do something good for yourself.

Perhaps it got deleted

Thank god, maybe the tripfags finally left.

Hey kids

Wanna stay up all night?

There were only tripfags because you guys complained about Avatarfags

You called?


What I've been doing with my life?

Kill me, Pete. Spare me no mercy.

You say that like it's a bad thing.


Cause and effect




Enjoy your vacation

Nice thread. Nerds

Hahah, the image is funny because she says she hates you but she has a happy smiley face get it guys its so clever and ironic!
Please tell me I'm not the only one who thinks all smug anime face pics are cringeworthy as fuck weebs not need reply

Mark is just a spineless kike who won't weed out posters that are cancer.


Smug Anime faces are used because it makes our opponents look like fools for attacking us

i hate ritsu so much
ruined 4am
fuck avatar faggots

fuck em

Smug animu girls are as they trigger redditors. Avatarfags using are what's cancerous


The reason he didn't get rid of Overwatch threads is because Blizzard paid him

love lain

Since this is blogpost general (I'm serious I'll treat it as such unless mark permanently bans these threads, either which I'm okay with since I'm a cancerous faggot):
I just watched lelouch of the rebellion, damn that was fun but kinda confusing. I have no idea if there was any message in the end or if there was, I probably have no idea what the fuck it is

Wouldn't doubt it.

lain loves you to user
except ritsu
fuck that cunt

I have no idea what that it but it sounds like Youtube shit

I bet Blizzard paid him with a cake That he ate in one sitting

Mark already tried to fuck up the thread with rule 8, avatarfags suck but they're like 90% of the thread, and instead he made it worse.
also no one cares about your blogpost faggot

Let's all love Lain

shit thread



First season > R2
Eight years late, and I still don't know what the fuck they were thinking with R2. It's such a trainwreck of anime cliches and QUALITY animation.



good things always get ruined by influx of faggots

I don't understand what's so fucking hard about making a simple rule thats just no avatar, name, or tripfags allowed.

seriously where do you people come from?

god fucking bless


where did you come from


Before the tripfags ruined them, it was decent, occasional blogposting aside. Occasionally found some people with similar interests in one a year ago, like an user who happened to be a fan of some obscure metal I never would think to see mentioned on an imageboard.

As expected of the JIDF

Ledouche of the Fagbellion was only slightly enjoyable when watching it with /a/'s massive shitposting back in 2008 about it.

no it wasn't
before they tripfagged they avatarfagged
before they avatarfagged they were gay
it was never good


Hello, edgelord.

Reminder that you will never be as autistic as Anthony Ritsu

homoko and belrose and literal dick posting

Mark is an impotent fat kike what do you expect?

Oy vey how dare you? Don't you remember the 6 billion?

And before they avatarfaged they were anonymous faggots as they should've been. At least then they weren't attention whoring retards.

4am has never been good.



Because of you

those times will never be again
they were gone almost instantly anyway

I dindu nuffin tbh fam

Holla Forums was a mistake

you gotta know the cancer to chemo it

You did, but like niggers, avatarfags can't accept responsibility for their actions.

Video games were a mistake. It turns you into a trap loving faggot.

Nah it was entirely your fault.

Holla Forums is just Holla Forums
pony threads when?

See, you're being a nigger now, and no one likes niggers

How did you guys like Bottomless Pit? I don't remember ever seeing any discussion about it here.


Pony threads begin today.

I love niggers cuckolding my waifu.


Are all avatarcucks this sad?

I'd prefer an actual bottomless pit.

please just shoot already.




t>>11033665 1 off

the one good thing to come from that genesis faggot

I'm not sad. I am a very happy NEET.

Soon there will be pedo threads.


post more


t. cuck

little more

I am a proud cuckold.

that's all I got

Was wondering if the thread was gonna pop up.
Visited Holla Forums to loli post yesterday and goddamn these fuckers are retarded. I'm glad I'm out of there.

i tried makin one at like 4:05 since dey wasn't one when i looked, seem like da whole site might notta been workin, less sumthing was wrong on mah end

tried a pos on pol dat didn't go thru den came up ova ch'yea n same thang, front page wasn't movin fo lyk 10-15 minutes neitha fam ah well. jfmsu

is dat a vulcan nigga? finished ds9 jus nao. kinda sad. prolly watch original series movies up to V next?

ritsu at least alpha af w/ it tbh moncia

Holy fucking shit Ritsu, you already hit rock bottom, stop digging.

Here's some more

Post more.


Been sick all day. I don't know if it's a cold or the changing weather but I've been hit with headaches any time I look at any lights. Going to stop masturbating for awhile, see if that helps any.

plz don't fam

Find something else to do with your hands
I'm making a drum set from these japanese legos

Come on DMX enjoy some degeneracy once in awhile.

I feel the same way. I fap way too much. It sucks.
It's dehydrating me or some jazz, and I can't get better.
I blame fapping some five times a day.

whaddup monica

i dun play dat shit fam, dis probation got me walkin on da str8 n narrow pic related


Oh! & I played a game today. I'm that user with the $1300 tube TV, & I finally hooked up my Wii-U to it through component. 1080i looks much better than I thought it would. Went through the first 5 levels of Captain toad, Don't know why I out this game away for so long. I feel guilty, but I'm only now playing it because of the Nintendo Next announcement.. I'm going to be really sad if the Next doesn't support component out, otherwise this console gen is the last time I'm going to be able to use a tube TV. (someone told me the graphics card in the Next doesn't support component but I'm staying hopeful)

There should be a HDMI to RWY converter

What's up, you miserable niggers?

I feel like that would add input lag though…I barely play games these days, so when I do it's gotta be perfect.

Also, holy shit are there a lot of shills on Holla Forums right now. They must be going into overdrive with Trump beating the shit out of Hillary today at that benefit in New York.

Fair enough, I still have a CRT at home so even though I won't get the Switch until it's under $200 and there is piracy it'll be good if it has RWY

Going to order some Japanese snacks again. Probably going with these Habenero Chips. Does anyone have any Instant Ramen they recommend?

Not much, I'm just cuddling my waifu before I get out of bed.

Apparently they make Ramen too?

Is the topic dead? I wanted snack suggestions…

Sorry user, I was just finishing the bass Drum
I don't know many Japanese snacks but a "Jelly Donut" sounds good

That's nice, wish I had someone to cuddle. I just end up making a pillow-person out of all my plushies.


You'll be united when the time is right, user. Never give up.

Freeze-dried apple slices are something I recently discovered. Just make sure to eat the whole pack in one go- they go rubbery when exposed to air.


I think that ship has sailed user. I'm just better off alone. Less people to hurt that way.

come home white manz

Yeah, who'd have thought trying to make people do shit they dont want to do, that the majority of the thread didnt ask to happen all because your ass is blasted somehow ended up backfiring horribly.

Is his name actually anthony?

wew it stayed up

Guys I'm finally home! Best part of leaving work at 7am is that everyone has to listen to Buckethead on my way out. HR lady was perturbed.

How hard is it to change your personality? Is it even possible to change the fundamental kernel of the self?

I used to be happy and outgoing now I'm sad and Hermitted
I'm sure it could work in reverse

What made you that way? What caused that downward spiral?

I guess high school finished and I didn't talk to people every day anymore

u can do it fam it ain't easy tho. iz sorta like meme magic main u gotta change yo fundamental beliefs n shit about life n utterly convince yoself of that n resign to a new life or new way of thinkin bout shit. takes a hard long look in da mirror too fam cuz u gonna been need to find out all da lil shit about yo self dat b irkin u in shit monica

I feel you, high school makes it easy to socialise. It can be harder to make friends as an adult.

Yeah, I'm still trying to find that out, what exactly it is that i hate so much about myself.

is it dead?

naw naw monica iz real af ryt ch'yea

i think da site went borked fo a bit tho tbh