So is this really the better Overwatch?
So is this really the better Overwatch?
Why a piece of shit would be better than another piece of shit?
I'd hate to play the actual Overwatch then
yes, but the player base is brain dead.
its not and its somewhat like this
the player base is extremely brain dead and the player base numbers are already dropping don't expect it to last more then a month at most.
i mean if it launched during at the end of overwatch's ranked season it may of done better off but it won't last much longer at this point.
almost no porn for it streamers already re abandoning it.
it was better then overwatch in its beta phase but whatever they have out now is pretty shit, even battleborn has a better gameplay system then this shit.
Do people with skill dominate and avoid death or is it as Mario Party as Overwatch?
No it isn't nigger. Check the steam stats yourself
no, it's the p2w korean cousin
Looks like it's dropping slowly.
It's the free version of it
So yes?
Only if you irrationally hate blizzard to the point of being stupid.
No, people will say yes because its cool to hate blizzard, and they love to get paid to support a developer that loves to crush good games like tribes.
Its a fine game for what it is, disclosure I have about 100 hours into it.
I enjoy it a lot but there isn't much to keep my playing at this point, I'm a soloQ player and the casual playlist isn't very fun due to the low average skill level and the ranked playlist went to complete shit once they added in duoQ. Mode went from an interesting competitive environment to another dime a dozen "play with a friend and stomp if you want to win your games" type deal. This is a total nit pick though
If I didn't already play the genre to death I'd probably play it more but now I only play a little bit each patch. Current player base is large enough to find games and community is fairly friendly for what it is. Its a long way from launch but it'll have a similar run like SMITE. Decent game to play but not "the" game to play.
o shit 5 for the 5? Gotta check it.
Yes :3c
Heroes like Androxus have the potential to carry hard as fuck if played well and built properly
Yeah, it's the better Overmeme
I'm going to need a citation or two, there, good buddy
so is this a thread for the game, or is this just an attempt at stirring shit
It's whatever you make it out to be, user
That said, what the fuck is Mal'Damba? I haven't been playing much, but I've seen him surpass Pip in both healing and damage (though not both at once)
So I just tried this and I felt like we were raping them and the kills/deaths seem to agree but we lost. Was it because my faggy team wasn't helping cap?
The enemy Fernando carried the shit out of that team. You needed a tank to just sit on the point and soak.
i dont think its my call to make
Protip: All matches are vs. bots until your profile is level 5
Also just looking at the scoreboard, I'd blame your Evie for having significantly less elims/damage than everyone else, and your Pip for only healing
it's not better, but I really like their waifus
he had 3 hours
it plays and feels like a cheap shitty knockoff instead. If you cant afford overwatch stick to TF2
This is true in that TF2 is mechanically superior to both Overlook and Pallydins. I still have fun playing as le ebin furbait carry hero, though
Not exactly a high hurdle in the first place.
They're both casual shit for disabled children.
Both have shite communities filled by said disabled children.
They're both owned by shitty companies.
One costs $40 + has microtransactions and the other is free early access but already gives you the option to spend money on it.
They're both piles of shit.
they're pretty much the same but one's free and in alpha (but works surprisingly well) and the other is hot girls in skin tight clothing fighting each other
of course it's good like any Hi-Rez game on launch
before they rape it into the ground beyond recognition after a zillion patches like with Tribes: Ascend
why this generation is so gay?
Nigger, all games drop as they go. The real question is do they drop couple percent in month or do they lose 50 percent of playerbase in a week. Tbh, I thought Paladins would drop faster due to its lacking in content.
Did you want it to look like Paragon? Have it be as serious and dark as your wounded soul?
the maps are just better, which is important in a game like this.
I laughed way too much at that.
But on a serious note, maybe that user is a fan of Battleborn. The Hud on that is so… crispy and filled with usefull information.
i dont think ruckus is terrible but you absolutely need someone who can actually take advantage of the suppressive fire, finishing anyone off as ruckus is an unrealistic expectation
gee what a mystery why you couldn't cap