Who cares
Wait. There will be a trailer with the Switch logo, calling it now.
why do you even care, anyways
bethesda not being on nintendo is a good thing you idiot
"We are not confirming specific titles at this time."
It sounds like they aren't confirming specific titles at this time.
What a shitty OC, were they really too fucking lazy to shoop Todds name in the actor credits?
I bet its the OPs shitty OC
There are already 2 threads about skyrim on switch.
Nobody is making software announcements yet.
Then why the fuck did they show it during the reveal?
If I had to guess, Nintendo requested as much. Almost no third party seems willing to confirm or talk about anything. Nintendo probably wants to save them for a longer Direct-style blowout.
Wew lad!
To sell the console hype?
Considering it was part of the whole "Look at this 3rd party support guys" segment, I'd say it matters on that front if nothing else
It's a 5 year old game, by the time the Switch comes out even the remaster will be several months old.
Checked and fore'd!
Nice thread OP. Should down vote, but I just can't, for some reason.Your pic is great though, Tod is truly the meme guy in the gaming. No wait it's actually that full of lies shitbag… the name of the guy is gone from my memory… good riddance.
Are you retarded OP? Can you read?
who are you quoting?
Does this count as false advertising?
All this article says is Bethesda hasn't CONFIRMED anything yet, not denied it. In likelihood the new Elder Scrolls game will be on Switch
Here's your (you)
hi cuckchan
Hi reddit.
See, I can do it too. :^)
Why are you here? I don't like you.
I love it. Not to mention a few hours ago:
and now
It's like magic.
How is it made up when Bethesda said right in the article they helped make it? All they said was that they don't have an announcement to make now.
But Skyrim is a shit game, anons.
These threads are like a grand pyre of once good site. It's still fun, but not the same…
They're not confirming it because they don't want to fuck up launch sales for the REMASTERED faggotry.
it wont stop us laughing of this shit
Not having Skyrimjob really is the least of that glorified tablets problems.
I need a webm of this. It's too good. There is so much greatness in this video.
I remember Girlwood confirmed at E3 that the new Just Dance would come to the NX. So now you can play Just Dance on a plane, in a car and on a basketball court right? Wew!
The fuck is Switch?
The fuck is Skyrim?
The fuck is Holla Forums?
The fuck is nintendo
The fuck is the truth?
The fuck is this thread?
Delete this.
The fuck is this meme?
Skyrim needs to be demade until it's on everything.
Ever. Especially Nippon porn VR.
Oh come on. If your going to shitpost just go full autism.
no Skyrim
/a/utism on pic
But they are gay. Very gay.
So, ok, I just fucked that post up so bad… well shit.
It's pretty obvious that its coming to the console, they advertised with it and Bethesda is on their list of confirmed 3rd party devs, maybe for legal reasons they can't officially say what games are going to be on it, but if they bait normalfags in on the trailer with Skyrim and then it turns out they got bamboozeled there will be blood, hell hath no fury like an angry normalfag
Good doubles.
I, for one, am glad that Skyrim isn't getting rerereleased. Fallout 4 might end up on the system, which could be a good bit of cashgrab for minimum effort.
Nobody wants this shitty ripoff bitch.
I have no comment.
Double dubs confirm, nintendrones will defend this
that pic is old as fuck
He was saying it was a shit console too. Which is fine, because Consoles are Shit.
lel, they are just gonna be whining like with GTAO heists, MW1 bundled with the new COD etc. but still be blind sheep coz they never learn
I'd do Papika
Cocona too
damn those names are retarded even for japs
For there to be fury there has to be passion. Normalfags aren't passionate about vidya besides the 'I'm so hip' aspect, there's no fire in their loins.
Good thread by the way.
Metro 2033 was advertised for the Wii U as well but never came.
The fuck is lying?
I have fucked up my post so many times that I will now make this post as stupid as possible to soothe the gods of semi-off-topic-posting:
Flipflap is going to go big, just because people see things in it that are not there. Back to topic:
All shit said and done it's still a Nintendo product. So everyone can expect old games working on it and good new games. So if anything kills this shit it's the marketing.
Just think about this: You can play all PS-one games on disk on ps3, but not ps2… Why?, TL;DR They hoped for consumers to forget the games, and buy new.
Nintendo is finished
It wasn't an exclusive. It's on every other system.
I lament what happened to 8/v/
Fucking cuckchan refugees should've been banned on sight till they learned how to post here. Mark's too soft.
And to continue the grand fuck-up: forgot the pic. I'm really off my shitpostingamenow. fuck.
I kinda like it, especially since only 12 eps
this is a 4th thread about switch anyway, don't care about shitting it up with offtopic
Are you from /a/? I really hope it's gonna be only 12eps. The ep3 is coming out "as we speak". It's gonna be the /a/s most hated most and loved for this season for sure. Serious off topic though.
never been to /a/, heard theyre waifufags and plebs
True, /a/ is kinda… just that, and not my thing… But as I have had some time off work, I have been just browsing the boards and found Flipflap on /a/. Shit is fun to watch.
Also at same time found "butt-fighting girls anime" it's new, and it's insanely fun.
Skyrim wouldn't fit on the cartridge and wouldn't run at an acceptable framerate on the Switch.
Maybe they'll make an onrails Skyrim or toned down version.
Skyrim confirmed, ladies and gents.
I don't know why anyone would want Skyrim on the Switch to begin with. Anyone who ever was remotely interested in Skyrim already bought or pirated it. It was silly for them to put it in the trailer regardless of the veracity of it all.
You may joke about that but I often see normal fags 24/7 in my local M$ store playing Just Dance with constant crowds.
But Bethesda has confirmed that they're working with Nintendo and plan to bring "games" to their system. And Skyrim was pretty much the high-water mark for Bethesda in terms of popularity, sales, and mod support. You damned well know they're going to whore it out on the switch.
The only question is, whether or not Nintendo will allow mods given their history of piracy enabling exploits and hard on for censorship. I really can't see them allowing uncontrolled user-generated mods on their system. At least, not until Bethesda demonstrates that they can moderate BethesdaNet to Nintendo's standards.
you sure m8?
Skyrim Remaster is confirmed for 12GB size. 3DS's old ass carts can hold 8+ GB. Capacity won't be a problem.
Also, at 12GB, Skyrim Remaster is confirmed for just slapping on the HD pack from 2012. Which means only a handful of textures are getting upscaled to 1k (they're so shit even at 1k, you can barely tell the difference), while the rest remain at 512. 1k base w/ a shit-ton of 2k textures is just about standard for modded Skyrim these days. 2k base w/ 4~8k for those running on higher end potatos.
I really hope the 2GB mod size limit on Xbone is shared among all Bethesda games, and that Nintendo puts a similar disk quota in place for the Switch.
are you fucking kidding me.
I guess it's just to show "Hey, we're going to be supporting the Switch eventually!"
Why is this thread still here when it's complete bullshit? Nobody denied that this game was coming to Switch.
They essentially said "no comment" & you make a "LMAO xDDDD ALL CAPS" thread about shit that wasn't even said.
The anti-Nintendo sentiments are understandable to a point & you've long since crossed that point into sensationalist flame-warring cuckchan territory.
Just like Bethesda "not confirming" horses were in Skyrim despite they appearing in the trailer. Todd just doesn't want the goys to avoid buying the new edition and wait until the Switch.
They didn't explicitly say it wasn't coming, they just said hasn't been confirmed. Your reading comprehension is shit.