Are there any films that deal with this topic?

are there any films that deal with this topic?


gives me a stiffy tbh


t. pig virgin

This is why the white race deserves a culling. Honestly, we have a lot to learn from the jews. For example, you provoke a holocaust on your own people, where only the smartest, most cunning, and most aggressive survive in order to improve the genepool and achieve victim status.


the jews greatly benefited from it but millions of them didn't actually die

this tbh. we need less of people who look like this.



Isn't that guy jewish?

This, but unironically.

dont know. maybe jewish tricks are weeding out other jews.

The Negro is so fucking smug



That refugee looks big for a 10 year old.


I've said it before and I'll say it again, outside of Adolf Hitler and Holla Forums, I have not met a single white person that I liked.

that may be one of the most uncomfortable images I've seen

your time is up whitey

i just feel sorry for the kids


Ha she let her sex toy move in.

Want to meet and have a beer? We could sing some marching songs which bring life to the soul

One day we will, brother.

Jesus I would come close to her whether she fucked that shitskin or not.



I thought Holla Forumslacks believed in eugenics.

Can't wait till you cunts get your own special little island where you can roleplay to your hearts content

that freudian slip tho

The first two are completely resigned while the third one's face says "One paw towards my woman or the girls and I get my 12 gauge from under the table.

more like bad english and quick typing. i'm a bit tired
stick it in the crazy but at the cost of your dick getting cut off

thanks fam

That little girl is hot.