I actually want to get it, but I'm prolly gonna wait till the price drops and just install CFW.
Looks real interesting tbqh.
Serious switch discussion
reported :)
Innovative way of shilling. Just like Nintendo.
So does that dock thing have any additional computing power or is it all just running on tablet hardware that will be obsolete in 6 months?
If this thread isn't deleted than this place really is nintendogaf. There are already 5 threads.
It's already obsolete
Most consoles (pissbox, pu4) are sold for nearly their manufacturing price
Obviously the dock has extra processor power, the framerate fucking TANKS when the guy removes it from the dock in the video. We're watching a video of a video and our source isn't even 60fps, so that portable zelda was running at like 15-20. Absolutely abysmal.
Deflect harder, consolewar child.
ok, in all seriousnes, this console looks awful.
i looked at this thing the whole day, saw all the gimmick stuf it can do and so on. And still my head is swinging from left to right while a 'noooo' whispers out my mouth, long and without any sense of feelings. It is just an empty moitenless room full of nothing when i see 'switch'. It looks akward, like a transsexuel brickstone. The 'logo' looks so extrem out of touch like a cripple who tries to smile when he burns bugs in his backyard. As if nintendo tried to hard to get something new that stand out of everything we already know.
The expressionistic look of this 'switch'-thing gives an insight look into a desperate world full of maniacs who went to far because they wanted more. This console is like a reality show where they try to re-create frankstain monster(s). Or it was build by syntology, who knows.
My nintendo stock just went up. Time to sell before people figure out how retarded it is.
So, is that thing supposed to replace the WiiU? what about backwards compatibility? I guess digital games only in that case, also, no D-pad in those controllers?
This gimmick really shows how much Holla Forums loathes the idea of going outside
I don't think the Switch is portable enough if you ask me, I think is almost as big as a nVShield, the problem I see with the gimmick is how it tries to make it look like people would like to play a lot of videogames (non mobile) everywhere and all, that stuff may work in Japan but not in the west.
I just want to know if the damn box is region free so I can ditch NoA's trash localizations.
I've been burned so many times by that fucking tree house that I don't trust them not to fuck up anything that isn't a first party title produced in house, and even then I'm more than a bit wary about how they're going to meme up Splatoon 2.
I don't wanna go near it, until we know more about it (Plus, I got the 2DS, Playstation 3, and PC to keep me busy).
Though I'll make my own personal countdown for the two Bayonetta games, Smash Bros. Wii U, and other games to appear in the Switch's Virtual Shop.
Maybe Kingdom Hearts 3, FF15, and the next Tomb Raider games would make it's way there.
What I'm worried about is Nintendo of America messing it up, like how they mess up Fire Emblem Fates' localization, censoring Bravely Second (and a bunch of other games)'s art books, and being a bit strict on third party/ indie devs is what's worrying to me.
It looked neat, but I dunno. I saw that it runs Todd Howard Remastered, but the real question is: can it access my Steam library?
So what's the best it still uses GCN architecture? If so, how long until it's emulated?
Here are my serious thoughts on it
However, they've got Atlus and Spike support, which I'm interested in.
What is known so far apart from the press shots and the trailer? I've heard that it has an Nvidia Tegra SoC.
Im interested in this thing not because i want to buy one, but because it's the turning point in the lives of videogame consoles from how i see it. If this thing fails, consoles will die. The Wii brand and the DS brand are officially discontinued by this. The PS4 and Xbox One try to be as much of a PC as possible, now with the VR and 4K fad, and they shoot themselves in the foot by releasing iterations as they struggle with performance. Nintendo still remembers that consoles aren't PCs. It looks like this time they managed to fabricate marketing that isn't accidentally mistaken as an accessory for the Wii by most viewers. But then again it looks like a gimmick and Nintendo isn't a company familiar with high spec hardware, which this would need to run ports of current gen games on a handheld, as promised by the trailer.
What makes or breaks this thing financially of course is the marketing budget, launch lineup, third party support and price, and unlike the Wii U they have a sovereign brand and appearance this time, so i'd say it has good chances. However they'd really need to pull some games out of their hats to get a large audience right away, assuming they want to go beyond the nintendo customer base as evidenced by the Skyrim port and trailer themes like Basketball dudebros playing NBA and so on, a new Zelda certainly doesn't have enough pull on its own for that. It's really hard to say something worthwhile about this right now i think, except that it's a comparatively important point in console history and that they have much less time than industry average for the promotion phase.