I tried to load up one of the Spyro games on an emulator but it's got some weird piracy protection on it that I don't know how to get off. Anyway, childhood gaming nostalgia thread. Preferably with extra polygons.
Games you remember fondly from your childhood
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What are some games that fondled you as a child?
SNES Harvest Moon, it was the first sim i played, i remember it dearly.
This game was fucking awesome.
One of my friends was so obsessed with Chrono Trigger that he and his brothers pooled their money to buy it, even though they didn't own a Super Nintendo. They even wrote their names onto the top of the cartridge.
A few years later, finally accepting that their parents would never let them get an SNES, I bought it from them for $40, in the box and with the poster. I beat it at least 20 times, no hyperbole. Got all the endings, sometimes played new game +, sometimes just started over fresh.
Chrono Trigger was a childhood obsession, and kind of still is (although I never got into fan fiction, fan art, etc., I just love the game and that's it).
Comfiest game of all time
Hide and seek was pretty baller
But football is king
You're a vampire that eats tomatoes instead of blood.
Little me could nail the timings on getting a rare card fairly consistently. That, or RNG made me think I had super powers for timing it.
Syphon Filter 2, I remember the day I bought it and how much fun I had.
I still play it regularly on emulator, the splitscreen is breddy gud too
Knife is best weapon
Insomniac knew people would find way around it eventually, and what they did put on there was just to buy them a few months time for the game to do well in sales. These days it's easy enough to get around.
Honestly, the PS1 Spyro and Crash games are some of the few I can have proper nostalgia for as they were some of the few games I actually had growing up. Thankfully, Crash 2 and 3, as well as all three PS1 Spyro games still hold up pretty well.
I first played it via the DS port, and it's certainly stood the test of time. Too bad Square-Enix of course wasn't satisfied with sales of it and has basically canned the (admittedly short) series, citing that if people wanted more Chrono games, they'd have bought more of the DS port (which seems like silly expectations of a game that came out in the US and Japan multiple times already, though that was the very first time PAL officially got it). Though given how divided people are over Chrono Cross, maybe it's for the best there hasn't been a third game.
Writing and/or reading fanfiction is one thing, but fan-art for the most part is fine to make folders of (I will say that for Japanese developed games, there's more luck with finding good art on sites oriented toward's eastern made art).
I don't know if it counts as childhood, because i was in high school, but I have fond memories of Ratchet and Clank Going Commando.
Now that PCSX2 fixed hardware mipmapping in recent dev builds, I went through the first R&C game for the first time, and just started Going Commando
It's even better than I remember
The game supports 16x9, too, which is kind of crazy.
Is that the same poster that came with the DS version? Never knew it came with the SNES game too. It's a great game, filled with tons of stuff and just has such an incredibly comfy atmosphere.
I can't wait until the remaster is done supposedly it's taking so long because they're going to bring the multiplayer back.
I never actually played threw the game legit I always used cheat codes for invincibility, all weapons and skipped to the boss fights so it's going to be cool to actually play threw the whole game.
No it's taking so long because they essentially have to recreate most of the game from scratch
The original source code to both Turok 1 and 2 was completely lost. The guy behind it, Kaiser, instead elected to port Turok 1 to an engine he created called the Kex engine.
From what I've read most of the game had to be recreated from scratch. It was largely why the remaster on PC includes a mix of the N64's ost and some of the features that were exclusive to the PC version. The fog for instance with the PC version was only included because the original game had it
Turok 2 is taking forever not just because it was a much bigger game overall. But also because Night Dive is creating the System Shock remake and all reports say that they've devoted all of their staff to that. It's also why the level editor they promised to release for the original Turok has been delayed.
It's still somewhat shocking that the original Turok's engine was recreated. And that Turok 2 and potentially Rage Wars/3 could get the same treatment. (Kaiser has said that if Turok 1 and 2 sell well that Rage Wars and 3 are also on the table).
It's cool to know that so much effort is going into it.
One thing that's notable about the remaster that I noticed is that most of the OST from the N64 version is used.
This is most notable with the underwater theme. The PC version lacked it
It's why I'm excited for Turok 2's remaster because I can just imagine shit like dedicated servers, mods and custom maps created for it
I was really 10 years old, but most of my memories with this game come from unlocking mewtwo, I would spend every day playing against the CPU. I put in too many hours into this game, yet I'm still pretty shit at it.
It really heals the wound that was the shit reboot. I still can't believe how bad they fucked up that game.
Still to this day, had one of the best OSTs in the series
My uncle had burned a CD of Hammerfall's Legacy of Kings and Iron Maiden's Dance of Death which he'd given to my old man for listening. I swiped them to play them while I played this gem. Scored it from the local Sam's Club for 10 bucks to boot.
The only shooter I'd played before this was Metroid Prime and in that game there's energy everywhere and enemies do shit damage. This game forced me to actually THINK encounters out and play smart. Felt good to take down 3 Titans in a row.
The original Spyro may have been the first game I ever played.
It's a good game and the colors, music and levels really come together to make a great package.
I remember all nighters with my brother playing to 100 frags with him vs me and both of us vs the retarded bots.
Rage Wars MP > any other N64 FPS
They better make the gore effects even more hardcore.
Turok 2 was the last game I remember playing where most enemies had some pretty unique deaths.
Everything else I've played is red mist and missing limbs, but no bones or organs spilling out.
Same here man, word for word.
I mean, I can kick the shit out of casuals, but if I play against anybody who has even the slightest idea what they're doing I'll get fucking destroyed every time.
That game ripped off stardew valley wtf
Rogue Trip was pretty fun. Introduced me to car combat games, and ska. Also probably, next to Legend of Mana, one of the few games I'd pick up and play today out of something other than nostalgia
You're telling on yourself.
Every single demo on this disc.
Good taste. I always found the intro-scene to be great.
Whatever happened to being a spy
look at this normalfag trying to fit in
i was working 2 jobs and having sex with girls when i was 8
strange way to spell a creepy slideshow
>try other highly acclaimed games from the same decade that i missed but never played
i hate this feel.
I'd play the shit out of this with my brother back then
If it's Spyro 3 you'd be better off trying to find another copy that doesn't trigger that shit.
For Spyro 2 it simply makes the final boss invincible
For Spyro 3 it fucks up your progress constantly, sometimes eats your health bar, kills you randomly and makes the game near impossible to play.
I love that game and played it a lot. It was one of only 2 games that our school computers had. the other being some weird spelling game. my sister got so into it that she wanted to complete the game and save every single Zoombinis but she quickly realized that the total number of combinations of Zoombinis was not a multiple of 16. 16 being the number you need to embark. plus most of the game is played on the hardest difficulty as the game levels up quickly and there are loads of Zoombinis to get across. so not only did she have to play on the hardest difficulty she also had to tactically leave some of them behind so that she could make a full party. the ending was total shit when you 100% it, the announcer just says well done and that's it
I had finished this game years ago. A while ago I remembered it again and played through it again, was harder than I remember. Made me question how I finished this without a problem when I was 7 years old, considering I didn't even know English back then
I thought Zoombinis were jews…
Fake and gay, Jews would never work as guards. Or work at all for that matter, there is a reason they are a race of merchants, and bankers.