Other urls found in this thread:
nobody gives a shit about this
nintendo is superior, dumb nigger
that was somehow worse than Nintendo's reveal
Well the trailer had some nice visuals, almost certainly bullshots considering the platforms. Was hoping for some more details, but fuck it I'll take what I can get at this point.
Why not both?
So GTA 5 make baby with RDR. That's it then.
Too much shit happening at the same time.
Give me gameplay footage or in game graphic
Well it took one hour to destroy all my hype for the Nintendo Tablet.
I hope it will run at above 20 FPS this time.
ok both r fine
RDR was my favourite game
been waiting too long for this and all I got was a teaser
Red Dead Redemption 2 will release worldwide in Fall 2017 on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One systems.
The meme lives on.
t. Nintendrone
How were they gonna make a western set after 1912?
You could still use horses/revolvers past 1912
Remember GTAV?
but then it wont be a western, dummy
the west was renovated to modern times after ~1912
Looks like it's gonna have some "There Will Be Blood" vibes.
They'll release it after the console release for extra shekels.
spring 2018 release confirmed
R* would have to be really stupid to do a PC port in the future, GTA5 is still on the Steam best sellers list
Wonder if it will come with manimals?
It wont look nearly this good.
That draw distance alone is enough to call bullshit.
here ya go usual procedure.
II think it's time for me to finally buy RDR on PS3.
They use "Redemtion" instead of any other Red Dead R kind of title. Red would be turning in his tomb.
Get that shit out of here
Fuck off nerd. Mustards would just pirate it anyway.
I'm actually excited about this, god dammit rockstar you better not fuck this up.
Better yet
That's a goddamn teaser, not a trailer.
But yeah I member the GTAIV teasers, they were the same shit but at least they showed the TECHNOLOGY and Euphoria.
I don't follow. You think they'd be stupid to release a PC version because it could take away from GTAV sales? Surely the GTAV sales in 2018 won't be nearly large enough to even start caring about hindering its sales with a release of a game that's bound to sell much more.
this game is literally GTA with horses
Similar to the old teaser, Usual R* style is teaser then actual trailer a few months later.
Cuckchan is that way buddy
No, GTA5 did gangbusters on PC. They'd lose a ton of potential sales if they released it only on consoles
Screencap this post:
-They are going to make a version for the PS4 Pro and Xbone Scorpio and release the PC version with it.
So… do you guys think we'll have an horrible online or so much jewery in this game too?
You're probably 100% right on the money.
Just got it and playing it currently, it's awesome!
How has no one mentioned The Magnificent Seven?
I'd be surprised if it didn't
Fuck off.
I wonder how creative they are going to get about making the game a money sink with ((free)) updates.
Its going to be GTA multiplayer with micros and everything, but since this is San Diego and GTA Online got pretty popular maybe they wont go full kike.
Wouldnt count on it though.
what a load of bullshit.
No PC version. Fuck Rockstar.
It was miserable enough with three characters
It'll be on the Switch. Calling it now
Looks generic.
On the bright side it's probably going to be total shit anyway.
Search jewgle with "red dead 2 magnificent seven" from the last week and see for yourself how many people have not mentioned such a thing in any way at all.
I would actually love to play a western MMO and conquest the west and manage your ranch.
Oh yeah, the Switch is going to have a great third party suppport.
just like the WiiU
PC is ded.
anyone knows if you can preorder? any exclusives?
It cant even run Zeldo correctly
Stop fucking begging you goddamn retards holy shit, Ill be playing Bannerlord until the inevitable port happens.
This isnt 2010 anymore
The single player for this is going to be fantastic because you already know who your going to play as and you know the main character isnt a faggot since its a prequel. But im calling it right now that the muliplayer is going to be exactly like GTA 5. It will be nothing but a grind fest for the player and a shekel fest for Rockstar.
They're not on the list of the official NX publishers list.
It'll be just like the Wii U. It'll have some old AAA games that won't sell well then all 3rd parties will drop.
I never said it would run it well.
thats not how numbers work R*
Gas yourself sonybrony
That was fucking nothing.
im just asking a question, you big bully!
I thought it was a placeholder but it's seriously this name now?
Red Dead Revengeance really would have been a better name.
PC Port coming in 2018.
Might take longer than 2 years like with GTAV. Despite their big PC push the steam sales figures were basically insignificant in comparison to consoles.
Why doesn't it show Steve McQueen's character name?
Are those electric street lamps? If so, then the setting is after 1880.
Good, that means I can play as Dutch.
Now I'm imagining a game about samurai moving to the wild west and tearing shit up. Are there any good games with that theme? There has to be at least one, I think there might have been one on the PS1.
Guy with a sword on a bus would lose to unarmed guy.
Never trust any representation of a games graphics unless it's footage a week after release. General rule.
A'ight, not much info but I guess it's a teaser trailer. The only thing I think I learned from that is
But outside that ultimately uninformative. No conformation of whether it's John again or not.
There is
This. While I'm looking forward to this game, that shit isn't going to look like that on a pisspoor or an xbone.
RDR needs a Blazing Saddles mod.
Good thing they're on a train.
See movies
See videogames
Never forget Witcher 3.
Total bullshit, that's especially not happening on consoles.
Finish reading that sentence before you reply dude.
Mustards. Not even once.
really. Current year.
You're forgiven for the bannerlord thing though. That game better fucking come out soon. God damn I need it so bad. Best case scenario we get a wild west mod for Bannerlord and then won't need Rockstars Themepark Cowboy game cause we'll have a real sandbox, with blackjack and hookers and mods.
I read it. Why I tacked on 'general rule' on the end. General message and all.
Holy shit you can smell the bullshot emanating from this.
Will butthurt peasants ever stop acting jealous because they paid to get scammed instead of using their money on a superior machine?
Like the explosion in the GTAV trailer.
Inb4 it turns out to be Scorpio 1080p mode footage. Though I doubt an overclocked 480 could pull off that grass either.
Then again it could just be a very clever rendering trick and what you're seeing is some weird single unfiltered texture once at a distance to keep the rough appearance.
cant stop me from having fun, user.
KoFXIV, Ace Combat 7 and Nioh will also make the jump.
Just watch
Being current year in this case actually means something else besides liberal rethoric though considering that the market and the platform has changed exponencially since then.
user, they even got the damn demo on PC
The more you shitpost the more Ill be laughing when they announce the port.
You really dont belong here do you?
Lots of fags coming here, likely being banned from cuckchan after shitposting on the RDR2 and Switch threads.
I have no doubt you're one of them
Its still called MGSV halfchan
if the horses don't have their balls on release then we know a downgrade took place for sure.
Train too.
Interior is buslike.
They'll do the same they did with GTAV
You think they'd purposefully lose the literal billion sales on PC just so they could please the poor casuals on consoles?
Consoletards are just going to be beta testing the game for us, like they did with GTAV, now the PC version is solid and everyone's happy.
except for that it's 90% korean f2p online cash cow but ten times more broken and banhappy
It will be a console exclusive a few years to milk money out the inpatient fags before porting to PC.
It's the third game.
user, that's in game graphic.
It was the same with the Xbawks last gen
Sure, it's also pre-alpha I bet. :^)
It's just early access. Their partnership is just early access to the beta. It'll probably be like a week's difference at most.
Can't wait to bask in round 2 of the SJW salt on twitter.
user, it's REDEMPTION 2 not Red Dead 2
He's talking about the thread title.
No it isnt.
Red Dead Devolver is a different game with a completely different tone.
I would say tops 6 hours until the articles start pouring in.
are they on it already?
They've been out for ages.
seriously I would be down for some ride or die bitch in red dead but these fucking cunts have to go and ruin it before it even happens, fuck all of you
unbefuckinglievable, its like they are all trying to be a caricature as hard as they can
Welp, I'm prepared for the classic Rockstar spiral of
and it begins
Sucks about no PC, hopefully its a timed console exclusive. Either way I don't care. I'll probably get it as a gift for the PS4 and then pirate the PC version.
Come the fuck on
Also why not finish RDR2 first? it had half of the world scrapped out
They seriously think that women could even survive in the wild west and also somehow avoid being constantly raped and abused.
But in the current year + 1 it's forbidden to depict women like that. These modern women have to deal with incessant abuse every day of their lives, such as reading mean words on twitter, their pronouns not being respected on tumblr or reading something problematic and gross ugh I can't even. So if they can withstand such harrowing abuse and rape every second of their lives, surely women throughout history have been able to deal with their problems as well. Therefore, history is lying and woman am stronk.
The Ride Never Ends.
Some managed it.
Don't forget that life was extra crap-sack for women in the old west. Most were whores who learned to take very big beatings from pissed off goldminers or cow-wrastlers. The wild west did more for making women stronger than all of feminism did imo.
Who was Bonnie from Redemption? A strong female character (one of the best ever imo)who is implied to have been raped?
Sometimes I wish I was dedicated enough to fuck with these people
Sometimes I wish I had a girlfriend so I could use her selfies as an easy means to pretend to be a girl online so I could just act to be retarded all day long and rake in the SJW male-ally dollars. It would be fun, and I wouldn't need a real job.
Dreams do become true
If she's latino it's not a dream, it's a nightmare, by which I mean imaginary and sad.
RIP Tuco ;_;
It sounds awful, but taking into account anything Rockstar after GTA V, if sounds way more absurd
Where did all the good offline games go? i dont want any multiplayer/online/co-op stuff, i just want to be naked in my room and play all day like i used to do in my youth
He lives in everyone of us
Wallach was born on 7 December 1915 in Brooklyn, NY, to Jewish parents who emigrated from Poland
Guess I learnt something new today
who else but a jew would get so distracted counting shekels that didn't even notice a noose being tied behind his back
Reminds me of Bronson
Dude was the iconic native american renegade, even when he was polish too, except that he came from tatar villages instead of chaos agents
Red Dead Redemption is Red Dead 2.
Red Dead Redemption 2 is Red Dead 3.
I'd be suprised if you don't play some nigger.
Judging by Max Payne 3 and GTAV, it's pretty much confirmed Rockstar dont even know their franchises anymore, lore and gameplay-wise
The one with the unplayable online on PC because of cheating that they haven't even made the slighest effort to fix?
Considering that Cucktino and Django and the huge success,i can imagine it already.
There is no Red Dead 1/2/3 because Red Dead never existed. Of all the things to be assblasted about, the idea that Red Dead Redemption 1 wasn't a sequel and is a reboot of Red Dead Revolver shouldn't be the first and only thing you whine about. You don't see people getting pissy that Final Fantasy X-2 is really FFXI and all subsequent FF games are misnumbered do you?
Check the new Magnificent 7
A Negro as the leader of a justice gunslinger group, even when there wasn't even slaves in the desert
Classic America
Actually yes, we do, often, and that includes the FF3 being 5/6/wat and so on
Lurk moar
I can't believe you guys still don't realize why they don't release it on PC despite GTAV selling very well.
Think of it like this: they release it and they sell crazy well, like 5 million or something, but piracy rate is 90% so it gets pirated 45 million times. So they make 300 million from sales but lose almost 3 BILLION from piracy. Even Rockstar would go bankrupt if they kept releasing games on PC.
The magnificent 7 was already ruined with the Tv series that added nigger and asians, i wasn't expecting anything better by Jewlywood
This. How dare they have a CIS white male as a main character in a Western, when the West quite clearly had many strong and prominent African Americans they could've represented instead?
Fucking Cockstar and their racist attitudes towards game stories.
It's set in the same universe, compadre.
I'm going to pirate it over and over so they lose more sales, then!
You're one stupid faggot it actually physically hurts me. If someone pirates something there was never a potential sell to begin with so there is no loss. Not to mention piracy actually helps sells because people can try and then buy rather than having to buy based on nothing but reviews which people often don't do.
Go back to cuckchan and reddit.
You can't because it's not coming out on PC.
sorry, I'll be the impatient fag this time. This will make me buy a PS4.
I NEVER finish any game, and yet RDR I played through at least 3 times from memory.
Far west is my weak spot.
I can still pirate the console version, even if I don't own one :^)
I do expect asians due to the strong chinese involvement in opium and gold scenes in California/Arizona/Sonora, along with doing segments of the railroad, and the Japs coming to whale and fish
Niggers have no justification at all other than blatant revizionism
i haven't thought of RDR since the first time i beat it, and i'll be fine ignoring this one
if r* doesn't want money and a dedicated playerbase, that's on them
I think only in game graphic was the scene where the horsemen run across the empty field, everything else was cinematic bullshots.
Pretty shit tbh.
Pirates illegally appropriate content that would otherwise be used to generate revenue. It's not hard, if you take something without paying, you're causing a loss of money, it's economic theory 101, get a fucking education.
I want to spar with Jotaro.
That only counts for physical goods. Digital media takes essentially no money to reproduce, so there's no loss of money for 'stealing' it.
Nice argument faggot.
Nigger you're the one without an education. That's not how the digital world works. If you take an apple from an apple vendor then you are causing a loss by stealing an apple because now that vendor has less potential sales he could make by having less apples. In the digital world this doesn't exist, there is no scarcity or limited resources in the digital world. A copy of a product is not causing a loss of profit because you were never going to purchase a legitimate copy to begin with.
And good job pivoting off the point that piracy still helps vidya. Denuvo has done nothing but hurt sales by hurting the consumer.
Digital goods produce money, you are stealing the money they produce.
Buddy i'm not going to argument with someone who thinks copying a file is stealing property and causing damage to a third party
That's retarded and insane, the third party won't even know what's going on, and IF you try it and it's shit, nothing happened.
Theoretical money isn't real money, you doofus.
Just because games aren't scarce doesn't make it ok to steal them. Do you go around stealing bread just because there is plenty of it?
wew at your whole statement, good job not reading anything I said nigger :^)
Are you trying to bring up the old joke about downloading CP is supporting the CP industry, while downloading games is destroying the vidya industry?
All money is theoretical. It's just paper that's supposed to be standing for gold.
the first game wasn't good, what's so good about the second one?
So you're saying it's okay to steal money since it doesn't really mean anything? I'm starting to think you're just pretending to be retarded.
this just in: Jesus a filthy bread thief?
more at 11
Rockstar can go fuck themselves. Redemption was only good because it was the passion project and last hope of a dying Dev team. The fact that it hasn't gotten a PC release is just as infuriating as this blatant cashcrab.
I'm saying the opposite you mongoloid.
This swede is saying that pirating their games is as bad as being a pedo.
That girl is extremely fat and you haven't learned to identify the ways in which fatties try to disguise their obesity in photos.
PC version confirmed.
GTAV's multiplayer is filled with and ruined by cheaters. They're not going to fix it either.
It's different. Final Fantasy is a franchise but not really a series. Not only the stories are not connected, each game is essentially set in a different universe.
PS Pro. Devs are already rolling out their patches for it.
Quality shilling.
Put your mail in the email field we need more people like you.
more like downgrades confirmed
He sure is in the (((Talmud)))
Said dying dev team butchered at least 2 dev teams to complete it, and half-assed, because it's not even with all its Mexico segments and safehouses (Torquemada), and the Tall Trees part was rushed as hell
But it's okay because they redirected assets for the online mode, which was dead in 3 years :^)
As in everyone does it but are too troubled to not admit wide open? as in the modern pedophile term instead of the old one?
Yeah well, he's not wrong but it's not bad at all
Jesus didn't steal other people's bread. The analogy would work if Jesus stole a recipe or something and started giving away the bread in front of the bakery, then Jesus and the people taking the bread would be bread pirates.
GTAV for PC released April of 2015.
GTAV for console released September of 2013.
by the time it came to PC most console gamers were long bored with GTAV. meanwhile PC gamers were making daily threads about GTAV.
Hows red dead redemption on PC? enjoying it?
I have a friend who genuinely thinks the new xbox will do 4k/60
I thought scenefags actually bought games, might be wrong tho
He's right though. Project Scorpio will have 15 cell processors holding the ability to perform tasks at the speed of a supercomputer all at the low low price of $799.99.
user that made me genuinely laugh out loud. I hope you take advantage of this dumb friend.
But he copied fish in front of the water body with fishermen in it who worked hard for some
oh no, you're mistaken. I did my research, for scientific purpose of course, and could not fap to what I found.
It's just the perfect pic to show how much of a whore for western I am.
not even. I shit on consoles, I know it's shit, but … western vidya.
Don't attribute to malice, what can be attributed to retardation.
Oh yeah, my bad, the red text in caps do make it pretty obvious.
so get out, retards not welcome
>Steam casual race is bragging about ROCKSTAR PC PORTS as if they aren't complete garbage
See you soon.
That thing isn't human…
Oh god are they doing this multi character trash again?
It was terrible with 3 characters.
GTA 3 was good, and Vice City best GTA
But the PC already has an 'old west' game that is far better than any Red Dead.
I still own that.
Hows Arma 3?
i remember them using an example of 4 being better than 5 by saying the vehicle collision was non existent. but in my GTA5 a single solid head on car crash can smash your bumper against your windshield and you can complately twist and mangle cars. apparently this wasnt a thing on PC.
I had it on xbox and there was next to no car damage in the game, you're chatting shit.
Shut up, Mark.
can you post a video of it, maybe a comparison between consoles, if it's as bad as you say there must be at least something on jewtube
Also, reminder to report all console war bait. That shit is cancer.
pc doesn't deserve games, pirates steal from the developers and modders destroy their vision.
Gas yourself.
No PC release!? WHAT IS ROCKSTAR THINKING?! how will rockstar survive without people buying their microtransactions? wow, I would pre-order the game right now if it was on PC :/ Oh well, I guess us PC guys are just going to have to understand that consoles are the systems built for gaming :I maybe we'll get it someday.
Jokes on you. Multiplayer on PC is bonked and unplayable. People just use cheats to become instant gazillionaires and don't get bans. Streamer fags even switched to PS4 for this reason.
you realize piracy is less than like 1% of the total sales?
copy, user, copy
1% of a billion is still one million, retard. piracy literally destroys lives.
It worked with Dark Souls
They're allocating they're resources appropriately.
fuck I'm gonna get bullied now
devs get paid before game releases
Ive done both to Dragons Dogma
I never even touched 4cucks in my life
Its unplayable in vnilla as well, might as well just fuck around with cheats and play it your way instead of paying microtransactions like a good goy.
Your going to get bullied for responding to the obvious redditpost.
nice avoidance hillary. but i'll bite. its not as good as RDR. worth a pirate tho.
what do you think, i dont own a PC? nigger everyone on this site owns a PC.
video related.
its ok you remember a youtube video of early online play instead of what you claimed to have played. it just means youre a tool. nbd
i found this video. you can easily see there was deformation in vanilla gtav. i distinctly remember it on 360, and remember it ps4. cars got twisted and mangled. even the frames would be bent. but again, not online, only story mode. especially if you parked on the train tracks. i remember a specific video showing the update on ps4 where they showed a before/after update of both story and online to show how the online was shit, but improved. a later update reversed it back to shit, and then fixed it again months later with another update. in one of the updates story mode lost good vehicle collision, but was brought back with the next update.
You are wrong
those are real cars, they got modded in and we both know what that means
well that's some bullshit. Hell if I'm going to buy a next gen console for a game.
I liked Pokemon Gold
pokemon is shit even when finished
So you're a redditor then.
watch the video. obvious collision in vanilla GTA5. what possible mental gymnastics are you attempting to not realize that?
in video skip to 3:52 and tell me theres no collision or deformation on vehicles
Pokemon Gold was so big the gameboy couldn't handle it all, Heartgold still being unfinished is inexcusable though.
They are when you note it
Mexico was empty, and joking aside, it was a borefest compared to Armadillo and the Nigger Swamp, and Tall Trees like i said wasn't that good either. I get the "don't populate an area known for being non-populated" but there could be much more shit
GTA IV was a half-way between wanting to be Shenmue and wanting to be Vice City and achieving neither, even when it wasn't that bad
It leaves a sour taste of wasted potential
Mods are not vanilla, and i have V here with me for the 360
Collision akin to IV is non-existant. Next-gen is better but not really the level of IV, let alone the handling and drifting possibilities/weight transmission
Are you actually one of those retards who preorder games? If so end your life retard.
those arent modded user. im not arguing the game is better than 4. im arguing that i had deformation in 5 on 360 and ps4 but only in story mode. meaning it wasnt missing from the game. PC GTAV people tend to claim its completely missing, hence why it must be the result of a shitty port.
finding 360 footage is difficult. but skip to 4:39 of this video and tell me thats not body deformation on the limo…
Contemporary westerns are a thing, you know. Breaking Bad is considered a western. The genre stands on its themes, not on its settings.
you can call Gone Home a game, doesn't make it one
heres from the ps4. an update that lost everything. compare 1.09 to 1.10. skip to 4:00 for a good example of good collision (they play a clip of bad collision right after)
Holy fucking shit it's more than a year away and you can already pre-order it? What the fuck has the business scene become?
its not a bad business model.
dont blame the businesses. blame the retards that give money in exchange for something that doesnt exist.
But user, Bonnie never got raped. Remember? :^)
It really starts back in the 40's, and we can pinpoint its planned implementation all the way back to the late 1800's
The one that bans you for using singleplayer mods? Yeah that's the one
Interested in this user, care to elaborate?
Most of the creativity in the games industry is gone, isn't it. It should been called Red Dead Revival or some shit; don't just throw a 2 on there and call it a day.
And anyway, Redemption had this sort of tragic finality to it. In the story and it's whole world. How do you do a direct sequel to that? If it's not a direct sequel, don't put a fucking 2 next to it.
Not sure if b8'ing
But Redemption was a spiritual successor to Revolver, not a direct sequel, otherwise it probably would've been called Red Dead Revolver 2
That's what I said, faggot. Read it again.
Red Dead Redemption was a spiritual successor to Revolver, so the name Redemption 2 technically fits in the same way that Dark Souls 2 is appropriate even though it's technically the third game in the "souls" series. That being said, I still agree that they could've come up with a better name. I suspect that this is just a tentative title, though. I'm more worried about a PC release at this point, and make sure it's a reasonable size, too, you fuckers. 65 fucking GBs for GTAV? Fuck you.
Smaller studio that could be more easily swayed with the thought of an untapped fanbase. R* doesn't give a shit about what people think.
Try 2020 and at $60.
I can't be the only one here who's afraid Rockstar is going to find a way to fuck/cuck it up right?
she fucks niggers
You really want that?
I think it's a finalized title. They probably don't want to confuse their audience by changing the title after already releasing a teaser.
Call of Jaurez did that and it ruined the series.
who cares? am i the only one that thought rdr was boring as fuck?
sure my goy, you can preorder, its not like anything could go wrong post-launch and you end up regretting it :^)
but user, he never said it was ok when kojima does it.
No it's fucking not. If you can accept FFX with FFX2 and FFXI being okay then you can accept Red Dead Redemption 1 with Red Dead Redemption 2 and Red Dead Revolver being okay. The only thing stopping you is your made up bullshit difference. There's not reason why Revolver and Redemption aren't set in different universes either.
It'll happen.
Too bad you'll have to wait twice as long while R* is double/triple-dipping the console kiddos.
Also check out GUN. GUN was Red Dead Redemption before Red Dead Redemption was a thing. It's on the PC, available on GOG but it's a bit high priced for its age. But if it's on GOG then that means easily pirateable.
Damn good game.
Do you have the entire version of this webm?
That's the only version I know of.
Not a webm but here you go.
the fuck?
was this part of their plan?
If you like this kind of music also, check out Moon Hooch.
Why any of you care about this is beyond me.
Devs suck fucking cock at coming up with names these days.
What would have you called it?
I prefer a numbering system. I'm tired of them having extra words to differentiate because that puts them out of order in my folders due to alphabetical ordering. It's not like I look at a game and think it's shit but then am swayed to buying it because of some extra word in the game title.
Red Dead Regret
Red Dead Revolution
Fuck how about Red Read Repeater? Repeaters were common during the Wild West and it would fit considering the first game's name.
GEE I dunno, Red Dead Revenge? Considering the fact that it very obviously centers on vengeance?
are there gonna be niggers? I hope it won't be some 12 years a slave bullshit
Because anything is better than this "Skyrim 2"-tier bullshit.
Are you actually saying that games with numbers instead of subtitles are a Skyrim meme? You are fucking retarded. You are actually letting retarded casuals decide your opinion on video game naming conventions, you easy-to-manipulate faggot. You belong on reddit.
Redemption is a brand and Revolver isn't a part of it because they're not the same type of game. A distinction was made because they are different thus have different titles. I doubt you'd have given a shit about this if Redemption was called Red Dead Revolver 2 in the fucking slightest. This would be like getting pissy that Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles and Final Fantasy Tactics aren't called Final Fantasy [Insert Number Here].
Reminder that the lead actor in this movie endorsed Trump
Red Dead Revengeance
I am honestly baffled how many people are defending this game's name.
GTA 4 barely had anything to do with GTA 3, but it was still called GTA 4.
Skyrim was the fifth TES game, I'm saying that calling the third Red Dead game "Red Dead Redemption 2" would be like calling the sixth TES "Skyrim 2".
What in the mother of shit are you talking about?
Forgive me for borrowing from 's post slightly, but the third Grand Theft Auto was vastly different to the first two, but R* still called it "Grand Theft Auto 3". The game being a different genre has nothing to do with it.
Yes, mostly because they wouldn't have set up the start of what seem to be the series' naming system only to throw it away for no reason.
10 million
Metal Gear Solid 5
Fallout 3.
Doom 3.
Quake 3.
All quite different games compared to their predecessors.
The Metal Gear series is not a good example considering how fucktarded its naming system is. MGS2 is the fourth game. The only worse example would be AssCreed.
TES, Quake, Doom, Fallout, GTA and Red Dead different games made by different studios. They have different naming conventions. Don't apply the internal logic of one set of developers to another set of developers.
You're imagining the naming system. You've seen a similarity and decided that they should hold themselves to the way you think they're doing it. They're not. You fucking faggots, get over it.
But it's a fact, you dumb nigger. Rockstar San Diego has notably done Red Dead, Midnight Club, and RAGE, while Rockstar North's been busy with GTA.
They are you fucking retard. There are like 8 Rockstar studios, each tasked with making different games.
KYS, Rockstar
It's coming to PSNow, so technically it can be played on a PC. You can even use the free trial when it shows up.
Fuck off shill.
Did you watch the ign stream?
One of the commentors nearly broke his fucking neck whining about how there isn't a 'female cowboy'.
Why is it called Red Dead Redemption 2 when RDR was a sequel?
You know that Sony did an exclusive deal with RockStar for RDR2. Then they'll probably release it a year later.
shit bait