Is boyega the new will smith

Shockingly now in retrospect, Woll Smoth was more tolerable.

Did they really have to use that nigger music for the trailers?
Also the movie looks like shit.

Hollywood needs to burn.

Will Smith looks more photogenic and not like a zoo exhibit.

if they think doing this will somehow "widen their audience" for maximum shekels from niggers then they're even stupider than yidney.

Pacific rim is dead.

Boyega has no redeeming qualities.


Smith has a small amount of white ancestry.
John Adedayo B. Adegboyega THAT'S HIS REAL FUCKING NAME looks legit African, probably because his parents are "British" Nigerians.

will smith was a decent actor, albeit a retarded father


If I'm interpretting that correctly.. sassy angry girl built her own rolly mech in a warehouse to fight Kaijuu by herself… Are they really that desperate for a "strong female character" that they'd resort to something so stupid?


Looks like KINO is back on the menu, boys!



It was very obviously anime inspired.

Not something new. This chick stole a bunch of scrap metal and built her own suit and is now a part of the Iron Man universe. Still shit.


Say what you want about Will Smith but at least he was capable of showing a range of emotions. The only emotion Boyega knows is nigger.

1. The brunette will get BLACKED.
2. The Nips are laughing at us.

He still was in a lot of shit like Wild Wild West, ID4 and After Earth, but yeah at least some of his filmography wasn't complete bottom of the barrel worthless shit.

just fuck my chinese market up fam

Fight you mate, swear on me mum. Also, Wild Wild West wasn't nearly as bad as people give it shit for.

I don't know why people take WWW seriously enough to shit on it every time it's mentioned.
It's mediocre, not legendary bad.

For Pacific Rim to be ded it had to be living. The first Pac Rim was DOA, Toro somehow managed to make robots punching monsters fucking boring.

I think Del Toro could've been more creative with it.

Sad but true. Too much drama centered on the pilots, all the fight scenes were at night and half underwater, the most interesting mechs got short shrift…