Post cool looking characters - the genre doesn't matter.
Post cool looking characters - the genre doesn't matter
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Hello 2002
Scarves are cool.
I have to ask, are you the same Lightningfag that was here years ago
Can anyone beat Ragna or Sol Badguy in terms of ticking all the boxes of edgyness/badassness?
that's a nice armor, satan.
Loving the Guyver vibe.
Holy Order Sol does.
Mask & Robe is a classic.
You ain't shit.
Sage for Holla Forums.
RPGMAKER games always have good design.
If you don't think a samurai wielding an oar is the tightest shit, get outta my face.
Only those made by non-Murricans.
I mean weren't Space Funeral and LISA American? They weren't as good as OFF but no where near as bad as Uncommon Time (Teagan is also the best design, funny enough).
I love her design
Too bad the rest of her kind of sucks.
What do you mean?
he was always just a faggot with too many belts
Cyborgs are the fucking shit. The hoverboard was badass and way cooler than the mako.
First game she was a qt3.14 but in the later games she loses what made her interesting. The third game especially blends her character with its mainstream targeting, making her appear somewhat spastic.
Oh yeah, and the Geth were 100%, so often she seems like a bullheaded moron. She's also kind of useless in combat, but that's to be expected of companions.
Bordeaux is delicious. Corrupting angry slutty girls into docile wives is my fetish.
Shit, meant to post this one. How did it pass the duplicate file?
Because you posted two pics, I think
Are you ready to stay up all night?
Of coursh
The coolest touhou.
Look at the filename for both your posts:
it's a fucking chore to upload a reaction pic only to get it dropped because its already on a thread in page 12, i for one welcome codechimp
Exactly, Codenigger is giving us dank, new technical features, while hotwheels could only manage to add support for the latest emojis.
Dinosaurs are cool
This takes me back.
Suda51's protagonists are always cool.
Discount Dan Smith if there ever was one
But I just lost.
And Dan Smith is a discount Sumio Mondo
Suda51 does create stylish characters.
Does Mechs count as "Characters"? Exbein is a guilty pleasure of mine, shame it is piloted by a Sue.
SS has possibly the laziest character design ever made but for some reason I really like it.
Jesus, i need a break from all this
fuck you
Go away Saren
There should be more main characters with barely visible/invisible faces with hoods.
not important is the best character ever because he is so dark and like, his long hair is cool as fuck and that trenchcoat is a thing of swag
soooo fuckin cooool
He's pretty fucking brutal.
Devil May Cry 2 Dante maybe too bad the game was trash and they never used that coat design again
He looks a lot like The Guyver.
I like badly drawn lolis with daipers on their heads
full circle
Holy shit that weapons is rad as fuck what is it called?
excellent taste
A baseball bat.
Looks like a kanabo
The entire cast of this game.
He looked better in Continuum Shift.
Still not entirely sure about the significance of this guy.
My nigga
I actually did think CIA looked pretty cool when I first saw TDKR. There was something menacing about his small guy delivery and casual-prep fashion-sense.
Don't worry you're in a safe place away from SJWs
I'm gay for this dude.
I said it
the second guy's shit is pretty good though
I want race traitors to go away.
You have some wrong assumptions there.
It's japanime, it doesn't matter
Smug-ass skeletons.
Fighting game characters are generally pretty awesome
I don't know, user, I didn't really like Pogo's design. I also have mixed feelings with Cube's.
It's supposed to be a fucking rod that seemingly transforms into a bow, tough they are two separate weapons
They even managed to make a caveman look stylish
Pfft, that's only a half-windsor.
Hitler's art is good on a technical level, but there's no soul behind it. He is merely emulating greater painters and fails to understand the source of greatness.
Blizz did a good job of making femorcs look like musclegirls with the character model revamp, but they don't look that buff
The female orc just looks awkward, I would have gone with something more like the body of pic related if they were going for "extremely over the top muscle girl"
Mainly the exaggerated upper torso and thighs so you can still tell that she's female despite all the gigantic muscles.
"soul" is just a modern art euphemism for glorified amateurishness.
i prefer the ugly orcifus, but you guys know that sex sells and pretty orcs are sexy, not the bestial less sexually diamorphic ones
Real-life equivalent is the Kanabo, but I don't think you use it one-handed like he does.
The Kanabo is also my favorite weapon.
That looks like something I'd shove up my ass
I want to operate with Red Beret Girl.
nigga thats a welding visor not a helmet
Looks to me like a welding visor mixed with a hard hat, which is a type of helmet last time I checked.
Your limp-ass wrist would break just like your limp-ass boypussy the sooner you tried to pick it up.
Who's the artist of those? I can't read the signature and GIS doesn't help much
Too fucking bad he's not Dan Smith
pretty cool guy
would fuck i don't care
Mecha-Kenshiro laughs at thee.
Same goes for Lucia.
Mein bruder.
I find myself liking "edgy" characters. Am I 12 again? 3rd pic not related.
Who? He Who Did No Wrong?
I think Edgy is cool as long as no one expects you to take it seriously.
Also google The Desolate Hope and pick basically any robot and the design will be cool
Also Souldozer. Would Souldozer be considered edgy?
Of course, he did nothing wrong after all.
Not taken seriously edgy is the best edgy.
for the first 4, the last one i can't find
new game never ever
Edgy switch blade crotch snake fedora tipster man a best. I know whoever was in charge of making this guy was having the time of his life designing him.
New game isn't needed.
Unwarranted sequels is one of the things killing video games.
You're kidding, right?
That doesn't look female at all.
that's because dmc2 is the last game in the story line, he's technically still "trapped" in hell
Helps if I actually post best Bein.
Damn it..I can't really say anything bad about the Valcazard now can I?
It's blue.
Fuck what anyone says about Overwatch, Zenyatta is cool as fuck.
You might be.
Do you like Donte, though? Silly question, I know.