Losing control?
What is a video game?
Losing control?
What is a video game?
No idea.
I want the entirety of Holla Forums to put their benises inside me
Morning everyone!
Last nights debate was a bit lukewarm honestly. Trump needed to use wikileaks and the okeefe videos a lot more than he did. He had the perfect set up with the rigged election bit to use it but didn't and shillary got a good dig on him with her response to it.
I really need to stop waking up 5 minutes before the thread, so tired blah. Also had about 3 nightmares last night, was freaky cause I never have nightmares.
I guess I might have to take over the next few don't I?
thats gay fam.
I hate multiplayer games. I always get paired with dipshits who just waste lives. Meanwhile, the opposing team is comprised of the dankest MLG pro faggots. Their end of match bantz may as well just be nothing but fucking air horns.
No fuck off. I need to wake up earlier if anything.
there's only so much you can do when you're fending off 3 fags who are attacking you at once and your teammate is somewhere on the other side of the map with his thumb up his ass
This was a while ago though so I feel alright now. or at least I think I do, I'm not sure, I just got back from a 45+ minute run and can barely stand up. When I finished the run I was feeling a bit delirious, not sure if the two things were related.
ideally jus sum sorta probe to see if u iz payin attention ideally. and like any media iz a way to drop knowledge or to impart sum emotions up in yo blak a$$
shieet i ain't get to peep it but it seem dat way. it seem like both camps started pullin punches l8ly tbh monica
u got my sword niqqa
yea das pretty much dam near every dota match eva 4 me monica
Also lost all my drive data, including the copy of my waifu images so there's that.
You should probably go see a doctor
You are like a dam about to explode cum is building up inside and you are gonna break! AAAA
Guess so. Depends on the game though.
At first I thought it was all funsies, but then I started fighting this dude. Now, I'm not so sure anymore.
yo gotta do a non sexual gentle jerk down nigga dam feel dat shit out monica alternate w/ pic related n rly push yo hips out, if you in shape enuff fo a .45 minute run den yo should b str8 w/ dis fammo
western medicine a meme, although i would let smokes put sum western medicine in me tho tbh
Why are liberals such fucking pusses? It's like 90% of them just back down or back out the moment an argument or debate gets serious. Are they just a bunch of effeminate faggots? A guy on my Steam friends list blocked me after I argued that fingering a chick while you were both blackout drunk isn't rape.
It was better than the First one
Flight tomorrow. Brother's wedding on sunday.
Trump did alright in the debate today. Not amazing but apparently the normalfags were eating it up.
An electronic game.
I was going to say "with some kind of visual aspect but my brother, his mate, and I made a game that the blind could play without disadvantages so there are zero visuals. It never got fully polished so there's no online play but basically you walk around and stab the other players. There are things in the environment that are really loud (glass on the ground, dripping pipes, fires, (was also going to be a train that runs through the middle of one of the levels too)) to orient yourself and reveal people when they walked over them. Also there was a taunt button with the MS Sam voice too. Everything was just a black screen, even the menu which read out the options you had selected.
How's it going?
Yeah maybe. I think Trump wanted to go back to being "presidential" this time or some shit. Hopefully the leaks just keep fucking shillary up.
Sorry user, I'm worried of the same so I'm getting a new external for xmas.
Whos the waifu?
video games are hell
Have you tried masturbating with your butt? Maybe if you force an anal orgasm you can force a regular one since they usually go hand in hand?
Did you not know this
Not many manly men support Hillary
Because liberals make decisions based off feelings rather than facts.
Now that you are free you gonna make it to all the threads?
The only way a man can be liberal is if he is low T.
Yeah but he needed it to be better than the Second one.
You mean you don't know?
It's definitely not rape but that's not the sort of shit one should be advocating, unless you know the girl personally and she's alright with it. Maybe it's just me, but I wouldn't want to put myself into a situation like that, even if the bitch seems forthcoming, interested in my, and clearly into it. If she's drunk she can just turn around and accuse you of rape later on, and if you wait until she's sober that's one less thing she can use in her defense.
It's not just liberals. Anyone who assumes a position without understanding it will do that. In particular you'll get the fags who watch a video on youtube and think they can debate a topic but the moment you deviate from the scripted responses they have planned out they cave
That's pretty cool
Not really, he won this one, I think that Trump's got many of the Swing states in the bag
Maybe I just had some hope. I have noticed that getting back into working out regularly has made me even more far-right extremist than before. I don't know any openly liberal guys who aren't effeminate little faggots who wear skinny jeans and obsess over nigger beats.
I didn't condone the situation, but it's not rape.
yea da leaks can't carry tho cause da msm rly ain't coverin it, less face it, mos normalfags don't peep different news outlets, so dey don't even peep da shit on dey radar fam iz a sad state of affairs tbh. i hate how da gop pullin such a bitch move on trump tbh n it really show what dey made of. neocons trump up wars n carry on mostly liberal agendas fo years, threaten government shut down cause boehner can't handle his party niggas then live like a fag. miss out on 2 prez bids cuz they can't act not racist. then literally can't muster up a candidate to even remotely challenge trump in da primaries? dey sittin on fukn fiyah n making it worse fo dey selves tbh fam sad state of affairs tbh riss
vid related monica
Would play think its been done before actually
Still fix it up and let us try it faggot.
Heres to hoping fam
I'm not really sure what you're trying to say, (if someone would translate I'd appreciate it) but if you're telling me to do your image, I hurt my back recently while practising handstand walking so I'd really rather not do anything like that for a while.
I should start getting fit
What's shit I can do in my room
I never got that joke. What's wrong with glasses in relation to being deaf?
You don't know because you're a faggot.
They do.
They get scared because they know they're wrong and try to run. They don't have a backbone.
Even if someone gets drunk they still take responsibility for what happens due to being drunk. Unless she said no at the time it's not rape.
Because debating requires you to debate your points and use your knowledge and/or experience in a logical way, where fact and logic are the modus operandi. Most liberals just take what theyre fed from school, never questioning it, or just are the types to go with the flow. Youre challenging his base opinion, and without a counter to it, what can he do other than sperg out?
Guro is not the solution to this issue user. Relax.
u run 45 min w/o usin yo bak?
instead of trying to jerk it u need to prolly 2-3 times daily massage yo 4 skin bak where it need be n apply sum sort of moisturizer or sum sorta ointment dat free up tyt ass shit a lil bit. icy hot mebbe.
Commie propaganda is strong. McCarthy DINDU NUFFIN. He could have saved the states.
The republicans wanted to lose the last few elections on purpose. Its in the script. If they lose the next few the libs can import tons of dem voters forcing the GoP to turn more liberal and the dems to turn far left.
And if some of these next vids are true like hillary saying niggers or something, MSM will have to cover it.
If I'm awake and feel up to conversatin', I'll show up. Honestly the reason I've been up at 4 these last few days is because I've been on a bender in "celebration" for my cousin's nuptials, so I'm passed out by 5 pm usually.
He recently married a chick he'd been with for like six months after finding out his ex had been cheating on him with various fuzzy clams around the area. It'll blow over soon, but until then, the booze keeps flowing. Fucking Cubans love to drink.
I know a few people that call themselves liberals but laugh at the all the tumblr pronouns and black lives matter terrorism. It's mainly online that you see far left regressive behavior, at least in my city. Can't speak on the larger metropolitan places. Those cats I'm talking about mainly call themselves liberals because they're for abortion and gays putting rings on things, but not the batshit crazy side of the left.
A form of entertainment, usually meant to distract you from the horrors of the real world if only for a few hours & giving you some sense of accomplishment even if it's only temporary. Also Fun!
Well McCarthy's Rhetoric is being used by the wrong people these days
He's saying masturbate nonsexually while thrusting your hips out in a reverse twerk formation, or go for a jog.
Don't matter gayboy. You're mine when you die anyway. And an eternity of your ass getting rammed with dicks while you're injected with aphrodisiacs will turn you gay enough.
Isn't she from one of those lewd VN games?
Do you think him and the lass will make it? And sounds fun, wish I had some booze.
I blame those damn Russians!
By the way it's GOP not GoP, the lower case o is used if the word in the middle is of but GOP stands for Grand Old Party
Pardon my Autism
das true but hillary ain't got no quit in her, she'll come out as trans nigga b4 she resign or say she fucked up fam n das on blood monica
this tbh monica cain't w8 to head down there this winter with my real passport
The routine I did for a while was pretty simple and worked a lot of the body. Feel free to modify it:
Wall sit, 45-120 seconds. As long as you can manage before you can't go any more.
Push-ups. 10-25, or as many as you can manage.
Leg-raises. 25+, as many as you can manage.
Spider-mans, 10+.
Squats, 10+.
Do this routine 3 times in the morning. Take breaks as necessary, maybe re-arrange the exercises
"You must gently fondle and caress your genitals, and incorporate gyrating hip movement into your exercise. If you're in running condition, your genitals should be in good condition, too"
I agree, but in the real world people are fucking morons. It's best to distance yourself from idiots who could potentially do something stupid and then blame it on their intoxication.
I agree yet again, however, I still posit that you're asking for trouble by pursuing a romp with a stoned bitch. She could turn around and accuse you of taking advantage of her or drugging her, regardless of what actually happened. Maybe I'm just a paranoid fuck, but I'm not willing to take that chance. It's different if she's your established girlfriend or someone you've known long enough to be comfortably sure will not behave in that way.
A blame a certain disgusting old woman who thinks she can be president
I bet you wish you could do that on Earth you soulless deviant. Hell, you probably want to do it to little boys. Hurry up and die.
On second thought, I don't have it in me tonight. Goodnight and remember give you're waifu cuddles when you go to sleep
Well I'm practically a skeleton so I may have to lower somethings especially push ups to start
But what is a Spiderman, Is it a Burpee or something, I'm not sure what a wall sit is either
I wish she would. More people are disgusted by tranny freaks than they would like to admit. Only don't speak out about it cause the kike propaganda in (((hollywood))) supports that crap.
But its Her turn!
Night fam! Hope you can start staying up later!
I have shilled it before.
Nothing. That's the joke.
Thats disgusting. Why would you even think of little boys like that you pervert. Children should be protected and cherished.
We need to nuke Russia, just 'cause
I don't see it lasting. They'd been together for less than a year before deciding to tie the knot, meaning they effectively made their decision based on the early, lusty stage of the relationship. They didn't truly get the chance to get used to each other and fall into a routine, because they were still in the lovey-dovey phase. Knowing my cousin, he'll show his true colors as a brash, hard-headed, stubborn Scarface wannabe sooner or later, and her lily white ass will realize what she's done.
I don't know the state of Cuba right now since I live in North Cuba - a.k.a. Florida - but I hope you have fun! Smoke plenty of Cubans while you're there.
I mean cigars.
Don't actually shoot any residents.
pic related will raise yo core strength hella quik monica
fuk r spidermans like mountain climbers but up on da wall or sumn?
ch'yea who can honestly even stand a trans person fo'real, like if i met sum normal moderate one maybe, but dey always creepin togetha dressin all flamboyant w/ half dey ballz hangin out n shit
if you cain't do normal pushups maybe try girl ones till you get da form right, chances are you can actually do it normal but not really properly accessing your various muscles correctly.
Oooh probably where I heard it then.
Seriously if Putin so much as farts in our direction its WWIII baby
You're the faggot that spills his seed whilst lying with fellow man. If children are sacred why don't you straighten up, fly right, and have them for yourself?
What the fuck am I reading.
No she wasn't in a VN. You're terrible at this.
Drunk drivers take responsibility for people they've killed in the accidents they cause.
But I also agree with not taking a chance. If anything it would be with complete unknown girl that is indeed a slut that isn't a bitch and just wanted dick. Even then that's like really on the limit since I find it hard to see myself in that situation in the first place. I'm just idling to run into someone I'll find nice to be with.
Also in many of those situations it's only that the women is a huge bitch that she twists shit around. I don't know why courts deal with any of this shit in the first place.
Spiderman is doing a plank and raising your knees to your elbows sideways.
Just manage what you can
Fam you shoulda put a stop to this sooner.
I hope after 8 years of Trump the world gains a little bit of its sanity back. Those people are sick and need help, not to be encouraged the way the left does.
Or am I the best?
What're you talking about? I never said I was gay.
Dmx life tips.
Extremely heterosexual my friend.
I wonder if the Millitary will follow orders in the case of WWIII
Sure they have 4 minutes to act once Hillary tells them to nuke but I don't think they'll do it unless if Putin strikes first which I kinda doubt, Putin will just Egg America on to do it though
2 l8 fam 2 l8 4 dat monica balee dat
oh okay yea dat work
i can't rest ez till dat nigga inaugurated n maybe till his first 100 days in da book.
this tbh monica
Best case scenario if she wins tbh
fuck me. I am going to sleep. goodnight you faggots.
The first while is gonna be scary as hell with the threat of assassination. Although I think even the kikes are smart enough not to do it unless they actually want civil war 2 electric boogaloo.
night user
Worthless whore
You called me satan, I larp'd as to what will happen to you when you get to hell. How would I even be able to live for an enternity or even have access to more than my dick. You autist.
There's no way he'd go for any sort of Spanish chick. He grew up in an entirely Cuban household and is aware of how fucking obnoxious and naggy spic-spanics are once you get past the looks. I may seem like a misogynist with a lot of the shit I say, but he's far beyond me in terms of not putting up with a woman's bullshit. So he sticks with white chicks because they're safer, or at least they tend to bend more easily to a dominant attitude.
That's partly the reason the last chick didn't work out - apart from her insatiable love for vagoo - she was the wiggeriest wigger that ever wigged out.
I'm a product of race mixing, and I think I came out fine. Cuban/Irish
That doesn't excuse the faggotry faggot.
Also, a wall-sit is just sitting against the wall as if you are sitting in a chair. Push your back against the wall and hold it as long as you can. Like this.
Throw in some tricep dips, squats and jumping jacks at some point, too. Just manage as much as you can, and you're gold.
I think you're just overacting to hide your own faggotry. You're probably the biggest gay in this thread.
also lrn 2 incorporate some sorta cool down n relaxation period after a workout. I once passed out after a workout, n idk if i hurt myself but i woke up n i think due 2 to stress n otha shit pretty much had my necked FUCKED UP for like 2-3 monfs. n plz plz if nothin else balee me on dat dem sorta injuries rly ain't fun n kill yo motivation to do any sort of workout.
it'd be bad, but it ain't happen w/ kennedy n dat dude was a ww2 vet in a nation of ww2 vets that were white, paid taxes, mostly owned guns, n pretty much all drove drunk as hell in summa da mos dangerous cars ever.
top tier mixed race females tbh
Man I'm glad I've left behind 3dpd. Makes me sick thinking about it tbh
10/10 art
There wasn't tons of resentment for the government or building tension between the left and right like there is now though.
Fuck you, am an artist when I wanna be.
video games are retarded faggot shit both for autists and normalfags who want to be "nerdy :3".
It's pretty degenerate
I said 10/10 on the last one
This next one is like 4/10
What do you do all day otherwise?
eh a lot of em were pissed about the korean war but niggas don't talk about dat. i think dey wuz scared of nukes tbh tho dat kept it from buckin. but dem was da last niggas mo den likely capable of pullin off a balls to the wall revolution, while anything attempted today will basically become a humanitarian effort almost overnight due to the state of populous while probably facing asymmetric warfare by means of (((terrorist))) attacks that may or may not be false flags that just encourage drone surveillance and policing and the welfare state.
You're not saying no. You disgusting fucking faggot. I bet you got a whole bunch of different colored kerchiefs too.
They're fucking gorgeous, but they've got two separate backgrounds that are known for being bull-headed and brash, so be prepared to deal with an attitude.
Unless you're into that kinda thing, in which case, invest in some ballgags. You'll ned 'em
You don't even need to leave them behind, just state your intentions, stick to your convictions, and harden your brain so that you don't catch feelings. It's worked for me so far.
He also failed his try for trips.
what are you nerds listening too
u r dumb
Yeah true. I don't think we could really win without a decent chunk of the military joining in right away and those cucks are just about as brainwashed as the liberals are honestly.
Hell I've got family in the chair force and every single one of them is a liberal cuck. And those would the ones doing the drone bombings on us.
Eh I've never been happier in my life than when I made the switch to 2d.
Yeah, I bet you go to those gay gangbang clubs and get filled with a few dozen mens cum before work, then squeeze your ass trying to keep it in so no one finds out during your work day, you fucking degenerate. It probably turns you on knowing your ass is loaded up with other mens cum and no one even knows. You disgust me.
das true but u rly need a salft of de earf down 2 ride type bitch 4 dat cummin apopalips u kno monica
kpop, ya boi has a problem, i cain't stop, iz worse dan cocaine
true, altho lotsa times on pol niggas sayin da military most of em ne way mo den likely would neva follow an order to bus @ civvies but who knows. w/ vr, psyops, n all sorta untested chemicals iz prolly possible dey could send out sum real berzerk type niggas these days.
You are going far into detail with this. Do gay gangbang nightclubs exist? I don't doubt it but why do you know about it?
Thanks again, I'll try it out tomorrow and try and make it daily, though I will be at a Hostel for a few days next week so it might be weird doing that shit there but what ever
nigga sound like he da type to give his lil boi toy sum cash to get pumped up at deez clubs n fake detective follow dat ass n cuck hisself out dat way tbh
jus mah 2 sense tho
Most Gay nightclubs are gangbang ones, but also Bathhouses too are like that
Maybe who knows. The good ones who actually joined up because they wanted to "protect our freedoms" and all that crap might not. The ones who did it for a job would mostly likely. "Bonus pay if you keep working!"
Nothing to cook fast here either.
If you can't manage it daily, make it every second day, then work up to making it daily. There's no shame in not getting it 100% the first time. I remember when I started running I could barely make it 1km, now I can make it 5km on a daily basis. It's about working yourself to the point of victory.
Also, put on some good music while you do it. Music makes all the difference in the world. I'd recommend some shitty power metal, like Dragonforce.
Why aren't these establishments burned down and the clients hanged? I said it before and I'll say it again Omar Mateen is a national hero.
I'll be careful, I hope you're ok now
Hey, whatever works for you man. All I'm saying is there are ways to avoid the bullshit associated with 3D, as long as you're willing to sacrifice the relationship aspects of it. If you state clearly at the beginning that you're only interested in the gash, then you automatically have a trump card when they start catching feelings. You never promised anything, and it's not your fault their species is so emotional.
You're going into a lot of visceral detail on a subject you claim disgusts you, friend.
Older chicks tend to have that demeanor about them. Good luck finding a young bird who can think rationally like you're describing.
Eh thats only like half the annoying shit with 3dpd. Theres also stds, pregnancy, the criminal charges.
There was a guy in Sydney who put Hydrochloric Acid in the Lube dispenser Was it you kidding aside it's probably the Jews who run these places and why they stand
Thanks again user, maybe one day I won't be a weedy sack of bones and get a job or something
I had a big mac yesterday for the first time in my life! It was really nice! I don't normally eat maccy d's though
smh tbh fam.
I doubt you're even black.
No no, I was talking about the other guy. Hes one of those fucking disgusting degenerates.
Remember to eat properly, too. You won't make any progress if you don't eat. I'd recommend chicken or eggs if you can get your hands on them, though fish works. Nuts and the like are also super high in protein.
I thought jews couldnt eat non kosher food?
God bless him.
you are missing the point dumb ass.
I'm gonna try out this Project Genom thing, wish me luck.
Look go fuck gays somewhere else you faggot. No ones interested here.
Not a big big mac fan honestly. They've shrunk so much over the years. Apparently they are only the size of a double cheeseburger and I believe it.
The sauce is ok but its the kind of thing I only want like once a year.
No bel
You really are fucking dumb dude.
If 2d became real would dicking them be miscegenation and what would the children look like
I heard beans are pretty good which we have plenty of, same with Eggs, and Is Beef good
Just get that protein, but also keep up on vegetables. Never neglect your vitamins and minerals. Also, drink a FUCKLOAD of water.
Do I need to go full Filterboy in regards to water, tap here doesn't have Flouride I think
Hey take this
faggot with you bel. No one wants him here. Too much baka.
It'd be dimension mixing and they'd be 2.5d like some video games.
Filters are a good idea, but Holla Forums tends to vastly over-react how dangerous that stuff is. I'd recommend filters, but if you can't afford 'em, just try and drink from glass bottles as often as you can to mitigate the BPA shit.
That's a fair argument you've got there, but those things fall on you more so than the other party. More specifically, your judgement. When you learn to parse out bad mates and learn psycho bitch patterns, you can pretty successfully avoid the hassle most of the time. I used to go for skanky-ish types when I lived in TN - mainly because they were thick as fuck, and you know I got no love for skellingtons - and in doing so, I learned a few tells and patterns. A lot of the crazy chick shit is apparent on the surface, but you do have to be careful of what lies beneath the surface.
I read up a bit.
I don't know why I laughed so hard at that.
I'll take him if he takes me
I'll take you as a friend and nothing more if you repent of your sins and act as God intended you to, but as it stands I hope you die.
When I think 2.5D I think Rayman, so will 2.5D children have no Arms, legs or neck
Thanks user and may you gains be doubled this weekend
I forgot you lived in TN fam
What part were you in again?
Thats just you
What do you think then
I think this means he likes you.
I was actually going for the whole secret coded message with the kerchiefs in back pocket. But it does make him sound like a flaming homo boy too
I'd rather just be in the 2D world with her anyway. This world is too painful for the like of waifus.
shieet got me a hoe 4 ryt nao, hopefully it las
we can hope at leas
y u say dat do du?
About 30-45 minutes South of Nashville. The literal middle of Tennessee.
We even had a big stone obelisk near the our college campus with a plaque that stated that it was the center-most point of the state, in so many words.
Aww, I didn't know you were the romantic type.
My immediate thought was Fred's ascot, which is why I got the giggles
If you went to the 2d world you'd be told by 2d me to go back you fucking roundie
So does Dr Duke come to your area
can i cum thru n get all sorta rocky top w/ u niggas?
VR worlds soon fam
TN is such mason territory, its fucking creepy. Don't get me started on memphis.
Thats deep, I'll have to think on that.
Well I wish you luck, but I've got one piece of advice I gave in a few previous 4AMs before I went off the grid; learnn to be as independent as possible.
I don't give a shit about relationships, but one thing that remained a constant was the fact that if you can't learn to be happy on your own and you begin to depend on that person for happiness, it's automatically a death knell on your relationship and will make the breakup much more crushing, if it happens.
I know plenty of dudes that would act different when they weren't with their broad; hollow, disinterested, etc. You need to be your own person, because if you're not happy on your own two feet, then you won't even be able to make her happy either.
Maybe you already knew that, but I find it's a helpful piece of information for those who still have the patience for the lovey-dovey shit.
But I'm watching Top Gear
No laughing! Some men can still rock a kerchief!
What Season
Im listening to kaki king.
7. Rewatching some of it before grand tour next month.
Only the new one
dis. niggas get caught up in da pussy. always thinkin dey hoe skankin around or triflin ova sum triflin shiet or sumn when iz rly 4 da mos part dey own insecurites play out onto anotha person w/ sum fukn compatibility layer bs goin on
i fukn luh venture bros monica
so no come thru gettin rocky top tn w/ ya'll niggas on sum lost boys lost weekend type ish?
Totally forgot about the thread.
No you're fucking terrible at this.
I meant the whole post, even after dmx life tips.
No, actually. I was referring to the obelisk about a block down from MTSU, in the middle of Murfreesboro.
You could go to TN, but you won't find me. I moved back to Florida years ago.
Go through the backwoods of Chattanooga sometime. There's a literal castle - small though it may be - dedicated to remembrance and celebration of the confederate army. It's shrouded in rebel flags and beset on all sides with the thickest country drawls you'll ever hear.
o ryt ryt u said dat do i b on sum haze ryt nao
Thats fucking weird. I'll have to look into that but nooga is like 4 hours away so.
Theres a reason nukes were developed here in WWII
Nice shit tbh.
i'ma go chek it out n stream it on periscope I gotta work a club openin in nashville of all places this weekend
das ryt das ryt
Notice how this works with nothing else.
Also notice how this is a defense which allows faggots to shut down opposition to them
it is a pretty great series. I cant wait for the
Pre season movie they're probably going to make after botching season 6 episode list
I dunno, people sometimes say I can be a bit weird. You're gonna have to bear with me user.
It is good for relaxation. Especially night time when cuddled up inside a thick blanket during the fall.
That's some hood wisdom right there, Mr. X. As long as you're comfortable with yourself and know how to remain an independent person, you can balance the partnership pretty effectively.
Me on the other hand, I'm still a firm believer in that age-old adage:
Bitches ain't shit.
I think it's on Signal Mountain, but I could be wrong. There's a lot of fucking mountains out that way. I'm pretty sure it's near the UFO house that was in a few magazines about weird houses, so that might be able to give you a geographical start.
Your comparison is poor. It'd be more along the lines of
oh iz dey announce dat offishul yet? dem preason movie wut fuk up dey episode orders in da firs place. I mean tho, gargnatua 2 n last season was on point, jus da last episode didn't feel like a end of a season 2 me tbh.
dey ain't nuthin to sweat ova but if you can b on da level w/ a chick n want to same thangz is bong bong monica bong bong
Which is also bollocks.
wtf is dis news plus goldwater ass bull shit dis site compromised as a mug du it was funny at first had a nigga rollin but ayyyy naw naw fam can't abide dis shit no mo finna make dmx ch a reality fam fo'real
Now I gotta check it out thanks
So it's next month, I'll admit I'm a tad hyped though I'll have to stream it as I don't think it's on Goyvision
It better be the lads doing lad stuff like I remembered but without the censor bar of the BBC
Nah, but i can see it coming a mile away. They left it off on a big cliffhanger and theres a lot of ends to tie up, and IIRC they talked about doing another preseason "movie", especially with how it ended. Hopefully they can get some more episodes for next season and fix it all up.
Makes perfect sense. If you're something you don't want to be, and you personally see as wrong, you're going to rail against it and overreact. Like the phrase "the lady doth protest too much".
Frankly, I wouldnt be surprised if most Holla Forumsacks beat it to interracial porn.
Oh man I've read some insider info and thats basically exactly what it sounds like. Apparently Clarkson is being vulgar as fuck during it, and theres lots of road trips. They got rid of "the news" segment since its being filmed ahead of time but now the segment is just them sitting around sharin the bants. They even have a notStig called "The American" who is ex nascar doing lap times now.
Its gonna be amazing.
Most Holla Forumsacks don't watch the Pornographic Jew
It's a little beyond weird.
Man, I used to be such a bitch in terms of relationships. I was exactly the type of person I described a few posts up. Then after getting cheated on and stressing over women, so much, not being able to be happy with myself and constantly putting the pussy on the pedestal, I grew and got more jaded towards women and relationships overall. I wouldn't call myself a misogynist anymore, but I was definitely angry. Then, I listened to a bunch of Opie and Anthony, of all fucking things. Patrice O'Neal described women in such a way that I knew what type of person I actually was, at least as far as relationships go. I took from what he said and learned to be more independent and to not rely so much on a broad giving me happiness, and now, I'm a hell of a lot stronger for it. Jaded and hardened, yes, but I can stand on my own two feet, and that's enough of a change from my previous whiny, dependent ways for me to be happy about myself.
Just my own perspective.
Yep. Me and my mom found it on a hike without even knowing about it beforehand. It was pretty schway. Pic related. Just type in "Chattanooga UFO house" and you'll find it.
Which follows for the homosexual thing, but not for the being racist thing.
If you aren't black and you are racist against blacks, that doesn't mean you wish you were black.
You are going against what you said
But you're also implying that being gay isn't a choice. Thats wrong dude.
This, nofap is only a thing in Holla Forums and /christian/
Sure they dont.
I explained that in a later post.
Looks comfy as fuck would live in.
Your sexual attraction to the same sex, or other sexes isnt a choice.
They better have a regular test track, and have the Porshe 918, Ferrari the Ferrari and McLarren P1 showdown they were going to do before they got cancelled
If that's Episode 1 then they will have done it right
Also I could imagine Clarkson saying a list of "Bad goy" words to piss off the BBC, that too would be great
Well if Holla Forums is anything like me seeing a nigger/aloha snackbar/Jew/Spic/Abo/Pajeet disgusts them and makes their dick go incredibly soft
tbh I don't believe this, I've seen enough gay men lust after women to know thats bullshit.
Ayyed I wonder what it looks like insiide
Jewy as fuck tbh
dem niggas so tight n da setting is so different. dem niggas do such a good job cause it got all da feels of a cartoon like johnny quest but got adult humor n top tier mo fuckin dialogue.
i also luh how dat hanna barbera shit is basically canon at least within da venture bros. universe.
Race n doc z are characters. dey neva call him johnny quest but in within da universe da cartoon was known as action johnny detailing johnny quests life. iz pretty fuckin deep
also summa dem references is deep as heyuuul
news plus niggas be whilin w/ dis 8ch ish fo'real
checked fam nice monica
iz all a part of maturin n shit w/ pretty much all of lifes struggles fam. all u can rly do iz learn n keep on truckin monica. plus it go both ways cause bein alpha in dat sense gonna attract mo hoes to u anyhow so like i said fam bong bong
good for u do fam fo'real
pic related
Oh yeah them shitting on and pissing off the BBC is going to be amazing.
Fucking this. God I hated the old track so much.
u got pics monica?
w8 dey ain't test w/ normal tracks on top gear?
Well their old track was just a converted airport runway so
I liked it, though there is only so many things you can do on an abandoned Runway
She was fuck ugly. Surgery can't change your genes.
Wouldnt that make them bi?
Yeah, its why I love the series too. Theres a lot of consistency and depth to the series. You can even find out about rules by listening to small statements in convos between characters, like low level guild operatives not being allowed to use guns. Or how a lot of the villains mentioned in earlier seasons become prominent later, or are even shown as minor characters in earlier seasons in the background of big events. Makes the world feel much bigger and real compared to other animated series.
Im gonna be honest. I like her more on the left. She looks adorable as fuck.
By converted you mean put up a few tires
Looks like an Elf
It just had too many tricky corners that fucked up some cars that were more about POWEEER
And only like one straightaway
Yeah basically. I'm sure they paved a little of the in between but I've never specifically read about it so maybe not.
lil nose job n a eyelift plus loads of makeup, prolly not dat bad considering she's likely pre-pubescent in the first pic. looked good in lost in translation tbh figured she was natural cause she wuz jus lyk 18 or w/e
yea yea dis 2 fam i love it. I love how da guild b like some massive union n diplomatic organization despite being essentially a terrorist organization. crimson skull or w/e was pretty awesome lass season.
dem ole flashbacks iz pretty gr8 too w/ young rusty n da boys brigade n wut not. i'd love to see da monarch turn out to b rusty's half brother on sum freaky deeky swangin shit
Turns out there's a tour of the house on jewtube, so no more wondering for you, little buddy!
There's an obnoxious little kid narrating, but you can mute it and watch the tour of the inside.
I've definitely noticed a change in terms of women being attracted to me. Turns out the whole "nice guys finish last" things holds some merit, because women see an alpha type and judge them on the surface to be an asshole, but are innately attracted to them like fucking pheromones. It's primal shit, man. They've gone through years of evolution to find the strongest mate that can provide for them, and as a result, women love the alpha male shit without even knowing it. That was a big part of what Patrice talked about, actually.
It makes them obsessed with cummies, not the specific people they want to have sex with. People put their dicks in beer bottles, doesn't make it a sexuality.
please use archive.is/news/article-3841666/Man-50-penis-removed-getting-trapped-sex-toy-bottle-FOUR-DAYS-causing-turn-black-die.html
There is no biological reason for people to put their dick in an asshole, the idea of homosexuality and bisexuality is nothing more than a politicizing of degenerates who want to jizz. To use an sjw term, they are social constructs.
Fair enough, though Tricky corners was a good thing for the Celeb section, I hope they get rid of it, even if I want Nige on the show and Boris on again
As an aside I guess that's why cars like the Ariel Atom and Bac Mono destroyed shit like Veyrons
Ditto on the guild. I love how theyre actually dangerous uptop, but most of the stuff they do is just low level bullying antics like trashing someones lawn, until you kill one of their guys or do something fucked up, then you have a hit squad of former kgb on your front door at 3 in the morning.
I also liked the flashbacks too, particularly how it showed how arches need to be a certain level for "heroes" otherwise you get a psycho like action man pistol whipping some poor fucker to death
And im pretty sure the monarch is either a cousin, brother or twin as well. it's being pretty heavily hinted at now, after the pic reveal. Like how the quiz boy though he was rusty when in monarch outfit.
Anal is a fetish even straight men have. user, if you're sexually attracted to men, it makes you gay. Arguing your fetish isnt valid because people can only ever validly like the opposite sex is ridiculous.
I just watched the veyron episode yesterday thats why I mentioned that.
And I really hope they don't do the celeb section at all. I really doubt they will considering shits being filmed ahead of time so they can't shill shit on it like they did on the BBC.
How dare you belittle my sexuality, you cis-gendered shitlord! Check your privilege at the door when you leave. Gosh I'm so heated, I'm gonna write a full essay about this on tumblr later! That'll show you!
yo action man my fuckin nigga dawg fo'real it rly rly iz such a gr8 n complete show, i just wish i could get dat shit mo, but it prolly wouldn't be as good otherwise.
I loved when the monarch got dat one arch dr aquatic mammal or w/e n just went in there n killed him while his wife complained.
also peep dis link ne1 who wanna laff dis sum funny shit goin on.
ne way dawgs i think I'm out fo da nyt tbh fam have a good one ya''ll n keep yo mo'fuckin head up, prolly gon b bak sunday night tbh.
Look there is a genetic component for some cases, for example when a Mother has a few male children for future births the mother produces more androgens which make any male babies she has more effeminate and therefore more likely to be gay
Though 50% of gays don't have older brothers so in most cases it's low T people fed propaganda to make them think they love dick
Did you know that that dugong guy the monarch killed is Wide wales brother, who is the merman dude in season 6? It's why he hates the monarch and kicked him out of his party
Monarch killed his little brother
Yes, degeneracy. There is no biological need to do it.
again, this isn't a thing, people are attracted to ejaculating and orgasms, reguardless of where they can get it.
I'd say that the people who call themselves gay are mostly the kind of men who can't get women/ ones raped or sexually abused during childhood and thus developmentally stunted, reliving the same experience because they can't move past it.
Either there is no such thing as sexuality and we have the need to impregnate women/ ejaculate with some doing it with whoever/whatever we can or everything you want to put your dick into is a valid sexuality.
More likely to be turned down by women for not being able to display optimum male behavior.
But yes, its basically social conditioning and propaganda.
What Veyron episode
The one where Jeremy raced James on a plane, the one where Richard raced a plane, the one where they put it on a track, or the one where James drove it in a straight line
Okay, pride evidence that homosexuality is fake, and people just want to orgasm.You're making big claims without actual evidence user.
Actually you're the one saying homosexuality is a thing, you need to prove that it isn't fake.
Look Low T people are more female like, so as they're more like female they're more likely crave dick
Faggots just need to stop being low t
meant to reply to
w8 w8 w8 hol up, is dat true? makes sense but dey confirm it? even got da same lil moustache goin on.
Seriously nigger? Homosexuality is a proven concept. There are lgbt groups, gay gun clubs, gay clubs, gay parades, shows about gays, and you think im the one who needs to prove evidence homosexuality is real? It's blatantly obvious you have nothing. And you're the one claiming homosexuality, a proven concept, is somehow not true. So man up and provide the evidence.
Well keep having fun, the ones where the car races public transport are usually pretty good
Maybe they'll learn the right way to kill themselves :^)
The less male is the problem, it prevents them from being able to get women and then the propaganda takes over and people think its because they're "gay"
If its a proven concept then show me the proof, you seem very convinced so it shouldn't be difficult.
People just confuse sexuality with fetishism. Just because you like feet, that doesn't make you a "podiasexual", it just means you get off to feet. That never used to be a problem until people became so "accepting" that they decided all their bedroom antics should be acknowledged and accepted, when there are some things that should be kept to yourself or those it pertains to. Much like the kid that comes out of the closet on facebook; it's a cry for attention. They want people to notice them and pat them on the back for being unique, when in reality, your old high school friends don't give a shit about what you put in your anus.
It's both because they also have a bit of Estrogen in them, what do you think is in the water bottles
Got beans and wieners+toast
I'll give you a wiener and some beans, you silly Wilson.
Not officially said yet, but IIRC there were connections fans pieced together and realized they were brothers. Wide wale is definitely going to try something on the Monarch later in the series, no doubt.
Gun cleaning can be dangerous without proper precautions and not being an idiot.
The attraction to males is proof enough. The fact they can get hard and fuck another man, let alone be attracted to them shows an attraction and desire to mate with the same sex, which is what homosexuality is. And your comparison is flawed. It'd be a decent comparison if homosexuals were an unknown species out there we were hoping to find. Theyre everywhere and have too many fucking parades.
Oh yeah I've seen Top gear like 5 times in its entirety. Its a comfy background show so
The toast is my taint
I hope death comes to you and is long and painful.
Nope, flawed logic.
Find me actual proof. Don't just link some huffpost bullshit at me either, scientific studies with verifiable evidence.
I ride motorcycles, so I'll most likely die in a bloody wreck. Good enough compensation?
hmmm good to kno
Eh, so long as you're conscious for a bit while you bleed profusely it's enough I'd say.
Another completely flawed comparison. You started this off claiming theres no homosexuality and people just want to cum, and have provided no proof to it. I've pointed out the massive amounts of men who are attracted to other men and fuck only men, as to the existence of homosexuality.
Now, do you have any, ANY, proof to corroborate the initial claim you made or not? Because as it stands the vast amount of gays engaging in gay sex and avoiding women gives a larger emphasis on me being right rather than you. So provide some evidence to the contrary since you started this off with your claim of there is no homosexuality.
Defiantly, and as I said I want one of the episodes of the Gran Tour to have a 918, a Ferarri the Ferrari and a P1
Unless it's a head-on collision, you should get your wish.
Anyway I'm out. Have a good'un, gents. May your mornings be blessed with sunny-side up eggs and succulent strips of pork.
Dunno your point but Bottled Water has Xeno-Estrogens, this is Day 1 stuff
I don't need to disprove something that hasn't yet been proven. You have to prove it.
The fact that people can do X,Y or Z is not proof. Most people can get erections without thinking/seeing/experiencing anything more than touching themselves. That doesn't mean that touching yourself is a sexuality
You are using creationist "logic". Stop doing it or convert, faggot.
Prove it exists or admit it doesn't.
Frying eggs is terrible all the protein cooks right out of them, boiled or raw , or fuck off. Plus bacon is not "succulent strips of pork" it's basically just fat, the only more disgusting thing they could sell us is fucking pig skin.
Oh that's your point, well I wonder if Jews own a lot of Water companies
Don't you think your infected taint is a pussy Chris-chan
What about Omlets
make a list of games that will never happen on the NX
vidyo geams got me awake all night
third party
Yah sure , come back when you have evidence to corroborate your claims.
May the Lord bless you and keep you, Amen.
Dom't forget there will never be a Metroid either same with Mother 4 or a Good Xeno game
Also the fuck is Winds Weath
wind waker
You guys pretending that the bible is the only reason gays are bad is why Gays are allowed to marry
This is the one that hurts the most. I miss samus.
That's still technically frying and you have to use milk to make it a good omelet, AND YOU SHOULD NOT DRINK MILK. H'wyte people actually have the lowest levels of lactose intolerance out of any other race which is honestly a curse because only babies should drink milk, it's filled with trash adults don't need.
>Dark Souls Wind Waker
I'm actually glad that won't be a thing
a'right a'right let me thing
redemption that sold like hotcakes, so its gotta be a redemption sequel
let think'g, let me think'g uhhh
heh- let me think'g i can come up with a better name
uhhh, Red Dead 2 : Redemption 2
White people have the lowest levels because it was an easy to get source of food, we needed to do all we could to survive in the cold plains of Europe while Niggers just eat what ever is on that tree
Also did you not know that Rockstar is making Red Dead Redemption 2, I'm not joking
Can't wait for TES VI: Skyrim 2
As I said, really glad it wont be a thing
Or Fallout 5: Fallout 4 2
It's not coming for another decade. Bethesda the developer are working on two other games before elder scrolls.
Do you not know about Red Dead Revolver you troglodyte?
No that's because they were made into the natural aristocracy. You can criticize Jews under the guise of "end apartheid in Palestine" but you can't criticize faggots. Bake the cake bigot.
Milk is full of estrogen and fat it's garbage, we aren't starving in the forests of Europe, these days buddy. By the way I know but it should be called Red Dead Retard or something it doesn't make sense to call it a sequel to a sequel
tbh this
yeah but its
red dead (first game)
red dead revolver (second game)
red dead redemption (third game)
so they gotta do a sequel to the third title.
so it'd be like
red dead 3 : 2
Kill yourself.
slow thread then
Fuck off pedo.
New thread?
this thread be slow.
we can finally put 4am down like the 3 legged, cancer infested dog it has become
mods, fucking do it