Cop explodes when he has his ""White male privilege" checked
Cop explodes when he has his ""White male privilege" checked
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Why do you always post this YaJew news shit?
Liz has worked as an editor for Idealist, a managing editor for Odyssey, and a news writer for Bustle. Her writing has also been published at Forbes, Salon, BUST Magazine, Refinery29, JNS, The Times of Israel, the Jewish Voice, TeacherPop, Crack the Spine, Down in the Dirt, Dead Snakes, and 50 Word Stories. Her story “Habibi” received Honorable Mention in Memphis Magazine’s 2015 Fiction Contest.
>In her free time, she loves to scuba dive, travel, practice yoga, and continue her hunt for the best everything bagel in New York City. Taye Diggs follows her on Twitter.
The girl sounds like a kikess in action. Any pictures of the nose?
Learn your fucking privilege!
The fuck…. Lets try that again…
God damn this formatting shit is annoying af.
>@jk_rowling Jo, with all my love, gratitude, and respect, I wrote this piece re:your views on Israel @TimesofIsrael
Literal Zionist Jewess from JYC crying about 'muh white privilege!'
What a fucking surprise
Plenty, but you don't need to scope the schnoz to know this is a full-blown kike.
What gets me is, this is a zionist kike. You don't usually see the Ziokikes spewing this 'muh white privilege' Marxist bullshit.
This is one to keep an eye on.
Kek yeah, nothing too explosive about this one, unfortunately. However, the actual concern in this video is that there's a flagrant dyke conducting a meeting about this shit on the public payroll. When man-hours are being wasted (and that's really the only term you can use for it) on such frivolous classes as how to compassionately police the mentally ill, we have a serious problem. Also, note how this incident reflects a break in the solidarity of officers - the woman has been turned against her colleagues by these jewish lies.
I want the privilege of watching God's grace destroy every last tranny and jewish intellectual who enabled this mess.
That image is fucking disgraceful. Look at the face of the kid, looking up at his father, like "What the fuck is wrong with you? Why are you doing this? Why are you suck a cuckold?". Disgusting.
It's what I mainly browse, thanks for doing a lot of research though on the stories.
Let's get in on the video comments and really get it through that only Jewish people are privileged in America not White people. I think we really need to push the Jewish privilege meme more in general.
"$3.4 Billion a year to bomb innocent people? JEWISH PRIVILEGE!"
Something like that
This article is a death-sentence to her narrative.
Its amazing, the comparison between the two - she even uses language very similar to that used by the officer, whom she mocks, in her own attempt at defense of Israeli policy. Its truly some high level Jewry in action.
The article is actually impressively diluted of sense. Who got fired? The officer pushing "white privilege" or the officer questioning it?
Kek that Fud got sooo mad hahaha, good to see. Its also good to see the bitch who said it got suspended, although she should have been fucking fired outright.
They have become bloated and arrogant, the mask is slipping.
The slut that mouthed off white male privilege was suspended.
literally poz. i don't know who's memeing who anymore
There is no creature in this life or the next more repulsive than a shrill jewess.
dear god
What an appropriate surname for this hideous jewess.
It’s psychological child abuse. It’s dragging an innocent child into your disturbing self abuse habit. I’d have those dads shot. Find the kids some better families.
All you needed for ID was "Posner". Or maybe you were looking to see just how big of a kike she is.
legitimately thought that was a guy looking at the thumbnail.
Typical IRL tumblrite, reminds me of the lady who tried to use 'mansplaining' in Aussie parliament.
kek, at least the tranny was immediately told to fuck right off. They're not accustomed to any push back whatsoever. Detected a bit of fear there too once Fud started tearing into its' ass.
Compare the IQ of those population groups then realize how fucked up that chart is.
Also notice the nigger was there protecting the dyke cunt who definitely fucks with men who she pulls over. Women cops are ALWAYS full blown cunts, trying to over compensate for their lack of a cock and balls.
Muslims aren't white.
>I want the privilege of watching God's grace destroy every last tranny and jewish intellectual who enabled this mess.
Is that what they mean when they say white male privilege?
"Goyim, what is it about 'MORE FORESKINS, NOW!" that is so difficult to understand?"
:D :D Bully cop on steroids having to hear about chicks with dicks. To be a fly on the wall of that shit show.
Dummy should have known better to engage the fucker. You let them yap their gums then leave. Use the time to focus on what a bitch you've become and how you have no power and how it's time to shit and get off the pot and make something of your life because being a zogbot isn't an accomplishment, it's the definition of failure.
Capt Carrie Weber on administrative leave. She is a bull dike who was previously placed on leave for having alcohol in her car and getting drunk within 8 hours of her shift another time.
It's like poetry.
its like youre not from here tbqhwymd
actually looking at this thread almost no one is typing in traditional format. when did this happen?
Transfag lobby has been trying to pump false propaganda everywhere.
Use an external text editor first dummy
The meme practically writes itself
i could write a screenplay on pozzner on his own. the fag got me kicked off jewtube for a mintute, but he failed to prove his DMCA claim and oyea im baaack - he tried to ban me for this
Nothing of use, value, or importance ever came from a dyke's mouth.
They just lie while trying to act like they're better than you.
They're ugly so it's a pain to look at them and they're liars so it's a pain to listen to them. I'm not shocked in the slightest she's an alcoholic you can see the penis envy light years away.
The soy meme is real
When looking at the thumbnail the word sorry looks like soy.
So soy.
Soy sorry
This white privilege shit is so fucking retarded. Why the fuck did this police chief allow this degenerate tranny into his office and preach their BS is beyond me.
Oh, nm, he's a nigger. Thanks kikes!
The real kicker is the it has been suspended several times due to drinking on the job and having alcohol in it's cop car.
All in all this was mostly likely it having the thought process of "I'm a stronk independent carpet eater how dare those white men make me do my highly dangerous job sober. I'll show them they don't know everything".
Lesbians have the most fragile of egos you can tell by how quickly and unsubtle they try to get at people who slighted them in the slightest.
the men have bigger tits than that girl
Honestly it's beyond me how we don't see any cops going rogue after such a thing. Or perhaps some might be and we never heard of it.
I chuckled way harder than I should have.
You don't belong here if you use nigger-tier phrasing. Cool video though.
The best way to tear cops from their nigger masters is to spread tales of Officers going with the sewage flow all their lives for that pension, only to have it eaten in front of them by the very same harpies and kikes in order to fund some virtuesignalling shit when said Officer Bagman is too old and powerless to do anything about it.
If the seed of doubt about getting the pension is planted, many will go rouge, imagine selling your soul on a daily basis for a reward and then having it all be for nothing, the Jew eating the carrot infront of the elderly donkey before killing it.
Meme it!
Cop explodes? Was he muslim?
that fucking bitch was put back into the force, and all the hoodrats troons and retards are calling her a "hero"
world is a fuck.
can we get a picture of the cunt who said white male privilege because the dull dykes lips werent moving during that comment and you retards keep talking like it was that bitch
hol' up how many bull dykes are in this department? blue lives do not matter.
It's hilarious, granted. Her ideology is about nothing more than women whining and wanting to feel special and it's entertaining to watch that come to a head with events like this, where horse pussy apparently triumphs over loo in the progressive stack.
If this is your OC, then very impressive. If it's not then keep fighting the good fight.
stop talking like a nigger though
Who actually said "white male privilege" here, anyway? Because I can't see the gal in pink's lips moving. Was it someone off to the side, and then she tried to defuse the situation, or did she say it and then realize she'd gone too far?
That negro is useless as fuck.
Look at THIS bullshit. Bitch has been reinstated.
it's a dyke mansquatch.
Dyke privilege.
Someone off camera, seen here:
is anyone surprised
Notice at 1:48 the nigger almost admits the statistic was bullshit.
Lesbians really only exist at the behest of a man's amusement. ButchDykes are the way they are because they're too fug or fat or obnoxious to get a man.
A possible majority, yeah, but not all. You think the cops of Chimpcago, LA, or Jew York City care about you?
The descent of the great white man.
Cops represent their state demographics.
Cops are WN in white states.
The more mixed the more afraid they are to be.
Consider also, White cops in Chimpcago are fully aware of the nigger problem and have great experience dealing with them. They're sure as fuck not going to side with the non-humans.
I expect them on the front lines on the DOTR
You have to go back, leftyshit
One group is being actively discriminated against, others get propped up with shit like affirmative action.
His question is 100000% valid.
If these tranny's are really 3 times likely to be involved in cop violence then something is happening with tranny's that causes cops to "get violent".
This guy did nothing wrong.
I've met many people in those groups and this is how they do it:
1) Come to America and immediately start a business (convenience store, restaurant, carwash)
2) They live with extended family to lower cost of living to pennies
3) Save up enough money to send their kids to University. They force their kids to go to med/law/engineering school. How many poo's do you know majored in English or Art?
4) Some of them have arranged marriages for their kids that is 100% transactional (I've met 2 different families who have done this)
It's usually the children of these immigrants that go off to have high paying careers, not the immigrants themselves. This isn't even counting the H1B visas that are being given out like candy which I'm sure makes a good chunk of those percentages.
Couple all of this with affirmative action and this chart starts to make a lot of sense.
t. used to live in a major city and suburb of one. I'm familiar with enrichment.
If the cops are anything like me, the thing that sets them off is when the trannies open their mouths.