I need some user to please make a webm out of vid related, before Jewtube takes it down. This needs to be spread to every normie you know, especially Germans.
Lamya Kaddor openly calls for white genocide on German TV
Literally who? Post some fucking explanation about why I shouldcare about some random cunt. Otherwise, polite sage.
Hi, Schlomo.
That disgusting hag's smile and that applause sent me into a fit of rage.
No you cuckchan reject. OP is a lazy nigger and this board has standards. user gave it a polite sage.
Everyone other than low IQ brainlets know Schlomos take today off.
OP is also click baiting. The coon doesn't "openly call for white genocide" she infers white genocide. It's the same end result, but claiming she "openly calls for" is clearly bullshit. Our foundation here is truth not white(((kikery))).
I'd meme this as "country hijacking" tbh. Since it has potential I'll give it a bump.
Unless some German user murders this woman in the street, and Germans in general start killing their politicians and Jews in particular, then move on to murdering the Muslim invaders, what use is there is complaining?
It is time to either kill or be killed. Moaning and kvetching about how bad it is is useless. We passed the point of no return decades ago.
Either get up and kill or acknowledge it is hopeless and your people prefer suicide, then move on to other more important things in life.
OP, there are addons and scripts to make webm videos. There's even fucking websites now that will do it for you. Are you really that lazy of a nigger? By the way, who is this? Juden?