Which Melee player did you vote for this Summit goy?
Summit's coming up, S2J and New England Peach Mafia are the first two to get invited via voting.
Smash Thread- Who are you voting for? Edition
Bumping with dank memes
Where's the voting for that shit?
You get votes either by registering for tournaments on smash.gg or by donating to tournaments/buying shit from the compendium.
We already have a fighting game thread.
Smash isn't a fighting game
If you got rid of Sakurai and became the head guy dealing with Smash 4's mechanics, what would you change?
Aside from the obvious answers like the rage mechanic.
I don't care about your autistic quibbling about what is or isn't a fighting game, just take your thread and go before I am forced to bring the banhammer down on you.
Nigger listens to you kys
Putting Smash in the FGC thread is only going to result in rampant shitposting. Not only that, but Smash is its own franchise consisting of 4 official games and countless mods/fan games. That's like banning a FEAR thread because "there's already an FPS thread."
What is this shit?
This is why nobody likes smashfags. You guys act like asses because nobody takes your party game seriously outside of a few autists, and you demand respect from the people you alienate. If anyone has it, someone post the tweet of Gimr saying that the FGC needs to repsect them, not the other way around.
Canada is smart, they're sitting it out and making sure that their opponents can't possibly win since they'll have no opponents!
Holy shit, someone post the competitive Pokemon autist.
are you really arguing for social approval on Holla Forums
i voted for ridley
Believe it or not people do that literally every single day. They think that there's some sort of point in being cantakerous with everything, as they see other people doing it. Its a self completing circle really.
It's a damn shame. I look forward to Mafia getting sodomized by every other player in the house, including Scar's Marth. Ah, well. At least I had ~$50 Canuck bucks to get n0ne 215 votes without breaking the bank. Here's hoping he doesn't get beat out by a fetus.
(Does anyone else think this "system exploit" was intentional by the Smash.gg/BTS team? They must know how to exploit people's tribalism for money by now.)
My heart can't take this. Just give it to n0ne and The Moon, please.
Post YFW n0ne and The Moon get in.
Goddammit, the thread we had a few weeks ago died at ~70 posts because nobody had anything to say in the wake of The Big House 6, which is somewhat understandable. But now? So much happened, let's fucking meme about it.
I guess I'll just have to talk to myself. That's fine. I'll talk about my experience going to a weekly a few days ago.
Not exactly revolutionary, but I'm confident that Marth is the character for me. Moving around and attacking with him feels so much more fluid than the other characters I tried, and tipper setups on platforms are way too much fun.
Get fucked, idiots, I was on MDZ's spreadsheet. I direct your attention to the dank summit video:
A bunch of babies, all of you. Needles are a shit projectile that leave Sheik open for a free counter attack. Every Sheik player will dash dance or platform camp for a while, then drop down/stop for a second then needle throw. Just fucking jump over them for free shit. You're punish game is just as good as hers and you have twice as much range with every other move.
-T. Falcon player
No, I mean he literally didn't throw or charge a single needle in the games we played. Because that was his first weekly and he had been playing for roughly a day. I'm not much better, I've only been playing for a couple of months off and on.
Nigga he's literally already beaten 2 of the people that are going to Summit, and it's Bo5 not Bo3. There's a 0% chance of him not taking a game.
Well that explains how you're so retarded.
Is he going to make the Summit house's roof cave in and kill Moon while they're playing?